Our new Place By Viac © 1996 - 2004 The old place on Western St. was nice for our first place, but - we had been looking for something else. With our job advancements, and raises, we now could afford something else. For the past few weeks, with our lease coming up, we had been scouting for a new pad. Belltower Heights, seem to fit the bill. A newer meduim sized 4 story apartment complex. We had stopped a couple of times to have a look.. and we liked what we saw. At $770.00 a month it was still in our price range.. After the last blow up at our old place, we knew we had to go someplace else, so we firmed up our new love nest.. We ended up with Apartment # 310, in the second building.. A one bedroom place, with a nice living room, and an alcove kitchen, and a bath. Just what we wanted. A steel door with good locks, and all appliances included! Our small fridge which we had before would become our "Cold Ones" storage, and we put that in the bedroom.. Since we were now financially better off, we splurged, and bought a new set of living room furniture - and a good double bed. Moving day, our dads came from across the State, to help us move. "Hey Cheryl! - - LOOK!" - I pointed to the ceiling in the living room - - "Hey how about that?" A previous tennant had placed a hook in the ceiling for a hanging chair - "Guess what we were going to hang from it?" "Mmmm this is going to be dreamy Cheryl!" Our mix of old and new stuff gave the place a feeling of "comfort" - We were home! We knew from visiting apartments in the complex, the bedrooms were placed with "dead space" between then so you didn't have one behind the other - this gave us privacy for our rituals. Since ours was a corner apartment, we had two outside walls, and our bath, and kitchen between us and the next one down. A GRAND set up! Our first few nights were quiet - knowing us, that was unusual, but we were listening for sounds from other apartments to see what we could hear . and besides, we were just too exhausted from the move to do much else. Besides Cheryl was still too sore from the gash in her leg to really play hard. It took almost three weeks for her to finally get the thing completely healed. Looked nice, no real scar, outside of the hairline track of the slash.... We did however - keep up with some of our rituals.. It was more like a couple of weeks of playing at "19" again - lots of sex, but it was tame by comparison with what we had been doing... Our pee ritual everynight before bed, cemented out bonds tighter with every session. I was getting itchy to get down to business. Finally one night I got our swing out, and started to rig it up.... When Cheryl came home for dinner - - "Viac!! - That looks real good! "Like it? It's just far enough away from the walls, to really do something, and we can adjust the thing up or down now to accomodate ourselves!" I was getting tired of doing Cheryl on my knees on the bed, and this provided me with the ability to stand and do her. "How soon will you be ready for action Cheryl?" "I guess anytime now, my legs feels good!" "Tonight my love?" "Well," - - she thought about it for a few minutes - - "Okay, let's try it, but take it easy!" "You are ON!" After dinner, we closed the drapes, and had at it. Although, not in leather, Cheryl was still a bit sore, to play that rough.. So we did it au natural! Cheryl stood there, and I adjusted the swing for her bottom.. She sat down, and I knew we had a problem. The springy center section dropped her below my vagina.... We got out a stool, and she stood, and I readjusted, sat - now she was in my range! With her spread, and "seated" we started.. Dreamy! - I could rub my vagina on hers, our hood rings clicking as we went back and forth, her pert breasts just there - waiting for my lips! Kneeling down, I worked her hood and clit. She was warming up fast! - - A small climax, and we were ready for more! I got the strap on positioned, and turned - - "Ready?" "You BET!" I advanced to her, she was waiting for me, and entered her depths! First stoke in was wett, and fun. She was right at my standing height, and I could use my full weight to thrust into her. Pulling on her legs, being careful to avoid the left one too much, we went at this for awhile.. Cheryl seemed to be in ecstasy! - She was enjoying this way too much! The in and out, the up and down were more controlled now, and I was driving her crazy with the new sensations!!! Finally she blew! "VVIIAACCCCCCC!!! OOHHHH Gooodddd!! Uggggiiaaacccc!! VViaaCCCCCC!!! Panting hard, sweating like crazy, her eyes flew open! - - "Viac! That was wonderfull ! Thank you! God you are a great lover... - - My turn to drive! I pulled out, - Goo - - Cheryl had ejaculated... Cleaned up, we swapped out - - Now it was my turn to go. She worked my breasts, my belly, and sitting there it was different.. Then she took aim at my opening... Pulled me in hard - - Her first thrusts, drove deeply into my opening. The first two, felt like I was being ripped open, as she worked sideways, hitting the inner labia before entering directly. I could feel her almost going in to my belly button - was that a rush! My clit was being tortured, as sitting, it was now lower in my slit, and the dildo was running over it at every in stroke.... My mind was reeling under new feelings, weightless, floating in air, my lover finding my depths, and using them to the ultimate! I came with a small climax, but tried to keep that in waiting for the max... When it came - - "CCHHEERRRYYYYYLLLLL!!!" I screamed!!! - OOOHHHHH GGOOODDDDDDDDD!!! UUUGGGGAAAAGGGAAAGGG CCHHEERYYYLLLLL! She watched, and worked until I had spent my fire! - I went crazy! She pulled out - Goo! - lots of it! "Viac? You Okay? You never screamed like that before!" "Oh Cheryl, did I rupture something? Is there blood on you?" "No, but tons of goo. Your cervix must have been storing up - and it finally let go!" My belly hurt - badly - from the belly button down, I was in pain... What the hell happened? Cheryl helped me out of the swing.. I laid down on the floor, she massaged my lower belly... That felt better! - - after awhile, it felt better - I sat up. Goo had been draining out of me like Niagra Falls - all clear, but thick. No blood, I guess it was just the feeling of the whole experience - and her hard deep thrusts, which set the whole thing off. No pain now . . "Jeeze my love, you gotta stop holding back like that - just let it go!" "I wanted to max out, I guess I just over did it." Cheryl pulled me to her - a deep dreamy blended kiss followed... "Mmmmm - I love you Cheryl! "Viac, my love" "So now what Cheryl?" "Well let's go and have fun on the bed!" WE went into our room, flopped down.... Hands, lips, and body parts found each other... She got out 'La Machine' and we worked each other... This time when I let go, it wasn't the heavy goo, just my normal lubricant. I was relieved. First time in almost five years, I had really hurt myself playing - I hope it was the last. Cheryl blew, then we decided to take it easy. "Shower my love?" "Definitely!" Our apartment smelt like a harem. The deep scent of fem sex permeated the air. Goo was every where! We cleaned up the rug, and then the bed - we both were dripping the stuff by the time we were finished - Mine draining - hers from her last.. Tossed the towels in the wash - - Cheryl got the shower going - I joined her shortly.. We didn't ask anymore - She pulled my hips to hers, spread us, gave me that "look".. I nodded - - Pee - - That comforting warm sensation of Cheryl's warm flow down my vagina - and legs . .mmm I could see that she was just enjoying this completely. We were getting so good at this, that we both knew how long, once positioned, the other would take to release. We washed each other - another fun ritual, of warm soapy slippery caress of your lover's body.... Down on knees, before her, washed her vagina, then legs - - she did me . . Ummmmmmmm LOVE THAT!! Her hands softly spreading, touching, and rubbing me in all the right places. We dried off, and then - Decided to enjoy our afterglo on the bed.. au natural, as was our discourse now. I reached into our old fridge for a couple of cold ones - That was a nice touch, right here next to us... And we sat and had small talk until 10.... At 10 we decided to watch the news Handn't been out of Western St. but a month . . . Lead story - "Elder Couple killed in an apartment break in on Western St." We looked at each other in disbelief.. It was the teaser - they went to commercial - then - "An elderly couple recently moved into 418 Western St, where a couple of girls living together last month were attacked. ..... Died at the scene .." We didn't hear much more.. Cheryl snapped it off... we looked at each other . . Tears - it could have been us! We closed to each other, a long teary hug, and blended kiss . . We had gotten out of there just in time it seems... "Cheryl? Do you think that they were looking for us?" "Viac, my love, don't be paranoid. It was just a coincidence, besides they would never know where we moved, if somebody was looking for revenge. Besides, this place has security, the lobby is locked, and you need a key to activate the elevator." "I hope so - never the less, let's be on guard - this may be an omen..!" "Forget it Viac, I'll keep my eyes open - but don't worry about it for now - Okay?" "Let's get some sleep.." Finished our drinks, Cheryl doused the lights - - "Night my love!" "Night Cheryl, I love you!" A deep kiss - our bodies entwined.. We drifted off to sleep... ** *** ** *** ** Time flew by swiftly. As it turned out, I guess we were safe at last! Living, loving, and enwrapt with each other, time seemed endless. Our love life was smooth, something different each night, as Cheryl kept coming up with new things, and our rituals reappeared from time to time. A month afer we had moved in it was time for my annual physical . . Cheryl had transferred to my doc, and we got appointments together. Doc Blakley, was not your typical Gyn/Ob - he seemed to know how to care for Sapphic lovers... Normally, this is a solo thing, but with us, we went in together, we took turns in the stirrups.. I asked him about my recent painful climax... "Well you know Viac," he said - "When you climax that hard, you belly contracts, and the mucus on the cervix is forceably expelled. What you did, was climax very hard - your belly already compressed by your position, then when it let go, the whole womb contracted, and that was what you felt. Besides from what you two say, Cheryl probably had that dildo all ready deep within you - at that point, and when you contracted forceably, it hit the top of the uterus which is where you got the pain, when it jammed your IUD into it. I checked both of yours, they are still in place and looking fine. It isn't anything to worry about, just take it easy.. Okay?" "Thanks, Doc - it settled my mind." "Frankly" he continued - "You two have one of the best set of vaginal organs I have seen. Your constant usage and hard play is making them stronger and more resilliant to diseases. They are very muscularly developed. When you two ever decide to bear children, it should be easier for you to give birth, because of your muscle development. Now take care of each other - and I'll let you know how the pap smears came out. Other than that - internaly - both of you are in excellent shape." We got dressed, and left. "Good one Cheryl - and we both owe our health it seems to each other.." "Yes Viac, sex is good for you, and our type of sex is the best - clean, safe, and natural - like calling unto like.." "YUP, and no stupid wieners to put up with or their snivelly excuses why they can't do something - we get full pleasure from each other, not just being used for a sperm receptical." "I've thought about that lately, yes, you are right! - We get pleasure from each other, fill each other's needs, and don't end up feeling used." I took her hand, she smiled at me.. We walked to the car - - went home - - Our sexual ritual that night was memorable - - By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004