Down the Field By Viac © 1996 - 2004 Spring break our Junior year was dreamy. Home, we really had a good time. We could now pee together again, and it was a touch point of our rituals. The parents suggested we look for work during the summer.... I guess with the tuition growing each year we could do something to help out.. I got an internship with Capital Management, a financial company, working in the computer department. Cheryl got one with Greenway Industries, working in the personel department as a paperwork clerk. We didn't get much time that summer to lay out, but we did find the time to test for, and receive our 3rd degree Black Belts, we were now 'Dons' of the Dojo. To remember the occasion, we decided to get identical tattoos on our lower bellies, left side. Twin hearts, with a sword thru the overlaping edges of both, holding them together, with our names on each heart. It wasn't the pain of a belly tatt which bothered us, but the fact that we couldn't shower for a few days - - and you guessed it, at the end, our friend came for a visit. When two are intimate, when one starts the other follows. It wasn't always the same, but I got my flow first, Cheryl started a few hours later. GAD! What a mess, and we couldn't shower for a day and a half! Yuk! We both were happy when we finally could clean up. Packing up to return to State College, we got a surprise when we registered for our Senior Term, we were assigned to a new dorm. "Wonder what the new digs will look like Viac".... "I don't know Cheryl, but let's go and see" We went over to the new 'Rondue" dorm... It turned out this was a co-ed dorm. This was a Senior dorm as it turned out. We were assigned room # 325. Going up to have a look - - it was a real change. Not just a room, but - a real apartment. We had our own bath, and small kitchen area as well. We still needed our small fridge and microwave, but it had a table and two chairs as well. "Hey Cheryl! - - - "Lookie" - - I flopped down on a double bed... "Nice! we don't have to scrounge up a bed like we did for the past few years Kiddo!" There was a knock on the door... Tom and Joe walked in... "SO you two will be on the same floor as us!" Joe announced.. Cheryl turned to me - - "Oh goodie!" "What can we do for you two?" Cheryl asked curtly "Just wanted to stop bye, and say HI! and let you know we will be in the same building as you two!" Tom added "That's nice," Cheryl started - - "If you guys want anything - why don't you help us bring up our stuff" . . . . The guys brought our stuff up, and we unpacked, and got the place ready to live in. The fall term was just flying by - our studies were not as hard this year as last. It seemed to be the finishing off of most of them. A final polish before we went out into the real world. Cheryl and I had gotten into a lot more over the past year, now into being "Slave and Master" with leather lingerie, and a small whip. We took turns at playing this game, it depended on who did what last time. I was enjoying this rough game, and so was she. The guys were becoming pests, as they'd show up at the damnest times, and wondering what we were up to........ Finally one night Cheryl had had enough of their being an interloper. "Viac, ya know what we should do? "What my love?" "We should drag the guys into our love nest, and make them our slaves one night!" "How do you want to do it?" "WE both get into our leather, then invite the guys over, and punish them for being pests." "Do you think it would work? I mean do you think they would go for it?" "I don't know - but we can try my love." A couple of nights later, we sprung the trap. The guys came over, thinking we'd do our Valkyrie Love for them, little did they know what we had in mind. Coming in, we were dressed in our bath robes, hiding our true intent.. Cheryl had gotten out our four sets of Comfy Cuffs, and had them hidden ready for use. The guys came in, and we met them. Holding me, I think Tom got the idea, I wasn't naked under this robe...... I quick kiss, guys always kiss like fish..... AND Cheryl sprung the trap.. "Okay, you guys want to make love to us? - - - Get undressed!" The guys dropped their clothes, then we dropped the robes. Eyes flew open wide - this was something they had never seen before! "Lie down on the bed " - She commanded them They did so, their manhood flopping, semi erect . . . We placed the cuffs on them, and spread eagled them out, their hands tied to the headboard.... "Now ladies"... Joe started.. "Be quiet - my sex slave"... Cheryl snapped... She handed me the whip . . . "Now you must pay the price for pleasuring a Valkyrie!" Cheryl announced She nodded to me - - I hit both of them in the manhood, beinging careful to hit the bag below. They winced at the pain - - - "Now pleasure me SLAVE! As Cheryl came over, and spread her legs, over Joe's face, and shoved her vagina down into it. I did the same to Tom....... Our leather bottoms, had a slit open to our slits, and when we spread, it was open, to pleasuring. The guys had an idea of what to do from watching us a few times, so, just with their tongues, they worked our clits. After we finally climaxed, not as hard to deeply as we did when we did ourselves, we went back at the pain thing with the guys. Cheryl got out the clothes pins, and put them on their little nipples. The guys howled at the pain - -babies - - - - Cheryl took the whip, and wacked their manhoods until they stopped carping. Then we took their manhoods, and worked them up again, and skewered ourselves on them, right through the leather slits, into our waiting openings. Now deep within us, we worked their members against our inner parts. Not as good, as when we did it ourselves, but dreamy enough - - - This time the guys really exploded within us. Thankfully I had that IUD in me, Cheryl had finally gotten with the program, and had one put in last year. We were both glad of that now. When we were done, I looked over at Cheryl... we both had the same feeling of pressure, and something dripping in our bottoms. Sliding off the guys, we slipped forward on their bellies, and dragged our bottoms over them, dripping their goo, onto, then spreading it over them. They never experienced this - - and were amazed at what we did. We took off the pins, and let them go - - "Time for a shower!" Cheryl announced.. We two stripped off our leather, and got it going. The guys came in after us . .and stopped at the door... Mouths agape - - - We were peeing into each other - - like we had done before.. For us this was the high, the sisterhood of love. Bleeding into each other's wounds, peeing into each other's vagina. "Mmmmm, Dreamy Cheryl!" She looked over at the guys - just standing there all out - - "Come on in, the water's fine!" The guys came slowly over . . I grabbed Tom, She grabbed Joe . . Sudsy, Soapy, we washed our guys down, then invited them to do the same to us.. Their hands working all parts of our bodies, maybe guys weren't all bad, it felt good, but - I for one preferred my lover. "You two always do this?" Tom finally got the courage to ask "Yes we do - Why?" I asked "Just we never saw girls pee before, nor like that" I felt the pressure again, damned drinks - "Here - watch this" I stepped out for a sec, spread my labia towards the open bowl, shifted my weight, and pulled up my clit, then let my stream go. You'd think I had just done a major trick, the guys were amazed that I could pee standing two feet away, and get it all in the thing. "Just another Valkyrie trait" We dried off, and the guys were still stunned at all they had seen and had experienced that evening. They dressed, and left for their room. We cleaned things up, and put our toys away... "Well, all's well which ends well Cheryl, my love. So what do you think will happen now?" "I don't know, but they sure were surprised!" "That was fun, not like us, but different - you know?" "Yes I agree, but like you, I like making love to you better, I guess we need the guys for something to play with from time to time." We got into out PJ's, and settled down under the covers for the night, petting and caressing each other, till we drifted off to sleep. Time flies fast when you are having fun. Our little love nest pleasuring both of us, and once in awhile the guys as well. Our final year just whizzed by. It was Thursday, Finals Week. We had just about wrapped this whole thing up. Last test tomorrow, for both, as we both knew this was going to be the easist of the bunch. We ate in, then decided to go for a walk in the warm evening spring time air. We needed a break from the books. Just off campus, we were walking along, when we heard a shout for help off to our left, about 50 yards. Turning to look, two apes were assulting an older man. We sprinted in that direction, Cheryl getting there first, taking a hop, threw herself into the bigger man working the victim. Her flying kick in the chest sent him sprawling, I was coming up fast, as his accomplice turned at Cheryl - - I threw a side chop, my knife edge catching the jerk in the back of the neck. He went down in a lump - as he fell, I kneed him in the face. He flopped back, and Cheryl kicked him a couple of good ones in the pants for luck... Sirens coming - fast - from all directions - - His buddy trying to get up - Cheryl spun, and nailed him in the face with a side kick - - down for good. Cops arrived - - Capitol Police - wanting to know what was going on.... The old man turned out to be Professor Higgins, from the Math department. He gave them the whole story - - we two had to just stand there - like where could we run to? Ambulance arrived - took the garbage away.... Sargent Rains came over to us, to ask some questions... I looked at Cheryl - - ut oh! - - Cheryl gave me that look of - let me do the talking.... Rains wanted to know who we were, and all that - so we told him, and how we just happened to be out this evening . . . Something clicked in Rains mind - he had seen this before - - More questions . . No, we hadn't done this before - this was the first time we ever had to really try out our martial arts training....really!! I don't know if Rains bought our story, but Higgins was just glad that he got out of that scrap in one piece.. Anyway - the incident passed without further problems. Classes done, we passed the finals, and had gotten our degrees. Cheryl's in Buisness Administration, and mine in Computer Sciences. After graduation it was time to pack for home for the last time.. We got the cars packed, and went back up to the room for the last time. "I hope this isn't a long seperation Viac." "No Cheryl, let's look for work in the same town, and we can share an apartment together." "That will make expenses more manageable - I agree - and we can continue our intimacy, without interruptions!" I held out my arms to her - and drew her into me. A long deep final kiss, the tears coming spontaniously... We both knew a chapter was closing on our lives. Four and a half years of bliss, we had found our true loves. We had loved, lived, cried, and grown with each other. All we both were, we had made together. Each of us, carried the marks of our passage through this time in our lives, by our piercings and tattoos. The future? We dried our eyes, held each other, then slipped out of it, and holding hands, looked deeply into the other's eyes. Time to get on with our lives together..... Plans made, the cars, last few items packed... We went back up one more last time, to check that we had everything packed...and didn't forget anything... I quick look through the place, everything of ours, loaded. There was a knock at the door... Tom and Joe came in.. "Well ladies, it looks like this is it . . . " "Yes it does guys.." I replied Tom came over by me, and Joe went over by Cheryl... We could hear them both, as they seem to have this rehearsed.. ""Viac", . . .. "Cheryl" . . .they started... "We know you two are intimate lovers...... we accept that . . . . .would you accept us?" We looked at each other, a lump in our throats... I gave a knowing glance at Cheryl - -she returned it.... "I guess..." - we said in unison, "ummm . . " "Viac" . . . .. "Cheryl" . . . Dropping to one knee each . . . "Would you marry me?" We both felt tears coming to our eyes . . . . . . . (to be continued) By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004