Star Track: The Last Generation! by Warren J. Vehec Tall women, small men Update: 06/01/1998 to giantess "This is star date 812.56.31.4... We are now entering a new gama quadrant as per ordered by the Star Naval Command.. (Pause) So far, we've probed 18 planets and none of them supported any life forms nor were thy habitable... (Pause) we're now approaching our next planet. Our long range scanners showed us, that it is habitable.... (Pause) but is there any life forms?..." Tarryn groaned as she listened to her commanding officer do his daily logs in a very bad imitation of a 28th century Captain Rick Dirk who a historical figure for finding habitable planets and defeating the Domulains. The Domulains was a race that tried to conquer Earth, but they were repelled. No one knew where the Domulains came from. The invading aliens are humanoids, but unlike Earth humans, they were a race of giants. At the end of the war, the giants just simply left. No peace treaties were made. The scientist knew from reports that the Domulains are a vast civilization and was able to maintain their attacking position for several generation with minimal loss. The leading experts couldn't figure out where they went to or if they ceased to exist. Earth had sent out expeditions to find them, but no luck. Tarryn's crew has been one of the few that has been charged with locating the giants' home planet. "Is something wrong Lt. Tarryn?" she heard a voice behind her. The 6'4" tall woman turned to see her commander looking over her shoulder. She flustered. "Oh! Uh-um, no sir. Just going over documents on the Domulains." she stammered. "Lt., may I remind you that as long as your on the bridge, you'll do the work you're required to do. Any extra reading you do, is don on your extra time! Now, get your program up, Lt.!' half shouted and half growled Commander Bliker. "But...." "Do I make myself clear?" he stood up to his 5'10" tall figure, looking down at her. He tried to make it look he was taller than she was. But with his small build, he looked like nothing more than a child to most of the crew. It was quiet often that he was the butt end of a joke. He resented any female taller than he was. So Tarryn was often the target of his temper. "Captain on the bridge!" someone snapped. All of the crew on the bridge snapped into attention, including the short commander. Captain Ricard stepped from the turbo shaft as he looked around. "As ease everyone," he announced. The silvered hair old man strode towards to Lt. Tarryn and Commander Bliker. He smiles down at the red hair woman, "How's the research on the Domulains doing?" "Not too good, Sir... All I've got is common knowledge on the Domulains and I haven't been granted the access to the files yet." "Oh? You haven't handed the request to Commander Bliker yet?" "I did, Sir, but Commander Bliker hasn't decided to grant me the access yet." "Captain, I caught the Lt. here reading the documents while on bridge duty..." interjected the small man. "That's because I asked her too... I need every available information on the Domulains so we can be ready for them if we do run across them. Lt. Tarryn's the best research we have on aboard... And I would take it as a favor if you would grant her that access to the information. After you do that, I want you in my ready room immediately," Captain Ricard moved to his office. After the Captain closed the door, Bliker leaned down to Tarryn's ear and hissed "You'll pay for this, Bitch!!" He quickly punched in the codes for the private information for Tarryn and left her. She sighed a relief as he vanished. The tall beautiful red hair woman quickly transferred the information to her quarters computer where she can do her research in private. A few minutes later she was relieved of her duties. The Lt. angrily stalked down the hallway, to her quarters. After a quick change, she immediately headed for her workouts. Ever since she started this mission after her first encounter with Commander Bliker, she made it a habit to use the hologram frequently to work off her anger. After the first three months of her workouts, her body began to harden with solid muscles. Then about six months later down the road, she slowly began to build up her mass and didn't realize it until she sent one of her co-workers to the infirmary after he made a crack about her being related to a gorilla. That had sent her to the brig for a week. She learned then to keep her temper under control. But after sending the poor fellow to sick bay, her co-workers begun to distance themselves away from her. Thus making her more alone and miserable. Arriving at the holosuite, she waved her badge under the scanner which activated her workout program. The 6'4" woman went through her routine stretching with ease. Doing full front and side splits, deep knee squats and rigorous side bends. Tarryn smiled as her holo exercise coach came into view. He cheered her on as she did her weight training, encouraging her to do a few more reps. After her workout, she felt strong as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her sculpted muscles bulged tightly under her workout clothes. She trusted out her 44DD chest, making it look bigger and she giggled. Her arms were massive steel coils wrapped around her limbs. Python leg leaned and hard, probably could crush a man's skull with ease, although she never tried it on anyone. For her last part of the routine workout, her favorite, was to spar with her opponent. It wasn't often she had the holo opponent assumed Bliker's appearance. Today was on of those days. But she also added a kicker to the program. Tarryn reconfigured the program the holo to increase the skill level up to parr with Bliker's own. Plus she installed a magnify and de-magnify upon the out come of the match. Lt. Tarry watched Bliker's figure formed. She had no fear of any intrusion. She programed the holosuite to be locked to insure her privacy as if she were in her own quarters. Any efforts to break in would only shut down the program. She smiled down at the short man, "Ready to get beaten to a pulp, little man?" The tall amazon giggled. Of course, the hologram wasn't programed to respond or return insults. She didn't need that kind of abuse during her free time, so the image just stood there, waiting for her to give the command. Bliker's ranking as a fighter or martial artist was very high. Lt. Tarryn had to use all of her skill and strength to break out of his holds and defeat him. The hologram form laid on the floor with it's face bloodied. The 6'4" woman felt somewhat satisfied, but she wanted more. "Reset," she called out and the bloodied mark left his face as if he hadn't fought her yet. But he was reduced a foot shorter. Tarryn smiled as she took him on again. She laughed at the her image of her commander who stood no higher than her breast. She thought she could make an easy match on the next round. She was wrong after she fell down several times and the round was called to his favor. Therefore, it was returned to his normal size. Lt. growled and made sure she beat it to a pulp match after match. She couldn't stand looking at his smug face while he looked down at her. Match after match, she won, making sure he got smaller and smaller until it was barely as high as her knees. The tall young lady thought about dropping her pants and pissing on Bliker's image face. But the smell would remain, even though the evidence would be cleaned up. She can't risk having some looking into what she did. "Go!" she commanded. She laughed when the knee high hologram tackled her leg and tried to wrestle her to the ground. With a shake of her leg, it was flung to the far wall. Without giving the program a chance, she quickly trapped his small body between her python legs and squeezed with all her might. Bliker hologram screamed in pain as it would do in real life and tried to free himself from her overwhelming legs. Tarryn only grunted and applied more pressure until she felt something crack and bloodied her leggings. She looked down and saw the mess she made of Bliker and laughed. Something warm was tingling spread through her body as she let out a moan. The reddish hair woman knew just had an orgasm. Smiled at the feeling, she might do this again at a later time. "Reset," she called out and true to the program, the hologram became even smaller. Bliker now stood barely 6 inches tall in the palm of her hand. "If only you were this small, my problem with you would just easily be blown away!" purred Tarryn. "Go" she said and the hologram once again, became alive in her hand. He stared at the size of his opponent and his opponent smiled down at him. With a deep intake of her breath, she blew him off of her hand. The tiny figure backpedal off her hand to the floor. Bliker never hit the ground, when Tarryn called the program to deactivate. In mid-fall, the figure disperse into harmless ions. She headed back to her quarters, when her badge beeped with that hateful Bliker's voice, "Lt. Tarryn, report for landing duty!" The amazonic woman almost threw her badge down the waste chute. Stared at her clock and found that she'd been in the holosuite too long, almost six hours. She groaned and ran to change clothes. Forty-five minutes later, Lt. Tarryn ran into the transporter room where the others were waiting for her. She looked around the room and saw four people standing, readying their equipment. The tall beautiful woman groaned when she saw who was leading the away-team. Bliker. The short man growled "About time you got here, Lt. When we get back, I'll have you put upon report and there will be an accounting of your deeds!" He almost smiled at her, knowing that being put upon report could cost her pay for the time she's not working. Nothing on the ship was free. Tears threaten to overflow, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her break down. Instead, she snatched up a phaser from the rack and took a quick scan of the team. Four males and she's the only female on the team. Two security, one medic and an asshole for an officer. She was familiar with all of the members of the team. Drawing up to her full height, she looked down at the commander, "What duty am I being called for, Sir?" "We need you as an archeologist to investigate the planet. We don't have much time, the readings the sensors picked up says the planet is very unstable. So, at most we have at least a day to get our readings and take a quick look around and then get back on ship." snapped Commander Bliker. Tarryn nodded and double checked her carry-on to make sure its everything she needed. Then she stepped upon the platform and called out, "Ready." "Five to beam down, " called out the dark hair man to the operator. The computer hummed as the landing party became transparent and then pure light. After a second, the team was no longer there on the pad. Down on the planet, five beam of light suddenly became solid and the member of the team stood in it's place. All of them relaxed as the light faded away. "Okay team?" Bliker asked. Each member took a quick scan of themselves and nodded. No damages has been done during the transfer. Tarryn took a quick scan of her surroundings, and was amazed to see how much alike the environment was similar to Earth. For a moment, she felt homesick for her friends and familiar sights. They were in a valley between a rocky mountain and a small forest. Joe, one of the security officer, announced, "No life form or anything moving nearby sir," and shutoff his scanner. "Ok people, form up in partners and spread out. Look for any king of artifacts or habitation for Lt. Tarryn to look at. Find any, notify me or Lt. Tarryn. Remember, stay in communication with your com link," shouted Bliker. The 6'4" tall woman headed up the hill with the other security officer named Sergent Roy. She had a bad feeling about the man even though she very rarely spoken to him. The Sergent stood a couple inches taller than she. He had a lean build that suggested him to be very athletic. His brown eyes twinkles when he talked. His hair was cropped close to his skull to keep a military fashion about him. Tarryn didn't like the way he talked when women weren't around. "Uh, Lt, I'm getting a reading of a cave off to our right, about 200 meters or so, " called the tall man. "Ok, let's go!" Tarryn breaking into a sprint. Sure enough, there was a cave about 200 meters up on the mountains. It was wide enough for two people to walk side by side into the cave. A scattering of small bushes surrounded the cave, but it easy task to go around it. They entered the cave slowly, keeping an out for any danger. As they went in deeper into the cavern, they had to turn on their lights that was built into their suits which casted a blue light that was not harsh on their eyes. The reading on their tricorder suddenly went erratic. Roy and Tarryn scanned for the sudden and found an entrance that was covered with a probably hundred years worth of dust and moss. As they neared the doorway, a flare of light suddenly lit up the hallway, nearly blinding their eyes. "I think we found them," Tarryn muttered. "Bu are they still around?" Roy asked nervously as he looked around. "I don't think so. Why would they let things got waste with all this tech? From the description of the Domulains, they're suppose to be twice our size and this hallway would fit their size." "Or the people were claus phobia." Tarryn had to giggled at that and the Sergent only smiled at her. Their next surprise was a shocker. The interior resembles a family home with the exception of all the furniture being huge. The place looked neatly decorated as if the place was a model for a showroom. All the chairs and couch were arranged in a proper way as if they were expecting someone to enter anytime. Before they could take another step, a tremor ran though the entire cavern. Clay potteries and other items fell shattering to the floor. Without a word, Sgt. Roy grabbed Tarryn's arm and pulled her into a run out of the tunnel. They ran, dodging falling sharp rocks. What felt like an eternity, they finally shot out of the mouth, unscathed with the cave sealing itself behind them. The 6'6" man stood kneeling over panting for air, looked over to his partner to see if she was ok. He was surprised to see her not even winded. For a brief moment, he envied her for her stamina. He started to say something, when a stray debris struck him in the temple. It sent him tumbling into the muscular young woman. She grunted from the impact as it sent them both to the ground. Without much effort, she pushed the taller man off of her. A quick look told her that he was out cold. She immediately tapped her badge, to activate the comm link, but some how it broke in half. She groaned. The reddish hair woman tried to pick her partner up, but for some reason she felt exhausted. Too weak from fatigue. Her stomach growled at her, reminding her that it's been several hours since she last fed. She knew she didn't bring any food. Her pack just wasn't big enough. If she could find some edible food, she might be able to carry Roy afterwards. After a quick scan, Tarryn spotted some strange looking green berries on several of the shrubs nearby that she had passed by on the way in. After checking to make sure the patient was ok where he was, the tall woman made her way over to the shrubs. Lt. pulled out her tricorder, which somehow remain intact. She knew the manual forbade her to eat any of the plants inhabited world, but she needed nourishment. A couple bites of the berries, she found to be pretty tasty. Lt. Tarryn found herself gorging on the plant. She had no idea that she was starving. Wasn't long before she wiped out the shrub and started on her second bush. She paid no heed to the juice dribbling down her chin to her dirty uniform. She did feel stronger now. She's even surprised to find that she feels great!! And she kept on eating. Unnoticed while eating, a glow surround her body, healed her cuts and scrapes. With each berry she ate, the glow grew brighter as her body slowly grew, expanded, and lengthen. Her muscular arms and legs grew past the cuffs of her uniform. Her 44DD breast long ago broke out of her bra and swelled past her neckline. The glow, surrounding her body, altered her clothes, as it tore from the swelling mass of her flesh. It mended to the contours of her massive muscular body. The clothing became more exotic, instead of the non descriptive uniform that it once was. It revealed more of her cleavage. It changed her pants into a dress, leaving a long slit down each side of her dress. Her feet broke out of her shoes. The glow didn't repair her shoes. Her uniform was no longer recognizable, although it was still the same color. The second bush was about gone, when the new Tarryn started looking for a third bush, when a voice yelled, "Hey!! Who the fuck are you?" She was startled out of her obsession with the bush. The tall woman turned around to the source of her ire. Her eyes widen at the sight of a familiar figure, but he looked more like a child to her. "Sergant Roy?" she said in astonishment. Roy was equally stunned at the new sight of his 6'4" partner. He knew he was at least a couple of inches taller than her, but now she towered over him, nearly double his height. His fear rose up in his stomach. He hasn't felt like this since his father stood over him at the age of 15, with a belt in his hand. "What happened to you, Lt. Tarryn?" "Huh? What do you mean?" "Look at yourself!! I know I use to be taller than you. But now, you're a giant. Your body is glowing and your uniform is not what it suppose to be! Although I'll admit you do look ravishing!" Tarryn blushed slightly but the little man was right. She did feel something about her body. She looked down at herself and didn't feel out of proportion. Felt stronger and more alive than ever. Her dress looked like it was to seduce younger men to bed with her. It was almost like a second skin to her muscular figure. She could feel there was nothing left of her bra. She took a deep breath and watched her chest rise out of the dress slightly. The thought was appealing about drawing men to bed with her. But there was something else she was feeling. It wasn't coming from her, but from Roy. Was it fear? The Amazonic woman smiled at her partner as she walked towards him. Her long muscular legs flashed at him with each step. The feeling doubled as the waves washed over her. She found the sensation arousing and fulfilling. Fear was like substance for her to feed off from. She felt stronger as she feed off from him. The power grew and intensified. She felt confident, moving closer to him. Fear could be seen on his face as she got closer. "Are you afraid of me?", she chuckled. The man gulped but said nothing. "Silly little man... You shouldn't be scared of me!" she stood in front of him, staring down at him between her massive breast, "I won't hurt you." "Will you show me what you did to get so big?" Tarryn laughed, "I'm not even sure what I did. If I did, I'd show it to everyone... You can't imagine what I'm feeling right now... I feel so big and strong! I feel like I can take on anyone right now." The emotion changed from fear into something that felt like lust. Her senses gagged and choked on the new emotion. Almost making her staggered to her knees. Lust wasn't a strong emotion for feeding. Her senses screamed for fear, but she ignored the feeling. She brushed her finger along the side of his face, thinking about seducing him and maybe healing the bruise on the side of his face. Suddenly something flooded through her. Not emotion, but his thoughts. She felt as if she opened a book and was reading everything that he did and done. Tarryn felt as if she were a goddess. The reddish hair woman gasped at his desires. Nothing good came from it. Were he able to get big as she, he planned to hurt any women with his cock. At the very center of his heart, he was nothing but a woman beater and a rapist. Tarryn could see his images of him beating her after he was turned into a giant. Although it was only an image, she could feel his blows upon her face and body. The Amazonic woman suppressed her shudder as she looked down at the Sergeant. Willed herself not to look into his thoughts anymore. She stooped down and wrapped her massive arms around his lean chest. With ease, she picked him up. Roy yelped as his fears rose up again and this time he couldn't fight them down. His eyes widen when his feet left the ground.. Her massive breast painfully, crushed into his chest. Not minding where he put his hands, he struggled to push against her, but her powerful arms held him in place. "P-P-Put me down, Tarryn!!" he stammered. Softly, the powerful woman kissed his forehead. "Put me down, please!!" Roy pleaded. His hands beat a rapidly on her hard chest. She barely felt his beating. "Don't you want the Power?" she said in a teasingly fashion. He felt like a little boy who was being teased with a piece of candy that he wants so badly but is never going to get it. The trapped man let out a whimper, "Yes, I want it." "That's good to know," she murmured into his ear. She shifted slightly and craned her head down to give him a soft lingering kiss on his small lips. His last kiss he'll ever know. Tarryn slowly squeezed his small lean body into her 44DD chest. Roy screamed in pain. His emotion threaten to overwhelm the young goddess, but she sucked it in eagerly. She never felt his small fist beating during his throe of pain. Her mind was so far gone into ecstasy. Her hard breast easily cracked his ribs as if they were dry twigs. Roy jerked in pain his last few minutes. Blood spurted out of his mouth and down her chest. The former Lt. Tarryn felt the life slowly ebbed out of her first victim. She looked down into his glassy eyes. "What did you think of my Power, little man?" She giggled and felt no remorse for the man. The body fell to the ground with a wet smack. "Freeze Lt. Tarryn or who you ever are. You're under the arrest for the murder of Sergeant Roy!" shouted the all too familiar voice of Commander Bliker. The handsome man stepped out into view with his phaser aimed at her. The second security officer, Joe, followed after him with his phaser aimed at her also. The young doctor ran up the mountain to the already dead Roy. The Commander screamed at him to stay back, but he was ignored. Bliker kept his weapon upon the giantess. "He's dead, Brian. There isn't much you can do for him," Tarryn said calmly. "You cold blooded bitch!! Why did you have to kill him? He's never done anyone harm!" "Enough, Brian, she'll stand trial for that," called out Bliker, "God won't be able to save her this time." "He may not, but a Goddess will," sneered Tarryn. "Huh, what Goddess is that?" "Goddess Tarryn, to you little man!" He snorted and let loose his male ego, "That's a fucking joke!! Haven't you learned, bitch? Men will always be superiors to women. I don't care if you're twice as tall as I am or if you can lift 500 pounds with one arm. Women will always be weaker than men!" "Eww!! What stone age did you come from?" giggled the 12 foot tall woman as she casually moved closer to Bliker. "You think having a penis..." "Stay where you are, Bitch!!" "...makes you the stronger sex," she continued to move in closer, as the men's fear fed her more power, "Well, I've got news for you, little man. Your pitiable little penis couldn't even begin to satisfy me..." "I said Stop!! I'll shoot you if I have to!!" he switched on the phaser and set it on to kill. "Just like that phaser, it couldn't even hurt me if you set it on full charge!" she smiled. "Fuck you, Bitch!!" and the commander fired upon her. Joe was too frozen with fear to even think about shooting at the towering muscular woman or even protecting himself. The first beam laced at her abdominal, but it didn't even faze her. Tarryn smiled as she walked in closer. The second beam scored at her right shoulder with the previous effect. The ranking officer swore as he upped the setting to a higher setting and fired. Still no effects. He screamed and fired again, but the charge was gone. The handsome man started at the empty charge and at the Amazonic Tarryn. Tarryn took her time coming down the mountain towards the two men, smiled at the frustrated officer, "Put the phaser down, little man. You don't want to make me mad, do you?" "Fuck you, bitch! You're gonna die even if I have to knock you down and wrap my hands around your fuckin' throat!!" he screamed. He looked for something to use on her, spotted Joe immobilized with fear. Bliker lunged and snatched the weapon from his hands. Thumbed the setting to it's maximum setting and fired at the approaching woman. Stared in disbelief as the beam of energy dispated before it even came close to his target. He threw the useless weapon at her, which she caught and crushed into a ball of metal. Bliker swore he wasn't going to be afraid of her, but he was. He wasn't going to run from a mere woman. His mind screamed at him that this wasn't a mere woman' but his ego won't let him run from her. The small man snapped into a fighting stance as Tarryn laughed at him.. He threw a right hook into her midsection. He screamed in agony when his hand connected to what felt like brick wall. "You're pathetic little man!! You're so damn small and weak. Why, I bet you couldn't even last 5 minutes in bed with me.. I'm not even sure if you have the right equipment to handle me," sneered the young giantess. With a wave of her hand, his clothes disappeared, leaving him totally naked for her inspection. His cock, from fear, extended to it maximum length, 8 inches which looked very small. The giant Tarryn snorted, "Maybe, you should check out my equipment." The Commander looked up to see her flip the front section of her dress around her waist to expose something very huge. Her cock was semi-erect. It was almost 12 inches long, thicker than both of his forearm put together. Unknowingly, his hand moved while his mind screamed at him not to look at it. Tarryn moaned as he gripped her cock with both of his hands. His hands couldn't even encircle the thick shaft. The dick grew excited as it thicken and lengthen. "Oh, yes baby. Squeeze it!! It likes you!! C'mon, little man, stroke me!!" she breathed heavy. As much as he tried, he could free himself from this fascination of her private organ The red hair goddess cooed at his touch. As she willed her penis to get longer and bigger, she also grew taller and taller unlit she was a foot taller than before. Her crotch was above Bliker's head. He had to stand on his toes to continue stroking her. The sheer size of her cock caused it to droop slightly. The head bounced lightly on top of his head as he slid his hands back to the base. Her orange size sac shriveled as she moans with pleasure. The 15 feet tall woman giggled, "I think it likes you! Why don't you give it a kiss?" At that moment, he snapped out of his fascination and stared in horror at the sheer size of it. Even her own hand couldn't even encircle the fleshy rod, as she stroked it softly. "No fucking way!! I'm not kissing that repulsive thing. You know what you are?.... You're a fucking freak!! F! R! E! A! K! Freak! You're not even a woman anymore." Commander Bliker tried to keep a minimum of a several steps away from her, but with a single step she was able to keep him in a close range. His fear was clearly showing on his face which her body slowly absorbed. "Now you've done it. You shouldn't have said that, little man. She doesn't like to be ignored or told that she is ugly!" her voice grew very serious. The dark hair man, whose shoes were no longer on his feet, stumbled over some very sharp rocks in the grass. He quickly looked behind him and maneuvered himself through the grass. Bliker had no time to scream when he looked up at his former sub officer. The head of Tarryn's cock came slamming down with a enough force to knock him to the ground. The giant woman was surprised to see him knocked down. She meant only to tap him on the head with a flick of her hand. The smaller man tried to get up but a huge female hand roughly shoved him back down on his back as she knelt down on top of him astride. The tip of her cock brushed against his chin. Her huge muscular thighs pinned his ribs so he couldn't slide from her ponderous weight. His arms remained free. Instead of trying to push her off, he struggle to keep her dick away from his face. Somehow his hands slipped around the rod and wound up wrestling the enlarged shaft instead. "Little man, I think you fail to realize my power! You can forget about trying to push me off. I'm bigger and stronger than you are!! Incase you haven't noticed, my pecker is bigger than that cocktail shrimp you call a cock. I'm more than man and woman you'll ever or able to handle." Confident that he couldn't escape from her python legs unless she allowed him to, Tarryn lean forward, looked down at him. "Now, are you going to kiss my dick?" she sneered. " Up your's Bitch!!" he screamed when she pinched his ribs with her legs. "Wrong answer, little man... I'm gonna put it up yours!! Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you some manners. I'm gonna let my dick do the work for me. Do you know what she's going to do?... She's going to Fuck your face up'... Get it?" Tarryn giggled at the end of her statement. The giantess felt his fear grow stronger. He'll break down soon, she thought. Just as she was leaning forward, to drive her cock into his face, two pairs of arms grabbed at her, uselessly, struggled to pull her massive body down. Her brown eyes looked down at the two men, Brian the medic and the remaining security officer, Roy. They had taken her by surprise, but even with their combined strength and the aid of a hypospray, the 14 foot tall woman laughed at their futile efforts. Her skin was too dense and thick for the hypospray to penetrate. With a gleeful glint in her brown eyes, she said, "Look Bliker! Your little playmates wants to play too. Aww, they're bigger than you are, so they can't be your playmates, now can they?... Tell you what, I'll fix it for you!! Watch!" The small commander stopped long enough to stare in shock. The two men struggling with massive body, never took notice what was happening to them until it was too late. Roy, hanging on her back, was trying to apply a sleeper hold around her neck, but was unable to squeeze her thick neck. His feet dangled in the air as he struggled to gain a leverage on her. His Arms and back screamed in pain from trying to put on the pressure. He kept on trying as her body grew bigger and bigger. Shit, he thought, gets any bigger, we'll be nothing but babies to her. He heard the doctor scream something but he paid no heed to him. Brian was putting doses after doses of tranquilizer into the massive woman's arm, he soon found out that he might as well inject it on a rock, because he could see the chemical fluid running down her arm and not into her. Throwing the useless thing aside, he grunted as he tried to push at her shoulder. No luck. He was too small to make s difference. Tarryn's arm, suddenly, grew and expanded as he tried to pull her from her seated spot. He looked up to her to see her blowing him a kiss and winked her big brown eyes at him. Before Brian could make a move, her arm scooped him up as if he were a toy and managed to get him sitting astride her bulging biceps. He screamed in terror as the ground fell away. Like a cat who found out that he climbed to high on a tree, he quickly wrapped his arms around her biceps as it were a tree branch. The giant woman roared with laughter at the medical officer. Reaching behind her neck, she plucked the hapless man from her wavy red hair. Roy squealed as the towering goddess set him astride her massive cock. The shrunken man stared in disbelief at her cock. The living rod pulsed and radiated heat under his legs and hands. It had a bit of a rubbery feel under his hands. He struggle to look for away to get off of her turgid shaft until Tarryn tapped oh the back and ordered him to remain where he is, unless he wanted to feel how heavy her cock was. Roy had no doubt that she would carry out her threat and he shuddered at the thought of being trapped under her member where his commander is at now. Brain screamed in a high shrilling voice, "Tarryn, please return me back the way I was... Please!! I won't tell any one!! Honest!" He was still laying across her biceps with his hands clapped together. Tarryn laughed again, "Little man, you are amusing. I'll tell you what, let's play a game. You know my arms measured at 14 inches when I'm relaxed, but when I pump up! I explode up to 16 and half inches in diameter. Right now, you can barely encircled my biceps. If I flex my arm, think you can keep your arms around it?" Her voice boomed as if it came from a 1000 watts speakers at a full volume, but she paid no heed to the men wincing at the sound of her voice. "Huh? What do I get if I win?" "I'll return you and Roy back to normal." "But what if I loose?" "You boys get smaller!" "Count me out, Tarryn... I want no part of this," shouted Roy, making himself heard. Her brown eyes looked down at the man riding her prick, "Aaah, little boy, you don't have much choice in this. Brian here is going to try to win this weather he wants to or not... if he doesn't play, the both of you will shrink!!" The small man was about to say something but she turned her attention back to the man clinging to her muscular arm. "Ready Doc?" Before he could say anything, her arm suddenly exploded under his chest. Brian screamed in pain as he tried to keep his arms around together, but the mass was slowly forcing his hands apart. Thick blue veins popped under his body as the flesh harden under the skin. His back cried out but he tried to ignore the agony. The giantess laughed as he grunted uselessly against her effort. Within a minute, his hands flew apart and her massive biceps bucked him off. The sudden loss of balance threw him. The medical doctor fell from his perch. The fall knocked the wind out of his lungs. Blackness threaten to surround his vision but he fought to remain awake. He forced himself to stand up before this woman and nearly staggered to the ground. Tarryn struck a double biceps pose and shouted in her booming voice, "Aaaand still the winner!! She conquers four puny males with ease!!" She looks down at the two men, "And you lose!!" Without any gestures, she focused her will upon the miniature men. Roy and Brian both screamed for her to show mercy. They begged and pleaded, but she paid them no mind. With a feral smile, she watched them diminish until they both were thumb size to her. Her laughter caused the men to scream with terror. Her body fed upon their terror, she even felt fear radiating from the little man who use to be her superior officer. She scooped up both men into one palm. "Now, let's put you guys some place nice and warm where you can't get into any more trouble, " she said to her palm where the critter cowered from her smiling face. She grinned wickedly as she pulled out her top to put each man at a breast. She positioned them where they would feel the full weight of her massive breast. Tarryn felt a shiver run up her back from the feel of two men trapped at her breast, beating against her in futile. She quelled the urge to clasp her breast together, knowing that it would crush them into a pulp. The erotic feeling as to last long as possible for her. She wanted to savor this. To Bliker's horror, he watched his medical officer and the remaining security officer get dumped in to her top. To his chagrin, he made the fatal mistake that could cost him his life. Whimpered, when he saw her turn her brown eyes upon him. Her voice impossibly deep and loud asked, "Where were we, little commander?" He had witnessed her crushed his first security officer with her own strength, took a phaser shot without blinking an eye and drained it, grew taller, produced her own cock which was five times bigger than his and shrunk down his last two men with out any effort on her part. He didn't want to find out what she had planned for him nor did he want her remembering what she intended for him. Taking the initiative, the pinned commander leaned forward and kissed the head of her shaft. Her massive body shuddered delight, "Oooh, little lover, I like that!" With both of his hands, he kneaded her thick shaft and continued to kiss. He grunted every time the top of the cock bashed into his face from her jerking her hips. The young Goddess leaned forward and planted both hands above his head as she bucked her hips... driving her cock into his face. "Stroke my peter, commander!!" Tarryn rasped. Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead as she struggled to control herself. Inside, she smiled at the bruises she's marking on his face with her crotch. Arching her back, she tilted her head back and let out a howl of passion. His small hands furiously stroked at her hard cock but at the same time, he was trying to keep the head pointed away from his already bruise face. It wasn't enough for the new goddess. "C'mon, little man, harder!!" she grunted. After a few seconds, she wasn't getting any results. "Fuck it, asshole. Can't you do anything right?" screamed Tarryn, "Wrap your puny little arms around it and hold it tight to your chest!!" Bliker hugged the foot long schlong to his small chest. He found the position even more burdening than the last. His chest and arms burned from the friction. Plus she was slamming her weight down on top of him with enough force to break a couple of his ribs. Each time she did slam down up on him, his body would be raked across the gravel beneath him. He'd scream from the pain, but the red hair giantess'd tell him shut up' while spitting on him. He tried to loosen his arms a bit so he wouldn't slide around so much. She didn't like it and slapped his face for it. She shifted his body a bit and clamped a huge hand down on his forearms. Bliker screamed from the agony. Tarryn smirked at him in response. Tarryn resumed her pumping once more. The little man screamed even louder. This time her cock was striking his face with enough force to loosen his teeth. "Tarryn! please stop!! You're hurting me!" cried commander Bliker. "So what if I am!! Who's gonna stop me? You're nothing but a piece of ass for me to fuck!, " snarled the 14 feet tall woman, "This isn't even working for me! I keep wanting more!" The young goddess released his arms and grabbed his waist. As if she were handling a doll, she flipped him over. "Wha- Tarrryn! Wh-what are you doin- Ack!" Tarryn smile at him, "What does it feel like? I'm using you for a piece of ass!" She laughed at the writhing figure in her hand. His fear rose to the breaking point as she fed off from him. She moaned at the pleasure of penetrating his tight little ass. Although, she did have to trim her cock down a bit so she didn't split him on the first entry. The tall woman moaned louder as she willed her shaft thicker and thicker with each stroke. Bliker howled with pain as he tried to pull himself from her powerful grip, with a hand hold on a nearby bush. But it was no good, her strength was too great for him to compete against. His howling became a shrieking as her dick became thicker and thicker until it was about as thick as Bliker's fist. His anal couldn't possibly handle the length of her 12 inch genital but she did try to put it all in. A few seconds later, she felt something warm running across her member. Tarryn looked down and saw her rod coated with something dark red. Keeping the motion continuous, with her finger tip, she felt the liquid. Tarryn smiled when she knew what it was... Blood. Her bloated cock had ripped his ass. Weak man, she thought. Her thoughts were quickly forgotten when the sac tighten, ready to explode. She quickly yanked her prize dick out and let forth a spew of white cum all over his bloody back. After the last of it was squeezed out, she dropped the commander on his face as she fell on her back. She groaned as she drew energy from her well of power. Tarryn had no fear that Bliker would try to escape. Bliker curled up into a ball, whimpering from the pain and humiliation he had suffered. The young goddess frowned, "That's it? No wonder you men are pathetic. You hide behind your masculine which is really your weakness. Women are capable of multiple orgasm and you leave us wanting more after you've passed out from your first climax. You beat upon us, forcing the female to suppressing the urge for more sex. And you come up with some gibberish for the bible to tell us that the women are the true evil. You try to make us feel that we are dirty ad to force us to ignore our cravings for sex, when you're trying to hide your own inadequacy as a male. And the truth is females were always meant to be superior to men. We may not be as strong as you are, but we can be and possibly be stronger than you. We already know we're smarter than you. There's been a few males who can match our intellect.'..." Tarryn went on for a few minutes debasing her commander and the rest of the male race. Strangely, she felt her sense heighten to a greater intensity. Not only could she sense, hear, smell the things around her, but she could fell the space vessel orbiting above her. But for her to manipulate it, it was out of her reach. With enough time and fear to feed on, she could do more! The growing Goddess Tarryn felt her former commander Bliker lose conscious from the shock and the two little men under her massive breast, pass out from lack of air. Not only that, but the sheer weight of her breast and the tightness of her top had broken a couple of their ribs. The red hair Amazon sighed as she carefully extracted the diminutive men from her top and tossed them to the ground. Before they hit the ground, her will extended out to them. Their size suddenly popped back to normal before they hit the ground. Stood up to her full height at 14 feet tall, she looked at the three men and felt a familiar stirring. Tarryn looked down to see her cock hardening again. As much she'd like to hear one of the guys scream and beg, there were things that she needed to take care of. With a wave of her hand, her massive cock disappeared. Her red bush took it's place. Tarryn smiled and touched her clit with two fingers. She sighed and covered it up with the flap of her dress. "Ok, boys... We're going home and I'm going to fix a few things with our race!" the new Goddess Tarryn smiled. End of Part One Part Two coming soon!!