A Spell of a Story! by Warren "tiny man" Vehec I barely came up to her knees. Update: 29/12/1997 to giantess It was a typical morning for me as my eyes opened and then shunted them against the morning rays of sunlight that streamed through the blinds. For a Saturday morning, that is, I like to sleep until noon. I opened my eyes again and glance at the clock. It read 11:30. "Screw it," I said to myself. Groaning while I got up. It always take at least a few seconds for me to get my bearings on what I got up to do. After deciding, I immediately went to take a shower and a quick brunch. While eating, I warmed up my computer with a punch of a button and hooked the modem to the telephone jack. A couple of punches to the keyboard had my computer dialing the number. As a creature of habits, I always logon first to my favorite Bulletin, The Giantess BBS. Within 20 seconds after dialing, I was connected. Like clockwork, I entered my name and password, to the file section to checkouts any new pictures or stories worth downloading or games that seems interesting, and finally to the message section. A blinking red 'R' flashed on my screen, indicating that I have a message waiting for me. Immediately, I press the key to have the message appear before me. It took a few seconds for it to go through all of the different file catalogues. I smiled as I saw a familiar name print across the screen. It read: TO: WARREN VEHEC FROM: SUZAN SAGER SUBJECT: SURPRISE REFERENCE: NONE MSG #: 1144 DATE: 08-13-94 TIME: 11:45 PRIVATE: YES HELLO TINY ONE...I HAVE A BIG SURPRISE FOR YOU. IT SHOULD BE ARRIVING AT YOUR HOUSE ANY DAY NOW. TINY MAN, I THINK YOU WILL GET A BIG KICK FROM IT...HERE'S TO LOOKING DOWN ON YOU. GIANT KISSES AND GIANT SQUEEZES YOUR AMAZONIC GAL, SUZAN SAGER P.S. I HOPE TO MEET YOU REAL SOON. I WANT TO HAVE SOME REAL FUN WITH YOU...MY PUSSY IS GETTING WET FROM THINKING ABOUT YOU. PLEASE KILL THIS MESSAGE WHEN DOWN WITH IT. A surprise for me?! I thought to myself. That's a first. Suzan is one of the few who has my mailing address. I practically live like a hermit. Very seldom do I do or go anywhere. Anyway, Suzan Sager and I have been corresponding by either E-mail or hand written letters. We, both, share a common interest. I like women that are taller than I am and she likes men that is shorter than she is. And to bring things even closer, I'm about 5'7" tall and she is 6'3" tall. With an eight inch difference between out height was enough spark a lewd relationship. Although, we never have met, but we did send a picture of ourself to each other. I didn't think our relationship would reach to a point where we would be sending gifts to one another. At least she started it, I haven't. I'll wait to see what it is and then send her something equally as nice, if not better. I hope. I logged off the Giantess BBS and checked the clock. It would be at least another hour or so before I receive any mail. I started to clean the house. Three hours later, it was nearly 5:00 when I flopped into my big easy chair. Fuck! I said to myself. I got up and retrieved the mail from outside. Sure enough, there was a package for me with the 6'3" honey brown hair's writing on it. I dropped the other mail and opened the package. I stared in disbelief. It was a walkman with a tape inside. A hand written note fluttered to the carpet. I picked up the note and read it. Tiny one, I could not get you out of my mind. I've been having hot dreams about you every nite up to a point that I decided to tell you one of them. It is rather long. The story starts from one side and ends on the other side of the tape. Ooooh! I'm getting wet thinking about you, Little man. I wish you were here, instead of having me tell you about this fantasy of mine. On your knees, small one, and feel the power of your GIANT MISTRESS! Big Hugs and Long Wet Kisses, Suzan Sager Below her name was a red lipstick impression of her luscious lips. There was a lite touch of fragrance on the paper which I assume was the perfume she wore, but it didn't smell like any perfume I've smell before. I placed the headphones over my ears and press play on the recorder. Nothing happen. Flipped the player over and popped the casing for the batteries. They were there. I strode into my room and found the battery checker. Sure enough, the batteries were dead. No problem. I kicked off my shoes and socks. Threw myself on my bed and tore off my pants and shirt. My cock was at it semi-awake position. With one hand, I begun to massage it to it's full erection state. With my other hand, I inserted the tape into my stereo and plugged the headphones into the jack. I left the player in its continuation mode. Pressed play and laid back on the pillow. With both of my hands, started to masturbate. There was a brief crackle and then I heard Suzan's voice, "Hello Little man, I hope you are in a comfortable position. Preferably lying down in your tiny bed and stroking that cock of yours. "Anyway, it starts out that you and I are back in the Conan the Barbarian days. We are a couple of thieves. We managed to find the burial ground of an Amazon race. These Amazon are not your ordinary 6 to 7 feet tall, but 10 to 15 feet tall. Not only dead bodies are buried there, but a cathedral sits there in the center of the graveyard. It was said to be fill with all kinds of jewels, gems, gold, and all sorts of treasure. "So, not only did find it, but also, we managed to get in without being caught or set off any of the traps. Her voice grew excited, " 'I never seen so much treasure', I said. 'C'mon' you said, 'I don't know if those warriors will ever check this place out, so we better grab all we can!' "We jumped down from our ledge and rushed to grab the treasure. I went for the gems and golds. You, little one, went to look at the scrolls. As if you were drawn to the giant idol of a woman, there was a rolled up scroll sealed with a red wax at the foot of the Goddess of the Amazon. Not even checking for traps, you grab the rolled up parchment. Broke the seal and began to read it. When you got the end, read it again and again and again. It wasn't long before you were reading it aloud. I think it was the nature of the trap, a spell,to have you read the scroll over and over. "At that time, I was too caught up in my own fascination of the gold jewelry. I came across a large, no, make that a giant gold ring with engravings on it's side. It was large enough to fit on my head. I knew the strange object couldn't be abracelet, for that the amazon never wore any kind of a wrist charm. They did, however, wear finger rings and necklace. But the object in my hand was far too large to be worn as a ring and in now way to be worn as a necklace. "My hard earned muscle bulged as I moved the golden ring. Tiny man, there would have been no way that you could have even budge this thing. We, both, know I'm stronger than you are. Ooooh!!...I'm getting so wet telling you this! "Anyway, something strange happened while I was trying to handle that ring. The leather corset that I held ample bosom felt a little tight. I looked down to see my 42D breast swelling. It grew larger and larger, until the strings burst loose, but my corset did not fall off. "The golden ring that I held in my hands became noticeably lighter. I looked at it. It was getting smaller and smaller by the seconds. Power, suddenly, coursed through my already large body, but it didn't stop there. "I felt a little strange as the ring shrank in my hands. I was now able to hold it in one hand. I felt something coming into my mind, but it wasn't trying to control me or any thing like that. They felt like the were more like memories. Suddenly, all of the might of the cosmo were reveal to me. I felt like a goddess with the knowledge opened before me. "The ring was now able to fit on my finger as I turned around. You were nowhere to be found! 'Damn you, Warren', I coursed at you, Little one for disappearing on me. But, I noticed something wasn't right. I was horny as hell. "Then, it struck me that the chamber was alot smaller than when I first walked in. The ring didn't shrink! I grew into a goddess! I could believe how big I was. I was nearly twice the size any Amazon warrior. I looked down and found my bag under my leather boots. I began to search for you. "I found you in a trance, reading a parchment that was burning up. Tiny man, you were no higher than my knees. You looked so adorable. I was overwhelmed by desire to pick you up and hug you with my massive arms and kiss you. I stooped down and prodded your small body with the first two fingers. "Wake up, Little man!" I heard her thunderous voice at a louder volume than I had my stereo set for. "Wake up!" I heard her say again. Why doesn't she get on with the story? The volume was way too loud for my taste. There was nothing but dead silence as I reached for the knob. I frowned. Something wasn't right. My head was not on my pillows, but something shaggy. Heck, my whole naked body was on something shaggy. The headphones were no longer on my ears. I bolted sitting up and my eyes snapped open. I found myself sitting in a field of brown shag with some strange sculpture in the distance. It was a strange eerie feeling. It felt like I stepped into the twilight zone. I almost expected to see some guy in a grey suit step out with a microphone, telling the audience what has happen to me. I could never remember that guy's name, but I've seen him often enough to recognize him if he did step out. I stood up, to see if I could spot anything else further down the field. In four different direction, I could see a wall,almost as if I were enclosed inside a building. I took a step in one direction and stumbled. Fell on my knees. Didn't hurt myself, thanks to the shag. "Well, Tiny one, when I told you to make yourself comfortable, you really didn't waste any time," said a voice that I knew too well that belong to my tall companion, Suzan Sager. I spun around fast, trying to locate the source of the voice. A loud crack was made off to my left side. I turn towards it and staggered back two steps. An enormous shapely leg step off of the sculpture. Then I realized my mistake. That was no sculpture, but a couch. Another shapely leg joined the first one. Both legs wore a pair of black shoes with heels that came up half way to my knee. I could tell the legs were muscular as I followed it up. A mini skirt came down a little bit pass her wide hips. A narrow waist followed it into her wash board stomach exposed. A black bra was trying to contain two huge pumpkin size breast. The giantess put her hands on her hip, while her massive arm flexed like a hydraulic pumps. Her beautiful face smiled down at me as her honey- brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. Just like the story she was telling me, I barely came up to her knees. I was at loss for words, that I had rehearsed to say to her if we should ever meet face to face. "Don't you have anything to say to your Giant Mistress?" she teased me. I felt small looking up at her. "I-I-I don't know what to say. W- what happened to me?" I stammered. A booming laugh erupted from her. "Why, Tiny one, you are mine for the next two hours!" I looked up at her in a daze confuse look. "I mean how did I get here? And where is here?" "Oh that! You look so adorable standing there butt naked. I just wanna hug and kiss you to death!" Her enormous body took two steps towards me. I let out a short scream as she crouch down and swept me up in her massive arm. She hugged me to her huge breast. There was a stirring in my loins. "Oh! How cute! You have a thing for me?" she ran her tree trunk- size finger over my swollen shaft, "I'll take care of that later.." The room spun around on me as she walked back to her couch. She fell onto the couch, giving me the sensation of a free fall. Her giant fleshy globes wobbled from the impact. The giant honey-brown hair woman shifted me around so that her melons rested on my lap. I grunted from their weight. My small hand immediately came in contact with her breast. I froze in horror as if I did some forbidden taboo, but Suzan only smiled and said, "as long as you treat them right, I'll let you touch them. Piss me off, I give you a spanking that you will never forget!" It was eerie to have a woman's breast easily fill my lap. Her coarse black bra was continuously being rubbed against my naked body. I tried to wiggle away from it, but her powerful arm held me firmly against her. The honey-brown hair giantess took no notice of my struggles. "You see Little one," she continued, "For a long time, I've been a practicing witch...Oh, don't look at me like that! I haven't hurt or kill anybody, except played a few practical jokes on people who deserve a little humiliation. "You, now, is a different matter. Little man, you've made me so horny, that I wanted you so bad and no one else. Oh God! I'm getting so wet again! You are the first one I've ever shrunk. The spell I used, was a long and difficult procedure. You better make it worth the time I put into it." I gulped nervously at her comment. She looked at me with a smile and continued, "The spell I cast had a combination of teleportation and space distortion which I cast on the tape which I sent to you. I won't bother trying to explaining any more than that to a mortal like you." I think she meant to give me a lite squeeze, but at my size, she squeezed the air out of my lungs. I coughed and gasped for air as she stood up and set me down on my feet. Staggering back, I looked up and up and up past her knees at her immense form. With both of her hands at the right side of her hip, she unfastened the buttons to her skirt. She whipped the black leather skirt off and dropped it on me as if she was trying to net an animal. The black cloth was big enough to be a blanket for me, it easily covered my entire body. The scent of the leather assailed my nose, but there was another smell that was just as overpowering. For the life of me, I couldn't remember where I have smell that fragrance before. Then, as if a rock was dropped on my head, it was the letter from Suzan was the same scent I smell on the leather right now. I had been smelling her cunt! The giantess laughed as I tried to tear her voluminous skirt off of me. A few seconds later, the leather laid on the floor. I staggered back in surprise. She kelt before me with her long legs spread enough for me to see her dark bush. I never had a chance to take a step back as she seized me with her huge hands. "I need you, Little man. I want you to satisfy me!" she rasped. Before I could utter one word, my body was pressed to the ground and turned around and pulled me under her moist cunt. The smell was overpowering now as she lowered herself on my face. Now, I'll admit that I was aroused by what has happened to me. I was easily turned on by this giantess, but in a sense I was also scared. Not more than a few minutes ago, she had threaten me that her spell was not to be wasted, so I was to do whatever was required by her or suffer the punishment, whatever that may be. I drove my face between the thick labia of her lips. A loud 'Oh!" erupted from my giant mistress. Thick warm juice slowly oozed over my tiny face as I nuzzled her wet clit. Using my rough small tongue, I licked her nub, sometimes biting it. Her enormous body began to quake uncontrollably as she said, "You little devil!" Suddenly, her hand pushed the back of my head deeper into her pussy. This time, she was taking control. Once, twice, thrice she came, never once letting me go. When she did, my mind was in chaos, but my cock was operating perfunctorily. I wasn't too sure what Ms. Suzan Sager was saying, but I did feel her huge hands release me. She did, however, not leave me alone. I opened my eyelids at a crack, the giantess moved to a new position. she was now facing me, sitting astride over my still swollen shaft. Using her fingertips, she stroked my dick with such care as if she were handling eggshells. Try as I might, I should not drop off to sleep with the giant woman stroking my privates. More than anything, I wanted to fuck her. I let out a moan. The giant woman giggled, "I never met a man who could go to sleep with an erection...I wanted you to be awake for my next trick." Her powerful arms reached behind her back and unhooked the black bra. Her breast, free of the restraint, swung to their natural shape, looked even bigger. The nipples, swollen, looked more than what I could handle. I could imagine them to be very tasty. I don't know if it is possible to have your jaw drop open while lying down, but Suzan giggled at my reaction. With one giant hand, she lifted her fleshy globe to her wet lips and lightly flicked her nipples with her long pink tongue. With her other hand, she scooped the second breast and smashed them between her hands. "Want one?" she asked while shaking her tits side to side. Speechless, I didn't answer. she giggled. The giant woman leaned forward as her massive body slid back so that one of her milk globes would drop into my face. I took one of her udders into my watering mouth and sucked eagerly. The weight of her breast easily bore my head down to the floor. There was so much of her to feel. My small hands reached as far as they could. Her skin was smooth to my touch. The giantess Suzan cooed and purred under my administration. She lowered herself so that my tiny body was completely trapped under her 260 pounds body. It felt like eternity to before she let me up. While I laid on the carpet floor, the giantess propped herself against the base of the couch with her powerful legs spread wide. White spots swam before my vision as I tried to sit up. In a few seconds, my vision cleared. I stumbled as I got up on my feet. There was tingling sensation through out my body when my blood circulation began to pump. It took me a little bit more time to get my reflex back under control. The whole time I had been stumbling and half falling to the floor, the honey-brown hair giantess had her hand covering her mouth, preventing her from laughing out aloud. By the time, I looked up at her, she had gain control. amazingly, my dick was still hard. Suzan smiled at the sight of it. She ran her fingers slowly through the thick curls of her dark bush. Her luscious lips formed a "O" as she oohed when she inserted her middle finger between the thick folds of her two hands long labia. My hands that is. "Come here, Little man," she said, "Come here and fuck your giant mistress." She motioned me to come to her with her index finger. I did as she beckoned. The giant Suzan sager pulled her finger out of her dark cunt. Her enormous thick legs widen to intercept me. The lips of her pussy opened slightly. I was barely able to get my princk pass it. Her pussy was amazingly tight for her size. With her size four times bigger than I am, I wasn't even sure she felt me enter. As I pull out in the down stroke, it was just as hard for me to pull out as I push back in. "Having trouble, tiny one?" she laughed. Suddenly, her love tunnel widen and her huge hands grabbed my hip and ass and slammed me in and out of her. My upper torso was thrown across her washboard stomach. It was like being on a rocking boat, I couldn't control my balance. Her stomach muscles ripples under my touch. Faster and faster, she rocked me. Her titanic body heat rose dramatically. It was like lying on top of the furnace. The sweat on both of our bodies made it hard for me to maintain a hold on her. Suddenly, the muscle of her cunt clenched, holding not only my cock, but my balls as well. I screamed from the powerful pressure. I pushed and beaten on her stomach, which had no effect either way. A few seconds later, she released me from her embrace. I flew backwards on to my ass. The landing knocked the air out of my lungs. I laid there, not moving, trying to get my breath back. My crotch felt sore, but it was no longer driving me insane. I closed my eyes for a second or two and then proceeded to get up. My giantess laid in a sexual flush with a dreamy look on her face. She smiled at me and sighed. "Little Warren, that felt so goood! I never felt so big and powerful during an intercourse," she purred, "Come here and give me a tiny kiss." I knew that was not a request, but a command. Moving quickly, I walked between her killer looking legs and step upon her thigh. I thought I could reach her lips from there...I was wrong. My forehead smacked into her chin. Suzan laughed at my misfortune. Her strong hands grabbed me, under the armpits and lifted me up. Once again, I'd forgotten how enormous she is. Her luscious lips easily covered mine. Her lips might have felt soft at her size, but to me, they felt like she was trying to cave my face in. For a long time, she held on to me, then I heard her sniff. She sniffed louder the next time. She pulled me away, "You need a bath!" Without another word, she stood up with me still in her grasp and strode towards the doorway. I couldn't see where we were going. She had me leaning up against her broad shoulder. Every step she took, her shoulder jarred my jaw. We merged through another door, she turned and I heard her shut the door. The door shutting reminded me of being locked into a tank that was going to be filled with water. And we werein her bathroom. Suzan seated me on the counter and went to fill the tub with water. While the water was filling the tub, the giantess turned her attention back towards me. With a damp washcloth, she wiped me down. Needless to say, the cloth was rough and cold as I squirmed under her touch. "You are worst than a little baby, Warren!" she exclaimed. I was helpless against her as she did as she will. When she finished with me, the water had filled the bathtub. The honey-grown hair giantess deposited me into the tub. I fell in with a splash. The heat of the water made me scream in pain. I made a leap for the edge of the marble tub, but the walls were too high and slippery for me to get out. The water came up to my neck and the walls were an arm and a half above my head. The busty giant woman laughed as she step into the tank. "What's the matter, Tiny man?", she asked as she sat down. Before I could say anything, the sudden added weight to the water, sent a wave towards me. It slammed me against the wall underneath the facet. The next thing I knew, I was struggling to keep my head above the water. She burst out laughing again. With the water level increased, I was able to get a hand hold on the edge of the marble tub. But, with Suzan's body movement creating the agitation, the steaming hot water knocked me back into the deep water. This time, it knocked me under water, slammed my small body against the wall, rendering me senseless. I floundered, trying to figure which way was up. Two hands, suddenly, grabbed me by my chest and pulled me downward. What! Is she trying to drown me? I fought against her strength and suddenly I was able to breath oxygen. My rescuer was saying something while I coughed and spitted out water. I couldn't understand what she was saying. She up-righted me, while talking to me, "...sorry, Warren. I didn't mean to drown you. I thought I filled it up where you could keep your head out of the water. I'm so sorry." She hugged me to herimmense body. When she had done with her apologizing and hugging, she started to put me back into the water again. I screamed and she jerked me out. "What's wrong!?" she demanded. "The water's too hot for me!" I showed her my pink legs. "That's too bad, I like my water at this temperature and you are going to like it too!" Suzan growled. despite my struggling, she re- inserted me back into hot steamy water. The giantess bathed me as if I were nothing more than a baby, which was probably true. When she had finished with me, the muscular giantess demanded that I bathe her huge body with soap. At this time, I don't think I want to mad while we're in the bathtub full of hot water. I mean, what if she decide to really drown me!? I took the wet wash cloth and the bar of soap she transferred to me. She took great delight to flex each part of the muscle that I washed. The honey-brown hair giantess wasn't any different from the bodybuilders that I had to work with. They all had big egos. She purred when I worked on her sensitive spots. It wasn't long before I finished washing her giant body. Thank god! I didn't have to shampoo her long wavy honey-brown hair as she did mine. I could myself getting tangle up in her long soft hair. I was glad we were finished bathing each other. She allowed me to dry myself with a hand cloth. My head spun slightly as I looked up in awe while she dried her finely sculpture body. She caught me looking at her and smiled. Suzan looked at her watch. "We have got at least half an hour left before you return to your place," she said. "Then this spell is temporary?" I asked "No, it can be permanent. I just applied it differently, so that it would only be a short time you would be here." "I'm not going to ask you to explain that to me. I don't think I have any business learning witchcraft. But I wonder, it I'm going to remember this or will I think this whole thing was a dream?" "You're right on the first two question. However, I think I can help you with the last one. Follow me, if you can!" she opened the door and strode out with her giant long stride. I ranafter her with my short legs. I t was damn near impossible to keep up with the giantess. She stopped at a door and I thought we had reached our destination. Wrong! The giant Suzan opened the door and revealed flight of stairs. I groaned. She laughed and bounded up the steps with endless supply of energy while I puffed and wheezed up the obstacle course. A few minutes later, I reached the top. Suzan was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and found a huge door wide open. I walked to the door and peered inside. It was pitch black inside. It must have been the place, because the honey-brown hair giantess called, "C'mon in little one. Don't be afraid!" About 20 paces past the door, it suddenly slammed shut, sealing me in the darkness. Flames all around me erupted into life. They were all on black candles. I scanned around me. It was looked to be out of the children's fairy-tale of witches. You name it, it was there. Glass jar of every size, filled with gross things you could not imagine. I stood in the center of a five pointed star with a circle drawn around it. Outside the circle, there were 33 different symbols marking around it. I recognized only a few of them, but I don't understand what they stand for. I knew I was standing in the center of a hexagon. Panic filled my mind as I tried to take a step out of the circle, suddenly, I heard Suzan's voice say something that I didn't understand. The sounds she spoke sounded painful to the throat. Just as I was about to take the final step out of the circle, an invisible barrier erupted out of nowhere. The impact against the shield threw me back into the center of the drawing. In my mind, I heard the distinctive sound of a metal cage door slamming shut with an echo. The honey-brown hair giantess, still naked save a cloak around her broad shoulders, walked out of nowhere, up to the edge of the symbols. With a gracefulness of a cat, she knelt down on her knees. She spread her massive powerful arms as if she were an eagle. I could see her lips moving, but I could not hear the words she was saying. Probably, due to the barrier, it was sealing off everything including sound. I felt a little strange, but it didn't last long. I blinked my eyes to clear away the distortion I was seeing. For some reason the giantess looked bigger than ever. Her arms dropped without a warning as did the invisible wall. I stumbled towards her, but I caught myself before I could fall on my face and make an ass of myself again. "How are ya feeling?" she asked while I tried to steady my wobbly legs. "Still kinda whoozy Suzan" I looked up at her as soon as I was able to. "Do ya feel any different?" "Hey! What is this? Are we playing 20 questions?" I joked with a smile upon my face. I immediately regretted have ever said that when she leaned over me, which made me tilt my head all the way back. A wave ofvertigo swept over me. Her breath washed over me in hot waves. "Tiny man," her hot breath shot at me, "You better think about what you are saying. In the future, you answer any question I give you. Cuz, if you don't...I'll really get angry! And, you won't like that!...Got it!?" At her last two words, she jabbed me in the chest with two large fingers, which easily knocked me to the ground with air expelling from my lungs. Two large red spots formed where the giant woman had struck me. For a few more seconds, I laid there coughing, before I could get upon my small feet. "Feeling better?" she asked. I didn't want to make her angry, so I responded, "Yes, my giant Mistress Suzan." "Oooh! Trying to turn me on again? I love it when my little man is sooo submissive. But not here," she purred. With slowness, she stood up. Both of her knees cracked loud enough to be considered as gun shots. Man! The giant Suzan Sager was even more enormous than before. Wait a minute! I remembered when I first arrived here, with her high heels on, my head easily came up to her knees. But now, I barely came up half way up her shin! How small did she make me!!? She took off her long black cape and folded it neatly in to a square. I expected her to put it on a chair or shelf, but she did neither. The giantess simply tossed the folded garment and it disappear into a flash of smoke. Her massive form stooped down low. She was like a 747 coming down on me. I stepped back in fear that she might lay her enormous body on me. With three giant fingers, she inserted them between my legs sideways. A turn of her wrist, I was suddenly sitting a stride of all three fingers as she lifted my tiny figure up. I let out a short scream and grabbed her thumb for balance. Suzan laughed. The g-force doubled on me as she stood up to her full height. I swallowed nervously at the distance between her hand and the floor. I looked at her billboard-size smiling face, forced myself not to look down. Her giant size breast blocked most of the view to her beautiful face. The first step nearly jolted me from my seat. With each step she took, I had to learn how to absorb the bone jarring impact. It was sort of like learning how to ride a horse while it ran. "So, what do you think of your new size, Tiny man? I remembered in one of your letters to me, saying how you wished that your were smaller so that there would be more women that you could look up to," her voice thundered. "I think you shrank me way too small. I mean look at me.. I couldn't even satisfy you, much less than another woman. How will I get to work? How will..." "Question! Question! Question! Silly little man. I didn't shrink you all that much. When the tape stops playing, you'll return back to your place with bit of a reminder that this wasn't a dream. You've lost two feet in height, so instead of being 5'10" tall, you will only be, roughly, 3'10" tall," she said. I was relieved to find out that I was still going back. Suzan now verified that I was and she gave me something that I have been dreaming about for most of my adult life, to be smaller. At 5'10", I'd towered over most of the women, but at 3'10", all of the women would towered over me. I noticed that she was no longer walking. I turned to scan the room we were now in. It was the same room where I first appear in. Instead of putting me on the floor, she hoisted me up close to her luscious lips. "You're wrong about not being able to satisfy me," her hot breath washed over me like a gale wind, "Right now, I have this sweet tooth for a little man skin and I want yours. Think you could stop me from taking yours?" Before I could do or say anything, a huge pink tongue lashed out at me. The impact threw me back against her fingers. Her lips bore down on me. The honey-brown giantess licked and kissed me as if I were a favorite piece of candy. She purred and moaned with each lick or suck. It wasn't long before she started to nibble me with her pearl white teeth. She wasn't gentle with me at all. for some reason, I had the feeling that she wasresisting the temptation of eating me alive. Suddenly, she stopped, pulled me away from her hungry mouth. Her breath came in short gasp as she lowered me to the floor at her bare feet. In a few seconds, she regained her breath. "Almost got carried away there, tiny one," she said, "I've got a little surprise for you." With her giant long strides, she left the room at a pace that I would have never been able to keep up with her. She was gone from the room no more than three minutes according to the digital wall clock. I was stunned when the giant woman came back in. she came back in fully clothed..Well, not exactly fully clothed, but at least she was wearing something. Black seemed to be her favorite color. The one piece dress seemed to be a combination of a skirt and a corset. The corset really helped her to show off figure-8 shape body. Her abundant breast seemed to be held aloft by the cups that came with the black lacey corset...I think those are called shelf bras. The lower half of the dress made the dress look like some sort of sexy evening gown. It was short enough to see the shapely thighs that Suzan Sager sported. the entire dress was made of see- through lace. With the light shining behind the giantess, the lace silhouetted the rest of her thighs and crotch. The whole effect of the dress was enough to bring my cock back to life. The beautiful giant woman stepped towards me and I immediately saw that Suzan had on a pair of boots. Not just any boot, but a black leather boots that went up to her thighs that made her look incredibly sexy and dominating. The sight of the boots sent a chill down my back. She loomed closer and closer, until I was practically under her and between her feet. God! How tiny I must have looked to her. She smiled down at me between her massive tits. "I also remember you telling me that you have some sort of fetish for high heel leather boots. Come and show me, your giant mistress what you think of them," she boomed. Quicker than a lightening bolt, I dropped to my knees. Starting at the point of her boots, I pressed my lips to the cool fabric. I inhaled the sharp smell of her boot. The smell was intoxicating to my senses. I closed my eyes and rubbed my face into the leather. Slowly I crawled on top of her foot. My naked body could feel her giant foot under the leather. At the arch of her ankle, I licked her black boot. My arms wrapped around the arch of her foot, I hugged her tightly to my small chest. My cock was fully erect and ready to go. "Oooh, that's nice little man!" I heard her purred. I rolled off her foot and moved to the side. I hugged the calf of her mile long leg. Suzan flexed the muscle as I hugged it. I looked down saw the spike of her high heel. With a kiss to her calf, I dropped to my hands and knees and began licking the long black spike heel. I crawled underneath her arch. It was a tight fit, but I got under there. The giantess laughed. "I never knew how much of a leather boot freak you are! Enough play time! Climb on top of my foot and hold on!" she commanded me. With great reluctance, I pulled myself from under her foot and clambered on top. Unexpectedly, the honey-brown hair giantess began to walk. The impact of the foot hitting the floor was nothing like the ride I had on her soft hand. I was nearly dislodged and then as she kick her foot forward, I was almost thrown up into the air. She took three steps and sat down in her chair. Thank God! Her massive legs crossed with the foot I was on top. The foot bounced a few times and then she extended it until it was level with her knee. This she did a few times also. Her powerful leg stopped at the up most position. "I can't believe how lite and small you are, Tiny Warren. I could use you as a weight all day and not build any muscle," she chuckled. I didn't think it was funny. All this up and down was making me sick to my stomach. I hand my arms wrapped around her ankle so tight, thinking that might try to kick me off. My eyes were shut the whole time. "Why don't you climb on to my lap? I'm sure you'd be much more comfortable here," she said. I didn't need to be ask twice. Opened my eyes and I slowly crawled my way across her shin. The giant woman laughed as if it were some joke. As soon as my small hands could touch her knee, her larger hand grabbed mine and hauled me into her immense lap. I didn't get a chance to rest. She immediately, pull me up and hugged my small body into her large firm breast. I didn't fight her. It felt too good to resist. my head was pressed against her beating heart while my draped over the warm breast. For a long time, I laid there not moving. It felt too good to be even thinking about moving. Her hands was relaxed enough for me to pull myself out. For some reason, I did. The giantess's hands fell off to the side as I pull back. I studied her giant face. She had both of her eyes shut. Her chest slowly rose up and down rhythmly. While Suzan laid in her chair sleeping, I climbed carefully, not wanting to wake her. She almost looked like a giant angel, sleeping peacefully. On an impulse, I leaned forward and kissed her large ruby red lips. Her brown eyes snapped open. An enormous female hand grasped the back of my head and pushed me even tighter embrace to her lips. I was caught in her vast power. No matter how I struggled, I could not break her grip. For a long time, Suzan held on to my small head, kisses me as she willed. "That ought ta teach ya a lesson about surprising me with a kiss," she chuckled. "How much longer will I have to stay with you?" I moaned. "Aaaw...What the matter? Already getting tire of me?," she said with a little girl voice. She giggled. Something changed her mood, "What the fuck!?" I snapped my attention to her. she had a wild look in her brown eyes. I looked at her questionably. "You should have been back at your place 45 minutes ago. Something went wrong with the tape I sent to you." "What do you mean?" "The tape player was only suppose to play both side once." "Yeah? So?" I said, not getting it. "As long as that walkman plays that tape, you'll be stuck with me until the batteries goes dead." I had a sinking feeling that I'll be with her alot longer. "I don't think so. You see the batteries were dead when I got the walkman. So, I put the tape into my radio." Suzan Sager giggled with glee, "Ain't that a shame? I guess, you'll be with me until the electricity get shut off?" The feeling did not go away, "Uh..No. alot longer than that. You see, Suzan, I'm what you'd call 'daddy's Little Rich Boy'. I have my own account hooked up with my parent's account. I have a private bookkeeper who pays my bills. I have enough for a life time." "Oh this is marvelous. My own personal little slave boy," she poked me in the stomach. I had a feeling the honey-brown hair giantess was never going to let me go. You know, I was right. I lost track of the number of years we've been together. Living with Suzan Sager wasn't so bad. If I was good, she'd take me out to meet some of her giant girlfriends who takes great delight in meeting me and torment me with their teasing. But, if I was bad, she would paddle me with spoon. Other times, she would often keep me in a mouse cage and I'd go without food for a couple of days to teach me some manners. She never bother to get me some clothes, so I'm always cold, except when I'm with my Amazonic mistress. A lot of times, she took great pleasure in walking me as if I were a dog with a leash tied to my neck. That's all I am to her, a pet. Oops!! I think I hear my giant mistress calling me now. Gotta go now. THE END