Popped! By Tinyboy She stood roughly at 6'4". Her massive legs filled her skirt to the max. Penis Enlargement! No Surgery! No Gimics! No Monthly Payments! One Treatment Only! Call Now! That was the ad Rick had found on his car windshield. He was about to cast aside the ad, until his eyes caught the heading. He carefully read the paper as he climbed into his car. The 32 year old man been thinking about enlarging his penis for months now. He never told anyone about it. Not even his wife, Rose. Rick was often the butt end of a joke by his wife and her friends. He wasn't tall, just barely 5'3". His wiry frame was all soft. Quite often he meant to join a gym but with his work schedule, he barely has any time to spend with his wife. His Love life with his wife was rapidly deteriorating. Due to the fact, his cock measured up to a 5 inches long. Rose wasn't into having her pussy licked. She wanted a something long and hard that she can really ride. It wasn't often, Rick would find her at home, playing with her dildoes and other toys, and would refuse to let him join her. And when she allowed him to touch her, it was quite often he'd find her asleep at the end of his climax. The dark hair man looked at the flyer again. He scanned around the area to see if any of the cars had the same flyer. None of them did. He shrugged his shoulder and got into his car. His mind kept wondering about the ad. Several times, he glanced at the number on the paper. Finally, he couldn't hold back the suspense. He pulled over and pulled his celluar phone from his briefcase. He heard the other end ring once twice thrice and finally someone picked up the phone. A heavy woman's voice spoke, "Hello, Lola's Miracles, how can I help you?" Rick wasn't sure what to say, "Uh um, I found your ad on my windshield." That seemed to have said it all. "Ah, Mr. Richard Marks! How nice of you to call!" He was taken back that she knew his name. "Wait a minute! How did you know my name?" "Why don't you ask me that when you see me. Seeing is believing, no?" It took her a few minutes to convince him to come and visit her. After a detail instruction, Rick found that Lola's Miracles was a few minutes out of his way in the suburbs. After endless of turns and stops, he finally reached her place. Surprisingly, it was a plain building. No signs. No big glass to look into the shop. If fixed, it could have passes as apart of an apartment complex. The dark hair man climbed the steps and entered the dark ante room. He fumbled around looking for a doorbell and settled for knocking on the door. He heard a deep woman's voice, "Coming!" Heavy foot steps thumped and the door opened. Rick gasped. Not quite filling the doorway, a long dark hair woman with shoulders that belong to a lineback man. She wore a modest outfit, but her chest jutted out, making her look even bigger. She stood roughly at 6'4". Her massive legs filled her skirt to the max. He stared up at her, not knowing what to say. The tall woman smiled, "Hi, I'm Lola and welcome to Lola's Miracles. And you must be Rick." She gently grasped his shoulder and led him inside. Rick was surprised at a well decorated place. It wasn't a shop or an office. But a living place. Lola gestured for her client to sit in an over size chair. She offered him some refreshments, which he politely declined. The dark hair amazon cleared her throat, "Ahem, Now before we get down to business, I suppose you want to know how I knew your name and interest?" "Yes, I do" "Well, let me tell you about myself. I was born within a gypsy clan. We were a bunch that roved from place to place. We never stopped in one place for long. I can imagine you know about our kind. We were never welcome anywhere. We lie, steal, and cheat whatever we need to survive. "I was one of the few who is not proud of for what we do. My father was an ordinary man, but always strove to improve his standing among the gypsies. But he was never a kind man. Every night, he'd beat my mother for no reason. He would have beaten me too, but my mother protected me from his wraith. "My mother was a herbalist. She believed in giving back to Mother Earth from what she took. In a small way, she was also a witch. She could predict a small part of the future. What else she could do, I never found out. But she knew the day I would runaway from the clan and succeed. The Gypsies are not a forgiving people for those who would break off from the clan without their leave. "My mother found out magic which I inherited from her. She did her best to hide it from the clan. They would tolerate one witch, but not two. It was along and hard task to keep my talent hidden. She trained me as best as she could when my father was away doing about his business. The day came when my mother died from her last beating from my father. Some how I knew my mother died that night. I never waited for them to come and tell me. I left that very night," Lola sighed as if she were reoccurring that hellish night. Rick couldn't keep quite, "What was your magic talent?" "I'm an empath. I can read people's desires. And yours was the strongest. And I believe I can help you without surgery. " "Without surgery? How come Doctors haven't heard of this techniques yet? I've done my reading on Penis enlargement and I haven't heard of any kind of medicine or herbal treatment that could improve the penis length." "I never said it was a medicine or herbal treatment." "Oh come on now! Other than 6th senses and ESP, I don't believe in hocus pocus. I'll buy that you're an empath, but I don't fall for the pulling the rabbit out of a hat trick." "No magic either, " she smiled, "It's all natural. The only reason the doctor haven't found out about it, is I keep a low profile. I don't want to be some pawn in the corporate world, and I certantly don't want to be put up on a stage like a circus freak. "I've helped out a few people similar to your problem and has the same desire as you. But I pick and choose who I want to help. If you decide not to accept the treatment, you can walk out of here, but you'll never be able to find this place again. I can put a memory block upon your mind." "But what's to prevent you from robbing me after you give me some so-call pills for a penis enlargement. I might as well walk out now." "Because you'll only need one treatment and you have the results before you leave here." "Ok, but what's your price?" "Five thousand dollars." "WHAT! For half of that I can go to a plastic surgeon and have him do the job." "Yes, you could But if I read you correctly, you have this fear of some asshole accidentally cutting your cock off. Leaving you with a stump. And your wife leaving you." "Oh, yer good! Who sent you? Rosie?" "I assure you, no one sent me. This in no gag. I'm the real thing. Tell you what, if your did isn't bigger than when you walked in here, you don't have to pay me." "Mmm sounds like a deal Ok, I'll do it!" "Good, just fill out these paperwork How will you pay?" "Is check ok?" "As long as you have two I.D.s" With that, the 32 year old man set down filling out the paperwork and reading the instruction of taking care of his new instrument after the treatment. He laughed when Lola asked him if he would be in doing a before and after photo, which he agree to. In show of good faith, he filled out a check to her name which he will still hold until after the treatment. He barely remembered that he forgotten to ask how the treatment was done. Rick was led to the bedroom. The dark hair amazon asked him to take off all of his clothes for the photo. After the picture was taken with an instant photo camera. She guided him to the bed. Rick was getting nervous by then. His little cock hardening at the sight at the straps. Lola laughed at his nervousness. She proved to be a great deal stronger than he is. He sputtered, trying to tell her that he changed his mind, but he was never given a chance. The 6'4" woman easily thew him into the bed and tied him down with the straps. She rushed into an adjoining room and about a minute later she came out barely wearing anything at all. Her silky robe barely contained her bursting bust. Did she look bigger? Her dark eyes smoldering with lust, as she slowly grew. Her silk robe slowly ripping from her broadening shoulders and expanding chest. As her head touched the ceiling, she shook her long hair free, making her look alluring and dangerous at the same time. Lola looked down at the small man on her bed. Rick's voice seemed to be stuck in his throat. His eyes told her how scared he was. He struggled against his bonds. The bed creaked alarmingly under the immense weight of her voluptuous/muscular body. "I love it when a man's afraid of me," cooed the gypsy woman. Her body pulsated with power as she lowered herself. Her face lean down, gave Rick a soft slow kiss on his small face. He responded tendivily to her kisses. Without warning, she lowered her wet snatch upon his tiny dick. Her hips gently rocking, massaging his cock. Something wet and hot oozed down from her snatch to his crotch. Rick could feel something coating the length of his shaft. The substance burned down the length of his rod. He thought his skin would burn and blistered from the heat. "Oh yes! Little boy get bigger!" Lola screamed! Impossible as it was, Rick could feel himself lengthening, getting longer, thicker and still harder. He felt something touch the top of his cock. Lola screamed even louder. He looked down, under her crotch and gasped! His shaft was thick as his wrist. Normally, it would be the thickness of his two fingers. He couldn't believed it worked! Without a word, the towering woman slowly climbed off his penis. He stared wide eye at his new size. It was 3 times the size it use to be. It stood at a proud 15 inches long. The substance felt hot to the cooling air as she pulled her self of it. "How?" he was lonely able to utter, but she silenced him by dropping her pussy on his face. "Lick me!" she screamed. After what she did for him, he'd gladly lick her asshole. Rick drove his face into her huge gapping hole. His tongue expertly darting at her most sensitive places, driving her wild. Her musky scent overwhelmed all of his senses. His 15 inch cock ache to cum. With nothing to stroke it, it slowly deflated, but it made every effort to maintain it's erection. Lola grabbed his small head with one huge hand and slowly banged his face into her crotch. She let out a shuddering moan. Her hand held his face tightly against her wet hole. Rick didn't know whether to scream in pain or spit out the scalding hot substance that came out of her cunt. He'd been caught totally unprepared. The amazon woman gave him no choice but to swallow the vile tasting stuff. It burned all the way down his throat. He felt he was being blown up from the inside out. The body felt stronger after swallowing her cum. After it had subsided, Lola limbed off and began to unlock the shackles. She looked admiringly at his new 5'9" body. His soft muscles and protruding gut was replaced with hard muscles. The body jerked and spasm as she took off the last chain. When he was freed, he ran for the bathroom to wash his mouth of the stuff and probably used her mouth wash. They all did after tasting her secret cum. Rick came staggering out, holding his slowly deflating cock in both of his hands. It was no longer 15 inches, but 8 inches. He looked silly as if he was trying to carry his genitals in his hands. The 8 foot tall woman giggled. The top of her head still touching the ceiling. She sat down on her bed with her back supported by the wall. She didn't even cover her naked body. Her chest looked even massive. Rick looked up, "Thank you, Lola." She said nothing smiled dreamily at him. Her long fingers, rubbed across her nipple, enjoying the sensuous feeling. "You may want to take a shower. You looked like a mess right now. The towels are in the closet in the bathroom," she purred Without another word, he walked into the bathroom and showered. Twenty minutes later, he came out, drying his hair. For some reason, he felt no insecurity about his nude body. With his wife about, he would have towel around his waist. Now, he no longer felt out of shape. He had that classic wash board stomach he always wanted. He tried putting on his pants and found too small. He fretted about how he was going to get home without any clothes. Something landed at his feet. It was a pile of sweats. "Suppose you found your pants don't fit you any more. These sweats will save you from embarrassment. Not that you have anything to be embarrassed about anymore. "What happened to me? How big will I get?" "My pussy juice coated your cock so it'll grow. But you needed some inside your as well, to keep your genitals from totally deflating. As for how big you are, your genitals will extend to the max of 15 inches. Your body height is now about 5'9" which will now be your normal height. During your erection, you'll grow depending on the height of your arousal. But because you're male, once you climax, your state of erection will be gone. So you'll immediately return back to your normal height at 5'9". "I'd advise you to take a couple of days of rest so you will get use to your new body." While Lola was talking, he got dressed in the sweats. He remembered to retrieve his keys and other belongings. Shoes he had to forgo since he was too big for them and his host didn't have any shoes for his size. He walked back into the main living room and signed the check that he had left on the table. The new 5'9" man was so elited with joy, he stopped and gave Lola a hug and a kiss. Although she was still 8 feet tall, she had to pick him up in order for him to kiss her. Her huge breast painfully crushing into his chest. The dark hair woman didn't give him any kiss but a french kiss which left him dazed. Lola assured him that she would check upon him in a month to make sure everything was ok. Rick got back into his car and found a message waiting for him. It was his wife, Rose screaming at him, wondering why he wasn't home. He checked his calendar and swore under his breath. Their Anniversary. They were suppose to out tonight for dinner and ballet. With a quick phone call to a florist he knew of that was on the way home. He hadn't realized that he spent a little over 3 hours with Lola. He raced through the streets towards home, with a quick stop at the flower shop. The Florist quickly ran out with the bouquet of flowers. The dark hair man made it home in about 45 minutes. He pulled the car into the garage and quietly walked through the house. Silently, he moved barefooted through the house. Rose, his wife, was found in the kitchen, slamming drawers as she put away dishes. Her blonde hair in a mess after spending hours at a salon. The 5'3" woman still had on her evening dress which showed off her soft figure. She pride herself keeping her figure trimmed without exercising. Rick often urged her to enhance her figure with breast implants, but she didn't want any artifical implants on her. Her slender legs was accented with a pair of 4 inch heels. Often her husband objected to her wearing heels, because he didn't like her being taller than he. "Happy Anniversary, Honey," she heard him say behind her. Her favorite bouquet of flowers was thrust in front of her face. Normally, she'd give him a kiss for it, but she wasn't ready to forgive him yet. She still wasn't going to look at him yet. "Why are you late?" she snarled "Um I was at the doctor's" "What for? You were at there last month" "For this," Rick gently took her hand and laid it on his sweats. Her hand felt something like a meaty rod. She spun around, and found her husband in sweats, standing 2" inches taller than she in her heels. She gazed down at what she was touching and gasped. She could clearly see the outline of his monstrous cock and the head of it was poking out of the top of his waist ban. He grunted when she squeezed hard on his shaft. It was still soft, which meant it can get bigger. The long rod slowly lengthen, swelling thicker than her wrist. "Is this some kind of a joke?" "Why? Don't you like it? I can take it back if you like." "No! I want it!" The blonde woman ripped down his pants and grabbed his prick, making sure it was real and not some sort of mirage. Her anger melted into lust. For the longest time, she wanted some that big to please herself with. Rick moaned with pleasure as his blonde wife treated his new cock to a candy cane treatment. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her mouth accommodate the girth. It was simply monstrous! He scooped up his wife and carried her to the bedroom. For as long as they've been married, he's never been able to carry her all the way to the bedroom until now. Rose cooed and showered his face and neck with soft tingly kisses and love bites. Her hands traced his hard pecs through his sweat shirt. In their haste, they tore each other clothes off. All through the night, they panted and moaned with abandon ardor. For some reason, no matter how hard Rick tried to climax, something blocked his shaft. It made no difference to this small wife. She was brought to peak of her sexual orgasim several times during the night. Each time Rose climaxed, she grew more active but she seem to get heavier to her husband. He concluded that he was exhanusted. On the final thrust in the early morning hours, he felt something break but no cum spewed forth. The 5'9" man moaned as he fell on his pillow to sleep. The 5'3" woman chuckled, "Tired already, honey?" He only groaned. Rose giggled, "Well, I suppose we need to sleep sometime." Several hours later, Rick woke to the sound of his wife trying to wake him up. His vision blurred and mind rolled from the assault of a headache. "Mmm?" he mumbled as he tried to blink away his fuzziness. "I said I'm going to the gym to meet with Cindy Ann." "Ok," he said, still blinking away the bleeriness his vision coming into focus as he rolled out of bed, nearly knocking down his wife in the progress. Rose stopped him with a kiss. That woke him up. Her head was almost leveled with his his. He looked down and saw that she was wearing tennis shoes. She wore her leotard and tights, which seems to be stretched to it's limits in several places. "I thought you hated going to the gym?" he asked. "I do, but Cindy Ann talked me into going there last night while I was waiting for you." "I wish you wouldn't go out with Cindy Ann so much." "Why, Rick? Getting Jealous? " she smiled at him. "Yes, Something about that woman unnerves me." "Could it be because she's taller than either of us? You know she stands 6'3" tall. God, I wish I was that tall!" "Stop it Rose! It's unnatural for a woman to be that tall." "Aw, is my big man afraid of a woman who's bigger than he is? Here, let me make you feet better, " The blonde woman reached up and pulled him down for a kiss. Her warm lush body pressed against his naked body. He felt his loins stirred up at the touch of her body. The tall man smiled at the feeling. "Ho oh! Is the big boy ready for another session?" laughed Rose. Her hand fondly grasped the thickening shaft. She stroked it as if she would a pet a cat. "I wish I could stick around, but tell you what, be ready for me when I get home. We'll have some fun!" With that, she gave him another kiss and knelt to kiss his cock and raced out the door. Rick watched her retreating figure. He sighed as he looked around for his sweat pants and remembered they were in the kitchen. He spent the biggest part of the morning cleaning up the house. During that time, he wondered about his wife's overnight growth. He measure himself on the scale and found that he was still at the same height of 5'9". There must have been enough residue of Lola's juice on his cock to allowed his wife to grow. He shuddered at the thought of her growing bigger than he was. But still, Lola's height wasn't all that bad It could be erotic if he though it in another way. Rick was startled when the door slammed. The sound of high heels click banging in the hallway on the marble floor. "Rick, honey?" he heard her call out. "I'm here in the kitchen!" Her blonde hair came around the corner. She was startled at the sight of him wearing shorts he made out of sweats that we wore last night. His muscular build made him look like one of the Chippendale dancers. She found that extremely arousing. "Could you wait in the bedroom?" Rose asked wistfully. The 5'9" thought refusing, but something in her voice told him that she was planning a surprise. He shrugged his wide shoulders and headed for the bedroom. It felt like eternity to him while he waited. Rick paced, read his magazines, paced some more, went to the bedroom bathroom, and went back to pacing. Suddenly, loud music was blasting on the other side of the door. Rock and Roll music could be heard. He didn't know whether to investigate or wait until Rose cam for him. Curiosity got a better hold on him. He opened the door slowly, and the music was even louder. Colorful lights flashed around his darken living room. He went to the wind to open the drapes, but they were sealed shut and not wanting to tear the fabric, Rick left them alone. Strobe lights flashed around the room, he could see all of the furniture were removed from the room. A lone cushion chair sat in the center of the room. The scenery reminded him too much of a bar he use to frequent to, before he met Rose. She was the one who threaten him that she would dump him if she ever found out that he was going to such places again. And she had ways finding out if he did. Rick's been faithful to her ever since. The 32 year old man slowly sat down in the chair. As if on cue, the music stopped playing and a male voice boomed, "Welcome Rick to the House of Rose! Put your hands together for the exotic Rosie!" There was a click and whir of a the CD changer, which he knew was in the other room. A faint hissing sound could be heard in the darkness. A thin shaft of light showed him hydrogen gas being released at different corners of the room. Harmless white clouds slowly rolled towards him. It made the room somewhat eerie. The fog kept low to the carpet as it rolled towards him. Soon he could see nothing but a sea of white mist all around him. Suddenly, the door to the kitchen flew open. Bright light filled the door way showed the kitchen to be filled with hydrogen clouds as it came spilling into the room. Great big rolls of gas dropped away, revealing a lone figure shrouded in the darkness. The speakers flared to life, a low keening sound of the electric guitar made the specter even more shadowy. It glided in along with the gas as the kitchen door slammed shut behind the figure, but the door made no sound. Rick still couldn't see who the person was. The figure's head was bowed down with a dark hood pulled down low. The specter was a very grim looking as if it were the grim reaper. As if programmed, white light followed the figure as it moved along the wall. Suddenly, a pair of pale hands with black finger nails looking like it belong to an undead creature, came out of the sleeves and pulled the hood back, showing his wife's face. Rick gasped at the view. Her wavy blonde hair cascaded around her shoulder. Her face was done artistically like beautiful Lady of the Dead. Her eyes darken as if they were hallowed. Her lips painted black with a trace of dark red blood running down out of the corner of her lips. As if one motion, rose whirled and threw off her robe. The music kicked in to rock and roll and colorful bright lights flared accenting her movement. The black robe disappeared beneath the white fog. His blonde wife captivate his total attention. She spun around in her white lacey bodysuit which clung to her like a second skin. Each time she kicked, he could see that she wore a pair of white blocky platform shoes which gave her the height. He though his wife, Rose, beautiful, she just blew his mind away with her new look. Her provocative moves has his passion burning within seconds. Slowly as she spun around him, strobe lights flashed upon her as she ripped her lacey fabric with her sharp nails, showing him her pale skin. Rick sat there, trapped in her spell. He was afraid to reach out and touch her, knowing that if he did, she might take offense and not finish the show. His cock hardening and inching it's way down his shorts. Six inches of his meaty rod past the hem of his shorts. Unconsciously, he rubbed his sac, urging it to grow more. At the same time, his body began to swell. His shorts straining to keep together, burst at the seems. The chair began to get uncomfortably small for him. But he kept in place. Rose was in her won trance as she danced. Her 38D breast freed from it's trappings, begged for attention. The blonde woman continued to rip away the fabric until there was nothing left but her panties. Those she slipped out of them. With a toss, her undies disappeared into the fog. The music dimmed down and faded away. For whatever she was planning doing next was stopped. She felt a pair of strong hands grabbed from behind and something hard and meaty slipped between her soft thighs. Rose looked down and gasped. Her husband's monster cock slid to the front of her. It looked thicker and bigger than it did last night. She moaned with delight as it lightly saw at her clitoris. She clamped tightly on the rod with her legs. The burning sensation caused her to squeal with excitement. She heard her husband grunt from the pressure and grasped her large 38D breast. His teeth lightly biting her neck, which sent a shiver down her back. While he fingered with nipple, his other arm hugged her closer to his lean muscular body and stood to his full height. Her feet left the ground as he grunted from the weight of her body on his shaft, but kept the grinding motion going. Her small lithe body felt lighter and lighter to his large hands. He wetted two of his fingers and slowly massaged her clit. The blonde woman let out a soft gasp as the pressure was added. Rose grabbed his hand and guided him into her wet hole. With deliberant slowness, Rick pumped his fingers in and out. The giant felt the rush of power he never felt before. He controlled her with ease. Slowly he begins to enjoy the surge and the control. With increasing vigor, Rose moans, "I want it now! Give it to me! Fuck me!" "Are you sure?" her husband grins. "Don't play games with me! Give your fuckin' cock now!" growls the blonde woman. Rick chuckles softly as he knelt on the floor and rolled her on her back. Using his two fingers that was coated with her cum and smeared it on top of his cock. With a bit of fumblinga round in the darkness, he was able to find the hole. He placed the tip of his shaft at her entry way. "Oh my! You're so BIG!" she gasped. Then at the worst possible time, the programing for the light show ended. The lights for the main room snapped on, nearly blinding both of the lovers and distracting them. Rose regaining her vision, saw how huge her husband was. She looked down and saw his monster princk swollen twice the size it had been. The saft was as thick as both of her forarms put together. She screamed, "Rick! Stop! You're too big! You'll hurt me!" She saw the lust in his eyes as he growled at her, "No way, Bitch! It's about time you learn who's wears the pants in this house!" She tried to push him off, but he was too big and strong. With one hand, he grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head. The blonde woman slammed her legs close, but he pried them apart as if she offered no resistance. Rose saw a bit of spunk dribbling out of his cock, and knew he was fighting from cumming too soon. The tip of the head pressed against her vulva, she screamed when she felt the searing heat of his seamen. It didn't burn her, but it was like putting heating lotion for sore muscles on her crotch. Then the most incredible thing happens. Instead of intense pain at his entry, her body seem to accomindate his size. It still felt big to her, but it was pleasurable. The blonde woman looked up at her giant husband. He didn't look so big to her any more. She moaned as he pumped. The cum could be felt spreading everywhere in her wethole. Rose looked around the room. Then it hit her, She wasn't accomindating his size. She was growing! Then it explained why she couldn't get into her clothes this morning. No matter what she put on, it was too tight. Almost all of her shoes didn't fit. She had to wear her adjustable sandals that she hated to wear. The huge man grunted and sweated from the effort of holding back. He could feel his spunk slowly spilling out. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold it all back. His sac felt like a dam about to burst, but he wanted to enjoy this much as he could. Then he noticed the little things that was wrong. His wife hasn't screamed since he inserted his enlarged dick into her wet hole. Both of her wrist he was holding with one hand, felt thicker, stronger and harder to keep with one hand firmly encompassed around them. And his wife was no longer struggling to break free but rather enjoying the ride. Since stasrting this, the sweat was stinging his eyes, so he shutted them during the intercourse. With his free hand, he cleared his face of the sweat and levered himself up while keeping her hands pinned down above her head. He gasped when he saw his smiling wife. She was almost as huge as he was. He estimated her to be about 5 to 7 inches shorter, which was adquete to handle his 15 inch crotch. She laughed, "What's the matter, honey? Didn't expect me to grow with you?" "But... how?" "You mean you don't know? How dense are you? Well, no matter, just cum all over me and no one has to get hurt." Then it realizes on him, what had made her grow. He triede to scrambled from her before he lost control, but she too quick for him. Her manicure hands suddenly broke from his grip, she slapped his face hard enough to rock him back. Her second punch followed up too fast for him to block, struck him in the bladder. Rick was able to slip out of her wet cunt totally with his huge dick. But the second punch to his bladder made him loose all control. Something between his bladder and his long shaft popped. His body jerked and spasm as he erupted his hot sticky cum all over her chest and face. He coughed as he tried to will the pain away. He stared as his wife's new body. Whatever his cum was doing to her internally, it just finished putting up a hard shell over her body. At the begining, her body had half developed muscles. His cum augumented her body, giving her a hard body. Her muscles exploded, rising thicker than before. Her abs shrank and rippled as new hard muscles came into view. Her thighs swelled, cords of powerful muscles snaked down her legs. Right before his eyes, she licked up the cum from her growing breast going from 38D to what looked to be 50DDD breast. Viens popped all over her body, making her look like killing machine. Any man foolish enough to attack her would pay dearly with his life. He stared as she licked the last remaining white cum from her new massive breast. Parts of the cum was now dissolving into her skin. Her body growing massively. Rick screamed, "No!" and made a lunge for her fingers. Her legs snapped shut about his waist, holding him there tightly. He struggled in vain, trying to grasp her fingers. He screamed in pain as she tighten her thighs. Slowly her body elongated, bigger and massive before his eyes. Her legs grew thicker around his waist, making it even more impossible to escape from. His blonde wife laughed at him. He noticed something, he looked at the nearby chair that he sat in as it grew. Rose wasn't growing! He was shrinking! Rose laughed, "So the dickless wonder is back to his normal size!" He could feel everying sapping from his body. All that he paid for, draining away. The shrinking man felt like a balloon loosing it's air. His wife, Rose, looked even more immense than before. She cooed as she rubbed her 50DDD hooters. Her nipples getting longer and larger under her touch. "We're going to have to talk about what you tried to do to me today.. But right now, I think it's lights out for you," she smiled at him. The last thing he saw was her fisting swinging down at his face. Then it was black out! The dark hair man woke up, groaning. His temple trobbed something fierce. Sunlight broke through his eyelids. He would have ignored, but his body complained being on a hard floor. The carpet reeked of dust. The lean body cracked and popped as he struggled to rise. He got as far as his knees, when something on on his wrist yanked on him. He looked down and saw his wrist handcuffed to the coffee table. He had a flash flood of memories that happened yesterday. The 5' 3" man panic. Trying to find a way to free himself. He jerked and twisted, but nothing would give. He tried to life the table. The little man couldn't even budge it. Then voices could be heard from the next room, "... tries anything, do as you see fit to let him know you mean business. That twerp had to much of a free regin lately. I found out that he spent $5000 of our money on something without letting me know about it." "Rosie, ah'm shore thars no reason for me to use force on the little fella. Ah'm shore we be git a long just fine!" "Cindy Ann! Knock off the Texas talk, will ya?" The other woman laughed, "What got you up on the wrong side of the bed, grumpy?" "Rick tried to rape me last night, what more do you want?" "Good Lord woman! I can't believe you're still upset about that. I mean, it backfired on him didn't it? If I got big as you are and good looking to boot, I'd wear something more skimpier than that!" Rose laughs, "Cindy Ann, my dear, you are such a tease!... Here's the key and if you want to have some fun with the little shit head. But leave some for me too." Cindy laughs, "Don't worry, honey!" Heavy foot steps probably belonging to his wife, walking by the livingroom and out the door. The house rattled when the door banged close. Rick struggled with the metal handcuffs. So far all he's done was chip the legs and not made any real progress. His jerking and pulling became more frantic knowing Cindy's bound to enter the room soon. Then there was the unmistakable voice of his wife's friend, "Oh my! Rosie left you here all night with no clothes?" The 5'3" man spund around to face her. The 6'3" woman stood in the doorway, struggling not to laugh. She wore a loose fitting dress that seemed to be made of bleached jeans, with a white short sleeve shirt. Her whole outfit made her look very attractive with her shoulder length sunshine blonde hair. Her long legs enhanced by a apair of high heel cowboy boots, boosting her up to 6'6". Right now, Cindy Ann looked more like a towering Amazon to the little man. His face paled as he tried to find something to cover himself up.. Nothing was in reach. Inadvertly, he rolled over looking for a blanket and accidently exposed himself to the tall woman, who gasped. "Good Lordy! That's some equipment you have thar pard!" The nude man flushed at the comment. He figgeted, trying to cover himself with his hands. She laughed at his futile attempt to cover himself. "Here," she called out, tossing him the key to the cuffs. Rick snatched the key from the carpet and quickly unlocked himself. He bolted for the bedroom door. Unfortunately, Cindy Ann had other ideas. She easily intercepted the small man and pushed him to the couch. "Not so fast, cutie. We're going to have some fun. There's no sense in for you to get dress now." "Cindy, you wouldn't dare!" "And why not? Can't a woman have some fun?" "It's not right!" "Damn you little male chauvinist. It's high time for someone to show you otherwise." Before he could move away, she was upon him. The tall blonde woman proved to be a great deal stronger than she looked. Her size and weight was more than he could handle. Within minutes, she was sitting astride his face and his arms was pinned between her thighs and calves. He nearly cried, when she applied, in a nutcracker fashion, pressure upon his arms. The blonde woman kept up the pressure for a minute before letting up the pain. "Remember that If you don't do as I tell you, that's what will happen to your arms. Rosie tells me that you're a dedicated pussy licker. I love pussy lickers... Suck my twat little man!" With his arms trapped, Cindy opened her vulva with her two fingers and motioned him to start. From the looks of her crotch, it was clear that she was already aroused. When she first arrived at the house, she was shocked to see how big Rose has grown. Cindy understood then why she insisted on her getting some extra large clothing brought to her. Her girlfriend explained what had happened yesterday during her dance. Cindy Ann was fascinated with her story. Slowly she warmed to the idea of being huge and muscular as her friend. She was surprised before she left, Rose picked her up as if she weighed nothing and gave her a hot burning kiss and whispered into her ear, "There will be more when I get back In the mean time, use my husband as you will." The sunshine blonde was jolted when she felt something akin to a electrical shock up her spine. Her body shuddered at each stroke of his tongue. A moan escaped her lips. "Ricky, I don't know what your wife was bitching about, but you're giving me the best head I've ever had!" When she lifted her skirt, she could see her own love juice dripping down the side of his face. His eyes lit up, hoping she'd get off now. "No, no, I want another one. The first one was too quick, " She chided and dropped the cover back on his face. Cindy felt him groan but continued sucking her cunt. His tongue darted over her clit, sending little electrical shock of pleasure through her body. Her nipples tingled, wanting to be pulled and sucked on. She grunted forcing herself to go slow with her expensive blouse. Not wanting to tear or she may never wear it again after this day is over. Her bra flew off almost as fast as she took off her top. She groped, fondled her 38D breast as she would a soft warm kitten. Despite the roughness she was doing to the little man under her. She liked to be treated with soft tenderness. Cindy Ann felt that warm tingling sensation she knew too well. She bucked her hips, slammed her crotch into his face. The tall blonde broke into a beautiful smile as her cunt oozed pussy juice all over his face. Rick coughed and moan when he was finally allowed air. The light stung his eyes as the fabric was lifted from over head. He looked up into Cindy's beautiful face. "That was nice! Think you can duck under one more time?" The little man didn't know if she was teasing or not. Although Cindy Ann was far easier to please than his wife. It might be along time before he would be allowed to go muff diving' as he likes to call it. Perhaps, Cindy Ann's pussy cum would enlarge him again? Suppose he gave it all he got? He nodded his head, "Yes, I can do it one more time." The 6'3" blond squealed with delight "Aren't you the sweetest little man?" She was gentle this time, making sure he got air as she dropped her skirt over his face. Positioned herself so that that his nose wasn't pressed up against her wet pussy. He was able to focus his attention on pleasing this woman. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of his wife, Rose. Cindy's musky scent overwhelmed his senses. Her weight was not over bearing his mouth so he was able direct his attention as he please. The 5'3" dark hair man felt his desire stirring. His prick slowly hardening as he thought of giving her a taste of his manhood once he becomes a giant. He'd make her swallow his shaft. Wasn't long before his member became fully erected. The sunshine blonde moaned with sheer ecstasy. She felt his tongue probed deeper and deeper into her wet snatch. His arms slowly thicken between her legs. It was increasingly becoming uncomfortable to hold him there. She released his arms free and grabbed his hands and guided them up to her large breast. His fingers teased her nipples. The 6'3" woman lean back and felt something poking her in the back. She turned and saw his 15 inch meat brought to life. "Oh you dirty little man! All that for me?" Cindy Ann stood up and moved over his shaft. She found herself loosing her balance every time she tries to squat down. Frustrated she kicked off her boots and tossed them aside. With the minor difficulties set right, she guided the head to the lips of her wet hole. Once the cock was under her jeans skirt, Rick failed to notice a bit of spunk was already oozing out the top of his shaft. He smiled in ecstasy while her warm pussy encases his dick. Cindy Ann squealed when she felt something burn inside her twat. She did not let up. She slid more and more of his meaty rod into her until she was filled. She barely got half of it inside her. The burning sensation spread inside her body. No longer feeling the pain but energy. She felt so alive! The sunshine blonde saw that the little man under her has grown some what but she was still bigger than he. The dark hair man looked to be about 6 inches bigger than before. He had an evil grin on his face. She felt something was wrong, but continued to pump herself on his cock. For some reason the waist band on her waist felt tight. She quickly undid the snaps at her back so that she might be able to breathe. Strangely Cindy felt she was able to take more and more of his meat. Rick cried, "Oh fuck me harder baby!" The 6'3" woman grunted as she jammed herself harder upon his dick. She yelped in surprise when she slammed her buttocks on his legs. She had taken the whole 15 inch cock all the way inside her. Elated with joy, she knew of no other woman being able to do that. Using her vagina muscles, she squeezed the shaft that was inside her. She smiled knowing what it did to men. She frowned when she looked down at Rick. The man looked small. Something else was strange too. Her unbutton skirt was tight at her waist again. It was also tight at her hips as well. The blonde woman gasped at her skirt. It once hung down past her knees, but now was up at her thigh like a micro mini skirt. And getting smaller! In her panic, she drove a finger under the fabric to create enough room for her to breathe. The material tore as if it were wet tissue paper. She was relieved to be able to breathe easier now. She tore the remaining skirt off of her and tossed aside. Rick began to shudder under her. A signal she knew too well. She hastily got the cock out of her pussy. His small muscular body jerked as the jism shot out, spraying her chest. Cindy gasped as the cum burned her chest. As traditional with her, she scooped a small fingertip of his cum into her mouth. It had a peculiar taste to it. Not the usual salty taste. Her chest grew heavier and heavier. She looked down and nearly screamed. Her 38D breast exploded into massive orbs. They estimated to be around 70GGG. She felt no strain on her back, almost if she had gotten stronger! She looked at the rest of her body. There had been changes done on her. Her figure no longer trimmed, but muscular. She was stronger. Flexed her arms and chest, road lines of blue veins popped out everywhere. She liked what she saw. Rick moaned. He never felt so exhausted. His eyes fluttered open. He screamed at the sight of the sunshine blonde, which promptly turned her attention to him. "Good Lordy, what happened to you, little man?" exclaimed Cindy Ann. The little man surprised her when he bolted for the door. He was out of her reach before she could grab him. The amazonic woman screamed for him to stop, but he paid no attention to her. Rick slammed into the door and bounced back. He stared disbelief at the door. He could even reach the three foot high doorknob, unless he jumped. He figured that he had to be at least two feet tall. The dark hair man turned around to see Cindy Ann calmly walking towards him. She had a smug smile on her face. The tiny man stared in aghast at her towering statures and massive breast. He knew just by looking at her, she stood probably a head higher than the door. She must stand somewhere a bit over 7 feet tall! "Ricky, little man, you look so tiny!" she laughed. "Help me, please!" "With what? I'm not even sure what to do and I'm a professional nurse. From your face, I don't think you do either!" "There's a number you can call for me!" "Uh-huh, honey buns Rosie said not to let anyone know where you are I think she has some big plans for you." "Cindy " Rick never got a chance to finish, her huge hand shot down and lifted him by his throat. He gagged trying to breath but her vice grip remain unbreakable. With ease, she brought him up to her face. "I'm telling you for the last time, shorty! No! Don't mess with me!" With a toss of her hand, he was flung into the center of the room. The 2 feet tall man hit the floor with a audible thud. Cindy Ann smiled as she strolled over to the thrown man. She reveal the power she had over this little man. She dropped on all fours and rolled him over. Her huge hand pinned both of his hands above his head. As if in a sudden inspiration, she promptly dropped her 70GGG breast on his chest. Rick coughed as what felt like a pair of sand bags crushing his chest. He opened his teary eyes. Cindy Ann's beautiful face with an evil grin looked down at his. "Let's play a game! I'm going to give you a series of challenges to see if you can beat me. It's highly doubtful, but if you do, I'll place one call for you." Rick couldn't believe his ears. "What (cough) am I to do (cough) here?" "Why you silly little man, you gotta push my titties off They're pretty heavy." The busty amazon released his small hands. She laughed with glee as his face turned red from the exertion. His tiny hands could even cover one of her aerola. Although it gave her an erotic similuation from his hands fumbling around her nipples. She nearly gave into orgasm and drop right on top of him. After 15 minutes of unsuccessful attempt of moving or lifting her huge milkbags, Rick acceded that match to her. The woman laughed set him up with another challenge. One task after another, he lost to the sunshine blonde. He cried and begged her to stop the match, but she paid no heed to his pathetic begging. She laughed at his futile attempts to beat her. This lasted through the afternoon. Several times, the tiny man tried to feign unconsciousness, but she would only slapped him until he woke up. She insisted on playing with him all afternoon until his wife, Rose came home. Rick was trying to separate her glutes when Rose came home. At first she was surprised to see his new size. She suppressed her giggles as she watched her friend toy with her miniaturized husband. She was in love with Cindy Ann's new physique. As much as she hated to end Cindy's fun, but she wanted to play with her husband now. She gave Cindy a wink, when she turned around. The sunshine blonde blew her a kiss. Rose went into her act. She threw down her packages she brought home, startling the little man. "You, little shit! I leave you alone with my best friend, and you can't keep your dick under control!" Her friend turned Rick loose from her thighs. He surprised her when he stood up. He barely reached any higher than her knees. Meanwhile her girlfriend was absolutely huge! The little man ran before her, " I couldn't stop her! Cindy raped me!" The blonde wife raised her foot and kicked him back towards Cindy. "You stay away from me, you runt! Probably didn't even try to say No' to her. I bet you were probably hungry for her pussy! You always could never get enough of mine. Did you get your fill from her?" Cindy langished on the floor as if she were a big muscular cat, smiling, "He sure did! He was an excellent little pussy licker! You should have given him a chance, Rosie!" "Fuck that shit! I want a nice thick meaty rod in my cunt!" She turned to her tiny husband, "Well, what have you got to say for yourself, little man?" Rick cowarded from his wife. This was the first time seeing her, how tall she was and muscular made him very afraid of her. She easily filled the doorway. Having to enter she had to duck her head to avoid head injury. Dressed only in a pair of shorts and tank top with her mid section exposed, she looked like spokeperson for a health food product. The undersides of her DDD breast could be seen peeking from under her tank top. "Well?" she thundered at him. "I.. I I.." he stammered, unable to think of a response to defend himself. "Just as I thought! You just wait there little man! And don't you dare go anywhere!" The amazonic Rose stormed from the livingroom into their bedroom. A few seconds later, she came out stark naked. Her female muscles rippled with each step she took. Her breast bounced slightly as she stepped into the room. She came back carrying one of her smallest dildo she has in her collection. Stopped by the bags, the blonde looked through the items until she found what she was looking for. It appeared to be a harness of some sort. Because of Rose immense size, she grunted until she had it snapped into place and slipped the dildo into place, at her crotch. The blonde amazon knelt to her knees and motioned her husband to come forward. Cindy Ann, with an amuse look on her face, moved to the couch. The couch popped and cracked under her weight as she sprawled out to it's full length. Rick trembled with fear, as he edged towards his wife. He didn't like the look of the of her dildo or the expression of pure lust on her face. His eyes kept darting to various possible exit, hoping there was a way out. None was there. His amazon wife lost her patient, lean forward and hauled him closer by the back of his neck. The diameter of the black rubber was as thick as his wrist. He could smell his wife's scent on the rod. Probably one of the ones she use frequently for anal sex. Rose held his face close to her toy and growled, "Now lick, slut! If you like licking pussy, then you should love licking my cock! Blow me!" The sunshine blonde roared with laughter, "Slut? Rosie, yer an absolute treasure! That's it little slut, lick her penis!" His wife yanked his face closer to the gross object. Not given any other choice. He squawked at the sudden painful pressure at the sides of his neck. After a second of pain, she jerked his body towards her dildo. Slowly, with short strokes, he licked the rubber shaft. He braced himself with his arms against her hips. Her body shuddered with laughter. "That's my good little slut! Are you a happy little man?" "Honey, that's so cute! I wish I had a little man like yours!" "Maybe afterwards, we can go look for one for you!" "Cool!" "Hey whore! I want my dick inside your mouth! Blow me!" Rose's strong hand gave him little choice. She forced the shaft into his mouth. He nearly gagged when it hit the back of his throat. Slowly, he took it past his throat. "Holy shit! Rosie, lookit him go at yer prick! He's really taking it deep! What a little slut he is!" "Yes he is. He's a happy little cock sucker! Aren't you a happy little slut, honey?" Her hand felt harm to his back as she rubbed him. The other hand helped him along, pumping the shaft in and out of his mouth. With the rubber shaft in his mouth, he yelped as she raised herself as high as she could while on her knees. Cindy laughed at the tiny man dangling from her friend's strap-on cock. There was the unmistakable sound of one of her strap snapping as Rose grew bigger. Her body swelled like a balloon. Her breast expanded with each breath she took. She laughed at her husband hanging from her crotch. "Rosie! Yer growing! Yer gitting bigger than ah am!" Rose looked at her sunshine blonde girlfriend. And sure enough she was expanding bigger than she. The blonde giantess smiled and lifted her nipple to her lips and sucked it very tenderly. A shiver ran down her spine. "Would you like to join me?" she asked in a little girl voice, she knew Cindy loved. The amazonic wife laughed when Cindy was kneeling before her, before the question was finished. With her fingertips, she gently caress his tiny muscular body. "Now, slut, I want to lick my girlfriend's twat Make her very happy!" The tiny man shudder, standing before two massive women could easily crush him as if he were a bug. He stared at Cindy Ann's blonde bush while his wife's cock pokes him in the back. "Cindy, dear, there's no need for a guest to be kneeling Why don't you lie back and enjoy yourself?" Cindy moved closer, trapping the little husband between them. Smiling, she kissed her towering friend as she stroked her breast. Rose moaned with pleasure and pulled her for a quick hug. The little man screamed from the pressure of two amazon bodies smothering him. Both of the ladies could feel him squirming to get out. Rose chuckled, "That was nice little girl." "That was nothing, big woman I get better!" The sunshine blonde fell on to her back with an evil grin. Her long muscular legs spread wide for the little man, who fell to his knees after being released. He whimpered looked up at his wife. She motioned him towards her girlfriend. "Come to me, slut!" cooed Cindy. Rick staggered to his feet and made his way to her. Her musky scent was stronger than before. Her body quivered with excitement. He leaned down, cleared away some of her dried up love juice. Suddenly, a pair of fingers shoved his face into her pussy. He struggled to push himself up but the fingers held him there effortlessly. After a second or two, he was finally let up. He heard his wife say, "Get a move on it, runt!" Cindy came to his defense, "Rosie! Don't rush him. He does a better job if he's not rushed. Go ahead, sweetie. Take your time." He sighed with relief. With his hands, he slowly rubbed at her sensitive parts of her vulva. The amazon cooed every time he passed over a spot. Softly, Rick leans down and covered the area with soft kisses. He lowered himself on his knees to attain better leverage. Cindy, intoxicated rubbed her nipples with her wet fingers. Her eyes glazed, sending herself into never-never land. She looks up at Rose the giantess. She smiles as in warm comfort. The blonde wife licks her lips as she stares at her husband's small ass. With one hand, she massages his back, kneading it. Finally she couldn't contain herself. The giantess leans over her diminutive man and slowly pushes the tip of her cock between his cheeks. She smiled listening to him scream, with one hand, she easily held him in place. She lean down and whispered into his ear, "Keep licking, slut!" Rose felt the satisfaction of being in control. He cried each time she thrust' into him, nearly lifting him off the floor. Cindy would giggle, watching the little man trying to maintain his balance. She felt something inside her pop' as she let out a shuddering moan. The blonde giantess watched her girlfriend slowly expand to new heights. She smiled. She reached down under Rick waist and found it slowly lengthening. Even he was getting excited. Or maybe he's scare out of his wits. She whispered, "Come on now. Get nice and big for me. Maybe we'll have some fun!" That seems to have propel him. The reaction was almost instant. His growth rate wasn't as massive as hers but it was noticeable. Cindy Ann's size gigantic. Her size was greater than Rose's. She finally began to notice the changes around her. The far wall behind her gently pressed up on her head. She felt a sense of clausaphobia coming down on her, but fought it off. Her foot touched the other end of the room. She watched her friend get smaller by the second. The sensation of being a giant was too overwhelming for her to bear. The blonde woman caught Rick as he was thrown from Cindy Ann's thrashing. Even Rose was knocked down by the propulsion of her husband. The giantess moaned, "Mmm... This feel so wonderful... And look how big I am... I feel like a Goddess!" Rose felt her little man trying to get away. Her grip on his shaft remained firm. Surprisenly, it was no longer huge to her, but a mere 8 inches. She had been looking forward to him growing again. She held him to her massive chest, urging him to cum. Her fingers stroked the turgid shaft, now becoming slick due to the sweat. Rick whimpered, not able to do anything to about his hormones. Already, he could feel his sac tightening up. The pressure was building. He wasn't going to be able to stop it. Whatever was left, he screamed as it spilled forth from his cock. Rose was ready when the white copish sperm came out. Cupped her hand, she caught most of it. After making sure it was all out, she shoved the captive little man off. The sticky substance burned her throat as she swallowed it. The blonde woman felt the wonderous seeds work on her body. Making her bigger. Making her stronger. The amazon was nowhere near to the size of her giant girlfriend. She growled at Rick. Cindy Ann sensing her mood, smiled down at her. With two fingers, she opened her vulva and spilled forth a gallon worth of her juice. She watched her little friend squeal with joy and quickly scooped up a double handful of her love potion. The giantess gasped when Rose shoved her muscular arms deep inside her twat. She spotted the little man gapping up at her. With him no longer than the lenght of her finger, she gently pinched him between her thumb and index finger. The tiny man squirmed to get out as she lifted him and deposited him on her fleshy hills. Rick slowly realized that he waa standing on the biggest tits in the world. His knees trembled slightly as he tried walking across the sweaty mass of flesh. The ground shifted under his feet. The giant Cindy chuckled. Her warm breath knocked him down on top of her nipple. The nipple slowly lenthen and thickenunder his body. He pankicked, thinking Cindy's growing again. Rick turned around, looking up at her beautiful face, growing larger with each passing second. He gasped when he looked up. The walls stretched and moved further away from him. Cindy wasn't growing! He was shrinking! The sunshine blonde giantess chuckled, watching the little man shrink before her eyes. His feet barely making a noticelabe impression on her skin. Her nipple was high as his knees. She thought about picking him up, but was afraid tha she might crush him between her fingers. She wanted to enjoy him for a while longer. Cindy Ann chuckled, "JUST ISN'T YOUR DAY, HUH, LITTLE MAN?" The way the little figure cringed, her voice must sound like a 500 watt speakers. She couldn't leave him on her breast. Her gigantic breast might shift and knock him down to some place she couldn't find him. Although it was cute to watch him struggle to stand up when an exhale of her breath easily knocks him down. Her question was immediately answered. Rose, not as big as she, leaned over and carefully scooped up the toy-like man into her palm. The blonde wife, with one hand, up righted a solid oak bar that she and her husband struggled to move on Christmas. Cindy Ann could hear the diminuative Rick screaming about something, although she couldn't make out a word. Rose screamed at hiom, "Shut up you pervert! You're not getting anything! What you are going to is stay on this table and be quiet!" More shouting came from him, but he quieted when his wife raised her hand to strike him. A sudden thought came to her mind as she stopped her strike in mid stroke. Cindy Ann could see the little man cowering, waiting for the blow to come. The blonde amazon turned and gave her a broad wink. With a deep breath, she blew her husband down the length of the bar. The giant woman laughed as she listen to him scream while tumbling toward the edge. With a desperate grab at one of the grains on the bar, he was able to save himself. His legs dangled over the edge. His ears rang from Cindy's booming laughs. He grunted as he pulled himself up. He continued to hold on to the grain, looked up at his towering wife, Rose. She glared down at him. She was no longer the forgiving woman he once knew. The bar bucked and cracked when she drove her fist through the thick wood. "STAY!" was all she thundered. She tried to stand to her full height, but she grew so big that her back was pressed against the ceiling. With her husband taken care off, she forgot about him. Rose turned her attention to her girlfriend. They made love all through the day and night. It wasn't until in the early hours of the morning when they collasped from exhaustion. After wearing themselves out, both of the ladies shrank during the morning. Rose now stood at 7'3" in her new height. She envies her girlfriend's new hieght at 7'7". With their height, muscular build and massive breast, it was impossible for them to go into town with out causing a scene. Still, they enjoy watching the reaction of the men's face when they look up at them. Especially shoe clerks and clothing tailors. Because of their new size, clothings for them are very expensive. Boot, tennis shoes, and high heels had to be custom made. Surprisingly, they had recieved several offers for modeling and guest apperances on shows. Rose had refuesed several offers sexual contacts. Cindy Ann did the same out of friendship with her, although she had entertained the idea of having several lovers at one time. They made passionate love every night. Some nights, the amazons couldn't get out of their clothes fast enough during their growth spurts. Furniture and tables would get either kicked out of the way or knocked over during their frenzy. In the morning, Rose and Cindy would find their living place in a shambles. Surprisingly, they couldn't figure out why they weren't growing any bigger than they are. The ladies interrogated Rick who had no idea either. The were frustrated, not knowing what they could do about it. Rose had come close to crushing him under her fist. Their shouting and banging their fist upon the table was more than the tiny man could handle. Twice he made a puddle on the top of the table. His wife looked down at him with disgust while Cindy Ann giggled. A month later, After the two amazon women fell asleep exhausted after a long night of making love, a tall dark figure silently crept by. She checked each room quietly as she could, until she found the right room. Oddly for her huge size, she moved without a sound as a cat would stalk it's prey. The dark hair woman moved towards a table that had a complex series of tubes connected to each other. In the center was a plastic yellow box with a removable metal lid. She had seen it often enough in pet stores. It was a habit trail for hamsters and other rodents. Only in this one held a shrunken man. Rick laid in the corner shivering from the cold. The captors had given him very little food, plenty of water and constant abuse. His body looked as if he were a war prisoner. Bruises and welts could be seen all over his body. He had learned early on to be within reach of the giantesses. The tiny man had made attempts to hide in the tubes. In result, they had poured hot water down the tubes flushing him out. Afterwards, they would punish him. Everyday was a new torture which he dreaded each day. Daily, Rose took great delight informing what each day will consist of. Cindy's gentle nature tried to be more careful with him. He lay there shivering, doing his best to ignore the present that stood outside his cell. Something was not quite right. Rose would normally make a lot of noise when she came into the room. This one was very quiet. Almost noiselessly, the intruder popped the metal top off. He kept expecting his giant wife to scream at him to stand up. But none came. Rick shivered even more. A huge, unmistakably feminine hand picked him up gently. Her long fingernails gently slid under his bruised body. He shivered, hoping he would die soon. Not even resisting the hand that rolled him on his back. His eyes widen in shock when he gazed up. Lola smiled down at him. She shushed him as he started to say something. After placing the top back on the cage, quietly she sneaked back down the hallway. Something was wrong. The house was too quiet. She quickly broke for the front door, but a towering blonde stepped front of the door. The dark hair woman was stunned by the sheer size of this woman. She was the ideal of an amazon woman. Tall and muscular. She wore nothing but a pair of thigh high heel boots and a thong bikini. She displayed her bare DDD chest proudly. The tall woman asked, "And just where do you think you're going with my husband?" Lola felt someone behind her and snapped around. There stood even taller woman, extremely beautiful. Her breast was the first thing that attracted her attention. Each globe was bigger than her head. She was every tit-man's fantasy. Like her companion, she was just as muscular. Lola opened herself to the towering titans and felt no anger. Only curiosity. She thought of running pass the smaller one. But she doubted that she'd be able to break out of her arms, before she did some serious damaged to her. She relaxed. Rose looked down at the dark hair woman. She looked familiar but the tall woman could figure out where. She had the look of a gypsy trollop, but dressed more modernly. Large bust and a figure that looked large for her height. She wore a skirt with a slit on the side and a strapless top. With a deep voice, she answered, "I heard his cry for help." "What! Did the twerp get loose?" "No, I was 20 to 30 miles away when I heard his cry." "Are you a some kind of a telepath?" "Sort of, but I'm more of an empath. Probably one of the strongest there is, in this generation." Confident that Lola means no harm, both of the towering amazons moved closer to her. Rose felt she was responsible for their growth. "I'm Rose, Rick's wife and my busty friend's Cindy Ann And you're?" "Lola" "Lola? Are you the same on as Lola's Miracle?" "Yes That's the name of my shop." "Then he did visited you about 2 months ago?" Rick was frantically trying to get Lola's attention. He didn't want to be in the house any longer than he had to be. His heart beat wildly, fearing that Rose would take him back to his cage. The dark hair woman paid no attention to him. He sweated in her grip. "Yes He visited me about 2 months ago. I was the one who altered his penis size. But apparently he didn't listen to my instruction too well." "What do you mean?" "He read and signed the instructions and still didn't followed them. And he still did it." "Which was?" "He was to refrain from any sexual activities for at least two days. This shows men are really animals." Rose coughed while Cindy Ann blushed looking away. The amazonic wife cleared her throat, "I suppose you can tell me why we stopped growing?" "You want to get bigger?" Cindy Ann piped, "YES! Can you help us get bigger?" Lola chuckled, "Kinky." The tall sunshine blonde laughed and sided up with the beautiful exotic gypsy . She purposely brushed her massive breast against her face. Cindy looked down between her breast, " I like you, little woman." The dark hair woman blushed and bumped into the wall as she tried to move away. The giant woman laughed, her rich voice booming though out the house and nearly deafen the little man in Lola's hand. Smiling, she took a step towards the wall, neatly encasing her face in the valley of her huge breast. Lola let out a squeal and struggled against the bigger woman's body with one hand, not forgetting she held Rick in her other hand. "What's the matter Lola? Never been hugged by a woman who's bigger than you?" teased Cindy Ann. "Knock it off, girlfriend! Can't you tell you're scaring her? In case you've forgotten, you're mine!" "Just having a little bit of fun with her," she pouted as she stepped back. The 6'3" woman looked dazed. She was shook up by the monstrous breast nearly smothering her. She couldn't understand why would some men would want to go through such a thing. She found it hard to breathe and the darkness a little more than overwhelming. "It's ok I'm fine," she managed to muttered. Whether or not they heard her, they gave no indication. The titantic sunshine blonde snuggled up against Rose. She could clearly see who was the larger of the two. Although, Rose wore her high heel boots which brought her up to the same height as her girlfriend. Cindy had the larger mass. The two giantesses kissed and fondled each other. Lola always felt herself grow larger, but has never seen it on others. The dark hair woman was fascinated and aroused. Her waistband of her skirt stretched to adapt her growing size. Her blouse went from loose to snug. Her sandal straps snapped. Lola hadn't thought watching two women making out would affect her so much. Rose's leather boots were torn in several places. Bits of flesh could be seen poking through the holes of the fabrics. Two huge women moaned and grappled with each other for a better grip. Both of their head already pressed against the ceiling and still growing. As if by cue, the towering ladies slid to the floor without stopping. The dark hair lola's barely touched the ceiling followed suite. Her body stretched her clothes to the limits, but they held. Her skirt rose above her knees. Her hand slowly massaged her large DDD breast, sending jolts of sensuous pleasure through out her growing body. Her cunt throbbed, wanting to be touched. She hiked her dress up to hips and shoved her fingers under her tight panties. She felt immense satisfaction. Lola watched the two blondes kiss and fondle each other. Rose stopped growing after reaching approximately 9 feet, while Cindy Ann continue to grow bigger. The blonde wife laid on top of her girlfriend's gigantic body, sucking on her huge nipple. Cindy drove her long finger into the little blonde's cunt. She licked her lips at the sensation. Her moans becoming louder with each stroke into her friend's tight little hole. The gypsy woman smiled, rubbed frantically at her clit. She let out a loud moan and wanted something more. Her dark eyes gazed up on the little man in her grip, who looked even smaller. His tiny little face was a mask of terror. He struggled against her tree trunk size fingers. Lola laughed at his futile movements. "Ready to go spelunking, little man? " both of the blonde ladies stopped their frolicking and watched the little dark hair woman. They watched in awe as she slipped the tiny man into her wet hole. Neither one of them had the courage to slip him into their cunt. They were squeamish about crushing a man inside their body. Cindy claimed that she has no desire to kill a man while Rose didn't relish the idea of fishing broken limbs from inside her cunt, if her friend didn't want to dig inside her for a mangle body. Rose started to move closer to the gypsy woman, but the sunshine blonde pulled her back. The smaller blonde looked up at the giantess who shook her head, 'No'. Cindy pulled her friend in for a hug and snuggled while watching the dark hair woman. The look on Lola's face, told them she was in rapture. Her hand kept a firm grip on the tiny man. It was easy to tell, he was not enjoying the ride. She paid no attention to his cries. While she was plunging him in and out with one hand, her other hand furious rubbed at her clit. It wasn't long before she screamed her climax. She dropped Rick into a puddle of good which has been spilling out of her cunt for the last few minutes. Lola let out a huge sigh. Her dark eyes fluttered. The two blonde amazon stared at her, aghast, but took no noticed of them. Rose broke the silence, "Have you done this before? I mean using little men as a dildo?" The dark hair woman shook her head no, "My first time out of all the male clients, no one has shrunk as small as your husband did." Cindy Ann piped in "You sure looked like you were having a wonderful time though!" "It was dreamy!" Both of the blondes giggled. "How long have you been doing this sort of business? This growing thing or whatever you do," Cindy asked. "Um About a little over a 100 years now." "You're kidding! You don't look any older than 30 years old. How is that possible? And how have you been able to avoid detection?' "Whoa! One question at a time please. I'm not sure. My mother was a herb woman who secretly dabbled in magic. Her hidden talent was to be able to foresee the future. She predicted her own death and my run from the clan. "Before she died, she brewed a potion which help me grow taller and tried to teach me the herb lore. I wasn't able to contain the knowledge. I didn't learn to read or write until after the first World War. That kind of tools would have helped me contain the information. I lost too much of the lore for to be any use to me now. "I don't think my mother knew what the potion enable me to do at certain time of the year. I'm sure you've guess by now what it is. You have it too, but you won't be able to extract that potion for at least 3 to 4 years from now." While Lola talked about her past, Rose leaned forward and plucked her tiny husband from the carpet. She giggled while he screamed from the pressure of her fingers. He barely reached half way the length of her index finger. "What happened with your husband," Lola explained, "He didn't wait long enough. I'm not sure if I can explain this right, but I'll try. "When I first came into his mouth, my love juice is sort of like a rubber sealer. It helps him grow and stretch his body and also expand his cock. For a man, it needs to be done on the inside and outside. For a woman, it's done a little bit differently. All she needs to do is touch the seaman. Any how, Rick did not wait for the potion to take root or let it dried. "So when he came, he popped' the sealing before it could dry. When the juice ran out during his cumming, I'm surprised it also made him so small. In so effect, you got part of his height." The blonde wife giggled, "Men are such animals!" She watched his tiny figure struggle to keep from falling into her cleavage. Each time, he got close to her nipple, she'd gently blow him down her sweaty breast. The gypsy woman launched into her life story. She hid most of her life from prying eyes. She had numerous lovers but they all faded away from her to die one way or another. She hid either n the mountains, woods, or in the desert. Lola rambled on about her life without realizing how much she was telling them. When she did, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bore you with my story!" The two blonde lovers were still at their maximum height while Lola had slowly returned part way to her 6'3" figure. Her clothes no longer hugged tightly to her figure. She was able to breathe much easier now. Cindy Ann smiled down at her, "Oh, it's no problem. You've been in need of a companionship for a long time now." Rose smirked, "That's an understatement! She's probably been horny for the last 50 years or so!" Her giant girlfriend gently smacked her on the head, "Be nice!" Rose giggled as she picked up her husband with her forefinger and thumb. The little figure squeaked and squirmed. The dark hair woman was startled when the blonde's finger grasped her dress waistband. She feared that she would rip it off but she held still. Rose smiled, "Here, you can have my husband. You need someone you can fuck! I'll tell you right now. He doesn't have much of cock, but he sure likes to give head!" With that she dropped Rick into her panties and snapped the waistband back. Lola winced when she felt the little man struggle against her pubic hair. Almost immediately, her pussy began to warm at the thought of him next to her cunt. "O-o-oh thank you! Can't tell you how much this means to me, " she purred. "The look on your face is enough," laughed Cindy Ann. Lola blushed. "Uh Ooh I should warn you It might be wise for you girls to go into hiding. The media is going to be curious about you. And the government might want to take you in for some questions. So best to just disappear and find some remote place if you want to avoid embarrassing questions." Both of the towering blondes nodded their head. The dark hair woman was satisfied and head for the door. She staggered as she walked, bumping into the walls. Cindy and Rose giggled at the sight, knowing what the sensation is doing to her. The sunshine blonde sighed, "She's right, you know. We should go into hiding. I don't want to be a lab rat." "Where should we go?" "Mmm I was thinking Texas." "Why? What's out there?" "I know a feller who owns a sizeable ranch with cattle. He's very rich!" "How did you know of him?" "On the internet. He goes by the nickname of Tinyboy." "Oh? Think, he'll let us stay there?" Cindy grinned, "He'll fall over his feet trying to please us!" "Cindy Ann! What a thing to say! But while we're there. Do you think he'll pop' for us?" The End