Vampire and Slayer Vampire A paranormal muscle-bound story of an immensely muscular female Vampire and sensualy muscled slayer. A two-part story. Chapter 1 The Vampire I checked the locks and went to my bedroom. My three room flat was big enough for a 22 year old single man like me. I had had a long and exhausting day at the office, and no sooner did I lie down on the bed that my eyelids grew heavy and the sweet calm sleep descended on me. All of a sudden I awoke. I was probably having a nightmare since, I was perspiring and the night was cool. I looked outside through the window. Moonlight was still coming into my room despite the curtain. This was weird! I should buy curtains with darker shade, I said to myself. Then I stood up and went to the toilet to pee. When I came back, I noticed that the moonlight had stopped penetrating into my room. I peeked outside and noticed that the night was dark with no sign of the moon. It must have hidden behind the clouds, I thought. As I climbed the bed I felt that the room was suddenly a lot cooler. The air around me seemed to be heavier. I got up again, despite the fact that my eyes were drowsed with sleep. I went to another room to take out a blanket from the cupboard. It was even more puzzling to notice that this room was also lit by brilliant moonlight, like my room was, couple of minutes ago. Anyways I was so sleepy that I ignored it. I had barely opened the drawer when I felt like there was someone standing behind me. I froze. Slowly and nervously, I turned around to see if there was really someone in my apartment. In the moonlight opposite me was a young woman standing. I was startled by this discovery. I thought that I was dreaming when I saw that the moonlight behind her threw no shadow on the floor. I literally pinched myself, and only after feeling the pain did I realise that there was a lady, stunningly beautiful, nevertheless in my appartment and that she threw no shadow of her existence. The lady was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her skin was milky white. She was so fair with wavy masses of striking black hair and eyes like burning flame. Her brilliant white teeth shone like pearls against her red voluptuous lips. Her neck was long and just a little thick. She was clad in a black dirndl with a tight bodice and full skirt. The close-fitting top accentuated her developed breasts. Her arms were bare as the top was sleeveless. And thank God for that since those arms of hers were so amazing. They were milky white and thick and toned to perfection. Her arms looked muscular and the green veins which ran across her smooth white skin over each other hinted towards a very strong arm. Her forearms were massive with broard wrists and stately fingers. The full skirt did not reveal her lower body but judging by her massive arms and upperbody, I knew that she wouldn't disappoint. Her body was a perfect mix of beauty and brawn, and boy, was I getting stiff. As I stood there entrance by her beauty, she advanced towards me gracefully. I woke up to my senses and went back to being terrified. I stepped back only to find the cupboard interrupting my backing off. She came closer to me. I had to look upto her eyes hinting that she was around 2 inches taller than my 5-10 frame. As she was so close to me, I noticed that her she was square-shouldered. Her shoulders were broader than mine and looked were robust like the rest of her physique. Her upper body so entirely filled out her top that her big brawny muscles could be seen moving beneath the clothes. She stared intensely into my eyes and slightly bent over me. She was so close to me that I could feel the movement of her breath on me. It was so chilled and sweet. I raised my eyelids. Her face looked so magnificent. She licked her lips like a beast, and in the moonlight I could see her scarlet lips. Her blood-red toungue sensuously felt her white sharp teeth. She softly bit her lower lip with hard dents of two sharp canine teeth. Her luscious lips looked irresistible to me. She bent down and placed her scarlet lips on mine. Our lips entwined and I felt a tingling, honey-sweet sensation. Her hot tongue produced an overwhelming sensation in my mouth. I had never kissed anyone as she kissed me, so tender, yet so passionate and intense. I felt my knees buckling as the kiss grew even more intimate. She placed her palms on my arms and steadied me. I could feel the supernatural strength in her arms. I felt myself swooning and she tightened her grasp on my timid arms(when compared to hers) and lifted me above the ground. I was so helpless and elated the same time as she picked me up so effortlessly. Our kiss went on for a few seconds more and as it ended she swooped me in a cradle hold. I was intoxicated in her huge muscular arms as she pressed me close to her firm and taut boobs. I passed out soon afterwards. When I woke up again it was 8:00 am. I recollected my overnight experience. Ah, it was but a dream, I decided. But as I was shaving, I noticed that there were two tiny puncture wounds on the right side of my throat. It scared the hell out of me. I had read about the vampires. I never believed in them. But the two puncture wounds on my neck indicated towards one thing. And that was, the lady was really in my house last night. If that was true, then it was pretty obvious that she wa the one responsible for my wound on the throat. And that meant that she had drank some of my blood with her sharp canine teeth. My God! I had just encountered an 'undead'. Chapter 2 The Slayer Next day, after office I went to the gym. I didn't like to exercise with the weights too much. But I paddel my way on the exer-cycle. Though I liked to hit the punching bags with fists and feet the most. I had practised karate for a year or two when I was 16 and I liked kicking and punching. Whenever I was sad or angry I loved kicking the punching bag. That day was no different. I punched and kicked for an hour. As I was about to leave the gym, I saw a very beautiful girl working out on a bench-press. She was so cute and her beauty was unimaginable. The only woman more beautiful than her was the vampire girl, I had encountered yesterday night. And if that lady was indead a vampire then this girl in the gym had to be the most beautiful girl ALIVE. She got up from the machine and tossing her raven-black curls rubbed her young firm body with a face towel. She looked towards me and smiled. I smiled back. She went into the changing room and I exited the gym. No sonner did I sit in my car that I saw her coming out of the gym. Luckily her car was parked next to mine, and as she was unlocking the car-door I said 'hi' and introduced myself. We got to talking. I found that her name was Nina and she was a psychiatrist by prfession. I guessed her age to be around mine. After talking for a while we parted. Next day I asked her out. That evening we had dinner at an Indian restaurant. We dated lightly for a couple of days before getting physically intimate. We did it in her house and boy was she a tigress in bed. Her slim muscular body gave me immense pleasure. She was so sensual and her body was hard all over. Despite being slim she was stunningly strong, judging by the way she was tossing me around in the bed. Her muscles erupted in splendour with the slightest of movements. That was the best sex I ever had. Next day, I invited her to my appartment. At around 8pm, my doorbell rang and Nina walked in gracefully. We supped and retired to bed which resulted in an hour of intense lovemaking. I was suddenly awake in the middle of night. Nina was asleep soudly and her face looked so beautiful and innocent. Her lips were curled into a satisfying smile. Her strong lithe body was sexily placed on my bed. She stretched gently with all those muscles erupted like mount Vesuvius. Reluctantly I sat up and went to the toilet to pee. After relieving myself as I was about to lie down, I heard a sound coming from the living room. Upon reaching there I saw the dreaded beauty, the 'undead'. Her devilishly beautiful face wore an expression of anger. "Who is the girl?" Her voice was husky. It was the first time I had heard her voice. I was speechless as her strapping body dominated the room. "The girl is your death." I was startled to hear Nina's voice, and I spun around to see her svelte yet muscular figure. She was stark naked. All of a sudden Nina leapt at the she-daemon taking her down grappling with her monstrous body. I stood like a statue overwhelmed by all this. I was worried for Nina as I looked at the Vampire's meaty arms which were heavily muscled. Nina too had muscular arms but they were slimmer though very powerful. But my worries were removed when I saw the daemon struggling against my beautiful girlfriend. I rushed forward to help Nina though it was quite clear that she was kicking the daemon's ass. I took the daemon's thick neck in a headlock and started strangling her. But my efforts were in vain, as it hardly had any effect on her. By then I saw Nina clutching a sharp wood in her hand and she stabbed the shedaemon with it on her mammoth breasts. In a second, the daemon's musclebound body converted into dust. I stepped back staring at the dusty mess. Then I saw Nina smiling. I was waiting for an explanation but didn't get any. She just turned and went back to the bed. Later as our affair progressed she confided in me that she was a slayer of monsters and not a psychiatrist. I was stunned but by then I was so much in love with her that I didn't object. A month later I was the sidekick of the slayer having quit my job. And a year later I was the husband of my boss.