Chapter 2 : Sunday by Vampire [] Second and final installment in which Mom and her sons get a little too vigorous. And later a stepsister drops by. It was not long before I came. I ejaculated profusely and mom was game enough to swallow all of my semen. Suddenly we heard the door opening, and I saw my younger brother shell-shocked, looking at us. Alex's Journal continued .. My younger brother Mark just stood there as if he was a statue. His eyes were wide open as was his mouth. Slowly Mom lowered me and put me down. Both of us were naked and some of my semen was dripping down from mom's lips. Some of it was had also fell on her firm boobs. Mom wiped off the semen, which was dripping down, from her mouth, but I don't think she was aware of the semen, which was on her breasts. Mark was staring real hard on mom's boobs and I couldn't blame him for that. Mom put on her flimsy nightdress back and said, "Mark dearest, don't freak out. Come here, let's talk and Alex, for God's sake put on some clothes." Quickly I put on my shirt and pants and kept standing there, unsure of what to do. Mark obediently walked towards mom as she sat down on my bed. She took Mark's hand as he came near and made him sit down next to her. Now Mark was only 16 at that time, a year younger than me. He was an inch shorter than me and was thin, making mom the tallest in our family. Dad who had divorced mom two years ago was taller than her, but I am pretty sure, he wasn't as strong as mom was. Gently, Mom placed her thickset arm around Mark's shoulders and started to say something but instantly closed her mouth as she noticed that I was still in the room. "Alex, could you step out of the room for a moment please?" "Sure, Mommy!" I said and promptly left closing the door behind me. I waited for a while outside. A few minutes later, I heard some noise coming out of the room. It sounded like Mark was crying. Hastily I rushed into my room. What I saw bewildered me. Mark was lying on the bed, his pants were on the floor though, and mom had his penis in his mouth. I just stood there as Mark kept on moaning with carnal delight. Couple of seconds later, it was all over. Both of them got up and looked at each other and smiled. Mark gave me a sheepish smile as he walked past me and closed the door behind him. Now Mom and I were alone in my room and I didn't know what to make out of this. "Thank God, he is normal." She said. Normal! Hell, no one in this house is normal, I thought. "I mean, he is not a sucker for muscular women. All he needs is some love and care, something which I haven't been able to give you both. But don't worry, we'll make up for it." She said and motioned me to come near her. She was still wearing her nightdress as I advanced towards her. She put her left hand on the back of my hand and pulled my face into hers. I knew that apart from mine, even Mark's semen was in her mouth so I tried resisting but it was of no use. I could taste the darned semen as she forced her tongue down my throat. Soon, I started gasping for air. Sensing my discomfort, she let go of me and I fell on my knees, coughing and gasping for breath. I spat out as much semen as I could. "Mom, what is the matter with you?" I shouted. "Now, now. Its not wise to shout at your mother, young man." I just looked at her in disbelief. Incidentally, the next day we received a call from Dad He wanted my bother and I to visit him to visit him. We came to know later that he was remarrying and that is why he wanted us to be there. Now after my parents divorce, Mom had got the house and dad had moved to another city. We had never visited him in these two years as Mom wouldn't let us. But this time she was cool about it. Surprisingly, after the phone call she had become like her old self i.e. no inappropriate conduct. Probably, she was afraid that if Dad found out about it, she would lose custody of us. Anyway, a week later after I finished my High school, Mark and I left for Dad's house. Dad was at the airport to receive us and was pretty happy to see us after such a long time. Now let me tell you about my Dad. His father had been a very successful banker and when he retired, the reins of the business passed over to him. In a very short span of ten years, Dad had managed to make his Bank one of the largest in the state. Dad was the majority shareholder and the President of the bank with 25% of the Bank's shares, which reduced to 17% after the divorce. Mom acquired 4% of the shares and controlled another 4%, which was owned by my brother and I. Dad had bought a huge mansion in the suburbs after the divorce and that place was just awesome. We dined after we reached home and Dad told us that we would be meeting Sandra, his fiancé in the morning. The next day, we woke up late. Dad asked us to come downstairs to the living room and that is where we first met Sandra and her fifteen-year-old daughter, Angela. Sandra seemed to be in her early forties. She was a tall, very beautiful woman with sharp intricate features. In contrast to mom, she was slim and delicate. So in short, she was half the woman mom was. But Angela was a different story. Even though, she was two years younger than me, she was about the same height as I was. Like her mom, she was extremely beautiful. Unlike her, she wasn't at all delicate. She seemed really tough with her husky physique. Her boobs looked really firm and big and she wasn't hiding any as she had a really tight sweatshirt on. I could see Mark slurping as he couldn't take his eyes off her breasts. I nudged him with my elbow to stop him from doing that. He got the cue eventually. Sandra seemed to be a really nice person. She was very cheerful and it was evident that she loved my Dad. Angela on the other hand was a bit taciturn. Dad told us that he intended to marry Sandra next month and wanted us to stay with him till that time. A couple of days later, Dad asked us if we would be okay if Angela stayed at our house for two days since Sandra and he were going out of town for a couple of days. Mark was really excited about it. It had been a week now that we hadn't talked to each other properly. After the incident with mom, we had been avoiding being alone with each other. It was just too weird. But today for the first time, we talked like brothers. Well almost! He told me that he really liked Angela. "For God's sake Mark. She is going to be our step sister." "I know. She isn't like a blood relative or anything ... " and he bit his lip. Even I looked away, and was about to make some excuse to get away when Mark said, "You know what Alex. I know we have had a really weird week. But lets just get past this. In any case, it wasn't our fault. It was Mom's. Sure we enjoyed it, but it was Mom's idea. What were we to do? If we refused, who knows, what she could have done to us." "You're right Mark." I said, "Let's just get past this." "You got it, bro." I was feeling a bit sleepy during afternoon as there wasn't much to do. Mark and I had been on the Playstation for hours and I was feeling a bit drained. "Don't go to sleep now. Angela would be here soon." "I'll leave her for you." I said and went to my room. I must have slept for two three hours cause when I woke up it was around five in the evening. After washing my face, I went out to look for Mark and Angela. As I came out of the house, I saw them on the lawn on the left side of the house. As I have already mentioned, Dad had a huge place. The house was a large three storeyed one with two wings. At the back, there was a huge swimming pool. In the front there were two lawns, one on each side. There was a seven feet wall surrounding the entire place. So no one on the outside could look over the wall. Now back to where we were. I saw Mark and Angela on the left side lawn. But it wasn't a cordial sight. It seemed as if they were having a huge fight. Mark and Angela were of the same height; five feet eight inches. But Angela looked buff. She was wearing a tank top and shorts. Her arms and legs looked really large for a girl. Mark looked skinny compared to her. I couldn't hear them but by the looks of it, it was an ugly confrontation. "Your mom's a whore and that is why your dad left her." Shouted Angela. This time, I could hear it all. "You bitch." Mark shouted back and charged at Angela. He pushed her roughly, but she didn't stutter back. Just a few steps back and she was ready. I thought about intervening, but it seemed like fun. Anyways, I wanted Angela to suffer some pain and humiliation after what she had said. Knowing Mark's short temper, I was positive, she was going to pay. Judging by their physiques, anyone would have picked Angela as the victor, but I knew that Mark was wiry and strong. Apart from that, he had a mean streak and I had seen some of the neighbourhood boys after they had had an altercation with him. They were either bleeding or weeping or both. Sometimes, when we fought like brothers, I could feel his strength. He wasn't stronger than me but was very tough to beat. Mark charged at her again, but Angela was alert. He threw a wild punch, and thank god, it didn't connect. It would have certainly broken Angela's jaw. She ducked quickly and as his fist whizzed past her head, she bent down a bit and wrapped her hands around Mark's ribs. Before Mark could pry her off, she hoisted him onto her shoulders. I was spellbound by her strength. I never knew that a girl could be that strong. The only female I knew who was that strong was my Mom. Before Mark could think of any offense, she threw him hard on the grass. He landed heavily on his back. He didn't even have time to roll over as she dove on him. She sat heavily on his stomach and pinned his arms on the ground. I could see the muscle definition in her shoulders and arms she kept him pinned on the ground. Mark was squirming like a snake but she kept him at bay. She pulled his arms down and slid on to his chest. With swift maneuverability, she pulled his arms down and pinned them under her knees. She grabbed his hair by one arm and lifted his face up and with the other hand started slapping him. She imparted five stinging slaps on his cheek and then got up. Stealthily, I approached them and hid behind the bushes. Now I could hear them as well. "Come on, tough guy, show me what you got." She said taunting him. Mark was incensed by this humiliation, and wasn't the one to give in. He was on his feet in a second, and they squared off again. They locked hands and started pushing. Her biceps swelled incredulously as she applied pressure. No leverage was at play as they were of the same height, but she looked really solid. Like a truck, she kept on pushing him back. Suddenly, she eased on and Mark was pulled into her body. They unlocked their hands quickly to mount offensive but she was quicker. She wrapped her arms around his midsection again, but instead of hoisting his body on to her shoulders, she squeezed it tightly. Mark groaned as I saw her forearms tense. Thick ridges were visible on her forearms with puffy veins. She lifted him a bit so his feet were off the ground but didn't ease up the pressure. She applied some more strength and I could hear Mark screaming. She started shaking him left and right like a rag doll. I thought, he was going to hurl. Thankfully, she stopped but didn't let go of him. He was still a few inches off the ground in her strong bearhug. Even though his arms were free, he didn't have the strength to punch her. She kept him like this for a few more seconds and then abruptly dropped him. He landed on his feet but was too exhausted and hurt. His feet gave way and he rolled down on the ground lying on his back getting his breath back. I thought, it was over, but I couldn't be more wrong. She just stood there limbering her arms. Thick muscles in her arms danced erotically as Mark lay there trying to breathe normally. "You are such a wimp", she said. "Did you really think you could take me on?" I just hoped Mark wouldn't say something stupid. "Shut up, you bitch." He hissed. "All right, I think you need some more." She said coolly and again sat on his chest. Mark tried to dislodge her but wasn't successful. She pinned his arms under her legs and grabbed his hair with both her arms. She lifted his head off the ground again, but not to slap him. Instead, she bounced his head back on the ground. I knew, that if she did it again, Mark would surely get a head injury or something. I had to act and act quickly. Deftly, I came out of the bushes and approached them from behind her back. I snaked my arm around her neck from back and took her into a headlock and lifted her off Mark. She felt heavy, but I was able to get her on her feet. "Who is it?" She shouted. "I'll let you go, if you promise to behave." I said. "That is cute!" She said and grabbed my forearm, which held her neck. Her grip was powerful and it hurt as she squeezed my wrist. Suddenly, she squatted and I couldn't keep her from doing that but held her neck steadfastly. She let go of my arm and instead grabbed my calves. Before I knew, what she intended to do, she started to stand up. In the process, she lifted me onto her back. I was amazed again by such a display of strength. Her back was wide and covered with thick muscles as were her shoulders, but I hadn't seen her leg strength yet. And now as she bounced me up and down on her back, that realization sank in. I didn't know what to do. She started backing off as I hung on for dear life on her back. Suddenly I felt something on my back. She squeezed me against the tree and I could feel the rough surface of a tree trunk. Within a few seconds, my hands were off of her neck and pushing against her back. She still held my ankles in her arms, so now if she stepped forward, I would fall on my neck. "Having fun, big brother." She taunted me. "Awww please. Let go of me. I shouted as she pushed my back harder against the tree. My neck had already been bruised badly and I didn't know if I could take more of the torture. Luckily, Mark was on his feet again and rushed towards us. Before, Angela could do anything, he pushed her hard on her stomach. She doubled over in pain and I fell unceremoniously on the ground. Unfortunately though, I landed on my back and it hurt like hell. Mark had grabbed one of her legs and was pulling her away from the tree. But she was heavy. I got up, ignoring the pain, and grabbed her other leg and together we were able to drag her towards the centre of the lawn on the soft grass. "You bastards, let go of me." She was shouting, and for the first time, we were giggling as we had the upper hand. She grabbed some grass as we were dragging her and that was all the leverage she needed. She pulled her legs forcefully and boy were they strong. We were pulled with an enormous ferocity and fell face first on the ground. I was quicker though and springing on my feet, rushed towards her. She was starting to get up. I pushed her and she fell down again. By this time, Mark was up on his feet as well and ran towards us. We jumped at her. Quickly I grabbed her left arm. It felt smooth but hard at the same time. The bulk of her muscular arm reminded me of mom. Anyway, Mark did the same. She started squirming violently and we were having trouble controlling her. I was unnerved by the fact that even with both of my arms, I wasn't able to pin her left arm completely. I looked at Mark and he was having the same trouble. I wrapped my feet around her left thigh. It was really mammoth and muscular. "Quickly, wrap both your legs around her right leg." I shouted at Mark who willingly obliged. All three of us were panting as she stopped struggling. "Yeah. You are both wimps. Just think, how long will you guys keep me pinned like this? As soon as I get up, I am going to make both of you pay." "Yeah. Keep on talking bitch. Don't worry, when we are through with you. All you are going to do is cry." said Mark. I had grabbed her wrist with my left arm, and I was just staring at how wide her wrist was. Even her palm was a little bigger than mine. Not very large, but yes a bit bigger than mine. My right arm was wrapped around her bicep. It was thick and hulky. She wasn't flexing it but it felt so sexy. A thick ridge separated her biceps from triceps, which were even firmer. Her armpits were shaved clean but were sweaty and I just wanted to lick them. They looked so sexy and erotic. Her shoulder caps bulged amazingly as she attempted to free her arm for the last time. "Now look, Angela." I said. "Let's be civil about this. We are going to let you go, but you have to promise to behave and not start fighting again." She didn't answer. She just looked at me and smiled. "Are you kidding me?" Mark yelled. "She'll beat us up if we let go of her." She started giggling as she heard this. "Shut up Mark." I said. "Look Angela. Come on. We are going to be family. Let's not fight." I looked at Mark and I saw him staring at her midriff. I looked over there as well. The tanktop had slid up and her tummy was exposed. Her stomach was flat and ridged. You could see a hint of a six-pack. Just to show off, she tightened her tummy and now we could see the six-pack. I was getting hard. "Come on, wimps. Stop ogling." She said with contempt. I looked at her again and asked," So what do you say? Are we OK?" "I guess so." "All right Mark. Mark!" I yelled. He was busy staring at her breasts now. I had to admit. They were a sight to behold. Her boobs strut up like two pyramids. They were definitely bigger than girls her age. "Yeah Alex. Make her promise, she won't hurt us once we let her up." "Oh my God! Are you guys so scared of me? OK Alex, I am sorry about what I said about your mother and I am sorry that I beat you up so bad. But I promise, I won't kick your ass till the time, you provoke me." "All right then. Mark get up." I said and slowly we got off her. We just stood there staring down at her. She took her own sweet time getting up. After standing up, she stared at us, and said quietly, "Just remember, As long as you guys don't provoke me, you are safe." Then slowly she raised her arms up in a double biceps pose and flexed. Twin balls of muscles ballooned under the smooth skin. Three puffed up veins ran through the peaks of her biceps all the way to her shoulders. We stared at the iron peaks and gulped. "Fourteen inches, my wimpy brothers. Fourteen inches."