Smoking is injurious to health Vampire A cigarette results in an amorous encounter with Stacy I was reading 'Julius Caesar' when my 16-year-old kid sister barged into my room. Now Stacy had always been this rambunctious kid, so no matter how many times I told her to knock before entering my room, it would just go over her head. As kids, we used to quarrel a lot, but ever since I turned 14, I started avoiding our little confrontations. And in these 5 years, we rarely had any bickering. I should have known, that all of this was about to change when I came back during summer vacations. "Hey Ned, I have a question?" "Not now Stacy, I am busy." "Come on. Please, I am begging you. This little problem has been nagging me ever since I got back from school." "Fine. Let me hear it." I said, finally putting down the book but not before dog-earing it. "You know Ned, that is not a good thing to do. You spoil the pages like that." "Do you want my help or not?" I asked agitated. "All right. This is the problem." She said and started reading from her notebook. "Tom had been smoking a lot since, his midterms were round the corner and he couldn't concentrate without taking a puff every thirty seconds. Late one night, he ran out of cigarettes. It was too late to go out to the market to get some. Suddenly, he got a great idea; he had some cigarette paper with him and he could pull the tobacco out of the butts and roll some cigarettes. Five butts would make a cigarette, he estimated. When he collected the butts and took a count, he found he had 121 of them. So tell me, how many cigarettes would he be able to roll?" "120 butts made 24 cigarettes which burnt down to 24 butts. With these and one more, which Dick had, he rolled another 5 cigarettes. The resultant five butts produced one more. So Dick was able to roll 30 cigarettes on all." "Wait, wait! Say that again." I repeated the solution to her. "Wow Ned! I never knew, you were so smart." "Now can I get back to my book?" "Sure, sure! Thank you so much." She said and left the room. In the evening, Mom went to visit Grandmother and took Dad with her. At around 7 PM, I went downstairs to get a coke. I was about to climb the steps, when I smelt something burning. It seemed to be coming from Stacy's room. Quickly, I went to her room. Now I would have knocked, but the smell had made me nervous. I opened the door in one swift motion. Stacy was sitting on her bed, and was startled to see me. She had a burning cigarette in her hand and smoke was emanating from her mouth. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I shouted. She was speechless and kept on staring at me. I went towards her and yanked the cigarette off of her hand. After putting it off, I growled, "Wait till I tell this to Mom." "No Ned, please. I am so sorry. I was just trying to see what it tasted like. Please don't tell Mom about this." "I most certainly will. You're sixteen for God's sake. I am nineteen and I have never touched a cigarette in my life." "Look Ned, I am begging you. Please don't tell on me." "I am sorry Stacy. I think Mom has a right to know what her daughter is doing behind her back." "Ned, I have tried asking you nicely. It is apparent; you are not going to listen to me. So please don't blame me, if I do some other stupid thing." "Yeah, like what?" "Like beating the hell out of you." She said in a very serious tone, which made me laugh. "Come on. You are going to beat the hell out of me?" I said ridiculing her. She stood up slowly and started walking towards me. Stacy stood 5'8, which meant she had to look up to me. I was 5'10 and in a pretty decent shape, weighing in at 165 pounds. I had no way of knowing that Stacy actually weighed 155 pounds even though, she appeared so slim. Still, I was 19 and she was 3 years younger than me. I had overheard mom saying to someone that Stacy was a very good sprinter, which was news to me since I had been away attending college. I was getting really surprised by the turn of events. Stacy was evidently ready to fight. I was feeling very awkward because I didn't know, how I would fight her. She was sixteen now and I could see the swellings of her round breasts against the sweatshirt she was wearing. I decided to wait and see what she intended to do. She was standing really close to me now. Slowly, she removed the sweatshirt. She had a tight fitting sleeveless shirt with wide shoulder straps and low neck with no front opening. I mean she was wearing a tanktop. The first thing I saw was how full her breasts were as they were jutting out sensually against the fabric of the top. The next thing I noticed was her arm. Even though, they were slim but still appeared really sinewy. Her forearms were covered in a dense network of greenish-blue veins. This was making me really nervous. And just to intimidate me further, she raised her arms to adjust her ponytail resulting in a phenomenal display of muscles. Her slim arms tightened with puffy veins running like snakes over her skin and her bicep swelled like a small cannonball. This was unnerving me and shamefully I was starting to get just a little bit aroused by this. "Now what should I do with you, elder bother? You're sure, you won't change your mind?" She asked, her mouth very close to mine. "Come on Stacy, what on earth do you think you are doing? You did something, which was very stupid, and all I am going to do is to make Mom aware of it. But I am sure, she'll just explain you as to why, you shouldn't smoke." "Oh Ned, if only you knew what is about to happen to you?" "Come on Stacy, stop it. Don't do something which you may regret later." Suddenly, she slammed her elbow into my face. Instinctively, I raised my face, so her elbow missed my nose and caught my lips instead. "What the fuck is the matter with you?" I shouted at her as blood started pouring from my lips. "Have you gone insane?" I had gone in shock by this. I could never, even in my wildest dreams imagine that Stacy would hit me like this. I didn't see any remorse in her face as she stared at me coldly. I was now really angry with her, but to hit her was something, which I was not keen on doing. "Just wait," I said. "Let mom and dad, come home and they'll teach you a lesson." "Why? Are you afraid to do that yourself? After all, you are my elder brother." She said, taunting me. "Shut up, you bitc;" I bit my tongue before the entire word could come out. "Go ahead, call me a bitch. Is that all you can do?" She waited for a reply but none was forthcoming. I turned around and started for the door. No sooner did I turn that she came running towards me. She caught me from behind, and wrapped her arms against my chest taking me into a reverse bearhug. Her hold was punishing and her arms were hard as they pressed against my torso. I was horror-struck as she gave a huge pull and actually lifted me off the ground. Her hard biceps were pressing against my ribs inflicting humongous amount of pain. 'How did she become so strong?' "Come on, Ned. Try to break off of my hold. I dare you. Her firm breasts were crushed against my back and I could feel her nipples. I was flabbergasted as my erection grew. I had to get out of this, I thought. My hands were free, so I raised them above my head and grabbed her hair. I gave a sharp tug and she screamed. She shook me vigorously like a rag doll and threw me on my side. "You bastard! I am going to make you pay for that." She shouted. Quickly, I stood up holding my aching ribs. "Come on, Stacy. Let's talk about it. I don't want to hurt you." "Hurt me?" She laughed. "There is no way, you can hurt me! Haven't you noticed these bad boys already?" She said and raised her left arm. She started to flex it slowly and striations started to form in her slim arm. The arm thickened and a round, bulbous bicep swelled like a small melon. "Come on! Don't tell me, you are surprised. I've had them for three years now. I understand that you were away attending college for the last two years, but these were noticeable even when you were here, completing your twelfth standard." I was awestruck by the bulging muscles and the puffed up veins, which ran like railway tracks on the smooth supple skin. The lean arm had transformed into a sinewy weapon of muscles and veins. She was slim but extremely athletic and I wasn't sure if I could survive this confrontation. Adding to my woes was the fact that she had hit puberty in her breast area as well and a face as beautiful as hers was certain to cause feelings in my nether region. I could feel my erection and unfortunately I looked down to see if it was evident. She followed my eyes downstairs and was shocked to see my bulging erection. Unfortunately, I wasn't wearing any underwear and my penis was proudly protruding against the soft material of my sweatpants. "Oh my God Ned! You are enjoying this, aren't you? I wonder how your friends will react when they find this out?" "Shut up, bitch! Now you have made me angry, and I will make sure that when I am through with you..." "Come on Ned! It's OK. I understand this hot bod can have that kind of effect sometimes." She said cutting me off. I didn't know what to do. I was embarrassed and I was getting angry at the fact that she had come to know about it and would certainly use it against me. I moved towards her in a swift motion and before she could react, I imparted a swift punch on her stomach. My fist hurt as it bounced off her hard stomach. It was as if she was made of steel. But it did have a small effect. She became really incensed at it and charged at me again. She tackled me head-on lifting me and slammed me hard against her bed. My head bounced off the soft pillow and again she had the upper hand. She pinned my arms over my head and no matter how hard I tried, I was unable to dislodge her. "Having fun, Ned!" She taunted. "Get off me, bitch!" I shouted and started writhing like a cornered reptile. She was having no trouble keeping me pinned and I was about to surrender to her superior power, when she said, "Oh, It's getting boring now. Come on Ned. Don't tell me that's all you got." She got off me, giving me time to recuperate. "It's alright Ned. Do not be embarrassed. Look, let's cut a deal. You promise that you won't tell mom about my smoking and I promise that I won't tell your friends about our little encounter. What do you say?" I thought about it for a moment. It was a Win-Win scenario. The only thing nagging me was what she would be thinking about me, but there was nothing, which could be done to alter that. She would always have an upper hand knowing that her brother was attracted to her. "All right, Stacy. It's a deal." I said, getting off the bed and offering my hand for a handshake. We clasped hands and instead of letting go, she pulled me towards herself. Our bodies collided and she took me in her arms, hugging me tightly. Her mouth was very close to mine as she said, "seriously Ned, tell me. Are you attracted to me, your own sister?" "No, Stacy. I don't know what happened. But I assure you, I have never had these kind of feelings for you." "So, why is it that I can still feel your erection against my vagina?" "I don't know Stacy. I don't know what to think." "I am going to do something now, which we may regret. And this will never happen again. But I just have to do this." Before I could ask what she was about to do, she grabbed my hair and pushed my face down into her cleavage. My face was mashed against her boobs and I could feel the softness against her tanktop. What I also realised was that I was having difficulty breathing. Keeping my head pressed against her breasts with her left arm, she used her right hand to lower her pants. I thought she was also going to remove her panties, but that was not the case. After she had snucked out of her pants, she yanked down my track pants as well. She grabbed my erect penis and started to rub it. I thought of resisting but I knew it was useless against her superior strength. After I was fully erect, she started to rub my engorged shaft against her hard, beefy thighs. I was in ecstasy as the top of my penis felt the smoothness of her skin as well as the hard muscles of her thighs. I started stroking her muscular arm and within a few seconds, I ejaculated profusely against her chunky thighs. My cum spewed all over her left thigh as I moaned in exaltation. I came over and over and after a while, she let me slide down her magnificent body. She turned and went towards her bathroom. I sat over there for some time pondering over what we had done. I made a promise to myself that this kind of thing will never happen again. But I guess it is up to the writer of this story, Vampire to decide. Which again will depend on what kind of feedback he gets at