Neha and John Vampire My sister dominates me shamefully. I returned home in Christmas holidays. It was an important year, but I had to come home to attend my elder sister's wedding, and it had been more than one and half years since I visited my family. After the wedding the pair went on a honeymoon to Austria. My parents had to visit grandma who was ill. So I was left incharge of the house and Neha, my thirteen year old sister. Neha and I had been close early on before my College started and six year difference didn't cause any impediments to our close relationship. But now we didn't have much to talk to. And ever since I had returned, I was busy with the wedding thing, so we didn't get enough time to catch up. At around noon, Neha came to my room. "So John! Whats going on?" She said sitting down on my bed. I closed my book and sat up reclining against the head of the bed. "Nothing new. Studies and all. What about you?" "A year ago, I joined my school's soccer team, and our coach wants us to work out regularly, so soccer and gym have taken up much of my time." She said. "Really," now I was interested. "You go to the gym regularly." "Yes and I've become pretty strong too. You wanna see?" "Why not?" I said nonchalantly, but in reality I was dying to see how strong she had become. She had been a beefy kid since childhood and was quite chunky. She rolled up her sleeves, curled her fist and started bending her arm. Her biceps started rising. Her bicep rose majestically like an ereption of molten lava. Her milky white skin expanded mightily, and when she was done, I was gawking at a bulbous bicep which dwarfed mine. Her bicep was so muscular and so fucking big, that I lost my composure and grabbed at it. Her bulging biceps and meaty triceps were just awesone. Her forearms scarred with prominent blue veins. Her bicep was smooth but hard like granite. It felt like a marble, but in the shape and size of a small mellon. Her beefy arms were so big that I had to use both arms to encircle it. I pinched it but it didn't relent. It stood there bulging hard and mighty. "Wow Neha! Thats really big." I exclaimed, letting go of her biceps reluctantly as she started staring at me. "Thanks John. They measure 14 inches." "What?" "Yes." "What about the rest of your body?" "I am 157 pounds and 5'3". My thighs measure 26 inches," She said proudly. "Thats amazing." "Can you lift me up in your arms?" I asked. She eyed me suspiciously before answering, "I think so." I got down from the bed and stood on the floor, "lets see." She got up too and stood facing me. Then she bend down a bit. I placed my hands on her broad shoulders, and boy were they rippling with sheer muscle! They felt so damn strong. Swiftly she hugged me below my ass, and effortlessly lifted me off the ground. I got so damn excited that my penis was ready to tear out from beneath my shorts. "Oh God!" Neha said, alarmed, "are you erect and that too in your sister's arms? You are a sick person." Then she put me down hastily. "No Neha, please. Please don't be mad. I just wanted to know how strong you were. I don't know why your strength affected me in that way." I said pleading. "But I know. You are attracted to strong muscular girls. One of my classmates also has the same fetish. He told me that himself. He wanted to date me but I told him to jerk off. I don't date losers. And now even my own brother does the same." "But Neha.." "Shut up John. I am disgusted in you. If you weren't my brother and I didn't love you so much, I'd have killed you for conning me to fill your dirty desires." She said in a very hurt voice. "Please listen to me, Neha." "No, I don't want to talk to you ever again." She said and ran off. I thought of going after her, but I wanted to give her time to cool off. After a few minutes, I heard a soft knock and Neha walked in. She seemed composed now. "I am sorry for having behaved that way." She apologised. "No Neha. I am sorry. It was my fault." She looked at me demurely and smiled sweetly, then said in a low husky voice, "as long as we are not having sex, its fine with me. I know it can be very hard to find a girllike me." I stayed mum, waiting to see where she was going and I was getting nervous every minute. "If you want to feel my muscles and want me to carry you, its fine with me." "No Neha.." "Shut up John. I am talking." She said sternly. "Now get up." I stood up nervously. I had never been so frightened in my life before. She came near to me and I was lightly shaking. "Are you nervous?" She asked. "" "Am I scaring you?" She asked huskily, coming nearer. "Y...yes.." "Do you think my muscles are huge?" "Yeah." She came very close to me. "Do you find me sexy?" "Yes." I said. "Now you know thats not good. I love you very much, but I think I am gonna have to teach you a lesson, which you'll never forget." She said threateningly. Then she pulled me into her muscular body and wrapped her massive arms around me. She held me very close and I could feel myself pressing against her young breasts. The rest of her body was tough as steel. She tightened her bearhug and I felt myself being lifted. She held me tightly above the ground. I was unable to stop her. She squeezed me even more and I shouted hoarsely, "Neha, I am sorry dear....ahh.....hh." But it didn't have any effect on her. She kept on squeezing me until I was almost out. Then she threw me on the bed. "Now bro. You'll see what this hard muscled body can do to a puny little guy like you. She peeled off her clothes completely. Her breasts were very full and her abs were packs of steel. Her thighs were simply enormous and her calves were even more intimidating. She leapt on me and pinned me down on the bed. As I lay staring at her naked enormous body she clamped her thighs down acroos my ears taking me into a head scissor hold. Her young lithe body was giving me enough pleasure before she pushed her vagina at me and covered my face with it. And then she proceeded to give me the most shameful face-sitting experience of my life. [Comments and ideas are appreciated]