Husky Sister Vampire Yet another encounter between muscle-clad sister and not so muscular brother. I had been reading "The God of Small Things". With just a couple of pages left to be read, I was pretty mad at myself for having misplaced it. I couldn't find it anywhere. I had searched every nook and corner of my room, but still wasn't able to find it. I asked mom if she had seen my book. She hadn't. So, I headed for Angela's room. Angela was my kid sister. "Hey Angela, have you seen my bo...." I didn't need to complete my sentence as the book was in Angela's hands. She was reading it. "How dare you take my book without asking?" I yelled and yanked the book off her grasp. As I turned to leave she got up and said, "You could have asked for the book instead of snatching. And I didn't know it was your book. It was lying on the couch in the living room." "Whatever. Now shut up." As I was about to leave the room, I felt her hand on my arms and she turned me around with a wild force so that now I stood facing her. "Why don't you say sorry, and then leave?" She said. "What if I don't do that? Oh yeah! You'll tickle me to death." I snickered at my joke. "If you don't, then I'll hurt you real bad." She said threateningly. I laughed out loud. Angela was 4 years younger than me. I was 18 then. And I was six inches taller than her 5-4. But she was broader than me. Anyways at that time I thought that it was just fat. She weighed 145 pounds. I was 165 lbs. "Yeah." I said. "Before you hurt me real bad, I am going to make mince meat out of you." "We'll see." She said confidently and raised her arms. We locked hands. Our fingers interlocked, I poured in with all my strength. But nothing happened. She still stood there. And then she started outmuscling me. She forced me back. I tried as hard as I could but she was like a bulldozer constantly pushing with brute strength. She kept on pushing me back until my back was pinned against the wall. Then she pinned my arms against the wall too. I was stunned to say the least. My kid sister had just demolished me. She looked triumphantly at me. "O God! Dear dear brother! What has happened to you? You are a wimp." She said sarcastically. Suddenly I heard mom call me. This proved to be a blessing since Angela let go, after a few seconds. Before parting she said, "And by the way, this book stays with me." I went out of her room dejected and in extreme confusion. Next day, as I was sitting watching TV in the living room, Angela walked upto me and sat down beside me on the couch. The moment I saw her I knew, she was there with a purpose, and that was to intimidate me. Her beefy arms were bare and her thick thighs looked amazingly solid beneath her shorts. She saw me checking out her muscle-clad physique and carelessly stretched. Her magnificent body oozed with power with sensual muscles radiating massive strength. I noticed that she was bull necked and her bruidly shoulders were broad. Veins flowed down her rugged forearms. She stretched her arms as I sat there staring at her. Her biceps, fully tensed, bulged into a hard ball, the size of a cricket ball. Beefy triceps thickened into steel, and the veins in her forearms became more prominent. A blackish blue vein on top of each of her biceps also appeared. All this scared the shit out of me. "Are you afraid of my muscles, dear brother?" She asked me out of the blue. "What?" "The way you are oggling at my arms.. It's quite evident that you are afraid of me, and those soft arms of yours are no match for my rugged muscles." She said rubbing her palm on my biceps. I yanked my hand off her hardened palms. "Such temper! You are gonna be sorry, little man." She threw her left arm around my shoulders. Before I knew what she was gonna do, she locked her hand around my neck taking me into a headlock. My neck was sandwiched between the crook of her elbow and the side of her robust body. She pulled harder and my face was crushed against her young ripe breasts. Her bicep thickened and rounded up hurting my neck immensely. It was as if a steel ball was being pressed heavily against my poor neck. I twisted my neck and writhed but to no avail. Though I did mange to shift my neck so that a fresh area of my neck was being pressed against her rugged biceps. But that exposed my right cheek right next to her armpits. She squeezed harder and my left cheek was squashed in her moist armpits. I could feel prick of her short pit hair. She had evidently shaved or removed them atleast two weeks ago. Her sweaty pits wetting my face was enough for me and I started begging her. "Ahhh... Angela. Please dear. You are hurting me." "Oh sorry dear brother. Is it so? I thought you were enjoying it there." She taunted. "Please Angela. Your pits are wetting my face." "Is it so. Are you insulting my pits?" "No. I was.." "Shut up! Now you'll be sorry." She said and squeezed lightly. I shouted loud. I felt light flickering infront of my eyes. She relaxed her arms and I took a huge breath. She let go and said, "boy its hot." She raised her arms above her and took them behind her hand. Her biceps swelling again. It looked even more hot now as it was glistening with sweat. "Now bro! Come here and kneel down and lick my pits dry." "What?" "Do as I say or.." Without another word I slid off the couch and knelt down between her mammoth legs. I leaned ahead resting my hands on the couch and took my mouth near her sweaty pits. My shoulder touching her full breasts. I licked and drank the sweat off her armpits. Her black tufts giving my toungue a tingling sensation. I felt intoxicated as her salty sweat went through my tongue into my body. After licking one dry, I shifted to her right pit and again lapped the sweat off her armpits. After I was done, she pushed me back and got up. Then she bent down and grabbed me under my armpits and lifted me off the floor in front of her. She effortlessly swung me in her arms. "Wow! You feel so light. Are you sure you weigh 165 pounds." She pulled me into her body gripping me into a punishing bear-hug, my feet still in the air. Then she manouvered her palms so that they were under my butt and lifted me even higher. I was enthralled at being so easily lifted by my kid sis, her hard and heavy body pressing against me and I felt my penis hardening. "God! Are you erect? And that too in your sister's arms!" She started laughing and started jerking and bouncing me in her arms. She hugged me a little harder tighter. And I could feel my erection against her full breast and my thighs rubbing against her hard muscular abs . I was getting even more aroused as she bounced me around making sure my penis rubs against her breasts rigorously. The sensation was a bit too much for me to handle. I was elated at being so easily manhandled in my sister's bulging arms. I ejaculated massively as my penis was being pushed harder against my sister's firm and tough stomach and her ripe breasts. I leaned back in ecstasy and it was then that she dropped like a sack on the ground. I fell down heavily and hurt myself pretty bad. I shouted and tears came rolling down my cheeks instantly. The back of my head started bleeding. Angela unnerved a bit, but quickly came to my aid. "Oh my God! Are you alright? I am so sorry Jim!" She said and swooped me in her arms like I was a small baby. She took me to my room and proceeded to nurse me till mom got home and asked me what had happened. Angela looked into my eyes pleadingly and I told mom that I had fallen from my bed. I do not know if my mom knew then or knows it now, but I never told. [Comments and ideas are appreciated]