Birthday Wish Vampire I walked into Tanja's room one day to find that she was paddling the exercycle. She was sweating a lot and her tanktop was completely drenched. Streams of sweat poured down her slim arms which actually seemed quite muscle bound. Her legs were even more remarkable. Her thighs were bulging amazingly. They had to be atleast 25 inches, almost as thick as mine, her 19 year old brother, but hers were much more defined and muscular. She noticed me entering her room. "What do you want Sean?" she asked. "Hi Jess! I just wanted to ask if you wanted anything special this year. As I haven't been around for your previous two birthdays." Two days later my sister was celebrating her 14th birthday. She stopped paddling, and got up from the seat of her exercise bike. She was a foot shorter than me. I was 5ft11. "Wow Sean! What do you say, you buy me a cool lavalier." She said, at the same time tying her blond hair back into a ponytail. Her bare arms glistened with sweat, as her arms rolled up into amazing mounds of muscle, especially her biceps, which now flexed were round and looked very muscular and ripped. "Whats a lavalier?" "Its a pendent stupid." She saw me staring at her naked muscular biceps and added. "I have been exercising really hard this summer. I stood first in javelin throw this year. These muscles you see are the result of multiple hours in the gym and on the field." "Yeah! Your muscle definition is quite impressive." She raised an arm and slowly flexed it. Her biceps expanded incredulously and soon she was displaying a 14 inch bicep with remarkable musculature. I reached over and ran my hand across her naked bicep. It was hard as a rock. i gave it a squeeze and was amazed by the ripping muscles and tightness in her bumpy arms. "Wow Jess! It is amazing." "Hey Sean! Would you grant me one more wish?" She asked innocently as she had lowered her arms. "What?" "Would you armwrestle with me? I just wanna know if I can take you." "Sure. But don't expect me to go easy." "OK then. Lets start." She replied placing her arm on the nearby table. We clasped arms, and though mine engulfed hers, yet her palm was harder than mine. She counted to 3 and we poured in with all our strength. Her biceps rolled up to amazing proportions. Her arms were so pumped. A green vein shot through her bulging biceps which by now had outstripped my biceps in size as well. Slowly, she started bending my arm down. I was in a shock. Her curvaceous arm was powering me to sheer humiliation. In a matter of 15 seconds she had pressed my arm down to the surface of the table. I was devastated. My 5 year younger sister had proved her prowess by vanquishing me in such an embarrasing ordeal. She stood up with her arms over her head in a joyous manner. "Wow! I just beat you fair and square." Then noticing my ashen face, she felt bad. Leaning over she kissed me on my cheek and said, "cheer up, brother. You are not the first to lose to one's younger sister."