My baby-cousin Sonia makes my dreams come true By: FelixTonto77, I fall in love with Sonia. I have to tell you all about this!!!!!!! It's so unbelievable . . . I'm sorry I haven't continued to write my stories (found in the Miscellaneous 10 Bookshelf at The Valkyrie's Site) - I have been incredibly busy. But, I promise to pick up right where I left off. But now, to more pressing matters. I have to tell you about my day. You wont believe what happened to me today. I woke up late today (July 4, 2001). I knew I didn't have to go to work. I welcomed the 4th of July holiday. My body gladly took the opportunity to rest. After breakfast, I took a nice cool shower. It was going to be a warm day according to all the weather news people. They were right - in more ways than one! After my shower, I laid in my bed, watched t.v., played video games, and listened to some music. By around 4:00pm, I was totally bored. I walked down- stairs to see my folks. Sure enough, they laid there on our couches, watching t.v. and vegetating. That's the kind of day it was for a lot of people, I suppose. I joined them. I walked back upstairs and brought a pillow back down with me. I made room for myself on the floor, with a couch as my 'headboard'. We watched t.v. At around 4:20, the unexpected happened. The fun began. My dreams came true . . . My uncle and his granddaughter (my cousin's daughter) arrived. We were used to having uncle Mike over relatively often. But, Sonia hadn't been to my home more than twice, I'm sure. Before proceeding, let me give you some background information on Sonia so that you can fully appreciate my experience. She is only 14 years old. But she is very tall for her age. She's about 5'8" - I'm about 6' tall. She has NO pimples on her face - most kids that age do. Her face is very sweet- looking. Her cheeks are rosy and soft. Her soft brown hair is very bouncy and regular in length. Her eyes are big and soft. Her smile is so charming. Her body has developed very early, too. Her breasts are full and ample. She has a nice v-shaped upper-body. Her shoulders seem strong. Her waist is thin. Her legs are nice and long. They don't seem too long though - the reason being that they aren't skinny. I guess she exercises plenty. Her legs are very full for a 14 year old. They are not big and muscular, but her thighs are probably as big as mine and her calves are easily bigger. As you will find out a little bit later, I can now confirm this. From top to bottom her legs are so smooth yet they are also so firm. No fat, I guess. >From the first time I discovered her body's appearance (about a year ago), I fell in love with her. I know that she's family and that she's way way way toooooo young, but . . . I can't help it. I have had the most incredible crush on her. I do not want to make you (the readers) uncomfortable, but I had to express myself. If you don't want to read more, just close this web page. And I'm sorry. But, if you want to read about my incredibly satisfying encounter, then please . . . read on. Anyhow, my mom let uncle Mike and Sonia in. They walked into the family room while I lay on the floor. Sonia was wearing the shortest shorts that I had ever seen. As she walked up to me, I looked up gradually, taking in every single inch of those incredible legs. Her ankles, her shins, her knees, her thighs, and even more! I was left mesmerized. I think she noticed my amazed and confused state. She giggled softly as she shook my hand. Even her hands are perfect. As she walked away from me, my eyes fixated on her calves. Every step she took made those calves expand. My penis began its own expansion inside of my underwear. I sat up on the couch, joining the others. Before long I excused myself. I told them I had to go upstairs and work on some work-related project. The real reason was totally different though. Not two minutes into our little conversation downstairs, I had realized that I couldn't keep my eyes away from Sonia's legs and breasts. Rather than trying to battle my desires or risk getting caught staring at my 14 year-old little 'cousin', I went to my room. I turned on my stereo and listened to some music. I took out a book, as well. I did anything to get Sonia out of my mind. It wasn't working. Then . . . I heard a knock at my bedroom door. It was Sonia! "Can I come in," she asked, "I want to see your room, if it's ok?" "Sure," I answered, "Come right in." I could smell her perfume even from several feet away. It was the perfect scent for her. It was soft and sweet. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Nothing much, just kicking back, trying to get some ideas for this new project." "Cool," she responded. We talked for a little, before my mom came up and asked us to come down and eat something with the rest of them. We said we weren't hungry. After, my mom went back downstairs, I teased Sonia, "Go and eat honey . . . my mom is calling you, little girl . . ." "You go and eat!" she answered back. "I'm on a diet," she confessed, "I feel fat and I need to lose weight." "Huh?!" was all I could answer to that, "You aren't fat!" "Maybe you weigh more than others your age, but that's because you're taller, too," I said. "How much do you weigh?" I asked. "I'm not telling you," she said, "How much do YOU weigh?" "I'm kind of skinny and yet, I weigh more than you," I answered, "So that shows that you are not fat." "Whatever . . . ," she responded, as she put her hand up to my face. I took her hand and held it tight. I twisted it playfully, while I pretended to be angry at her for putting her hand in my face. She laughed. "You are skinny," she said, as she grabbed my arm with her other hand, "And weak, too." She laughed as we kinda' wrestled with one another. "You just want to hold my hand, don't you?" she asked. "NO," I responded nervously, giving myself away. I felt my face turn as red as a tomato. She looked into my eyes. "You like me, huh?" she proceeded. "Why are you asking me these questions?" I asked. I prayed that she wouldn't know how to answer. I mean . . . how could I answer her questions? She was right. I felt in ecstasy with my arms wrapped around her as we struggled playfully with one another on my bed. I purposely brought my face into her hair every chance I had. I took the longest and deepest whiffs of her hair's scent. I was in dream land. "Look," she said, as she turned me around and pulled me up to my feet, "I bet that I weigh so much that you can't even pick me up. And . . . YOU weigh so little, skinnyman, that I can pick you up!" "You probably can pick me up," I answered, "But, I bet that I can pick you up and hold you off the ground for twice as long as you can lift me." "You're on," she said. I couldn't believe my situation. My penis couldn't either. The playful fight- ing had already generate a growth in my penis. I felt like I had a dangling one-ton element between my legs. Now, with her proposition, about the lifting, my penis began to unwrap completely. I silently prayed to God. I asked that Sonia be able to pick me up. I wanted to feel myself helpless in her arms. I wanted to feel her strength. I would most likely win the bet, I thought, but I was going to have the time of my life, as well. I went first. Sonia placed her hands on my shoulders as I bent down slightly and hugged her just below her hips. I lifted her off the ground. She's heavier than she appears. Or I am weaker than I thought. I suppose she weighs around 130 or 135. But the weight wasn't the only problem. My right cheek pushed against her breasts! I could feel their firmness. I could smell her body aroma through her tight shirt. I knew I wasn't going to last long. The small timer I had placed on my bed only read '18 seconds' when I began to feel my arms giving way. By the time the clock read '23 seconds', Sonia's feet were back on the ground. "Not so strong, boy," she teased. "Damn!" I answered, "I guess not." I knew what followed. I prayed. "You're turn to go up," Sonia said, smiling. I placed my hands on her shoulders. They felt strong. Sonia squatted a bit and hugged me below my butt. With one swift motion, she easily lifted me off the ground. My prayers had been more than answered. She seemed to be able to keep me up without much trouble. My penis got immensely excited. I couldn't believe that a 14 year old girl could carry me like this. I weigh only about 155. But, even so . . . that's a lot for a 14 year old girl to carry. "What's that?" Sonia asked, startled, as she felt my growing bulge push against her stomach. She brought me back down immediately. "Oh my God," she added, "You little pervert." If my face was red before, it was triple or quadruple as red now!!! "I'm so sorry," I said, "I didn't do it on purpose. Please don't tell my parents or your grandpa." I had no idea what to do. "You little perv," she repeated, smiling and on the verge of laughing. Suddenly, she pushed me down on my bed, and grabbed my pants. I was wearing running-type pull down pants. She easily pulled them down before I could do anything! She grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me back up. "Look at your huge dick," she said, pointing at the huge bulge in my under- wear. "What are you doing?" I asked, completely embarrassed. "Up we go," is all she said, as she lifted me up again. I remained completely quiet. I looked up to the ceiling and thanked God. I was now completely in love with Sonia. Who cares what anyone says. She purposely jerked be around a bit and bounced me on her arms. She hugged me tighter. I wrapped my legs around her waist. I was sitting on her hips. The sensation and the thoughts were too much for me. My groin spasmed violently . . . my huge penis pushed hard against Sonia's firm stomach. I just let everything go. Within a few seconds, my penis spurt out its semen long and hard inside my underwear. I rested my head on her head. She slowly let me back down. The timer read something like '48 seconds' . . . I'm not sure . . . my mind was still flying through the air, among the clouds. "Oh no," said Sonia, "Look at the spot you left on my shirt." I looked down at my wet underwear. Then, at the stain on her shirt. How were we going to explain this to everyone. "Let's wash our things," I said. "No duh, you think?!" she answered, sarcastically. "You're so cute when you're confused and scared," she added, "NOT!!!!!!" She came up to me and brushed her soft young lips against mine. I kept my lips closed. I wasn't sure what to do. I just stood there. "Hurry up," she urged me, "Take off your underwear." "What?!" I said. "Hey, if you want to walk around with that stuff between your legs, be my guest," she said. My heart skipped a beat (or two; or three), as Sonia pulled off her shirt. She wasn't wearing any bra!!! My mouth opened wide. Sonia turned around to face me. "Wow," I said, "They're so . . . so . . . perfect." "I know," she replied, smiling, "You like them, don't you?" I nodded. I couldn't take my eyes off her perfectly round breasts and her delicate pink nipples. She walked into the bathroom, making her calves look so sexy with every single step. My penis began to grow again. I couldn't help it. I really couldn't. Less than a minute later, Sonia walked out of the bathroom with her washed shirt in her hand. She said nothing. She walked right by me, while giving me a seductive look. She kicked off her shoes and laid down on my bed, face up. "I have to wait for this to dry up now," she said calmly, "You want to wait with me?" Her words made me blush again. She extended her hand out to me. I placed my hand in hers. My hand felt at home in hers. I knelt on the bed. I knew what I was doing was so wrong. But, I didn't care. The consequences could be terrible. But, I didn't care. I laid down on top of her. My head rested on her shoulder. Her body aroma drove nuts. I wanted to sniff her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to lick her. I wanted to bite her. I wanted to eat her. I did nothing. I just rested and thought and dreamt. I took one of her young, firm, full legs between my own legs. My penis, inside my wet underwear, pressed down against her thigh. In one sudden motion, Sonia turned us both around. She was on top now. "So you want some action, boy?!" she said. I hadn't said a word, when she began to press her crotch area against my own. She came up and down . . . up and down . . . The feeling was incredible. She could tell that I wasn't going to be able to hold it in too much longer. She flipped us around again. She brought her thigh up against my throbbing member. I let out some moans as my penis pumped. I let out a gush of semen into my underwear, again. Sonia took my hands in hers and extended them outwards. I laid my head on her shoulder again. I smelled her body. I wanted to sleep on her forever and ever. I gripped her hand tightly. We interlocked our fingers. My fingers are skinny, so my hands aren't too much bigger than hers. She didn't feel weak at all, compared to me. I felt her as my equal, in every sense of the word. And, I got off on that feeling. My mind loves her. My body loves her. I love her. I got up a little while after . . . my penis still swimming in a puddle of half-dry and half-wet semen. Sonia got up too. She stuck her hand down her shorts and brought it back out. "You think you're the only one who enjoyed this?" she asked, "I don't think so." I realized that she was 'wet' too. She had brought out her hand, dripping of her juices! "So you want me?" she inquired, "Well, open your mouth. You're going to have me." I wish I had been strong enough to say no. But, I wasn't. None of this was right. I knew I was getting myself into all kinds of trouble. But there was nothing I could do. My entire being desired her so much. I opened my mouth. She brought two of her fingers over my tongue. I closed my lips. I can't explain the feelings that followed. I was engulfed by ecstasy. I sucked on her fingers like I had never sucked on anything before. I licked them dry. Sonia stepped back after I was done. She put her shirt back on. "I have to go now," she said, tenderly, "Don't miss me too much." I couldn't move my lips. For that matter, I don't think I could even move my brain. My most incredible dreams and desires had come true. Before she left, Sonia inserted her hand down her shorts again, brought out some more of her juices, and brushed her hand on my computer's keyboard and mouse. "This is a gift," she said, "It's so you'll remember me." She made the cutest poutty face that I have ever seen. "I love you," I said, as she walked out my bedroom door. What do you think about my experience? I am still reliving it as I write this. I am bending down right now, with my face in my keyboard. Wow! I can still smell her. Now, my hands . . . they still have her hand's smell. My hands retained her body's smell (perfume combined with her natural body aroma) from the moments when we interlocked hands and fingers. I can still feel her sweaty hands in mine. I am bringing up my hands into my face and taking a deep breath. Wow! I want to live on her . . . in her . . . with her . . . . . . . . . . I hope you liked this story. Now for the let down: 'It's fiction'. I'm sorry if I made you believe that it was all true. But, that was the idea. I had to give this style of storytelling a try. Please e-mail me at with all your comments. (Good and Bad comments are all welcome) Also, please remember to read my other stories ('Millennium Dream' Series; 'Stephanie's Baby-sitting . . .' ; and 'Cowgirl . . .'). Tell me what you think of them. Do you want more? Or are you tired of reading this stuff?