My millennium dream (part 2) By: FelixTonto77, Ethan discovers a young goddess' sexy muscular body (part 2) Chapter 2 Four years went by before I returned to sunny southern California. I went onto my freshman year in college in that fall of 1993. During the next four years, a lot happened in my life. I grew up and took on plenty of responsibilities. I became very involved with several organizations at my school. I participated in several research projects, along with some professors of mine. Also, on one of my spring break trips to Florida, I met a great girl. She was a student at a college very close to mine. We kept in touch after returning back up to the Northeast. Slowly, but surely, things evolved and I found myself in a real relationship. Considering all of this, I barely had enough time to go home and sleep during my four years at college. I spent zero summers away from college. During the months of June, July, and August, I barely found a week or two to go back to my parents' for some mom-made home cooking. The organizations, intramural sports teams, and fraternity that I had joined were all 'calling'. I had to get back. Those four years were probably the busiest I've ever had. On June 15th, 1997, I graduated from college. I was a lucky 22 year-old young man. Months before, a successful lawyer in my home town (in western New York) had offered me a position, as a legal assistant, in his firm. I would not have the worry of searching for a job. Best of all, I was allowed a 'rest/vacation period' right out of college. I was to begin work until July 10th. I wasn't sure how I would spend my 'nearly-one-month' break. But during my last week of school, I received a 'sign'. One day during that week, I found a letter from Aly in my mailbox. She was 14 years old by this time. She asked me to come and see her. She reminded me of the promise I made to her 4 years earlier. A picture of her was enclosed in the letter. If I wasn't before, I was in love with her from that day forward. I know, I was 22 and she was only 14. But, for a moment, that didn't matter to my heart, to my soul. I looked at the picture for hours. She had the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Her eyes twinkled like the most brilliant stars in the sky. Her smile radiated an indescribable force that overtook me completely. Her shoulders seemed wider-than-normally- common for a 14 year old girl. Visually, she appeared quite strong. I was very turned on by her photo. My knees notified me of their feelings as well. My penis quickly followed. I arrived at Los Angeles International Airport at 1:35pm on June 25, 1997. My emotions had gotten the best of me. My mind heard no reasoning from anyone. I was determined to see Aly, to touch her, to hear her. I made a quick trip to Jim's house the day following my arrival. Once there, I asked Janey for her friend Aly's address. The next day, I waited until after dark to go see her. I knew that by 11:00pm, her parents would already be in bed and Aly would be alone in her room. According to Janey, Aly's two brothers were off in college, so there was nobody else in the house. I walked up to her house. She had a setup, leading up to her window, which wasn't too different from the one at my cousins' house. I made my way up. Once there, I saw her. She was on her bed, watching television. I knocked softly, trying not to scare her. She looked to the window alertly and saw me. Her beautiful face generated the most illuminating smile. I knew I had made the right decision by coming to see her. My heart had not failed me. I climbed through the window, into her room. I didn't take a step, before she hugged me tightly. My first thought was about her size. She had grown a lot since I had last seen her. She was nearly as tall as I was. She brought her face closer and closer to mine. I knew what she wanted. My mind said no, but my heart said yes. She softly placed her lips on mine and I received them. I closed my eyes and let my feelings take over. My penis erected instantly and pressed hard against her mid- section. Her hands played gently with my hair. Her nose slightly touched my own. I could still hear the television, but I totally let myself forget where we were. All I knew was that I was somewhere in heaven. I wanted that moment to continue forever. Next thing I knew, I was standing next to her bed, looking at her. She was still facing me, but now, she was about three feet away. I took a full taste of her beauty, as I looked at her from head to toe. She had her hair in an angelic pony tail. Her lips wore a sweet rose colored lipstick. Her oversized white T-shirt covered her upper body and her upper thighs. She did not have on any socks or shoes. "You have grown so much," was all I could say in my trembling voice, as I stood engulfed by her. "Yeah," she responded, "I've grown about half-a-foot since last time you saw me. I'm about 5' 7"." She was very much in shape too. I could tell by looking at her legs. If I wasn't sure 4 years ago about their size, as compared to my own legs, I was sure this time. I knew the size of my own legs, and at that moment, I had a view of hers from only about three or four feet away. Her calves were much bigger and more muscular than mine. Aly caught me gazing at hers gorgeous legs. I smiled coyly. "I still play soccer and I've also joined the swim team at my school," she said, "That's why my legs are so muscular." "You know what else?" she continued, "I just started lifting weights too! Look . . ." As she said that, she grabbed her T-shirt, pulled it over her head, and took it off. I had no words. Aly's upper body was not that of a bodybuilder. And at the age of 14, I was glad it wasn't. She had only begun her weightlifting and her swimming (which creates shoulder muscles, as well) a couple of months before. However, a hint of hard muscle was visible around her shoulders, in her upper chest, and throughout her arms. Despite her thin hard waist, she probably weighed about the same as me. Her legs made up for the lack of weight around the middle of her body. At the time, I could only imagine what she would look like in a couple of years, if she kept up her sport activities. Now, I know that even in my most incredible fantasies, I wasn't even close to imagining how magnificent she would look later on. We both sat down on her bed. We talked and talked. I can't even remember about what exactly. I suppose we talked just about everything. I do remember one thing. While we talked, she took my hand in hers, just like she did 4 years before -- when we said good-bye outside, on my cousins' front lawn. But now, we weren't saying good-bye. I touched her fingers with my own finger tips. They felt so soft, so innocent, and yet so seductive. I wanted her palms to get sweaty. Mine were already sweaty. I wanted to join ourselves, our bodies, our souls, in whatever way possible. We both knew we couldn't have any sexual encounters. It would be considered rape, if anyone found out. All we could do was contemplate. After a while of chatting, Aly said she was a little hungry. I was too. Aly suggested we go downstairs to the kitchen. We were making our way out the bedroom door, quietly, when Aly stopped and looked at me. "Remember what we did last time?" she asked, "You wanna do it again? I'm much stronger . . . I'm sure I can easily carry you on my back." My penis nearly broke through my pants' zipper! Aly noticed, but she didn't say a word. She only smiled sensuously. I was mesmerized by her proposition. I nodded my head in approval. She stood in front of me, her back towards me. She squatted down and asked me to place my arms around her neck and my legs around her sides. I did as she said. I felt my body lose all of its strength. I let my chest rest on her upper back. I placed my cheek on her head. Her fragrance reminded me of our experience four years before. She was still my 'strawberry girl'. I felt her hands take a hold of my lower thigh areas. She began to straighten up. My feet left the ground. "Aly, do you feel my penis on your back?" I asked, "It loves you." I couldn't believe I had said that! It came out of me in a moment of insanity. My head wasn't thinking clearly. How could it?! I was having the thrill of my life with this 14 year old girl. Aly answered by saying only, "I love Mr. pi-pi too." Quietly, I gave thanks to God. I had been allowed a portion of paradise. As we reached the stairs, Aly cautioned me to hold on. "We don't want you falling down and breaking your head, do we?" she exaggerated. "I'm just kidding," she said with a giggling voice, "I have you safely with me, my baby. I wont let anything happen to you, cutie." "Besides," she added, "you don't weigh very much at all." When she said 'my baby' and 'cutie', I died (and went to heaven) right on top of her. I kissed her on her left ear. I nibbled on it too. She purred as I did so. She walked down the stairs easily, carrying me on her back. I wanted the stairs to go on and on forever. When we reached the bottom, she squeezed my thighs with her hands and lightly bounced my up on her back. I was nearly propelled to orgasm, and she knew it. I knew she could feel my penis bulging harder and harder. "It's throbbing for me, isn't it?" she asked softly. I nodded as I held on to her tightly. I had never felt more secure. I was in love. Aly carried me over to the kitchen and sat me on top of the counter. "Now stay there like a good little boy," she said playfully. The pleasure that inhabited my body was more than I could take. I let Aly know that my little 'pi-pi' (which wasn't so little at that moment) was about to burst. Aly grinned and walked up to me. Carefully, she unfastened my pants and pulled them down, along with my underwear. My penis stuck straight up like a cannon ready to fire. I think I bushed a little, but I said nothing. She grabbed a couple of paper towels and placed them on the counter, between my legs, right below my penis. She patted my hard-on, only making it stiffer and thicker. She ran her soft fingers around it. My body weakened completely. I was totally in her hands, which was right where I desired to be. I placed my hands gently around her forearms as she squeezed my penis up and down. We looked into each others eyes. My dick began to spasm violently. After only a couple of seconds, I began to spurt out my semen. Aly pointed my penis downward, toward the napkin, so my cum wouldn't squirt all over the floor. From head to toe, my body felt a great relief as I continued to let out every last ounce of my juice. Aly squeezed until nothing was left inside of me. When I was empty, she pulled closer to me and hugged me. "It's OK now, baby," she whispered in my ear, "I've made it all better." I couldn't resist her smell, her hair, her cheek touching mine. I drew my head back just a little and looked into her eyes. I brought my face closer to hers again. Our noses touched gently. I breathed in her breath. It was bliss. Our lips met. We kissed for minutes and minutes. When we finally settled down, we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Afterwards, we cleaned up 'everything', before Aly carried me back up the stairs. That night, back in my own hotel room, I had about three or four 'wet' dreams. I will never forget that day. We saw each other over the next couple of days. She grew more beautiful with every single day. Time went by so fast. I hated to say good-bye, but soon, the day to do so arrived. I swore to come back the following year. She cried. Her tears pierced my heart. I could feel my soul's inner wounds. I didn't want to go either. But, I had to. Stay tuned . . . Part 3 coming soon . . .