The Weapon - Lex - part 31 By Diana the Valkyrie Your strength is my strength. Your power is my power Update: 15/11/2003 to valkyrie05 I made my decision. That sounds so cold, doesn't it. It wasn't so much a decision, it was more a feeling. I felt that she would look after me, cherish me, protect me, in ways that none of the snakes-that-walk-like-men ever had. Not the two I'd married, anyway. I relaxed in her arms, in her wings. "I trust you," I said. I think I said exactly the right thing. In some ways, it was like losing my virginity all over again, but without the pain and unpleasantness of that first time, all those decades ago, back when I was a teenager, and I learned in the back of a car that once Micky Harcourt has what he wants, he isn't interested in you any more. Perhaps it was more like my first wedding night, when Jimmy was still being sweet to me, before it all went wrong. No - it wasn't like either of those. It was different. So different. She whispered into my ear. "I have two emulations, Duncan and Fiona. Fiona was like a mother to me, but her vocation, was to be a Senior Ward Nursing Sister. She was a nurse for 80 years, and she knows everything about the human body and its needs. She's coaching me now." The hand rubbed gently, gently, between my legs. My thighs parted, and I tried to suppress a moan. Another hand touched my left nipple. Something else the right nipple, I don't know what. Maybe she has three hands? A wing? Something feathery stroked down my belly; I closed my eyes and hummed. She touched and stroked me here, there. In places that don't often get touched; under my armpit, inside my elbow, the hollow of my neck. And always, between my legs, more insistently, matching the desire that was starting to well up inside me. "We brought you off nicely when you made it with Herbie, because Herbie really loves you a lot, you know?" "mmm?" "Duncan thinks you're a babe, and Fiona wants to see how loud she can make you scream when you come." I moaned again, and tried to touch Wendy. "That's sweet of you, babe, but I get all my pleasure by sharing yours." I opened my eyes, but all I could see were white feathers. "You're inside my head?" "No need, babe, you're broadcasting like a radio transmitter. All I need to do is tune you in." I moaned again, louder. "You can make as much noise as you like, we're way up in the air where no-one can hear you." "I feel so .. helpless." "Believe it, babe. I can do anything I want to you. You can't stop me, you can't even slow me down." I felt like Jane Fonda in the Orgasmatron. "Better, because I get the feedback from you." And I knew what she meant, every time she did something that pushed me further, she was sensing my reaction and mercilessly raising the level. I couldn't stand it any more. "Ahhhh ... " Was that my voice? "AHHHH !" Yes, it was. I heard another voice. "Did you know, a woman can have an orgasm just from having her nipples touched?" I knew that, I knew that, you don't have to convince me. "Have you heard of double penetration," she asked. "No, not there, not there?" I pleaded. "No?" "Yes." "You said no." "I meant yes. Don't stop, please don't. No. Yes. AHHHH!" She was there. She was also there. And there, and there. Oh oh oh. Ohohoh. I felt a wave in my body, a wave that was building up, getting higher, moving towards the beach, toppling, breaking, the surf crashing down. I felt a storm moving towards a tropical island, the wind smashing into the delicate coconut trees and jungle foliage. I felt lightning, zig-zagging within a cloud, the charge building up, looking for a pathway to earth. She opened me up and exposed my most vulnerable places. The tempest struck, the wave broke, the lightning flashed through me. It was like nothing I've ever experienced, three separate parts of me were an agony of pleasure, it was like being turned inside out, and being wire-brushed with ecstasy. She brought my chain reactions up to explosion point, and then the three separate orgasmic foci merged into a single one. And I screamed. And screamed. And fought with her, trying to get loose, which is pretty silly when you're a thousand feet in midair, but I wasn't actually being rational. And anyway, if I had been rational, I'd have known that there was no way I'd be able to make her drop me. I couldn't help it. I couldn't do anything else, I was completely out of control. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before - possibly nothing like this had ever happened to anyone. But that wasn't what I was thinking at the time. Because at the time, I wasn't thinking. I was just a writhing mess of sensation. A screaming writhing mess of sensation. I think I passed out. No, I know I passed out, because I regained consciousness, and you don't come to unless you've been spark out. My body was shivering, but not with cold; my throat was hoarse. A voice nearby said "Drink this." It was a cup of very creamy milk, sweet and fat, the sort of drink that you don't touch because it's so bad for you, like full cream Guernsey. I drank it all; she gave me more, while she held me in her wings and rocked me gently. "You'll be fine, you'll be fine," she kept repeating. Well, I knew that. What safer place is there in this universe, than cradled in the wings of the Guardian of Humanity? I closed my eyes and nestled as close as I could get. She wrapped her wings closer round me, and I felt my weight increase, and I thought, "We're going back into orbit." After a little while, I was weightless again. "Well," she said. "Well," I said, "that was, um, different." "Mmm," she said, "that was my first time with a woman." "That was my first time with an angel." "I'm not an angel." "I know." "So, are you going to be my Wielder?" "Like I have a choice?" "You always have a choice." "Yes, but sometimes the choice is Hobson's." She laughed. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Babe, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it." "What about Herbie?" I asked. "What about him?" "Well. Um. What about him? Where would he fit in to this? I don't think he'd want to go back to England with his dog, back to his old life." "Of course not. Herbie's my friend, your husband, what's the problem here?" "The old green-eyed monster? The eternal triangle?" "Not an issue," she said. "There's three completely different relationships; friend, Wielder and husband." I felt very doubtful about this, and it showed. "And if there's any difficulty, then you humans have one very important ability that will overcome any obstacle." "What's that?" "You'll just lie to yourselves." I sighed. Yes, we do, don't we. Any unpleasant fact, we just pretend it doesn't exist. Herbie would pretend to himself that Wendy and I were just friends. "Maybe I could be your Wielder without the sex?" "See, you're doing it already." "Couldn't I?" "No, it's important. The sex builds the trust, and the trust is crucial. We have to trust each other completely. You have to believe in me, I have to believe in you. Otherwise I'll be wondering whether you're telling me what you really think. And that sort of doubt, we don't need." I felt my weight returning, and rapidly building up to more than normal as we decelerated on the approach to the ground. "Next stop, San Andreas," she said, "tickets please." "Uh, I lost my ticket to ride." "Then there's a penalty clause." "I'd rather have a sanity clause" "Don'cha know, there ain't no Santa Claus." "I'll do it." "Yee-har" she shouted, as she threw me up into the air. I tumbled over and over as I rose ... and fell. Back into her arms. "Scared?" "Not in the slightest," I said, and there was hardly any tremor in my voice as I said it. "So now we do the Rite of Binding," she said. "And that is ..?" I said. "To bind together the two parts of the team, the Weapon and the Wielder, you and me." "What is this rite?" She explained it to me, the three sexual episodes, and the oath. "We've already done the first two bouts," she said. "One," I corrected. "No," she said, "one with me guiding Herbie, one with just the two of us." "Oh." "So now we can do the oath, then we'll do the third." "I'm not really feeling strong enough ... " "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." I believed her. Trusted her. We were lying on my bed together. Herbie was fast asleep, Frank was watching from the foot of the bed. "My strength is your strength. My power is your power. I will love you and protect you and obey you. Until the end of time." I looked up at her. "Your strength is my strength. Your power is my power. I will love you and protect you and command you. Until the end of time."