The Weapon - Lex - part 28 By Diana the Valkyrie Kate's story Update: 12/11/2003 to valkyrie05 Kate: Stupid. It was all so stupid. That case should never have reached court, it should have been settled. And it should never have gotten onto my list, I'm just not used to anything that's five billion dollars. But, you can't refuse, it looks incompetent and shirking your duty, and I didn't have any real grounds to disqualify myself. Of course, in the end, I was glad I did take it. I'd never have met Herbie otherwise, and he's turned out to be a real brick. I'm no spring chicken now, more of a tough old hen. And after two disastrous marriages, I wasn't actively looking for a third. But Herbie was a gift from the gods. Modest, quiet, unambitious, didn't mind that I earned more than he, and when I got home at night, we could natter away about the law. I could even tell him about my cases; they're all done in public session anyway. It didn't take much to persuade him to abandon the life of a carefree batchelor and move in with me. And then there was Wendy. I wonder about Wendy sometimes. She has layers, does Wendy. To the outside world, she's the big, tough and powerful Guardian of Humanity; everyone knows about the time she turned the sun off just to make a point. And people haven't forgotten the aircraft carrier she dumped just outside the White House. No, you don't mess with the Guardian of Humanity. And then there's a layer under that. That layer seems to be all about love and trust. She says she loves all of us, and I've never seen anything that makes me doubt it. She sees us all as her babies, and she'd do anything to make sure we're taken care of. Like a mother hen and her chicks. Like a she-bear and her cubs. A sort of Universal Mother-figure. Although ... sometimes, I wonder. I wonder, why. Why has she got this love-thing with several billion people? Call me cynical, but I feel there must be somethng that she gets out of it. But I can't imagine what it might be. Why would an individual of one species fall in love with the entire population of a different species? It just doesn't make sense. And then under that, there's a layer that most people don't see. There's a child. That makes sense - she told me once, she'll be an adult 100 million years from now, and then she'll be able to do adult things, like fly faster than light, and, well, stuff that I actually didn't understand when she told me, but from her tone of voice, it's obviously important stuff. But now? She loves playing with children, she does magic tricks for them, I've watched her. Most of it is simple conjuring tricks, like any party entertainer could do, but occasionally there's something that really defies any explanation I can think of. And she tells them stories, and she teaches them new games, and songs, and, well. She plays with them, not just as an adult plays with a child. She plays with them as a child would. Yes, she's a child. And then, I think, there's a fourth layer under that. I'm not sure about this one, I don't think I'm supposed to have noticed it. I'm sure no-one else is supposed to have noticed it. I'll try to explain. After the case was done and dusted, I got Herbie to come visit me at my home, and I seduced him. I've never done anything like that before, I've never needed to. When I was younger, I was a babe. When I wanted to be. And a pistol. Seduction wasn't necessary, all I had to do was choose. But when you get to fiftyish, the exact number of years isn't important, the offers kind of dry up. So, I inveigled him into my bed. I only found out afterwards, and probably this was just as well, that it wasn't just the two of us. Wendy was there too. Invisible, or something. And she was coaching Herbie, telling him what to do and say. When I first found out, I was furious, with him and with her. Then Wendy took me by the hand, told me to shut up and listen. Which I did. There's something about her, maybe it's her tone of voice, she gets to you. So I shut up and listened, and she told me that Herbie's plan was to run and hide, head for the hills, duck and disappear. That he was absolutely terrified. Of me. And that it was only by holding his hand, as it were, that she could persuade him to stay. Yes, well. "That makes me feel really good," I said, "for me to get a man, he has to be tied to the bed?" "No, Kate," she said. "I'm sure you don't need that. This isn't about you, it's about Herbie. You've only seen one side of him, the competent lawyer. You haven't seen the scared little boy, he's kissed maybe five women in his entire life, and hasn't even kissed them properly. And certainly nothing more than a kiss. He's over forty, with all the experience and self-confidence of a fourteen year old boy. I had to stay with him, he trusts me, and I helped him get through a difficult coming-of-age." "I could have helped him," I protested. "Yes, but he wasn't going to tell you that he was an ultra-virgin, that's a terrible stigma at his age. And he knew that he'd make a complete shambles of it, so his idea was to run and hide. I just gave him the confidence to jump in at the deep end." And then I thought, "Are you two, er ... ?" "No, we're not," she said, firmly. "Oh, I've hugged him a lot, and cuddled him a few times, and taken him flying, which he hated, because it makes him vomit." "So you're not in love with him?" "I love all of you," she said, "you're all my babies. But we haven't done the blanket hornpipe, no." "Oh." "Kate, I'm not your competitor here. I'm not even human. He's all yours, and in my opinion ..." "I didn't ask your opinion," I said, frostily. "You're getting it anyway. In my opinion, he's much more what you want, what you need, than either of the two selfish bastards you hooked up with before." "Hmm," I said, "it wouldn't hard to be better than those two snakes. So tell me, do you have a sweetie?" "No," she said. "I had thought for a little while that Geoff might be good for me, but he hasn't got the experience, and he's scared stiff of making decisions. So I left him in Vegas, he's got a job with Cute Chicken, they make disks. Porno disks. He's very happy there, he's a great fan of Sandy Gentle, she's their main star."