The Weapon - Oblivion - part 9 By Diana the Valkyrie I'd shag you myself, only I'm a bit lacking in the old fleshly envelope Update: 03/08/2003 to valkyrie05 Wendy.self: I always love to visit Fee, and what makes it extra-good is that she always has a crowd of kids for me to play with. I did my conjuring act for them, they always love that. The nurses watch too, and I bet they can't tell when I'm just doing ordinary conjuring, and when I'm doing stuff that humans can't do. And the kids just don't care, they take it as it comes. Sure, it's sad when you see a child in pain or ill, but these things do happen, and we have to help them get better as best we can. I think it does help them when I play with them like this, they laugh and cheer and forget that they're in a hospital for a while. Of course, while I was gone, David and Fee were talking about sex. I didn't listen in, you have to give people their privacy when they ask. But there was only one reason why David wanted me gone. He was upset that I wasn't giving him everything he wanted. Well, I know it was upsetting him, but there's two of us in this, and I just wasn't ready yet to get into a long term thing with someone. I'd only just gotten rid of my hangups over Duncan, and I couldn't face going through anything like that again, not just yet. And now there was this horrible memory problem. That was really bugging me. I mean, I was scared. I haven't been scared before, but I knew about fear. Fear is what I do to other people when they're bad, so as to get them to be good. Well, one of the things. The other thing is love, I people respond very well to that. Most people. But sometimes you need a quick fix, and then scaring them is faster. But fear isn't suppose to happen to me, I'm supposed to be immune from any damage. Except that I wasn't, the business over Duncan's death had shown me that. I live and learn. And now I learn that my memory, the core of my being, is unreliable. What else do I have that doesn't work? Can I make mistakes in arithmetic? Can I get logical syllogisms wrong? Once you start to doubt yourself, what is there? And I was doubting myself, with good reason. Wendy.Duncan: Buck up girl, we'll lick this thing. Wendy.self: Oh Duncan, oh Duncan, what am I going to do? I don't even understand what the problem is, or what an answer would look like. Wendy.Duncan: We do what you already started doing. We ask people, we keep asking. You already got one good idea from someone, the checksumming. Maybe there's more we can learn from people who've had to deal with similar problems. Wendy.self: Duncan, my love, you're right. And I've got to win, I've got to. This isn't just me, it's you too. Wendy.Duncan: Very true. We're in this together, girl. Wendy.self: I'm not a girl Wendy.Duncan: Yes you are. Wendy.self: Am not. Wendy.Duncan: Are too. Wendy.self: Oh Duncan. I do love you so much. Wendy.Duncan: Then will you do me a favour? Wendy.self: You want me to tup David, don't you. We already had this discussion, I told you why I don't want to, at least not yet. Damn, everyone's on me about this, him, you, Fee. Wendy.Duncan: Wendy, I'd shag you myself, only I'm a bit lacking in the old fleshly envelope, you know? But David's perfectly adequate in that department, and you know you want it. You can't hide that from me, you know. Wendy.self: Duncan stop it, stop it. Leave me alone, can't you? Haven't I got enough on my plate without having to row with you? Wendy.comms: David, wake up, we're nearly home. Wendy.Duncan: OK, I'll leave it for now. But you haven't heard the last of this. Wendy.comms: David, could you. Could you just, just give me a kiss? Please? Mmm, yes. And the hug was extra!