The Weapon - Resurrection - part 30 By Diana the Valkyrie Once upon a time Update: 05/07/2003 to valkyrie05 A few minutes later, she glided on those great white wings down to Matty's garden, and walked to the front door. I got there in time to welcome her in. "Showoff," I said. She looked behind her and upwards. "I suppose I better fold these up, else I can't get in through the door," she grinned. "Showoff," I repeated. "Did you like them?" "Brilliant. Whose idea?" "Duncan. He said it puts me on the side of the angels. You humans do go heavy on symbolism, don't you?" "Only one problem." "What?" "People will expect to see them all the time now." "No, the thing is, I can just show them now and then. Once people have swallowed one impossible thing ... " "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast" I replied, "but would you really have crushed that guy's heart?" She smiled. "I wasn't inside his body. I just cut my hand off at the wrist, his imagination did the rest." "Your hand? You cut off your own hand?" "Hey, it's not a real hand, you know?" "Ah." "Well, I wouldn't want to hurt him. But I did need to find out who was playing with bombs." "So shouldn't you now be putting the frighteners on the folks at Imperial Imports?" "No need. I imaged all the data off their computers, I'm doing a forensic analysis of it now. I'll have a pretty solid case by this evening, then I'll dump that back to New York's finest, and they can do the rest." "You know, what you did to the bomber, means the confession won't be admissible?" "I don't know, that's the cops' problem. Anyhow I wasn't after him, he's just a pawn in the game, I was after the people behind him. Now they'll go down, and it'll show anyone else with the same idea that they'd better not go up against the Guardian of Humanity." Matty brought some food to the table, while Wendy wrestled on the floor with the children, then got them sitting listening to her while she told them a story. I was talking to Matty, but I overheard it. It sounded like it was something out of the history of the Black Hole folk. And soon Matty and I stopped talking, so we could listen to Wendy's story. "Once upon a time, there were two princes. Or maybe they were two princesses. Anyway, they were in love, and they travelled the galaxy together, looking for new things to learn about, and devising mathematical theorems that no-one had ever devised before." "What are mafical thumbs, Aunt Wendy?" "They're like pretty patterns." "Oooh." "And they were known by all the People for their limpid lemmas and elegant theorems. Because that was what the People loved to do more than anything; mathematics is capable of infinite beauty, and the best mathematicians of the People were honoured above all. That's why they were princesses. Or maybe they were princes." "Princesses," said one of the children. Wendy smiled. "And then one day, one of the People messaged all the others about a new life he'd found, it was a planet circling round a small yellow star, in company with several other planets. But on the third planet, life had evolved, and had gotten as far as self-awareness." "What's warenes, Aunty Wendy?" "That's when you know that you're you." "I know I'm me!" "And I know I'm not you!" "So the People agreed that they had to help them stay out of the Galaxy War that was raging, because the Mazdas or the Ahrimans, one or the other, would suck them in to fight on their side, unless these new people could stay neutral. But to stay neutral, they had to tell the Mazdas and the Ahrimans to get lost. And to do that, they'd need a powerful weapon." "What's a powful weapon, Aunt Wendy?" "That's like a big stick, you wave it at someone so they know not to mess with you." "Oooh." "And because the two princesses were so much in love, and because they made such elegant theorems, the People all decided that those two should have a baby, and the baby would be sent to look after the people on the newly discovered planet." The children were listening intently to the story, and so were Matty and I, this sounded like a bit more than just a fairy story. "So the two princesses visited a star that had no planets, and with them they had four more People, to help them to make the new baby. The four midwives surrounded the two; the four were at the apexes of a tetrahedron, the two were at the middle of it." "What's a traydon?" "Like a pyramid. Each of the four midwives started to generate energy, and they pumped that energy via gravitational waves into the two princesses. The two were gradually brought into a state of high excitation by the absorbed gravitational radiation, and their components were progressively kicked into higher quantum states. That process of excitation took a very long time; the midwives were pumping up the princesses for years and years and years. But eventually, they were fully pumped by the midwives and were ready for the next part." "Granny Matty tells us we mustn't get too excited, because then we run round the house making a mess." "Yes, it's a similar kind of thing. When the princesses were fully excited, the midwives were tired, and had to take a rest. The two princesses were orbiting around each other in a very tight orbit, very close together, and began to fire gravity waves at each other. But the effect of the gravity wave on the pumped-up quantum state, is to trigger a fall to the next lower state, which releases some energy. That energy is converted to a gravity wave which is fired back at the other princess. It's resonance, it's a bit like the way you make a swing go high by giving it a little push at the right time each time it goes by. There's a chain reaction; each arriving gravity wave triggers more quantum drops, releasing more energy, which is fired back. It isn't reflection, it's more like reflection with amplification. And it's a chain reaction." "Do they explode, like a bomb?" "No, sweetie, it's more controlled than that. Loving and controlled. The chain reaction builds and builds. But they did very slowly and sweetly, because they were in love with each other, and they each wanted it to be good for the other one, and to last a long time. But eventually, the chain reaction leads to an explosive release of energy, in the form of a huge gravity wave which is directed along the axis linking the two. It's really huge, because it's got all the energy that the four midwives pumped into the two princesses, and the two princesses give it everything they possibly can." "And now luck plays a part. Because that gravity wave could go in either of two directions. If it goes away from the star, then that's it, and there's no baby. But this time, everything went well, and the gravity wave hit the star." "That's why it had to be a star without planets. The beam of energy hit the star, and caused a partial gravitational collapse into a flurry of black holes; the star was severely damaged by this, of course, but you shouldn't worry about that, damaging a star is like damaging a pebble on the beach. And anyway, most of them recover, unless you're trying to break them on purpose." "After the intense gravity wave, the two princesses were exhausted, and the midwives had to do the next part. They carefully chose four black holes from the ones that had been made in the star, two with each type of spin, and two with each type of charge. And they brought those four black holes together, and so the two princesses had a new baby!" "What did they call the baby?" "The People don't have names. The baby didn't get a name until she arrived at the planet where she was supposed to be their guardian, their Weapon, but when she got there, they gave her a name." "What did they call her, what did they call her?" I think the children had already worked out the answer to this. "They called me Wendy," she said. . . .