The Weapon - Resurrection - part 26 By Diana the Valkyrie A visit to the United Nations Update: 27/06/2003 to valkyrie05 Next morning, I was quite tired from the nights exertions. In case you're wondering, no. We didn't. First base, yes - home run, no. Look, we'd only known each other a few days, right? Plus, I was still trying to get my head round the idea that Duncan was in there as well as Wendy. But we did spend a very happy couple of hours wrestling around and pretending to fight, and other stuff like that. Stuff that I haven't done with a girl for, oh. A very long time. Funny how you don't forget how to do it. It wasn't just that she was a lot stronger than me, it was also that I was outnumbered. She didn't just use her hands. While I was wrestling her from the front, her cape would attack me from the rear, and she even made her hair curl round and tickle me while she held me helpless with her hands. And I have to say, the overwhelming impression I got from the slap-and-tickle time, was of helplessness, that she could do anything she liked to me, and all I could do to her, was whatever she allowed me to do. It was fun, though. Over breakfast (sardines on toast, plus a boiled egg) I explained to Wendy what we needed to do for the first phase of the operation. "It's this UN economic sanction against the USA, we need to get it lifted." "I've had dealings with the UN before," she said, "they're a bunch of wankers." "Wendy, you better not say that to their face." "Why not?" "It's impolite" "Maybe they need someone to be impolite to them. I had a bellyful of those dipsticks when they accused me of being a Weapon of Mass Destruction." "But that's exactly what you are." "Yes, true. But I didn't like the way they said it." "Wendy, look ... " "No, you look. Three things. First of all, you're not my Wielder, so you don't get to tell me what to do. Secondly, even if you were my Wielder, your job would be to give me the strategic objectives, not tell me the tactics to use to achieve them." "And third?" "And third, I could make my cape go red, plus a hood over my head, and then tonight I could be Red Riding Hood again." I smiled. She has a way of making everything all right. "Look, David, you're not my Wielder, but you are my best friend, and I value your advice more than almost anyone else's." "Duncan?" I asked. She nodded, and added "and Fiona, for some things, but not for this sort of thing." "Fiona for what things?" "How do you think I knew how to react to your big bad wolf?" Damn, Fiona had set up both sides of that! Still, I'm not complaining. I packed a toothbrush, and a few oddments, and turned to Wendy. "OK, I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "For the trip to the UN." "You aren't coming." "What?" "You don't have diplomatic status." "And you do?" "Actually - yes. I'm the ambassador for Freedonia. Or I will be as soon as I pop over there and get myself accredited. But that's not the real reason." "So what's the real reason?" "It could be dangerous. There's people who stand to lose a great deal of money if the sanctions are lifted, because then smuggling becomes unprofitable, and the big crime gangs will be highly dischuffed. So they'll want to kill anyone who tries to end the sanctions." "I thought you didn't understand about money?" "Duncan told me" "Oh." "But that isn't the real reason," she repeated. I sighed. OK, let's play hunt-the-real-reason. " ... " I said. "I shall stand up at the UN and tell them what they must do. I will be impressive as hell, and I don't need some shabby little academic in a shabby ill-fitting suit and shoes that have definitely seen better days, to stand next to me. And I'm not even going to talk about those socks" Oh. That's got me told. "For this occasion," she continued, "I will wear my full white-and-gold costume, cape billowing out to the floor, hair streaming out behind me. I'll stand six foot three tall, plus six inch heels, and I'll hover about a foot off the ground." She gave me a demonstration. she looked like a goddess, and I told her so. "You don't think I look too tall? Or my arms too big?" she asked in the tone of voice that most women use when they say "Does my bum look big in this?" And, of course, I knew the correct answer, every man does except for a few morons who will be evolved out of existence by their failure to reproduce. "No, you look absolutely stunning. But I thought you were going to go blonde?" Her hair changed colour as I watched, and lengthened out to some three of four feet long. And I was certain that it was much too fine, and at the same time too thick; there was just too much of it. She smiled, came back down to my level, picked me up, and kissed me, her hair winding around my neck and down inside my shirt, while her cape surrounded me and pulled me towards her. As we kissed, she rotated us in midair, and drifted down to the couch; her body on top of mine, pressing me into the cushions. As usual, she made me feel dizzy, or intoxicated, or both. She let me go, and by the time I'd gotten my head back together, she was gone. Damn. The phone rang. I answered it, and it was Wendy. "Switch on your PDA," she said, and hung up. So I did. I saw Wendy's face on the screen. "OK, you see me? You hear me?" "Yes," I said. "Good. I'll keep you up with events this way." "But you don't have, you haven't got. A PDA. Or did you buy one?" "You're right, I don't have one. Don't need one. It's just bits and bytes, pumped around the net. I don't need some machine to do it, I can do it all myself." "OK, good. Listen, Wendy, I've got something strategic to explain to you. Where are you?" "New York." "Already? But it's only been a few minutes." "When I'm not carrying anyone, I can use high accelerations, I'm not limited to a few Gs." I grunted. "OK, here's the thing. This isn't just about the United Nations, chances are your performance today will go right round the world, since this is your first public appearance as the Guardian of Humanity for 23 years. I want you to remember that you're performing for the whole world, not just the UN delegates. And I want you to create the impression that you've brought hope back to humanity. You aren't just the Guardian of Humanity, you're the Spirit of Hope." "Uh huh," she said, "and the Easter Bunny?" "Yeah yeah yeah. What I'm saying is, tell them about the stick, but also paint a rosy picture about the carrot, the dawn of the new golden age, that sort of thing. Good times are coming, we just need to kick the obstacles out of the way. Very upbeat, you know? Not just "Do this or I'll make the sun go out" because I want people to feel inspired and motivated, that at last someone is here who will make everything good again. You follow me?" "Five by five, David. And Duncan agrees with you. There'll be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover, happy days are here again, isn't it a lovely day. Don't worry, be happy, I'll have them rolling in the aisles." I worried. But then I thought, Duncan won't let her go over the top. She showed me the whole thing on my PDA. I don't know how she did the viewpoint that let me see everything, it was as if a camera was following her around. I suppose it's just a spatial transformation on the pixels. She landed in New York, just in front of the UN building. It's a paradox that although the UN has imposed economic sanctions on the USA, the headquarters was still in New York. Cost, I guess. She went in through the revolving doors. I'm sure that she knows how revolving doors work. I'm sure that she smashed through the middle of it as a dramatic way of announcing that she wasn't some tourist come to gawp. And I'm certain she ensured that no-one was hit by the flying glass, although I don't know how she did it. But it was certainly spectacular, it isn't every day that a magnificent seven foot tall blonde (including heels and hairdo) sails majestically through the glass, smashing everything in her path, and coming to a halt by the reception desk, floating a foot off the ground. By that time, she had everyone's attention. What else would you look at in that situation? And she made her announcement. "The Guardian of Humanity will address the UN Assembly at 7pm tonight." Not "would like to", but "will". And I liked the timing; that would be on the evening newsfeed in the USA, and on the lunchtime newsfeed in Europe. Then she flew out the way she'd come in, demolishing the rest of the revolving door mechanism as she left, then arcing up into the sky and disappearing into the distance.