The Weapon - Passion - part 3 By Diana the Valkyrie Wendy returns I mean, like black. I couldn't see at all. Nothing wrong with my sense of touch, though, and I could tell that the reason I couldn't see was that someone had come up behind me and put their hands over my eyes. Another clue was a female voice in front of me saying "Guess who!" "Uh, Wendy?" The hands left my eyes, but stayed on my cheeks. As a result, I could look straight ahead, but not turn and see who was behind me. And when I looked in front of me, I saw her. Wendy, one hand on her hip, the other by her side, looking like water to a desert traveller, and saying "Nope. Try again." I tried to turn my head to see who was behind me, but I couldn't. Then I realised who it must be, if it wasn't Wendy, it must be George, process of elimination, look out Holmes here comes McCrae. "George!" "Nope," said a female voice behind me. Oh. My mind skidded on a surface that gave no traction like a clown on a banana peel. "I give up", I said, "who is it?" The hands let go of my face, and I was able to stand up and turn to see who had been behind me. Uh. Duh. Uh. Wendy. Wendy behind me, Wendy in front of me. Two Wendies. One more than you'd expect; should be one, is two. High quality thinking, here. The mind-skid turned into a total tail-spin. "My brain hurts," I said. Both Wendies laughed. The one in front of me stepped forward, moved herself into contact, and kissed me. Yes, that was definitely Wendy. Then she spun me to face the other one, who did exactly the same. Yes, that was definitely also Wendy. "My brain just crashed," I said, "how are you doing this? Mirrors? Optical illusion? Gravitational lens? Quantum uncertainty of position?" "No, silly," said one of the Wendies. "There's two of us," said the other. Ah. Why didn't I think of that. Such a simple explanation. My brain hurts, hurts bad. "But only one of us is Wendy," she continued, "I'm Wendy." "No, I'm Wendy," said the other one. "No, I'm Wendy," said the first. " ... and I'm Spartacus," I tried. Both Wendies laughed. I decided that if I sat down, that would relieve the stress on my knees. And I also remembered something important I had to do. "Look, Wendy, I'm really sorry about being such an arsehole yesterday. And I got you some flowers." I picked up the rather pathetic pot of chrysanthemums I'd gotten, and wondered who to give them to. I looked from side to side, thinking, well, if they're both Wendy, it doesn't matter which one. Then I thought, but then the other one will be upset that I didn't choose her. And I wished it had been a bunch of flowers, so I could give half to each, but you can't divide a pot. So I put it down on the table, and said "this is for you" to the world in general. "Aw, for me?" said one. "You shouldn't have," said the other. "Nohow," said the one. "Contrariwise," said the other. "Uh, how come there's two of you?" I asked. "I know what you're thinking about," said one; "but it isn't so, nohow." "Contrariwise," continued the other Wendy, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't." They both nodded, and chorused "Nohow". My brain hurt. They both folded their arms, waiting for something. Waiting for me, I think. Waiting for me to get a clue. I made a major effort. Two of them. How could that happen. Then I realised. She'd already told me everything I needed to know to understand this, she must have, otherwise she'd have told me the things she hadn't told me. Wait, don't go there, it's recursive. They reproduce by adding more black holes until there's eight, then they fission into two individuals. She'd found a black hole in the sun, where there's one, there's probably others. And then there was her startling announcement yesterday. I looked up. Looked at Wendy, then looked at Wendy. No difference. Out of the strength, came forth sweetness. "Congratulations, you had a baby!" They both grinned, and suddenly I was surrounded by two Wendies. "I knew you'd work it out, Duncan," said one. "Ditto," said the other. "So you're actually identical?" I asked. They looked at each other. "I'm the mother," said the one on my left. "I'm the daughter," said the other one. "Uh, could maybe I have some way of telling you apart?" They looked across me at each other; I looked from side to side, and suddenly the daughter was blonde. Apart from that, they were still identical. And, at the risk of upsetting the blonde, I turned to the mother, who I thought of as "my" Wendy, and gave her a long and very grateful kiss. "I was a complete dipstick yesterday, Wendy, I'm really ashamed of the way I behaved, and I'll try not to do it again." "I forgive you, Duncan, I wasn't being too good either." "No, it was all my fault." "Mine too." "Are you two going to bicker," said blonde-Wendy, "or just kiss and make up?" After a few minutes, I broke off kissing; I needed to breathe a bit, plus I'd just remembered an obligation. "I've got to phone George," I said, "tell him you're back." "Don't tell him about me just yet, but tell him to come round tomorrow evening" said blonde-Wendy. So I told George "Wendy's back, I'm a bit preoccupied right now, come round tomorrow evening, we'll talk then," which I then immediately realised was going to leave him in an agony of wistfulness and anticipation, but it was too late to do anything about it. "Feel like flying?" asked brunette-Wendy, grinning suggestively. "Chocks away," I replied. Wendy wrapped her arms round me, then her cape, and we zoomed up a few thousand feet, just above the cloud layer. "Oh Wendy," I said, "I do love it when there's just the two of us and the rest of the world is like a million miles away." "Three," said a voice behind me. Ah. "Uh, Wendy," I said, "are you sure that it's, uh, appropriate that your, uh, young, uh, daughter, should, uh. Um." I ran out of things to say. I lost count of the number of taboos we were violating. Incest, underage sex, troilism, probably other things if I could think about it. Bestiality? Unmarried sex? Unprotected sex? On the other hand. She wasn't my daughter, so it wasn't really incest. And as for underage sex, I recollected that brunette-Wendy was only a few weeks old, and that age in this context wasn't really the same thing as with humans. And, to put a seal on it, I don't think the human race has actually developed any taboos concerned with having sex with black holes. I mean, it wasn't even bestiality. Was it? So maybe I was just talking out of my arse here, something I did more often than I would have liked. "Uh. Never mind." I said. "Duncan, sometimes it isn't actually about you. You know?" said brunette-Wendy. "Oh. So what is it about?" "Training," said brunette-Wendy, "this is Sex Education 101." Well, it wasn't difficult to work out who was the trainer and who was the trainee. And a couple of seconds after that, I grasped what my role in this training session was - I was the equipment. One of the best ways to teach, is for the teacher to explain and then show, and the student to listen and then practice, perform the actions herself. So brunette-Wendy was explaining the theoretical principles of sex with a man, and following it up with a demonstration of the principles in action. And then blonde-Wendy did the practical, to show that she'd grasped the principles. And grasped something else, too. But after I'd been grasped a few times, I was all grasped out, and I fell asleep in Wendy's arms while she was still explaining more stuff to Wendy-blonde. Next day, Wendy woke me up nice and early, and dragged me off for my morning cold shower, which, although somewhat too brisk for my taste, soundly beat the quick brush of the teeth that was all I'd done yesterday. But there was a complication. My ritual screams of protest and attempts to drag my heels, were interpreted by Wendy-blonde as a genuine attempt to fight brunette-Wendy off, and she decided to pitch in on my side. So I found myself in the middle of a catfight. Both of them were throwing punches, pulling hair, scratching and clawing, and since both of them were pretty much damage-proof, guess who was the main one at risk? So I crawled out from between them, and cowered in a corner of the room, hoping that I wouldn't catch any of the fallout. And then suddenly, I guess they must have communicated, because they both turned on me, and with one of them holding each of my arms, I was hustled into the shower and drenched in ice water. GAAAhhhhh! After a couple of minutes, they took pity on me and let me stagger out, and one of them gave me a brisk rub-down, while the other one went to do breakfast. When I got downstairs, and after I'd wrapped myself round a cup of coffee, two eggs and quite a lot of toast-and-marmite, I said, "You know, I don't think I can handle this." "What?" said brunette-Wendy. "Well, first of all, it's good that you don't look the same, but you really can't have the same name." "Why not?" "Because you can't. It's too confusing. Suppose I yell out WENDY, how will you know which one I mean?" "Why would it matter?" Uh. Well. "Of course it matters." "Why?" "Well, suppose George and I were both called Fred. You see the confusion? I mean, sometimes it wouldn't matter which one answered, but sometimes it would" "Oh. Well, OK. But I had the name first, she'll have to get a new name," she said, pointing at blonde-Wendy, who looked back at me. "Not fair," said blonde-Wendy, "she's already been using it, now it's my turn." "I was first" "It's my turn" I covered my eyes with my hands. Sometimes you forget just how different they are, sometimes they remind you quite forcibly. Sometimes they act like incomprehensible aliens, and sometimes they act like human two-year-olds in kindergarden. Come to think of it, what is the difference between a toddler and an alien? Well, whichever they were, I had to sort this one. I put on my stern-father voice. "You," I said, pointing to the mother-Wendy, the brunette, "are Wendy. And you, pointing to the blonde daughter-Wendy, "are Milly." "Milly?" "Yes." "Couldn't I be Wanda?" "No, that's still too confusing." "Winny?" "Milly. Now stop arguing, and eat your toast." I found this with Wendy. Sometimes when I'm firm with her, she just does what she's told, it's my "stern-father" voice. Other times, she just giggles and does what she wants in spite of my telling her not to. Them's the breaks. It seemed to work that way with Milly, too. "OK, Wendy, time for a few explanations. What have we got here?" "Me. And Milly." Oh, it's kindergarden time again. "You're her mother, she's your daughter. I guess she has all the same characteristics and capabilities that you do?" Wendy nodded. "And she knows everything you know?" "Ah, no. She's just got, like, the basic training." "You mean, she's housebroken but she doesn't know which hand you hold your spoon in?" "Well, she's a bit more than housebroken. But there's a lot she doesn't know. We've been faking it quite a lot, with the link between us." "You have a telepathic link?" "Come on, Dunc." I thought a bit. "Telephone?" "Radio link," she said, "like 802.11, wireless ethernet. We even use the standard frequency, so as not to mess up other things around us. But that'll only work short range. Longer range, you're right, we'd have to drop down to POTS, real slow." Hmm. "Wendy?" "Mmm?" "You've created a whole new ball game here." "Mmm. That was the whole idea. Milly teams up with George, I stay with you," she explained, "that way we don't trigger the jealousy reflex you both have." I looked at her. I hadn't thought of that, she was right. I'd been looking at the problem as a given, the old triangle problem, which no-one has ever found a good answer for. She cut through that and transformed the triangle into a square dance. Brilliant. "Yes, I see that, but you've done something else, too." "What?" "There's two Weapons on this planet now, you and Milly." "Well, obviously." I suppose it was obvious. "But the implications are not obvious. For example, you can seem to be in two places at once now, not a lot of people can do that." She looked thoughtful. "Trouble is, we can't send Milly out to do things, she's only got, uh, basic training. The first time she comes up against something difficult, she won't know what to do." "But she'll have George," I pointed out. "True." "And she can consult you, via whatever link you have going." "True. But she can't stop to consult me about every little thing. Sometimes you have to just react. And she won't know how." "So she needs Advanced Training," I said. "Can we enrol her in an Advanced Superheroine course," asked Wendy, "maybe the local college offers evening classes." "I see you haven't lost your sarcasm abilities," I said, wondering how on earth one does go about training a superheroine. "I can teach her about flying," offered Wendy, "and sex." Sex and flying, my two favourite things, especially when we did both at once. And then I came out with a doozy idea. "Having seen you in action, Wendy, the big thing you do all the time, is intimidation, things like "You know who I am" and the smashing the furniture with a blow from your fist, that sort of stunt." "Yes, it's much preferable to actually hurting people." "Well, how about you both go on a course on how to win friends and intimidate people?" "There is such a course?" "Not usually. But I know someone who would be rather good at doing one." After breakfast, Milly helped me repair the window that Wendy had shattered, while Wendy repaired the statue that she'd damaged. There's two tricky parts to repairing a window; cutting the glass exactly to size, and holding it in place while you tap in the tacks and putty round the frame. Yes, I could have called in a glazier, but there's a lot of satisfaction in doing these jobs yourself. I usually use a glasscutting wheel for trimming the pane, but with Milly around, I just got her to run her fingernail down the glass and crack off the excess.