Diana's Quest - Salerno By Diana the Valkyrie The spanking of Don Castilio The hat was perfect. I used a scarf to tie it down to my head, because if you're driving a rag-top, either you do that or two minutes down the road, you don't have a hat any more. And dark glasses, not for appearance, but because the sun in southern Italy in *bright*. But the brim of the big blue-and-white hat helped a lot, shading my eyes from the sun. "Thank you for last night" said Cherie. I glanced across at her. "Pity about Tristran" she continued. I looked at her again, what was this leading up to? "I'm sorry, Diana, I can't help it, I just love using your legs as a nutcracker." Ah. An apology. Not to poor Tris, who could barely stand up after a night with Cherie and me. "Shouldn't you be apologising to Tris, he's the one with the cracked ribs." Cherie frowned. "But Diana, he's a man, they enjoy having their ribs broken." Oh? Now that's a novel idea. People enjoy having their bones broken? I don't think so. "Cherie, that isn't true, and you know it. It isn't right to hurt a man" She pouted. "But they all try to hurt me." I drove down the autostrada, the world silent apart from the roar of Maxxie's engine and the blowing of a 140 kph gale through my hair. Then I looked across again, and saw a tear working it's way down her cheek. So I slowed down, pulled onto the side of the road, stopped, reached across and hugged her. "Oh Diana, you just don't know what it's like for a girl like me. They're bigger, and stronger, and they despise me for what I do, and they had some problem with some woman, and they want to take it out on me. Or they see me as a meal-ticket, and they just want to sponge off me. Or they want free sex, so they just rape me, oh, Diana, you're so lucky, you just don't know what it's like." I held her close as she wept into my T-shirt. She was almost right, but not quite. "Cherie, darling, you're wrong, I do know what it's like." And I explained to her that I hadn't known I was a Valkyrie until relatively recently, that I'd let people bully me and push me around, and use me. And then some brutal oaf had decided to rape me in a park one evening, and that was not something I was willing to be passive about, and I'd discovered that I didn't have to take it, and that led to my self-discovery, declaration of independence, and to the realisation that I'm a Valkyrie, and can demand that I don't get treated like a woman, a female, or a girl, or all the other preconceived categories that people try to put you into. So I explained all this to Cherie, and she said "Yes, I know Diana, but don't you see? Yes, you're a Valkyrie, but I'm not!" And she went back to sobbing again. There's no answer to that. Either you are or you aren't, although Michael, our expert Valkyrologist, was of the opinion that there are a lot more Valkyries around that you'd think, because almost all of them keep quiet about it. Being different, you see, is generally considered a Bad Thing, something to be hidden. A few of us flaunt it, and I'm a flaunter. "And it feels so good when you make them helpless and in pain with your body, Diana, I love it." Sure, giving a man a bit of a squeeze is nice, but not to go as far as cracking his ribs. "Cherie, you mustn't take it so far. It's wrong to hurt men, they don't like it if you take it too far." "I love you, Diana" she whispered. "Cherie, promise me, no more broken bones, OK?" "OK" she whispered. "OK". I hugged her, and she stopped crying. I started Maxxie up, and continued south, a Valkyrie in a blue and white hat, hair streaming out behind, scarf holding it in place, apparently alone in the car because you couldn't see Cherie who was lying down with her head in my lap, nuzzling at my belly. And we travelled like that until we reached Salerno, right down at the south end of Italy. I parked Maxxie, and woke Cherie up. She yawned, stretched, and seemed to have forgotten all her woes. "Ou sommes nous?" she asked, the french version of the classic waking-up question. "We're in Salerno, Cherie." She sniffed. "Food", I said. "Something to drink" I continued. "And a bed for the night" completing the List of Three. The priorities change, of course, you mustn't think that I'm always thinking about food, or even chocolate. For example, after I've just eaten and had my coffee, I start looking around at the local talent, to see what trouser doesn't seem to be already bagged. Food isn't the only consideration in a Valkyrie's life, or even the main one. Not all the time, anyway. But right now, it was pretty high on the list, so we set off to look for a trattoria. Or somewhere to eat. As we walked around, everywhere seemed to be really grotty. I mean, maybe I'm spoiled, but to me a really clean tablecloth is one of the essentials. And then we found somewhere that looked nice, and we walked in, and for somewhere nice, it was surprisingly empty. So I thought, hmmm, expensive I bet, and I sat down, Cherie sat too. And out came the restaurateur, and did the voluble-Italian bit, and when he paused for breath, I jumped in and said "Ich bin ein Englander", and then I realised I was doing German, and he gave me a very funny look, so then Cherie hit him with a stream of French, and he must have been really confused, because he gave us a menu in Spanish and scuttled back to the kitchen. I started giggling then, and Cherie did too, and it was just as we were both collapsing on the table that two men rushed into the place, shotgunned the guy at the next table, and ran out. And I did something really stupid. I mean, there I was in a foreign country, not knowing the language, ignorant of local customs, and totally unarmed, so why on earth did I jump up and run after them? Plus I'm dreadful at running, or anything that involves moving fast. Valkyries are built for speed the same way a rhino is, and I don't even have a horn. Unfortunately, the two guys weren't legging it. I say unfortunately, because if they had been all I could have done was pant along after them, watching them recede over the horizon. Unfortunately, they were bundling into the back of a car. Quite a small car, in the back. There was just room for the two of them; no way was there room for even a medium sized Valkyrie in the back. They had the advantage of surprise in the trattoria, but I had that advantage now. No-one had expected an extra passenger, as I dived in after them. The driver didn't look round; he expected passengers, he got passengers, time to drive. So we were all flung backwards in the car, the three of us all tangled up together, which might have been rather nice in other circumstances, but in this case, we weren't being nice. Here's what we were doing. I could see the guy on the right of the car, because he was at my head end, and he was wrestling with a rather large shotgun. But they aren't very handy to aim inside a car, and when you have a Valkyrie's hands round your neck and squeezing, you don't really have the time to mess with a gun that isn't going to point at her any time soon. I couldn't see the other guy, because he was at my feet end, but I knew he was there, because I'd flown over him on the way in, and all the kicking I was doing at random was having some effect, because I could feel myself making contact from time to time. It took me a couple of minutes to squeeze out the guy's neck, because I didn't want to kill him,. But after he was out, I could turn round and see what the other guy was up to. And I checked just in time, because he was just unfolding a rather nasty looking knife. But with him in sight, I could aim a foot more accurately now, and smashed his head hard into the side window. He dropped the knife, so I kicked his head again, and he seemed to be pegging out, so I kicked him again, just in case. The driver was still going like a bat out of hell, and I didn't know the Italian for "stop" or even "slow down?", but I do know some universal sign language. So I gently slid my hands round his throat, and gave him a very soft squeeze, which I just held. "Arretez" I whispered in his ear. Yes, I know that's French, dammit, but it was the best I could come up with at short notice. And either he didn't understand, or he did but didn't fancy his chances in a stopped car against the Valkyrie who'd just wiped out his two friends. So I had another think, kept one hand pressed against his Adam's apple hard enough to hurt, moved the other up to cover one of his eyes, and said "Andante", hoping that it meant the same in a car as it does in music. It worked; he slowed down then stopped. I rewarded his intelligence by demonstrating to him that when a Valkyrie sitting in the back seat of a car puts her hands round your neck and squeezes, then a good plan is to lose consciousness as quickly as possible. Whew. OK, Diana, now what? Three guys and one Valkyrie, and I just cannot believe the prickly sensation I'm getting between my legs. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong sexual partners. These guys are killers, or at least one of them is, and the others his accomplices. This is obviously a matter for the Politzei. So I took off my lovely new blue-and-white floppy hat, held on with the silk scarf, very fetching, and used the scarf to tie one of the murderer's wrists firmly behind his back. And when I say firmly, I mean firmly, I don't want him wriggling free and giving me a surprise, and I am aware that if you tie someone's wrists too tightly, you cut off the blood to his hands and he eventually gets permanently crippled, but I reckon he's a murderer and I'm willing to risk his hands if it reduces the chance of me being his next victim. Being gentle with men is always ideal, as I'd been telling Cherie, but there's a difference between what you do to someone in bed, and how you handle someone who just shotgunned a guy in the face. Then I undid my hair ribbon, 24 inches of royal blue nylon, and tied the second murderer's hands behind him, and none too gently either. Then I looked at the shotgun, a vicious looking weapon, and I don't like guns in the first place, but this one was really nasty. Knowing nothing about such things, I had no idea whether it was loaded or not. On reflection, if murderer one had been trying to get his hands on it while I attacked him, I guess it must still be loaded. How do you unload a shotgun? Hell, I don't even know how you fire it. But I didn't want to just ditch it, since it was the murder weapon, the politzei would probably want it. Huh - deal with it later. The driver was still loose in front of the car, although still out like a lamp. And I was all out of silk scarves and hair ribbons. And I couldn't use my bullwhip belt to tie him up, not if I wanted the retain my skirt and my dignity. Then I saw my new hat, and there was a ribbon round the brim. so I carefully detached it, I don't want to spoil my new hat, which gave me about 18 inches of ribbon, enough for tying a man's wrists together. I leaned over the front of the car and reached down for his hands, toppled over, fell on top of him, and spent the next five minutes getting myself disentangled. It would have been fun under other circumstances. And by the time I got him nicely trussed up, I heard movement in the back of the car, so I went out the door and in the back door, and murderer one had gotten his hands, still tied behind his back, on that wretched shotgun. So I took it away from him, and he kicked me in the belly while I was leaning over him, so I reached down, got a good grip on his balls, and squeezed, explaining that if he was a naughty boy, I'd punish him. "And now," I said, "You're going to show me how to unload this gun." He said something short in Italian, which I took as an emphatic and rude "No", so I explained what the alternative was. "Sweetie, I honestly don't know anything about guns, but this one must be loaded, or you wouldn't be so keen on it. So what I'm going to do, is point it just here" where I'd just squeezed him "and fiddle around with it, and if you're lucky, I'll work out how to unload it, and if you aren't lucky, I hear there are some really great opportunities in the Opera House at Rome for men who can reach really high notes." He broke at once. I've always found that you can get a man's attention by offering to help him get rid of all that interesting tackle between their legs. He explained to me how to break the gun open and remove the shells, and when I clacked it back, and pointed it at his groin, and started playing with the trigger, he screamed, wet himself, and explained about the other barrel. "Thank you, sweetie, I knew I could count on you." I put the gun in the front of the car, in case there were more surprises, and carried the driver into the back. Then I wondered what other weapons they might have, and whether it was safe to leave them all back there while I drove, and I thought, I wonder what they might have hidden. Well, there's only one way to find out. I pulled them out of the car, one at a time, and stripped them by the simple method of tearing the clothes off them. They must have wondered what my intentions were, and I was certainly distracted by all that naked male flesh, but I kept reminding myself "murderers" and managed to strip them naked without having to stop to calm down more than a couple of times. Two large knives, a cut-throat razor, three small knives, and a set of brass knuckles that I tried on and decided that they really were rather me, and would make a great fashion accessory to wear at parties. And a garotte, a length of wire with handles at each end. And a cosh. And some bottles of pills and packets of powder that I wasn't about to sample to find out. And rather a lot of lire. I put the whole lot, plus their clothes, in the front seat, and piled the three naked men in the back. Well, not quite naked; one wore my scarf round his wrists, and the other two each had a pretty blue ribbon. Fortunately, my hat wasn't a problem, since there wasn't much wind to blow it off. So, I started up the car, and started thinking about the Politzei. But the more I thought, the more I worried. Here's me, an English girl, travelling with a prostitute, not speaking a word of Italian. And here's them, three of them, ready to swear I mugged them or some such, and they're local boys, and I'm the foreigner, and I guessed I'd be lucky to leave the town within three months, what with all the paperwork. Rats. So what's to do, I can't just turn them loose, they killed a guy. Nor am I the sort of vengeful Valkyrie who dishes out an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I don't like hurting men; I certainly couldn't kill one. Not on purpose. So I drove back to the trattoria, and Cherie, bless her, was still there. I walked in, grabbed her hand, she'd already paid, and I dragged her out to the car. "Oh, Diana, bonne dieu, I was so worried, what happened?" I showed her my three trussed up chickens, sitting naked in the back of the car, and she licked her lips. "Oooh, Diana! For me?" Hmm. I hadn't thought of that. "Cherie, these guys are murderers." She didn't take her eyes of them, and nodded. "Mafia, probably" she said. Oh. I hadn't thought of that. Of course the Mafia isn't just Sicily. So I asked murderer one, "How about it, sweetie? Are you?" He tried to spit at me, and got murderer two in the face instead. We drove out into the country and found a plastic hotel. Cherie checked in, a suite, money being suddenly not a problem, and I sent her in to scout it out. She came back with two bathrobes and a blanket, and I explained to murderer one what would happen if he was a good boy, we'd all walk nice and peaceful into the hotel. "And if I don't?" I smiled. "Aren't these absolutely darling little brass knuckles? And wouldn't you absolutely love to have the sweet sensation of cold brass in your nuts?" "You wouldn't. You're a woman, women don't do that sort of YOWRRRGGGGG!" "Wrong. Now shake it, or I won't be so gentle next time." They hobbled, barefoot, across the car park, into the hotel past the incurious uncaring gaze of the concierge, who I guessed had seen far more interesting sights, up the stairs, and into our temporary quarters. I unplugged the TV, which gave me a useful length of electrical flex that I used to tie our guests to a radiator. "I can't feel my hands any more, I'll be crippled." Cherie looked at me. Another murderer chimed in, "It hurts, for God's sake, make them looser." Cherie looked at me again. "You deal with it, Cherie." They were already scared of the Valkyrie who had beaten them up and hog-tied them. Wrong - Cherie was the one they should fear. I pulled out a hairbrush, and they watched, following every movement, wondering what I was going to do. I started brushing my hair. Cherie went up to the first speaker, looped the belt from the bathrobe round one of his ankles, and tied it to a leg of the bed; the same with his other ankle. He lay there, hands tied behind him, legs tied and splayed, wondering what was next. Cherie went into the bathroom, and came out with the complimentary bathroom kit, pulled out one of those little plastic razors, and went to work between his legs. Soon, she had completely shaved off his pubic hair, and his little dick looked naked, helpless and shrivelled. "Please ... " he whimpered. Cherie smiled, and took the needle out of the sewing kit. She threaded cotton through the eye. He whimpered some more, and lost control of his bladder. Cherie gave him a very sweet smile, and I said "Enough. leave it for now, Cherie, but if any of them give me trouble, you can have him for half an hour." "Half an hour is all I need, Diana." We both smiled, and I heard a faint whimper. The night was peaceful. There might have been a few moans and whimpers, but pretty inaudible, and nothing at all compared to the noise like a steam train that I made as Cherie let off my fireworks. Being so close to all that naked male flesh had a very aphrodisiac effect on me. But when we woke up the next day, we still had the same key problem. Three murderers, and no good way of dealing with them. Why didn't I just let Cherie torture them to death? I was sure she would, at the drop of a hat. No, in my way of thinking, there's no real difference between me killing them, me telling Cherie to, and me closing my eyes and just not stopping her. But what was the alternative? Cherie kept talking about the benefits of castration, and I let her ramble on in that vein, it seemed to keep them suitably cowed, and every time she came closer, I could see them flinching. But although you might think that castration is a suitable reprisal for rape (not that I'm saying it is mind, just that you might think it), it somehow doesn't feel right for murder. Then I thought a bit more. These guys are just the foot soldiers. Who ordered the killing? Well, simple enough to find out. "Cherie, find out who sent them. Don't give them any more pain than you have to in order to find out." I sat on the bed and watched. I didn't want to watch this, but I felt it would be wrong to avoid the sight. Cherie went and got her needle and thread. "OK," she said, brightly. "Who wants to be sewn up first?" Yeuchh. Suddenly I realised what she had in mind, and it would only take a few stitches, too. "Cherie, if you sew up their penises, they won't be able to urinate, their bladders will burst and they'll die." "No they won't, Diana. I'll undo the stitches every few days so they can piss. It'll just be a bit uncomfortable, that's all." A bit uncomfortable? It's hard for me to imagine what it would be like, since my plumbing works the other way round. Not to mention the other. "And Cherie, they wont be able to have sex, either." "Yes they will, Diana, it's just that the ejaculation won't be able to get out." Suddenly, one of them vomited. I have to admit, I was feeling a little queasy myself. "Cherie, you must promise you'll stop when one of them talks." "Naturellement, Diana, but they have the code omerta, none of them will break silence." Cherie kneeled down by the genitals of the man she'd shaved. "Don Castilio" he said, immediately. I looked at the others; they nodded. "Cherie, if he lied, you can do all three of them." "Oooh, magnifique. Et les posteriors?" I smiled. "We'll see. Anyone want to change his story?" No. OK, so now we have a name. "And where does he live? "Casa Principio". They were all talking freely now, their eyes glued to Cherie's needle, their thoughts on what she could do with just a few stitches. So much for the Code of Omerta; shattered by the threat of a simple sewing job. "Are we going there, Diana?" asked Cherie. "Not yet, I have to get a few arrangements in place first. The trouble with an organised crime ring, is that if you castrate it, as it were, you just find someone new takes over, and you still have the criminal gang, but with a new leader. What you have to do, is not so much castrate it, as emasculate it. And I had a fair idea of how to do that. But I wanted whatever I did to be permanent, which meant that I had to make a permanent change in the balance of power in the gang. I made Cherie promise not to do anything horrible to our three murderers, and popped out to buy a local newspaper. Back at the hotel, I started scanning the small ads, until I found what I was looking for. "For English lessons, strict discipline, Mrs Jones". Perfect. I called and made an appointment. I'm not sure why this is, but if there's one sexual fetish that the English do better than anyone else in the world, it's spanking. Born in the Public School system, where the older boys are expected to flog the younger boys every day, refined in the Dickensian brothels of London's West End, and one of the greatest British exports in these days of the European Community - the English specialty, spanking. Oh, Germans can spank, but theirs is a methodical, systematic spanking. The French don't really understand the point of spanking, and the Dutch just think we're crazy. But if it's spanking you want, you simply can't do better than a good, strict, Englishwoman. And Mrs Jones was a spanker in the best tradition. I warmed to her as soon as we shook hands; I felt a hand that was hard and strong, capable of inflicting accurately estimated amounts of pain to a man's backside. A hand that knew its power, a hand that could spank until the tears flowed freely. A warm, friendly face, and a warm, friendly bosom, that was ideal for the post-spanking comforting that is crucial to the spanking experience, and which is the way that inferior spankers usually fail. Oh yes, Mrs Jones was just what I was looking for. I explained to her what had happened. She listened, and told me that my best plan was to get into my car, and drive very fast, and as far as possible without stopping. "These men are dangerous, Diana, they kill without compunction." "Yes, I know, I watched a murder, remember? We can't let this sort of thing go on." "We can't stop it, either. It's a fact of life here. And the police ..." Yes, I already guessed that it might actually be dangerous to try to hand this over to the police. It would only take one bent copper to "accidentally" shoot his gun at me. "The boss is Don Castilio, what I'm going to do, is get at him." "Won't work, Diana, even if you kill him, a successor will take over." "Ah, but I'm not planning to kill him." And I explained my plan to her. "Hmmm." she said. "Well?" I asked. "That could work", she said. "Yes? Then will you do it?" "I don't know," she said. "It could be dangerous." "How could it be dangerous? Once I've got you and him together, don't you think you could handle him?" She looked at her hands, and flexed them. "Oh, I can handle him, that's not my worry. My question is, can you?" "Do you want to see the three murderers I caught?" She nodded. "Yes, good idea. Let's see what you're made of." So we went back to the hotel, and I showed her the three naked men I had, tied to the radiators. They were beginning to smell a bit, because we weren't letting them use the toilet, and Cherie was amusing herself by showing them her needle and watching them gibber with fear, but they were still reasonably healthy. I could see, though, that I'd better hurry up with this, because they'd probably not stay that way for long, especially with Cherie around. "And you did that?" Mrs Jones asked me. I nodded. She sat down in a straight-backed chair, and said "I'll show you something. Bring that one to me" and she pointed to murderer one, who even now looked sullen and rebellious. "Do you want me to soften him up a bit first?" "What do you mean?" she asked. "I could punch him in the belly a few times, then he won't fight." She smiled. "Oh, I don't think he'll fight." Cherie undid the flex tying him to the radiator, and pulled him over to Mrs Jones, using that convenient pull-handle he had in front. Mrs Jones patted her knees. "Over here, lovey." He rested face-down on her knees. She rolled up her sleeve, raised her hand, and brought it down with a slap on his backside. "Now, lovey, I want you to be a big brave soldier, and not cry out." She settled into a rhythm, her hand rising and falling methodically, and I could see the soft white flesh of his backside slowly turning a rosy red colour. After ten minutes of this, each time her hand came down, he gasped in pain. "You see, Diana, first we bruise the flesh, which makes it softer and more tender. And the hardness of my hand abrades his skin, and that makes it sting. So there's pain on the surface, and pain deep down, and the longer I spank him, the deeper the pain penetrates. Now his world consists of just two things; his bottom and my hand, and he knows that his bottom can't resist my hand." Up and down went her hand, spank spank spank. Now he was jerking a little as each spank landed, and his bottom was bright red, and I could hear the rasp of his breathing. There was no respite, she didn't even change hands. "He's not used to this, I doubt if he'll hold out much longer." Now he was arching his back at each spank, and the skin of his bottom had broken, so there was blood on her hand now. But she didn't slow down, or reduce the power of the spanking. "No" he moaned. "Please no." She ignored his begging, bringing her hand down at the same pace and impact as when she'd started. He moaned louder, "Please stop, please." Mrs Jones took no notice, she was like a spanking machine. Then he started to cry; at first a wail, then a sob, and another, and then a full flood of tears, with all the sound effects. This was what she was waiting for. "Untie his wrists." I guess she knew what she was doing, so I did that. She lifted him off her knees onto her lap, put her arms round him, his face on her bosom, and held him while he cried his heart out. It was a bit embarrassing, he was confessing to every naughty thing he'd ever done, or so it seemed. And she kept saying "And you promise not to do that again", and he was promising, and crying, and saying he was sorry, and please forgive him, and she was telling him it was all right, he'd be a good boy now, and he was saying "Yes, oh yes." I have to say, I was impressed. And I think Cherie was too. "Bath time now, Jimmie" said Mrs Jones, and she stood up with him in her arms, and took him into the bathroom, and it was quite a long time before they came out again, and he didn't look so miserable now, plus he smelled a lot better. Mrs Jones let him curl up at her feet, and she, Cherie and me all talked about The Plan. Now and again, Jimmie looked up and raised his hand. "Yes Jimmie?" and he gave us some useful piece of information; men really can be quite intelligent sometimes. Well, some of them can. Then it was time for Mrs Jones to go; we had everything worked out, and knew what we were going to do. One problem, though. "Er, what about Jimmie?" I asked. Mrs Jones frowned. "I don't want him" she said. "He's yours." "Can I have him?" asked Cherie. Mrs Jones shrugged. "All right, Cherie, but you mustn't hurt him." I said. "Unless he deserves it" added Mrs Jones. Jimmie looked up at us as we discussed him, and when he realised that Mrs Jones really was going to leave without him, the tears welled up in his eyes, and he started crying, only this time silently. As she left, she explained to me, "Don't start trusting him yet, Diana, one spanking doesn't change a murderer into a good little boy." I reassured her that I trusted him about as far as I could throw him. Now there's a great idea for an Olympic event - man-throwing. Use a standard man, say 150 pounds, or 250 for the heavyweight event, a throwing circle like they use for the hammer, and you swing him round, and round, then up and out, trying to get as much distance as possible before he bounces. Sixty feet shouldn't be out of the question, more for the lighter men. Just think how much fun it would be, practicing for the event. I suppose you'd use dummies at first, otherwise you'd get through too many volunteers. Or practice over a swimming pool, to give him a nice soft landing. I got undressed and went to bed, and Cherie led him over to the couch. I'm not sure what she did with him, but he was still alive in the morning, and not in too much pain. I did notice that his backside had started bleeding some more, so maybe Cherie had been practising her new skill of spanking. Next day was bright and sunny, which is something English people say because it's worth remarking on, and I bet Italians don't because every day is like that. I got Maxxie, then Mrs Jones, and she had a picnic basket, and we went out into the Italian countryside and had a delightful picnic among the olive trees. And she told me how she'd ended up in Salerno. "I was a children's nanny, you know?" English nannies are generally considered to be the best in the world. The children grew up, as children do, and I didn't have a job. But I liked it round here so much, I decided to stay. And to make a living, if I couldn't look after children and teach them how to behave, I decided I'd do the same, but with men." "And they come to you for a good spanking?" "Some of them do, but my bread-and-butter comes from the wives. You see, the men round here all think that they have to be ultra-macho, and sometimes it gets so bad that the wife can't take it any more. So then she calls me in, and I give him a sharp spanking or three, and after a week or two of careful training, he's a delightful little boy again, a pleasure to know, and no trouble at all." "So the wives pay you for that?" "Of course. Well, ultimately it's the man that pays, but it's the wife that calls me in." "Don't you have any trouble getting them to submit to being spanked?" "I did at first, yes. So I found a local woman to help a bit, she works at the winery." "What does she do?" "She loads and unloads the barrels on the lorries. She's got big arms, a bit like you, Diana. Those barrels are a hundred kilos or more, none of the men can handle them. So I used to get her to accompany me on the visit, wearing a sleeveless top. At first, they didn't take her seriously, but after she bear-hugged a few of them unconscious, they took notice. Given the choice between taking the chance that Francesca wouldn't break any bones, and dropping their trousers for an expertly administered spanking, they don't think very long. With me, their behind stings a bit, well, maybe a lot. Francesca can put a man into hospital without even meaning to. You know, she even looks a bit like you." Hmm. I wonder if there's a Valkyrie here? "Mrs Jones ..." "Do call me Dorothy" "Dorothy, could we pay a quick visit to the winery?" She looked at her watch. "Sure, we have time. Are you thinking she might help with The Plan?" I nodded. "From your description, it sounds like she could be a Valkyrie like me." "A what?" "Valkyrie. Look, I'll explain when I've seen her, that way I won't have to explain twice." At the winery, a big woman was unloading a lorry. A man on the lorry was rolling the barrels to the edge, and Francesca was taking each one on her shoulders, and carrying it inside. I went over to the lorry and spoke to the man. "Aren't you going to help her?" "Hah, what do you think I am, a fork-lift? These are 200 litre barrels, they weight 200 kilos each. I can barely roll them. They used a fork-lift to load up this lorry, but she's so much faster." She came back and shouldered another barrel. I took the next one and followed her inside, up two flights of stairs, and I put it down next to where she left hers. We worked together unloading that lorry, and I can tell you it wasn't easy. I'm just not used to handling barrels, the shape is so awkward, and if you drop one and it breaks, that would be a disaster. So you have to be careful and gentle with them. Eventually, we got the lorry unloaded, and Francesca offered me her hand, "Thank you. Time for a drink." The three of us went into the cool building, and Francesca uncorked a bottle and poured us all a long glass. "So?" said Mrs Jones, looking at me. I laid Francesca's arm down on the table, with Mrs Jones for comparison. It was like a tree trunk and a matchstick. "Don't look at the size comparison. Lift your hand a few centimeters" They did, and the tendon inside their elbows became visible. "Look at where it attaches to the bone. Francesca's ligament is much further from the joint. Francesca, there's no doubt, you're a Valkyrie." As if there could have been any doubt in a woman who carried 200 kg barrels around all day. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Homo Erectus was divided into three subspecies; Sapiens, Neanderthalis and Valkyrensis. Sapiens had the best breeding abilities, and that's why there are six billion of them around the world today. Neanderthalis was hairy and not so obsessed with sex and violence, so the Sapiens outbred and eventually hounded them to extinction. We only know about Neanderthalis through fossils, although even today, you occasionally see a Sapiens with Neanderthalis characteristics. Valkyrensis saw this happening, and foresaw a similar fate. The main characteristics of the Valkyrie aren't as obvious an the Neanderthals. We don't have a distinctive skull like they did, for example. What we do have, is a thick layer of muscle where Sapiens has spaghetti, which makes us physically stronger. But you can't see it; if you look at a Valkyrie relaxing on the beach, all you see is a rather sturdily built woman with big thighs, a thick waist and broad shoulders. Unless you diet to extreme to lose all your bodyfat, the muscles don't stand out. And I rather like being the size I am. So we could live side by side with Sapiens, without them realising. And, of course, the Sapiens ego helps a lot, they look at me and see a fluff- bunny. There's a lot of myth and legend that survived, of course, like that of the Amazons, and of the Norse Valkyries, and Pallas Athene of the Greeks, and probably similar things in other cultures. Who knows how these myths propagate, with details invented and added as they get repeated (Amazons cutting off their right breast? I don't think so). But by doing that, what the Valkyries gave up was something very precious indeed. We lost our Valkyruses, our menfolk, those sweet blokes that every Valkyrie wants to shelter and protect with her strong arms. You can have a lot of fun with a Sapiens, but something deep inside me pined for the lost Valkyruses. And what does a Valkyrus look like? I wish I knew. They certainly aren't the mountain of muscle that perhaps you first thought. And I doubt if they're the sexual marathon-runners either. I just don't know, the trouble is, I've never met one, not that I know of. I explained all this to Francesca and Dorothy, and Dorothy kept digging her fingers into Francesca to check what I was saying. But the clincher is the displaced tendons. By attaching further from the joint, you get a lot more leverage and therefore strength. But such a low-geared lever doesn't move so fast, and the Valkyrie is slow to move, and terrible at running. I also find that things seem to break when I'm around, but that might be a different issue. "So that's why it takes three men to lift a barrel that I can carry?" "Yes, Francesca. You're built for power, Homo Sapiens isn't." "So what are they built for?" asked Dorothy. I licked my lips. "Actually, I think they're rather good for screwing." They both nodded. I got Francesca to pull her skirt up, so we could see her thighs. She was a bit reluctant, but I showed her mine, and then she lifted her skirt. Yes. Tree trunks all the way. Telegraph poles. She'd burst a football, no trouble. Thirty six inches apiece, I guessed. So then Dorothy explained The Plan, and Francesca listened and nodded, but I didn't get the feeling that she was really understanding it. But she was obviously happy to go along with Dorothy, and I certainly felt a whole lot more confident about the long term if I was leaving a Valkyrie in place to look after things. Darkness fell, and we got ready for the evening's adventure. I was dressed dramatically, all in black. Black sweater, long black skirt, black leggings, and a black balaclava to tuck my hair into. Black isn't really my colour, but for evening wear, I rather fancy myself in black Dorothy had gone for the leather look, a sort of Mrs Peel catsuit in black leather, very fetching, very sexy. Francesca didn't have anything special to wear, just a sort of peasant skirt and an off-the-shoulder blouse. Dorothy was putting the finishing touches to her make-up, but I didn't think it was a make-up sort of occasion, so I just gave my hair a good brushing and then tugged the balaclava over it.. We piled into Maxxie, and once again I questioned my wisdom in getting a two-seater. But we coped. I drove round the back of the Casa, and I left Maxxie off the road behind some bushes. Then we gathered to look at the seven-foot brick wall, with broken glass on top, and another two feet of razor wire. "So how are we getting over that?" said Dorothy. "Fly?" Actually, my original intention had been a wooden ladder, but Francesca the Valkyrie changed that. "Yes, Dorothy, actually, I'm going to fly over it." Francesca took my left wrist and ankle, and started to swing me round and round. Faster and faster, then with some up and down motion, and finally let go of me, and I hurtled high into the air over the wall, soaring as gracefully as a hippopotamus. Flying is easy, it's the landing that's tough. I was kind of lucky, I landed on a dead dog. It hadn't been dead until very recently, but when 185 pounds of Valkyrie lands on a dog, what you have is an ex-dog, a former dog, a dog that is no more. The dead dog had a friend, which was racing towards me like a bullet with teeth. I lay on the dead dog, completely winded and shaken, hoping that the oncoming wolf-like creature was friendly. Yes, about as friendly as a cornered weasel. With a low, soft growl, 150 pounds of dog landed on me and tried to tear my throat out. Now I'm normally very kind to animals, and hate hurting men, but sometimes you don't really have a choice. The smell of it's breath alone was enough to kill a horse, and that mouth, with all those teeth, was aiming to terminate a Valkyrie. I had my hands up in front of my face, so that's where he landed, all growls and wet drool. He was trying to close his jaws on me, so I got hold of one jaw in each hand and pulled them apart. There was a sickening snap as his jaw broke, then a crack as his neck broke, and I was sandwiched between two dead dogs. Not a great start to the evening, and I wondered if I'd ever get the smell of dog out of that sweater. I stood up, shakily, and made a sound like an owl to let the others know I was OK. Yes, I know they don't have owls in south Italy, but I didn't know that then, you think I'm a naturalist? I staggered to my feet, and dragged myself round to the front of the house, to the gatehouse. I looked in, there were two guys there. Not a problem. But the key was, to get them out of the way, without them raising the alarm, and without hurting them too much. Like I said, Valkyries hate hurting men. I got ready for the attack. From their point of view, what happened was someone suddenly kicked the door in, and a beautiful blonde was standing there, naked to the waist, and with entirely adequate ladybumps. They were frozen, caught between the urge to action, and the urge to fuck. By the time they'd collected their wits, I'd punched one of them in the belly, and he then made a determined attempt to vomit the entire contents of his stomach for the next several minutes. The other one moved too fast for me; he swung a fist and hit me in the spine as I was recovering from the first punch I'd thrown, and that sent me sprawling over the floor. But then he made the mistake of diving on top of me. Every Valkyrie knows what to do when there's a man on top of you. Unfortunately, the current circumstances ruled out romance, so I had to make do with raising my legs to embrace him, and then crushing him between them like a nut in a nutcracker. I stopped after I heard a rib go, and then just hugged him until I'd squeezed the air out of him, whereupon he passed out. Then I got up, carefully avoided the pool of vomit from the first guy, and put my sweater back on. Once outside, I reached the gate and did my owl-hoot again. In retrospect, it wasn't a very good owl-hoot, but since there weren't any owls around anyway, that didn't really matter. Dorothy and Francesca loomed up out of the darkness, and I rattled the gate. How does it open? Um. I looked for a bolt, for a catch, for a lock - nothing. Maybe something electrical, but the two guys who knew how to operate it were unconscious or seriously puking. But Francesca knew how to open it. She got hold of a bar with each hand, and just dragged them apart, the one- inch steel groaning as it gave way. And Dorothy and Francesca just stepped through. We stopped off at the guard-hut to check again. Dorothy took a look at the guy writhing on the floor, and said "Gut-punch?" I nodded. "Do the other one, too." I was about to protest that he was unconscious, so it was hardly sporting to gut him again, but Francesca didn't seem to care about such niceties. She wrapped one hand round his jaw to lift him into position, then her other hand came up from hell in a big, looping uppercut that just sank into his belly, and must have touched his spine. There was a spurt of blood from his mouth as something inside must have ruptured, and she let go of him, dropping him on the floor like a sack of coal. "Good, Francesca. Very good punch. Now him" said Dorothy, pointing to the other one. I could never hurt a man like that in cold blood, I guess I'm too soft. He had watched his friend being gutted, and now he knew it was his turn. His stomach was already a sea of pain from my punch, he must have thought her fist would kill him. I wondered about that, too. She gripped his jaw and lifted him slowly, savouring the fear in his eyes. He squirmed feebly in her grasp, but she had him in an iron grip. Then she showed him her other hand, and made a fist; huge, hard, heavy, a hammer of destruction. She released his jaw, and as his body folded to sag to the ground, her other fist came up in a huge uppercut to his belly, sinking deep into the soft, helpless flesh, and becoming the epicentre for an earthquake of pain and damage that left him incapable of doing anything more than sink to the ground lost in an ocean of pain. "Right, they won't be bothering us any more." said Dorothy. I felt rather nauseated. Gut-punching that guy in the heat of the fight was one thing. But what Francesca had just done, I was sure I couldn't do, or at least I hoped I couldn't. "Into the house" said Dorothy. The front door was closed, of course. I ran towards it, then allowed 185 pounds of solid Valkyrie to collide with it. I bounced off the door, my shoulder in great pain, and staggered sideways. Francesca rushed up behind me and smashed against the door; a shattering blow. The door shuddered and shook, but held firm. Then Dorothy walked up to it, turned the handled, and opened the door. She walked into the Casa, followed by two very sheepish Valkyries. Brute strength isn't always the answer, Valkyries sometimes forget that. Then two large gorillas rushed into the room, and the next few minutes was full of cruelty to animals. After Francesca and I had dealt with the gorillas, things went very quiet, so we split up to search the house. No-one was home. So we trussed up the gorillas in string, and sat down to wait. Francesca had loads of questions for me, she'd never met another Valkyrie before, and she wanted to know if I was the same as she was. Same big thighs, same thick waist, same displaced tendons. I explained to her the elements of the Valkyrie heritage, and she said "Good for lifting barrels." "Yes, Francesca, great for lifting 200kg barrels, but you shouldn't be content to be a cheap replacement for a fork-lift truck." The fact is, being very strong is nice, and especially in bed. But to use it to do a job that a simple machine could do better, is an appalling waste. "Francesca, it's great that you can lift the barrels so easily, but how do you suppose other people handle them?" "I never thought about that. I suppose they also have a Valkyrie? Or they have three men to do it?" Actually, I doubt if three men could handle a 200kg barrel, the shape is too awkward, three men couldn't apply what little strength they could muster between them. "Fork-lift, Francesca. They cost $5000 for a second hand electric one, and even the wimpiest man can handle two barrels at once." "Well, I don't know what else I could do, Diana. I've been at the winery all my life, ever since I was small. I thought, I'll work here until I get married, then have lots of babies." Ambition - to be a baby farm. Hmmm. "And?" "Oh, well. No-one asked me, so that won't happen." Dorothy chimed in "It's the macho thing. Italian men have this big macho thing. A strong woman is anathema. No-one will ever marry Francesca." "You're wrong." I said. "There are men who adore Valkyries, who love the thought of being picked up and cuddled in her strong arms." Francesca raised one eyebrow. I've always wondered how people do that, mine work as a pair. "Even if you can't find what I'm looking for, a Valkyrus, there's plenty of Homo Sapiens who practically wet themselves at the thought of a really strong woman." So I told them about my friends Judy and Michael, and how in love they were, and how he simply accepted that she was far stronger that him, and she did all the heavy lifting, like suitcases. And then we heard the front door go, so we all kept quiet. Footsteps up the stairs, then the bedroom door opened and a woman hurtled in, followed by a short swarthy swearing Italian. Fortunately, my Italian is poor enough, so I have no idea what he was saying, except he was accusing Rosa of being a whore. Then he saw us, and stopped. His wife (I assume) staggered to the bed and fell onto it, crying. Just your standard wedded bliss domestic scene. He called out "Mario!" but nothing happened. Then he called "Julio" and I half expected two Italian plumbers to bounce in, and tried not to giggle. He went to the door to call, but by then, the doorway was blocked by an adequately wide Valkyrie, and I didn't let him past. "If you're looking for two gorillas, we met them earlier and dealt with them." "What do you mean?" "Francesca, go and fetch them." Francesca went to fetch the gorillas, and I stopped Castilio from leaving again, by simply standing in the doorway and letting him bounce off me, I didn't want to damage the goods, not just yet. She came back with one under each arm "It's just like carrying barrels, only easier". She dumped them on the floor, and then Dorothy took over. I'm too soft. I hate hurting men, I just don't have the stomach for it. And when I see a man crying, I just want to pick him up and cuddle him till he's better. Dorothy, on the other hand, was very used to men in pain. She'd explained the theory to me. "You have to start off with pain, that's the only way to get their attention." I know a few other ways, but she probably wouldn't count those. "But not just pain. You use the pain to get through to them, and to induce fear, fear of more pain. You play on the fear then, enlarge it. You don't give them pain just for its own sake, it's to enlarge the fear." She'd explained all this at the picnic. "When the fear level is high enough, they start to lose control, the fear drives them to do shameful things. Then you can start the humiliation, making them do things they're ashamed of, out of fear of you. Begging, pleading. Licking. And worse. Once you've got them used to humiliating themselves, you own them, you can do what you like with them, and you can remodel them into better people. More useful. Obedient. Loyal." Hmm. This sounded a bit like Vicky and her dogs that weren't quite dogs. Although they seemed to enjoy their new lives as dogs. Francesca untied one of the gorillas and helped him stand up. "You see," said Dorothy, "Francesca is one very powerful woman. All day long she lifts and carries the big wine barrels. Look at her arms." Francesca took off her blouse, and showed a pair of arms that were thicker than most men's legs. She flexed, and they grew huge, bulging with massive muscle. Even I was impressed, but then, I don't carry barrels of wine all day. Take one Valkyrie, and put her through that sort of exercise routine, and it isn't surprising that her upper arms are bigger than many women's waists. Like I said, even I was impressed. Dorothy pointed to one of the gorillas. "Francesca, a demonstration if you please." We all sat back to watch the show. First she took off her skirt, revealing an impressive pair of bloomers; large and heavy, and more than ample. From what I could see of her thighs (which wasn't much, those bloomers were *big*) they weren't on the same heroic scale as her arms, I guess barrel-carrying doesn't do so much for your lower body. Not too shabby, though, and as long as I kept my skirt on, the biggest around. First, she untied the ruffian who was about to become her victim, and helped him to stand. Then she put her arms round him and cuddled him. Well, that's what it looked like. But you could see that he was in some sort of distress, and after she'd hugged him for a while, she released him and he sagged to the ground. No respite, though. She lifted him again, under his armpits and pulled him close to her body again with those colossal man-crushers. I heard the "whuff" as those massive arms crushed the air from his lungs, then she just held him like that till he blacked out. I looked round the room. Gorilla 2 looked scared, as well he might. Dorothy was looking excited. Castilio had an air of disdain, but the most interesting reaction was from Rosa, who was looking at Francesca with open-mouthed admiration. Dorothy turned to Castilio. "Take your trousers off, dearie. Or you're next for the treatment." He said something short and pungent. Dorothy waved her hand to Francesca and pointed to Castilio, and said "Try not to hurt him too much." Francesca grinned and licked her lips. She walked over to Castilio and put her hands on her hips. He stood a few inches taller than she did, but it was obvious who was going to be crushed and who would be doing the crushing. Suddenly he unleashed a wicked punch straight at her midsection. I flinched, knowing how much that would have hurt, and sure enough, he was bent over nursing his hurt hand. If you ever get into a fight with a Valkyrie, that's a really dumb move, like punching a brick wall. "My turn" said Francesca happily, making a fist that looked like Jove's hammer. Wow. Could you imagine what one of those could do to a helpless man, with the force of those huge arms powering it? He obviously could, because he whimpered a little, expecting a explosion of agonising pain to be imminent. But Dorothy had taught her well, and she pulled the punch that might otherwise have destroyed his internal organs so badly he would have bled to death from internal injuries. We waited while he regurgitated his dinner all over the nice carpet, and the Dorothy repeated in exactly the same tone of voice, "Take off your trousers, dearie." He looked at Dorothy, Dorothy looked at Francesca, Francesca made a fist, and he pulled his trousers down. "You see how it works, Diana? Pain, fear and humiliation. In a couple of weeks he'll be a sweet obedient boy, no trouble at all. Come here, dearie." He stepped closer to her. "Now take off your underpants." I could see the struggle in his mind; the humiliation of showing his genitals to us all, against his fear of Francesca. Francesca stretched, putting her hands behind her neck, which made her biceps bulge ominously, and he pulled his underpants down. Dorothy took his cock in her hand, and said "You poor boy, it's so small!" Francesca and I giggled, that'd always a sure way to humiliate a man. She'd have said that no matter how big he was. He did look rather small, though, poor lamb. Dorothy turned to Rosa, and said "Rosa, has he ever managed to fulfil you?" Rosa shook her head, no. "Well, I'm really not surprised, if this is all he can muster. So does he lick you off, or what?" "Never would I do such a thing" said Casty. Dorothy smiled sweetly at him. "Casty, when I've finished with you, you'll be begging for the chance to pleasure a woman in a way that is so painless for you." "What do you mean?" Dorothy smiled at him. "Over the next few weeks, you're going to learn a lot. Including the meaning of pain and humiliation. Francesca, you've done well today. You can have that one for your pleasure. And you, Casty, will bend over my knee" She didn't have to tell him twice. With Francesca standing arms akimbo, looking like an angel of death, with me blocking the doorway, he didn't have much choice. He laid himself face down over her knee, and the spanking began. Her strokes were steady and firm, not severe, but I knew that the hardness of her hand against the softness of his arse would inevitably prevail. Dorothy was a believer in long-term spanking, letting the soreness and tenderness gradually build up, so that each stroke was slightly more painful than the one before. Meanwhile Francesca was reaping her reward. She picked the ruffian up with her arms crushing round his waist, and turned him upside down. She supported him in that position with one powerful arm crushing his waist to her, and used her other hand to stuff his head under the waistband of her voluminous bloomers, and then down, down, down until his head was firmly gripped between her thighs. "Slowly, Francesca" reminded Dorothy, as her hand continued its rhythmic rise and fall on Casty's arse. I could see his skin begin to redden. "Rosa, I want you to watch this, and learn." Rosa nodded, this was all new to her, but she obviously liked it. "They aren't so macho when you take their trousers off and spank them." Meanwhile, some rather scary noises were coming from inside Francesca's bloomers. If it had been me doing that, I'd have at least given him a rest and a chance to recover at that point, but she kept right on going, and in a while the scary noises were replaced by an even scarier silence. Silence from him, that is. Francesca was making enough noise for both of them, and I guessed she was making her blissful way towards orgasm. I was right, there was a noisy explosion of ecstasy from her, and then she sat down on the bed next to Dorothy, and pulled an unconscious man out of her bloomers. He looked dreadful. Casty had seen all this, so when Francesca said "Dorothy, can I have another one?" he whimpered audibly. But Dorothy sternly said "You should have made that one last longer, Francesca." Francesca looked disappointed, and started getting dressed again. "Well, can I help you to spank him?" "Francesca, I'm actually better at this than you are. You do too much damage, too fast." His arse was bright red by now, and he was beginning to gasp with each stroke. But Dorothy didn't let up in the slightest, her hand rose and fell in the same tempo as when she'd started, the perfect spanking machine." "So how long do you spank him?" asked Rosa, and I could hear genuine interest in her voice. "It's very simple, Rosa. You spank him until he begins to cry." Making a man cry! How horrible. I really couldn't do a thing like that, it's bad enough when it happens by accident. But Dorothy heart was as hard as her hands, and she clearly thought nothing of it. Obviously it's for his own good, but even so, making a man cry on purpose. Shudder. Brrrrh! Francesca was dressed now, and her playmate was starting to regain consciousness. She looked down and saw him starting to move by her feet, picked him up, and put him over her lap. "No, Francesca, you mustn't spank him." "Why not?" "You've already done some terrible things to him, after what you just did with his head, he might never be the same again." Rosa interrupted. "Could I try spanking him?" We turned and looked at her. She was a pretty blonde, a real fluff- bunny. Or at least, so she'd appeared. But maybe the fluff-bunny was only a veneer over something harder? I nodded to Dorothy, she smiled, and said "OK, you hold him in place, Francesca, and Rosa can have a go at spanking." "What should I use?" she asked, taking off a rather nice leather belt. "No," said Dorothy. "If you can't spank with your bare hand, then don't spank at all." So Rosa knelt in front of Francesca, and started applying the palm of her hand to his bottom. She tried to use the same rhythm as Dorothy, but she soon tired and fell behind. "Don't worry," said Dorothy. "It's like knitting or lifting weights, the more you do it, the better you get." "Can I finish him off?" asked Francesca. "No, I already told you." "How long does it usually take to make a man cry?" asked Rosa. "It varies," replied Dorothy. "Sometimes an hour or so, sometimes they hold out for several hours. But they all crack sooner or later, a man's soft backside can never hold out against a woman's hard hand." By now, Casty was jerking as each blow landed, and I could see how he was anticipating the pain of each spank. His bottom had moved from red to purple, although she hadn't broken the skin yet. I asked her why not. "I'm aiming for long-term results here, Diana. I need to completely break his will, not his skin. If I leave the skin unbroken, I can inflict more pain in the long run. Plus blood gets rather messy." True. It's a devil of a job getting bloodstains out of silk. Suddenly, he couldn't take any more. "Nooooo" he yelled, and pulled himself up off Dorothy's knees. "Tch" she tutted, and shook her head sadly. Francesca's fist exploded like dynamite in his gut, but he didn't have anything left to vomit, so he just collapsed onto Dorothy's knees again. I guess she'd missed one beat, and she carried on spanking as if nothing had happened. But you could see the difference. He was gasping, and moaning, and as soon as he could breathe properly again (a gut punch from a Valkyrie paralyses your breathing, as well as emptying the contents of your stomach) he started crying. Softly at first, then wailing, and then he finally let it all come out in great sobs and I could see the tears streaming down his face. At that point, Dorothy stopped spanking him, pulled him up on her lap, and gave him the other half of the treatment, the soothing cuddle. I'm not sure which is worse. Sure, the spanking is physical pain, but the soothing cuddle afterwards is more damaging psychologically, as it creates an emotional dependence. It's like you're offering him pain, fear and humiliation if he's bad, but warmth, love and affection if he's good and obedient. Dorothy told me that it's that second phase that is the most important part of the process. Dorothy soothed away his tears and dried his eyes, and then Rosa asked if she could have a go. So Dorothy said to Casty, "You've been a bad boy, haven't you?" He gazed at her, not knowing what to say. Francesca flexed her hand a couple of times in a hinting sort of way, and he nodded and whispered "Yes". "Then now you must bend over for Rosa." "No, please, no more." "Casty, you've been bad, It's either Rosa, me or Francesca." He looked at me, as if to appeal to the only woman in the room that didn't want to hurt him, maybe he sensed my dislike of this process. But there were more important things at stake than my sensibilities, and I just shook my head. He crept over to Rosa and lay down on her lap, offering her his bright red and purple, tenderised posterior. And Rosa, no doubt thinking of all the pain and humiliations she'd suffered at his hands, began a long, slow spanking session. At that point, I stood up. "Well, Dorothy, I don't thing he's going to be much of a problem." "No, I'll get him properly under control, and then we'll sort out his gang of thugs, and I think we can make this corner of Italy quite nice and tidy." I thought of Dorothy spanking her way through the rest of the local Mafia, and I grinned. "Great. Well, I don't think you need me here any more, I'll be popping along." It was pretty late, so I got back to the hotel, and fell straight into bed. I was joined shortly by an inquisitive hand, and an exploring tongue, and Cherie eased away the frustrations of the day. Next morning was another beautiful day. I was woken up in the nicest possible way by Cherie, and afterwards as we were driving back north, I told her what had happened. "So we don't have to worry about punishing those murderers any more, Dorothy will sort them out." "Oh", said Cherie. "So I didn't have to ..." "Oh, no, you didn't!" She giggled. "Cherie, you promised!" She looked repentant. "Cherie, how could you!" She grinned. "All of them?" She nodded. "Sewn up tight?" She made a tight fist. "Oh, Cherie, you're wicked, whatever will I do with you?" And she grinned brazenly and suddenly something rather nice was happening between my legs, and how can you stay angry at someone like that?