Diana's Quest part 3 - Rome by Diana the Valkyrie, Valkyrie@TheValkyrie.com Diana doesn't get into a fight in Rome Update: 30/09/1997 to sagas If you haven't read parts one and two of the series, I strongly suggest you read those first. This one has not much sex, and not much violence, either. I'm sure that Paris and Marseilles aren't representative of France, and I'm sure that the low-lives I'd encountered weren't typical Frenchmen, but my plan never was to stay in one place for long, and I told Cherie I was headed for Italy. specifically for Rome. She stopped brushing my hair for a moment and asked in a very small voice "Moi aussi?" "Oui, Cherie tu aussi." She went back to brushing my hair. If there's one luxury I'd take anywhere, it's a good hairbrush, and being brushed by someone is the ultimate pleasure. Well, maybe not the ultimate, but pretty high on the list. And Cherie was very good at it, using long, slow sweeps of the brush, moving from side to back to side, and really concentrating on what she was doing. I thing the love of being brushed harks back to our monkey ancestry; that's also why we enjoy stroking cats. Thinking more about this, maybe the reason why Cherie was so good at the main thing she did was the strong focus she had. Somehow I couldn't imagine Cherie menu-planning or thinking about clothes while making love. And maybe that would also be one of the characteristics of the Valkyrus, the object of my Quest. There was plenty in the kitty, Cherie was good at her profession. So I decided we'd travel under our own power. I found one of the big rental agencies, and asked what sports cars they had. The guy behind the desk apologised that they only had the Mazda MX5 soft-top, but I reassured him that I hadn't really expected him to have a Morgan, and the Mazda would do just fine. Cherie fell in love with it at once, and christened him "Maxxie". I tend to think of cars as male; you press on thing to make them go, another thing to make them stop, and they keep running out of juice. Maxxie growled as I got him started, and took off like a startled rabbit as I floored the accelerator. As soon as we got out of the city, I pulled over to the side, and worked out how to open the soft top. Then I got my hairbrush out of its bag, gave it to Cherie, and enjoyed the sensation of having my hair brushed as the wind blew it streaming back behind me. The speed limit on the autoroute was 110, but Maxxie didn't like that at all, and impatiently stretched his legs until he was bowling along at 160 (which isn't as bad as it sounds, because it's kilometers not miles). Naughty Maxxie. And then we crossed the border into Italy, more like a toll booth than you'd expect a border crossing, and started cruising down what I seemed to remember was the Appian way. "I don't speak Italian, Diana." "Neither do I, but you flash your legs at them, and I did Latin at school, we'll get by." Eventually, the autostrada reached Rome, and I turned off at the cloverleaf. As we went round the twist, I saw this very dishy looking bit of trouser hitch-hiking to Milano, and I pointed him out to Cherie. "Dinner", I said. She looked at him and wrinkled her nose. "Too small, Diana, throw it back." "No, I like them small." So I wove round the cloverleaf and pulled up next to him. "Prego", I said, although I'm not sure if that's the right word. Maxxie's main drawback is that he's a two seater. That's normally just right, me in the driving seat and some scrumptious piece of trouser sitting next to me. But I didn't want to dump Cherie, she was rather fun. So Cherie got out and gestured to blokie to get in, and once he was settled, she just sat on his lap, wriggling a bit to get comfortable. He moaned a bit, and I looked across to check, but she wasn't damaging the goods. Maybe just giving them a taste of the future. If you thought Parisians drive like loonies, you haven't been to Marseilles. But the Marsellaise were staid and sensible compared with the Italians in Rome. The object seemed to be to drive as fast as possible, and scream curses at any vehicle that thwarted that plan. I soon got the hang of it, and I drove while Cherie cursed and the guy under her screamed "Milano, Milano!! No-one's as aggressive as a Valkyrie, plus it wasn't my car. After dashing about for a bit without any clear plan, I spotted the Coliseum, so I knew we must be in the city centre. I found a hotel, parked the car, and we all piled out. Well, two of us did, my trouser was still sitting in the front seat, his eyes closed and a look if extreme terror on his face. I guess he's never been a passenger in a Valkyrie-driven car before. "Cherie, could you deal with that" I said, and took the bags into the hotel. It's nice having a sidekick to take care of details like a terrified entertainment system. I checked in, using a mixture of French, Latin and gestures, and explained that I only had francs, but they didn't mind that. "Salle por due, prego." I really must find out what prego actually means. "Oh, no, make that three, trey" I said holding up three fingers as I saw Cherie leading my hitch-hiker by the hand, a big sloppy grin on his face, I guessed she'd explained to him about being the entertainment for the evening, probably with some kind of demonstration that left him with no memory of the last few hours. So the three of us occupied room 418; there was one bed big enough for two, and an armchair sort of thing that converted. Cherie had Andre nicely calmed down by now, and he even had the strength to leer at me a bit. That's good, I like it when a man shows a bit of spunk. The next thing to deal with was food. And there I had a specific plan in mind, which wasn't just the usual "lots and lots" plan. The custom in ancient Rome was, whenever anyone caught a turbot, it was a gift to the Emperor. The turbot grew huge in the Tiber, which was the river where all the sewage was dumped. Sometimes the Emperor would give the turbot to a favourite, sometimes the palace would feast on turbot. But I'd never eaten turbot, and I wanted to know what the big deal was. And where better to eat turbot than in Rome? So the three of us went out in search of a restaurant that had turbot on the menu. It wasn't difficult; the first decent place we came to was fine. I ordered for the three of us, making sure that Andre ate very lightly, but with plenty of sugar for a short-term energy boost (I couldn't really see him lasting more than a couple of hours). I discovered I didn't like turbot much. Then, as we walked back to the hotel, some ruffian grabbed my bag, and it all happened so fast, I didn't react until he was several yards down the road and moving fast. Valkyries aren't built for speed. Andre was though. He was a skinny little creature with no fat and hardly any muscle, and he took off after the bag-snatcher like a gazelle. I stood and gawped for a few seconds, then realised he might need reinforcements, so I let go of Cherie's hand and lumbered off in pursuit. Old Isaac Newton's second law was my main limitation; acceleration is inversely proportional to mass. It takes a Valkyrie a long time to get up to full speed, and when she gets there, the Archimedean law of levers becomes the problem. You see, your arms and legs work as levers, and although I'm perfectly happy at 5'5", I'd be a lot faster if I were, say, 12 inches taller. And the other leverage problem is the Valkyrie anatomy, my tendons are further from the joints than a Sapiens, which means more strength, but less range of movement and less speed. I can't kick any higher than a man's testicles, and I'm terrible at throwing things. Apart from parties, that is. So I galumphed along watching Andre and thief getting further and further away, but I think Andre was gaining on him, and then they turned a corner, and I tried to accelerate, but I'm a Valkyrie, I can't help it. Then I reached the same corner and encountered Newton's first law, which says that a massive object (for example, a Valkyrie) will continue to move in a straight line unless acted on by a force. The feet went round the corner, the Valkyrie didn't, and I skidded, went down, hit the pavement, bounced, saw stars, and them Cherie flew over me like a hurdler, and I dimly realised she was going to help Andre. Still wearing those totally ridiculous shoes that I wouldn't be able to walk in, let alone run. This is ridiculous, I thought. If there's a melee, Andre will get wiped out in seconds, Cherie even worse, and the one person the need is lying on the pavement trying to get her breath back. And in the distance I could see the melee forming, three people struggling, and Cherie running towards them, which means Andre was outnumbered two to one and would be getting beaten up, probably badly, and by the time Cherie got there, Andre would be out of it, and they'd be already to either beat her up, or, more likely, rape her. Oh shit. You Sapiens don't even realise what a tremendous advantage you have over the Valkyrensis subspecies. Speed is more useful than strength, believe me, which is probably why there's so many of you and so few of us. What's the advantage of being able to break a guy's ribs with a hug, when you can't catch him in the first place? "Come on, girl" I said to myself, and staggered to my feet (when I go down I go down with a thump), and started to move towards the impending disaster. Impending? Andre was lying down and they were putting the boot in already, Cherie didn't seem to have the least idea that she was running into trouble, and although my feet were doing a great job at making the pavement shake, progress towards the schwerpunckt was lamentably slow. "Cherie, NO!!!" I wheezed (I'll explain some other time what running does to a Valkyrie's breathing system, let's just say that Valkyries don't run for fun) but there's no way she could have heard me, and the two guys straightened up from kicking the supine Andre to receive the early Christmas present that was almost flying towards them. And they had no reason to see me as a threat, either, but by the time I go my hands on them and taught them the proper respect and fear to give a Valkyrie, Cherie would be dog meat. And then she reached them, but as far as I could see, she really was flying now, feet first through the air, and there were two thuds and all three of them fell to the ground. And stayed there. I arrived several minutes later (well, it felt like hours) and there were four moaning, groaning people lying there. First I checked the two thieves, in case they still had some fight left in them. Each of them had a nose totally flattened, splattered over their face, with plenty of blood still flowing. Cherie had kicked them both in the face, and it was lucky for them that she'd been wearing platforms rather than stilettos. It must have felt to them like they'd been hit with a hammer on the nose, but at least they were alive. And moving feebly. You read about people being kicked several times in the head and still fighting on; if you believe that, I suggest you get someone to kick you in the face and see what you do next. So I took the pretty blue ribbon out of my hair, made four loops, and tied their four thumbs together, leaving them back to back. Then with the danger dealt with I turned to see what the rest of the moaning was about. Cherie had landed on Andre, which I could understand from her point of view, because when you land on your back like that, you don't want to hit pavement, you want something soft to land on. Andre was soft enough for that, having been softened up previously by the two thugs. Unfortunately, Cherie landing on him from a height had destroyed what little resistance he had left after the kicking, and as I'd learned before, Cherie loves to see a man in pain. So half the moaning was coming from Andre who by now I guessed was suffering from broken ribs at the very least, and the other half was coming from Cherie who was well down the road to orgasm with his face between her legs. Well, I really couldn't allow this. It was rape, pure and simple, and there was no way that Andre was enjoying being raped. So I pulled her off him and told her to leave him alone, but she started making little mewing noises and fidgeting a lot, obviously in a state of high frustration. "No, Cherie, he's mine, you can have those two." Andre flinched as I reached down for him, and whimpered "No, please, no more". "Shush, sweetie," I said, "You're safe now, the Valkyrie's got her arms round you." And I pulled him onto my lap and rocked him and cuddled him till he stopped crying, and I tried to ignore the appalling noises coming from behind me. "Diana, I'm getting some resistance from this one, could you just crack him between your legs for me?" I stood up with Andre in my arms. "Cherie, I'm not your nutcracker, do it yourself." "I don't know how" So I showed her how a standing head scissors works, how if you get his neck, his weakest part, between your thighs, a woman's strongest muscles, then it doesn't require Valkyrie to break his will to resist. I left Cherie enjoying herself with the two robbers, and carried Andre back to the hotel. I got a few strange looks and stares, you always do when you carry a grown man around, but poor Andre was in so much pain, I didn't want him walking. Back at the hotel, I took him up to our room, laid him gently on the bed and started undressing him. He whimpered a little while I did it, but he wasn't about to try to stop me. I checked him over, and I couldn't see anything obviously wrong. Oh abrasions, sure, and some technicolour bruises, but no bits of bone sticking out. And although his face was a bit battered and bloody, he wasn't bleeding internally. And there is actually no treatment for cracked or broken ribs, they don't even put a plaster on you. So I ran him a nice hot bath, put some salts in, and carried him into the bathroom, and lowered him in. After a few minutes washing him, I was practically soaked too, so I stripped off and joined him in there. The flotation effect of the water meant that my weight wasn't hurting him. Then I got out, and lifted Andre out, and dried us both off with a big fluffy towel. And carried him to the bed and laid him down. Then I rooted through the bag that he'd rescued for the sexy silk night-dress that I carry in case I get lucky, and slipped it over my head. The great thing about silk is the way it clings to your body. No, the great thing about silk is the way it feels on your skin. Huh, who am I kidding, the great thing about silk is the way that men get turned on by a Valkyrie in a silk nightie. So I turned with a flourish and swept gracefully to the bed (even a Valkyrie can be graceful in silk), but Andre as fast asleep already. Poor lamb. He'd been through so much already, what with the beating and the attempted rape, I didn't have the heart to wake him up for a romp. So I lay down next to him, and wondered how long Cherie would make the two robbers last, and Andre turned towards me and whimpered in his sleep, so I put my arms round him and pulled his head into my breasts, and he snuggled in like a little baby, and I sang "Eleanor Rigby" to him and we both fell sleep.