Fluff on By Diana the Valkyrie Linda tours round America Another emergency call-out today. Intimate Videos (Timmie to his friends) was making "Lethal Lips" and at a crucial stage in the shoot, they had lollipop failure. Obviously the leading scrubber couldn't cope, so as usual they sent for Linda Daventry. I picked up my bag in a hurry and jumped into my mini (they're so much easier to park, very practical, and the fact that they're very cheap to run is a bonus) and dashed out. In a situation like that, every minute counts, because the limp lollipop is holding up the whole shoot. Or rather it isn't holding up. But there's an entire video crew lying about idle at several hundred per hour, and nothing worth shooting. "I can't understand it", said Timmie, "We poured half a pint of Viagra down him." I raised one eyebrow, you have to practive that in front of a mirror. They never learn. Viagra adds an extra round or so to the magazine, but once you've popped those off, that's it. A good fluffer, on the other hand, can make a butterstick perform for hours. The scrubber, of course, was taking this personally. "Don't you find me attractive?" she said, pushing her assets out into mid-air. Why they think baby-feeders the size of footballs make them attractive I can't imagine, plus she had too much makeup on, and an utterly appalling skirt. I felt a bit sorry for her, five years in this business and she'd be finished; no-one loves a scrubber when she's thirty. And drooping. "I tried *everything*," she wailed to me. "He must be gay or something." I felt less sympathy for the butterstick. It was Gervaise Lincoln, otherwise known as Limp Linc. He had the usual problem, and he had it bad. The trouble is, in taking all the 'rone that they take to get their size up to a level that lets them compete in IFGD-sanctioned contests, they have to balance it up with Estrogen. Getting the balance isn't easy, most of them have no concept of doing the arithmetic then sticking to the doses. The just tank up on testosterone for two weeks, one week off, then estrogen till their blood pressure gets down to a safe level, then another week off, then back to the 'rone. It's like trying to steer a bicycle while looking over your shoulder at where you've been, not where you're going. As a consequence, they get the big butterstick they're after, and do well at genital development contests, and even the related weightlifting contests, but the side effects can be dire. Limp Linc had the size and mass, but he also had all the side effects. That thing was at least eighteen inches when limp if it was a foot, and it certainly wasn't a foot. And limp was the whole problem, his soprano voice wasn't an issue, because they'd be dubbing the tape with someone who sounded basso profundo. It's the estrogen does that to them. They think they can avoid the effects by some complicated timetable of taking it, or by taking extract of turnip leaf, or whatever the latest fashion is. But you can always tell. Well, I can. First off, I sent the scrubber away, she was only making him nervous with her suggestive pout, leer and wiggle. Then I told the camera crew to have a ten minute break; getting them out of sight would help. Then I sat down next to Linc, and talked to him. Right. Talked. You see, sex is 95% in the head. You thought all a fluffer does is with her hands? Not this fluffer. Sure I can use my hands, but most of the work is with the mind. And don't take any notice of what you've heard, buttersticks do have a mind. "It's these 'rones" he squeaked. Actually it was the estrogens, but that's just a detail. "I know, sweetie. It isn't your fault." "I have to take them, otherwise I can't compete against the big boys in the GD contests." GD isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle. Once they get into it, it takes over their entire lives, and all they want is to be an IFGD Professional, which means that the International Federation of Genital Development gives you a piece of paper that says you can call yourself an IFGD Professional. Wow. Great. And they "invite" you to compete at their contests, and you get to win prizes that can be four figure sums. Which means you get to be in the shows and you get paid peanuts even if you win. A four figure sum to ruin your body, it doesn't sound much to me. And it certainly isn't a living, which is why they have to make it up doing "sessions" and performing in these vids. They maybe last five, maybe ten years in the sport, and they they have to retire and become has-beens. But while they're active, it's a vicious circle. Get big, or you won't win contests. If you don't win contests, you won't get money from doing sessions and vids. The IFGD turns a blind eye to this side of the sport; they know it goes on, but they don't want to know about it. And drugs? Sure, they test for drugs, but how do you test for rones and gens when the human body has this stuff naturally, in small amounts? A couple of weeks before a tested contest, they taper off, and by contest day, their blood is clean. And their voice is soprano. And their chins are silky smooth. And does anyone feel sorry for them? Oh no, it's "Wow, isn't he big" and "Look at that development" and no-one cares that he's wrecking his body to look that way. Not to mention his sex life. And who gets rich out of it? Well, Timmie would if I did my job now. I fluttered my eyelashes at him and sat down on the bed. "Linc, just looking at your thing is making me go all soggy between the legs." "Really?" "Oh, Linc." I said, licking my lips slowly. "You have no idea about the number of times I've thought about you when I'm in bed." "Really?" "And I watch your videos, and it's like something goes through me, and then I have these dreams." He grinned. "And it's so big, you've got to be the biggest in the world, Linc, when GD is an Olympic sport, you'll be a gold medal winner for sure." I could see it twitching slightly, things were working out. "Linc, could I, could I just, well, just touch it?" "Sure", he said. I gave him the softest butterfly-touch, and it bobbed a bit. "Ooh, Linc, it moved, Linc that's so scary." "Don't be scared, Linda." "But it's so, so big, so huge" and it was getting bigger as we spoke. "I've never seen one so big, you must really work on it." He grinned. "Can I hold it, Linc? Please?" He moaned slightly. I opened ny bag of things; I'd never worked on Linc before, so I let him see what was there. I took the items out one at a time like I was searching for something; the rubber ring, the condom, the sisal string, and when I got to the silk glove, I got the response I was waiting for, it fairly leaped into the air. So I put on the glove, and got hold of his butterstick. "Oo, Linc, it's so thick, I can't get my hand round it." Twelve inches circumference, was my estimate, maybe thirteen. I put both hands together, and Linc closed his eyes in ecstacy. I fluffed it slightly, then beckoned Timmie over. "Good enough Timmie?" "You're a marvel, Linda, I don't know how you do it. Five minutes and he's a new man." "Years of practice, Timmie, years and years. One night with me is worth a year with all the women you've ever screwed. One night with me and you'll never want to screw another woman ever again. One night with me and you'll realise that you never really had sex before, just foreplay." Timmie started getting a bulge in his trousers, I don't know why I do this sort of thing, I guess it's automatic. "I'll just sit in the corner over there in case you need a fluffer again, OK?" "Nnnghh." Great. Which meant I could read my book and get paid for it, life doesn't get any better than that. I have no trouble ignoring the grunting and screams that come from the set, half of them are faked anyway. After a while, I felt peckish, so I fished out my sandwiches (egg and sardine), and borrowed some yogurt from the props guy to wash it down with. They always order in more yogurt than they need for these things, and as far as I can tell, I'm the only one who doesn't think "yeuchh" about eating yogurt that was intended for the yogurt pump. I wouldn't touch used yogurt, of course. Except to take home for the cat. And I don't have a cat. Afterwards, I took Timmie home. He's been disqualified from driving for a year now, and he cadges lifts off everyone he can. I reckoned that I could add that to the invoice, so I didn't mind. Five hours at twenty- five per hour, that's one twenty five, it wouldn't make me rich, but it would feed my habit. Habit? Yes, I have this deep dark secret addiction. Once each week, I get into Matilda and drive down to Charing Cross Road. That's where Foyles is. I love Foyles, I can get lost in there. I'd spend my whole life there if I could. I wonder if they need a fluffer? And any money that didn't go on food, and rent, and keeping Matilda running, goes on books. And if you dare tell anyone, I'll get Sharon to have a chat with you, and it can take weeks before you recover physically from a chat with Sharon. Some people never recover mentally, they go around permanently smiling at people and never disagreeing. Sharon's my best friend. I don't know why, we don't have anything in common. Maybe that's why? She's big and brutal, her favourite thing is getting hold of a man and not letting go until he's screamed himself hoarse, cried a bucketfull and passed out. I think she takes the sadism thing too far, myself. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a bit of rough, but she shouldn't be cracking ribs the way she does. I dropped him off at his flat. "Linda, how about a date tonight?" "Timmie, you're married" I reminded him, in case he'd forgotten. "This is business, Linda. I have a proposition for you." "What is it?" "Tell you tonight. Pick me up at eight." Well, I didn't have anything planned. "You're paying?" Timmie nodded. Well, in that case, I suppose a free meal isn't to be sneered at. "Do I have to fluff you afterwards?" He looked embarrassed. "Well, I wouldn't say no." Yeah yeah yeah. I have this reputation, you see. I got it when we made "Spanking the monkey", a pretty daring title for a vid, you'd expect that the RSPCA would get interested, they're very hot on cruelty to animals. Anyway, "Spanking the Monkey" starred Little Willy, and if you can't work out why he's called that, you haven't seen the vid. Little Willy won the Worcestershire Championships of the IFGD a couple of years ago, and is arguably the first GD to touch the floor while still standing. Voice like a Kings College choirboy, of course, and when we made that vid, I swear he hadn't shaved for a month, nor did he need to. But what a development! Anyway, it was only the people who are interested in such things that knew who'd fluffed the three-hour marathon vid, kept it full and rigid all that time against the natural impulse of the butterstick to get it over with as fast as possible. And what hardly anyone knew, was that this was only possible because I'd paid him a little visit a few days earlier, me and my best friend, and Sharon had shown him a few things he hadn't known, things to do with how flexible his limbs were, and how you can crush the air out of someone to stop them screaming, that sort of thing. Which meant that when we made the vid, he was a nice obedient little butterstick, no trouble at all. It's good to have friends. Anyway, no-one ever got a butterstick hard for three straight hours before, so everyone thought I was magic, a concept that I encouraged as hard as I could. And it was after that, that I put up my rates to 25 per hour. When you're hot, you're hot. I picked up Timmie, saying hello to Margo as we left. Margo is your typical ex-scrubber, fair, fat and forty. Hair out of a bottle, forty with the light behind her and what she calls "big and beautiful" and what everyone else calls fat. I remember Margo when she was scrubbing, she really was quite pretty then, in an overblown sort of way. It's a pity it doesn't last. Fluffing will keep me going till I'm sixty at least. I *always* wash in Fairy. "I'm organising an American tour" he told me. "If we're to get Olympic status for the sport, we've got to get the Yanks involved." Yes, I could see that made sense. And everyone in the sport wants it to be recognised by the Olympic committee, there'll be oodles more boodle if it is. "I'll pay all your expenses" he said, generously, over the vindaloo. Yeah yeah yeah. What he means is, he wants me to works for two weeks for nothing. "That's terribly kind of you, Timmie, does that include paying my rent while I'm not earning?" So we negotiated a bit, and I asked him who was his butterstick. "Rudi." I giggled. It isn't very well known, but Rudolph isn't his real name. We call him that after Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, because I swear it's absolutely crimson, practically glows in the dark. And I'm not referring to his nose, either. The thought of Rudi giving the Herns their first taste of GD was hilarious. "Timmie, you can't, they'll laugh." "No they won't, Linda. When you pull Rudi's trouser snake into view, they won't laugh. Because they've never seen a GD'er before, remember. Not one of the really big ones" True. Rudi would be quite impressive to someone new to the sport. "Forget about this expenses only lark, Timmie, you pay my daily rate or I don't go." "And how much is that?" he asked. I did some quick sums. "Two fifty per day" "One fifty" and we agreed on two hundred. "It'll have to come out of Rudi's earnings." Earnings? Timmie explained to me. As well as doing the publicity stuff with the magazines (there were some good yank mags, like "Rod and pole", "Men's Development" and "Genital Times" who'd be doing interviews) we also had some guest posing lined up, and also some "private sessions". "So, do you think you can handle it?" he asked. I flicked some raita at his face, that's the Indian equivalent of yogurt, except they put salt in it. Salty yogurt, maybe I should suggest it for the next vid I'm helping with. Extra realism. "Timmie, the butterstick I can't handle hasn't been born. And not just handle, I can make them jump up and dance." "Yes, I know, Linda. You are seriously good at what you do, there's no-one even close." Which isn't quite true, there's Yasheem, but she's Devdasi-trained, so you'd expect her to be good. Except they put too much emphasis on the final stages, and not enough on keeping it going, which is really what it's all about. Not as good as me, of course. I looked up at him through half-closed eyes, and stroked the handle of my spoon with three fingers, lightly. I smiled as he went red. I stroked the spoon some more, fluttering my fingers along the handle, and he shifted in his chair. "Trousers getting tight Timmie?" I asked. I took the spoon between finger and thumb, and moved it up and down a few times, watching him squirm. Then I suddenly clenched my fist around the handle, gripping hard, and I watched as dear Timmie lost it, inside his pants. "Oh dear, Timmie. Accident?" "No thanks, I've just had one. How did you do that, Linda? You didn't even touch me!" I smiled, and started to toy with the salt shaker. "I don't need to, Timmie. You've been bottling that up for weeks. And there's lots more where that came from, you just need a fluffer to help it get out." I started to stroke the knobby top of the salt shaker. "Linda, stop that right now." I looked up, and smiled. My index finger curled down to the middle of the salt shaker, where it narrowed in to make a sort of waist, and stroked it gently up and down. "I don't believe you're doing this, Jesus. Jesus, Linda, it takes Margo an hour to get me like this." "Think what I can do in an hour, Timmie." "Oh god, you're the sexiest woman on two legs." I picked up the salt shaker and started to roll it between my palms. "Ungg ung ugh nngh" shouted Timmie. Everyone stopped eating and turned to look at us. Oh well, that's another restaurant I'll never be able to go to again. I stood up and left; Timmie had said he was paying, and I didn't fancy helpig to clean up the mess I'd just made. Before we left for America, there was one very important item of preparation I had to do. Actually two important things. One was to get Rudi in the right attitude of mind, and the other was to say goodbye to Sharon. Fortunately, I could kill two birds with one stone here. "I don't want him injured" I said to her, up front. "I've got to drag him all round America, and if his ribs are broken, that will be a real nuisance. So no broken bones, no sprained ankles, nothing that causes real damage." "Aww, Linda, you're being soft." "Come on, Sharon, you've always got Jeremy to play doctors and nurses with." Sharon's version of doctors and nurses was for Jeremy to be the patient. It was a constant source of wonder to me that Jeremy didn't run as far and as fast as his legs would carry him, but he kept right on going back to Sharon, and she kept right on abusing him. I guess diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. Sharon and I were always good friends, though. Ever since I removed the thorn from her paw. I'll tell that story some day. "I just want him intimidated a bit, so he does what I tell him." It's a real annoyance finding yourself alone with a butterstick in the middle of some foreign country, and he decides he's going to go do whatever he wants, which usually involves playing hide-the-salami. It's not that I'm puritanical, or anything like that. It's just that if he's supposed to be performing the next day, it's a real drag if I have to fluff a used butterstick. It's so much easier on us both if he stays as chaste as a novice in a nunnery while we're on the road. But given the natural inclinations of the butterstick, I had to give him some motivation. Hence Sharon. "Come here, sweetie" she said. She looked quite enticing, too. Sharon's a big girl; she stands in doorways and never mind about a *person* getting past her, not even the *light* can get in. If I tell you that a door is six-six high and thirty inches wide, that'll give you an idea. High, wide and deep; Sharon is definitely three-dimensional. But not the skinny-waist, melon-boobs that the scrubbers favour. Sharon is plenty round the waist, and breasts like buckets, two of, milk for the carrying in. I saw some guy ask her about her waist once, and she said she preferred not to discuss it. She didn't use those exact words; in fact she didn't use words at all, Sharon lets her fingers do the talking, and they talk in chorus, all curled up together into a fist like a sledgehammer. He didn't ask for any further details, he was too busy trying simultaneously to A) breathe and B) not vomit again. She was wearing shorts that looked like they were in danger of going the way that balloons go after the party, and on top, a cheesecloth blouse that almost covered up the existence of one of the heavy engineering triumphs of western civilisation. I know the guy that designed it, he said he used much the same suspension-bridge engineering that was used at the Tacoma Bridge. What's the best way to describe this. A cross between Jane Russell and Rocky IV? Sharon looked like sex and violence in one big package; the fuck of a lifetime and six months in hospital, probably in that order. When Rudi saw Sharon, I worried about how well sewn-on his fly-buttons were, and whether they'd stand up to the strain he was putting them under. Didn't you know? Zips are out. Ever since that unfortunate business with Terry Trousers (hence the nickname, of course). He lost quite a lot of blood before they could get him to hospital, and from then on if you wanted to deflate him, the word "Zip" was all it took. Which made him pretty useless for comps, of course, since if he looked like he was getting anywhere, people would ask each other in a distinct tone of voice "Could you zip to the shop for a drink?" and so forth; end of Terry, and no amount of fluffing would get him going again. "Come here, honey, I want to cuddle you." Rudi strode across the room, butterstick at full mast, leading his advance by a soldier's pace. He reached Sharon very shortly after his trousers touched her, and she started to wrap her arms round him. I settled down in her best armchair and pulled out a Jeffrey Archer. I've seen this before, it gets very boring and repetitive. But I suppose you want to hear the details. From one point of view, Sharon's built like a bear. From another point of view, she's built like a nutcracker; she never needs any help opening up coconuts. The only question in my mind was whether she was going to be a bear or a nutcracker today. She chose bear. She wrapped herself round him like a carcrusher round a car, and tried to squash him down into one of those small cubes. All that Rudi had to fight back with was a two foot long club, which wasn't even hard just now. I watched as it bent almost double, then collapsed. And then Sharon began her fun. Her arms were right round him, she had one wrist hooked in the other elbow, and she was levering her elbow closed. She had his front against those huge breasts, So his ribs weren't in any great danger, but he certainly couldn't expand his ribcage. Which meant that he couldn't breathe in. However, he could breathe out. And did. Whereupon Sharon tightened her lock, following his chest as it gradually collapsed. When he was completely out of air, I saw him panic for a moment, trying to fight for his life, before blacking out. At which point, Sharon loosened her grasp, and gave him a big kiss, blowing air into him at the same time, which revived him enough so that he could appreciate the next part, which was exactly the same as the first part. After ten minutes of this cycle, he started crying. And begging, and pleading. Sharon loves that part. She says it gives her a real kick to hear it. Which means, of course, that the tears have exactly the opposite of the desired effect; the more they beg and cry, the longer Sharon will keep it going. I wasn't really watching, but after I'd read a couple of hundred pages, there was a complete silence. I looked up, Rudi was slumped on the floor, Sharon was standing looking down at him. He looked like he was completely used up, and Sharon was looking like she'd finished her ice cream and it was too small. I looked up at Sharon and took off my glasses. "I hope you haven't done any major damage there, Sharon." "Don't worry, I was gentle." I wondered if Rudi thought that. "But by god I'm horny, Linda." I grinned. "OK, Sharon, you get dolled up a bit and we'll go out hunting." You've probably seen the system whereby every pretty girl is accompanied by a friend who's a bit of a dog? Well, the reason is, the pretty one feels prettier by contrast, and the dog is using the honey pot principle; hang around a honeypot for long enough, and pretty soon there will be lots of bees. Unfortunately, with Sharon and me, there isn't a pretty one. Apparently my chin is too big and my nose sticks out too far, or maybe it's the other way round, although I perfectly happy with both. And Sharon, of course, just scares men to a jelly. But we've worked out a routine that usually works. Sharon wore an anorak over her blouse; that's big and bulky and pretty much hides everything except her height, there's not much you can do about that. I dressed normally, and carried my fluffers bag of bits. We hit a couple of bars, then found a place with a few likely looking men in it. We went to one of the corner booths. "Can we join you" I said. They looked up; two chicks smiled down at them. "Sure, babe" one of them said. Babe? Moi? I got in first, sliding across one of their laps to get in between them, then I wiggled myself down so I was wedged in. Sharon sat down on the outside, and I'm sure they didn't realise that there was absolutely no way they could get out except past her, and that just wasn't going to happen. Nor was there anyway that anyone could get in past her. I leaned back happily, and casually rested each of my hands on a groin. "I do this for a living", I said. "I'm a fluffer. It's nice to just relax and enjoy myself." I kneaded them a bit. One of them moaned, I can't remember which one. "A fluffer? For real?" one said. I gave him a friendly squeeze, and worked his zipper down a bit. "Mmm, a fluffer. Professional. I fluff for a living. I help to make porno pics, if I can't get a butterstick ready, then I'm holding a corpse." They both groaned. "Say, it's a bit public here, would you two guys like to come round our place, so me and my friend can give you a real good going over?" "Is she a fluffer too?" "No, she works in sex-and-violence vids. She's a smasher." Sharon unzipped her anorak a bit, to show hints of the depths within. They peered at her milk-buckets. "She looks smashing, I must say" said one of them. We got back to Sharon's place, and headed straight for the bedroom. "Linda, you're a peach" she said. I settled down in an armchair to watch the fun. I've seen Sharon in action before. Basically, she intimidates and terrorises them by threatening to hurt them far worse if they disobey. She gives each of them one punch in the gut to show them what that means, and that's all it seems to take. One of them sat and snivelled while the other one lay face-up on the bed and got used. The sniveller got to see what would be happening to him in due course; the one being used was facing the worst of Sharon's horniness. I think the sniveller had the poorer deal, his imagination would torment him almost as bad as Sharon did. After an hour or so, she got off the first one, who wasn't moving any more, and yanked the other one onto the bed. He was all ready for this "Please no, I've got a wife and mmph mff". Sure you do, sweetie. And you go off with strangers in bars. I checked the one Sharon had done with, but he was still breathing, no real harm done. No physical harm, anyway. Sharon was having a great time with number two, I noticed. Having taken the edge off her horniness with number one, she was able to take it slow and easy with this one. As a result, it was a couple of hours before she finally rolled off him. "Whew", she said. I looked up from my book, he looked in bad shape and I thought maybe one of his ribs was broken, but he was breathing too. "Jesus, Sharon, I thought you were taking all night." She laughed and said "I feel so much better now", so I climbed in on Jeremy's side of the bed and spent the night there. Just us two girls, all alone in a bedroom with two men. "Hey, don't be scared, sweetie, Sharon's asleep now. But don't make any noise, honey, you don't want to wake her up, do you? " Next day at the airport, Rudi was difficult about the airplane; claimed he needed to travel first class because he needed the legroom. Of course, he didn't mean legroom. Economy class gives you 22 inches, that's from the back of the seat to the front of the next seat. That only left 12 or so inches for Rudi's butterstick, so he had a point. On the other hand, when it's soft it takes up a lot less space, and you can fold it. So I explained to Rudi that I'd make sure it was soft at the beginning of the flight, before we boarded, and if necessary I'd soften it during the trip. This made him perk up a bit. In any case, there wasn't any money for upgrading. The tour started well. When we did the first guest posing, Rudi strolled out in the posing suit, half a yard of sausage sticking out limply, and as I fluffed it up to full size, I could see the audience gasping. Mostly women, of course, but I could see a few embarrassed-looking men here and there, being asked pointed questions by their wives, no doubt. We topped off the posing with a demonstration of genital weightlifting using a very light three-pound weight; I carefully attached the weight, fluffed him to lift it about eighteen inches, then let it slowly sag down again. The Herns were dead impressed. They had a small GW following, but nothing like we had, and nothing like the rone and gen-enhanced monsters that we were used to. So they'd never seen anything like Rudi the Red and his butterstick. They crowded round afterwards; some of them wanted to touch it, but I wouldn't allow that, an accident would be likely, and that would just be too embarrassing, not to mention messy. So they had to look and not touch. But after a while, I thought a bit of fluffing to show him off wouldn't be too bad, so I brought him up into full size so they could see what it was like. This was a big mistake. One of them reached out to touch it, and before I could stop them, so did several others. And because they didn't know the first thing about the art of fluffing, Rudi galloped off over the horizon before I could stop him. "Oops. Sorry, folks. I did tell you not to touch." "Yeucchh" "My skirt" "My skirt, too" "Jesus, how long does he go for?" So I showed them the immense grapefruit that acted as a sort of reservoir, and they wanted to touch those, too, and since he wasn't in a hair-trigger state any more I let them have a good feel. "Wow, see how big they are?" "Is he on testosterone?" Of course he's on rone, lady! "No, that's an illegal drug." I said with a straight face. Afterwards, back at the motel, I gave Rudi a carpeting. "That was inexcusable" I said. "You've got to control yourself better" "It wasn't my fault," he whined. "Tell that to Sharon" I replied, and he went grey and limp. "Linda, they were touching me and feeling me, I couldn't help it." I knew that, but I wanted to put the frighteners on him. Next day we did our first magazine interview and photo shoot. This was with "Rigid" magazine ("the magazine for hard men") and it went fairly well. The lady who interviewed Rudi was genuinely interested in GD, and Rudi was, of course, exceptional. She asked if she could feel its hardness; apparently that's something that Rigid is especially interested in. I told her no, after yesterday, Rudi wasn't as hard as he might have been. She looked so disappointed that I relented and let her feel. "Wow" she said, several times. The photo shoot went well; in between poses I fluffed Rudi up a bit. The photographer got the lady from Rigid to put her face in the shot, he said it would give the necessary scale, and also show that he hadn't gotten the colours wrong. Yes, it really is bright red. Back at the hotel that evening, Rudi asked "Did I do well?" "Yes, Rudi, you did great" I assured him. He looked pleased. "Then, Linda, would you ..." I looked up from my book. "We aren't here for you to enjoy yourself, sweetie. We're here to do a job, and I want you good and ready for tomorrow." The next day we did a TV show, some sort of chat show it was, with some sort of disk jockey who'd gotten himself a job as a chat show host, and made his reputation by being outrageous. As a result, he was forced to be outrageous all the time. It went disastrously. The problem was, Rudi was more than they were expecting. We came on, and Andy the host introduced Rudi as being the man with the yard-long schlong. Now that's a complete exaggeration, he's barely more than thirty inches fully fluffed. But apparently, in America GD folks routinely exaggerate their size, so thirty inches wasn't considered enough. Still, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say, so I pulled it out and fluffed it up a bit, so that the cameras could get a good look. "Jesus that's big" said Andy, talking to me. "Yes, Rudi is one of the best developed buttersticks in the business." "He must be up to his eyebrows in testosterone then." "Well naturally," I said, "with testicles as large as grapefruit, his body is very full of hormones." Rudi grunted. "And what about you, Linda." "Me?" And that's the point at which it all came unglued. Andy had decided that there would be more milage in trying to get a rise out of me, than in winding up Rudi, who was sitting there looking like a spare butterstick- holder at a wedding. The purpose of this sort of chat show is to make the guest humiliate herself, or else to make them angry, or anything that gets ratings. "Yes, you. You're his fluffer, aren't you?" "I'm a fluffer yes, currently on contract to look after Rudi". I belong to no-one, that's important. "That's really a sort of prostitute, isn't it?" he asked, insultingly. What? Hey, hang on a minute there. A) I'm not a tart or a scrubber, I'm a fluffer, and B) why's he attacking me? "Andy, you get one free shot, and you just had it. Now get back to talking about the sport of Genital Development, Genital Weightlifting or Rudi, and I'll forget what you just tried to do." But he didn't listen. "You get paid to jerk men off, doesn't that make you a prostitute?" OK, Andy, you want a fight, you got one. But we fight on ground of my choosing, not yours. "Andy, you get paid to insult people in public, doesn't that put you one step lower than a lawyer?" "What insult, I just asked a question." "You didn't know it's possible to be ill-mannered by asking rude questions?" Pause while everyone thinks up the next round of insults. "How small is yours, Andy?" "I've got the smallest dick in the world." "Boasting again. I bet you're just average. Let's have a look." He shook his head. "I thought so", I said. "Chicken. Four by one, I'd guess, three when cold, five when excited. I bet I could get you up to six if I really tried." He squirmed a bit in his chair. "Feeling a bit tight in there, is it?" I asked, kindly. I went and sat next to him. "Here, let me loosen your trousers a bit, make you more comfy." I unzipped his pants, and an average sized butterstick stood up and looked around. Surprise surprise. "Rudi, come over here, and let's compare." Rudi dragged his substantial pole over to join us, and sat down on my other side. "Fluff fluff, Rudi." He perked up a bit, obediently. So did Andy. I opened my bag, and brought out a few of the tools of the trade. I put on my favourite sheepskin glove and turned to Andy. "You see this?" He nodded, and perked a bit more. "And this" I brought out the feather - no reaction. "You use all this stuff?" he said, as I sorted through my bits and pieces. He sounded genuinely interested. "Part of the skill of the fluffer is to find what turns you on. Aha!" I said, as the chamois leather seemed to have a useful effect. "You like this?" "Ngghh." he said. I grinned, you're mine, buddy, all mine. I held the chamois in one hand and slowly pulled it through my left fist. He was watching, fascinated. "A good fluffer can bring you off without touching you. A really good one like me, can keep you hanging off the edge of the cliff for hours." I tied a knot in one corner of the chamois, and held it between my thumb and forefinger, and rolled it, voluptuously. He moaned, as of one in delicious pain. I wrapped the chamois round my fingers, and stretched it between my hands. His eyes went wide. Meanwhile, the audience was going wild. Firstly, I doubt if they'd ever seen a good fluffer in action, and secondly more than a few of them were having the same reaction that Andy was. So I told Andy in a serious tone of voice that he was the best fluff I'd done for a long time, and he was looking at me like he was believing it, and I brought the chamois up to my face and stroked it along my cheek, and the audience started screaming and hollering, and suddenly some fool started up the yogurt pump, I could see it arcing through the air, except what was a yogurt pump doing in this studio, and then I turned round and it was Rudi disgracing himself. Apparently, we made top ratings, Andy's suit was totally ruined, one guy in the audience had a heart attack, and the Federal Censors wrote a Stern Letter to the TV company. So maybe it wasn't a complete disaster at that. Next day, we had a number of sessions scheduled. This was Timmies way of paying Rudi, he set him up for one-hour sessions with women who wanted to see what an extreme example of GD looked like. We charged them $300 for an hour, $200 for a half-hour, but they always took the full hour. And they'd do all sorts of things. A lot of them just wanted to talk to Rudi and ask him what it was like. They'd be disappointed, of course, Rudi isn't the world's greatest conversationalist, his repertoire consisting mostly of "Yes" and "No", with the more complex "I don't know" popping out occasionally. Some of them brought a tape measure, because they wanted to check his stats out for themselves, some just wanted to touch and feel the hardness, and some wanted to try to get their hands round it (which is possible, unless you have very small hands). During all this, poor little Rudi is doing his best to stay in control, because if he loses it, the next client isn't going to have so much fun, is she? It's a hard life being a butterstick-for-hire. And without me there to help with some control, I was surprised when Rudi came through it intact. So then we did another interview, this time with "Heavy Erection" magazine, who billed themselves as the organ of the National GW Committee. Photos of Rudi, of course, or at least part of him. And just for a gag, I attached ten pounds to him and coaxed him up. Of course, I attached it half way up, so he'd not have too much trouble with it, and people who know about such things would realise that's what I'd done, but since most readers of these mags only get them to gawp at the pictures, they wouldn't mind. Staring at Rudi's thirty incher would keep them happy, very happy. But he wasn't exactly blessed with the blarney. So she interviewed me instead, and I talked about how happy we were to be in the US and how lovely everyone had been, and all that sort of sweetness and light stuff, and she then asked if Rudi was on 'rones. Well, really. I mean, did you think you got a thirty inch butterstick by eating your spinach? Of course he's on 'rones. "Rudi would never take any illegal drugs" I said with a straight face. "Oh come one, Linda, look at him. You can tell just by seeing him." "Supplements" I said. "Vitamins and supplements, and hard training." and I looked her straight in the eye when I said it, apparently it's impossible to lie when you're looking someone straight in the eye. So she abandoned that one, and took off after me, looking for something sensational, as usual. "I heard you got called a prostitute on TV?" Nice one - saying yes is like admitting that I am, and saying no is a lie. "No, no-one called me a prostitute. Has anyone ever called you a prostitute?" "No, of course not." "You're a prostitute. There, now someone has called you a prostitute." "But I'm not." "Possibly, but it doesn't alter the demonstrable fact that someone once called you a prostitute." There was a long silence as she tried to work that one out. "You jerked Andy Foreman off on TV." "No I didn't." "You did, it was in front of the cameras." "In the first place, I didn't touch him, I suggest you watch the recordings, and in the second place, it was Rudi that shot, not Andy. As should be obvious from the quantity." There's an awful lot of juice in a grapefruit, and Rudi has two of them. So then they had to take some more pictures of Rudi, to see if they really were as large as grapefruit, and by the time they were finished, it was time to eat, so I dragged Rudi off to a decent restaurant for dinner. That evening, over wine, he propositioned me. "Linda, I could really get to like you." Gee, thanks. "I guess with your looks, it isn't too surprising you're single." I know he isn't trying to insult me, he's just too stupid to know what he's saying. "You could stay with me and fluff me every day if you liked." I think he's under the impression that he's making me a great offer. Actually, I rather like living on my own, no-one to nag and badger me. I'm perfectly happy as I am, so there's no need to keep trying to find me a husband. Unfortunately, I can't just cut him off at the knees, he's my bread and butter right now. "Thank you sweetie, that's very kind of you. But I think you'd be happier with a scrubber or two." There's always lots of scrubbers with no talent, no sense and big boobs hanging around, they're ten a penny. And they're ideal for wrapping round a butterstick like Rudi; all he needs is something soft and wet. But it was the end of the tour, and he had been a good little butterstick, and it's best to reward good behaviour, so that you get more of it later, so I told Rudi I'd give him a treat tonight. His eyes got big and his trousers got tight, and I smiled and licked my lips. "I bet you've never been fluffed to completion by a real fluffer." "Oh, Linda". "I bet you've never been wrung out like a limp dishrag." "Ooooh, Linda." I bet you've never been blown into tiny bubbles and screamed yourself hoarse in an unending series of shattering orgasms." "Oooooooh, Linda." That evening, I tied him to the bed, it's best to have them totally helpless for this. Both hands, both feet. A couple of pairs of tights is all it needs. Then I had to muffle his screams; they scream a bit loud sometimes, and in a hotel, you get complaints (not to mention offers of work). So I popped a golf ball into his mouth, which quietens them down a lot. I used a nice clean one, of course. Then I blindfolded him, there was something I really didn't want him to see. And then I set to work. I had a clock by the bed; that helped a lot. I'd decided to give him an hour of cliff hanging, followed by a forced orgasm, with several minutes of milking. I got him to the edge of the cliff in seconds, and then it was just a matter of keeping him in check by gripping the base, or a quick fingernail down the chest. Rudi did most of the work, of course. Huffing and panting, straining against the ropes, the poor lamb exhausted himself. I just kept my hand in place, squeezing slightly as required. It's difficult to do, but I've mastered the trick of reading a book one- handed, which was the thing I didn't want Rudi to see, because for some reason, they like to think you're concentrating on their butterstick. I mean, how else would you pass an hour that would otherwise be totally tedious? Anyway, I kept him on the edge until the alarm went off and I knew his hour was up, and then I finished the chapter I was on, and just tipped him over the edge so that he'd fall into the orgasm. But I didn't just let him fall. As he fell, I pulled him, ramming him hard into that place that men go to when it all explodes, rubbing hard and squeezing, pulling it and telling him what a fine big guy he was. Then, when there was about 100,000 volts of orgone energy blasting through his brain, I switched to milking, hard and fast, and tried to pull all those ounces out of him. And he erupted like a fountain. I untied him and left him to clean up the mess. He was nice and docile all the way to the airport, and on the plane he fell asleep as soon as we took off, and didn't wake up till we landed. I handed him over to Timmie. "How was he, Linda?" "He was fine, Timmie. You've gingered up a boatload of interest in the States, what are you going to do now?" Timmie smiled. "Professional GW contests, Linda. I'm talking to a big US TV network, we're talking major coverage for the sport. And if we can get that, we stand a better chance of getting Olympic status in 2008." And oodles of dosh in your pocket, Timmie. Yes, I see. "I suppose you'll need some really good fluffers over there." "Yes, Linda. Start practising your American slang." "Yo"