The Trainer and the Jockey By Valerafon A female trainer employs unusual training methods. This story should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen. Please do not read further if you are offended by graphic violence or sexual content. A few weeks ago, I was watching the Breeders Crown races on TV. I noticed that two of the races were won by a very tall, blond, and fairly good looking female trainer. After one of the races the jockey literally jumped off his horse, and the trainer caught him for a second. Of course, that led my imagination to come up with this story. It was 5:45 in the morning and there was a chill in the air. I knew the chill wouldn't last for long, and it was going to be one of those dazzling clear hot California days. I had just worked Potentate in forty eight and one for four furlongs. His trainer gave me strict orders to work no faster than forty eight. I didn't have to wait for the official time, I knew I had followed orders. I had this gift, a built in clock in my head. I could keep time with uncanny accuracy. It was a definite advantage in a race. I have to admit, I didn't always follow orders during a race. I felt the jockey was the one who could best decide how the horse should run. After all, I was right there as the moment by moment unfolding of the race occurred. I was the one who could react and move the horse at the proper time. Who better than the jockey to determine how the race should be run. At the moment, I had to follow the orders of the trainers with great care. In the three months since I came out here from River Downs, I had ridden only one mount. It was a seventy to one long shot named Sluppy. Unfortunately for me, he didn't hang on. Sluppy ran last. Just what a seventy to one long shot usually does. So far at Hollywood all I could get were morning workouts like Potentate. Being a training boy was not the reason I came out here. Just three months earlier I had been the king of River Downs. I had just completed a meet with eighty six wins. Twenty more wins than my closest rival. It was my third straight riding title at the Downs. I felt at twenty five I was now at the top of my game. There was nothing more for me to accomplish there, and I was looking for bigger challenges. I had my sights set on California and the big time. I knew it wouldn't be easy, I was losing my agent and would have to go it alone at Hollywood Park. As I cooled down the horse and brought him back to the trainer, I thought about my past. My name was Evander Carson and I had been a jockey for five years. Being small and growing up in Texas was not an easy thing. I had to fight my way through high school. Gaining a small amount of acceptance had been a very painful experience. It cost me a lot of black eyes and bruises along the way. I realized fairly young that I was going to be extremely small. At eighteen I had reached my full growth. I stood 5'1'' and weighed an even 100 pounds. As I soon found out, even for the vertically challenged there are avenues to succeed in this country. I started to hang out at a nearby track, and eventually became a morning workout rider. At twenty, I got my apprentice license and my first mounts. I found out quickly I had a God-given talent, and the rest is history. As I handed over Potentate to the groom, I extracted promises of future mounts from the trainer. I had heard all of this before. So far, none of the promises had panned out. It was really getting hard to stay positive, and I was beginning to question my decision on leaving Ohio. At least, I had a date tonight and that brightened my spirits. I may be small, but nature had compensated me. I was what women considered a real good looking man or rather the term they used was cute. I could never figure out the attraction larger women had for smaller men, but I had learned to be thankful. Potentate was my last mount for the morning and I was brooding over the long day I expected working the trainers. Just then, I heard a female voice say, "Mr. Carson, do you have a minute?" I turned around and just kept looking up and up and up. I recognized her immediately. It was Sue Langom. She was one of the best trainers at Hollywood Park, maybe in the whole country, and she had a impressive stable of horses. She extended her huge hand and said in a friendly tone, "Mr. Carson we finally meet." I took her hand and it engulfed mine. My hand looked like a child compared to hers. "You know about me?" I said a little surprised. She smiled and replied, "Nothing happens at this track that I don't know about." She continued talking before I could ask her if she could use another rider, "You've talked to all the other trainers but me. Do you have a problem with female trainers?" "No Ma'am," I replied in as respectful a tone of voice as I could muster. "I just thought the better known trainers were out of my league for the moment. I'm a long way from home." She stared at me for a second and I stared right back at her. I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking behind that enigmatic expression of hers. Then she gave me a big smile and said, "Well, I have been aware of you for some time. I know of your record at River Downs, and I started at a small track as well." While she gave me a brief history of her earlier career, I appraised her. She was a very tall beautiful blond with big blue eyes. Up close she even looked bigger than what I knew were her statistics. One of the jocks told me she was 6'3'' and 190 pounds. She was thirty two and single. I knew horses were one of her few passions, and that just didn't allow her time for much of a social life. Especially, since she was also into weight training a had a black belt in Tae Kwon Do as well. Looking at her I knew Carlos hadn't been exaggerating in anything he told me. Even with the light jacket she wore you could tell she had a massive upper body, and her huge muscular calves were quite prominent under the skirt she wore. Carlos told me that he wouldn't work for her, and there were several other jocks who wouldn't work for her as well. It seems she had a reputation of being hard on jocks. He never elaborated on the reasons why. He said they were mostly rumors. As I listened to her, I couldn't help but admire this woman and her beauty. I was hoping she was here to give me a mount or two. I couldn't afford to be as picky as Carlos. She ended her reminiscing and I could tell she was about to say something important. "Mr. Carson," she started to say. "Call me Evander," I interrupted. She looked at me and smiled. "I think I'm a very good judge of horse flesh and jockeys. I believe you have a great deal to offer. I like to give jockey's such as yourself a chance. Especially, when I believe they have as much talent as you." She then paused and looked me straight in the eye. I returned her gaze. The moment lasted a few seconds. Then she continued. "I have an interesting horse going on Sunday. Would you like to ride him?" I didn't hesitate. This was the break I had been hoping for. A mount from a leading trainer could lead to many mounts from others as well. "Miss Langom, I would be honored to ride for you." She flashed me that smile again. I just couldn't believe the rumors. "Come to my office tomorrow, 7:30 sharp, and will talk. Do you know where my office is?" I nodded yes. "Good, you can meet the horse and some of my people." Then she gave me a stern look and added, "Do not be late." It was a look that came out of nowhere. I found myself swallowing hard and nodding yes. After my acceptance, she flashed that smile again and said, "Evander, this could lead to a very profitable partnership." Then she turned and walked away. I watched her for awhile. What a body I thought. As I walked to breakfast, I couldn't help but be upbeat. Things were definitely beginning to look up. --------------------------------- As I dressed in the jockey room on Sunday, Tony Vasquez one of the leading jocks at this meet walked over, and with a big smile on his face said, "So your working for Langom." He continued to grin as I appraised him. It was a look like he knew something I didn't. Finally, I asked, "Yes, is there something I should know?" He continued to smile and offered me his hand. As we shook hands, he replied, "Good luck!" That's all he said, but as he was leaving, he paused for a second, turned around, and added, "You'll need it." I didn't have time to respond or even wonder what he meant because at that very moment we got the jock's call, and I headed for the paddock. Miss Langom was waiting and we quickly went over race strategy again. I was to lay a few lengths of the pace and kick him in at the eighth pole. I had worked him, and I knew Windshield Wiper was a good horse, but he was a bit head strong. I was wondering how he would break as Sue gave me a leg up, and I headed him out of the paddock. The rest was a blur as it always is. Windshield Wiper broke fast from the gate. I knew immediately I had a lot of horse under me. He wanted the lead, and I tried to curb his speed, but he wanted the front. Sometimes when you reign them in, and take them back, they never fire again. I made a split second decision, and let him go. He made the front with ease, pulled away, and won by five lengths. I even eased up on him near the finish. I was one happy jock, as I cooled him down, and headed him towards the winners circle. She was waiting for me on the track, and I could see the anger on her face. As she led me to the winners circle, she turned towards me and said, "You didn't follow orders." I could see the fire in her eyes. I told her the truth as I saw it, "He wanted the front. I had no choice." Everybody was smiles for the camera. The owners were happy. Sue's smile looked forced. As I dismounted, she grabbed my arm before I could leave. Her grip caught me by surprise. It was unbelievably strong. The pressure was hurting my arm. She had my complete attention as she said angrily, "You're the one with the brains out there. A good jockey finds a way to follow instructions." I looked at her while the pain kept increasing. God! She was strong. I knew others were watching. "You're the boss," I said. She let my arm go and her smile returned. "We'll talk about this later," she said in a more moderate tone. She turned and was gone. About a half hour later, in the jock's room, I got a note from her. One of her grooms delivered it. I was to be at her house at 7:30 tonight. Not showing would imply that I wanted no more mounts from her, and there also was a caution for me to be on time. She even gave instructions on how to get to her house in the hills. I wasn't too worried. I knew I'd get chewed out, but I thought we'd also be talking about more mounts as well. As I read the letter for a second time, my thoughts wandered to her obvious charms. She was a very good looking woman. I was more than a little bit excited about being invited over. I couldn't help but whistle a little tune as I dressed. Things were finally going my way. ------------------------------------- The house was something else. It was absolutely huge and commanded one's attention from the road. Driving up to it, I remembered thinking it too much house for one person. She even had her own stables in back. Her income had to be well into the seven figure area to afford this place. That was money I could only dream about. When I rang the doorbell, I got another surprise. She answered the door in very casual attire. She had on a yellow halter top that showed off her upper physique quite well. She had to work out, you just didn't get an upper body like that from riding horses. Her golden hair was tied back in a ponytail. It made her look quite young. I bet many would think she was younger than me. I couldn't help but swallow hard when I looked at what she was wearing below the waist. She had on tight fitting cutoff jeans that showed all of her thighs, and what thighs they were. They appeared to be bigger around then my waist. Those thighs were so firm and muscular, but yet so feminine. I tried not to stare, but knew I wasn't being very successful . A pair of Reeboks finished the look. It was going to be hard to concentrate. After all, I was a man in my prime. She invited me in and took me to what she said was her office. It was a large room with a beautiful desk and a modern computer set up. There were a few bookcases around the room, and a small sofa and some chairs. We sat on the sofa and I felt like a little kid staring up at his mother. I had to admit she put me at ease though. That wonderful smile had been on exhibit since I arrived. She put her leg up on the sofa as she turned to face me. I tried not to notice the leg as I stared into her eyes, but I wasn't being very successful. She had an amused expression on her face. "Evander, do you like the house?" I replied in a somewhat awed tone, "It's beautiful and I love the location." She gave me the biggest smile yet and said, "If you like, I'll give you a tour of the house later. I think you'll like the stables, and there is a couple of other rooms I want you to see." I was feeling very at ease, I was really beginning to like this woman. "I would like that," I answered. Then her smile faded and I could hear the tone in her voice change. "Evander, if your going to work for me, you will have to follow orders exactly." I started to explain the race again, but she cut me off with a gesture of her hand. "There were reasons for taking him back," she said. "We were not concerned about winning today. He's entered in a stakes race in two weeks, and that's what we were prepping him for." Her eyes fixed mine and held them for what seemed like and eternity. I didn't answer. I didn't think she wanted an excuse. "The race today may have cost us a much bigger payday," she finally added. After her last comment, she got up and started to pace in front of me. Her voice got louder and louder as she talked. "I was about to give you a number of horses, and one of the best two year olds in the country." She stopped and looked right at me again and added, "How can I do that now." I had to say something, but all that came out was, "Miss Langom, believe me when I say I can follow orders." She shot right back, "Your record indicates otherwise. I have talked to a few trainers at River Downs about you. They say it is your style to freelance." I felt everything slipping away, but all I could think of to say was, "This is the big time, I will follow orders." She continued to pace, and I just sat there watching her with a sheepish look on my face. Finally, she sat down very close to me and grabbed my shoulders with her hands. I was looking directly into those blue eyes again. She said very slowly, "I have to be sure....Evander. I have to be absolutely sure. Then I felt her hands bite into my shoulders. There was instant pain. "The only way I can absolutely be sure is...if I break you of that habit." I was about to say something even complain about the pain, but then her hands were gone. She got up and said as she moved out, "Follow me Evander, there's a couple of rooms I want to show you." I thought a second about leaving. I didn't like her tone or her hands, in that manner, on my body, but I had to follow. The truth was I desperately needed the mounts. I rubbed the feeling back into my shoulders as I followed her. Just off the study, she opened a sliding door which revealed a huge workout room. There was exercise equipment everywhere in the room. There was a treadmill and two or three resistance machines. In one corner were some bars with differing amounts of weights on them. I did a quick add and knew I couldn't lift one of the bars which had the most weight on it. There were even a couple of pieces of gymnastics equipment there as well. Uneven parallel bars and a single bar that I thought might be used for chin ups. I glanced at her as she talked, and I could tell she was proud of this room, but before I could compliment her she asked, "Tell me Evander do you weight train?" I kept staring around the room as I said, "A little, but muscle is very heavy and I can't afford to gain much weight. What a jockey needs is strong forearms though, and I do a lot of curls." She walked over and inspected my forearms. She seemed pleased and I was a little taken aback by her inspection because it didn't stop at the forearms. She inspected my arms and even had me make a muscle. Next, she felt my thighs and calf muscles. I thought she did her probing in a very intimate manner and I felt myself involuntarily exhale. She was watching my reaction with a big smile on her face. She continued her appraisal of my body for a few minutes. I was beginning to feel a little bit like a horse at an auction. I wondered if she was going to inspect my teeth next. What she said next really caught me off guard. "If you're going to ride a lot of horses in my stable, this room will be available to you." All I could blurt out was "Thanks!" She moved closer and said provocatively, "But I don't want you to think every jockey gets the use of this room." Did that mean what I thought it meant? For not the first time tonight, but still one of the few times in my life, I was speechless. Before I knew what was happening, we were moving again. She wanted to show me one more room. This room was locked. Sue produced a key and unlocked it. She opened the door and with her hand bid me to enter first. I walked in a few feet before I realized what kind of room it was. It was a padded room about ten feet by twelve feet. There was thick padding covering the floor and all the walls and even the ceiling. I turned around to ask her what was going on, and I could see her standing on her toes and bolting the door. The bolt for the door had to be almost nine feet from the ground. I didn't think I could reach it. As she turned, I saw a different type of smile. She had a look on her face like the cat that was just about to eat the canary. In a very cool and calm tone of voice she stated, "This is my training room for jockey's. Do you like it?" Training room for jockeys? What in the hell did she mean by that? I was confused and more than a little upset. I said in an agitated voice, "Listen lady, I think you better let me out of here." She ignored my remark and walked over to one of the corners of the room and started to undress. At the same time, she started to lecture, "This is where I'm going to break you of that nasty habit of not listening to your trainer. In fact, think of me as your personal trainer tonight." Then in a very authoritative voice she ordered, "Take of your clothes!" I walked over to the door and tried to reach the bolt. It was too high for me. I tried to jump up and push it over. I couldn't touch it even by jumping. Next, I tried to get a foothold on the padding, but the padding on the door was different then the other padding on the walls and floor. It was made of slick rubber, and I couldn't get any traction. I looked over at Sue and she was watching me with an amused smile on her face. She was in the process of removing her jeans, and about to become completely naked. I couldn't help but stare for a second. God! She was an awesome woman. When she was done undressing, she faced me again with her hands on her hips and said, "I think you better take your clothes off. They're very nice, and I wouldn't want you to get any of your blood on them." I had never been afraid in my life even when several kids backed me into a corner in high school, but I have to admit I felt fear as I faced this woman. Finally, in as calm a voice as I could muster I said, "I think you better let me out right now. I will defend myself." She looked me up and down for a second and then replied, "I'll remove your clothes as we go. As for you defending yourself, it's expected. I would be very disappointed, in you, if you didn't try.. but it won't matter." She slowly started to walk towards me and I made two fists and got in a defensive stance. At the same time, I felt myself slowly backing up. As she moved forward, she started to lecture again, "After tonight, you will be very obedient, and I won't have to worry about you freelancing in a race." She stopped a pace or two from me, when I stopped backing up, and went into a karate stance. It scared the hell out of me. She made a sudden move, but it was just a fake. I felt myself flinch to her amusement. She laughed for a second or two then started to talk in that matter of fact sort of way again, "I am going to be a little harder on you than the others, but that's because you have so much talent, and I do want you to ride many of my horses." There's been others, I thought. I found myself backing up again as she started to slowly moved forward. My back hit the wall and she stopped for a second and added, "And I do think your kind of cute. There can be many perks to this job." I lowered my hands and started to say, "Listen Sue, can't we.." Smack! she slapped me right in the face. I wouldn't take that from anyone let alone a woman and I threw a punch. She easily danced right out of the way. Smack! I got another hard slap to the face. I lost it completely. I started to swing wildly and move forward. I walked into two hard jabs to the face. They stung and it stopped my momentum. I must have lowered my guard because she immediately connected with an overhand right to my jaw. I went down in a heap on the floor. I groaned and started to get up. She was patiently waiting for me not pursuing her advantage. She must have felt she could take me easily, and nothing that had happened so far would have indicated to her or me otherwise. I circled her cautiously, she was waiting for me to move in. I stupidly obliged her. A few wild misses from me, and many quick, powerful, and accurate punches to my face and body from her had me down again in a matter of seconds. This time, I didn't get up fast enough, I felt her pulling me up by the hair and then CRACK! another shot to the jaw. I was really stunned, and stayed down for awhile, but I don't think I blacked out. I could feel her doing something with my feet. My senses cleared some, and I realized she was taking off my shoes and socks. After she finished, I managed to slowly scramble away, but again she didn't pursue her advantage. I righted myself on wobbly feet. I could see her smiling at me. This time she moved in. How could somebody that big be that quick? I was her punching bag. She must have hit me ten or twelve times more. Finally, she just backed up and I fell forward to the floor. I must have lost consciousness, this time, because the next thing I knew she was sitting on my waist and taking off my shirt. I could tell my pants were already off. I hurt everywhere and I could see blood on her boobs. I knew it wasn't her blood. I couldn't even remember hitting her once. She saw me regain consciousness and started to talk to me again. I focused and could make out the words. "Maybe, that's enough boxing for now. I don't want to kill you...just train you." After the lecture, she got up and grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet, and threw me into the opposite padded wall. I hit with a loud THUD! It wasn't extremely painful, but rather it stunned me and jarred every bone in my body. Before I could recover, I was being hurtled into another wall. This went on for some time. I'm not sure how long, my brains were being addled every few seconds. I think she made it a sport. She would throw me at a part of the wall near a corner. I think she was trying to see if she could bounce me off two walls at once. A couple of times, I was sure she was successful. Every now and then, she would vary the game by tossing me over her hip or just throwing me across the room. She was on me before I had a chance to unscramble my brains, and then I was being tossed or thrown in another direction. Slowly every part of my body was beginning to hurt. She still hadn't broken my spirit yet, I wasn't going to give her the pleasure of pleading for her to stop. Then she just grabbed me when I was near a wall, lifted me up by the armpits, and held me plastered against it. I found myself two feet off the ground and staring down at her as she stared up at me. I could hear her talking through the pain, "Your a lot tougher than you look. Most everybody I've done this too were begging me to stop by now." I certainly didn't feel tough by the way she had womanhandled me so far. She casually looked over my wounds as I hung there suspended by her huge arms, "Your face is in pretty bad shape. Your going to have two black eyes and a lot of bruises. I'll fix you up later." After her brief inspection, she fixed me with her eyes and I felt fear through all the pain. "I'm going to take you apart and put you back together again the way I want you. When you leave here you'll never want to come back to this room." Call it bravery or stupidity, I'm not sure which, but all I said to her was, "Go to hell!" The next thing I knew, I was flying through the air and banging off another wall. This continued for another five minutes or so. I was so stunned and dizzy I couldn't stand anymore. She would just lift me up by the arm and fling me. Finally, she just flipped me into the center of the room, and walked over. I tried to get up, but couldn't lift myself up off the floor. She bent down and lifted my body up in her arms and body slammed me down. I hit with a loud THUD! She continued doing this five or six more times. At this point, I was incapable of fighting back in any way. The only sounds I was making were the groans that escaped after a collision with the floor or one of the padded walls. I think I was in a semi-conscious state and the only thing that was registering in my mind was the pain and the fear I felt. Finally, she knelt down and straddled my body with her knees pinning my arms to my sides. I couldn't believe it, but then it got worse. She started slapping my face from side to side with each of her big hands. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Each slap sounded like a gun shot as she pummeled my face with her big mitts. I couldn't beg her to stop. I couldn't speak. She must have hit me twenty times before she stopped. My face was on fire and I was barely conscious. I could hear her talking through the haze that was my mind. "I would make sure, if I were you, that it never becomes necessary for me to bitch slap you again. Always, do everything I tell you... NEVER!..disobey me." She firmly emphasized never. "Do you understand?" Maybe it was self preservation, but I could hear myself saying, "Yessssss!" The room was still spinning, but I think I could see a smile on her face. She spoke to me again as she repositioned the lump that was my body. "Well, I have to be sure. I HAVE TO BE ABSOLUTELY SURE!" she stated very forcefully. Immediately, I found myself with her legs locked around my waist and a new kind of torture began. Her big meaty thighs just consumed my waist. It felt like I was in an iron vice. I picked my head up a little off the floor to see those huge twin pillars of female flesh dealing more pain to my already pain racked body. I tried to push on them, but knew it was useless. My head hit the floor with a thud as I wondered if the torture would ever be over. I knew if she wanted me to beg. I would. I had to stop the pain somehow even if it meant giving up a part of myself. Time lost all meaning. All I felt was the pain. She would alter her squeeze taking me to the brink of sweet blackness and then letting up. I heard myself begging to be let go or even worse begging to be knocked out. Either was better than the pain. Finally, I felt her move the scissors higher up to my chest. She grabbed one of my arms and then with her free arm she cupped my jaw in her hand. She hovered over my face as I tried to look up at her. I saw her smiling face through the deep haze. I knew I must have been a pitiful sight. I tried to implore her with my eyes. I was hoping this would gain me some respite. I knew she had reduced me to a lump of clay and now she was about to reform the clay to her will. I even managed a few words. "Pleasssse! No morrre!" The next thing that happened was totally mind blowing. She bent down and gave me a long lingering kiss. At the same time, she squeezed harder with her thighs. PAIN AND PLEASURE.....PLEASURE AND PAIN. The competing sensations were too much for my mind. I was hers at that moment. Somewhere in my subconscious my mind chose between total surrender or chaos. Deep inside of me the battle was lost. Seemingly without my consent, the deepest part of me chose pleasure to pain. The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity. The pain somehow receded into the distance. After her kiss, she spoke softly to me, "I know your hurting little one. We're done in here. We'll continue in another room where I can get more comfortable." I tried to talk but couldn't form the words in my mind. Then I heard her say, "I'm going to knock you out for awhile. I'll fix up your face, it's a terrible mess. Your going to have to stay here for a few days while you recover.......sweet dreams." I felt her kiss and the pressure on my chest became unbearable. I couldn't breath...... Finally, I surrendered completely to her and the darkness. I woke up to the sensation of cold on my face. She had an ice pack covering my eyes. I reached up and removed it. I could still feel her legs around my neck as I did so. Every part of my body still hurt, and I let out a low groan. I felt the noose tighten a little. My face didn't hurt but every part of it was throbbing. I knew I had to look like a mess. She bent down and looked at me and said, "I was beginning to worry about you, little one. You were out for almost an hour. I want you to stay here for a few days while you recover. I'll have one of the grooms get your clothes. I want you to listen to me from now on so you don't have to go in that room again. Do you understand?" Instinctively, I reached up with my hands to pry her thighs apart. Why did I do that I wondered? She immediately started to squeeze. I removed my hands, and she let up. I said the required words. "I understand." She bent over and I could see her smiling face. "Good! I'm beginning to believe you. I'll cancel your morning horses with the other trainers. I'll reimburse you and you'll have plenty of mounts from me. As a matter of fact, I want you under exclusive contract. Would you like that?" I stared up at her smiling face through the noose that was her legs and I immediately said, "Yes." No had been removed from my vocabulary. After I said yes, she started to squeeze me a little tighter. She immediately got my full attention. "Here are some rules little one. Just say yes. First, do you understand that you are to tell no one about tonight?" The leggy noose tightened even more. I said, "Yes," and the pressure decreased. "If you do, you'll go into that room again, and I'll make sure you never ride another horse at any track in the U.S. Do you understand?" I gave her the required, "Yes." She started to move her fingers lightly across my face as she spoke. "And you will always follow my pre race instructions to the letter?" In a very low voice I said, "Yes." She squeezed tighter. "Say it louder!" My lips moved seemingly to her command not mine. "YESSSSS!" After she got my promises, I felt my head and body being dragged between her mammoth thighs as she repositioned herself on the couch. I was laying on the floor at her feet with her thighs around my head. "If your a real good boy, maybe in the next couple of months, I may even let you move in with me. Would you like that?" I closed my eyes as I answered. This time I knew every part of me was saying, "Yes," as well. For the rest of the longest night of my life, Sue tortured me with her tireless legs. She used a variety of scissors on me, experimenting with my outclassed body. She casually drank a glass of Champaign and watched TV as she listened with amusement to my begging for release or my screams of pain. With what seemed like practiced skill, Sue controlled the pressure from her thighs or calves on my neck to allow me just enough air to mount a futile struggle from time to time. My futile attempts at escape seemed to add to her enjoyment of this endless game. Finally, she put me into a figure four. Her huge calf was so big it covered both my mouth and nose. I was being smothered by a powerful but oh so feminine female calf muscle. Almost instantly, I found the peace of unconsciousness once again. I awoke on a hard surface. I immediately felt the soreness in almost every part of my body. I involuntarily let out a loud moan. I could hear some movement from above and then I heard a feminine voice say, "So your finally awake sleepy head? I rolled over and could see I was by her feet near the kitchen table. She was still nude and I knew I was as well. I could also see it was light outside. She reached down and picked me up and placed me on her lap while she sat at the table. I looked at her and didn't say a word. I knew I couldn't cope with her muscles. She smiled contentedly as she saw the mix of fear and shame on my face. Speaking very softly she informed me, "First let's eat breakfast and then I want you to see a room you will be seeing a lot of from now on." I gave her a pitiful look and said, "Please, no more rooms." She laughed heartily and replied, "It's not that type of room. You'll see." For the next fifteen minutes or so, she reemphasized her position and mine. I had to say yes once again to all her questions. While this was going on she fed me from her plate or had me sip from her glass. I felt like a little kid in the lap of his mother, and I had about as much control.....maybe less. After breakfast, she stood me on the chair and I had to jump up and ride on her piggyback to this terrifying new room. My heart was pounding, I didn't know what to expect. This room wasn't locked. When she opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes. On the floor was a miniature version of Hollywood Park, complete with little rails and a finish line. On the walls, the grandstand was accurately depicted. With one wall having the scenery from the backstretch painted on it. As I tried to take it all in, she spoke, "I will give you your pre race instructions, for your mounts, in this room. Make sure you remember everything." She walked us over to the starting line that was imprinted on the floor, and commented, "Let's start with Windshield Wiper's next race." She positioned me a little higher on her back, and I grabbed her a little tighter around the neck. Then she was off, bouncing me up and down a little as she went. When she wasn't giving me instructions she was making clicking noises like a horse galloping. At the first turn, she stopped and still bouncing up and down gave me my first orders. "Break with him, but if someone goes, settle in behind. If your on the outside, don't get caught too wide." After the instructions, we were off again and around the first turn. "Settle him down the backstretch," she commented as she bounced me up and down as we moved down the backstretch. Just before the last turn, she stopped and said, "Let him go at the eighth pole and try for the lead." We were off again and around the turn and heading for home. She really got into her drive for the finish line, but looked back and said, "Use your whip on him left handed if he needs it." Then she slowed almost to a stop and said, "Go ahead, use your whip now." It took me a second before I understood what she meant. I put my right arm around her neck and swatted her butt with my left hand. She took off and we crossed the finish line. She went down the track before she stopped just like a horse would do in a real race. As she walked out of the room, she looked back and said, "You'll be riding a two year old filly in her next race. She has the makings of a champion. Follow orders and you'll never see that other room again." This was all a little much for my mind. All I could think of saying at the moment was, "Yes Ma'am." Sue closed the door and then repositioned me on her right hip holding me in place with just one arm. "Stick out your tongue," she commanded. I had learned to obey. I stuck it out as far as it would go. She examined it and said, "That looks like your best muscle. Let's go to my room and see if it's as strong as it looks." Off we went. As she took me to her room, I knew my life would never be the same again. ---------------------------------- The race was competitive, but as soon as I made my move, I knew it was over, and that She's the Boss would win again. She took the lead around the turn and stretched it out to an easy ten length win. I waved my hand in the air in victory as I received congratulations from a few of the jocks down the backstretch. So much was going through my mind. I couldn't believe how much had happened in the last year and a half since I first met Sue, who was now my wife. Last year was incredible winning the last meet riding title, but this year was special, thanks to She's the Boss. She was nine for nine as a three year old. She won all of the Triple Crown races going away. After winning this Breeders Crown race, there was no doubt about her winning Horse of the Year honors as well. After the pictures with the owners and my wife, we went to the area where the cameras were located for the interview with the TV commentator. Mrs. Laughton, the owner, accepted the trophy. Then it was my wife's turn to tell the broadcaster that I should get much of the credit for the win because I ran the race as it was supposed to be run. Finally, It was my turn. I'll never forget the commentator's last question to me. He asked, "Is this the best filly you ever rode?" I looked down at the ground for a second with an amused smile on my face, took a peek at my wife, and said, "No!..Second best." The End....