The Enemy Part 7 By valerafon An earth man and an alien woman battle on a distant planet. This work of fiction should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Please do not read further if you are offended by graphic violence and sexual content. Chapter Seven: Into the Abyss The beautiful lady felt a familiar tug. Resolutely, she gathered herself for the coming battle, but before she was yanked to a place between heaven and earth, she left a very small part of herself behind. It would have to suffice for she needed every bit of herself for the coming battle. For a brief moment, she was suspended above the gallant band and she could clearly see the desperate struggle beneath her. Forgetting her own imminent danger, she gave her full attention to the scene stretched out below her. The storm was at its apex. A sheer wall of wind and rain pelted the small party below making movement unbearable, almost unendurable. Even the powerful unicorn was buffeted back and forth as he trudged forward directly into the wind dragging the makeshift sled with its all important cargo. And the man, at the unicorns side, desperately trying to will his injured and tired body forward. Sometimes he would fall, but he always got up and never gave into the storm, and his only concern was for the sled and its valuable cargo. The scene below touched the great lady and she whispered out loud, "They have endured so much!" And then the scene began to fade as the tug became a pull and then an irresistible summons that she could not oppose even with all of her incredible powers. In an instant, she was nowhere. Or more accurately, she reasoned, a non-place between order and chaos. A place where even her great powers were very limited...and he knew that. It was always in this realm where he chose to confront her...One great being to another. There was no form or substance to this place, just a swirling chaotic void. Even she did not know exactly what it was or where it was located, but she thought of it as some sort of a buffer between order and chaos between substance and nonexistence. Even the black holes which spawned her had infinitely more order than this region. In this place, she had no form, just pure mind, pure will. But strangely, it always felt as if she was floating with a corporeal body and the sensation unnerved it was intended. Always, the overriding sensation, here, was an all encompassing loneliness. It was the only time she felt this strange sensation in all the countless eons that her patterns of order had existed . It made her feel strangely akin to the beings she protected and nurtured. It also, she realized, made her it was intended to do. The feeling lasted only a few moments, but of course, time really had no meaning here, and then she sensed a greater power than herself. It was "The Thing!". At first, it would invade her awareness like a mist swirling below her, and then like an all encompassing cloud it would slowly swirl and curl its way completely around her, completely engulfing her inside of it like a devouring amoeba. As it encircled her, the cloud began to spark with some form of unimaginable energy. And this pure energy of uncreation touched her mind, her will, like little lightening bolts of some completely pure malevolent primeval force..And this force felt irresistible. This primeval force had a name, and its name reverberated through the eons. This name was known on countless worlds and in every dimension. It was Chaos the disrupter, the reducer, and it always won in the end. As always, she would ask herself why had the universe been made this way? And always, she had no answer. As it enveloped her, she could feel its power, its malevolent intent, and its pure hunger to devour her... Its need to scatter her pure thought, to completely disrupt it. As always, it was so difficult to fight this basic force of the universe. She was resisting the stuff of creation itself or rather the inexorable forces of uncreation, but fight she must and fight she did. As the battle raged, there was this incredible yearning, in every fiber of her being, to give in to its hypnotic join with it, to be one with it, to end the fight, and to yield. Then as always, she felt another presence touch her mind. It was him....He who had yielded and given himself to Chaos. He always touched her mind in a whisper and it was the same this time. "Why don't you give in, and be one with the only true God?" he had the audacity to ask her. That was always his first question when they met. With great effort she answered back, even as the field around her intensified. "Never!" "You can't win, Why struggle?....Chaos will always win in the end." And then in a more alluring voice he added, "Join me!....You can't imagine how wonderful it feels!...And you will understand so much more!" At that moment, the pure energy fields hit their apex and they danced and crackled around her with incredible power, touching her, enticing her, and beckoning her. It was difficult to think, to answer. She fortified herself, using much of her reserves, and she replied with firm resolve, "Never!.... Begone!" Then he used a different tact. "You must know your plan will never work!...The woman will die!...The man will not succeed!....But I do like the unicorn, that was a brilliant stroke." "Go!" she said, even more firmly to the entity. Then she quickly added, "The plan will succeed! I will defeat your master!...Leave me!... ...I pity you!" Immediately, she felt him shrink away from her mind as her reproach had its desired effect. And in that moment, she reached inward even further and found what she was looking for and it was transforming. Instantly, she began to glow and transform. She was no longer Heim, but a bulwark, a wall against Chaos...And she had a name, like Chaos, from the beginning of time itself. Now, her voice boomed in the darkness as her transformation continued, and the great being became tangible even in this place. And it was like a star had just turned on as the great being unfurled completely and its light filled the darkness. "Go!....You are a creature to be pitied and I have no further time or use for you!...And take your master with you!" In an instant the cloud was gone...and she felt the other retreating as well. But before she felt him no more, she heard a far off whisper, "You will join me!...You will!....You will!..You will!" Slowly, the whisper faded away as she regarded the other with complete contempt, and then with a profound sadness. When the voice was completely gone, the great being immediately transformed back into Heim once again, and she thought of where she needed to be.....And she was there. The storm had been raging for hours with an intensity Bannon had never faced before on earth or on any other world, and the pure force and eerie howl of the wind seemed to add such a surreal feeling to their desperate plight as well. For the first time in his life, he felt out of control like he was finally in a situation that was beyond his mental powers, beyond his human endurance. Even his great knack for surviving seemed like nothing to this ferocious storm. Why was he still moving? Why was he still trying? It would be just so easy to lay down, close his eyes, and give up, but something was still driving him, and this something was new and it was powerful and it gave him a resolve and tapped an energy that he could have scarcely believed he possessed. What was it? For a moment the unicorn stopped. Bannon's mind did not search for the reason. For it was moments like these that he needed to check the valuable cargo on the sled, and make sure it was secure. As he moved forward, he could barely make out her face in the driving rain. Her lovely features always stirred something deep inside of him, and this time was no different. From her countenance, he could not tell if she was alive or dead, and she felt so cold to the touch. He checked her wound and it was not bleeding. Was her body trying to heel itself or had her heart stopped pumping? Bannon really didn't want to know the answer to that question. If she was dead their would be no reason to keep moving. As he gazed upon her face, he thought that she still was so very beautiful even through all of this. She was so strong and unyielding as well, just like some primeval element of nature, and as he continued to look at her, a tear rolled down his cheek and mingled with the rain before the wind swept it away. In that moment of catharsis, his mind answered the question to why he hadn't given up. He loved her, and he would do what ever it took even if it meant facing the whole Gamulan Empire or any other force that may be arrayed against him. Somehow, he would survive again, and a new word entered his vocabulary. "They" would survive. The moment was transcending as such moments always are, and even as this new realization filtered into every part of his being, a thin smile crept over his face. He knew she was still alive even without checking. She was just like he was, maybe even more so. Death could not master a creature such as this...and his thoughts were not arrogance. As he gazed upon her, lost in his thoughts, oblivious to the storm, the unicorn started to move again and the sled jolted forward and her face was lost in the night and the rain. For a moment, he peered into the dark picturing her face in his mind. Then, with a greater resolve, he fortified himself and willed his own body to move forward, ever forward into the storm. The small band relentlessly trudged onward into the night and the driving rain. Minutes had given way to hours, and the hours seemed like an eternity, but the storm kept raging and they kept moving. Always, the unicorn led the way. In time, the shelter of the forest eventually had given way to the great open plain, and the storm hit them with even more fury, but they kept moving forward, ever forward into the storm. As Bannon willed his completely exhausted body forward, he kept his arm in front of him to protect his face from the stinging rain. The pain in his arm was unbearable. It was like someone was taking a hot poker and stabbing his shoulder with it. At least the horrific pain in his mind took his thoughts from the storm and focused his efforts. All he really had to do was keep moving and make sure the valuable cargo on the sled did not fall out. He did not need to see where he was going. All he had to do was follow, but why was he following this creature? Then once again, the unicorn stopped moving. This time, Bannon peered ahead to see what it was doing. It was looking from side to side and Bannon thought trying to see ahead in the blinding rain. But what was it searching for? And why was he allowing it to lead? It was the dream. It had seemed so vivid so real when it happened. He had thought it was just a delusion from a pain racked and overtired mind, but then fate had stepped in and put him in exactly the position the dream had indicated. His decision seemed obvious, so right for the moment, and the unicorn seemed to sense it to, to know what was required of it. It was a little spooky Bannon thought. Or was their something else guiding them? Then Bannon thought of the beautiful lady. Was she real? An audible laugh, which was drowned out by the fury of the storm, leapt from Bannon's lips. Then becoming more serious, Bannon whispered to the storm in a very formal manor, "Thank you, Milady!" And Heim heard the prayer, smiled, and answered back. For a moment, the storm seemed to slacken, and Bannon heard a sweet voice reply, "Your very welcome." Then the stormed immediately intensified again. Bannon stopped dead in his tracks as he was taken completely by surprise. He looked about for a few frantic moments, then attributed the voice to exhaustion and his situation. It had to be a delusion conjured up from the depths of his exhausted mind. Man! Get a grip! He told himself firmly, and then he started to trudge forward once again. The Goddess Triumphant seemed to shudder as it jumped back into normal space, and then all the stars appeared again, but now the ship was a few light years from where it had been moments before, and just a few hours from Regna. Their destination appearing as a tiny dust ball in the center of the main viewing screen. To jump so close to the planet had been a necessary risk because time was everything now, and it would shave days off their arrival. As Tiani expected, the ship and crew had performed flawlessly. On the bridge, the Com officer calmly asked Tiani a question. "Do you want to contact Gamula?" Tiani gave it only a moments thought before replying, "No, we have our orders." Her next question haunted her, but she had to ask it none the less. With a single-mindedness of purpose, Tiani focused her full attention on the screen and the little asteroid at its center, and inquired, "Is the force field still in place?" Not looking up from the screen or her duties, the Science Officer replied, "Yes Sir!" With her own eyes still riveted on the tiny moon, Tiani betrayed some emotion by sighing deeply. It was a sigh of relief. Everyone on the bridge knew the implications to that answer. Glaxxana might still be alive. Still staring at the screen, Tiani silently renewed her recent vow. I have come for you "Creature," and nothing or no one will stop me from killing you and throwing your dead body before the queen back on Gamula. If she wants you, she can have you, but you will be thoroughly dead. She stared a moment longer at the viewing screen, turned her head to where she expected her second to be, and then she started to bark out her orders. Torianna, her second, who had silently moved by her side took it all in. "Prepare for battle!" Tiani ordered. "We're not sure what we'll encounter down there so arm the squads appropriately." Her second nodded her assent, but before she left, she inquired, "And the Delta Blaster?" The question made Tiani realize once again how capable her second had proven to be, and that thought pleased her. Nodding, yes, to the question, Tiani elaborated, "We may have to punch a whole in that force field if the Meridians won't cooperate." Torianna listened carefully, acknowledged Tiani's orders with a nod of her head once again, and then quickly moved off. Then Tiani turned back to the screen and focused even more intently on the small asteroid at its center. But she had one final command before the ship prepared for battle. "Get me the Meridians on FTL!" she ordered. "Maybe, they'll be reasonable." Because of the breach in protocol, she expected them to be scared. Maybe, that would make them reasonable. At daybreak, the storm was still raging. Bannon was at the end of his rope. The only thing that kept his legs moving was the dark outline looming ahead of them on the horizon. It seemed to appear out of nowhere at first light. Bannon had no idea what the outline might be, but it did seem as if the unicorn was heading directly for it. The terrain was unfamiliar to Bannon. His experiences on this planet offered no clue as to what type of feature it might be. Maybe, it was shelter, a cave? That was something they desperately needed. The woman needed attention or all there efforts would be for naught. Whatever it was, it did offer hope, something to focus on in the storm, but the only problem was that it didn't seem to be getting any closer, and time was running out. Just as the rain seemed to slacken, Bannon's legs gave out once again, and he fell. Somehow, he found the energy to pick his head up out of the mud and brace himself on his hands. The unicorn had stopped and was looking back at him with a look that seemed to be imploring him to get up once again and go on. "You better go on without me," he told his new friend as his last bit of energy gave out and he crashed back down into the mud. He heard the sled start to move, but he didn't have the strength to look up and watch it disappear. Instead, Bannon was resolved to his fate, and he even closed his eyes and welcomed oblivion when something intruded in on his ignominious death. It was that damn unicorn again. It was trying to push him with his snout. Why won't he let me alone Bannon thought? Why can't he let me die in peace? Then Bannon saw the sled and as the unicorn moved it into position, he somehow understood. He wound his good arm around one of the poles of the sled, moved as much of his pain racked body onto the sled as he could being careful not to jostle the woman, and hung on as best he could. Slowly, the sled started up once again, and he felt his body being dragged along, half in and half out of the sled. The path was a muddy swamp and at least that made the journey a bit easier on his pain racked body. Bannon was in and out of consciousness over the next hour, but he somehow managed to stay attached to the sled, and when he finally did regain his senses, he realized that the sled had stopped. With supreme effort he managed to get to his feet, and it was only then that he realized that the storm had broken, the wind had died down to a whisper, and the rain had diminished to a light drizzle. As he stood on unsteady feet and looked forward, he saw a wondrous sight. A large ridge was looming above him, and about a third of the way up the ridge was a huge cave. He looked up and then he looked back at the unicorn. In a weary and tired voice he asked the unicorn, "How are we going to get up there?" Slowly the queen made her way into the bowels of the great temple of Heim, past the guardian statue with its great sword to the Chamber of Awakening. There, with a wave of her hand, she dismissed her body guards. Her captain hesitated and gave her a look of concern. The queen instantly understood as was her way, and in a calm voice, she tried to allay her bodyguard's fears. "Go! And wait outside, for me, in the Hall of Virgins. I will be safe here." With a silent nod of her head the captain left the old queen to the silence of the chamber. Once alone, the queen felt the years of service to Heim overwhelm her and she noticeably slumped. She closed her eyes and prayed to her goddess. Silently, she prayed for the great burden she carried to be lifted from her, but she knew, deep within her soul, she was still the best choice to lead her people, and that was why she was here. At that moment, a priestess silently entered the chamber. It was the leader of the sect of Vestal Virgins. As soon as the old queen saw her enter, her stoop left her and she portrayed a more regal pose. The old queen was not surprised to see the leader of the sect. It was custom that the high priestess attend such an important dignitary and be present at such an important ritual. The young Priestess moved before the queen, bowed, and then waited. The queen took out a pouch and handed it over. The priestess looked at the pouch and then back at the queen in wonderment, before she bowed once more and acknowledge the gift. As soon as the offering had been placed by a small statue of Heim for consecration, the Priestess turned and with an outstretched hand bid the old queen to follow. As she did, the old queen wondered again if she was doing the right thing. Her prayers to Heim went unanswered, and she could find nothing in the sacred texts that offered a path to follow. Silently, she wondered if she was on a course to destruction. If the whole Gamulan Empire was on a course to destruction. And now she was about to do the same thing that she had chastised Tiani for. This holiest of ceremonies took months of preparation, and she was about to desecrate it by forcing it months ahead of its time. As she walked towards the Altar of Cleansing and was about to be bathed in the Waters of Purity and adorn the ceremonial robes, she knew she really didn't have a choice. She had to know what was happening there on Regna. She had to see through Glaxxana's eyes. To see the man, the warrior from the blue planet who had upset everything. Instinctively, she knew he was the key to everything. She must have him! Patiently, she waited as her robes were removed and then she stepped into the holy grotto. As the waters of purification washed over her, she silently wondered if when she drank the focusing potion, all that she would see would be darkness. That would signal Glaxxana's death. It was her greatest fear, but a fear that had to be overcome. She had to see, she had to know for she was being challenged now in the council, and she couldn't let a lesser person lead in this most crucial of times..And it was not arrogance for she was the greatest queen the Gamulan Empire had ever known. As the robes were carefully fitted on her regal personage, a smile lit her features, and an awareness entered her being as she thought about her greatest protégée and one of only a few persons she truly cared about. The woman she called her daughter, the greatest warrior in all the Gamulan Empire and maybe in all the galaxy. All would be lost if she was dead....But with a certainty that defied logic she spoke out loud and interrupted the silence, and startled the attendants, "My daughter is not dead!"....And it was not arrogance. Somehow, they had managed the steep rise and the narrow paths with there ominous vertical drops, and the cave loomed just ahead. Bannon was beyond exhaustion, but not beyond caring. From somewhere, he had to find something more. He had to find the energy to care for the woman because the woman was everything. By this time, the storm had moved on and both suns were peeking through the clouds. The day on this small moon would prove to be a glorious one, and with the rays of the sun, Bannon found that something extra. Moving through the entrance of the huge cave, Bannon yelled, "Whoa Boy!" and the unicorn stopped with its burden a few meters inside the cave entrance. For a moment, Bannon looked around and saw nothing but a few scattered rocks. Over the last two weeks he had run into several dangerous animals, and all he could hope for was that this cave was unoccupied. Taking a deep breath, he peered into the darkness at the back of the cave. He saw nothing and could hear nothing. Exhaling a deep sigh of relief, he set about his main task. After he had unhitched the makeshift sled from the unicorn, he paused for a moment and looked back at his new friend. The unicorn had his head turned and was staring back at him, watching him carefully. For a brief moment he forgot his main task and approached the unicorn. It watched him warily. Throwing caution to the wind, he grabbed the head of the great horned beast, petted it, then hugged it close to him. "Thanks boy!" He said tenderly. The unicorn responded by opening it huge mouth and whinnying. It was as if it understood him, which by this time, did not surprise Bannon. Still holding on to the great head, "He said even more tenderly, "And thank the god that brought you here." And Heim heard his prayer and was pleased. As soon as he let go of the wondrous creature, Bannon went back to the sled. He knelt down and beheld the female once again. She was still a sight to behold. From this distance her beauty almost took his breath away. Hearing a noise, he took his gaze from the woman and saw that the unicorn had settled down to the ground and had made itself very comfortable near the mouth of the cave. It was still watching everything he did with those big wide bright eyes, but it seemed to be at peace. He smiled at the great beast for a moment, but his smile didn't last for long as he refocused on his main task. He wasn't sure if the woman was still alive, but he was about to find out. With trepidation, his hand moved to the woman's throat and he searched for a pulse. What he found exalted him. He found a pulse and it was strong. THE WOMAN WAS ALIVE! Trying to calm himself, his joy turned to tenderness as he beheld her, and he could not fight the urge any longer. Gently, he bent down and kissed her cheek. Immediately, the unicorn made a large commotion. Turning to the unicorn, Bannon spoke softly to it. "I know, I stole that kiss....I promise you the next time, we kiss, she'll be awake." As if it understood, her guardian immediately calmed, looked at him intently, and then closed it eyes. Bannon returned his attention to the beautiful woman. As he started to fumble with her bandages, he mumbled to himself, "Just great! I'm hear with the most beautiful woman in all the galaxy, and I have a mythological creature for a chaperone. As he unwrapped her bandage, he was surprised to find that the bleeding had stopped entirely, and the wound seemed to be better than he remembered it. Could she possibly be healing that fast? Then he remembered who he was dealing with, and he knew the answer. She truly was an extraordinary creature. After the wound had been cleaned and the bandage changed, he stared at her once more. His only concern now was her loss of blood, but he was sure her incredible body was dealing with that even now. That only left him with the task of finding some food. Oh Hell! He thought to himself that can wait, and he collapsed in a heap next to her. Just before darkness overtook his completely exhausted mind and body, he had a new thought. What about the future? For the first time in a long time, he thought he might actually have a future. Had he muddled everything up? He yelled out loud to the walls of the cave, "To hell with everything!" And then he tenderly put his hand on her arm and thought, WE will find a way! The Captain looked through the video relay at the graying old man. He looks worn out the captain thought as he prepared to give his report. He knew he liked the old man, but for the first time the captain found a certain kind of kinship with him as well. I have the burden of my mission and he has the burden of billions of lives to protect. Then in a moment of catharsis the captain realized that they might be one in the same. "Sir, I am in position at Coleus Prime. I await your orders." "Proceed Captain!" "Sir?" "Take your ship to Regna. Once there, you are to find Bannon and protect him at all costs. I will not be far behind." The captain digested his orders for a moment and asked the next logical set of questions. "Sir, is the woman dead? Is Bannon in trouble?" Donavan admired the captain's logical mind and his courage. He truly was the right instrument at precisely the right time. In a gentle voice he filled the young man in, "Captain, the woman is not dead...Everything is clouded....Expect the unexpected." "Sir, your coming to Regna?" "The fleet leaves within the hour, I will rendezvous with them shortly thereafter." The captain was stunned at that revelation and he asked, "The fleet, Sir?" "I believe things are falling apart. You must hold things together till I get there....And remember to expect the unexpected." "Yes, Sir," he said comely and the screen went blank. The captain had answered back in precisely the right manner to Donavan's information and orders, and that had pleased the old man. Then he thought again, the right instrument at precisely the right time. After the screen went blank and feeling his years catch up with him, the old man slumped in his chair and he asked himself the question that he dreaded. But will it be enough? The President of the Federated Worlds chose that moment to walk through the door and intrude on Donavan's thoughts. He walked up to Donavan's desk with a grave look on his face, and staring out at the blue orb just beyond the window, he asked, "Is there any further news?" Somberly, the high advisor filled in his president. "News has arrived that the woman has stabilized. She is still incapacitated, but without intervention she will live." "And where the hell is Bannon?" Donavan answered cryptically, "That is the sixty four dollar question." Donavan didn't know the origin of that phrase, but it was applicable and still in use. To offer some hope, Donavan threw out an educated guess. "Our best strategists think he may be having difficulty reaching her and finishing the job. He could have shot her across a river, and is working his way towards her right now." The president turned and looked directly at his chief advisor and asked, "Do you believe that?" Donavan had never lied to his president and he wasn't about to start now. "No sir," he said comely. "It doesn't fit Bannon's modus operandi. He is the ultimate planner. He would leave nothing to chance." The President took it all in, and then asked incredulously, "Then what the Sam Hell's going on out there?" "Indeterminate at this time," Donavan replied. "Damn it! That's not good enough!" was the presidents predictable response." Somewhat ignoring the president's last statement, Donavan had the unpleasant task of dropping the other shoe. "Sir, the Meridians have just informed us that there has been a severe violation in protocol, and they have terminated the Meridian Compact. The force field around Regna has been turned off and the contest terminated. There will no longer be any more reports as to the status of the two combatants." The president continued to look at the earth as it floated before him in space, and a in a surprisingly calm voice he asked, "And what is the nature of this violation?" Donavan hesitated for just a moment. It was enough for the president to take his gaze off of earth and to look directly at his high advisor. "There has been an incursion, by a Gamulan warship, in Meridian space." The high advisor turned back to the blue planet before he uttered, "My God!" Donavan didn't wait for a reply. He also informed the president of his plans. "The fleet can leave within the hour." "By all that is holy, send them," the president replied. "And I want you there too. We need to gather intelligence, and I want you there to interpret it and to make the right decisions before this spirals completely out of control." "All ready taken care of, sir." The president gave him a momentary look of surprise and then he nodded and smiled. As he walked out, he added, "God speed, Harry!...Come back to us safe....I just pray there's a Union of Federated Worlds to come back too." Donavan was touched as the president left his office. It was the first time the president had ever called him by his first name. It was a personal touch he thought lacking in the man, and then he realized something. Maybe, the president didn't expect Donavan to return. The old queen had been staring at the candles for almost an hour and nothing had happened. She refused to let her mind go to the place where an inevitable conclusion lay dormant. She had not yet lost heart, but she did feel the steadfastness in her daughter start to wane. Her great faith in her young protégée was being tested to its limits. Instead of doubting, she focused her great mental powers to a degree she did not even know she possessed, and then she felt the mind altering state take hold. At first, it crept into the edge of her awareness, and then with ever increasing speed it took hold of her, and then she felt a titanic jolt in her mind, and then she was someplace else. At first she felt tremendous disorientation and slowly, ever so slowly, the scene became clearer. She was in a cave, and there he was before her. It was the human, and he was carrying something in his hands...a strange animal and a knife. At first, the realization hit home that Glaxxana was alive and conscious. It was a great relief to the queen, but then she realized he had a knife. Was this "Thing" going to kill her daughter? The wave of emotion that swept over her dimmed the image for a moment. Then she remembered the priestesses warning. Great emotion can terminate the link, and once broken the link can never be reestablished. With great effort, she calmed herself and the image returned to clarity and when she saw the man again he had put down the knife and that calmed her even more. She intently focused on the man and not the surroundings, and she studied him with interest. He did not look extraordinary in the least and he was covered in grime and his clothes had been ripped to shreds. He seemed to be busying himself with the strange animal, and he was ignoring her daughter which seemed odd unless he knew she was no threat. Then all of sudden the scene began to dissolve. Was she losing the link? But in its place another more surprising image started to take shape. It was a lady dressed in white who was radiating with a bright white glow. It only took her another second to realize that it was her Goddess the all powerful Heim, and then another realization hit her with tremendous impact. Was Glaxxana dieing?" Was Heim escorting her to heaven? She could not let her emotions get the best of her. She had to focus. Then she realized her Goddess was allowing her to see this and she calmed once again. She saw the Goddess speaking. If only she could hear what she was saying. Slowly, the realization crept in to the queens mind that Glaxxana was having a vision, and Heim was allowing the queen to see this as well. The importance of this fact was not lost on the queen. Glaxxana still had a role to play and quite probably she was the single most important person in the entire galaxy. The man now became secondary in her mind. Then the vision slowly started to fade, and the queen was in the cave once more, but now the man was paying Glaxxana greater attention, and he dropped the strange animal and walked over. She could see him clearly now. She had to admit his face had character even through all the dirt and grime. What happened next completely startled the queen. The man gently bent down and kissed her daughter and she could see one of Glaxxana's hands rise up and go around the man's head, and then the link was gone. The queen felt drained and she slumped noticeably after the ordeal. She still had as many questions as answers, but at least she knew Glaxxana was alive, and seemingly in no danger. That was the most important discovery the queen could make. Also, she had seen the human, the man. She felt she knew the answer to the next question her mind asked. Near the end of the Entwining was Glaxxana trying to kill the man? The queen knew that Glaxxana's hands, even in her weakened condition, could easily kill him. She was certain that's what Heim wanted her to see. In any event, the man now had a face as well, and if Glaxxana didn't succeed in killing him, the queen, at least, saw his one fatal flaw. It was the reason why Glaxxana was still alive. The man had fallen in love with her daughter. It was the greatest weakness men possessed and why ultimately the Gamulans ruled one third of the galaxy. Nature had given women the ultimate weapon, a beauty and an allure that clouded men's minds and kept them from rational thought. One question still baffled her. What was Heim's role in all this? At least now she had time to contemplate that question. Maybe, it was as simple as letting the queen know that her daughter still had a role to play. If that was the case, the man was surely dead. As the queen recovered, she left the Room of a Thousand Candles and dashed towards the council chambers. She now had enough information to keep herself in power, and to complete the rest of her plan. For she alone possessed vital information about Glaxxana, and knowledge was power. It was one hour to planetfall and Tiani still stared at the middle of the view screen, only now the small moon had grown to fill a sizable portion of it. She was lost in her thoughts when she thought she heard the science officer report good news...Or was it good news? "Sir, the forcefield is down!" She barely had time to digest that bit of news and all its implications when her second yelled out, "A ship has just jumped into the system. Its two degrees from the plane of the ecliptic, and three hours from the planet. She had a few seconds of time to admire the skill of the captain of that ship because he had jumped in slightly closer than she had dared. Then her second asked, "Shall we turn to meet her, sir." Tiani turned her head back to the view screen and in a calm voice said, "No, I know who it is...Continue on course....I'll deal with him on the surface. Both the science officer and the second in command looked at one another for a split second, and then they continued on with their preparations. As the queen entered the chamber, her eyes went right to Tyrrana who was sitting in her chair. So, she thinks she has already won Nianna thought. She is in for a surprise. As soon as the old queen entered and made her way to the great bench where the queen and the other four women, one from each of the great houses, ruled all of Gamula and all of the hundred conquered worlds. Tyranna yelled out, "Stop! You no longer have a seat here!" The queen in a calm voice answered, "You vote me out without a hearing!...But can you question Heim's will?" Tyrrana not one to be side tracked easily shot back sternly, "Clarify?" The queen said to herself, the trap is sprung, and then she spoke to the four women gathered in her most regal voice. "I have just come from the Entwining. I have seen through Glaxxana's eyes, and she is very much alive." Two of the clanswomen spoke in low whispers to each other, and Tyranna turned to watch them and to hear what they were saying. The queen saw and thought to herself, weakness, she would not make a good queen, and then she knew with every fiber of her being that today she must prevail for Gamula's sake. Trying to restore order, Tyranna hit her gavel on a ceremonial wooden block several times. But one of the other clanswomen shouted out, "What else did you see? "I saw Glaxxana have a vision. She spoke to Heim herself. Everyone but Tyranna, on the great bench, gasped. Again Tyranna used her gavel. This time it was Tyranna who spoke out coldly, "How does any of this make a difference?" Nianna smiled a thin smile and thought, deeper into my trap she goes. Then she answered to all, "Heim has shown ME this so that we may understand that Glaxxana still has a very important part to play, and because this great secret has been revealed to me alone proves that Heim still has work for me to do as well." A clanswoman on the other side of Tyranna yelled, "You swear this!" The old queen nodded to one of the guards and she nodded back. The guard then went over to a small stone alter where a sizable statue of Heim stood guard over a copy of the sacred texts. Carefully, she picked the book up and brought it over to the old queen. "Placing one hand on the sacred book and the other on her heart, the wily old queen again spoke to the four leaders, "I vow to Heim herself and to my sacred honor as queen that everything I told you is the absolute truth." This time all four women conferred in low whispers. By the look on Tyranna's face she could tell that it wasn't going well for the false queen. When they were done, Tyranna left the old queen's seat and retook her old position on the great bench. One of the other clanswomen extended her hand towards the queens chair and said, "Join us!" "I can not the queen answered back." Immediately, the other four women started to talk amongst themselves. This time, not in such hushed tones. Nianna extended her hands and tried to calm them. "Ladies, I have much to do. I must prepare the fleet." This time Tyranna regained her voice. "To what purpose?" "He will be coming!" "Tyranna still confused asked, "Who?" "The one clearly seen in Tiani's Entwining dream, and the one foretold here." With her statement complete. Nianna turned to the sacred texts and began to leaf through the holy pages till she reached the apocalyptic verses, the one's dealing with a possible end time for her people. Taking her time, she reached for and found her glasses. Putting them on slowly for effect she began to read the pertinent verse. "And the oldest shall be their leader and he will come from the blue planet. And having felt that great harm was done to him and his world, he will gather his forces and make war upon the Daughters of the Light. He will make deadly war till almost the whole galaxy is undone." Nianna paused, put her glasses away, and added, "Even now, I fear he is on his way. We have broken the accord.... I must go and meet him." The four women left the podium and made their way to Nianna. Once they were by her side, they looked upon the passages in the sacred book themselves. The oldest and wisest of the clanswomen, save for the queen, looked up and nodded. The queen nodded back, and then left the chamber. As she did so, Tyranna was still on her mind. When I return, I will deal with you, but for now, I have greater concerns. To be continued... Will the two converging fleets start an intergalactic war? Will Tiani gain her revenge? Will love find a way? All questions will be answered in the final chapter.