Deadly Planet By valerafon A group of space explorers find a dangerous and unusual planet. This is a work of fiction and should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen. Please do not read further if you are offended by violence and or sexual content. Overview: By the middle of the twenty second century, man had placed thriving colonies on both the Moon and Mars. In fact, man was already starting to transform the face of Mars to his will. Estimates now placed the day sometime in the twenty sixth century when men from earth would take their first breaths from a revitalized Martian atmosphere. This one project was a great undertaking, strapping man's resources to the limit, but the technology gained from such an undertaking had already transformed the earth as well. One world government had replaced the chaos that was the United Nations. As a consequence, national boundaries had started to blur over time. Money ... ... and the attaining of the commodities of wealth, which had wasted so much of man's time and resources in the past had disappeared quickly when the Unicard was introduced, and then refined with the Epidermal Chip. Every kind of commerce, every transaction, every procedure, and every bit of information that anyone anywhere would need could be scanned onto or off each individuals epidermal chip. It in effect eliminated the need for money and it eliminated crime as well. It had in one brief moment in time transformed the world which now was a far more kinder gentler place to live. In effect, it had freed man to try and pursue much loftier goals such as terraforming Mars and sending far ranging expeditions to the outer planets. Mining operations of the asteroid belt had brought back to earth an abundance of many of the depleted ores that were a vital necessity to the survival of an ever growing ever expanding technological civilization that earth and her infant colonies had become. As a direct consequence to this new found abundance, man's reach had spread as far as Jupiter. Both Europa and Io had small thriving colonies on their rocky and forbidding surfaces, but it was Europa that had grabbed much of this centuries headlines, and so stirred man's soul. There, twenty five years before, life was first detected outside of earth for the first time. No one at the time could have guessed how profound an impact that simple discovery would have on the psyche of every human being. In its huge ice bound ocean, first microbes, and then larger more complicated forms of life were discovered. It would take man centuries to discover and catalogue all of Europa's secrets, but that single discovery changed man's view of himself in the cosmic order of things. He now looked with restless eyes at the rest of the universe. He was no longer content to just find life, but now he longed to find intelligent life among the stars. To find an equal with which he could converse and share the secrets of the universe with, and with whom he could contemplate the existence of God. The great space based telescopes, which dissected the earth's orbit, had brought close up pictures of many planets orbiting other stars. Over the last century man had dutifully cataloged them, but man long ago had deemed space travel, to even the nearest stars, at least several hundred years away. One planet had especially caught the imagination of the scientists. A very earth-like planet which orbited the nearby star Epsilon Eridani. Its atmospheric content suggested that life was indeed possible on its surface, and its photos were intriguing as well. Almost a century of observation had made it the primary target for future explorers. In fact, many scientists estimated the chance of finding life on its surface an almost certainty, but would it harbor intelligent life? No coherent radio signals had ever been received from it. Then, the cryogenic and propulsion breakthroughs had been made this decade, and man once more yearned to go to the stars. A new project entitled "Eridani Now!" had been born, and the stars seemed closer than ever before. Chapter One: Seeker Sometimes, life can really surprise you. My whole life, I've considered my stature a hindrance, not an advantage. When my application had been accepted along with the other thousand or so of earth's finest, I really didn't think I had a chance to be one of the ten luckiest people on the entire planet. Most of the others were just as intelligent as I, but they did have one supreme advantage over me. They also looked like Greek gods. Their magnificent physiques allowed them to do physical tasks average man could only dream about, and it afforded them an attitude, almost an arrogance that nothing was beyond them. I hated those attitudes, but I could see that it gave these people an even greater advantage in life. I had learned early that attitude often determines your altitude, and these Greek gods had tons of attitude to match their unbelievable skills. Put another way, I believe your attitude helps determine, to a great extent, the things you can achieve in life. That's why it was so surprising when they were the first one's eliminated. In fact, for fifths of the candidates didn't make the first cut. It seemed so ironic to me, when it was explained, that people of less than average stature and weight could be the only ones considered for the mission. It turns out that the energy requirements of the mission dictated the height and weight requirements of the crew. The energy needed to propel even an ounce of weight the speed and distance required was mind boggling, and since we really didn't know what we would find when we reached our destination, we had to take along equipment that might not be needed such as extra oxygen and food. And of course, there was the added burden of the cryo-equipment. I remember sitting at the dais in almost stunned silence when I Ethan Fury and the other six men and two women were introduced to the world as Seekers crew. It was already the greatest achievement of my life and the mission hadn't even started yet, and I had the added burden of mission commander as well. I wondered what Columbus felt like as he left Spain? Did he worry as he headed into the endless abyss or did his confidence in himself and his crew override his fears? I didn't know that answer, I just hoped I could lead as well as he did. I hardly heard the chairman speaking as so many concerns and potential problems danced through my head. One thing I was sure of though as I looked over the other members of my crew. We may have been heading into the unknown with unimaginable dangers and hardships before us, but I was supremely confident that these men and women could handle any eventuality. It was with some pride that I thought, we may be small in stature, but our individual skills and excellent training would get us through any problem ... ... ... .and I do mean any problem. My own introduction ended my daydream and brought me quickly back to reality. As I stood and accepted the applause of the reporters and the gathered multitude, I was still numb, but very proud indeed. Afterwards, I focused more intently on the rest of the Chairman's speech. After the introductions, he gave an overview of the planet which was our destination. I remember thinking how appropriately named the plant was that would rivet the imagination and concerns of every person in the solar system for the next fifty years or so. I was also happy that this new planet had not been given the humdrum name of New Earth or some similar meaningless moniker. Instead, the men of the last century had been far sighted enough to bestow on it the name of Sagan, and I was sure that Carl was looking down with pride on the first men and women who would travel to his namesake. The geophysicists studying the surface pictures of Sagan from sixty trillion miles away couldn't come to a complete consensus on what we would find when we got there, but many believed it was a younger planet than earth and that we would find a more primitive environment on its surface ... ... . Almost like a prehistoric earth. The journey would take twenty six years and we would spend most of it in cryo-sleep. During much of that journey, we would be traveling at nearly half the speed of light. At that velocity, we still would not feel much of the effects and benefits of time dilation. Aging was one of the great hurdles that could not be overcome till this decade. It meant that we would still age at nearly the same rate as people back on earth, and that made the trip, unrealistic until now. It was only with the breakthroughs in cryogenics that made the journey feasible. Cell deterioration was the major hurdle and the last to be conquered. Cryo-sleep slowed down the crew's metabolism enough so we wouldn't age appreciably during the journey. In actuality, we will age only one year on each end of the journey. All of us agreed that giving up two years of one's life was a small price to pay for the adventure of a lifetime. Still, we would be coming home fifty three years into an uncertain future, and some of the crew were married and they were paying an even greater price. After the chairman's speech, he introduced me again and I got up and headed for the podium. I hated speaking, but it was expected, and I would be talking about something I was intimately familiar with. I was to give an overview of the logistics of this monumental undertaking and also to talk about mission goals and objectives. As I got to the podium and looked out at the sea of faces, I paused a moment before I began my speech. I was numb from stage freight. Speaking wasn't my area of expertise. I can do this I told myself for in just three short months I would be embarking on the greatest adventure the human race had ever undertaken. Slowly, I took a deep breath and began to speak ... ... ... ... As my eyes opened and I slowly crawled back to consciousness, I felt a brief moment of disorientation. Where was I? The feeling only lasted a moment or two. It all came flooding back to me as my eyes fixed on the oval glass housing of the cryo-chamber. My next thoughts brought a momentary sensation of panic. Was something wrong? Or had we arrived as scheduled? My body gave me no clues as to how long I had been sleeping. As captain, I was the first to be awakened. I had a job to do and responsibilities. As my feet hit the floor, I was already looking at the other cryo-chambers. I looked over the controls of each and did not move until I was sure each chamber was safe and secure. It would be a few more minutes before I started waking up the crew, but as commander, I had one more very important task to perform. As I looked out the view port, a bright yellow star was centered in the window. It only took a few more seconds at the computer to confirm that it was indeed Epsilon Eradani. We had threaded the needle perfectly and reached our destination. Then the realization hit me that I had been sleeping for nearly twenty six years. I felt a little like Rip Van Winkle, but he hadn't opened his eyes and looked upon another sun with awe and wonder as I was now doing. Slowly, my thoughts and complete concentration focused on the bright yellow star before me. Here I was, the first human to see another star up close. I can't tell you how proud I was at this moment, but this feeling of euphoria only lasted another few seconds. I had a job to do. Quickly, I focused the main telescope thirty degrees to the right of the star, to where I knew the planet should be, and there it was a small insignificant pinprick of light next to its parent star. Without further hesitation, I set the optics and the computer started to zoom in on Sagan. We were still a week from planetfall and still almost thirty million miles out, so I wasn't sure what the images would show. To my amazement and disappointment, I could detect no vast bodies of water which might signify life. This planet was not a blue planet like earth, but did that mean there was no life? As I continued the zoom, the character of the planet became apparent. It was not a blue planet, but it sure was a beautiful shade of green. The readings from the spectrophotometer were indicating a great abundance of water and other hydrocarbon compounds both in the atmosphere and on the planet. That led me to one and only one inescapable conclusion. The planet got its green color from the vast amounts of vegetation on its surface. I couldn't help ponder the implications. There was life, but what kind of life would it be? ... .. "Sir, we've detected a ship." The young girl turned in amazement taking her eyes off the spirited game for a moment. "A ship!" was her only comment. "We estimate it will take a week to get here." That didn't make sense to Kyla, and she frowned as she considered the implications. The other girls became aware that the OD had left the communications center and was talking with Kyla. They stopped playing kick ball and watched with some curiosity. Some of the girls, started talking amongst themselves in hushed tones. Kyla quickly gathered herself and in a loud voice yelled to the players, "IT"S NOTHING! ... ... ... CONTINUE!" The girls started to play again, but not as enthusiastically. Kyla looked back towards the Officer of the Day and motioned for her to follow her back to the tent. When they got there, the center was a hubbub of activity. Kyla taking control, as a leader should, asked the computer a series of questions. "Computer, can you identify the craft? The computer in a very adult and very female voice answered back, "Working ... ... ... ... ... " It was a few seconds more before the computer replied, "The craft is of unknown origin." Breela, the youngest girl in the room audibly gasped. Kyla ignored the young girls outburst. She was very young after all, and she asked the computer another question. "Computer, why will it take the craft a week to get here?" This time the computer answered back immediately, "Primitive chemical propulsion! ... ... ..No armaments detected! ... ... ... .maximum speed .000005!" Kyla gave a big sigh of relief. This at least gave them some time to plan a course of action. She paused a moment, deep in thought, before she asked another question. "Computer, is the ship a mechanical probe or does it contain life?" "Working ... ... ... ." This time it was a much longer pause as the computer brought all of the compounds advanced instruments to bare on the incoming space craft. "Ship has life forms ... ..all but one is in stasis." Even as Kyla digested that information, she was asking another question. "Can you determine what type of life?" "Working ... ... .." It was the longest pause yet before the computer answered Kyla's question. "Ninety five percent probability ship contains Omega Lifeforms." This time every girl in the room except Kyla audibly gasped. Kyla was about to ask another question when the OD asked, "Shouldn't we call homeworld?" Kyla thought only a moment before she replied, "This is our time, no one else's. We are here to prove ourselves on this dangerous planet. I will not bother homeworld till I know more." The OD listened skeptically. She looked unsatisfied with Kyla's answer and she made a pointed remark. "But they are Omega lifeforms! ... ... ..They are just like us! Beings like us have never been detected before." Kyla explained further. Even as she did so, she knew she had made a mistake. A leader of women should not have to explain herself. Their orders should be obeyed, explanation shows weakness. "Think of the opportunity we have here. If we do this right, we'll all find important assignments when we go home." The OD digested Kyla's answer for a moment than hit her with a real blockbuster, something Kyla hadn't thought of. "Its Omega life! ... ... ... ..What if there's men aboard that ship?" All the other girls gasped at that thought, even Kyla. It was the loudest gasp yet. This time Kyla didn't have a ready answer ... ... .. Chapter two: Planetfall Orbital insertion had proceeded smoothly and now we were about to head down to the planet. Amy our Com officer and Matt in charge of systems would stay aboard and monitor our landing. They would be our lifeline back to Seeker in case we needed one. We were all surprised when the planet registered a breathable atmosphere. That made things much simpler. It also made much of the gear we had to lug from earth extraneous, but it couldn't be helped. We just didn't know what we'd find when we got here. If all went well, we would be on the planet for thirty days or at least that was the plan. We were all supremely trained for any contingency and we had to be. If we encountered trouble, we had to handle it. There would be some help in orbit, but the real help was ten light years away, and that would be no real help at all. We still weren't exactly sure what we would find when our shuttle landed. All we knew for sure was that most of the planet was covered by a thick jungle, and the planet appeared just as primitive from one hundred miles as it had appeared from sixty trillion. Was there animal life? No one was sure, but I couldn't imagine a planet evolving just plant life. I had to admit, though, my knowledge on the subject was very limited. Our scans had shown no large cities or other works that could be interpreted as made by intelligent life. We all agreed that finding advanced lifeforms was highly unlikely, but there still was a chance that we would find some sort of primitive intelligent life on its surface. Maybe, something akin to our Neanderthals. Pictures revealed only a few open Savannah like areas on the whole planet, these were the only suitable touchdown points. Our landing site would be on the border of the largest one. Everyone was quiet as we let Yuri do his job and land us safely on the surface. I looked around with pride, everyone was deeply engrossed in their own thoughts as the moment we all had been waiting for finally approached. I saw no fear on anyone's face, just quiet expectation. I have to admit it made me quite proud and very determined. Somehow, some way, I had to get everyone home. I knew it wouldn't be easy. Kyla had called a war council the first night after the sighting. It took some coaxing to keep everyone calm, but by the end of the meeting everyone seemed to be in consensus, at least for now. What quieted the girls was the fact that the visitors, as they were called, appeared to be very primitive. All that was required to keep the compound invisible from the aliens was a type one force field. They would not be able to detect the girls, but the girls surely would be watching the visitors very closely, and they could decide at a later date whether or not to reveal themselves. It was a harder task for Kyla to get everyone on the same page about not contacting homeworld. What won most of the skeptics over was the argument that they all soon would be full fledged members in their society, at least the ones that would survive. What better way to show their ascension to adulthood then to make first contact, without a lot of older women around to hog all the glory. Besides, they could always contact homeworld if need be. What had everyone nervous was the idea of men. Everyone had heard the stories and folklore about their race and the fact that men had once dominated their species in the remote past. Kyla was never a believer in some of the stories, they just sounded too incredible, and the fact that the women of her society, were so capable, cast even more doubt on the legends. According to legend, in the distant past the females of her species were small and delicate creatures and the males were large brutish bullies, on average much larger than the females whom they completely dominated. The males totally subjugated the females, and as a symbol of their superiority, wore elaborately decorated "pouches" which housed their enormous genitalia. The pouches were physical reminders to the females to never doubt their roll in this ancient and uncivilized society. Kyla had actually seen an unauthorized picture of the male penis. It was horrible, abhorrent, appalling, beastly, and somewhat awe-inspiring all at the same time. It looked more like a hideous weapon than a pleasurable organ designed by nature to give bliss and sustain the species. Men may have been brutes, but they were not on top for long. Sometime, in the distant past, a few brave females rebelled and developed a genetic plaque that completely eradicated the male of the species, but a few of the brutes had escaped in primate craft and left their solar system, never to return. What happened to them was a matter of speculation and folklore. Kyla actually doubted some of the stories because her keen mind knew that it was difficult to separate folklore from actual history, and it had happened so long ago. What she did know was that a single gender species was not the norm in the galaxy. Although, examples could be found. That fact alone kept the stories about men alive and well in her very advanced society. Another ghastly fact which aided in keeping the stories alive were the chilling prophecies that someday there would be a re-encounter with the dreaded "males." These chilling prophesies actually aided in transforming Kyla's society. Her cultures new value system focused on developing high intelligence, survival skills, physical strength, size, and endurance. It had been estimated, by some biologists of her species, that women were now fifty percent larger and four times stronger then in the before-time, and if the men ever reappeared they would be ready for them. To show the societies new found fortitude, a test was devised by the elders called the Rite of Passage. Each young girl, as she reached puberty, had to undergo the ordeal. Each girl trained for years to successfully undergo the rite, and most girls looked forward to the challenge. The law required every girl to live for six months on the most forbidding and dangerous planet in the entire universe. There, each girl's character, strength, stamina, and strong heart were put to the ultimate test. The planet chosen was known as Deathworld, and Kyla and the rest of the girls were there now. The most difficult part of the law required each girl to fend for herself for ten days outside of the compound with no food and only a ritual knife for protection. Not all the girls made it back alive. Over the next few days, Kyla and rest of the girls watched the approaching ship with some apprehension, but Kyla would often tell the girls to focus on the reason why they were here, and to prepare for their ordeal for that was more likely to be far more dangerous than the approaching aliens. That was true for the aliens did not appear to be too technologically advanced. She often told the girls that the aliens were not their worry, but hers, and she was right for she was the commander. On the day before the alien ship made orbit, Kyla finished her inspection of the compound. It was part of her nightly routine to check the compounds defenses, and it was her duty as commander to make sure each girl was prepared and as safe as possible till her moment of truth came outside the compound. It was something Kyla was well suited for. The governing body of the planet had seen her potential at a very young age, and now she had her first command. Kyla hoped it would not be her last. As Kyla walked back to her tent secure in the knowledge that the perimeter to their compound was well defended and impenetrable to both the deadly animals and plants just outside. She also had prepared for the alien arrival on Deathworld just as steadfastly. They would be watched continually with her best troops. Maybe, she had told the others not to worry, but her mind was uneasy. She knew as commander of the rite, worry went with the job. Before she went to sleep, she had some time to reflect on her race. She thought, with some pride, that her race was nearly perfect. There had been no wars or violence in recorded history. Disease had been eradicated generations ago. She would soon be a full member in a peace loving but otherwise proud and joyful female society, advanced in technology and populated by tall beautiful intelligent beings, strong and fearless, yet at peace with themselves and the forces of nature. And each new generation was less inclined to give in to the fears of the past. As Kyla closed her eyes, she thought with conviction that this encounter will surely be with another peace loving female race just like hers. What a gift that will be, she thought. We will soon have sisters with whom we can embrace the future, and with whom we can walk with among the stars as equals. With even more conviction, she now completely doubted any of the stories about men for she realized even a society as advanced as hers had to have their Bogeymen. TOUCHDOWN! We made it. We were actually on a planet ten light years from earth. My euphoria quickly gave way, though. I had more pressing concerns. We had a planet to explore, and only thirty days in which to do it. But before we started the adventure of a lifetime, recordings of this historic moment had to be made and a picture sent back to the eagerly awaiting multitude back on earth. Yoki wielded the camera. She was not only one of the world's leading exobiologists, and the premier authority on exotic plant life, but she was a damn good cinematographer as well. In fact, all of us were experts in many disciplines. It was one of the leading reasons why we were chosen. After the flag ceremony and about twenty minutes of home movies which would be stowed and taken back along with all of the other documentation, we all prepared for the group photo. This one bit of information would be the first picture that the world would see form the surface of Sagan. As all of us huddled together for the photo that would make us all famous for the rest of our lives, and far beyond, Yuri zoomed in on our faces, and set the timer on the camera. Once that was done, she quickly joined the group. In another second we all heard the click and afterwards all of us let out spontaneously with a loud cheer. "Sir, we've intercepted a transmission!" Nanna yelled out. Kyla was conferring with Lyla, her second in command, over by the Positron Array. As soon as the two girls heard the OD, they stopped conferring and walked briskly over to Nanna, as did the rest of the girls in the command tent. Nanna was frantically working the controls. As soon as she saw Kyla walk over, Nanna waved her hand over the purple sensor, calmed herself, and began to speak in a calm voice as befitting an OD. "Sir, I've caught their first transmission. It's headed for somewhere in the Mobius Void." All the women turned their attention to the screen as a star map appeared. Kyla barked out a question, "Computer, can you identify the destination of the transmission?" "Working ... ... ... Destination Campion prime!" All the girls in the tent started to talk at once. Kyla yelled "Quiet!" and pondered her next question. The girls immediately went silent as Kyla asked the next question. "Computer, is that consistent with the spacecraft's trajectory." "Affirmative!" Brionna was the first to say the obvious. "That has to be their place of origin, their homeworld." Again the girls started to talk amongst themselves. Luanna, the youngest girl in the tent asked a question to no one in particular, "It's so close, Why haven't we known about them before this?" Kyla redirected the girl's question to the computer. "Computer, why haven't we heard of this planet." "Working ... ... .Campion Prime in quadrant delta 0.6 ... ... .Region uncharted ... ... ... .First probes scheduled for 50+ current solar time designations sol 128761." The girls were quiet as they soaked up the information. It was a few moments before Kyla asked the next logical question. "Computer, What data is in the transmission?" "Working ... ... ... Translating ... ... ... .Primitive radio signals, speed of light 1.0 ... ... announcing successful planetfall, one picture ten million mega- pixels." Everyone was very quiet now as Kyla gave the command that had everyone's eyes riveted on the screen. "Computer, convert picture and display." As the picture was converted and began to be displayed, a loud audible gasp was heard among the girls. It was Kyla's worst nightmare. This time it was Lyla who spoke the obvious. "THEIR MEN!" I broke our group up into two parties for our first foray into the unknown. Tex, my second in command would be leading the first group deeper into the Savannah and to the large rock outcropping about two kilometers distant. Two kilometers was as far as I wanted to explore, for now, till I had a better understanding of what we would encounter on this primitive planet. Tex was taking Cal who's main area of expertise was planetary geology, Yuri, and Wolfy our resident hotshot and weapons expert. Wolfy was packing our standard issue. Back home, they said it could stop a rampaging bull elephant dead in its tracks. I was fairly certain we wouldn't run into any bull elephants, but better safe than sorry. Yoki was opposed to the guns, but I wasn't about to take any chances. My group was comprised of Yoki, and also Tim an engineering genius who had acquired the nickname of Macgyver! Give him some electrical tape and a screw driver, and there wasn't anything he couldn't fix. The last member of our little group was Duran. He was the only member of the military to go along on the journey. I always thought his credentials were the weakest of all the crew members, but he was actually the first person chosen for the mission. I often wondered if he had his own agenda. He was carrying the same high powered rifle as Wolfy. Both he and Wolfgang were experts with all the weapons we carried aboard for the mission. My group was heading straight into the jungle about a quarter of a kilometer to the east of our position. I thought this the most dangerous of the two excursions, but the planet was ninety five percent jungle and we had to know what was out there. Our first trek into the unknown had a time limit as well. I wanted both groups back to the shuttle in four hours. That was long before dark and it would give us time to digest what we found and to plan tomorrow's longer sortie into the unknown. Both groups waved to each other as we headed off, in single file, and in different directions, leaving the safety of our shuttle far behind. Before we lost track of the other group, Tex yelled back, "I bet we find something interesting before you do!" Chapter Three: DeathWorld All the girls could see from the image on the computer screen were the men's faces. The background was slightly blurred. Their was no perspective to give them any idea of how tall and formidable the men were. Kyla calming the group and taking complete charge asked the question that was on everyone's mind. "Computer, can you estimate their size and weight?" "Working ... ... ..Information inconclusive ... ... .Estimate size of lifeforms between four to ten feet and weight between 100 and four hundred pounds." Once again, all the girls started talking at once. In a somewhat fearful voice, Luanna asked, " Now, shouldn't we call homeworld?" Before Kyla could calm the girls once again, for the first time, Zoe spoke up. "I think its time we see these men for ourselves!" Zoe's statement brought chaos to the tent. Everyone was talking at the same time, arguing the point. As Zoe looked at Kyla, a thin enigmatic smile spread across her lovely face. Kyla returned Zoe's smile with a disapproving shake of her head and a frown. Zoe was exasperating. In fact, she was Kyla's main rival or that was how each girl saw the other. Zoe on a number of occasions, had let it be known that she thought she should have been chosen commander, and what made it worse was that she was extremely formidable. Kyla wasn't sure she was a match for Zoe physically, but it hadn't come to that yet. A commander had to be above petty jealousies, which meant Kyla had to endure Zoe's faintly veiled statements as best she could. What really annoyed Kyla was the fact that Zoe was good at everything, and she let it be known that she thought she was the best, and the best should lead. In fact, the two girls were equal in size and weight, and probably in strength and abilities as well. They could have been, and often were, mistaken for sisters. It was almost like Zoe was her evil twin. Her comments always rankled Kyla too. What made her comments so infuriating was that she usually was right. Zoe loved to point out Kyla's mistakes. This time, she was pointing out the obvious. In the next moments, Kyla again took charge. She quieted the group as Zoe's infuriating smile got even larger. In as calm a voice as possible, she said sadly, "Zoe's right. Were going to have to send scouts before we can decide on a proper course of action." "I'll go!" Zoe piped in immediately, "Besides, I've already passed the test." Kyla realized instantly that her last remark was a dig. She wondered if the other girls got the implied jab, but she had to ignore it. Besides, everyone knew the commander of the rite was always the last to test. It was tradition. Kyla looked around the tent, some of her best girls were present and reluctantly she had to include Zoe in that appraisal as well, and most had already passed the test. As Kyla grudgingly realized, intimate knowledge of the planet was a definite advantage for this mission. According to the their penetrating scans from the Positron Array, which was similar to the earthmen's radar, but infinitely more sophisticated, two groups were leaving the shuttle just a few kilometers away, and heading out in different directions. In as calm and commanding a voice as she could muster, Kyla chose her warriors. "Zoe, you and Brionna shadow the group that's heading for the corsair's nest ... ... .And keep in close contact ... ... ..and don't do anything without my explicit orders." Brionna was a close friend of Kyla's and formidable in her own right. She'll keep Zoe in line, Kyla thought. For a moment, Zoe looked disapprovingly at Brionna, but she quickly gathered herself and said to Kyla somewhat arrogantly, "Don't worry, I'll handle everything." Before Kyla chose the second group, she looked directly at Zoe and said very firmly, "Remember my orders!" Before Zoe could reply, Kyla was choosing her second set of scouts. "Lyla, you're in charge of both groups. Take Luanna with you, and you watch the group that just headed into the jungle." Kyla nodded and all four girls started moving quickly out of the tent. Kyla, looked at Luanna for just a moment, she was so young, but she had passed the test with no apparent problems and Kyla thought that someday she would be a great leader. Kyla was giving her a chance to again prove herself. Before Zoe left the tent, she turned and commented in a dispassionate voice, "For the first time, I agree with your orders." And then she turned and walked out. Kyla kept calm, and followed Zoe out the tent with her eyes. She took a deep breath and wondered if she had made a gigantic mistake. The mission was going terribly wrong almost from the first. I had just received a signal from Tex's group. They had made the rocks in record time, and just as quickly had been attacked by a creature that resembled a large scorpion complete with a deadly stinger. The only difference between this monster and its earthly cousin was that this beast was as big as a bus, and burnt orange in color. I could hear the men yelling and shots ringing out over the radio. I listened in utter despair. "Shoot it! ... ... ... ..It's got Cal! ... ... ... ..Shot it! ... ... ... .My God, Its stinging him!" I could still hear the shots as I frantically tried to get Tex's attention. "Tex! ... ... .Tex! ... ... ... ..Get back to the shuttle that's an order!" In a few seconds, Tex was talking to me again in a voice that sounded like he was in shock. "He's gone! ... ... .Cal's gone! ... ... ... .The shots just bounced off that thing like it's made of armor ... ... ..Cal's gone!" I frantically tried to asses the situation. I couldn't grieve for Cal at the moment, I had the rest of the team to protect. "Tex, is everyone else OK? ... ... ..Where's the scorpion? ... ... .Can you get out of there?" There was a pause for a moment. It was the longest and most terror filled pause I had ever encountered, but then Tex began to talk again in a voice that was more composed, and reflected the leader that he was. "Cal is dead I'm sure. The Scorpion carried him into the rocks ... ... .But we have another problem." "I want you out of there NOW before that thing comes back!" I said forcefully. Almost as an after thought, I asked, "What problem?" "It's Yuri ... ... ... .He was with Cal at the point ... ... ... Didn't see where he went in all the confusion ... ... ... .He's somewhere up there in the rocks! ... ... .Gotta get him down!" The expedition was less than a day old and already I was making what might be a life and death decision. In as calm a voice as I could muster, I gave Tex his orders. "Tex, I want you to get out of there, now! ... ..You have no defense against that thing. If Yuri made it high up into the rocks, he should be OK." I really didn't believe that, but I had to get the other two men back alive. "We can come back tomorrow with a plan. That's really Yuri's only hope," I added with no conviction. There was another long pause before Tex answered again. "We're leaving, but God be my witness, Wolfy and I are coming back!" I didn't answer him. I wouldn't make a promise I couldn't keep. Instead, I barked out, "I want reports every ten minutes." After my order, the radio went silent. I could only hope that the two men were making there way back to the shuttle before the scorpion returned, and looked for yet another meal. As soon as I took off the headset, I slumped for a moment as the full impact of what had just transpired hit me. It took me just a few more moments to refocus, and as I looked around, I could only see Tim and no one else. In almost a panic stricken voice I asked, "Where's Yoki and Duran?" Tim was looking at a pretty flower, and in a calm uninterested voice replied, "Oh, their off in that direction," and he motioned with his hand not taking his concentration off the pretty flower.. ... ... ..Then he added just as casually, "Yoki's found something interesting and very unusual." In one quick move, I was up and running in the direction that Tim had just pointed. Tim managed to yell after me, "What's up boss?" I managed to turn my head as I ran, and yelled back in Tim's direction, "No time to talk, just follow ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Kyla was sitting in the communications tent anxiously waiting for her teams to report in. It had been close to an hour, and she thought both teams should have been in position long ago. Just then, the communicator beeped and Lyla from team one reported in. "Commander, a Slock attacked us half way here. We disintegrated it ... ... We're lucky we're heavily armed." Kyla was more interested in news about the aliens, but she listened patiently. She realized, Lyla, like a good leader was bringing her up to date. Since both girls appeared OK, Kyla's anxiety got the best of her and she broke in and asked, "And the aliens?" There was a momentary pause which only added to Kyla's anxiousness, but then Lyla started to speak once again. "We are in position about twenty meters from them, we have our shields up so that they can't detect us, and we're observing two of them right now." Already knowing what the aliens looked like, Kyla asked the question that was on everyone's mind in the command tent. "Are they giants? ... ... .I mean are they physically imposing?" There was another long pause and then Lyla was reporting again, "One of them is a woman, and she's staring at a Helius plant, and she's way too close to it ... ... .I'm not sure if she knows that it's very dangerous." Then almost as an afterthought, Lyla asked, "Should we warn them?" "No! Kyla shouted into the communications device. This is just a reconnaissance mission ... ... No contact!" Momentarily forgetting her last question for which she was yet to receive a reply, Kyla asked, "And the other one?" Again there was a maddening pause before Lyla began speaking. "That one is a man, and he's looking at the plant too, but he's not so close." Then there was a short pause before Lyla added, "He seems to be carrying a weapon of some sort. I've never seen anything like it." "Stay hidden! We don't know their capabilities yet." Kyla told the leader of the team. Instead of acknowledging her leader, Lyla had another comment, and it was in answer to Kyla's question of a few moments before. "From this distance the man and woman appear to be almost the same size, and they don't seem to be all that imposing." And Lyla instantly corrected herself and added, "They don't appear to be all that tall, I mean." Kyla was anxious to know more, and she wanted to know how tall they were in comparison to the girls, but at that very moment she got a signal from the other team. It was Brionna reporting in. "Commander, the Corsair attacked the aliens ... ... Their weapons were useless against it. One man was partially devoured and taken back to the nest, and another man ran into the rocks ... ... ..We're looking for him now." At the same time she could hear Zoe. She was commenting in an amused tone of voice from nearby. "Their absolutely tiny! ... .And their very weak! ... ... ..And they can't defend themselves at all!" Even as Kyla tried to assimilate all the data, she was barking out an order, "Leave the man! ... ... ..The others are probably looking for him! ... ... ... .No contact!" Again, the voice she heard over the com-link was Zoe's, "I see him! We're going to bring him back!" "No!" Kyla yelled ... ... ... ... "Remember your orders ... ... .." Yuri was no coward, but his mind just couldn't assimilate the size of the scorpion. It was beyond anything his mind was prepared to believe. Courageously, he stood and fought it as he watched the scorpion sting his friend to death. He fired all six shots of his revolver into the scorpion and then when he ran out of bullets, he threw rocks at it till his mind realized the hopelessness of the situation. By this time, Cal was already dead. Only then, did Yuri think of his own life. His only means of escape from that thing was to go higher up into the rocks, and with a heavy heart he left his friend and fled, upward, into the rocks before the scorpion turned its attention to him. It was ten minutes before he stopped retreating and found a narrow outcropping of rock. Exhausted, he huddled underneath it and tried to calm his mind and get a grip on himself. He didn't know if this hiding place would protect him from the scorpion, but Yuri just couldn't go any farther as the shock of what happened wore off and the horror of the moment fully impacted him. But Yuri's mind was to have no rest. Incredulously, two teenage girls, at that very moment, materialized right in front of him, and they were huge. But even in his deeply shocked state he could appreciate them. They were incredibly beautiful and appeared to be young teenage girls. Both were scantily clad, and both were wearing about as much as bikinis covered on earth, but the cloth was unlike anything Yuri had seen before. Both had on similar outfits and the cloth had a soft metallic blue sheen to it. As he appraised them further, he noticed that both carried about their naked midsections what Yuri's mind thought were the equivalent of utility belts with a lot of unrecognizable gizmos. Two things that Yuri did recognize, though, were the weapons that both girls toted. Both girls carried holsters on their hips which were tied down by bands which wound around their huge but very alluring thighs. How the guns worked or how sophisticated they were, Yuri could only guess. On their right thighs hung knife sheaths which were also tied down from above and below, and from which protruded large dangerous looking knives. Yuri couldn't help but stare at the girls as he appraised them further. They were awesome, and by this time, Yuri's mind had decided that they were not real, but only a delusion from his deeply agitated mind. Why his delusion had taken on this form he didn't have a clue. Still, he stared. It was impossible not too. Tied about their foreheads was a small blue band which was of the same material which comprised the rest of their clothing. And both girls golden hair was tied into a ponytail by yet another smaller piece of that same blue cloth. Their faces were angelic and totally human in appearance. If it wasn't for the girls dimensions, they could be taken for two young and incredibly beautiful super models back home. What truly set these two apparitions apart, though, were their stupendous dimensions. They were huge by earth standards. Yuri thought they had to be over a foot taller than he was or maybe even more as they loomed above him. And if their height and weapons weren't intimidating enough, both girls had awesome upper bodies as well with incredibly massive legs. In other words, they had the look of Amazons or of a jungle woman from one of his wildest fantasies, only more so. Yet, the muscles which were clearly visible everywhere, were not overdone. Instead, they gave the mind even more curves to contemplate and adding yet another focus to their awesomely endowed bodies. And if that wasn't enough, both girls bodies seemed to glisten in the sun adding yet another dimension. Yuri had to shake his head to clear it as he beheld these apparitions. They were that intoxicating. As if to dispel any doubts concerning their existence, Yuri decided to talk to them. "I know you don't exist ... ... .You're both just hallucinations, aren't you? ... ... So could you just leave me in peace," he said in a very calm voice even as he tried to scoot a little farther back into the rock. His little speech immediately got the attention of both girls, but of course, that didn't prove anything. After all, this was Yuri's delusion, and both girls should react to him. One of the girls, bent her knees and placed her hands on them as she looked down at him with a big smile on her face, and she began to speak, "Sheam ... ... .Qoatro dedano mecapzo." At the same time, the other girl who had a strange looking wrist band on her right wrist was talking into it. "Coliassi metro addisio!" As the one girl directly in front of him began to reach for him, Yuri had an odd thought, and as he tried to scoot back into the rock even further, he thought to himself, you'd think I'd be able to understand my own delusions. Chapter Four: Contact By the time I reached Yoki, she was standing next to an incredibly tall and beautiful plant. It simply radiated with color and fragrant blossoms of every type and description. "We must be in the Garden of Eden," I heard Yoki comment to Duran as she examined one of the fragrant blossoms. Even as I continued to run towards her, I yelled out, "Get away from that thing!" Yoki had time to turn and give me a scowl and then the ground exploded around her as tentacles engulfed her and started to pull her forward. At the same time, the huge plant almost split in two and opened up like some giant venus fly trap waiting for its victim to be drawn forward and devoured. To his credit and without delay, Duran began to empty his rifle into the majestic monstrosity before him, and when he ran out of bullets he threw the rifle down and waded in with his knife. He fought to free Yoki even as other tentacles tried to grab hold of him. When I reached the scene, I picked up Duran's rifle, reloaded, and started to shoot at it as well. Nothing seemed to affect it, and neither Duran or myself could stop the progress of the vines as they moved Yoki's body inevitably towards the plants giant maw. During this whole time, Yoki, did not scream. Instead, it seemed to me like she was still studying the plant. Even when it completely engulfed her and the plants cavity closed around her trapping her and sealing her up forever from our view. At the last moment, I still thought I detected a smile on Yoki's face as she continued to study the plant that was devouring her. When Yoki disappeared Duran and I stopped and stared after her for just a moment, and then we renewed our efforts, but the plant had one more defense mechanism. For a moment, it seemed like the whole plant was about to leave its hole as it began to gyrate back and forth till in one lightening quick movement, it disappeared underground and somehow filled the whole behind itself. At this point all Duran and I could do was stop and stare. A few moments later, Tim came running up and asked, "What happened?" Still Dumbfounded, neither Duran or I could answer him for some time. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!, Kyla yelled into the com device. But it was already too late. Zoe had reached in and was pulling out the cowering man. Once she had him, she pulled him out of the rock overhang by the arm till she could grab him with both her hands and then in an incredible show of strength lifted the still cowering man out and up. And with her strong young hands gripping the man's arms and imprisoning them at his sides, she lifted him till he was level with her eyes causing his feet to dangle over a foot off the ground. Through the com, Kyla could hear Zoe's excited voice. "He's so insignificant ... ... ..We were afraid of this?" And as if to emphasize her point she started to heft the completely terrified man up and down testing his weight. Kyla was about to shout something back into the com, but instead, she sighed heavily and continued to listen to Zoe's running commentary. "He doesn't seem to weigh much either ... ... ..And he's absolutely terrified of us too! ... ... ..Poor thing!" Kyla had time to bark back into the com, "Don't hurt him!" before all hell broke loose. In the rocks just above them, the Corsair appeared menacingly, its claws opening and closing in anticipation of yet another meal. Yuri turned his head, looked up, and screamed. It was Brionna who reacted. Before the Corsair could strike, Brionna pulled her gun out in one quick motion and fired at the beast. Immediately, the Corsair was engulfed in a bright golden light and then quickly faded from view as its atoms lost their integrity and drifted apart into the surrounding air. Almost casually, Zoe commented to the frightened man. "See, no problem! ... ... ..We protected you from the big bad beast." Almost as if he understood her words the man's face went from the look of complete terror to one of total awe. In response, Zoe lifted the man higher till her arms were fully extended and he was looking down at her from several feet above her head, his feet dangling helplessly by her waist. As she stared back up at the man with a huge smile on her face, she could hear Kyla's voice through the com. "Zoe what's happening? ... ... ... Is everything OK?" Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brionna start to talk softly into the com. She knew Brionna would tell Kyla that they had disintegrated the Corsair so she ignored Kyla for the moment and gave her full attention back to the marvelous little creature she held effortlessly high overhead in her arms. He was still staring down at her, but with a little more fearful expression on his face. As she heard Brionna continue on with her report, Zoe decided to study the man's face more closely. For some reason, she found his face pleasing in a way she did not yet completely understand. Then she felt another urge come over her. Inexplicably, she felt the need to protect him ... ... Why? True he was tiny, weak, and helpless, but he was an alien and a man to boot. As if to explore her last thought, she began to push inward with her huge hands constricting the man's trapped arms around his sides. The man immediately reacted, and she heard a few whimpers from him as his face started to contort in pain. He tried to struggle, but Zoe effortlessly held him fast. Not wanting to injure her prize she let up even as she realized he was completely helpless against her. She was barely squeezing him, but he couldn't overcome even that. His language may have been alien, but she could completely understand his cries, and the emotions that were plainly exhibited on his face ... ... ... and it excited her. When she eased the pressure, she thought his new expression was one of gratitude with a little awe mixed in. She was about to experiment further when she heard Kyla's voice yelling over the com once more. "Get back here! ... ... .Leave him!" This time, Zoe yelled back defiantly, "These men are no danger! ... ... .They are helpless! ... ... ..I'm bringing this one back to camp!" After hearing that, Kyla was about to yell back the same order even more forcefully, but she caught herself and looked around the tent. Their were a lot of girls and they all were looking at her and waiting to see what she would do next. Controlling her emotions, she realized Zoe was going to bring this man back to camp no matter what she said next. So cutting her losses and not wanting to look like she was loosing control, she ordered, "Bring him back to camp ... ... ... But be careful with him ... ... ..He is an emissary from another race." Even as she said these words, she felt an anger building up inside of her. Soon, she would have to confront Zoe and maybe it would lead to violence. At the moment, she felt that violence might not be a bad thing, and she vowed, your time is coming, Zoe. When Zoe heard the latest order, she smiled. Then she lifted the man up and down a bit and playfully sang out, "Did you hear that? Your going on a little trip!" All Yuri could do was to look down in awe at the young girl as she handled his weight easily. This was the most vivid and lifelike delusion he had ever had. Simply glowing with her power over the man she asked the totally terrified man, "Let's see, How should I carry you back? ... ... ..Should I carry you on my hip?" And she transferred the man to her right hip. He was still in too much shock to offer much resistance. When he had been transferred, he surprised Zoe by putting his arms around her neck as if he now trusted her. That brought an even bigger smile to her face. After a few seconds with the man on her hip, she again playfully asked, "Or should I carry you like one of our little ones?" This time she engulfed his body in her arms and cradled him to her, rocking him the whole time. This was too much for Yuri and he whimpered ever so slightly as he looked up into the beautiful apparitions eyes. Zoe reacted to his whimpers and his forlorn expression by whispering, "Awww! ... ... Did I hurt you, small one! ... ... .Zoe's sorry! ... ... Maybe, its best if I carry you like this." And as she spoke, she repositioned his body so that he now was laying, face down, across her broad shoulders with her hands strategically placed to keep his body from falling. She wanted to experiment with him further, but as she looked at Brionna she could tell she was loosing patience so she decided to play with her new toy a bit later. After all, the man wasn't going anywhere, but rather he was going to a place where Zoe could and would have her way with him. So she walked casually over to Brionna with her alien cargo completely secured and in tow, and said in a totally blasé manner, "Let's go!" Brionna shook her head as if she didn't approve, but she remained quiet, and she turned and took the lead down the rocks. As Kyla continued to contemplate Zoe, she got another message from team one. This time Lyla was more frantic as she reported in. "The woman is dead, she was eaten by the Helius plant ... ... ..The men tried to save her, but their weapons were ineffective." Then as a further clarification, Lyla added, "The men tried very hard to save her. They really seem to care for their women." Kyla digested this bit of news and thought, the men are so small and they care for their women. This is clearly opposite to everything we believed in. As she considered this, she spoke softly into the com, "Return to base ... ... ... And leave them to their own devices." After Lyla had acknowledged her order, Kyla left the receiver and told the OD that she was going to her tent to rest, and that she should be awakened when the two teams returned. Kyla was tired. It had already been a long day, and she wanted to be fresh when she beheld the alien. After all, it was going to be a historic meeting. Yoki's death had left us all deeply shocked, and when I told Duran and Tim about Cal's death, it only doubled our grief. As I filled them in about what happened, Tim and Duran started to look around very anxiously for any signs of other dangerous creatures. It was Tim who asked very apprehensively, "Shouldn't we get back to the Lander?" I had to concur. We needed time to think and to plan. However, the planet wasn't going to give us that time. On the way back, I noticed what appeared to be a squirrel. It was climbing a tree and was the same size and shape of its counterpart back on earth, and it even made the same clucking noise, but its coloration was out of one of Dr. Seuss's worst nightmares. It was purple in color with yellow spots, and it didn't quite act like a squirrel either. When it had climbed sufficiently high up into the branches of a large tree, it launched itself, spreading its forelimbs revealing a large flat membrane, just like its earthly counterpart the flying squirrels back on earth, and started to glide majestically. My first thought was that it was trying to get away from us, but as we watched we soon realized that it was heading straight for us, and that's when I got a good view of it large dangerous looking claws. Duran, taking no chances immediately started to shoot at it. That's when it opened its mouth revealing two large dagger-like teeth. At almost the same time, four other squirrels launched themselves at us from other trees and from other directions. The battle lasted a good five minutes and we managed to kill most of them. At least, our guns were effective against the smaller creatures of this crazy planet, but the battle had taken its toll. All of us had been bitten at least once. We left that place as fast as our feet could carry us, but about a quarter of a kilometer, from the battle, we encountered our most chilling beast yet. We all heard a noise in the brush and stopped to see a giant snake rear up and take a look at us. All three of us froze as we beheld it. The snake was a patchwork of color mottled in crazy patterns all over its body like one might see and experience in some LSD induced dream. The snake had to be fifty feet long and it had horns on its head the size of walrus tusks. It considered us for a moment and then moved on. By this time, Duran had aimed his rifle and was about to shoot at it when I stopped him by forcing his rifle down with my hand. "Don't, we don't want to make it mad." I said in complete earnest. Tim, still holding a rag over his right arm and still trying to stop the bleeding from the bites he received in the squirrel fight, asked incredulously, "Why didn't it attack?" This time Duran responded in a dead-pan voice, "Maybe, we didn't look appetizing enough." I thought Duran's humorous comment probably had some validity to it. We were the least colorful creatures in a very colorful environment. For a moment, I really scanned this unearthly place trying to make some sort of sense out of it. The coloration of the smaller trees around us were vivid unearthly colors. Some were yellow or violet in color, but the predominate color for the trees was a god awful blood red. This gave the environment an unearthly almost grotesque appearance to beings used to more subdued coloration, and evolution had painted the animals, contained within this zone, with that same crazy brush. As I looked around, I thought no amount of preparation could have prepared us for this environment. The forest was huge and layered giving one the feeling of being in an almost enclosed space. The more immense trees dwarfed us and led into an upper canopy, and the leaves they exhibited had a more familiar green coloration. It was this green coloration, from the upper canopy, that gave the planet its green hue from space. As I stared upward at the higher canopy, I almost longed to be there. It looked so much more normal and appealing. I was sure that zone was almost another world, and contained somewhat more familiar creatures. As we hurried back to the Lander, we didn't encounter anything too dangerous in our trip back except for those crazy bushes or trees or what ever they were. I really don't know quite how to describe them. I do remember a campy sci-fi story from my childhood called Day of the Triffids. I thought they looked exactly like those creatures, only more colorful. It was like somebody had thrown cans of red, yellow, and purple paint all over them. When we first came on their groove, something told me to give them a wide birth. We didn't get that close to them, but they still detected us somehow. They reacted by pulling themselves out of the ground and chasing us. Duran would stop from time-to-time, as we ran, to fire at them. The bullets had no effect. For trees, they could move quite fast, but our legs were better adapted for running, and we easily outdistanced them. We made it back to the Lander without further incident. Tex and Wolfy were already there dressing their wounds. I asked Tex a simple question, " Are those wounds from the scorpion?" Tex looked at me a little sheepishly, shook his head no, and responded, "Killer groundhogs!" I didn't respond. For some reason, I could envision them. About an hour later, after we had cleaned our wounds, contacted Seeker in orbit with the bad news, and eaten, we made our plans for tomorrow. We were going to make one more trip outside before we returned to orbit. Everyone had agreed this planet was just too dangerous to continue on with the mission. Duran and Wolfy broke out the heavy artillery for our mission tomorrow, and cleaned and readied the weapons. Afterwards, they were going to make a bomb using some of the gunpowder. We were going to be much better armed for our foray, but I still wondered if it would make a difference. I didn't voice these opinions, though. I thought our morale was just too fragile at the moment. As our plans developed and the work continued, everyone's morale seemed to improve, and I thought that was critical for tomorrow. We needed to be at our best because we were going to go back to the rocks and try and find Yuri. I just hoped he was still alive. The most bizarre aspect to our plan was my idea. All four of us were going outside almost completely naked, except for our boots and army issued jocks. The rest of our bodies were going to be covered in mud. My plan had been spawned from the snake incident. I theorized that the colorful plants and animals outside were adapted to feeding on other colorful creatures. Everyone thought it was worth a shot. Everything on this planet was brightly colored, even the vegetation, and we had seen nothing that was dull or gray or black in appearance. I guess what we were really trying to do was not so much to use camouflage, but as Duran's comment had suggested earlier, we were trying to make ourselves look as unappetizing as possible. Kyla awoke to a commotion just outside her tent. As she prepared herself, the OD walked in. In an excited voice she sang out, "Sir, their here, and they have a MAN!" Without waiting to be excused, the OD left the tent and trotted towards the commotion. Kyla noted the infraction, but she let it go. After all, who could blame her? Girls did not see a man everyday. Kyla walked out of her tent, and joined the other girls who were all huddled close and forming a circle around something that they were all jostling for position to see, and as expected, Zoe was at the center of it all. As Kyla fought her way through the mob of girls, she could hear them all laughing. In another moment, she saw the source of their laughter. Zoe was holding the frightened man off the ground with one hand by the back of his collar, and she was casually lifting him up and down with just the strength of her one arm. The man was protesting in some alien language as his arms flailed about and his feet dangled over a foot off the ground, and they were moving rapidly like he was trying to run. All the girls were laughing uproariously at the sight, and even Kyla had to check her laughter. Before Kyla broke up the spectacle, she took a good look at the man, and she asked herself a question. Could this truly be the creature her race had been so afraid of for so long? In another instant, Kyla was barking out an order to Zoe. "Put him down! ... ... ... He is an emissary from another world! ... ... .Treat him with dignity." Zoe stopped her puppet routine with the hapless man, but she didn't put him down. Turning to Kyla she said in a matter of fact tone, "I was just showing everyone there's nothing to fear." After her comment, she eased the man down to the ground, but in one quick movement, she took hold of him again with both hands and lifted him horizontally high over her head with her arms completely outstretched. As she did so, she began to move around the circle of girls, and she spoke very loud. "This is what we've been taught to fear our entire lives." All the girls stopped laughing and watched the spectacle in silence. Kyla folded her arms and shook her head in disapproval, but she remained silent watching the spectacle intently herself. When Zoe had made a complete circuit with the man high over her head, she stopped in front of Kyla, with a big grin on her face, and waited. Her arms were still outstretched, and the man was still suspended high overhead, and completely helpless, and he had a look of what Kyla thought was complete panic on his face. It was then that Kyla stepped forward and issued another order in a very calm and controlled voice. "Put him down." As was Zoe's way, she did what no one expected. In a mischievous voice she yelled, "If you want him, you can have him!" And as she said that, she threw the man at Kyla. The man screamed as he flew through the air his arms flailing the whole time, but Kyla easily caught him. As she drew him closer, the man in response reached out grabbing at her putting his arms around her neck, and his legs around her midsection holding her tightly in a frightened embrace. Kyla let the frightened man hold on to her in this fashion even as she realized how light he was and truly weak he must be. By this time, all the girls were laughing again. As Kyla held on to the man, she scolded Zoe, "You could have hurt him!" Zoe's response was maddening as usual, "If you didn't catch him, it would have proven that you should not be leader!" Kyla shook her head in disgust, then ignoring Zoe she looked around at the other girls. It was then that she realized that Zoe's exhibition had accomplished one thing. No one was looking at the man in fear despite their legends. Instead, all she saw was extreme curiosity on all the young girl's faces. As Kyla gently set the man on his feet, she said soothingly to him, "I'm sorry ... ... ..Some do not know their manners at such an auspicious occasion ... ... ..I can only hope that you did not lose too much dignity." Yuri's head was spinning and this hallucination just didn't seem to want to end. From deep down, he heard an inner voice say this IS real! This IS happening. He looked upwards at all the girls faces. All were unbelievably beautiful and young, and even more curiously they all had hair the color of gold. As he could compare their height more accurately now, he realized that this was a much taller race than his own on average. Each girl was much taller than he was. He estimated their height at about six five on average, and his head was about even with the girl's huge breasts. As all that had happened to him began to really sink in for the first time, he felt an upsurge off shame grab hold of his being. These were just young teenage girls he reminded himself. After the apology, Kyla completely ignored Zoe. She grabbed hold of the man's hand, which he gave readily enough, and started to lead him through the mob of curious girls. This time it was Zoe who folded her arms about her chest as she asked somewhat hotly, "Where are you going?" Kyla smiled as she felt the tide of this hidden battle with Zoe, for once, flow in her direction, and she turned and said in a commanding tone of voice, "To the command tent. We have to figure a way to communicate with the man ... ... .Don't we?" Then Kyla turned and walked with the man to the command tent with the mob of curious girls following closely behind. Zoe did not follow at first. Instead, she watched the groups progress with a sour look on her face, and only when most of the girls had disappeared into the tent did she finally allow herself to move forward towards the tent. For the next half hour, Kyla had the computer show the man their intricate alphabet. He would often look up at her in frustration and confusion. Yuri looked at the screen. It was moving much too fast. His eyes hardly had time to focus and then the screen would change. Slowly, he began to wonder, Could their minds really process information that fast? Kyla was patient, but Zoe standing in the back was not. She yelled out, "He's an idiot!" Kyla gave her a fierce look and then turned back to the alien with a much softer continence. A thought occurred to her and she had the computer start to scroll slower. It seemed to work because the man became less frustrated. As time passed, Kyla slowed down the scrolling of the computer even more to well past that of what an infant might see for the first time on her planet. Then Zoe's voice was heard again from the back. "This will take forever!" This time, Kyla ignored the outburst, but she knew Zoe might be right. She thought the man was capable of learning their language, but at a very slow rate. It would just take more time than they had available. Then the thought struck her that if she could get a hold of one of their computers, she just might learn their language more quickly, and then they could communicate. Again, Zoe's maddening voice came from behind. "They're not smart enough to learn our language!" Kyla forced herself to put aside her first impressions of the man's intelligence, and she turned, and in a soft but forceful voice answered Zoe's remark. "They are! This man is just not accustomed to our equipment." Having said that, Kyla turned off the scroll and smiled at the man as if he had done very well. When the man smiled back, she was talking again but not to him. "Tell all the girl's there will be a war council tonight. We must make some decisions." This time, the OD spoke up, "What are we going to do with the man?" Kyla thought out loud. "I don't want him to have complete freedom of our camp just yet. He might get hurt if he touches any of the equipment or tries to leave." Kyla also thought that the man would be far safer in protective custody for the time being because she didn't know what Zoe or one of the other more forceful girls might do to him if they got their hands on him. Their were predators inside the camp as well as outside Kyla thought to herself. It was Brionna who had an idea. "What if we put him in one of the specimen cages?" Kyla didn't want to do that, but she didn't see an alternative till they could communicate with the alien, and that would be the number one priority. With a heavy heart she gave the order and one of the girls ran over to the supply tent. In just a few minutes, the cage appeared and the man was confronted with his new home for the foreseeable future. The cage was placed on the ground near the man. It was a perfect square enclosure about three feet by three feet. Kyla swung the door open and motioned for the man to crawl inside. He looked at her sadly, but he obeyed. As Kyla closed the door, Zoe who had made her way to Kyla's side, produced a thin metal band. She looped the strand through the locking latch and easily bent it with her fingers. When she was done, she sang out, "That should hold him!" Then she looked at Kyla, and added, "He's incredibly weak! ... ... ..They all are!" Kyla looked back at the man who was inspecting the metal band, and she asked herself, Could that thin metal band really be too much for him to overcome? Yuri, inspected the band and then tried to unbend it with his fingers. He used moderate force and then really tried with all his might. As the girls watched, some began to laugh at his feeble attempts to free himself. The girls laughter spurned Yuri on and he tried with all his might till his strength played out almost a minute later. Zoe watching the show of male strength, turned again towards Kyla and said sarcastically, "See!" As Yuri tried to catch his breath, he looked up at his lovely captors and remarked to himself, Just great! I had to be captured by the teenage Amazons from hell. As he continued to look up at the sea of beautiful faces, he realized that in many respects this planet was just like hell with its nightmare plants and animals, but these girls seemed out of place as well. But yet they had somehow mastered this planet. Could they really be from this place? And where were the elders? As he pondered that question further, his attention went to the girls otherwordly bodies. They were strong, powerfully built, with unbelievable bodies for teenage girls, and they were unimaginably tall as well. Finally, his gaze returned to their lovely young faces. Then his mind asked one more question. Why did his captors all have to be so damn beautiful too? Chapter Five: Close Encounters We all spent a restless night in the Lander. The night had been alive with terrifying noises. The grunts and bellows of the predators mixed with the shrieks and wails of the prey. I thought no amount of time on this planet would accustom me to the sounds of the night. If the day had been unbelievably dangerous, I asked myself what must the night be like on this Deathworld? I knew one thing, I didn't want to find out. When dawn broke, we all had our assigned tasks to perform. An hour later we were ready to go. Just outside the Lander, we prepared a mud hole and covered our bodies thoroughly in the stuff. Afterwards, I thought we looked more like a band of aborigines than a scientific expedition peopled with some of the brightest minds earth had to offer. As we set out, Duran took the point and Wolfy walked a bit behind, guarding our rear. We made good progress and for the most part were ignored by many of the animals we encountered. At the half way point, I actually thought our crazy plan just might work, and I hoped Yuri was still alive and hiding up there among the rocks. Unfortunately, every time my hope brightened, I remembered the sounds of last night. This time Kyla was going to lead the group. She was taking six of her best warriors on the mission. They included Brionna, Luanna, Lyla, and the two sisters Tori and Lori. She thought about leaving Zoe back in camp, but the man was there, and she just didn't trust Zoe. So grudgingly, she decided to take her along. Better to watch her, she thought, than to leave Zoe to her own devices. As they set out in the eerie twilight of dawn, Kyla remembered last night and the war council. The first thing that was agreed upon was to take the rest of the men into protective custody. No one including Kyla thought they could defend themselves from the dangers they faced on this planet. Their weapons had proven useless and they just weren't up to the physical challenges either. Many believed they would all perish if they were left to fend for themselves for even one more day. A contingency plan was also laid out for the capture of the two aliens in orbit, but that was the last piece of the puzzle Kyla thought. They were up there in relative safety, and they could be reeled in at any time. The second and equally important part of the plan was to visit the strange alien space craft and to bring back, to camp, a computer or two. Then Kyla and a few others could learn the men's language and finally communicate with them. One of the girls had proposed taking the men back to Homeworld with them when all the girls had completed the rites. It was a tempting proposition. The girls would be awarded great esteem and tribute back home, and their futures would be assured. Zoe had argued strongly for that course of action. She reasoned that the men had proven inferior in both mind and body and should be given no status. She even went as far as to call them pets. Kyla remembered, with anger, that Zoe's statement had brought chaos to the proceedings. It was only with a great deal of argument that a compromise was hammered out. The men would be taken into protective custody, communication would be established with them, and a series of tests would be initiated to test the men's bravery and intelligence just as the girl's themselves were being tested on this planet. Then their status could be properly gauged and their futures established. To Kyla's dismay, the idea that the men were envoys from another world and should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity just didn't carry much weight with any of the other girls at the meeting because each girl at the council fire had to undergo her own life and death test, and it just seemed natural to test the men as well. The band was three fourths of the way to the men's landing sight when Kyla received a com report that the men had been detected setting out for the corsairs nest again. Luanna spoke up and said the obvious, "Their going to rescue their lost compatriot." Brionna piped in and added, "The Corsair's mate will probably be nearby! ... ... ... ..And it will be very angry! ... ... ...And very hungry!" Everyone agreed with the two girls assessments, even Zoe. So they quickly changed course to intercept the men. As the rocks loomed ever closer, we quickened our pace. When we finally reached them, I sent Duran and Tim a ways up the rocks to reconnoiter the situation while the rest of the party stayed alert for an attack from any direction. All seemed quiet and we were bound and determined to keep it that way. We all thought that noise might bring the scorpion so we communicated with hand signals. Our scents had been rendered minimal by the mud which was an added bonus. Duran and Tim were only out of our sight for a few anxious moments. About a third of the way up the rock ledge, Duran motioned for Tim to stay where he was behind him. Duran was going to go around a ledge and investigate the other side. Tim acknowledged Duran with a hand signal, and Duran carefully moved around the ledge. As soon as he was on the other side, Duran realized he was at a dead end and he quickly retraced his steps. When he returned, Tim wasn't there. "Where in the hell ... ... ... .." Duran exclaimed, but he didn't get the rest of his statement out of his mouth because Zoe had materialized behind him, and was tapping him on the shoulder. As soon as Duran turned around, he beheld an amazing sight and he froze in both wonder an awe, and who wouldn't have. When he was ready to react, Zoe, the smiling Amazon, had already pulled the high-powered rifle from his hands, and as he positioned his hands to defend himself, they were no longer his to command. For the next few moments our concern heightened, as the pair remained out of sight. When I finally decided to act, I hand signaled the others, but it was already too late for the rest of us as well. When out of nowhere, a teenage boys wildest fantasy came to life and started to materialize out of thin air around us. The battle, if you could call it that, lasted for all of five seconds. Kyla was proud of her team. They had subdued the men in record time. She was just about to commend them when Luanna exclaimed as she held one of the fragile men in her steely embrace, "Yuch! Their covered in mud!" As the rest of the group brought their captives over, Kyla could see that they were all covered in mud from head to foot, and the girls were getting very messy themselves as the men struggled in the girl's grasps. Even Kyla had no answer for this strange behavior. When Zoe appeared with her man firmly in control, she exclaimed, "I told you they were all idiots!" And for a second time she threw a man at Kyla. This one didn't scream while in mid-air, but he did thrash about trying to regain some semblance of equilibrium. When Kyla caught him, she realized Zoe's revenge for she was immediately covered in mud. As Kyla quickly brought her man under control, Lori's captive started to talk in that strange garbled manner that the men used for a language. He was not excited and he was talking very fast in a controlled manner. Zoe looked at him, and commented, "That must be the leader ... ... If you can call him that." Again, Kyla thought Zoe's remark was probably very accurate. He was definitely trying to communicate with the girls. After a particularly long speech from the man, Zoe commented again, "He's probably telling us that their not going to hurt us!" That brought a round of laughter from the rest of the girls. Kyla ignored Zoe's latest remark and decided to transfer the talking man to her custody. When the transfer was complete, she set him down and motioned for him to sit on the ground and she followed suit. Then it was her turn to try and make the man understand. With a series of gestures, hand signals, and speech she tried to convey to him that they were safe with the girls, but just not free. It seemed like he got the message and he turned and said something to the others, and most stopped their struggling, except for one of the men, but he remained no problem for Tori as she continued to hold him fast. After the men had been subdued and quieted, Kyla turned to the next part of her plan. They would take the men back to their space craft and secure a computer, but first the men had to be prepared for travel. It was again Luanna who had a remark. "Can't we wash them, their so messy!" "Not till we have their computers," Kyla responded, and then she signaled Lyla forward. Lyla was dealing with a struggling man, but she also was carrying the supplies, they needed, on her back. Lori who no longer had a man, took the supplies from Lyla's back and unwrapped them. As I Ethan Fury the leader of the men watched helpless in one of the she- demons arms, I looked at the cloth sacks as they were unrolled, first in wonder and then in horror as I realized at what there use might be. These teenage Amazons were going to use them to carry me and my men like papoose's might carry their babies. I started to protest, but their leader seemed to understand my concern and she gently motioned for me to be silent. Then one of the teenage Amazons handed Duran over to the girl who hand unwrapped the carryalls and she held him fast just as easily as the other. While Duran struggled with his new captor, the first Amazon looped the bands around her shoulders and positioned the sack on her back. When she was finished securing it to her back, The other teenage hellcat easily lifted the protesting Duran up and into the carry-all. His feet slipping through the holes at the bottom even as he tried to free himself, but his struggles availed him not. As soon as she had him seated, the girl assisting the other, positioned a strap diagonally down his chest and fastened it to a metal button at the bottom inside of the carryall. One of Duran's hands slipped down and tried to unbutton the fastener. To everyone's surprise the girl let him try, and to no one's surprise, he found that he couldn't unfasten it. The teenage Amazon let him continue to try for a few more moments as the laughter of the other girls filled our ears, and then she grabbed his hands, bringing them together outside the liner. He fought her, but with one of her hands holding both of his hands together effortlessly, she nonchalantly tied them together with a piece of metallic blue cloth. After that, Duran was effectively immobilized and ready for transport, and helpless as a kitten on the back of a teenage Amazon. I watched in horror as each man was trussed up in the same manner as Duran, and made ready for transport. Next in order, it was the protesting Wolfy's turn, and in about a minute he had been prepared just like Duran. Then Tex and Tim quickly followed suit. Finally, it was my turn. I guess the leader wanted to stay unencumbered so I was prepared for transport on the back of the girl who had unwrapped and assisted all the others. I have to admit I was happy that I hadn't been given over to the one evil looking girl who had thrown Duran around. She remained without a man to carry just like their leader. As soon as we were all trussed up and ready for the trek, their commander gave an order and the she-demons started to move out with all of us helplessly riding high up on the girls backs. I was truly amazed at how easily they carried us. It was truly an overwhelmingly humiliating experience. As we moved, I tried to control my shame and try to figure out what they wanted with us. Were they cannibals? That was a grizzly thought, but the thought seemed appropriate enough on this planet. For some reason, I was not worried about the wild life anymore. The girls seemed unconcerned with the animals as we moved. I had noticed that each girl carried several weapons. I didn't think the knife was an effective deterrent, but their pistols looked formidable. Since the men couldn't help, at least I hoped that was the case. As we moved, I'm sure we must have looked ridiculous as five very young, but unbelievably muscular and tall teenage girls effortlessly carried five older but smaller men on their backs. An ironic thought kept running through my mind as we made steady progress and seemed to be heading in the direction of our Lander. I was very happy that the people back on earth couldn't see their best and brightest at this very moment. In less than an hour, Kyla and the rest of the party made it to the alien men's craft. It looked unbelievably flimsy Kyla thought, and she wondered how they had made it down to the planets surface without getting themselves killed. As the others waited, she went inside to look for the computers. As she rummaged around inside the craft, she soon realized that she had no idea what an alien computer would look like. It could actually look like anything. So she went back outside and called Lori over. She had the leader of the men on her back. As soon as she was near, Kyla reached around and undid his restraints and then lifted him out of the carry-all. As soon as he was placed gently down on the ground, she motioned to him that they were both going into the craft. He understood and climbed the ladder leading the way with Kyla following closely behind. As soon as they were inside, Kyla went to the control board and made a scrolling motion with her hands, then she pointed to it again and made a smaller square outline and then folded her hands together like she was looking for a more compact version. He watched her for a moment and understanding what she was looking for retrieved a small compact black box. Kyla took the box and folded it open. She immediately saw it had a screen, but it was blank and she fumbled for a few moments trying to make the screen come to life. The man watched her for a moment and then reached for a button on the side of the box which brought the screen to life. As Kyla fiddled with the controls, the man bolted for the exit. Instinctively, and in one quick motion, Kyla grabbed his arm and yanked him back causing both of them to tumble to the floor of the craft. He fell between her legs and she immediately closed them trapping his lower body with her awesomely endowed lower limbs. His body seemed to be quite literally engulfed by Kyla's overwhelming legs. In the next instant, she was compressing his stomach with the steel bands that were her thigh muscles. Not wanting to really hurt the man Kyla was careful to apply just enough pressure to try and get the desired effect from the man which was to cause him to cease his struggles. He is so weak and fragile, I must be careful not to hurt him she thought. Even as he continued to struggle, she could see the panic and pain register on his face. She squeezed him moderately for a few more seconds till his hands stopped beating her thighs and they seemed to go limp at his sides as the pressure increased. At that point, she grabbed his jaw with her left hand imprisoning it and keeping his head motionless, and with one of her fingers from her other hand started to wave it in front of his face. The man got the message. The young girl was scolding him. He was not to try that again. He nodded that he did understand, but she continued to hold him firmly with her legs. After scolding him, Kyla looked deeply into his alien face, and examined it for awhile. It was a face like she had never encountered before, but it was interesting in spite of the mud, and as she moved it back and forth and from side to side examining his features very closely, she thought his face definitely had character. As she held him, she looked about and saw some type of cloth lying on the floor nearby. Gathering it up, she pulled out her canteen, and as she held his jaw firmly with her left hand started to pour the water slowly and carefully over his face. This brought a renewed struggle from the man, but she was easily able to make him stop struggling with just a little pressure from her legs. As his struggles became less, Kyla gently but firmly rubbed the mud from his face revealing it clearly for the first time. As the man looked into her eyes with an expression of both wonder and shame, she smiled down at him to ease his troubled alien mind. Then she reexamined his face again moving it back and forth and from side to side. This time she really liked what she saw. It was so different from the faces she was used too, but yet appealing in a way she didn't quite understand. The next thing that caught her attention was the fact that the man's face was oddly ruff, with the stubble of hair covering it, not smooth at all like the faces she was used to. Strangely, she thought it gave his face even more character. After a few more minutes of inspection, she thought it would be nice and appropriate to make a complete and thorough scientific analysis of the man back in the privacy of her own tent once she got back. As she continued to examine him, she remembered what Zoe had called the other man ... ... a toy. Even as she held this one, controlling his overmatched body with her legs and his face with her one hand completely immobilizing him for his punishment and subsequent inspection, she realized that these men were so weak and helpless that they were at the girl's complete mercy. That was a fact she recognized almost immediately after encountering the men, and she realized something else too. That they were fascinating and new and thrilling in a way she did not yet completely understand. She remembered her childhood and her fondness for stuffed toys which were reproductions of many of the animals on this planet. She had loved them as if they were real. Their images preparing her and reminding her of the ordeal to come, and these men were almost as weak and helpless as those stuffed animals. Sadly, she realized there was a danger to these thoughts. She had to fight against the urge to consider this man as something less important or insignificant or even as just a plaything. They had to be accorded some sort of respect. But would the girls allow that considering the men's weaknesses and vulnerability? And what was Zoe going to do next? All these things crossed Kyla's mind as she looked down at the helpless man. And she realized too that the reality of men couldn't have been more opposite to the legends and myths surrounding them. They were so incapable of defending themselves, so incompetent, so helpless, so weak and impotent, and so powerless to control any of the things around them, it was laughable. Maybe, she thought it was better that they be controlled. She could see to it that they would be safe and happy, just not free. Finally, Kyla came back to the reality of the present. These things would be worked out. But now she had a duty to perform and she again turned her attention to the portable computer picking it up from the floor where it had fallen at her side. As she studied it once more, she still playfully squeezed the man, and he started to struggle again, but it only required a few maintenance squeezes to keep him in line. For the next ten minutes, she studied the computer and playfully squeezed the man giving him only a small portion of her attention and just a fraction of the power contained in her awesome teenage legs. Every so often, the man would try an escape but her legs would soon simmer him down. Then as she squeezed him, he would cry out or whimper and then she would give him more of her attention, but each time she concluded that he wasn't injured, and she returned to her studies. For a reason she couldn't yet fathom, she really enjoyed controlling the man in this manner, and it filled her with strange new and wonderful sensations. After awhile, the man stopped struggling entirely and he rested his small hands on her thighs. Even the sensation of his touch provided her with thrilling new emotions and feelings. She realized he could have removed his hands if he wanted too, but he choose to keep his hands on her legs. Even as her mind grappled with the puzzles of the alien computer, she wondered if the man was experiencing strange emotions and sensations as well. Finally, she was sure that this was the piece of equipment she needed and was certain she could unlock its secrets. So she closed the box and unwound her legs. The man was moaning slightly and had a glazed look in his eye. Had she hurt him by giving herself pleasure at his expense? That thought saddened her and as she helped him to his feet, she saw that there was a huge bulge in his brief garment where there had not been a significant bulge before. As she looked at him with concern, she wondered if she had injured him in some way. As her hand went down towards his groin the man pushed her hand away and backed slightly. Kyla did not react. Instead she let him have a few moments because the expression on his face was one of extreme shame not pain. As she pondered his reaction, she remembered the myths of the male penis. Had she injured his penis? Was that causing the bulge? But he didn't seem to be in pain. Even as she watched him closely, the bulge seemed to be disappearing, and in a few more time periods it was gone. When the bulge was gone, the emotions on his face seemed to ease, and he took his eyes from his groin and looked back up at Kyla. He seemed to be much less distressed. She would have to explore this further back in her tent, but for now with the alien computer secured, her main priority was to get them all back safe. She gave him a glorious, and then she extended her hand. He smiled back at her and took it. It was all such a blur. I was deeply embarrassed that I had reacted to their leader in that way, but god she was beautiful, and what a body she had. When I was entangled between her legs I just couldn't help but react to her nearness. I was ashamed because my mind knew she was controlling me, but I reacted as if her control over me was sexual. I tried to tell myself it was just a reaction I couldn't control, but still I was embarrassed. I was just glad only she and no one else had seen it. I didn't know if she understood what happened, but I was fairly certain she reacted to my shame. This time, when the girls moved out, I found myself on their leaders back. The young girl who had carried me before now carried the supplies. I wasn't sure what that meant, if anything. I tried to remind myself that these girls were totally alien, and not to read too much into their behavior. Before we left, the one girl I really feared had what I thought was another confrontation with their leader. I couldn't understand what they said, but it sure sounded like they were arguing. I noticed the other girls were quiet and listening intently to what was said. During the confrontation, the girl I feared walked over and pointed to my now clean face. That took their leader aback for a moment, but just for a moment, and then she forcefully said something back like it was an order. That seemed to take the steam out of the other girl for the time being. Eventually, the argument ended and we were again moving. I could only assume that we were now being taken to their base or village, where ever that was. I hadn't the slightest idea what would happen to us when we got there. As the girls moved, we were allowed to talk back and forth. The girls didn't seem to mind that we talked, and they were talking back and forth as well, and laughing as young girls often do. I was sure we were the main topic and the butt of the laughter as well, but we all had to endure it. These young teenage Amazons were in charge, not us. Some of the men like Wolfy were very quiet. He almost seemed like he was in shock from the experience, but I could still detect a sense of humiliation in his voice. The shame was something I could feel in all of us. Damn it! We were men and we were bound and helpless, and being carried by these awesome teenage girls, and completely helpless to do anything about it. I tried to control these thoughts, and to take a more clinical approach to what was happening. I had to pay closer attention to the girls and to the environment around us. I just might discover something useful. Besides, it was all I could do anyway. The girls were still skirting the jungle. I estimated, we had been traveling for close to a half hour. Despite that, the girls did not seem the least bit tired from the additional burden of carrying the men on their backs. One could not help but be in awe of these exceptionally strong and beautiful girls. As we traveled, I remembered our aerial reconnaissance from space of this particular quadrant. It indicated a river in this general direction. It made sense that the girls main encampment would be near a large river. I just hoped the river didn't have any unusual beasts inhabiting it. About an hour into our journey, the group encountered a large grotesque beast. It had no earthly equivalent. It looked like a cross between a boar, a wildebeest, and a rhinoceros. Only this monstrosity was ten feet tall about twenty feet long, orange, and it shot darts from the horn on its nose. I thought it looked like something out of a Japanese horror film, but it was all to real. I was sure the darts were poison, but nobody was hit. The girls used one of their blasters on it. As soon as their leader fired, it started to glow, then it started to shimmer, and it slowly became less and less distinct till it just vanished right before our eyes. I was impressed, and no wonder the girls didn't seem to fear anything. They had a weapon that could deal with anything this planet could throw at them. A little further into our journey something occurred that was most peculiar. While the girls were traveling single file, another girl popped out of the forest. She was very young and I could tell she was fatigued, and her face looked tired and haggard and it was covered in grime. All she carried was the same knife that the other girls had holstered to there right thighs, but this girl was clutching it like it was her only weapon. The girls in our party and the new girl seemed totally surprised by the encounter. The new girl looked exhausted and she seemed very frightened of the environment, but instead of helping her, all the girls in our group turned and faced away from her like she didn't exist. The new girl just stared at us for a moment, and then she bounded off into the jungle. I have no idea why the other girls didn't help her. It was almost like she was an outcast or something. It was another ten minutes till we made the river. It wasn't a very big river. I estimate it was only about twenty meters wide, and I could only guess at its depth. As I expected, our party stopped only a few feet away. As everyone contemplated the river, all I could do was hope that no gruesome nightmares haunted its depths. "Why are we stopping?" Zoe said in an exasperated voice. Kyla ignored her as Lyla moved closer. "You know what to do," Kyla told the other girl. Lyla nodded and took something out of the knapsack she was carrying. To the men it almost looked like a flare gun with fishing line attached. Lyla aimed across the river as the gun exploded and a small pronged anchor with a thin wire filament attached played out till it made the other side and embedded in the other bank with the wire settling into the water. Then she moved several meters down river and shot the gun again. It to embedded on the other side with the wire settling into the river as well. What she did next had the my complete attention. She ran a thin wire from each line to a small box. When they were both attached, she threw a switch and the water lit up along the path of the wire. Almost immediately, loud shrieks were heard followed by the surfacing of several very large animals. They looked a bit like plesiosaurs, but these strange creatures were purple and had huge fangs. As soon as they surfaced, they jumped over the wire and submerged almost immediately. Several smaller monstrosities jumped over each side of the wire as well leaving the middle zone in just as big a hurry. These creatures looked very similar to Piranha. Only their teeth were larger and they had arms and small hands. We could only guess why evolution had spawned them on this nightmare world. The girls talked amongst themselves after that and I didn't have any idea what they were talking about. Zoe watched the spectacle for a moment and then commented in that same exasperated voice. "What's this all about?" Keeping her cool, Kyla answered in a very controlled voice. "Were going to wash them. I want them to look their best when we reach camp." "This is their best!" Zoe said in a mocking tone, but to Kyla's surprise, her protests stopped with that one comment. Lyla and Zoe helped the girls remove their carryalls from their backs, with the helpless men still inside, and set them down in the sand. All the men could do was look up in awe at the girls and in bewilderment at what was about to happen next. None of the men including their leader had a clue. Then the girls went about the task of releasing the men from the carryalls. As they worked, the girls broke off into two groups. Lyla, Brionna, Luanna, and Kyla prepared the men they controlled near the waters edge. While the sisters Tori and Lori together with their defacto leader Zoe started to prepare Tex and Duran a good bit away from the others and farther from the water in the deep sand. As the girls prepared us for god knows what, I told Wolfy and Tim not to fight back. We had to stay calm and focused and find a way to communicate with these towering teenage Amazons. I could count on Tim and Wolfy to follow my lead. I was more concerned about Duran and Tex. I was certain they were having a difficult time with what was happening. They were macho types who could be counted on to act foolishly if provoked, and we most definitely had been provoked. My fears were immediately realized. As soon as Duran was set down and untied, he took off. I had no idea where he thought he was going and I was sure he didn't know either. Lori put her hands on her hips and watched the man for a second, shaking her head and laughing as she watched him awkwardly try to scramble away from her in the deep sand. As always, Zoe was ready with a comment. "Lori, how could you let him get away? Do you want me to chase him?" Lori said very casually, "No thanks, I wanted see how quick they were ... ... I'll get him." Then she took off after the fleeing man. Tori was close to her sister and was busy with Tex as he lay in the sand. She untied him and then quickly grabbed both of the man's wrists with one hand, stood herself, and lifted him out of the carryall and held him securely with her single hand as he dangled a few inches above the sand. The man tried to pry his hands free, but he was having no success. After she watched the helpless man struggle for a few seconds, she turned her attention towards all the commotion and commented, "Get him, girl!" and then started laughing at the scene that was playing out a few meters away. She was mocking her sister a bit, although she knew the inevitable outcome for the escaping man. Duran was panic stricken. He wasn't thinking very straight as he took off. He had no idea where he was going, but he had to try something. He had taken about fifteen steps when it felt like he was tackled by a linebacker. He tried to mount a resistance, but as his body started rolling in the sand, he could no longer control what was happening to him. When his senses returned, he found himself underneath the girl. She was sitting on his upper body with her hands controlling his arms and her long gorgeous legs encasing his head. So all he could do was look up in complete awe and supplication at his beautiful captor. Lori who bristled at Zoe's comments had to show the others how easily she was controlling the man. So she released his hands knowing they could not help him, and placed her hands on her hips as she smiled down at her captive. As she easily controlled him and stared down at her captive, she felt a new emotion stir deep within her. She could not understand this new feeling, but it was a thrilling sensation all the same. Then she looked over at Zoe and sang out, "Ta Da!" Zoe could only comment, "That was easy! My God their even weaker than I thought! And their incredibly slow too!" I watched the scene as well, and not understanding what the girls were saying, yelled to Duran, "Don't fight her. We have to figure out a way to communicate with them." Zoe heard our exchange and the result, Duran had stopped struggling. She gave me a look like she would deal with me later. Then she turned and started walking towards the other girl who had already lifted Tex across her shoulders. I watched the mean girl closely as she talked to one of the others. Without looking at Lori, Zoe said in an even voice, "Bring him!" The other group of girls had begun to prepare their men for their baths too, and Kyla stopped removing her utility belt and issued a stern warning for Zoe and the other girls after she had helplessly watched the little episode play out. "Don't hurt them! They appear to be extremely fragile. Remember their emissaries from another race." Not expecting an answer from Zoe or one that she would care to hear, Kyla placed the leader of the men on her hip, who had been very docile throughout even though he had issued what sounded like an order, and started walking into the water with him. Brionna picked Wolfy up in a similar fashion while Luanna cradled Tim in her strong arms and began to follow Kyla into the water with Lyla following close behind. As Zoe watched the others enter the water, Lori walked over with her recalcitrant man draped over her shoulders. As soon as the group was together, Lori swatted the man across his butt saying, "Bad boy!" which caused him to yelp in pain. Zoe and Tori both laughed. But after the laughter died down, it was Tori who asked Zoe, "What should we do with them?" "Wash them," was her reply. "Besides, I want to examine them a bit more closely anyway. Then Tori placed Duran in a hold from which he could not move a muscle and in which he had trouble breathing. She had him squeezed tightly between her arms in a reverse bearhug with him facing out from her body. His hands were pinned to his sides and his body held off the ground in her tight embrace. Then as she casually walked them both towards the water, she turned to see if the other two girls were following. Lori followed her sister closely with Tex draped across her shoulders and Zoe escorting them both to a place in the water as far away from the other party as they could get, and still stay within the bounds of the protected zone. I tried to watch the other girls as I was being washed, but what they were doing to us was very distracting. It was Tim who said the obvious in a panic stricken voice.. "Ethan, their washing us." "Don't fight them. I'm fairly certain they've made the water safe somehow." Kyla let the men talk. It seemed to calm them and it kept them busy as well. Soon the girls sounded more like teenage girls from the planet earth as they giggled and frolicked in the water washing the mud off the men as well as themselves. They started to laugh and giggle as the mud came off and they saw the men more clearly. That lasted till the mud was gone and their curiosity intensified. Soon they became interested in other things as they explored the men's bodies with their hands. When most of the mud was gone from Tim's body, Luanna lifted up her one leg so that only her other leg supported both their weight, and placed Tim across that long sexy teenage thigh as she continued to run her hand tenderly over his body removing the last remaining mud. Tim could not believe the situation he found himself in. He was straddling the girls leg as she bathed him, and incredibly, she could manage his entire weight with just her one leg without any visible support for it. Tim could only close his eyes and try not to give in to all the pleasurable sensations that were filling his mind. As Luanna removed the mud, she watched his pleasured expression and smiled to herself, then on impulse she brought him closer and kissed him. She wasn't sure why she did it or how she knew that it would be pleasurable, but instinct won out. Afterwards, she was just happy that the other girls were too involved with the other men to notice and that included Kyla. The other men in the group tried to remain calm and passive, but that was not easy as these unbelievable female specimens continued to wash and probe their bodies at will. Some of the men were even enjoying the experience now, and Wolfy was moaning softly. Lyla who had moved closer to Kyla, so she could get a better view of the proceedings, as Kyla cleaned the men's leader, asked innocently as she watched the man's reactions, "Should we take all their clothing off." "No, we'll leave their loin cloths on for now." And then she repeated her statement louder so the other girls heard as well. "Leave their clothing on!" Zoe and Lori had already removed all of Duran's clothes and were busy inspecting his penis when they heard Kyla's order. The girl's didn't answer, but they moved their broad backs directly in Kyla's line of sight so she couldn't see what they were up too. "Look how it's growing!" Lori said in wonder as she held the helpless Duran in her arms while Zoe manipulated his penis. By this time, Duran was squirming and completely caught up in the pleasure Zoe was providing with her talented hand. Tori had watched the other two girls and then followed suit by ripping off Tex's briefs. Then she started to wash and fondle his penis as well. The men were completely powerless to stop what was happening to them and totally humiliated, but still they couldn't help but react as the girls played with them in the water. "Are we hurting them?" Lori asked Zoe. "Look how he's squirming and moaning, and it's getting so much bigger too." "No! Zoe shot back. "I think it grows when we touch it. I don't think they have any can control over their weapon." Zoe always had an answer even when she wasn't certain of one. She thought a leader should know everything and that's how she endeavored to seem. Lori nodded her head like she understood, and then she answered back, "Then we not only control them, but we control their weapon as well." Zoe nodded and smiled as she realized again how weak and puny the men were. They were easy enough to control, but this seemed to make it even easier. Then she shook her head and wondered as she continued to examine and play with Duran's penis, how such weak and pathetic creatures could have survived till now. By this time, Kyla was suspicious of the silence from the other girls so she handed the leader of the men over to Lyla and started to walk towards the other girls. Zoe caught her out of the corner of her eye, exclaiming, "Oh oh!" and then she had some orders for the other girls. "Put their loin cloths back on ... ... ..We'll continue this when were back at camp and I've gotten rid of Kyla ... ... ..I have a plan." Then Zoe moved to intercept her nemesis before she could see what was going on. "Their clean," Zoe said smiling ... ... ."What's next commander?" A smiling and compliant Zoe took Kyla by surprise for a moment. But she quickly recovered and looked at the other two girls, they were already walking towards her and carrying their men. She looked at the two men and they didn't look none the worse for wear, and they still had their loin clothes on, but they did have bulges where there weren't ones before. She just didn't know enough about male physiology to accuse the girls so she remained quiet about what she saw and answered Zoe's question instead. "Were going to take them back to camp and detain them till I can learn their language" "Sounds like a plan," Zoe stated and then she turned and walked towards the other girls without further comment. What's going on Kyla thought? This was not the Zoe she knew. I'm going to have to watch her even more closely she decided and then she returned to her own group. Kyla and the girls entered camp about a hour later. The men had been placed back in their carryalls and carried in on the girls backs. A big crowd of girls gathered as soon as the word spread that the expedition had returned with the men. The girls crowded around looking the men over as Kyla took the party over to the detention tent. She thought it necessary to speak to the crowd before she dispossed of the men and started in on the very important task of deciphering the alien computer. "Girls and citizens of Helena, these men are under my protection for now. We will take up the issue of their disposition at the next council meeting. We must remember they are not the men of legend. They are emissaries from another race. We must treat them with dignity." A girl in front of the mass of girls crowding around Kyla and the others yelled, "Their so small and weak! ... ... .How can they have any status?" After her statement, all the girls started speaking at once, but it was Zoe who stunned the crowd with her question, "How do you know these are not the men of legend?" Damn Zoe! Kyla thought. She composed herself and answered as a leader should, "Look at them ... ... ... .. Do they look anything like what we have been led to believe men should look like? Are they huge and dangerous? Do they look ferocious and threatening? Could they hurt anyone of us? I think not." Kyla looked around the group of girls for effect and to let her words sink in before she went on. "These are men, yes, but these are not the men of our worst nightmares. These are just men ... ... different men ... ... Men who could and should be our friends ... ... ... Think about that before you condemn them to a life without status." "Equals must prove themselves," Zoe answered back calmly. "And they will," was Kyla's reply as she quickly entered the tent. There was a hushed calm among the girls outside the tent as they whispered among themselves and watched Kyla's party enter. Once inside, the girls relieved themselves of their human burdens. The men where both stunned and happy at the same time as they saw Yuri and then realized he was in a cage. Then they saw the other empty cages as well. Kyla tried to explain to the leader that the cages were only temporary till she could decipher their computer, and that they were more for their own protection than anything else. He seemed to understand enough to tell the others something, and then he went into his cage peacefully enough. The others followed his lead. Kyla was about to retreat to her tent with the alien computer when she saw Zoe looking at the men. "Leave them be, Zoe." Kyla warned. "For now!" was her simple reply and then she walked out of the tent, and Tori and Lori followed her out. Kyla looked after the threesome for a brief moment and then her thoughts returned to the computer. It was the most urgent problem. Before she left with the computer, she looked at the leader of the men. He was sitting in his cage peacefully enough and staring up at Kyla as she stared back at him. What was he thinking? Did he hate her? She hoped to find out soon enough. Back in her tent she opened the computer, pushed the button on the side, and the screen sprang to life. Then she focused on the keypad. An hour later she hadn't gotten anywhere. She was having trouble deciphering how the computer worked. Her thought waves activated nothing. This was a far more primitive machine than she had ever seen before. Then the answer dawned on her. She needed a key and the key was sitting in a cage. As she walked back to the detention tent, she realized for the first time that night had fallen. She was running out of time she realized as she entered the tent and immediately saw what she was looking for. As soon as the guard saw her, she came to attention as Kyla unlocked the cage and offered the man inside her hand. He took it and crawled out. "I need him," was all she said to the guard who looked at her, saluted, and remained quiet. She led the man, by the hand, out of the tent, through the nearly deserted compound, and back to her own tent. Once there she motioned for him to sit on her bed as she sat next to him and began to fiddle with the computer again. He watched her and the computer screen very carefully, and when she ran into problems, he calmly motioned for her to stop and he hit a few keys and the computer changed screens. Then he gave her a ten minute tutorial on computer basics which she seemed to follow easily enough. After that he cleared the screen and typed and ... A ... and said ah! ... ..Then he typed a ... ..B ... .and said ba ... .She soon realized that almost every key, on the computer, represented one of these letters. For the next twenty minutes, Kyla committed the letters and sounds to memory. Then the man put the letters together and made words. Was their language this simple she thought? Could each letter represent a sound and each grouping of letters represented a person place or thing. It was so one dimensional, it astounded her. As soon as she caught on, she no longer needed the man's help, and she motioned for him to sit and remain passive which he did, but he did not take his eyes off of her as she worked. As she concentrated, she would say a word in perfect English from time to time such as man or room and he would motion that she was doing it properly. In another half hour she had completely mastered the language. She was aided in this when she found a file containing a dictionary which increased her progress a thousand fold. Every word was committed to memory as she read it. Then she found and encyclopedia and read it too, but it took her almost ten minutes because the screen could not change fast enough to keep up with her thoughts. The encyclopedia gave substance and meaning to the words and helped even more than the dictionary. Then she turned to the inner workings of his computer and opened and read every file. From this she learned much, and many things became clearer to her. Several files had security locks on them, but they were so rudimentary and linear that she had no trouble attaining access. By this time several hours had passed, and when she glanced at him, he was sitting with his eyes closed and he had fallen asleep watching her. She smiled at him and then read his personal files. These files gave the man next to her substance and she felt better when she read his words. She realized he was much like her. He was just as concerned with the well being and safety of his command as she was with hers. For the first time she felt a kinship with this man. They were both leaders, and they both had been thrust into a difficult situation. When all that could be learned from the computer was committed to memory, Kyla sighed deeply, turned it off, and prepared to speak to the man for the first time. I felt a nudge, and I immediately woke up to her smiling face. When I was fully awake, she asked in perfect English, "Can you understand me?" I hesitated for a moment which caused her some concern. Then a big smile lit up my face and I said excitedly, "Yes, yes I understand you!" She answered back, "Good! My name is Kyla and I'm the leader here ... ... ..And you are Ethan ... ... .Ethan Fury!" I was stunned that she knew my name and I asked, "You know my name ... .How?" "I read it here," and she pointed to the computer before she put it down. I was so happy, a rush of words spilled out, "You learned our language so quickly ... ... .It's astounding!" The teenage girl smiled at me and said, "Yes, with your help." Then she paused a moment like she was measuring her words and she added, "It is a very easy language to learn." I just shook my head in total awe of this young girl, and then I said, "One of my group, maybe me, must learn your language." Kyla paused a moment before she answered me and she had a frown on her face when she answered, "That will not be so easy." I shot back, "Were not dumb, I'm sure one of us can handle it. Maybe not so fast though." Kyla frowned more an then tried to explain, "Your language is linear ... ... .On only one level ... ... ... Our language has many levels, and transmits far more information." I listened, but I didn't quite understand what she was trying to convey, and I finally reiterated, "I'm sure I could do it." Kyla frowned at me again trying to come up with the words, but trying to convey something so complex was not easy for her in my language. If he could only speak my language she thought. His is so infantile. Then she thought of an analogy, "When you say flower for instance, you think of many different flowers and one might come into your mind that is a favorite of yours to represent all flowers, but not much information is conveyed and the meaning is indistinct. It's only with more specific words can you distinguish between flowers ... ... ..In my language there is no word that is indistinct. When I say flower I get a distinct image of all flowers and I can feel them and smell them all at the same time ... ... If that is what I choose. Or my mind can choose to review particular information or store it for later. My language works on many levels all at the same time and the words contain an almost infinite amount of information. Plus we not only hear and see words, we feel, touch, and smell words as well ... ... .All in our minds." I tried to grasp what she was saying. How could words convey sensual information? It meant her mind had to be much more powerful than mine. That was a sobering thought and I had a new found respect for this teenage girl. Struggling with what she was saying, I finally asked, "How can your mind sort through so much data." She paused for a moment then tried to explain it in another way. "It is the difference in the way our two races are wired ... ... Put simply it is the way evolution progressed in us ... ... ..For instance when you play chess. It is on a flat board in one dimension. We would play the game on a hundred different levels at once and without a board or medium to play the game on. The medium would be our minds and each peace would act differently and have a different value in each level ... ... .I think that would be a very fun game to play," she added smiling. "Phew! I said out loud trying to grasp what she was trying to convey to me. Then I asked sadly, "So you don't think we can learn your language?" Our machines scroll through the data much too fast. You could not focus on it. Again it is not a shortcoming in you, but rather the differences in how our two races are wired up here." And Kyla pointed to her head. "I think our two races had better be good friends then," I remarked, not thinking she would grasp what I meant. But she grasped immediately what I was saying and she stated the obvious, and it was not a boast. "Your machines are one dimensional and you think linearly ... ... .We would take you over in minutes. You could not defend against our advantages." Her comments troubled me from a military prospective. I was out her alone and I had to worry about such things, and I responded by saying, "Then let us be friends." Kyla smiled at me and said, "Yes, friends." But she was troubled and she felt it necessary to explain, "My culture feels that testing makes individuals and our race as a whole better ... ... .So we come here to test ourselves against this very dangerous planet ... ... If we survive we are accorded full status back home ... ... .Why are you here?" I saw her watching me carefully. I knew my words were important. It could determine my fate and the fate of my men. Kyla watched him carefully and thought to herself, he is a good leader, he tries to be precise and he is not careless with his words. He is so different, but I like what I see in this man. Finally, he spoke, "We came here to explore and to find others like ourselves. Do you not also seek others?" She nodded yes. Then she frowned again and gave me the bad news. "There are others amongst us that believe you should be tested before you are looked upon as equals ... ... ..And if you fail then you would be accorded no status." That did not sound good, and it helped to explain why we were locked away. The girl's were so overpowering and their weapons were so much better than ours, I didn't think rebelling was an option, but I did not like the term "no status." It sounded downright scary. So I asked, "So we have to undergo some sort of tests ... ... .Is that why we were placed in cages?" "No, No!" Kyla shot back. "We did that for your own protection till we could speak to you and you could understand that we mean you no harm." That statement was very confusing. They wanted to protect us so they put us in cages. I could see she was getting frustrated talking in my language. It must have been difficult for her to convey the right meaning when it took us years to master the nuances of the language ourselves. Kyla was getting upset as she struggled to find just the right meaning in this maddening infantile language. It was obvious, to her, the man was struggling to grasp the meaning of her words and he finally said, "So you put us in cages to protect us?" "We were watching you and saw that you could not defend yourselves against the animals and plants here. Also we recognized that you could never speak our language ... ... .This was viewed by some here as a loss of status ... ... ..We only wished to protect you till we could communicate." "Now what?" I asked nervously. "You must prove yourselves even as we must." I didn't like where this was leading, but I had to ask. I had to know my options. "And if we fail ... ... .What will happen to us?" "That is uncertain," Kyla answered. She thought the man seemed to grasp what she was saying, but he was very quiet for awhile, and Kyla thought it best to move on with her agenda. Kyla asked, "I wish to check you out physically, if you don't mind." "I don't think I could stop you," I answered back. "That is true," she admitted, "nevertheless, I ask. I shrugged and then nodded yes, and she produced some sort of bracelet which she fit over the fingers of her one hand and then it started to glow as she waved it across my head, shoulders, and then the rest of my body. When she was done, she spoke to me, "You had two minor imperfections which I fixed ... ..One in your heart and one in the artery leading to your brain ... ... ... They would not have been a problem for sometime, nevertheless I fixed them. Other than that, you are in good health." I smiled and said, "Thank you!" To which she acknowledged my gratitude with a nod of her head. They are so similar to us she thought. Could they be the legendary men of old? Then I asked, "Could I see that?" She nodded and handed it over. I took it and positioned it on the fingers of one hand as she had done, and then I concentrated and waved it at her. It immediately started to glow but not quite as brightly as it had for her. Immediately my mind lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve. A rush of symbols and signs and even sensual cues raced through my head like a swarm of bees, but they appeared and disappeared much too fast for me to make any sort of coherent sense out of them. Soon the flood of information overwhelmed my untrained mind and I had to rip the bracelet off my hand or I feared I might go mad. Kyla watched passively and then commented, "So you understand better now." I rubbed my head it ached so much and I felt a bit nauseous as well, but I managed to look up and nod grudgingly that I did have a better understanding now that I had experienced what she was talking about first hand. It made me realize just how much more evolved her brain was in comparison to mine, and it didn't fill me with confidence that I could deal with this girl on a level of equality. At the same time, I had a new and profound respect for this beautiful teenage girl. As I recovered, she took the bracelet again and slipped it back on and explained further as a holographic image appeared next to us. It was the image of one of her kind and about the same age as Kyla. "Our race lives for much longer than yours, on average about five hundred of your years." Then as I watched the image change she hit me with her next bombshell. "I am older than you?" How could that be I thought. She looked so young ... ..She appeared no older than a teenager back on earth. "We do not age as you do," and then the image of the girl started to age till I thought she was about thirty. "That is about the limit to our aging," she told me. "We age far more," I said looking at the young girl and having trouble believing she was much older than I was. "Yes, I know, but I fixed that in you ... ... ..You will now live much longer and you will not appear to age much beyond what you look like now." That news was incredible and I felt mixed emotions well up in me. Did I want to live five hundred years? I kept those thoughts to myself, and I said, "Thank you! ... ... Could you do that for the others?" "We shall see," she said and she took the bracelet off and faced me like she was going to tell me something very important. "You are an anomaly to us!" "In what way," I asked. "There are no men in our culture!" "What! That's impossible! ... ... .Men are needed! ... ... ..How do you procreate?" Instead of answering me, she moved closer and I could see the curiosity on her face. Her mood seemed to change as well and she drew even closer as she added, "I know we are very different, and I wish to explore those differences ... ... ..for science." God she was young, but she was so beautiful. " What do you want of me?" I asked cautiously. "We have kissing and touching in our culture, but I wish to see if it is the same or different with you." As she moved closer and her mood changed to one of curiosity, I shot back, "Oh it's different all right! ... ... I mean it's very different for two girls to kiss and when a man and woman kiss." She moved very close to my face as she looked deeply into my eyes, and she asked, "How so?" She was so beautiful I really had to concentrate on talking while I stared into her lovely alien face. I tried to remember this was for science as I spoke softly and distinctly, "Well for one, you really get stimulated, and ... ... ... " That's all I got out as she reached behind me with one of her hands and drew my head closer so she could plant a kiss on my lips. She held our lips together for some time and when it was over, I immediately started to speak. "Phew! See what I mean by stimulating." She looked into my eyes as she spoke, "That was interesting ... ... Not at all like a kiss in our culture." "I'm sure of that!" I said as I tried to be clinical as I recovered from her kiss ... .."I mean there are physiological as well physiological differences that are apparent ... ... " That's all I got out of my mouth as she grabbed me and gently forced me down on the bed as she kissed me again. This time it was a far longer and much more stimulating. This time, I said nothing when our lips parted. I was too involved in the wonderful sensations from the kiss. "Was that stimulating? she asked. "I mean did you feel something?" "Oh yes!" I answered back breathlessly. "I felt something too!" she said ... ."It's not at all like kissing another girl." "No! It's definitely different,' I answered back still somewhat breathless. That's when she kissed me again. This time she added touch to the equation as she explored my upper body with her hands. After the kiss she looked deeply into my eyes and commented happily, "I like your body too! ... ... It's so soft and hairy just like one of my stuffed animals back home." Then as she rubbed her hands over my arms and shoulders she added, "Your women are smaller ... ... .That doesn't seem right ... ... I mean the differences in our relative sizes seems so right to me." Then she straddled my body resting her weight on her legs while I rested safely under her. As I looked up at her, I contemplated her comment and realized that when we were standing together that I came up to her boobs ... ... That didn't seem so bad to me either at the moment. Then as if she could read my mind, she stood more upright for a moment and took off her scanty top, and as her big beautiful breasts spilled out all over the place, she asked, "My breasts feel so tender at the moment ... ..I wish for you to touch them ... ... for science." As long as it was for science I thought. I reached up and cupped her breasts with my hands as her head flung back and she reacted to my touch with a loud guttural gasp. Then as I explored her big sensitive breasts, I could see she was becoming more flushed and excited by the moment. She was giving in to the new sensations I was creating for her. I have to admit I was becoming more excited too. As I touched her, she explored my body as well with her hands. Then she bent down and kissed me again. When it was over she asked in a excited state, "I'm feeling hot and flushed ... ... Is that normal or am I getting sick?" "Oh that's normal," I assured her ... .."That's perfectly normal." "Good!" she said and then she bent down covering me with her body and kissed me again. When she removed her lips, she stated flatly, "This is much nicer than kissing another girl." I thought for a novice she was doing very well. That's when she asked, "I'd like to examine your penis." I was feeling pretty good myself, but her statement brought me right back. "What!" I asked. "There are some myths and legends involving the male penis in my culture. I wish to explore them further." She said that with such a straight face, it ruined the mood. I wasn't going to take advantage of her and I said, "I'm sorry, but I think we better stop here, science not withstanding." She sat upright while she still straddled my waist, and said, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I am the leader of my people here on this planet, and I must have certain information ... ... ... I hope you can forgive me." Soon after, I felt myself being lifted into the air. She lifted me with one hand and ripped off my jock strap with the other. Then she sat back down folding her legs, and placing my body across her lap so that she was controlling me with one arm, and that left her other hand free to explore the objects of her attention. My head was leaning against her shoulder as she started to manipulate my penis carefully with her right hand. As soon as she did so, I let out with a little gasp. She stopped for a moment and asked in a concerned voice, "Am I hurting you?" "No," I admitted. "It's just that's it's very sensitive." She started to fondle it again and she asked as she did so, "Then it's very sensitive just like my breasts?" "Yes," I stated gasping again. I hated myself for my weakness but in my own excited state, I found myself cupping her big breast with my hand and kissing it tenderly. She reacted with a gasp of her own and then she really started to work my penis over with her hand. That, of course, led to the next consequence. My dick started to get as hard as a rock. Kyla reacted to my short gasps and to my growing penis by asking, "Am I hurting you?" "No, that's just a typical male reaction to your presence and nearness ... ... ..and to your touch." Instead of asking another series of questions, all she said was, "Interesting!" but she still kept on with her fondling. By this time, I was squirming on her lap from the intense sensations of pleasure she was sending my way and I felt the pressure building. I was reaching the point of no return as I begged, "Please Kyla, if you don't stop ... ... .I'm going to blow." Still fondling me she asked in a concerned voice, " What? Are you going to blow up?" It was already to late and as I convulsed in her arms, I shot my load all over the place. In total bewilderment she cried out, "What's happening? ... ... ..Is this some sort of defense mechanism ... ... .Have I hurt you?" When I finally stopped and was more under control. I answered her last question first. I really didn't want to explain the birds and the bees to her at this moment. "I'm not hurt ... ... .Access the encyclopedia, look up orgasm. She had a distant look for a moment and then she said, "Of course, procreation in your species ... ... The merging of egg and sperm ... ... .Interesting!" Then her distant look disappeared and she asked, "Then, I was not hurting you and that was pleasurable for you?" "Yes, " I answered ashamed at the admission. Grabbing my upper rib cage with her strong hands she lifted me up so that my limp penis was equal to her eyes, and she remarked, "There is nothing foul or odious about the male penis ... ... ..It's actually quite stimulating." I answered her as clinically as I could in my present situation. "It's meant to be so as the make procreation desirable. It is the same with female genitalia as well." She asked me clinically again while she held me in that position, "Does it take some time for you to recharge?" "Yes," I answered. Men need time to recover. She must have got another urge because she drew me closer and engulfed my penis with her lips. "Oh God!" I exclaimed. It wasn't long before her mouth got the desired reaction. So there I was being lifted up in front of an Amazon goddess while she sucked life back into my penis. It wasn't long before I was moaning with delight and fidgeting in her arms, and it wasn't long too after that I came into her mouth. Instead of being grossed out, she remarked as she still held my limp body in front of her, "Salty taste ... ... Not unappealing ... ... .I guess your recharge time isn't that great." "Not with somebody who looks like you," I said. "Then my looks are appealing to you?" she inquired. "You are very beautiful!" I said honestly. She taught about my remark for a minute, maybe she was looking up the word beautiful, I'm not sure. But I saw a hint of a smile on her lovely face as she got clinical again. "So men attain more pleasure out of contact with women than the opposite?" "No," I said, "women obtain just as much pleasure too." She thought about my comment for a moment, then she said, "Show me!" This was getting completely out of hand, I had to end this here. This was not the time or place to get further involved so I said, "Kyla, men and women who are in love do this sort of thing." She thought a moment and then she answered back, "Show me!" I was about to object even more strongly when a young female entered the tent. She looked at us for a moment, and then she remembered why she walked into the tent in the first place, "Commander, you wanted to know if Zoe returned to the detention area!" Kyla looked at me, took a deep breath, and said something I couldn't quite make out under her breath. Then she told the girl as she quickly got up and dressed, "Bring him, when he's put his undergarment back on." She gave me another look like she was very disappointed, and then she rushed out of the tent. The other girl looked on curiously as I slipped my jock strap back on. When my escort and I made it back to the detention area, The mean girl from before and Kyla were having another argument, and two of the girls who captured us earlier were carrying Tex and Duran who were putting up resistance, but the two girls had them under semi-control as the men tried to free themselves. Kyla and the other girl were yelling at each other in their own language and I had a general idea what they were yelling about. It was obvious Kyla didn't want these girls to have the men. "Put the men back!" Kyla ordered. "You had this one, " Zoe shot back as she pointed to the leader of the men. "He was helping me learn their language ... ... .I can now speak with him!" That information took Zoe by surprise and she remained silent for a moment, but looked skeptical. Then Kyla offered Zoe a bone, "Put the men back. I'll teach you their language and we will not speak of this incident again." Zoe as always had a counter proposal, "You'll teach Tori and Lori their language as well!" Kyla did not want a confrontation at this time so she said reluctantly, "Agreed! ... ... .And also Brionna and Lyla will learn their language as well." Zoe nodded her consent, and then she motioned for Tori and Lori to put the men back into their cages. After the men were safely back in their cages, Zoe asked, "Can we learn their language before our council meeting tonight?" Kyla nodded yes, and then she spoke to Ethan, "Please go back into your cage ... ... ... WE can speak again tomorrow and maybe this will be the last night for the cages." Ethan reluctantly headed for his cage, took a look at Zoe and frowned, and then addressed Kyla, "Thank you for your understanding. Please make the others understand too that we mean them no harm and that our utmost desire is for our two races to become friends." Kyla smiled at him and nodded her head in agreement. Then he went back into his cage and the guard locked his cage by bending a band through the latch just like the others. Zoe listened to the man talk and was angry that only Kyla could understand him for the time being. Zoe hated it when Kyla was one up on her for anything. "Let's go," Zoe insisted impatiently to Kyla. Kyla nodded and led the way to her tent. When the men were alone again in the tent except for their guard, Tim asked Ethan, "Their leader can speak our language already?" "She's amazingly intelligent ... ... She learned our language in a couple of hours." "Shouldn't we try to learn their language?" Duran asked. Ethan frowned when he told the men, "That won't be so easy ... ... ..Their brains our wired differently then ours ... ... ... ..I'm not sure at this point if we can learn their complex language, and if we can, it will take a hell of a lot longer than two hours." Always the pragmatist, Wolfgang asked, "What are they going to do with us?" "Their leader's name is Kyla. She said they put us in these cages for our own protection," Ethan explained. "I don't trust those other three girls ... ...'s like their superwomen or something," Yuri added. "In some respects they are! Their remarkably intelligent, much stronger than we are, and have vastly better weaponry. ... ... ... I trust their leader though ... ... .She wants to treat us like emissaries from another race." "That's what we are, " Duran said. "I know ... ... ..I just hope she can convince the others," Ethan replied with concern in his voice. For a moment, the men were silent as they pondered their fate. The next morning, Kyla led a procession of girls into the detention tent. She was dressed differently then before. She was scantily clad, but this time her clothes were red and not blue just like the girl we saw in the jungle, and her face had paint under her eyes and on her cheek as if she was going war. Her blaster was gone and she had only her knife strapped to her one leg. She motioned for the guard to open my cage, and when it was open I gingerly stepped out. As soon as I was out I asked hopefully, "Are you letting us out of our cages?" Kyla ignored my question and responded by saying, "It is the decision of the council that you are to be tested." "In what way?" I asked. "You must undergo the rite just as we must ... ... ..You are to spend ten days in the jungle with just a knife and one canteen of water." As soon as Kyla said that, she motioned to Brionna who handed me a knife, it's sheath, and a canteen of water?" As I stared at the knife and canteen in my hand, I asked, "What happens if I fail?" "Then you will be dead, and so will I, and the other men will lose all status!" "You are coming too?" I asked. "I must be put to the test as well! ... ... .It is our way!. ... ... ... But because you have not been prepared as we have, it was agreed that we should test together as compensation for your lack of preparation and other short comings ... ... ..You will be the first man in recorded history to undergo the rite of passage!" I looked at the other men and asked, "Will my men be safe till we return?" "My second Brionna will watch over them, it is now out of my hands till I we return," and she looked at the girl standing at her right. Brionna acknowledged her leader like she could understand English, and I quickly realized that many of the girls in the room now probably could understand us as well. These girls were very amazing creatures. The rest of the party followed Kyla and I out of the tent, and they watched us depart as the protective shield was lowered. When we were ten paces from the camp, Kyla spoke to me, "Do not look back ... ... .It is tradition and considered bad form ... ... ... Walk just in front of me and I will try and protect you." Kyla and I stopped as I tied the sheath to my leg and slipped the knife in. Then I wound the strap of the canteen around my shoulder carrying it just like Kyla carried hers. When I was ready, we started walking again. A large animal roared in the distance and Kyla warned, "Stay close and alert!" As I walked, I glanced nervously from side to side, and then I remembered the sounds of the night I had heard in the Lander? The day was bad enough, but I dreaded the night far worse. How were we going to stay alive I wondered? My men were counting on me. I just couldn't let them down. I heard a growl coming from the trees of to our right, I didn't see anything but Kyla yelled, "Run!" and run we did. Zoe had a big smile on her face as she watched the two depart, and as they walked out of site she told Tori and Lori, "This is my best plan yet ... ... At the worst Kyla will be gone for ten days, and if were lucky, the man will get them both killed! ... ... ..And then I will be leader!" Tori and Lori looked at their leader and smiled and then the trio headed for the detention tent. End of Part One ... ... ... ..