My Bavarian Assignment Chapter 2 by valerafon Kate and Ben spend a night on the town and classes begin. Chapter two School Days The last hour has been a complete blur. Just when I thought Kate had forgotten about her promise to take me shopping, she appeared at my door without any notice. Before I knew what hit me, I was trying on clothes at Wolfgangs. The store is one of the most modern in Rottach-Egern and their line of clothes, so I'm told, is on the cutting edge of fashion. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I wasn't so sure. What happened to guy clothes? Didn't designers know about browns and greens? I took a deep breath and marched out of the fitting room. Kate and the saleslady were waiting for me. As soon as I appeared I heard the very attractive saleslady say, "Yes!..Yes!..Perfect!" I looked at her and she was looking at my attire intently and shaking her head up and down, obviously approving of how I looked in the damn clothes. In panic I looked at Kate. "It's simply darling," were the first words out of her mouth. "Aren't they a little too colorful?" I asked hopefully. To my chagrin, my opinion was ignored. Kate and the saleslady started conferring among themselves and were completely oblivious to my concerns. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered when I had lost control. I looked back at the two once more, the saleslady was again nodding in agreement as Kate talked. It got even worse, I thought I heard Kate say, "Will take it!" Then Kate looked at her watch and said to me, "Be a darling, Ben, and change. The saleslady will hand you some more clothes." I was beyond worrying about how I looked, I was more concerned about my wallet. I turned to the grinning saleslady and asked, "How much?" Before she could answer, Kate interrupted, "Ben dear, were short on time. Please do as I say." "But the money..." Kate gestured with her hand for me to move along and she said, "Shhh!" while she did so. "But the.." "Shhh!" she said more firmly. "But.." "Zip it!" I looked at the saleslady and she was trying to hold back her giggles somewhat unsuccessfully I might add. I turned and walked towards the dressing room. I was fairly certain, I was going to have to get a second job after this shopping spree was over. In the next half hour, I tried on some pretty outrageous outfits in my humble opinion. They all ran counter to my conservative nature. But of course, my opinion didn't seem to matter. Kate had ordered three more of the outfits. This last one took the prize though. I found myself turning round and round modeling for the two women as they looked on. It reminded me of something the employees would wear at a local Octoberfest, complete with outrageous hat. I heard the saleslady again say, "Yes!....perfect!" Was the word no in her vocabulary? Again, I broached the subject of cost. "Kate, I don't think my credit card can hold this much stuff." Kate was holding up some very colorful bikini briefs and smiling as she examined them, but she did manage to answer me this time. She gave me another dazzling smile and said, "Don't worry about cost." Before I could protest further she tossed me the briefs and said, "Try these on." I just stared at the briefs for a second, but Kate was on to a new topic, she asked the saleslady in a very amused tone, "What can you instantly deduce about a well dressed man?" The saleslady thought for a moment then shrugged her shoulders like she didn't know. Kate smiled and answered her own question, "That the man's wife or girlfriend picks out all his clothes." Both women broke out into laughter at the joke. I personally failed to see the humor in it. Instead, I gazed at the briefs a second time while the women continued to laugh. The briefs had a silvery satiny sheen to them, but I do have to admit they felt very soft to the touch. I trudged back to the dressing room and started to take off my latest outfit before it dawned on me what Kate was asking me to do. I was not about to model these for anyone. God, I had my dignity. After I slipped the briefs on, I just stared at myself in the mirror for a long moment feeling somewhat silly. For some reason, I felt the urge to do a double biceps pose. I didn't look so bad I thought. OK so I was a little thin with not much muscle, but I had plenty of time to rectify that. As I looked at my reflection and did a number of other muscle poses, I wondered if Kate could like a man with that type of reflection. Then I remembered what all men thought with that type of reflection, its what's on the inside that really counts, but she was so damn athletic looking herself. Just then Kate yelled in, "Are you ready to model for us, were running very late." For the umpteenth time I panicked, but there was nowhere in the small cubicle to hide or run too. Finally, I yelled back, "They're a little tight, but I'll take them." What happened next shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. Kate walked right into the dressing room and her eyes went right to the briefs. In modesty, I instinctively placed one of my hands by my crotch. She swatted it away with one of her hands and said in a delighted voice, "Ummmm! You look yummy!" "Please.Kate...You shouldn't be in here," I heard myself saying. She grabbed my shoulders with both hands and said, "Oh stop being a prude..You're wearing as much as a swimmer wears." "Kate..Please," I said in a somewhat beseeching voice. "Oh hush!" she said, then she spun me around to look at my backside. "They are not too tight!" I turned my head to look at her, and saw that she was still checking me out. "Nice tush!" she said and then she swatted my butt with one of her hands. "Small and hard too, it's really cute!" Kate's aggressiveness caught me off balance. I wasn't sure how to respond. I'm sure my confusion was evident to her. It's not how I wanted to project myself. She was one very good looking woman. How could I not be interested in her? Kate ignored my momentary confusion and asked, "My butts twice the size of yours, Do you think it's too big?" after her question she wiggled it for me in a very sexy manner, giggling the whole time. My eyes were drawn to her derriŠre like a bee to honey. It was big, but so was she. Finally, I managed to blurt out, "No it's beautiful...I mean fine.. it's fine." She giggled and spun me once more. She reached down and cupped my nuts in one of her big hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. At that moment the room seemed to be devoid of oxygen and it was starting to spin. "Nice little package too." she said looking into my eyes, winking at me, and then she gave my nuts another firmer squeeze. I heard myself saying, "Kate this isn't right." Yes, I actually said that. I'll blame it on the situation. Her hands left my shoulders and she grabbed my face with her powerful hands and asked in a very sexy voice, "Wouldn't you like me to open that little package a bit later?" And she immediately squeezed the front of my briefs again. Through the haze and the lust I heard myself stammering, "Kate, I..Oh man...I mean who in there right mind....I mean no is not something that..." Right in the middle of my soliloquy she looked at her watch again and exclaimed, "The time!" Before I knew what was happening she grabbed my wrist and was dragging me out of the room. To the very amused saleslady, I must have looked like a little kid who didn't want to go where their parent was dragging them. Of course, after I modeled the briefs for the women, Kate ordered a dozen in assorted colors. Five minutes later the saleslady was adding up the damage. She hit a button and announced the total, "That will be twenty thousand four hundred and sixty Marks or six thousand two hundred and forty eight Eurodollars....Will that be cash or charge?" I tried to do the math in my head, but I couldn't come up with an American dollar amount. For some reason, I began to wonder what the prisons were like in Europe. Kate was giggling off to my right. "Will that be cash or charge sir?" I started to fumble for my wallet. Kate's next words totally shocked me. "Please charge the bill to Ms. VanGilders account." And she handed over some sort of document to the lady. The woman looked it over for a second and nodded. By this time I had regained my voice. "Kate, I can't accept this. It's way too generous." "Sush! Helen has more money than she knows what to do with..She's how you say, loaded." "But..." "In fact the whole evening is on her..including the dinner." Even as she talked, she was stacking the boxes in my arms. As she led me out the door, I vowed to thank Ms. Vanglder personally the first chance I got and to take back some of the clothes the second Kate wasn't around. Ten minutes later Kate was parking the car in the casino parking lot. The casino was something right out of James Bond. It was not like an American casino at all, it had a more laid back old world atmosphere to it. I liked the difference. We walked around for awhile and then I was content to watch Kate play Baccarat. I hadn't got around to transferring my funds yet and I didn't have all that much cash on me. Kate played for a good hour, looked at her watch, and decided it was time for us to eat. For some reason, I let Kate make all the decisions. It just seemed natural for her to do so and I found myself acquiescing to her demands sort of naturally. In the last few minutes, she had made up all of her losses and actually made a tidy profit for the night as well. Not bad I thought. We ate at the casino's best restaurant. I was very glad the dinner was on Ms. Vangilder. I was sure the meal would cost a small fortune and Katia had ordered a champagne I never heard of before. Even the waiter's eyes opened wide when she requested it. Kate was the one with the toast. After touching glasses she said while looking into my eyes, "May your time at Kohlenstein prove more rewarding than your wildest dreams could ever have imagined." After the toast, we gazed into each others eyes for a moment more. In them, I could see unbelievable possibilities and a potential for even greater closeness between us. That thought and those beguiling eyes made my heart pound wildly in my chest. In my wildest dreams I could never have believed that a woman such as Kate would consider dating an average kind of guy such as myself. The possibility made me high and I hadn't even sipped the champagne yet. As we drank, there was one thing I was absolutely certain of . I wasn't the least bit homesick for Illinois. After the toast, Kate looked at her watch once more. I glanced at mine as well. It was almost eight thirty. Finally, I had to ask. "What's the rush, Kate? Curfews not till midnight." She shook her head and made a tsk-tsk sound before she replied to my question. "Somebody hasn't been reading their rules. Curfews at 10:00 AM the night before classes begin." After her answer, I anxiously looked at my watch again. It still wasn't quite eight thirty and only another minute had gone by. When I looked up Kate was laughing. "Don't worry, we still have time to see the Arena. That's why I was rushing you through Wolfgangs." "The Arena?" I asked in a completely perplexed tone of voice. Kate gave me that beguiling smile once more and answered, "Uhhhuh!" We went through some doors in the rear of the building, Kate had to show a big burly guy some type of pass. He looked me over from head to toe, but he talked to Kate, "It's nice to see you again Ms. Kronenberger." After his little speech, he unhooked the fancy cord, baring our way, and let us pass. I was not prepared for what greeted me inside. A regulation ring was the focal point of a smoke filled room. Surrounding the ring were tables and the place was almost completely full. In the ring, two heavyweights were beating the bejesus out of each other, in the center of the ring, to the delight of the mixed crowd watching the action. A scantily clad waitress led us over to a table near the ring that had a reserved sign on it. She picked up the sign and bid us to sit down. I gave Kate a bewildered look, as we sat, and she laughed once more before she answered my silent question. "The school has their own table." "They do!" was my astonished reply. While Kate watched the two men pummel each other in the ring, she casually spoke to me. "Yes, many of the teachers and some of the security staff come here on a regular basis." As she spoke, one of the men hit the other with a tremendous uppercut. The man went down as if he was pole axed. After the referee ushered the one fighter to a neutral corner, he began to count the unlucky fighter out. It was fairly obvious to all that he wasn't about to get up any time soon because most of the crowd rose and applauded as the victorious fighter raised his hands in victory. Katia rose and applauded as well, but she managed to continue her commentary. "Max, is one of the better male fighters here at the club." The part where she said male fighters caught my attention. I asked in an astonished voice, "Women fight here as well?" After my last question she turned her attention back to me, shook her head as if she was displeased with me, and gave me that tsk-tsk sound again. By this time, some ring attendants were helping the loser back to his feet. He got a polite applause as they dragged him from the ring. "Ben...Ben," Katia said in a sweet but mildly perturbed voice. "This is the year 2000....Remember? When are you going to realize women can hold there own with men intellectually as well as athletically and physically." I was sure of the first part of her statement, but I wasn't so sure about the second part. Katia must have read my body language or the look I gave her because she elaborated and proudly stated, "As a matter of fact, the club champion is a woman." I just looked at her for a moment in total amazement. Her smile broadened as she informed me further, "All the participants have to be skilled in various forms of combat; from boxing and wrestling to martial arts and there are even matches where anything-goes." All I managed to say was, "And the club champion is a woman?" Katia ignored my question this time. Instead, she continued on with my education. "Most of the rated fighters are women! As a matter of fact, the club is always on the lookout for male talent. Its so hard to find a really good male fighter." Then she shook her head as if she was shocked before she added, "There seems to be so few of them these days." I found that hard to believe. I thought men dominated boxing. Maybe, Kate was putting me on. I asked again somewhat skeptically, "Most of the best fighters are women?" She laughed at my confusion before she continued on, "I'll have to bring you back on the weekend when most of the best fighters are on display." And then she winked at me and added, "And those will all be women fighters." I shook my head from side to side indicating my confusion, and then up and down signifying I would indeed like to come back. At the same time, I wondered what a female fighter looked like. Probably a lot like Mount Stern, but with none of her better attributes. The picture of an East German weight lifter came to mind. Katia rubbed my cheek with the side of her hand before she hit me with the biggest bombshell yet. "I fight here on occasion," she said coyly. I'm sure my mouth must have dropped open about a foot. She proudly added, "I'm seven and 0, and four of my wins are against men." "You fight here?" I dumbly answered back. "Uhhhuh!....It's lucky for you that you've been a gentleman," she told me playfully, tweaking my nose, and then she winked at me. I collapsed in the chair speechless, but I looked over her pretty features once again, and she didn't have a mark on her. As another bout was ready to get underway, I thought to myself..And I'm going to help her with the boxing and wrestling teams!" We watched one more bout. Again it was between two men, but these two were rank amateurs. The bout lasted three rounds. I thought that the man in the green trunks collapsed more from exhaustion than from being hit with a solid punch. In any case, he didn't get up near the end of the third round. After the fight, Katia hurried me out of the casino and in no time we were driving madly towards Kreuth and the school. We managed to make it back with five minutes to spare. On the way back, I was wondering what the penalty for being late for curfew might entail. In any event, I was happy I didn't have to find out. Katia saw me right to my door. I had to ask, "Do you want to come in?" She smiled, but said sadly, "It's curfew...Remember?" I nodded and must have looked pretty downcast because she gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered, "Maybe, this weekend, Tiger." After her statement she took off down the hall to her living quarters, but she did turn around and add, "And will go to the casino this weekend too." I nodded my approval and she was off again to her room. I watched her till she was out of sight, then I said out loud in the empty hallway, "Tiger!...Grrrrrr!" growling and making a pawing motion with my hand. In the security room, a female guard was watching the monitor where My and Katia's scene had just played out, and she was trying to suppress her giggles. Next to her watching the show as well was Emma Gildenstern, but she wasn't laughing. Instead, she first looked at her watch before she said to no one in particular, "Tiger?....Ha!" ----------------------------------- In the other wing of the castle three teenage girls were half giggling half whispering to each other in their darkened room. Bed-check was nearly ten minutes ago, but non of the girls felt like sleeping. They were too excited about the prospects of the upcoming term and the fact that they now had their own room and much more privacy. As usual Diana dominated the conversation. "You know guys, we gotta sneak some boys in this term." The other two girls stopped giggling and thought for a moment. As always it was Gretchen who wondered how they'd pull off Diana's latest plan. "Di-girl, how we going to sneak them past Mount Stern and her pack of bloodhounds?.....Will get whacked for sure!" And as always, it was Michelle the third member of the trio who had undying faith in Diana's plans. "If Di says we can do it....Then that's good enough for me....Why I bet she's got a plan already....Don't ya Di-girl?" Speaking very confidently although she really didn't have a plan just yet, "Give me a couple a weeks, guys, to make sure everything will work and the timing is right, then will make monkeys out of Emma and her crew of Nazi's....You'll see, it'll be a snap." And she snapped her fingers. "Told ya Gretchen!" Michelle said in a sarcastic voice. Diana knew Michelle's last remark would lead to a verbal battle between the two girls, they were always arguing, so she cleverly changed the topic like any good leader would before the bickering got out of hand. "You know guys, I heard the new teacher's a real hunk...Why don't we go check him out?" "Yaaaa!" Michelle chimed in. "It's cold and dark in those passage ways," Gretchen reminded the other two girls. This time, Diana spoke in a supremely confident tone, "This year, I've prepared for that." Diana clicked her lamp on and motioned for the other two girls to follow. She lead them over to a trunk and opened it. Inside, were three large flashlights. She quickly distributed them, and each girl turned on her flashlight. Before they made for the fireplace, Diana turned her lamp off. The flashlight beams lit up the room with surprising brightness. "See, I've thought of everything this year." Diana said to Gretchen in a proud voice. Gretchen nodded having to acknowledge Diana's foresight. Diana led the girls over to the fireplace and reached up inside the chimney and pulled a level, then stepped out of the way, and waited. The fireplace began to move sideways revealing a dark passageway behind it. Before she entered, she turned to the other girls and boasted, "Wouldn't Ms. Vangilder throw a fit if she knew we knew about the tunnels?" While the other girls laughed over her little joke, she led them through the secret passageway towards the other end of the castle. -------------------------------- After my date with Kate, I was too exhilarated to even think about sleeping. I pealed off my clothes to the black pair of bikini briefs I was wearing, and was holding up the shorts, from my uniform, again close to my body and staring at my reflection in the mirror. The outfit still looked hideous. I shook my head for about the tenth time and wondered how the girls would react to my clothes, tomorrow in class. I knew the answer, they'd laugh. I thought dignity was one of the most important factors in controlling teenagers. Oh well I thought, I would just have to overcome this problem like I had overcome all previous problems with my students. As I looked into the mirror, I was very proud of the fact that I was one very good teacher. I threw the uniform over a nearby chair and resolved not to worry about my appearance any more. For some reason, maybe because I was feeling very good about myself in that moment, I started to pose like a body builder might do into the mirror. Yes, I was feeling very good about myself, I had transformed my life and I had met Kate. As Diana looked through the peep hole she exclaimed, "Oh my god! He's posing almost naked in front of the mirror." "Let me see!" Michelle shouted out excitedly. Gretchen always the prudent one tried to quiet the other two, "Shhhhh!" she entreated them. For a moment, I thought I heard some giggling, but as I looked about the room, I attributed it to the wind, and I went back to my posing. By this time, Michelle was looking through the peep hole. She said in a merry voice, "He's cute! But he's kinda thin and he doesn't have much of a body." "He thinks he does," Diana said jokingly. That brought more laughter from Michelle, and Gretchen had to quiet them once more. As Gretchen's turn came at the peep hole, she looked through it for a second and said in a very calm voice, "I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating peanuts." That brought another round of laughter from the other two girls once again. As Michelle continued to gaze at Ben through the peep hole, she commented, "I think I'll just have to sign up tomorrow for one of his classes." As Diana pushed Gretchen out of the way and was again gazing through the hole, she said enthusiastically, "That's not a bad idea...In fact, I think we should all sign up for his class....I think Mr. Ben Dawson needs a megadose of the Hellfire Girls." Diana had read about a society with that name in Great Britain in the nineteenth century. She had liked the name immediately even if she didn't know what they stood for, and when it came time to give her little group a name, they became the Hellfire Girls. I stopped posing at the mirror and decided to get ready for bed. I yawned and stretched a bit as I realized I had one big day ahead of me tomorrow. I knocked discretely on the bathroom door, but I didn't hear anything so I opened it, and walked right in. "Shoot!" Diana said disgustedly with a trace of sadness in her voice. "We've lost him, he's gone into the bathroom." As Diana pulled herself away from the peephole, she told the other girls, "I think we should pay Mr. Dawson a late night visit tomorrow." "But he's a teacher, Di...He'll get us in trouble," Gretchen told her friend. Diana took her flashlight and shined it at Michelle's arm. As if she understood what Diana wanted, Michelle made a muscle with her right arm. It literally exploded to the size of an orange. Diana looked back at Gretchen and said very seriously, "I don't think that shrimp we'll be a problem...Do you?" Gretchen shook her head like she agreed with Diana, but she did have one more question for their leader as they walked back to their room.. "What'll we do with him?" Diana gave her friend an evil little smile before she answered, "Why any old thing we want." Before Michelle followed her two friends, she kissed her hand and patted the hole transferring the kiss to it. After the kiss had been transferred, she whispered so only she could hear. "Pleasant dreams little fella!" she said happily, and then she followed her two roommates down the passageway. I still felt great. I wondered how I was going to get to sleep. I just seemed to have too much energy. I was on a definite natural high. I finished my business in the bathroom and was about to leave when I heard some noise. It was the first time I had heard the sound of life coming from Ms. VanGilder's room. With curiosity getting the best of me, I put my ear to her door and could hear the sound of music coming from the other side. It only took me a second to place the music, it was Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries. I smiled and moved away, but for some reason, I stopped in mid stride and considered. I wanted to peak through her key hole and see what was going on. Now, I considered myself a normal man, but she was one extraordinary woman. Curiosity got the best of me once again, and I found myself back at her door. What could one little peek hurt I told myself. I bent down and looked through the keyhole. I saw a quick rustle of motion walk past the door and a tantalizing glimpse of lace and bare thigh. I should have moved away immediately, but again I rationalized. One more glimpse I told myself. As I looked, the hole seemed to be blocked, and then the unthinkable happened....The door opened. I was on my knee in my black bikini briefs staring up at Ms. VanGilder who was momentarily stunned herself to see me by her door. She was wearing a black bra with matching see-through panties and nothing else. My heart skipped a beat. I wasn't sure if it was because of what she was wearing or how I was going to explain to her what the hell I was doing. And for the first time I noticed how well put together this woman seemed to be. She had real muscle tone and her thighs and calf muscles were huge, but still unbelievably shapely. Ms. VanGilder's look went from startled bewilderment to one of anger in a matter of seconds. It was she who spoke first and broke the silence in that delightful German accent of hers, "Mr. Dawson..What in heavens name are you doing?" "I ahh..I heard a noise!" True enough, but very lame. F. Lee Bailey couldn't get me out of this one. "Were you peeping Mr. Dawson?...Are you a peeping Tim?" Close enough I thought. I knew what she meant. "No, I love Wagner and I couldn't help listening." Better I thought. A desperate man can lie so well. By this time, her hands were folded about her heaving chest and she was tapping her foot on the ground. I could tell her anger was growing. "And you like to listen to Wagner on your knees?" Busted! Before I could come up with a reply, I was sure she wouldn't accept me pleading the fifth amendment, she answered her own question. I knew a woman liked to do that anyway. "I think not Mr. Dawson. You sir, are a peeper." It sounded so dirty when she said it. And she quickly added, "Should I tell Ms. Gildenstern about this?" That cut right trough my defenses. Immediately, I found myself begging, "Oh no please!..I'm sorry!..It's just that I was curious about you!...And the music was so loud!...I'm sorry!..I'll do anything!..I don't want to lose my job!" Finally, I ran out of steam and just hung my head in shame still on my knees in front of one of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life, and I had just made a complete fool out of myself. She had listened impassively to my lame excuse and my lamer apology. Finally, she said in a very dispassionate voice, "Oh you aren't going to lose your job, Mr. Dawson, and I think we can leave Miss Gildenstern out of it this time, and she emphasized this time. After her words, I looked up at her and gave her a grateful smile. "But, you will have to be punished," she told me in a very firm voice. My smile left my face, and I parroted back half her sentence in the form of a question. "Have to be punished?.." I asked. "Oh yes, Mr. Dawson.." Her voice trailed off and before I could ask anything further she had grabbed my right wrist with her right hand and walked past me into her quarters. I found myself being dragged bodily behind her as she walked. Her grip was amazingly strong and she seemed to tow me along with out any problem. I realized for the first time that this woman was not only beautiful, but amazingly strong as well. She dragged me to the center of her room and sat down on her sofa. I was at her feet looking embarrassingly up at her. I tried to collect myself as best I could. She was staring back down at me with her hands on her hips and unreadable look on her lovely face. I knew it was the absolutely wrong thing to do, but my eyes began to wonder. What breasts she had! They were huge. They looked like two melons ready to burst out of their sack. And that cleavage! Then my eyes started to wonder down that form of hers. What an idiot I was, but I doubted any man could have been made of stronger stuff at that moment. "What am I going to do with you," she said. I remained quiet, but I had a few thoughts about that very topic. "She tapped her finger on her chin for a second or two and then she said, "I think a little leg work will bring the desired results." I only had a brief moment to wonder what she meant by that. In the next instant, she became a blur of motion overwhelming me instantly. I had absolutely no time to react. In fact, I was more amazed at how quick she struck then at what she was doing, but that changed quickly. In the next instant, I found my head trapped between her beautiful legs. My hands instinctively went up and grasped her thighs just underneath my entrapped neck. For a moment, I did not struggle. My first thought was how large her legs were in comparison to my head. She was a large woman and her legs reflected that, but there was something else, I felt, which my mind had trouble grasping at first. Trapped as I was, the first emotion was one of feeling so small and insignificant between her mighty but oh so sexy legs. My hands felt so tiny on that exposed section of thigh, and the feel of her excited me. And for a moment, my mind lost track of the situation I was in and contemplated other things as my hands felt the soft suppleness of her skin. But now my mind had time to grasp what I couldn't comprehend at first. Underneath that smooth delicious expanse of female skin was a power. I began to feel it as she slowly started to squeeze my head and the corded muscles underneath sprang in to life at her command. At first the pain was manageable, but I found my hands instinctively trying to extricate myself from that delicious leg prison. Then an ironic thought struck me. I was feeling pain. Why did my mind think I was in a delicious situation? All this and my personal reflections had happened in the blink of an eye. Ms. VanGilder had remained quiet. Maybe, she was giving me time to realize my predicament. Maybe, that was part of the punishment. In any case, my struggles had proven completely ineffectual so far. I closed my eyes for a moment and stopped struggling. I was to embarrassed to struggle further. That must not have been the response she wanted from me. I quickly found out my momentary lull was the exact wrong thing to do because in response Ms. VanGilder braced herself with her hands and poured on the power. Her actions lifted her body off the sofa and raised my body higher in response as well. In reaction to the unbelievable pressure she was now exerting, my eyes popped open immediately, and I was confronted with a vision. My eyes beheld a pair of feet, beautiful and sexy and undeniably female and they were crossed at the ankles. All they did was add to my confusion. They reminded my brain that a very sexy woman was controlling me. And through the pain, I felt a different sensation as well. One of utter embarrassment and the pain and humiliation competed for supremacy in my mind, but only for another moment. The pain was mind numbing and I felt my hands reach for her ankles, but I didn't have much control of them anymore. The outside world had become foggy and I wasn't sure of my actions. I couldn't even feel if my hands were having an effect in extracting myself from my ordeal. Then in the next instant, I saw them fall away from her ankles. They were no longer mine to command. At this point, the pain seemed to actually lessen and I felt a darkness start to overtake my mind. I was about to give in, when inexplicably the amazing pressure decreased. I felt myself draw away from the blackness that was enveloping me, and I slowly started to become more aware of my surroundings. I realized my tormentor wasn't leaning on her hands anymore and had sat back down on the couch. As I opened my eyes, I saw her smiling above me. She must have been leaning forward, so she could look into them. Through the fog in my brain, I could hear her speaking to me. As she spoke, her words became clearer and clearer. "As you must realize by now, I am completely capable of handling your punishment...W need not involve anyone else for such a trivial offense." My body felt like it had been hit by a truck. I still could barely move and my head was beginning to ache even though she was not now applying any pressure. She was just holding me firmly between her thighs. Helpless as I was, I considered her words as I gazed up at my captor. If she had considered my voyeurism trivial, I wondered what she would have done to me for what she considered a more serious offense. As I contemplated further, I heard her laugh and that brought me back to reality. I realized immediately she must have reacted to my look, for I was still staring up at her. My expression, at that moment, must have conveyed a mixture of bewilderment, shame, and abject terror, and she must have been amused by what she saw. In the next instant, she was speaking again. "I doubt if any man would acted any differently. After all, I am quiet an eyeful to look at....Don't you think?" After her question, she tweaked my nose very playfully. Her mood swing from one of anger to one of playfulness only added to my utter confusion. In any event, I found myself nodding yes. That brought another round of laughter from her, but her playful mood only lasted another second or two. As I continued to gaze up at her, the smile vanished from her face, but it was not replaced by anger. Rather, it looked like she wanted to be very serious for a moment. "I was going to begin your training sooner than later anyway," she said in a humorless tone of voice. Her statement was perplexing, but very ominous in it's nature. It elicited an immediate response from me. Even as I said what I did, I realized how absurd it must have sounded to her. "I demand you release me this instant." Her reaction surprised me once again. Instead of getting mad or punishing me with her legs once again, she grabbed both of my hands and started to rub them across her thighs. Her body felt so good to the touch. While she rubbed my hands across her thighs, she said in a soft sexy voice, "Can you feel the STRENGTH in my SEXY thighs?" At the same time, she started to squeeze me a little harder so I invariably felt what she was saying. As she spoke, she emphasized the words strength and sexy driving the point home further and confusing me even more. Her voice and mannerisms made my head spin. I felt a momentary feeling of lust well up within me. In an even sexier voice she informed me, "I can SQUEEZE you TIGHTER and TIGHTER," driving her point home as she spoke and emphasizing the words tighter and tighter in an even more arousing voice. Instinctively, I tried to pry my hands loose from her grip, but despite the desperate situation I found myself in, I couldn't free my hands. Her grip was just too tight, and my mind was sinking into total confusion and lust. Finally, she moved my hands to the inner part of her thighs and said in the most electrifying and seductive voice yet, "And my INNER THIGHS can add that little bit of added power that makes me SOOO AMAZING!" And she squeezed me even harder, but still not as hard as she had before. She was just emphasizing her point once again. She was amazing! In spite of my predicament, I felt myself being aroused. My dick was beginning to stir. What was she doing to me? My state of mind just added to my total confusion. She must have been studying my expression and seen the lust there because she evidently thought it was time to comment again, "Enough playing...I think it's time you suffer a little more...After all, I am punishing you." My new situation started with an easing of her constricting thighs. I was grateful for the reprieve. After she eased the pressure, she changed her position slightly. I was too groggy to react and her move had completely caught me off guard anyway. In one swift fluid motion, she brought her left leg up and across my chin. With her left hand she locked her leg in place and added pressure to the hold. As she locked the new hold in place, I wondered what new devilish torment she had devised for me? As if she understood my expression again, she began to speak, "This is called a figure four. I can control your pitifully weak body even easier in this hold." Her words stung me. In response, my hands moved up to her calf muscle which was jammed into the side of my face. It was as large as a grapefruit and my hands barely made an impression on that rock hard muscle of hers. As I groped it, I was thankful that it wasn't over my windpipe crushing my neck with its power. As if reading my mind once again, Ms. VanGilder spoke in a voice as if she was instructing a student. "My calves are impossibly large, Aren't they?" I panicked, I knew what was coming. She would always follow her words with a demonstration. She moved her leg slightly and I immediately felt the huge balls of her calf muscle flex up hard and fast into my throat flattening it instantly and completely cutting off my air. I pushed at her leg with a desperation and power only a doomed man might posses, but it was completely ineffectual. She was just too impossibly strong. Almost immediately, I felt myself loosing not only the struggle to move her leg, but the greater struggle to remain conscious. Like before, she read my body language and eased up at just the right moment to keep me awake. As I came back to the land of the living, I realized my hands had fallen from her leg once again. For some reason, my mind conjured up the vision of me trying to pry myself free with a crowbar. It doubted if it would have made any difference. By this time Ms. VanGilder was talking again. "How do you like my eighteen inch calves, Ben!...There a lot bigger than your slightly crushed neck!...Tell me, Ben....Are you still attracted to them?....I know a lot of guys who would love to be in this position!...I'm sure they'd give me their fortunes if I asked." I was humiliated. I a man had absolutely no control over my situation and this beautiful woman was punishing me like a small child. But in spite of that, I knew I loved her legs. It only added to my shame to have to admit that to myself. As I contemplated her last questions, Helen had eased the crushing pressure on my windpipe. Her point, I know, had been made. As she eased up, she repositioned her big calf over my face. It was so big that both my mouth and nose were covered. I was finding breathing difficult even though she wasn't squeezing. After repositioning, she kept up with her running commentary. "It's taken a lot of hard work to get my body in this shape....But you wouldn't know about hard work and keeping your body in top physical condition, Would you?" I didn't answer, I couldn't her huge calf was making talking impossible. But I did look up at her. She was staring down at me with an unusual enigmatic expression on her beautiful face. I thought it was a cross between mild amusement, the knowledge that she had total control of me, and complete and utter satisfaction. Her expression made me feel more controlled and helpless than I had ever felt before in my life. Inexplicably, I tried to talk. "Ummmm blckkable umm!" My words came out in a mumbled gibberish. Her smile broadened and she moved her leg slightly away from my mouth. "What was that you said?...I couldn't quite make it out!" she said in an amused voice. As soon as I tried to talk, she moved her big calf over my mouth again. "Ummmm blckkable umm!" She was playing with me. It angered me. Again I tried to pry her leg off my face. I must have tried for a good minute. Eventually, my strength played out and my hands slumped on her leg, but remained there. I was out of breath and my chest heaved up and down as my mind turned to that sexy calf and leg, of hers, stretched across my face. Those thoughts shamed me even as I rested up for the next assault on my psyche. After my manly show of strength, she moved slightly to look directly down into my face once again. "What a catch!" she said. After her remark, she placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head and laughing for some time. Her arrogance shamed me. Again, I tried to pry her leg from around my neck. I used every bit of strength I could muster. As I struggled, I realized her hand was no longer aiding her leg. Both of her hands remained on her hips, and both of my hands were having no success moving her leg as it rested there, about my throat, without added leverage from her hand. After my energy played out, she laughed once again. As she laughed, she twirled her head to remove the hair from her eyes. And with her hands still on her hips, I thought she looked incredibly. Finally, she stopped laughing, she became serious for a moment, and commented, "You have spirit, little one..It's going to be a lot of fun taming you." I looked back up into those eyes of hers for just a moment, and in response to her statement, I started to struggle with her big leg once again. I may have been a fish on a hook, but I wasn't about to give in to her. If I was a little smarter, I would have realized my actions were exactly how she wanted me to react, and I wouldn't have given her the satisfaction. Eventually, my strength played out again and as I tried to catch my breath once more. She added insult to injury by commenting, "What a wiggler!" I looked up into those sparkling eyes. I knew a man could loose himself in them. Again, I tried to talk, "Plmummm ltmg!" Removing her leg a little so I could answer, she asked in a very sweet voice, "What honey?" I couldn't believe my own words. I asked in a desperate voice, "Please let me go! I've been punished enough." She answered in an even sweeter vice, "No honey, I'm not done with your first lesson yet." I started to struggle again. In response, she bent her leg back to increase the pressure. My struggles lessened and I found myself helpless against her latest assault in a matter of seconds. This time when she eased up, she had another game to play. "See my other leg, honey!" My eyes glanced down and I could see her other leg. It was stretched out completely next to my body, and even her toes were pointed out in a manner which led me to believe she was enjoying my thrashing completely. So much so in fact, that she was receiving some sort of sexual gratification from my helplessness. "Feel it!" she ordered. At the same time, her other leg clamped down tighter making her command mandatory. I had no choice. My left hand snaked underneath her left leg and I began to run my hand along the underside of her leg. In effect, massaging her huge left calf while her right held me captive and mashed my throat. "UMMM!" she purred. I'm going to use you as my personal masseuse..Your hands are definitely talented." I thought it was more an act of desperation than any latent talent I might possess. I hopped my caressing hand might buy me an early reprieve. Unfortunately, it did not. For the next five minutes, she worked over my face, jaw, and throat with her big right calf as I tenderly fondled her left calf. I laughed ironically at the thought that this must have been a site to see, with me fondling her one leg while she worked me over tirelessly with her other leg. Ms. VanGilder expertly controlled the devastating pressure allowing me just enough breath to keep up the futile amount of struggle I was offering with my one hand even while I lovingly caressed her other leg with my other hand. It was a total cat and mouse game she was playing with me and I didn't have any doubts who was the mouse. In my semi-conscious state, I could hear her talking again. "I'm going to put you on ice for a few minutes while I change," she informed me. She switched her hold once again, and this time I found my head between her calves. She was bracing herself with her left hand as she powered down her hold, but she looked so relaxed as she effortlessly controlled me. It made me feel so helpless, and of course, I was. As she continued with my destruction, I looked up at her with what must have been a pitiful look on my face. She on the other hand, had an expression conveying mild amusement in an embarrassing nonchalant manner as she made good her last words. But as darkness overtook me, I could find no pity in her face. I don't know how long I was unconscious. It may have been just a few moments because I could hear her moving about in the room and I was fairly certain she was changing, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make anything work. My arms and legs felt numb and I couldn't even lift my head up to look around the room. A few moments later I was being lifted. I was sitting up on the sofa while Ms. VanGilder massaged my neck and arms. It felt so good as she slowly rubbed the life back into my body. I couldn't help the reaction I gave her, "Ohhh!" I gasped in pleasure. She didn't answer immediately, but continued on with my therapy. Slowly I was coming back to life. Finally, she said, "There!....You should be recovered enough for phase two of your training." Any pleasure I was feeling left me and was replaced by panic. The next thing I knew, she was dragging me to the floor. We rolled around for a second and eventually I found myself underneath her. Somehow she had gotten her legs snaked around my middle as she held me down. Both my hands were held securely by hers and plastered to the carpeting as she regarded me for a moment. Then she lowered herself and gave me a long passionate kiss. Her body wrapped around mine so tightly it was as if a boa constrictor had me firmly in its grasp, and I was being totally controlled as we kissed. Still the sensation was not all that bad. I had come to realize that Ms. VanGilder liked to be in control and control had its rewards and I was being rewarded at the moment. The kiss lasted a long time. When she released my imprisoned lips, she was panting hard and I could feel her hot breath on my face. It only excited me more. I was hoping she wouldn't get any more excited because I wasn't sure my body could take it. My own mind was a hazy lust filled place. I didn't even notice, at first, that she had taken my wrist or that she had unlocked my body and that she was bringing my head up to her legs until it was to late. In any case, I didn't have much strength left to resist her any way. I squirmed, but she had a good grip on my wrist and her legs were proving too limber for me. In the next instant, my head was trapped once again between her dominating legs. This time, as I faced her, she pulled my head up closer to her crotch into the thickest parts of her thighs. I had just enough time to see that she had changed into a bikini before my view changed drastically. Between her legs, I could barely hear her words. They came to me as if she was very far a way. "Take a good look, stud!...Soon you'll be pleasuring me there!..But not today!..We must move in small steps...I don't wish to damage your mind." Was she saying what I actually thought I heard? Did she just say I would be servicing her with my tongue? No way! I vowed. I didn't care how strong she was. That was something I would do for no woman. I would fight her and if it was required, I would leave the school. As she held me imprisoned between her thighs, I could see that she had assumed a more comfortable position. Her hands were locked behind her head so she could pick her head up to get a better view of me. As I regained my strength, I found my head facing her crotch. I was inches from the promised land, and I could see her pubic hairs protruding from the sides of her bikini. I had to admit it was one arousing sight, but when she started to laugh again, it spurned me into action. I grabbed her thighs and tried to pry myself free. I wiggled and shook her legs, but they held me fast. In fact, it seemed like she could control me with no apparent effort on her part, and she continued to laugh every time I struggled which was often. Once, she shook her finger at me and scolded, "See, you can't get out!" Her admonishment only made me redouble my efforts which brought more laughter from her. Some times, her legs were sticking straight up in the air as she controlled me or sometimes she would move her legs, back and forth as I struggled. My body had no choice but to follow her legs as she moved them. It made me realize just how little effort she needed to control me, and always that incessant laughter. As quickly as she had placed me in that humiliating hold I was again free. This time, Ms. VanGilder had gotten to her feet. While I tried to recover, she was talking again, "Come on get up. It's getting late and I want you to get a good nights sleep." As I tried to stand my anger built. I had been humiliated beyond the bounds of decency. I would take no more even if it cost me my job. With my growing anger, I somewhere had found a new determination and that helped me to find the energy to stand on wobbly legs. The room still spun, but I was able to find Ms. VanGilder and confront her. "I've had enough," I said grimly. "Oh really!" was her only reply, but she did manage to put her hands on her hips in a very provocative and threatening manner. She had a knack of disarming me and it was impossible to keep my head clear. My eyes always wanted to wander down the length of her body, and focus in on one of her more amazing attributes of which she had many. This time was no different. My eyes struggled to adjust to a wider perspective of her, and I realized her stance looked menacing. But, like always, my mind could not keep that wide angle view of her. Instead, it focused in on her magnificent body. She looked breathtaking in that lacy pink string bikini she was wearing. It barely covered anything. Her legs and upper body looked a mile long and every inch of her was one enticing female. She was regarding me even as I did the same to her. For the first time, I had a chance to compare our relative sizes. She was a good head taller than me. I did some mental calculations and came up with her height at around six four. If her height hadn't stunned me enough, I could tell that her body was power packed. The muscles on her legs were mind boggling, but it was her upper body that really surprised me. Most women neglected their upper bodies. It was obvious that she had not, but she had not taken it to the point of being unattractive. It only enhanced her beauty and made her even more desirable...If that was possible. Still, I came up with a calculation that made me swallow hard. She had to be over two hundred pounds, but it sure was distributed well all over that magnificent body of hers. Still, I had to make a stand. I realized that in defending myself, I might be required to hit a woman. My hands instinctively balled up into fists. And I took an aggressive stand of my own. That elicited an immediate response from her. "Oh my! Don't tell me your going to act macho?...How exciting!" I ignored her statement and hit her with one of my own. "I don't want to hit a woman, but enough is enough. I'm going to walk to my room and maybe you and I can forget what happened tonight." As I talked, I found myself backing up. At the same time, she started to walk slowly forward. "I like your spunk!...Let's see what you got!...Why don't you go ahead and throw a punch!" she said in an unconcerned voice. By this time, I had quiet literally backed myself up against a wall. As soon as she saw my back hit the wall, she stopped moving forward and waited for me to make the next move. Despite what she had done to me, I couldn't throw a punch. My mother had instilled into me that hitting a woman was not an option, but I wasn't sure she had ever envisioned me in this type of situation. Instead, I lowered my head and tried to bowl her over and make a hasty retreat. It didn't work. She wrapped her arms around my upper body, from behind, and lifted. And in one easy motion she flipped me up and over back words. I felt the room tilt and I found myself staring up at the ceiling. She had lifted me back words right onto her shoulder. "Well, that was easy!" she mocked. "I think you've made a good career choice..You're certainly no fighter!" she said as she began to walk with her human cargo draped backwards over her shoulder. I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, but I couldn't do much about it. If I felt helpless before, she had taken me to a new level. All I could do was ask her to put me down. "Put me down," I said rather politely, "You've proved your point." She started to bounce a little on her feet. That caused my back to take the worst of it. "Please," I found myself saying. "That's better!" she said. By the inflection in her voice I could tell she was mildly mocking me and playing another one of her games. She made a few circuits of the room, walking and talking very casually as she transported me effortlessly about the room. I had to beg a few more times before she finally decided that my new ordeal would come to an end. As if she was carrying a precious cargo, she very carefully reversed the motion she had used to place me on her shoulder and deposited me, in the same corner, right where she had swept me off my feet a few minutes earlier. My freedom was short lived though. After placing me carefully on my feet she struck again with sudden swiftness. This time, she grabbed my chin with her right hand and with no apparent effort started to lift my body off the floor using only the strength in her one hand. She continued lifting till her hand was outstretched far above her head and I found my feet dangling over a foot off the ground. My feet were still moving as if I was running a race next to her powerful and shapely legs. finally, she moved my body back till it hit the wall. She used it as a brace to lengthen my ordeal. My hands moved to her wrist, but they couldn't budge it. Her arm felt more like a steel bar than a feminine hand that was holding and supporting me off the floor. I tried for a few more seconds, but not even the combined effort of both of my hands seemed to matter in the slightest to her. Finally, I stopped struggling and just looked at her. If someone would have walked in at this very moment. I'm sure they would have bust out into laughter at the situation I now found myself in. It was more comic than tragic, but my male ego was taking a complete battering. Finally, I gave in to the overpowering strength in her female body. And my own body noticeably slumped in her grip, signaling to her that I had finally realized I didn't stand a chance against her. She took this as a cue to start talking in that fine German accent of hers. "Well, Mr. Dawson, it seems you've gotten yourself into another pickle." "Please, put me down," I said very humbly, "I've had enough and you've proved your point." "So, you are satisfied, but I am not," she told me with a cold calculating calm to her voice. Her soft but deadly serious voice scared the hell out of me, and I didn't want to think what she could do to me if she ever really got mad or what she still had planned for me tonight. I found myself looking deeply into her eyes and pleading with her. "I'm sorry, I've learned my lesson. I'll follow all the rules. You won't even know I'm around." She let out with a loud hearty laugh that rumbled across the room. If anyone was nearby in the hallway, I was sure they would have heard it. After the laugh, she grew more serious again and I found out that she had no pity for me. "I think not," she informed me in a very cold voice. "I have one more punishment in mind for you, tonight...And I'm sure you won't like it....But it will leave an indelible mark on that weak little male mind of yours." I was about to plead my case once more, but she gently let me down and as soon as I found myself on my feet, she swiftly turned me so that her arm was across my wind pipe. The pressure on my throat was immediate and intense. The room started to spin and it started to grow dark, but before I lost consciousness she released some of the pressure on my throat. The room started to spin again, but it wasn't due to lack of oxygen. This time, she was moving my body and I soon found myself across her very broad shoulders. This time I was facing towards the floor. No sooner then I started to regain some of my senses, Helen started to walk with me across the room. As she walked, she let me know my next ordeal. "I really don't think your going to like this, but you really don't have any choice." She opened the door to the bathroom and walked inside. Her next words confused me, but only for a second. "I hope you know how to swim?" "No! Not that!" I managed to say as she threw me. My body flew through the air and landed with a large splash in the huge indoor tub. I thrashed about for a bit and just as I was about to get oriented, I felt something grab me and pull me across the pool. I was pulled up out of the tub onto lip. Most of my body was still in the water. When I looked up, Helen's smiling face was above me. It took me just a second more to realize that she was holding my head prisoner with her all controlling thighs once again. "I hope you can hold your breath," she informed me and then she pushed off with her hands and slid my body underwater controlling me with just the strength in her legs. I was submerged underwater and I only had time for a short gulp of oxygen. I fought with her legs, but it was a battle I had no chance of winning. They held me tightly and there was no possible hope of escape. Still I fought like a man possessed, as my oxygen started to run out. For a moment, I really thought she was going to kill me, but again her legs relented and pulled my head from under the water. I gasped for breath and spit out some water. When I could speak, I was angry. "This is insanity!" "Wrong answer," she informed me then dunked my head underwater once again. I fought like a man who was fighting for his life, but those all powerful legs held me. I tried to pound on them, but the water blunted my blows. All my struggles amounted to nothing against her mighty thighs. I even considered biting her, but my head was held too tightly. Even if I could have bitten her, I wasn't sure if I would have dented that armor she called muscle anyway. At least, I was able to suck in more air before she submerged me this time. It was a good thing too because she held me under much longer. I was about to lose all hope and stop struggling when she hauled me out of the water again. This time she didn't speak. I looked up and could see she was lounging on her hands with her head tilted way back. It was a very nonchalant pose she had struck up and it was as if she was ignoring me completely, but her legs still held me tightly. Finally, in a very soft voice, I asked in as non threatening a manner as I could muster, "Please Helen, I'll do anything you say..just let me go to my room." She stretched her upper body in a long leisurely yawn and then her face came into my field of view as she leaned forward. "Just once more, big guy!....Take a real deep breath," she warned. "No please..." Was all that I got out as her legs took me under once again. I should have headed her warning and taken a very deep breath. Instead, I tried to reason with her. It was a mistake I regretted almost immediately as my oxygen played out. This time, there was no reprieve. Complete panic overwhelmed me as I struggled to hold my breath and to fight with her legs. For almost a minute, I struggled with those female thighs of hers and I struggled to try and reach the surface just a few inches above my eyes, but it was a haven that may as well have been a million miles away for all the good it did me. Just as I was about to lose, and when I thought the fight should have been the greatest in me, I felt a peaceful feeling well up inside of me and spread through out my entire body. I was about to give up the battle, and succumb to those all powerful legs of hers. For some reason, I didn't seem to care about living anymore. Rather, I felt calmly at peace. I was about to open my mouth and take a breath when I was yanked back to reality once more. It took a few seconds as I gasped for breath before I realized I was out of the water. It took a few more seconds to fill my lungs with air and to stop coughing, but when I did, I did not have an ounce of defiance left in me. Helen was bent over and watching me closely. She even spread her legs a little and let my head go. When she did, I reacted out of fear and complete subjugation. It was not something I could any longer control. I twisted my head and started to kiss her one thigh. I even started to talk to it. "Please, don't hurt me anymore. You're so strong and so beautiful." I heard her let out with a pleased little sigh, but I was still too scared to stop. My arms were free and I hugged one of her big awesomely beautiful thighs to my face, and then I started to kiss it once more, hugging it close and leaving little loving kisses all over its expanse. When I wasn't kissing it, I was begging, "Please don't hurt me any more." It was the most demeaning thing I ever done in my life. In just a short hour, she had reduced a confident man into a sniveling weakling pleading for mercy. But at the moment, I didn't care. She had taken me to the brink, and I wanted to live at any cost. And hugging and kissing her thigh seemed a small price to pay. And as I did so, deep within me and new urge took root. I knew I wanted to be controlled by her to feel this woman's power, to be her toy her plaything. And that embarrassed me more than any pleas for mercy ever could have. She let me kiss one thigh and then the other. From time to time, she would moan softly, lean back on her hands, and stare at the ceiling. I knew she was enjoying my display of abject subjugation. At least, I wasn't getting dunked anymore. As I kissed and kissed, she wound a hand in my hair and played with it as I continued on with my demeaning task. After about five minutes of worship she abruptly said, "Enough!" I stopped kissing her thigh immediately, looked up at her, and waited. I didn't have long to wait. She pushed my body off of her a bit so she could rise. My body slid back a few feet further into the water. As I thrashed about, she rose, gave me a warm friendly smile, and extended her hand out towards me. "What now!" I said half from fear and half from curiosity. In a very sweet warm voice she answered, "You've had enough for tonight...I want you fresh for your big day tomorrow." Her statement implied something further, but I was happy my ordeal was over for now. I needed time to think, to reason this all out, and to come up with an answer for this very formidable woman. I hesitated a bit longer, but I finally gave her my hand. Ms. VanGilder took it, and with a strength I was beginning to realize was quite awesome, hauled me up on my feet. She led me over to towel rack and draped a large towel over my head and began to dry me off. I immediately responded by saying, "I can dry myself." She put her finger up to her lips in an immediate reply, "Shhhhh!" He response was more like a command. I stopped talking and became passive. I still had no answer for this woman. I took some solace in the fact that I had my briefs on. When she saw I wasn't going to give her anymore trouble, she smiled and continued to towel me off. As she worked, she talked, "We'll consider the incident of your peeping closed." I hung my head, for a moment, when I remembered what I did. Almost immediately, I looked back up into her eyes and gave her a nod of approval, just like a punished teen might have done to his parent after he's been punished and knew he was in the wrong. It all seemed so illogical to me. She should be the one apologizing, not me. She smiled and continued toweling me off and talking, "I'm an extremely strong and powerful woman, and I like my men docile..Do you understand?" I didn't understand, but I nodded anyway. I wanted to survive to fight another day. I just needed time to sort everything out and to decide on a course of action. "Good!" she said and threw the towel into the corner. Then she grabbed my face with her hands and became even more serious. "I know all there is to know about you and quite frankly, I'm impressed!....You have a top notch mind for a man." I think she just gave me a compliment, but I wasn't quite sure. I looked deeply into those green eyes of hers as she held me. What was she telling me?" She let go of my face and I thought she was about to let me go, but I was wrong again. What she did next, completely caught me off guard and totally embarrassed me. She grabbed me under the arm pits and lifted me off the ground till her arms were extended and I was looking down at her, with my feet dangling, almost two feet off the ground. If I wasn't impressed with her strength before, I sure was now. As I looked down at her, I realized this gorgeous woman could quite literally do anything she wanted with me, and I was totally powerless to stop her. How could I deal with such raw female power? As she regarded me from her vantage point, an amused smile spread across her face before she offered me a few more comments. "I think we should keep our little party, tonight, a secret..Don't you?" I immediately nodded yes. That sounded like a real good idea to me. God forbid, if Katia found out about this. "Ms. Van Gilder hefted me up and down a few times as if she was trying to figure out my weight before she added, "You sure are light....You're not much of a physical specimen, are you?" I didn't answer. "It's OK!" she continued, "you have a fine mind." I guess she valued that. Then her mood changed and she sounded almost sympathetic, "My big legs really gave you a tough time tonight, didn't they?...Don't be embarrassed...Size or weight doesn't matter to them....they're mankillers." I had to agree with her on that. It was just that, why did they have to be so damn beautiful and sexy too? That just boggled my mind. Again her mood changed and she became more serious as she informed me, "I want you to remember one last thing. Tonight, I only used a fraction of my great strength...I also am adept in several forms of martial arts and other forms of physical combat...If you ever decide to really challenge me.." And she paused a moment before she completed her statement, "It's a battle you can not possibly win." After her statement, she stared deeply into my eyes for a very long time. At that moment, I felt more like a possession than a man. Her mood quickly changed once again and she lowered my body and repositioned it so that she cradled me in her arms. She didn't say anything further as she took me to my own quarters, threw back the sheets, and tucked me in. Before she left she kissed my cheek, and said sweetly, "Pleasant dreams!" And then she walked back into the bathroom and closed the door. I stayed awake for almost an hour trying to piece together what had just happened to me. At times, I thought I was going to run back to America as fast as my feet could carry me. But what about Kate? At other times, I decided I was going to confront Ms. Van Gilder. And then I thought about those legs of hers. Finally, I fell into a fitful sleep with no easy solution in sight. --------------------------------- The next morning, I was standing by the mirror looking at my reflection when Ms. VanGilder walked right into my room from the bath. She was dressed in a uniform. I had not seen the uniforms for female instructors, but I had to admit, they were much more stylish than mine. Maybe, the skirts were a bit short, but this was Germany. When Ms. VanGilder saw my uniform and what I was doing, she hurried right over. She ran her hand lightly across my cheek and commented, "Now don't you feel silly about all the fuss you made about the uniform." I looked back towards the mirror, the uniform still looked hideous even with the suspenders added. "I guess so," I said hesitantly. Men had to lie frequently to women. It was a survival trait learned over millions of years. She smiled broadly, took my hand, and led me out of the room. She managed to glance at her watch and add as we strolled out into the hall, "Oh My! We're already late for assembly." I took a deep breath, sighed heavily, and braced myself for the impending meeting with the entire student body. Everyone was already in the auditorium when we walked from the back on to the stage. The girls were at their seats and all the teachers were seated on stage in several rows next to the speaker's podium. Ms. VanGilder went to the podium and I sat at the only empty seat left on stage. As I looked out across the sea of girls, I didn't detect any laughter from them about my uniform. Instead, most of the girls were to busy kibitzing with each other. That stopped immediately when Ms. VanGilder turned the microphone on and asked for order. "Ladies, I would like to welcome the second and third year girls back to another term her at Kohlenstein. And for you first year girls, I would like to offer you a special welcome." The girls applauded politely and Ms. VanGilder continued on with her introductory comments. It didn't take me long to realize that she was an excellent speaker. She spoke for almost twenty minutes. After her introductory comments, she went on to explain some of the rules and regulations at the school and later explained, in depth, about registering for classes which was to take place right after assembly. Finally, she introduced the two new female teachers, and they stood and received a nice round of applause. Then it was my turn to be introduced. "And as you know, we have a male teacher this term...Mr. Dawson would you please stand so that the girls can get a good look at you." As soon as I stood, a loud buzz went though the audience. I think the vibes were positive. I got the loudest applause, and I heard a couple of whistles and cat calls from the audience as well. "Ladies, Please!" Ms. VanGilder admonished the young girls. As she restored order, I sat down. "Mr. Dawson..Please stand!" I got back up a little sheepishly. As I did so, I could hear some laughter in the audience, and several of the females on stage were snickering. "This is Mr. Ben Dawson from America...He will be teaching French and Russian as well as a physical education class or two." Another loud buzz went through the audience. "He will also be helping Ms. Kronenberger with our boxing and wrestling teams." This time the murmur from the audience was so loud that Ms. VanGilder had to quiet the girls once again. Katia who was sitting next to me leaned over and whispered, "Ben, you're a big hit." That brought a smile to my face. Ms. VanGilder wasn't through yet. "Ladies, I want you to respect Mr. Dawson as if he was one of our female associates." That didn't sound quite right to me. "He is a man, but he has a superb mind." That didn't sound quite right either. "And remember your modesty ladies, we now have a man amongst us, even if he isn't physically imposing...He's still a man." "What?" if she spoke any more, I was going to need a session with a psychiatrist. After my introduction, I was allowed to sit, and Ms. Gildenstern took the microphone to a smattering of applause. Her speech lasted about ten minutes, and was generally about discipline and the rules at Kohlenstein. Finally, as she neared the end of her speech, she paused a moment, and looked in my direction. That sent a chill down my spine. She started nicely enough, "I would like to address the issue of our new male associate this term." But I waited for the bombshell, and I wasn't disappointed. "At first, I was against his hire....After all he is a man." When had the word man become a dirty word? "I'm sure he's plagued with all of man's weakness and bad habits....But he is, I've been assured, the best of the best as far as men he must be worth something." Talk about damning with faint praise. Katia bent over and whispered, "I still like you, Ben!" "Thanks," I whispered back. Ms. Gildenstern wasn't done just yet, "But then I realized something..We are trying to give you girls a well rounded education..And men are a part of this world...Not a big part...So talk to him, study him, and learn from his mistakes..because your going to have to deal with and handle men everyday in the outside world." The girls applauded. I found myself applauding as well and wondered why. I wanted to get up and yell, "Let's hang the bastard!" but I was afraid Mount Stern just might have some rope. Finally, we got to the last speaker. That made me happy. I wasn't sure I could take anymore compliments. To my surprise it was Katia. She took the podium and Ms. VanGilder switched seats. She took Katia's seat and Ms. Gildenstern sat back down in her old chair. To be honest, I was happy about the switch. In spite of what happened last night, I still would rather sit next to Ms. VanGilder than old sour puss. Katia speech focused on the benefits of athletics and she challenged all the girls to try out for one of the athletic teams. Unfortunately, I was prominently mentioned once again. She gave the same speech to the girls that she gave me, and that was that she was excited to have my help with the boxing and wrestling teams. She also said it would be nice to have a male's help with the manly arts especially with someone as physically gifted as I was. I don't know where she got that from, but I heard a harumph from the direction of Mount Stern. I saw a couple of the other women snicker and Ms. VanGilder leaned over and whispered so nobody else could hear, "My such an athlete!" I blushed and lowered my head after her remark. When I found the courage to look up at her she had a big grin on her face, and she whispered in a mocking tone, "Don't worry Hercules, I won't tell anybody about last night." After her comment she gave me a little wink. I just lowered my head and suffered through the rest of the program. I don't know what was worse, the male bashing or the unreasonable expectations Katia had for me. At least Katia's remarks indicated that she liked me a lot, but how was I going to deliver on her presumptions of my athletic prowess. Several minutes later, the program finally came to an end. I got up with the rest of the teachers and headed for my assignment at registration, but I was already thinking about my first class in a couple of hours. Not much had gone right in the last twenty four hours. I was hopping that would change when I got to do something I was very good at, and that was teach. To be continued... In the next chapter, Ben meets his students and he has his first encounter with coaching, and the terrible trio pays him a late night visit. And more...