The Mankillers of Femville Part 6 By Utrea Series about an all female resistance group in Nazi occupied France during WWII Chapter 1 Captain Karen Jaegerin's full red lips parted in a smile as she sat at the desk in her office and read the Guard Commander's morning report. Two of the guards sent out on patrol the previous night had failed to return. Karen knew, even without reading the report further, that the two missing men were SS Privates Gunter Krauss and Wilhelm Mayer. She also knew that the two soldiers were either dead, or soon would be, strangled to death at the hands, arms legs or feet of Louise La Venger's girls up at the Chateau. Karen knew this because it was she who had changed the men's orders to ensure that they patrolled a pre-arranged area, to be first seduced and then taken prisoner by Louise' all female resistance group. The beautiful German girl felt no guilt over sending the two men to their deaths. They were SS. Nazis. They deserved to die. It had been three days now since Karen had joined the resistance, having killed Hauser, struggling and pleading, between her legs. The burly SS man had been choked to death by her booted calves and if she was honest with herself, Karen had to admit that she had enjoyed killing him. The brutal Scharfuhrer had been one of Sturmbannfuhrer Paul Kessler's most trusted men, and Karen hated no man more than she hated Kessler. The tall ash blonde had orgasmed twice as the desperate struggling of the man trapped beneath her slowly lessened and finally stopped as Hauser lost his fight to survive. The rest of the plan had gone perfectly. The bodies of Baumann and Weber had been stripped and dressed in French civilian clothes. The bruising round their neck and throats, where they had been garrotted by OSS agents Tina Carlsen and Traci Johnson, was cleverly hidden with make- up. Then the contents of a Schmeisser sub-machine gun had been emptied into them, taking care to obliterate their features. The scene was then staged and Karen's cover story prepared. She and Hauser had been returning from the Chateau, having been sent by Kessler, when they were ambushed by the Maquis. They had strangled Hauser, but she had managed to get free, grab a weapon and kill two of their attackers. They had believed her. The bodies of the two "Frenchmen" were unceremoniously buried in an unmarked grave and Karen was declared a hero. No one else had survived an encounter with the legendary "Maquis", let alone manage to kill two of them. As a reward, the German high command had promoted her to Captain and she had been awarded the Knight's Cross which she now wore about her throat. More importantly, she had removed herself from the clutches of Kessler and his Gestapo henchman, Gauleiter Ernst Schnabel. She had been seconded from the Wehrmacht to be the SS officers' secretary, but her promotion had changed all that and she was now back under the direct command of the garrison commander Oberst Manfred Von Horst, where her new duties included coordinating and arranging supply runs to and from the garrison.This would later prove to be of immense value to the resistance. Hauser, before he died, had let slip the two Nazi's plans to eliminate her. They would not dare harm her now, although she could tell that Schnabel was still suspicious. She would have to deal with him but first she would have to prepare for the mission that was to take place in two days time. Also an allied supply drop was expected tomorrow night, so Karen would have to ensure that there were no troops in the vicinity. Humming a tune to herself, Karen got to work. Chapter 2 The two SS men blinked at the sudden light that assailed their eyes as their hoods were removed. With their hands bound behind their backs, Krauss and Mayer slowly took in their surroundings. They were in the cellar of the Chateau La Venger, surrounded by fifteen young, attractive women, all dressed the same in white satin blouses, short black skirts, sheer black nylons and black patent stiletto shoes. All stared at their captives with hatred and murder in their eyes, which unnerved the defenceless Germans. There was a sound of high heeled shoes walking toward them and the girls standing immediately in front of the prisoners parted to allow Louise and the two OSS agents through. Traci and Tina were dressed identically to the other girls, but Louise' skirt was long with a split reaching to her thigh. She stood in the middle with the blonde American girl at her right shoulder and the tall brunette at her left. Louise stood with her hands on her hips and her feet apart, exposing a long length of shapely black stockinged leg as she addressed the Germans. "In a moment" she began "You are going to engage these girls in unarmed combat. It will be a fight to the death. The rules are very simple. If you lose, you die. If you win, you go free". Her last comment was a lie. There was no way that Louise was going to allow either soldier to leave the cellar alive. But it was important to give them hope, something to fight for, to provide a challenge for the two Americans, to test their prowess at assassination using just their bare hands. Each girl in the cellar had passed the same test. All had choked a German soldier to death using just the power of her strangling fingers, before being allowed to embark on operational missions. The Chateau girls were one of the most successful resistance groups in France. They had inflicted heavy casualties on the occupying Nazis. All had died by the same method. Strangulation. This method of assassination had been employed to shock and demoralise the German forces. A strangled man was not a pretty sight, the purple bloated face, the bulging, horror stricken eyes and the blackened protruding tongue, gave the corpse a ghastly gargoyle like appearance. Also this particular style of killing drew attention away from the girls. The Nazis could not conceive that their troops were being decimated, choked to death by women. A myth, perpetuated by Louise La Venger's girls, had the Germans searching for a fictitious Maquis, thought to be operating deep in the Montmarche hills. Credance to the myth had been added to with Karen Jaegerin's account of Hauser's death. The Chateau girls' exploits had come to the attention of the Allies and Captains Tina Carlsen and Traci Johnson of the OSS, had been parachuted into France to work with the group. Although both were adept at close quarter, unarmed combat, and knew a dozen ways to kill a man, they had to be schooled in the ways of the Chateau girls' particular style of assassination. Over the last couple of weeks, under the tuition of Helene, a petite pretty blonde and Amelia, an olive skinned, half Egyptian beauty, the agents had used captured German soldiers and become proficient at strangling them between their feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs as well as using their arms to apply deadly chokeholds and the use of an improvised garrotte. Now it was time for their final test. Without speaking each girl selected an opponent. Tina chose Mayer and Traci, Krauss. They paired off as other girls untied the soldiers' hands. "Come on then hon." Tina drawled, "Lets see what you're made of." Tina adopted a fighting stance, feet apart, leaning forward from the waist, her hands in front of her at chest height. She was mirrored by Mayer who was a big, powerful man, with a barrel chest and huge arms. Without warning, Tina suddenly attacked. Before Mayer could react she had moved in and struck the Nazi across the face with the flat of her hand, snapping his head to the left, before backhanding him to the other side. Mayer started to close his arms around Tina, to hug her to his chest and crush the life out of her. The buxom dark haired girl with the slim waist and rounded hips was too fast for the big, lumbering Nazi and his arms closed around thin air. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that big man ", Tina taunted. Mayer's face burned where the woman before him had struck. He wasn't hurt, but the girl had humiliated him and now she was taunting him. He would make her pay. She was fast, but he was the stronger. He gave her a look of pure hatred and slowly advanced on the girl. Tina stood her ground, ducking under his clumsy second attempt to crush her in his arms. She came up behind him and hit him with all her strength with the flats of both hands to his ears. Mayer bellowed from the pain as his eardrums burst and he rounded on his tormentress. With a roar, the enraged Nazi charged headlong toward the girl, which was just what Tina had planned. She saw her adversary open his arms as he rushed toward her, and she did something, which caught her enemy totally by surprise. Mayer had expected the girl to retreat, he had even compensated for it as he began to extend his arms toward her, to catch and crush her. Tina, however suddenly moved forward. Mayer could not check his forward rush. Tina grasped the SS man's tunic in both hands. She made a half turn to the right and using his forward momentum, twisted her body and threw him over her hip. The big man crashed to the stone flagged ground, landing on his back. The fall drove the breath from his body and for a few moments he lay motionless at the girls feet. Not allowing him time to recover, Tina gripped one of his arms and stepping over the supine man hauled him over onto his front. She straddled the Nazi, who was beginning to recover. Tina pulled the hem of her tight black skirt up to her waist, allowing her legs the freedom she needed to execute the next part of her plan. She sat down heavily on Mayer's back, further driving the air out of him. Placing her feet either side of his neck, she seized both his arms and pulled them up and back so that they rested on the tops of her nyloned thighs. Next she leaned forward and lacing her fingers, threw her hands over the man's head and under his chin. She then sat up raising the Nazi's head , neck and shoulders off the ground. The brunette continued to pull and Mayer's back began to arch. The man was in pain now as he was raised higher and higher, his lower half anchored to the floor, pinned by Tina's black silk clad buttocks. He could not use his arms trapped over the girls thighs to release the hold she had on his chin. Tina pulled on the Nazi until she could see his face. His eyes stared, pleading for mercy, into her own. His face was contorted with pain, and unable to scream, such was the girl's hold on his chin, he emitted a curious high pitched whine. Tina was beyond showing the German soldier trapped beneath her any mercy. "Come on. Break damn you" she grunted, suddenly exerting all her strength into pulling the soldier back as far as she could. There came a loud snapping sound as Tina broke the SS man's back, severing his spinal cord and paralysing him from the waist down. Suddenly, Mayer could feel no more pain. In fact he could feel nothing at all in his legs and was totally unaware that he had pissed himself. Breaking Mayer had sent Tina into orgasm and for a few moments she just sat on him, eyes closed, breathing heavily. Presently, as her climax subsided, she opened her eyes to see that she was still staring into the upturned face of the German. She released his chin, letting his head and upper body fall heavily to the floor. Standing up and smoothing down her skirt, Tina pulled the man at her feet onto his back. She looked him up and down dispassionately from his tear streaked face past the damp patch around his crotch to his useless, jackbooted legs. "Well honey", she said to him in a gentle voice, "It looks like you lose" The tall American girl, once again straddled the German and sat down on him, pinning his shoulders to the ground with her stockinged knees. She placed her hands around his neck settling her thumbs, one on top of the other just above his adams apple. Tina took a deep breath and pressed down with her thumbs, while her fingers tightened their grip around the Nazi's neck. Traci had began by stalking her opponent, circling him, looking for a weakness. Although not as big as Mayer, Krauss was more agile and faster. He turned on his heels as the lithe blonde girl continued to move around him, occasionally feigning an attack, gauging his reactions. The Nazi's plan was to punch her out and then dispatch her with a neck break. "Pity though", he thought, his adversary was one attractive woman, her long blonde hair, framing her pretty face, cascaded around her shoulders. She was slim and athletic, quick on her feet, despite wearing high heeled shoes. But she was just a woman and no match for an elite SS soldier. Had Krauss been able to see Tina about to snap Mayer's back, which was taking place behind him, he might have revised his opinion of Traci's ability. As it was, for the Nazi, underestimating his adversary would cost him dear. His combat skills, told him that the blonde's movements and feint attacks were conforming to a pattern. He bided his time and suddenly threw a punch with all his might, with his right fist, angled slightly away from Traci's jaw, compensating for the fact that, if the pattern of her movements held true, she would move into his line of fire at the point of impact. His clenched fist never connected. Traci could see the calculations going on in Krauss' head and she knew that the time he would strike would be when he thought she was at her most vulnerable. She deliberately put herself in such a position and reacted swiftly when the expected attack started. As the punch came in, Traci quickly changed direction. Crossing her wrists, she brought her hands up. Allowing Krauss' right fist to pass over them, she struck his wrist with her own, deflecting his punch upwards. Traci turned her hands inward seizing the German's wrist, both her arms stretched out above her. The blonde turned in on the SS man, using her left foot as a pivot, she raised her right leg, bent at the knee and drove it with all her might into Krauss' solar plexus. As the winded soldier involuntarily leaned forward, gasping for breath, his beautiful opponent took another half turn to her right. Still seizing Krauss' wrist, she twisted it savagely. With a cry of pain, the Nazi was driven to his knees. Traci swung her left leg up and over his trapped arm. Now facing away from the German and straddling his arm, she pulled the limb up into her crotch. Her tight black skirt rode up exposing her long stockinged legs, the black nylon accentuating the contours and muscle tone of the shapely limbs. She positioned her right thigh, against the trapped man's triceps, her left thigh against his forearm and twisted her body violently to the right. Krauss' elbow shattered with a loud snap and the anguished Nazi bellowed in pain. Traci released his wrist, walked away a few paces and turned to face her quarry. Krauss' face was grey and contorted with pain. He thought that he was going to faint but fought against it. He slowly composed himself and got to his feet to face his attacker. He nursed his wounded right arm with his left, wondering how best to tackle the girl. Traci wasn't about to allow the SS man time to formulate a plan. Moving in, she delivered a sweeping kick to the German's legs driving him back down to his knees. The blonde then grabbed the Nazi by the collar of his tunic and hauled him backwards until he lay supine on the cellar floor. Traci grabbed the fallen mans left wrist with both of her hands. She stepped over him and placed her right heel against the right side of his neck, then placing her let foot against his body, just below his left armpit she sat down beside him while still maintaining the grip on his wrist. Her right calf was now across the soldier's throat, pinning him to the ground, while his left arm was between her legs. Traci pressed down on Krauss' neck with her leg and leaned back, stretching his arm as far as it would go. With his elbow resting against her black silk clad crotch and with her left foot jammed tight into his armpit, Traci raised her hips off the floor, snapping Krauss' left elbow like matchwood. This time, the German's scream was strangled by Traci's right leg pressing against his windpipe. The lithe blonde stood and looked down on Krauss, surveying her handiwork "You disappoint me soldier", she said to the man at her feet, " I thought a member of the master race would have put up a better fight." "Go to hell, bitch", he spat staring up at her with hate and pain filled eyes. "That's where I was figuring to send you honey", she answered sweetly and began to walk toward him, flexing her fingers in preparation. Krauss could see the tall brunette sitting on his friend, Mayer preparing to strangle him and he guessed that the blonde girl was about to do the same to him. Krauss was suddenly afraid. He didn't want to die and he kicked out at Traci in desperation as she approached him. "Get away from me!" he shrieked, but the girl easily evaded the SS man's flailing feet. She straddled his body and dropped to her knees astride his chest. Pulling the hem of her skirt up a little, she made herself comfortable, sitting down on her victims' chest with her knees just below his armpits. "Please. Don't do this", the Nazi implored. "Sshh" Traci replied, gently undoing the top button of the German's tunic. "Quit whining. Accept your fate like a man. She placed her hands around Krauss' neck. She put her right thumb against his throat just above the adam's apple and placed her left thumb on top of that. She curled her fingers around the soldier's neck and paused for a moment. Already, the blonde could feel a warmth spreading in her loins as she realised that the imminent death of the man, whose throat, she held in her hands was turning her on. The ultimate power of life or death, she held over this male was a powerful aphrodisiac. She glanced to her right and the look on Tina's face as she prepared to execute her victim told Traci that her friend was also experiencing the erotic sensation of the total and ultimate dominance a woman could possibly wield over a man. Traci snapped out of her reverie. She looked down into the face of the man beneath her and pushed down on her thumbs, whilst tightening the grip on his neck with her fingers. Krauss, who had lay still as Traci had prepared herself, suddenly began to struggle and buck wildly in an attempt to unseat his killer. His arms were useless but the instinct of survival in him was strong, lending him almost super-human strength and his back arched off the floor as he twisted and writhed. Traci, gripping his body with her thighs and knees, easily rode the struggling Nazi, in fact his writhing body was further stimulating her on to orgasm. She grunted and bit her lower lip as she stared into the eyes of the man she held in her death grip. Krauss' face had turned bright red as his windpipe was closed and his tongue began to protrude from his mouth. A wheezing rasping breath was coming from the man. Traci adjusted her grip on her victim's throat slightly and the wheezing stopped. They fought on in silence save for the occasional soft moans coming from Traci as her climax neared. Tina's victim was also struggling with her, for his life. Although paralysed from the waist down and unable to buck and writhe like Krauss, he still had the use of his powerful arms. Reaching over the American girls thighs, he gripped her wrists in his hands to try to alleviate her killing pressure. He succeeded in partially opening his airway, allowing life giving air to enter his tortured lungs. Pulling on his neck, Tina raised Mayers head a few inches off the floor. "'t" she chastised, punctuating each word by dashing the back of the Nazi's head against the stone floor, stunning him. The hands fell away from her wrists. Tina released the man's throat and knelt up. Re- positioning his arms so that his hands rested on the back of her stockinged calves, she sat back down trapping them with her thighs. Satisfied that her victim would pose no further threat, she resettled her hands around his neck and continued to strangle him. She could feel his hands on her legs, gripping the smooth silky nylon, trying desperately to free them but she held them fast. Tina gave a little grunt of satisfaction as the Hyoid bone in Mayer's throat gave way to the pressure of her thumbs and she knew it would all be over in the next few minutes. She had killed several Nazi's now, but the look on their faces as they succumbed to her throttling them, never ceased to fascinate and thrill her. Even now as the colour of Mayer's face passed from bright red and deepened to a purple hue, she felt the climax building in her. The man's eyes were bulging and the whites had turned pink where the tiny blood vessels had burst. His tongue, blackened and swollen was hanging out of his mouth. The tall dark haired girl cried out as she orgasmed against the dying Nazi's chest, soaking the front of his tunic with her juices. The pupils in Mayer's eyes rolled up inside his head, and his grip on the girl's legs slackened and fell away. Tina maintained her grip on his throat until she was certain that the man was dead. Traci was groaning in ecstasy as Krauss' struggles diminished and his death throes began. He spasmed, violently at first but soon reduced to a series of nervous twitching. Traci experimentally, released her grip and felt for her victim's carotid artery, ready to resume strangling him if she detected a pulse. But there was none, Krauss was dead and the blonde agent had passed her training. She stood on shaky legs just as Tina was climbing off the corpse of her victim. They fell into each other's arms and embraced deeply. Louise also came across and embraced the girls. "Two very fine kills mes enfants" she said, "Welcome to our group. You are now fully fledged operatives". Louise's eyes were bright and she was slightly out of breath. The eroticism of the Germans demise had not escaped her, nor any of the girls who had witnessed their executions in the cellar of the Chateau. But now there was further work to do. "Pavla, Irene, get rid of them", she told the two girls indicating to the corpses. "Michelle, Helene, Amelia and Eloise, you are required for a mission tonight. Come to my study in half an hour for briefing." She turned to the two Americans, "There is to be an air drop tonight. Specialist equipment is being sent from England. I would like you to collect it and bring it back here. Do you feel you are ready?" The girls looked at each other, the broke into grins. "You betcha" Tina said. To be continued.