The mankillers of Femville part1. By Utrea Series about an all female resistance group in Nazi occupied France during WWII. Chapter 1 Oberst Manfred von Horst was the commanding officer of the Wermacht’s logistical supply depot at Femville in central France. Prior to the Nazi invasion, Femville had been a small market town, hardly any bigger than a large village. Situated at the foot of the densely forested Montmarche hills to the North, the town lay alongside the main railway stretching way back to the German border in the East and running all the way to the port of Dieppe on the coast. A main road ran roughly alongside the railway, where to the East of the town it crossed another main road leading to Paris. The strategic position of Femville had made it a very attractive target to the Nazis, so when the mighty German war machine rolled into France forcing the French army and the British expeditionary forces to retreat, the fate of the town and it’s people were sealed. The townspeople put up an intense resistance to the attacking German forces and inflicted heavy casualties among the Nazis. It took three days of continuous fighting before the superior numbers of the German army forced a surrender. This resistance had proved embarrassing to the Nazi high command who promptly ordered the execution of the entire population to serve as a warning to others who may have been contemplating a challenge to German dominance. The only lives that were spared were those of Madame La Venger and her staff of 15 young girls between the ages of 18 and 25 years who lived in the Chateau De Femville situated about 3km West of the town. Von Horst had reasoned that the girls in the chateau could serve to entertain his officers serving so far from home and so maintain morale. The ordinary soldiers of course ,would have to find their own entertainment with whoever they could find or with the 20 or so German women soldiers in the town. Since the occupation of Femville, the Germans had built a military hospital in the town and an airfield 2km to the South. The town hall served as the garrison’s headquarters while his officers and men occupied the homes of the recently murdered townsfolk. Life in Femville should have been good for von Horst and his men but attacks were being carried out against his patrols and sentries . As the body count grew, rumours quickly circulated the garrison that they were being carried out by a maquis made up from survivors of the Femville massacre who must have been operating somewhere in the Montmarche hills. Von Horst sent regular patrols out into the hills and although no evidence of maquis activity had yet been found, the death toll among his men continued to rise. To date, he had lost 30 of his men to this mysterious resistance group. More worrying for him and especially his men was the particularly brutal way that they had been slaughtered. Each victim had been strangled and left where he fell, some having shown signs of a struggle, others having been apparently taken completely by surprise but all had ghastly bloated purple faces, bulging, staring eyes and protruding tongues so characteristic of death by strangulation, as was the bruising around their throats and necks, when found by their comrades, terrified of suffering a similar fate should they fall into the hand of these merciless killers. Another unusual feature was that no weapons, equipment or any other possessions had been removed from the corpses by their killers thus demonstrating their contempt for the occupying army, showing that they did not require conventional weapons of war to destroy them. Chapter2 It was 0800 hours on a bright Monday summers morning when von Horst arrived at his office where he was met by Major Hartmann, his second in command and security officer. Hartmann came to attention and saluted his commanding officer. "Herr Oberst" he began "The guard commander reports the discovery of two more casualties found by one of our patrols overnight" "What are the circumstances?" von Horst asked. "Gefreiter Dremmler and Private Kurten were reported missing at 2359 hours last night when they failed to return to barracks. Both had been granted 24 hours leave. They were found in the woods not far from the Chateau. It was the work of the maquis" "What would the Maquis want at the chateau" von Horst mused. "Of course" he suddenly exclaimed. "Hartmann. The maquis were after Madame La Venger and her girls. They obviously regard them as collaborators". Von Horst shuddered "Imagine what they would have done to them. Dremmler and Kurten must have forced them to abandon their plans. Have extra units patrol the area of the chateau and have my car made ready" he ordered "I must warn Mme. La Venger of the danger she is in". "Jawohl Herr Oberst" Hartmann replied. About 30 minutes later the kubelwagen pulled up outside the impressive double oak wooden doors to the chateau. Leaving his driver in the car von Horst climbed out walked up the flight of stone steps leading to the doors and rang the bell. A short while later the door opened and von Horst found himself looking at one of Mme La Venger’s girls. She was 20 years old and was very pretty. She was about 5ft 5ins tall and had a curvy voluptuous figure. She had long blond hair which she wore severely pulled back from her face and tied in a ponytail. She was dressed in the "uniform" of the chateau girls consisting of a white satin blouse, a black figure hugging skirt which fell to just above her knees, black seamed nylons and black patent 4 inch. Stiletto court shoes. "I wish to speak with Mme. La Venger" von Horst announced imperiously. "Oui Monsieur" the girl replied, "Please come in and I will announce your arrival". Von Horst stepped through the doorway into a spacious hall. The girl said "Please wait here" and walked towards another door at the far end of the hall, her stiletto heels making a clacking sound as she walked across the stone flagged floor. She knocked on the door before entering the room beyond and closed it behind her. Von Horst knew that the room the girl had entered was Mme La Venger’s study. He and his officers had attended the chateau on many occasions and many was the time, having gotten drunk on fine French wine and cognac had he taken one of Mme La Venger’s girls to satiate his carnal desires. "To the victor, the spoils" he said quietly to himself. Von Horst noted that several other chateau girls, dressed similar to the blonde, were busying themselves around the magnificent 18th century building, dusting, cleaning and taking fresh bed linen to the Chateau’s 20 or so guest rooms. As he was admiring these industrious beauties, the study door opened and Louise La Venger appeared . "Colonel!" she exclaimed, smiling welcomingly "What a pleasure to see you again. Please come on into the study". She then turned to the blonde and said "Thank you Irene, that will be all". "Oui Madame" the pretty blonde girl replied and walked away. Once in the study Louise said "Please colonel take a seat" and "Will you have a drink?". "Thank you but no. I am in rather a hurry and I wish to get straight to the point" Von Horst said sitting down in a plush leather armchair. "This sounds intriguing". Louise said sitting down in an identical chair opposite him. Von Horst couldn’t help feeling a moment of desire for the beautiful woman sat before him as she crossed her long nylon clad legs. "Our intelligence sources" he began "Indicate that the verdammt maquis may be planning an attack against you and your girls. Last night two of my men were found savagely slaughtered not half a kilometre from here. It is my belief that my soldiers thwarted their murderous plans but paid the price. But please, do not worry. You have my personal guarentee that no harm shall befall any of you. I have ordered more patrols in the area. It is now only a matter of time before these Schweinen are caught and exterminated". "You are most kind " Louise said, a strange little smile played on her full red lips."It is very reassuring to know that we will be under the protection of your mighty warriors. Perhaps we could throw a party for you and your officers to show our appreciation". "Nothing would give me greater pleasure dear lady, but in the meantime please warn your girls to be on their guard" "Oh I will certainly do that colonel" Louise said still with that curious little smile. "Now" said Von Horst "I have taken up enough of your time, duty calls and I must go". Von Horst rose from his seat and Louise escorted him back to the front doors of the chateau. As they made their way outside Von Horst again saw the blonde female, who he had heared Louise call Irene. She was sitting in the front passenger seat of the kubelwagen talking to the driver. No, she was flirting with him. Von Horst could see her hands playing with his tunic and he was suddenly filled with jealousy and anger. "Schmidt!" he barked and the drivers helmeted head snapped to the front as he sat stiffly to attention. "I am most sorry Monsieur" said Irene climbing out of the car "I didn’t mean to get your driver into trouble I was just admiring his medals". Von Horst quickly composed himself and forced a smile "There has been no harm done my child, but please, you must not concern yourself with the common soldiery. You deserve the attention of officers." Von Horst the climbed into the back of the car and said curtly to Schmidt "To headquarters!" "Jawohl Herr Oberst!" Schmidt responded and as the car drove off, von Horst said "I hope I need not remind you that the chateau is off limits to all non officers". "Of course Herr Oberst" Schmidt replied, having already made plans to meet the blonde girl the follwing week, after all why should the officers get all the fun. All the same though, he thought that he had better keep quiet about their date as the girl had suggested. If von Horst found out ther would be hell to pay. When the car was out of sight, Louise turned to Irene and said "Fetch Pavla and meet me in the study". With that Louise turned on her stiletto heels and strode back towards the chateau. Ten minutes later the door of the study opened and Irene came in. She was accompanied by another girl. She was slightly shorter than the blonde and was of a slighter build. She had auburn hair , which like Irene’s was long and pulled back in a ponytail. She was also dressed similarly to the other girl. Her name was Pavla. She and Irene were Romanian who had been studying in France just before the out break of war. The girls had been appalled by Nazi activity in Eastern Europe and so had decided not to return home but to remain in France. When France was invaded, the girls had fled westward ahead of the German advance where they had met Louise and the girls of the Chateau and had discovered their secret talents. "You have done well" said Louise, handing both girls a glass of brandy. "The Germans have found the bodies of the men you took care of yesterday. They believe it to be the work of the "maquis" and the fools have even offered to protect us". Chapter 3 Both girls smiled openly. Actually yesterday’s events had been remarkably easy. The training in silent assassination they had received at the chateau coupled with the fact that both girls were extremely attractive, ensured that on a one to one situation they could effectively make the enemy lower his guard with promises of passion, lure him away to a place where they were unlikely to be disturbed and there dispatch him in the manner they had been taught. It had been the girl’s first operational mission since the completion of their training. Their cover story, if challenged, would be that they were merely out for stroll when in fact they were actually walking along paths known to be frequented by Germans, looking for prey. They didn’t have long to wait. Jurgen Dremmler and his friend Peter Kurten had been granted a 24 hour leave pass. Both soldiers had been in France for months and both had had no female contact since their arrival. They knew of the Chateau girls and that they were for the exclusive use of the officers but surely, they reasoned, if they spent the day in the vicinity of the Chateau they would be bound to meet one or more of the girls and then who knew what might happen. Their journey took them into light woodland at the foot of the hills. They could see the Chateau half a kilometre away across open grassland and gardens which made up it’s grounds. Eventually both the soldiers found themselves in a clearing where they saw a sight which made them both go weak at the knees. The girls had been listening to the progress of the soldiers making their way towards them. They looked at each other, smiled and prepared themselves for action. Irene lay down on the grassy ground and struck a sexy pose. She had allowed her skirt to ride up exposing a length of shapely black stocking clad legs. Pavla sat next to her. She had her back up against a tree and had crossed her legs, revealing a similar length of her sheer black nyloned limbs. As the Germans appeared in the clearing, Pavla nearly laughed out loud when she saw them stop and their jaws drop open in surprise. "We’ve been expecting you" Irene purred seductively "Have you come to play with us?" "I do so love a man in uniform" joined in Pavla. She stood up and walked towards the two men who could scarcely believe what was happening. She approached Kurten and ran her hands over his chest. "Soldiers really make me horny" she said and then, as her hands ran down his stomach and over the soldiers erect cock beneath his uniform trousers, she added "And such a big soldier" She grasped the bulge in the Germans trousers and said "You’re coming with me. I’m going to send you to heaven". She began to lead Kurten away by his manhood into the forest. As he went Kurten winked at Dremmler and nodded towards Irene. "Come on corporal don’t be shy " she breathed "Come and lay with me .Let me take care of you " Dremmler licked his suddenly dry lips and lay down beside Irene.She was lying on her left side leaning on her elbow and sensuously playing with her ponytail with her let hand. Dremmler mirrored her position lying on his right side. Irene suddenly reached forward with her right hand, seized Dremmler’s tunic and pulled him towards her. "Kiss me " she hissed and the soldier felt her full red lips on his as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. She pulled him on top of her, spreading her legs so that he lay in between them and continued to kiss him deeply. Meanwhile Pavla had led her victim to another small clearing deeper in the forest.She released her hold on the soldiers erection and turned to face him. "Close your eyes and I promise to do things to you that will take your breath away" The German obediently closed his eyes. He was grinning in expectation. "This is too easy" Pavla muttered to herself as she took a step back and one to her left. She twisted at the hip and suddenly lashed out with her right foot, the pointed toe of her stiletto shoe striking the soldier squarely in the solar plexus. "Oof!" he exclaimed as the air was driven from his body and he doubled over in agony. "Oof" Pavla mimicked smiling down at him "Is that all you can say loverboy?". She stepped forward as he tried to stand and drove her knee into his face. He cried out in pain and surprise as the force of the blow sent the man flying backwards. The back of his head struck a tree trunk with such violence that all strength left his legs and he slid bonelessly to the ground. Pavla walked over to the downed German and felt for a pulse. "Good "she said to him although she knew he probably couldn’t hear her "You’re still alive". "What was that noise?". Dremmler said trying to untangle himself from Irene’s passionate embrace. "It’s nothing " the girl replied "Just Pavla killing your friend" she said matter of factly. Dremmler was sure he must of mis heared the girl but none the less sat up in alarm." "What did you say?" he asked worriedly. "She’s killing him the same way that I’m going to kill you." Dremmler realising that he had left his rifle out of reach tried to twist away from the girl who was still on her back. He was confused but realised that the lives of he and his friend were in danger and that if only he could get to his weapon..... Irene however had anticipated his reaction. She swung her left leg up an out over the Germans head. The crook of her left knee caught the soldier round his throat. She pulled him back unbalancing him so that he fell with the back of his neck coming to rest on her right thigh just above her knee. She then completed her manoeuvre by crossing her ankles thus trapping the doomed man in a deadly scissor hold. She started to slowly apply pressure to the man’s neck and throat, revelling in the way it made him grimace. "Why?" he hissed between clenched teeth. "Because you are the enemy" she replied "And because killing big strong men with nothing but my body is such a turn on". Indeed she could feel herself getting quite wet as she steadily increased the killing pressure of her legs. As Dremmler was slowly being strangled, so Pavla grabbed the stunned Kurten by the lapels of his tunic and dragged him away from the tree and turned him on to his back. She could see that her knee to his face had broken his nose. He was starting to regain conscious moaning softly. "Time to get started " she said to the supine man "We don’t want you in a position where you can defend yourself do we?" she added cheerily. Pavla straddled her victim’s body, hitched up her skirt and sat down on his chest. She undid the top two buttons of his tunic and settled her fingers round his neck. She then placed her thumbs one on top of the other on his throat, just above his adams apple, as she had been taught. She took a deep breath then suddenly pressed down with her thumbs while her fingers tightened their grip around his neck. The effect on the stricken soldier was immediate. His eyes flew open and his raspy breathing suddenly stopped as Pavla closed his windpipe. They fought in silence as the man struggled for his life. His hands grabbed her wrists in an effort to relieve the strangling pressure of his assailant. He bucked his body in an attempt to unseat her, but he had been severely weakened by the girl’s earlier assault and she had no problem in controlling him. Pavla realised that the frantic struggles of her victim against her crotch was driving her to orgasm. She grunted with sexual desire and grit her teeth as she relentlessly strangled the soldier. Kurten was losing the fight. His face had turned bright red, his eyes were bulging and her strangling fingers was forcing his tongue to protrude hideously from his mouth. She knew that it would still take another couple of minute to kill him but then, she was in no hurry. Dremmler was also well on the way to his death. He had tried to defend himself by grasping Irene’s left thigh and calf in an effort to ease the stranglehold she had on him. She knew, however, that she had more power in her legs than he had in his arms and she held him easily. In fact the more he struggled uselessly, the more it turned her on. "Why don’t you just die quietly" she mocked "You might ladder my nylons with your pathetic struggles. Don’t you realise how expensive new stockings are?" The man between her legs could only gurgle as she carried out her murderous task. His now bulbous, staring eyes, protruding tongue and bright red pallor gave Dremmler a ghastly gargoyle appearance. "I don’t know what I ever saw in you" Irene quipped. Meanwhile Pavla watched fascinated as Kurten’s face turned from red to blue and her orgasm grew. He had let go of Pavla’s wrists and was now pawing the air weakly . He had stopped trying to buck her off so that she now had to rub herself against his chest to keep herself stimulated. She felt her climax growing until she could bear it no longer. She moaned as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure racked her body as she squeezed the throat of her victim with all her might. She gazed down at the soldier and saw that his face was now purple. His legs jerked spasmodically for a few moments and then were still. Pavla maintained her deadly grip on the man’s throat until she was sure that he was dead. She then released her hold and fell forward across his body, panting heavily. Irene was experiencing an equally intense orgasm as she arched her back and concentrated all of her efforts into strangling the now weakly struggling man trapped between her legs. Slowly, relentlessly she choked the life out of the German soldier. His struggles dwindled until he gave one last convulsion and was still. Irene leant forward and felt for a pulse on her victims neck, although she could tell by the expression on his hideously bloated, purple face that she had killed him. She could understand the terror felt by the Nazis each time they found an assassinated colleague. A strangled man’s face was a gruesome sight. She released her hold on his neck and stood up on shaky legs. At that moment Pavla came back and the girls embraced, both satisfied with their first operational kill. After a while they released each other and Irene knelt down to wipe the lipstick from her victim’s face where she had kissed him, after all he was supposed to have been killed by the maquis, not by a mere girl and she didn’t want to leave any clues behind. As she rose Pavla said "Your seams are crooked" "Thank you" Irene said placing her right foot on the chest of the dead German and running her hands up the length of her stockinged leg, smoothing out the wrinkles and straightening the seam. She repeated the procedure with her left leg and then arm in arm both girls made their way back to the chateau. Chapter 4 Now as both girls listened intently, Louise briefed them on their next mission. "The night after next" she began "A supply drop from England is expected. It seems that our successes have come to the attention of the O.s.s. As well as supplies they will be sending two agents to assist us in our cause. Your mission will be to meet them and escort them back here. You will eliminate any enemy you encounter during the mission. The secrecy of our organisation is of paramount importance. Now gather round this map and I will show you where the drop will take place............. To be continued.