Valhalla, amazon Planet By Uplifted Chapter one...The mission "Just look at Hector" Jennella said pointing to the large man occupying Minerva's lap. "May I Madam Chairwomen?" ,Jennella said holding her arm's out towards him."Oh certainly captain" said Minerva, and placing one hand under his rump, and the other in his armpit, lifted the big man off of her lap and handed him over to Jennella. Gently she slid her right hand between his legs, and sat the fat man on the palm of her hand, his feet hanging down two feet from the floor. He grabbed on to her neck to steady himself, as if this were an every day occurrence. The giant starship burst out of hyperspace, like a submerged cork popping to the surface of a pool. Overdrive engines slowed to a soft murmur, it's computer informing it of it's entry into normal space. Jennella needed no wake up call. She hadn't slept in forty eight hours. This was her forth such expedition, and she was as excited as if it were her first. "Bridge, I believe that we have arrived," she said touching her wrist communicator. "How long till high orbit"? Olivia, her efficient second in command, anticipating her question answered immediately, "Three hours captain." "Good number two, patch me through to the intercom please" "Aye aye captain "your on, go ahead." "Attention crew of the Hippolytta, this is the captain. There will be a major briefing on the main viewing deck in exactly four hours. Bring all pertinent materials, Out." She lay back relaxing for perhaps the first time in the last forty eight hours. "Been working on adrenaline for too long, a captain needs her wits about her" she thought. She smiled wryly, at the name of her ship. It had been her idea to name it after one of the blue planets mythological female heroines, much to the chagrin of many on the council. She thought back to her last three voyages. First as a green ensign, then as science officer, and lastly as second in command. Not for the first time she thought of how command could hang so heavy around one's neck. "What a responsibility" she caught herself thinking out loud. She was charged with the returning of a most precious cargo, one for which the very survival of the amazon race depended. Entering the briefing room, she was delighted to see the looks of excitement on the faces of her crew, most of them personally hand picked. A combination of beauty of form and extreme strength, made them typical of the Valhallian amazon. They were the cream of the crop, selected not only for their physical perfection, but also for their technical expertise. A more qualified group of women were not to be found on all of Valhalla. "Ladies, its wonderful to see you all brimming with enthusiasm. It would be redundant , for me to repeat the essential nature of our mission. No need to stress the simple fact, that our very existence is on the line. This is the final and most important briefing, before you embark on your own individual assignments. Please feel free to interrupt and ask questions, if there is anything that I say that you find puzzling. Each of you has in her hands a packet, supplying the following information. The name, location and a short history of her man. Let me assure you, that they have been chosen only after exhaustive research. It goes without saying that the men be healthy specimens. If possible they should be as strong and virile as this fragile species can be, both emotionally as well as physically. Removing a man from his home world, and transplanting him into a strange environment, especially one as different and unfamiliar as our own, can be disorienting and potentially disastrous to his psyche." She paused breathing deeply, giving her words time to sink in. "After all , what good is kidnapping a man, and let's call a spade a spade ladies, what we are about to do, is kidnap men from their home planet. It would be self defeating, if we frighten them to the point of sexual dysfunction. I assume that you have all read the information supplied to you on this planet, its inhabitants, and their cultural mores." There was a moment of restlessness among the crew as she chuckled inwardly, cognizant of the fact that she had hit upon a sore spot. It didn't surprise her a bit, knowing the amazon opinion of the male species of this third planet from it's sun. "What was the point" she thought, putting herself into the minds of her crew. "Their just helpless men. Simply grab them and carry them off into the ship, and then to Valhalla." She shook her head at the arrogance of it. Not for the first time she thought. "Who am I to talk.? The great emancipator of the earthly male" she brooded self critically. She remembered her meeting with the council six months ago, when she had received her commission, as if it were just yesterday. "Captain Jennella, we of the council have the utmost respect for your abilities as a starship officer. In addition let me add, your considerable accomplishments as a scientist." The impressive head of the council, the venerable Minerva, snapped her fingers, and a large fat man came from behind her chair, and sat on her lap. Curling up contentedly, he rested his head on her plentiful breast. Patting him on his head and down his back, she continued. "It isn't that we don't respect your ideas", she pointed to the eleven matronly amazons around the table. "But really Captain, equality for men,? Don't you think that that's going just a bit too far?" "We mustn't confuse weakness of body with weakness of mind" Jennella answered. "Furthermore, I'm convinced that the solution to the centuries old conundrum, of why perfectly healthy and virile men, begin to lose sexual potency and become soft and fat, the minute they arrive on Valhalla, is right under our noses." "With all due respect captain, wiser and more experienced scientists then you have been working on this problem for centuries" said Alena the vice president of the council. "Just look at Hector" Jennella said pointing to the large man occupying Minerva's lap. "May I Madam Chairwomen?" Jennella said holding her arm's out towards him. "Oh certainly captain" said Minerva, and placing one hand under his rump, and the other in his armpit, lifted the big man off of her lap and handed him over to Jennella. Gently she slid her right hand between his legs, and sat the fat man on the palm of her hand, his feet hanging down two feet from the floor. He grabbed on to her neck to steady himself, as if this were an every day occurrence. "We all know Madam Minerva's consort Hector," she said pointing to the fat man sitting uncomfortably on the palm of her hand. "As I recall Hector you came to Valhalla fifteen years ago, correct?" "Yes Mistress Jennella" he answered, his eyes averted. "And on earth you were some kind of an athlete, I believe your were a collegiate heavyweight wrestler. Also you engaged in some kind of game with a ball made of the skin of some earth animal. Wasn't it called football?" "Yes mistress" he said softly. "Tell me Hector, what did you weigh at that time?" "Two hundred and forty five pounds mistress" answered the fat man sitting on her palm. "And what do you weigh now" she prompted. "Three hundred and sixty five pounds mistress" he said, hardly loud enough for the council to hear, tears of humiliation streaking down his face. She was aghast to think that at the time, she didn't even take notice of his anguish. Glancing around the council table, she received only blank stares "Really captain, your rehashing old material here. Don't you think that we of the council of all the amazon's on Valhalla, are aware of this problem"? , Minerva said impatiently tapping her fingers on the table top. "And this"? Jennella said angrily ,unzipping his fly with her left land. She reached in and scooping out his genitals held them in her hand. "Please mistress don't do this to me" he cried softly in her ear. Once again that sense of shame overwhelmed her, as she remembered treating the poor man as if he were some kind of an inanimate object. "Who here doesn't remember what a robust and virile man this was, his testicles so large and full of potent sperm? Now look at them" she challenged, cupping and fingering his balls, as they tried to retreat into his groin. "Mistress please" he pleaded. "I can not believe that this is happening to every man that we bring here, simply because of the air that we breath, or the food that we eat. It's patently ridiculous." Tears of humiliation were running down his face. " Furthermore, I say that it's something that we the amazons of Valhalla are doing to these poor creatures, that is creating the very opposite of what we desire, and by the Goddess, I am going to find out why, or die in the attempt." "Commendable captain, entirely commendable" said Minerva. Just lets not get sidetracked. Your primary mission is to bring us men" "Please mistress Jennella, if your finished with me won't you return me to my mistresses lap?" said Hector, he face stained with tears of shame and embarrassment. "Oh certainly Hector" she said, almost as an afterthought. She held the big man out to Minerva, who gathered him into her lap again, patting him on the top of his head. "Good boy" she said, smoothing down the hair on the top of his head like a favored pet." Much to her credit, Jennella's sense of fair play could not be appeased, until she had returned to Hector in order to make amends. He was overwhelmed, that an amazon had actually apologized to him. Tears of gratitude streaked his face, as he thanked her humbly for her consideration. Shaking her head with a start, she glanced around at her crew, and was pleased to see that they were hanging on to her words, as if merely a second had passed. "Well ladies " she continued. If you had taken the time to view the information handed out to you at the beginning of the mission, my next statement will offer no surprise,so hold on to your hats. The male of this planet is the physically superior gender". There was a sudden gasp, and a barely stifled guffaw, followed by outright laughter. "Attenhut" first officer Olivia called out, snapping the crew to attention. "There will be none of that" she said severely. Jennella laughed, "thank you number one, but such a reaction was to be expected. Yes my dear shipmates, as difficult as it is to believe, the male on this strange planet is the stronger sex. When you have traveled the cosmos as long, and as far as first officer Olivia and I, you will realize just how amazing, varied, and wonderful is this universe of ours. Nothing is impossible." Clearing her throat she continued. "Since none of you seem to have viewed the software given to you, I have taken the liberty of having one such example played for you. Pay close attention." The room darkened, as a three dimensional motion picture hovered before their eyes. They observed a man and a women from the blue planet. He was typical of the earthly athletic male. Six feet tall, and well muscled, he stood looking lovingly at his smaller female companion. " Man oh man Darlene" he said breathing heavily, " I'm getting tired, can't we stop for a while?" "Oh come on Bill" she pleaded, "just these last two boxes and I will be completely moved in." She pressed the front of her body against him, and wiggling her pretty little butt ,caused an immediate erection. "Besides how can a man like you with those beautiful muscles get so tired so quickly? Oh sweety" she continued pressing her hands on his biceps. "Your so strong and masterful. I just love the feeling of the power of you." "My God your so sweet" he said, lifting her into his arms. There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you" and he kissed her passionately. The film was interrupted with the sound of outright laughter. "What is it Percipini?", Jennella asked. Helmswoman Percipini stood with her hand's on her hips laughing outright, unable to contain herself. Six feet tall and superbly muscled , she exuded health and power from head to toes. She was as magnificently beautiful as she was powerful, the very epitome of the Valhallian Amazon. She threw her head back causing her long red hair to swirl around her broad shoulders. Her dazzling blue eyes gleaming, with the fire of the bright Valhallian sun. "Really captain this is too ridiculous. Why doesn't she just throw him over her shoulder, and grab the two little boxes with her other hand, and end this foolish charade?" "Helmswoman, helmswoman" answered the captain fighting to maintain her composure. Haven't you been listening? I'll repeat for the benefit of those who may have fallen asleep" she added caustically. "The man is the stronger gender. Can you understand that? If not, perhaps this is not the mission for you." "Sorry captain" Percipini said, taken aback by Jennella's outburst. "Not to doubt you, it's just such a difficult concept. I assure you that I will perform my duties as specified." "I'm sure of it helmswoman" Jennella said calming down. "As for the rest of you, you will view your software diligently. You will study the earthly female. You will observe her approach to the male, and the way she gets her way. I can assure you it is very effective. And finally, you will adapt and use this method, to capture your male." There was a groan of anguish around the room. The captain continued, "you have two days to learn to use this method. In exactly forty eight hours, all of us except a skeleton staff, will go earthside to carry out her mission. Dismissed!" Heliana the brilliant science officer stood looking down at the deck, undecided whether to return to her quarters or ask the burning question. "Yes commander what is it" asked Jennella. "Captain, I believe that we all understand the importance of your orders. It would seem to be better, using earthly methods to lessen the shock of abduction on the earthly male. But captain, certainly when the man see's the ship, and begins to understand his fate, he will fight tooth and nail, rather then leave his home. What do we do then? We will certainly have to use force." "A point well taken commander. Then and only then you may use force. But I warn you, your missions will be viewed, and if even one hair on the head of your man, and this goes for all of you, if you so much as bruise one of these precious men, a court Marshall will be awaiting you when we arrive home. You will handle them with utmost care, much as you would a child. Remember how fragile they are, and how very powerful is the Valhallian amazon. Chapter two... Jennella goes earthside. Gary Freeman sat at his table in the bar, a picture of boredom. " Here we go again, another wasted evening. Look at these people" he reflected. "The same bimbos. The same idiots trying to prove how cool and macho they were to these very same bimbos. No matter where I go in this single scene, its always the same. Ten years of this should be enough for any man. Please lord just let me find someone who I can relate to. No more air heads. No more trying to prove, that I'm someone I'm not. " He fingered his gin and tonic nursing it along, wasting time, a commodity of which he had a plentiful supply . Gary sighed thinking of the sexual conquests chalked up in his favor. "For what ?" he thought. "What's the point of it all? I'm as alone as I was ten years ago, when I entered this scene." He sipped his drink, looking around. Choking, he almost spit it out of his mouth. She just stepped out of his dreams. Entering the bar she looked haughtily around, as if appraising the people there. Their eyes met, and for a second he was spellbound, his breath heavy upon his chest. It was as if an inspired artist, had painted his one and only masterpiece. Raven black hair framed her exquisite face. Eyes of azure blue fire, her lips a sea of deep red . He could swear that she wore no makeup to create the effect. Her shoulders were exquisite, if wider then the average woman, and her breasts stood out in defiance of the laws of gravity, as if in warning to any man. "Look if you will, but touch at your own peril." Although he tried, Gary couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Never in his life of female chasing , did a woman have such an effect on him. He watched with unabashed admiration, as she made her way to the bar, moving with the grace and confidence of an athlete, a very beautiful one. Realizing that he was staring open mouthed like an idiot, he turned away. His eyes however had a mind of their own , and he watched her out of the corner of one barely opened lid. She ordered a drink, and looking directly at him, tipped her glass in an open invitation. He hadn't expected that, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he rose and walked up to this vision. "Um um um " he stuttered like a school boy. "Won't you join me"? Lifting her drink off of the bar she said cheerfully , "Lead on Macduff. " Tongue tied, he returned to his table followed by his vision. They sat staring at each other for just a moment. Never had he been at a loss for words before, but speech failed him now. He came to a quick decision. "Damn it", he told himself, "no more games." Looking deeply into her pools of azure blue he said," forgive me, I've never been at a loss for words before, but how does a man speak to the most beautiful thing he has ever seen?" "Thank you, you dear man. You've just made my day." Many words could be used to describe this wonderful creature. Exquisite and stately being just two. Another adjective rebounded in his head but it escaped him for the moment. Not knowing what to do or say, he offered her his hand like a school boy. "Gary Freeman at your service ma'am." Smiling she took his hand and gently squeezed. . He gasped, and bit down hard on his tongue, to keep from crying out in agony. Releasing his hand immediately she thought. "Damn me", here I am ordering my staff to be careful of these frail things, and look what I do?" She pretended as if nothing had happened. "It's wonderful to meet you Gary, names Jennella," she said, hoping that she had done no permanent damage. By this time he had managed to move both of his hands below the table top, and on to his lap, his left hand massaging his agonized right. "Jesus" he thought. The descriptive word that he had been seeking came to him in a flash... (power). He laughed it off. "Ridiculous" he told himself. "Look how sweet, how lovely she is. Must have been a pulled muscle or a pinched nerve", nevertheless his hand remained under the table top. Seeking to give his hand enough time to return to normal he said, "Jennella, what a beautiful name. Rather unusual, I haven't heard it before. Where do you come from." " Far far away", she said. "I surmised that", Gary answered, "How far away"? "Another galaxy," she replied chuckling. "Ah yes," he said smiling, "I thought you looked other worldly." "Aren't you afraid to be talking to an alien"? she continued, totally enjoying herself. "Most certainly, but I'm a man who likes to live dangerously. Are you very dangerous"? "I can be. May I speak quite honestly" Gary shook his head. "Very well then," she continued, " I would just love to take you home, and jump your bones." He strangled on his drink almost spitting it into her face. "Well that's honest all right. What man in his right mind would deny such a wish? But tell me, as an alien, your not trying to spirit me away are you?" "Oh I don't know", she answered blithely. "I haven't made up my mind yet. Are you worth spiriting away?" "Well modesty forbids, but I wouldn't be at all surprised, if many women would jump at the opportunity" he said, grinning like a little boy. "Modesty becomes you," she sniggered. "Well" she said raising from her chair, "I'm ready to start spiriting, that is if your game." Gary rose from his chair and spreading his arms wide said, "my poor helpless bod is yours for the taking." "Oh my," Jennella laughed out loud, "I didn't think it would be this easy." "If you prefer I can kick and scream. Will that make you feel better?" "Why don't we wait till we get to my place, before you start the kicking and screaming" she advised him agreeably. They laughed all the way out of the bar and to his car. "By the way, where is your car?" he asked after they were fifteen minutes underway. "I have no car" she answered. "Uhuh, well since there are no buses or trains that go out that way, you came by taxi. Or perhaps you beamed down from your rocket ship." "Star ship," she corrected. Gary laughed totally captivated by her. "I stand corrected, star ship it is. But tell me then, why are we driving ? Why not just beam us to our destination." "Sorry, but it's against regulations" "All right I'll bite. What do the regulations say." "We may beam from ship to site, but never from site to site," she said seriously, with just a touch of amusement in her voice. "Ok" Gary said grinning, "gives me more time to spend with a most fascinating woman", and placing his arm around her, brought her closer to him. They had been driving for about forty minutes, he following her instructions, when he started to frown and look about him. They seemed to have left residential areas far behind, and the road had changed from paved asphalt, to a bumpy dirt path. None to happy, he bit his lip . "Good God Jennella, where do you live, in the jungle"? "Just another few minutes Gary, we're almost there." "OK if you say so, but I hope that we can still maneuver on this road for a while." "Don't worry" she calmed him, " just a short time more." They drove for a few more seconds, Gary fighting the wheel and slowing down to almost a trot. "Stop right here," she called out. Stepping on the brake he screeched to a halt. Exiting his car, he looked around at the wooded area. "Are you kidding me Jennella? this place is deserted." "We have to walk for a few hundred feet. It's right over that hill" she said pointing. "Jennella, are you putting me on? No one lives around here." "Oh come on you big baby, are you afraid that I"m going to rape you"? Gently, ever so gently, she took his hand in hers and dragged him along. Laughing nervously, he said, "is it getting to be spiriting time yet?" Hugging him she said, "not yet you adorable fool, but just wait till I get you home." Inexplicably, she felt a pervading sense of guilt. During her last three sorties, she had returned to earth as many as three times a mission, always bringing back a captured male. Certainly she had felt sorry for the poor things, but somehow this was very different. She realized with shock, the affection that she felt for this man. "Impossible", she thought, "this can't effect anything. These men are too important to loose." They continued hand in hand for a few hundred yards, until they arrived at the slight incline she had pointed out. "This is too weird," he said, smiling uneasily. "Start climbing big boy, or do I have to forcibly carry you over the hill"? her eyes seemingly full of reassuring mischief . They continued their climb, Gary muttering under his breath, "Jesus, what I wouldn't do for a beautiful woman." "Your a sweetheart." she said, urging him up the incline. They climbed yet higher, Jennella leading him toward the summit. Breathing heavily and sweating, he marveled at her seeming lack of effort. "She must be in marvelous shape" he speculated. "I just love it." He had always admired athletic women. Even females with a touch of muscle, were no turn off to him. Reaching the top of the incline, she gently helped him up. Giggling, she said, "Boy, we're going to have to whip you into shape." Upon reaching the top of the hill he grinned and said, "you the whippor, I the whippee." Placing his hands on his knees in order to catch his breath, he glanced for the first time, at the other side of the hill. His sharp indrawn breath, prevented him from screaming out loud. Two hundred yards from them, was an enormous metallic structure. "My God J J J Jennella, look at that." He pointed to the giant circular form, that to his amazed eye's, covered at least three acres of land. It's circumference was absolutely seamless, and it's weight so monumental, that it produced an indentation in the earth at least three feet deep. "Oh Gary", she clapped her hands together like a delighted little child. "How wonderful, lets go and explore." "What"? he said, totally dismayed. "Are you off of your rocker? Just look at that thing. You're not getting me within a mile of that monstrosity." "Oh you big baby. Come on, what have you got to lose?" "Nothing but my life sweetheart. I'm rather fond of it you know." Holding on to his hand, she urged him forward, toward the giant structure. He pulled back from her, and from the object of his fright. Much to his amazement and horror, he found his feet moving in the direction of the giant round thing, instead of away. Digging his heels into the ground, trying to slow his forward motion, he found himself almost yanked off of his feet. He had to run forward in order to maintain his balance, moving him even closer to the colossal globe. "Jennella,... how,... stop,... cut it out" his speech becoming disjointed. "Stop it damn you", he screamed, digging in with his heels, getting what he considered an unbreakable hold on the ground. Ignoring him she continued walking towards her ship, dragging him along, and sending him pitching forward onto his face. He rolled over on to his back, as she looked down at him sympathetically. "Oh Gary, Gary, I'm so very sorry", she said, and placing her right arm under his neck, and her left under his thighs, lifted him as if he were a feather, and cradled him in her arms. He looked up at her, awe struck. Gary was no light weight, but a heavily muscled two hundred and twenty pound, six foot two specimen of masculinity. As if in a stupor, he failed to understand what was going on. "Jennella, please what's happening to me"? he asked, not really wanting the answer. "Oh Gary darling, I'm so sorry. I wish it could be different," and she approached the ship. "No Jennella no," and he started to kick and squirm in her grasp. Sighing, she pressed him to her, trapping his left arm between his hip and her waist. At the same time she grabbed his right arm and held him immobile. Before he could use his still free legs, she pressed them tightly to her body, immobilizing him almost completely. In a panic, he saw the giant ship only a few feet away. "Oh God Jennella no, no no," he bellowed, and with all of the strength that he could muster, he heaved himself up and down, utilizing the only part of his trapped body that had a modicum of freedom, his hips and stomach. By this time she was in tears. She realized how much this dear man had come to mean to her. "But what could she do?" she reasoned. She had her obligation to the corps, and much more important, was her duty to her species. He looked up at her pathetically. Like any other man he had his fantasies. Most, he would consider, of the normal male female garden variety. Deeply buried among them however, was the fantasy of the male, overwhelmed by the strength of the female, and carried off. He wondered just how prevalent this fantasy was, among so called normal men. He certainly considered himself one of them. With a sense of hope, he saw the tears flowing freely down her face. He never thought that he would resort to what he was certainly going to resort to now. Begging and pleading for mercy from a woman, had never been in his make up. Nevertheless he reasoned, there was no time like the present . "Oh God Jennella, please don't do this to me. Have mercy on me. Don't take me away from my home and all that I hold dear". To his amazement, tears formed at the corners of his own eyes. "I'm so sorry my darling, so very sorry," she said sobbing uncontrollably. As they approached the globe, a ramp dropped from the top of the formerly seamless surface. In a state of panic he screamed shamelessly. "Oh no, please no. Jennella have mercy on me." She walked up the ramp with her burden, her face completely covered in tears and speechless with grief. The ramp slowly closed on the couple, enclosing them into its once again seamless surface. The last words that Gary Freeman would ever utter on his beloved home of earth, echoed into the night. "Oh God, what will become of me?" Chapter three...Men on board, and we meet Enorma The captain of the giant star ship Hippolytta, sat absentmindedly at her beloved mahogany desk. It was the only memento of the planet earth, that she allowed herself. She felt an obligation, to keep the beautiful blue planet, in as pristine a state as she had left it. The incongruity of her taking seventy five of earth's most precious possessions, namely it's men, simply didn't register. Nor would it have mattered. Earth with its teeming millions, would hardly miss these men, but it was life or death for her species. Scowling, she noted the pile of paper work that had mounted on her desk, in the few weeks since the completion of the mission. Well not exactly complete she thought, that would take delivery of the cargo. Pushing them aside with disgust she ruminated " I can't stand this damn bureaucratic crap." Sighing in resignation, she said out loud, as if she had to explain to some nonexistent listener, " well if the captain doesn't fill out these damn reports, who will? " She had been trying to get to it for a week now, but damn that Gary, she couldn't get him out of her mind. Her reaction amazed her. "Great Goddess, a Valhallian Amazon, simply doesn't take on this way about a mere man. Damn inconvenient" she scolded herself. Nevertheless, she couldn't stop smiling. "Shit ,I've just got to stop reading these foolish earthly romance novels. The concept of love and romance was new to her, and Goddess damn it, it hurt. " "Oh Gary, Gary", she thought, tears forming before her eyes. She couldn't stop thinking of his pathetic last words, as she carried him unto the ship. ("Oh God, what will becoming of me"). It was like an arrow planted firmly between her breasts. And what was even more incredible, was her completely unnecessary assurance to him. "My darling, it's going to be all right. You have my solemn pledge." It was inconceivable, that she of all people, should have made such a promise. She had always looked with abhorrence, at those who had taken advantage of their exalted positions. "How dare they take a man into their own household's, when ordinary amazons, hardly had the opportunity, to meet even one of these wonderful creatures?" Oh certainly, even these so called lucky men, had to be brought to the lab at least four times a year, for semen extraction. Nor could any escape the humiliation of the lists. When their names were posted, they would have to be brought to the lab, in order to service as many amazons as was physically possible. Prostitution she grimaced, plain and simple. And what of the others? Those who had no sponsor. They would be billeted, in the sterile environment of the lab itself. "Not for my Gary" was her impassioned outcry. Shamefully, she realized that she intended to keep him with her, "and no, he would not become a pet like Minerva's Hector". She just hoped that he would make a healthy adjustment. He had been aboard for two weeks now, and remained infuriatingly quite. His only responses to her, when she had visited him in his luxurious quarters was, "yes captain" or "no ma'am" or even worse, his sarcastic, "aye aye sir." "Patience Jennella", she admonished herself. "He'll come around". Already most of the seventy five men were making the adjustment, if not out right acceptance. She wondered if their special relationship, could be a contributing factor in his resentment. The other men had no such bond. They were coaxed, seduced, or just plain forced on board, without any idea of a permanent relationship. Nor would the concept occur to any of her shipmates. Find a man,and take him. That's the way a Valhallian amazon would react to the given situation. With her passion for earthly anthropology, and her voluminous reading on the subject, she fancied that she was the only amazon on Valhalla, who would react in such a fashion. It certainly didn't help his mood, that he was referred to on the ship, as the captain's boy. With a slap on her wrist communicator, she reclined in her chair with her feet resting comfortably on her favorite desk. "Yes captain?" came the voice of her first officer. "Oliva, have Enorma sent to my quarters please." "Aye aye captain. I'll have her accompanied by security." "That wouldn't be wise, number one. It might give her the idea, that I fear her." "Captain, if I may quote one of those pithy earthly aphorisms that you are so fond of, ( caution is the better part of valor)." "Touché commander," she laughed. "Allright, have two armed guards escort her here, but they are to remain outside of my door." "As you wish captain. Out." Sitting forward at her desk, she clasped her hands together, and forming the shape of a teepee with her two forefingers, placed them supportively under her chin. She had been dreading this meeting for the few weeks that the ship had been underway. Keeping Enorma out of mischief, was a full time job. She had been receiving reports from various members of her staff, that the giant women was casting covetous eyes at the men. She had to be put in her place, and the only one who had the courage to do so, was Jennella herself, and perhaps Oliva. Melodiously the chimes rang out at her door. "Come", she called out. The door slid open, gliding noiselessly into its aperture. A large six foot two heavily armed amazon entered. "Captain, we have her outside. Shall we escort her in and wait in your quarters?" "No ensign, show her in and wait outside please." Seeing the look of anxiety on the guards face she added," be alert and have your weapons on heavy stun." She sighed deeply, dreading this encounter with the immense woman. Enorma entered tentatively, lowering her head just below the door top. She stood before the captain, the top of her head, twelve inches below the eight foot high ceiling. Jennella rose immediately and paced back and forth. "Please sit down Enorma."This was suggested not out of politeness, but in order to give Jennella the feeling of having the upper hand. She didn't relish the idea of having to look up into the big woman's breasts. To describe Enorma as big, would have been the understatement of the year. Her twenty four inch neck, flowed into shoulders that reminded Jennella of the shoulder pads of earthly football players, except that she wore no shoulder pads. Her arms were so thick and gnarled, that they reminded the captain of oak trees. Huge breasts perching upon pectoral muscles of massive proportions, stood erect in amazing display. No need to describe her legs, which were twice the size of her massive arms. She was an awesome sight, and even the captain of the mighty star ship Hippolyta, stood in awe of her. Jennella hated to think what effect she would have on the men, whose duty it was hers to protect. She stopped pacing, and stood in front of the seated giant, standing only a few inches above her head. "So Enorma" she said clearing her throat nervously. "How are things? Are you enjoying your duties on board?" "Captain, is there anything that happens on board that you are unaware of?" answered the behemoth of a woman. "Your right. There is very little that escapes my notice Enorma. However, what I don't know is what a person is thinking. Are you happy here?" The huge woman sat still a moment thinking. "Happy is a relative term captain. I'm happy to be alive. I have you to thank for that, and I am deeply grateful." Her eyes roamed the room restlessly. "I won't beat around the bush" Jennella continued. "Your here because I've been receiving disturbing reports concerning you." The immense woman looked up at the ceiling in an unsuccessful attempt to hide her irritation. "And what would those be captain?" she asked, turning her disturbing eyes upon Jennella. Sighing, Jennella continued. "Do I have to repeat the terms of your stay on this ship? How many times have you been told to remain in your quarters, when we have a shipment of men on board? You have been ordered to stay away from them. I'll not have you terrorizing this precious cargo. Furthermore, I'm not averse to taking you back before the council, and having your sentence reinstated. Do I make myself perfectly clear Enorma?" "But Captain" the big woman whined. I didn't do anything. I didn't touch. I merely looked. Can I help it if I have perfectly normal reactions, to these adorable creatures?" "You lost that privilege, when you nearly killed that poor man", Jennella said vehemently. Even hurting a man is a serious offense. I really don't know how I got the council to commute your sentence." "Captain please, I explained that I didn't hurt him on purpose. I didn't understand the extant of their fragility. Great Goddess, their so delicate." "No one on the council bought that,' said Jennella. " I decided to trust you Enorma. Don't make me sorry for my decision. Now get to your quarters and stay there. Dismissed." She was ushered out of Jennella's quarters by the two heavily armed guards, fuming with suppressed anger. The captain wiped her brow in relief, happy to get that ordeal over with. Enorma's sentence reminded her of a book that she had read, during her research of earth literature. It was called the man without a country. In it, the main character was condemned to remain on an ocean vessel for life, without an opportunity to ever see his home again. That too was Enorma's fate. She wondered if the disintegration chamber, wouldn't have been a more merciful fate. Perhaps she hadn't done the giant woman such a favor after all. "And now for a more immediate problem", she thought sighing. It was time for her evening visit with Gary. Of course it wasn't necessary to visit one of the men in their quarters. Nor was it wise. Jennella realized that it set her up for criticism among the crew, not to mention the council when they arrived Valhalla side. She shook her head. She just couldn't help herself. She was crazy in love, and she was sure that Gary returned her feelings, if only he could get over the assumption of her betrayal of his trust. Not that she blamed him. In essence he was right. She had taken advantage of his love and trust, but damn it, couldn't he see that she had no choice? Every evening, or whenever the ship's computer decided evening was, she would visit him in his quarters. And every evening she received either a verbal put-down, or the silent treatment. She couldn't decide which was worse. Leaving her quarters she made her way toward his suite. She had made this trip, each night since she had forcibly carried him on board. Sighing, she avowed that this time, she would not take no for an answer. She had instituted the evening communal meal, a custom for which her second in command had warned her. "Captain, it's a radical departure for which you may have to answer to the council, to say nothing of the attitude of your shipmates." "And were do you stand " Jennella asked Olivia"? "As always I am with you. It's rather obvious that you feel the need to make the men feel more at home, to give them have a sense of camaraderie. "Is anything wrong with that"?, Jennella asked. "It's never been done before", answered Olivia. "Since when has that ever stopped me", Jennella said smiling. "Captain, it might behove you to be a bit more conservative at times." "I'll try, but it's so damn hard for me" she said, laughing outrightly. Her second in command groaned audibly, as if to say "your quite incorrigible." With a start, she realized that she had reached the door to his quarters. "Captain to see passenger Freeman", she said speaking into the electronic sensor placed in the center of the door. It slid open into it's aperture, and she entered. Gary was sitting at his viewer in his underwear, watching the progress on the ship. She had often found him like this. "Gary", she said softly, "it's time for the communal meal, won't you join me"? "Another time captain ", he said curtly. "You've been saying this for the past two weeks" she responded gently. "And perhaps I'll continue for the next two weeks. Or maybe the next two months, or for that matter, for years", he snapped. "I insist that you come with me", she retorted, struggling to keep her anger contained. He looked up at her nonplused. She had never been so insistent before. "Perhaps another time", he replied, and went back to his viewer. "Viewer off", she commanded, the screen going black. "I'll not take no for an answer this time. Every man has come to this dinner except you. You might feel that your a privileged character, but let me assure you, that you're no different then any other man on board." "No?, I thought that I was the captain's boy", he cited sarcastically. "We will discuss this later. First you will accompany me to dinner" the sound of her voice allowing no dissent. I'd rather not", he said suppressing a yawn. "Perhaps some time in the indefinite future." "Your indefinite future is now", she responded hands on hips. Gary looked at her a bit taken back. "And if I refuse, will you force me captain?" "If you make it necessary, I won't hesitate for a moment. "You mean like the time that you forced me unto this ship"? he asked caustically. Jennella didn't let him see, but that one hurt. She struggled to keep the tears from her very feminine eyes. She hated the way he was able to use her own guilt against her. "I suggest that you change for dinner, otherwise I will carry you there just as you are. Do I make myself perfectly clear?, she said, no longer bothering to hide her anger. He rose from his seat. "Yes ma'am, I'll be right with you" he answered docilely, with just a trace of bitterness in his voice. She exited his room with him following right behind. The corridors were sparse in design. They might have been walking down the halls of an earthly hospital. The only thing unusual about them, were the imperceptible light source. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out how the ship was lit. He couldn't tell if it emanated from the walls, floor, or ceiling. Or for that matter, from all three. Up ahead he saw men entering a large room. Jennella went in with him following right behind. Glancing about, he realized that this was some sort of converted room of assembly. There were tables all about, and each man seemed to know where his place was. "Your on your own", said Jennella, and left him to roam around the room visiting each table. He could see that the men seemed to know her, and conversed with her rather easily. As a matter of fact they were downright friendly, a circumstance that caused an uncontrollable streak of jealousy to flair up within him. Turning his back and trying to suppress the emotion, he made his way to an inconspicuous unoccupied table in the corner of the room. He noticed that in addition to Jennella, there were five amazon's roaming about. He assumed that they were guards, although they were unarmed. They made abortive attempts to be friendly, but couldn't carry it off nearly as well as could their captain. Watching her moving about easily among the men, he couldn't help thinking how very beautiful, warm, and yes how brilliant she was. How could she be otherwise, running a ship such as this one. A ship whose technology he couldn't begin to fathom. There was a center table abundant with food. It reminded him of a buffet in many a restaurant at home. Probably an innovation of Jennella he thought with a sense of pride. Making his way to the buffet table, he took a cup of a brown liquid that looked like coffee, and a sandwich, and returned to his table. As he sat munching absentmindedly, he observed the other seventy four men who seemed quite happy. At least they appeared so at a quick glance. >>From the other side of the room he heard loud noises. It seemed as if an argument had broken out. Straining his neck to see what it was all about, he noticed four men standing, and arguing nose to nose. It was difficult to hear what they were saying, but he could see that it could very easily come to blows. As he watched he saw one of the amazon guards making her way towards the men. Gently she pushed in between them. "Please gentlemen", she said, pushing the men apart. "Fighting is not allowed. You may hurt each other." One of the men bellowed, "that's exactly what I have in mind," making threatening gestures, which were immediately returned by the other three. "Please don't make me use force" she implored. Two of the men laughed outright, while the others smiled indulgently. All the men had been hand picked with certain attributes in mind. It was deemed important that the those chosen be unencumbered. That is, that they should be orphan's with no family ties, or at least very few. That not being possible, then it was resolved that they be alone, due to death's in their families. If they were loners that was even better. It was obvious that the reason for this was so that their capture's would create the least possible attention. Nevertheless, great care was taken that in spite of their independent nature's, that they be emotionally healthy individuals. The men's physical appearance as well as athletic aptitudes, were also judged essential. Before they were chosen, they were scanned for testosterone levels, and sperm counts. It was obvious that sexual health and stamina, was essential for men who would have to service many amazon's, during their lives on Valhalla. The latter while indispensable for any man taken to Valhalla, had a number of hitches. While it made him physically desirable for the amazon's of Valhalla, it also tended to make him assertive and argumentative. For the most part, that was all right with most amazon's. They tended to think of it as endearing, if not downright enchanting. In the present situation however, it was nothing but a hindrance. They could not be allowed to damage each other. "Gentlemen, this is no laughing matter", said the frustrated amazon guard, looking up at the four men, each of who dwarfed her by at least six inches. "Please shake hands and return to your tables," she pleaded. She was entirely discounted by the angry men, who in spite of experiencing capture by force, could not imagine that a woman that small, and who was outweighed by at least seventy five pounds by each of them, could overpower them by herself. The little guard for her part, could not imagine why the men were acting as they were. She would have been highly insulted, if any of her fellow amazons had even suggested, that she couldn't handle at least ten such men with ease. To her it was a given, as it was with all of her shipmates. In answer to her plea, one of the men struck out at one of his fellows, who tried to return the punch immediately. Both blows were deflected on the rock hard arm's of the guard. The only damage being to their fists, which felt as if they had struck a brick wall. One of the men cried out in pain, which only served to increase their anger. "Damn you, get out of the way" they cried out together. Now, all four men tried to get in damaging blows at once. Finally losing her cool, she shrieked, "I warned you", and she grabbed the back of the necks of two of the men, and forced them on to their knees, and in between her legs. One she positioned between her calves, while the other was restrained between her thighs. Both men became immediately quiescent, when she squeezed just hard enough to make them realize that for the present they were immobile, but could very quickly experience extreme pain, not that a Valhallian amazon would ever do such a thing. The other two tried to continue the struggle, but the little guard grabbed hold of the men's belts, and lifting them clear off of the floor, held them at arms length at her sides, in order to separate them as much as possible. One man wisely realizing his helpless predicament, just hung loosely from her hand, offering no resistance. The other however, that is the one spoiling for a fight, kicked out savagely in mid air, and swore obscenities at the little guard. One such kick hit harmlessly on her bicep, but another came perilously close to her face. "Stop that immediately" she warned, and she shook the furious man in mid air, as if she were straightening out a bed sheet. This only served to anger him all the more, and he kicked out intentionally at her face,. "You were warned" she shouted, and she did the only thing that she could do, given the present situation. She started to spin the hapless creature around and around her head. "Stop" he screamed. Except for the other amazon guards who just went about their business, the entire assemblage was watching. The man hanging quietly from her hand, froze as if he were a statue, not wanting to call any further attention to himself. She picked up the pace and tossed him around, as if he were a sling shot. "Stop, please stop," he pleaded, but things had gone to far, and the little amazon had lost control. Around and around he flew, his velocity becoming increasingly faster. "OOOOH God noooooo please. I'm soooooory, forgive me.",he cried out in shocked horror. "I can't stand it any more. I'm getting siiiick. Please have mercy. I'm sorry. I'm begging you." Gary watched the frightening scene in a state of complete shock . Yes he had experienced amazon power first hand, but this display was mind shattering. Dazed, he saw Jennella practically running towards the scene. When she was within ten feet she screamed out, "guard, halt." The amazon guard froze in mid spin. The frightened man hung slightly behind and over her head like a Christmas ornament, his insignificant two hundred and fifty pounds not even causing her tricep to bulge. He was crying and making gagging sounds, trying to catch his breath. "Captain", she said apologetically, "I couldn't help it, he gave me no choice." Jennella held up her hand placatingly. "Please guard, there is no need to apologize. You behaved in the only way that the situation allowed. But now I think that you've made your point." "Yes ma'am" said the guard. "So now," she continued, " let the men go, gently if you will." She spread her legs apart, allowing the two trapped men to slither to the floor. Carefully, she lowered the man who offered no trouble, and then reluctantly placed the other man on the ground. He was still sobbing quietly, and so dizzy that he would have fallen to the ground, had not Jennella scooped hem up in her arms. "It's all right" she consoled him. "Just lie still until you get your bearings. You'll be fine in a few minutes." He lie cradled in her arms, his legs and arms hanging loosely at his sides. As Gary watched he glanced around at the other men, and saw admiration in their eyes. He could have sworn, that each and every one of them, would have given his eye tooth to have been in that man's place. He wasn't so sure if he didn't feel the same. After a while Jennella asked him how he felt. "Fine captain, thank you for your kindness. You can put me down now if you will. " he said gratefully. Lowering him to the floor, she held on to his arm in order to steady him. Looking around at the men observing him, his eyes lit upon one spot in the room. That spot was were Gary was standing. "Excuse me captain" he said, and made his way towards Gary. As he drew near, he held his hand out to Gary in greeting. "Hi, I'm John Metasis" he said, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, Gary Freeman here." "Yes I know" he continued, "but I think I'll call you schmuck. Gary blanched, his face showing his anger. He stared at the big man for a time, but suddenly his face lit up in a smile, as if he understood something that only he and John recognized. Looking around his eyes found Jennella's. Staring into her big beautiful eye's, he asked loud enough for all to hear, "how did you know my middle name?" That brought down the house, except for Jennella, who had tears of joy in her eyes. "Thank you John for calling a spade a spade, Now if you will excuse me, I think that I have some unfinished business to attend to." He made his way toward her. When he got within a few feet of her, he held his arm's out palms up, lifting them up and down as a signal to her. She smiled as she got the message. Lifting him into her arms and cradling him to her, she asked, "how's this big boy?" Grinning, he curled himself closer against her breasts. "Home James", he chuckled. Making her way toward the exit she turned around to face the assemblage. "Carry on", she ordered , and laughing joyfully, carried her lover to her quarters. She stood under her air shower for the third time in the last two hours. It had been set to extreme sting, in order to relieve her tension . Except for Enorma, there were few people who could handle the piston like shafts of air of this setting, as they cascaded off of her giant body. Sighing, she realized that it was serving no useful purpose. She was just as furious as she had been, leaving the captain's quarters. Stepping out of the shower she admired herself in the mirror, flexing her extraordinary musculature. Smiling, she reveled at just how intimidating she looked. She very nearly achieved organism, at the very thought of her overwhelming strength. Even by amazon standards she was frightening. Happily, she reminded herself of the little incident Jennella had spoken of. She really hadn't meant to hurt the poor little fellow, things had just gotten out of hand. Actually little fellow was a misnomer. All of the men brought to Valhalla were quite large and heavily muscled. It was just that in comparison to Enorma everyone seemed small. She recalled with of sigh of pleasure, how he had whimpered in the corner, trying for all the world to push his back through the wall, as she had flexed her giant torso before him. She remembered his high pitched scream of terror, when she had reached out for him. His reaction to her had accomplished two things.First, it had aroused her passion almost to a fever pitch, while at the same time, somehow serving to provoke her. Reaching between the poor things legs, she had grasped his genitals, and lifted him to the height of her face. Screaming in pain he had begged her to let him go. But she wasn't in the mood to let him go just yet. "Don't you want to play with Enorma little feller?" she asked, in as feminine a voice as she could command. Coming from her it sounded somehow grotesque. "Please, put me down, it hurts," he pleaded almost hyperventilating. "You know, your so cute that I might just eat you up alive," and she placed him into her mouth, dick and balls, even managing to swallow half of his tight little ass. In his terror, he imagined that she could do just what she had said, and he screamed at the top of his lungs. "Oh God, save me please." His loud screaming panicked her, and placing one giant hand over his face, and the other in the small of his back, jerked his head back, while at the same time forced his back forward. There was a sickening crack , and a pitiful high pitched squeal of pain. Then nothing. He lay still in her arms like a broken trinket. In a state of panic,she assumed that he was dead. Rather then examining him for signs of life, she simply tossed his poor limp body aside, and raced away. Every amazon knew that the penalty for severely hurting a man, could very well be death. They were just too valuable to the valhallian society to damage. When she was caught, she was brought up before the highest court in the land, the council itself. Her sentence was death, but soft hearted Jennella, who as a star ship captain could attend, pleaded for her life. It was finally decided that since the man was alive and making a rapid recovery, thank the Goddess and Valhallian medicine,and that further in deference to Jennella, that she would live. However since it was Jennella who had spoken so eloquently in her behalf, Enorma would be her problem. She would never be allowed to return home, but must remain on the star ship Hippolytta, until the day that she died, forever suspended in space. At first she didn't mind. She was grateful to the captain for her life. But after many months, time started to hang heavy on her hands. In the first place, she had no training as star ship material. Jennella tried feeding her scut work, but she found that to be demeaning, and no amount of time spent in her entertaining holo suite, could make up for the boredom, of what she felt was a useless life. After a time, her twisted mind started to view Jennella as her jailer. As her resentment rose, she envisioned ways of getting back, at the very one who had been her savior. She stood in front of the full length mirror combing her hair, watching her incredible arms flex to massive proportions. "How can I punish her for the way she has treated me"? she thought. Sitting down she gazed unhappily into the mirror. As she stared inconsolably in the mirror, a sudden thought lit up her countenance. Laughing with delight, she rolled the thought around and around in her warped mind. Three little words, just that. Happily she repeated those three little words in her mind again and again. Then leaning back, her fingers clutched together behind her head, she repeated those fateful words out loud, basking in the sound of them. "The captain's boy.Oh yes, the captain's boy." It is my pleasure to receive comments on my stories, either praise or criticism. Pstone414@adelphia. net