East Meets West By Uplifted Part Three Land ho! A number of days later, just when everyone seemed to be getting on each other's nerves, captain Luana asked, "Girls do you smell that? The aroma of grass, wouldn't you say?" Elona and Meerana smiled, "I would say that we should spot land within a few minutes" said Elona, eager to get off of the smelly ship. Unwashed bodies can be pretty hard to take after a few days, she thought. "And what do you think my dear husband" asked Luana contemptuously. "Just as you say captain", he said humbly. "Men!" she addressed them. "Or perhaps, shrimps would be more appropriate. You're about to witness you're first sight of land in many days." Many of the men ran up to the railing to get a closer look. As they watched breathlessly, the smell of vegetation becoming increasingly stronger, Adriana the fifth woman on the crew, called out from her position high in the topsail, "land ho!" After his many days of misery on the stinking ship, Sammy felt like cheering when he spotted the snow covered mountains, far off in the distance. As they gazed into the distance, the tops of trees seemed to sprout up, as if emerging from the depths of the water. Within a very few seconds, they observed a shoreline, containing what seemed to them, considering that that were approaching a small Island, a numerous amount of people. As they neared the shore, they could see that there were men and women bunched together, awaiting their arrival. As he strained to look, it seemed to Sammy that the men were shorter then the women, but of a bulky built, much as was Seelam. As they drew even nearer Adriana came down from the topsail, and took her place alongside the little men, at the railing. She seemed to be staring hard, looking for someone. Suddenly her face lit up in recognition, and with a smile she yelled, "Mama," waving her hand energetically over her head. A large women standing at the shore and dwarfing the man accompanying her, screamed back, "Baby it's good to see you safe and sound, but where are the little fellers?" "Their all here" she called out, "it's just that their so small, that it's hard to see them from such a distance over the railing. Here let me show you," she said, and she picked up little Pauly Kahn, who was unluckly enough to be standing right next to her. Lifting the little male overhead, she waved him back and forth for her mother to see. The poor little fellow was very frightened, as she waved him near the edge of the ship. "Please mistress, be careful" he entreated her "Now Pauly, you know the rules. One doesn't question a mistress," she scolded him. Meanwhile they had sailed to within two hundred feet of the shore. "Oh my dear Adriana, he looks so precious from here, I just can't wait to press him to my busom," bellowed her now even more enormous appearing mother. As little Pauly Kahn waited patiently, held over the head of the lovely Adriana, he was chilled to the very marrow of his little bones, when he heard her say, " no need to wait mother, I'll send him to you right now. Prepare to catch him." Before the little fellow could cry out, she reared back and fired. His tiny body flew end over end from the ship, the only thing being heard was his, "oh God, oh God," repeated over and over again, until he landed in Adriana's mothers arms. She pressed the poor weeping little thing to her breast, trying to console him. "There there little pumpkin, your safe now, it's all over." His crying continued unabated, right into the cleft of her bosom, as she petted and stroked his little back. When he finally started to calm down, she held him under his armpits, and out in front of her for all to admire. "Look everybody, isn't he just beautiful? " she said, most of the giant women oohing and aahing him, as if he were an infant. "So fragile, so weak, but oh so lovely," and she kutchee kutched him. "And what do you think my husband" she said, to the heavy set man standing next to her. Her husband who was bored with the whole affair, made a sour face, his eyes shooting up into corner of his eyelids. Tongue in cheek he said, "gorgeous, he's just gorgeous. Now if you don't mind, I think that I'll go swimming and catch some fish for dinner. Enjoy your little tidbit." Luana who had witnessed the event of Pauly Kahn and Adriana, smiled. "What a wonderful way to take the men ashore" she stated, throwing her head back and laughing uncontrollably. The frightened little men hearing of her intention, cringed, some even soiling themselves. As the ship docked Captain Luana took it upon herself to form as it were a bucket brigade. Instead of water, they would pass the men, from hand to hand. Separating the women further apart, she instructed, "don't pass them, throw them." This order was met with consternation by the men, who couldn't keep from groaning and pleading, little Sammy as loud as any. When he was thrown into Elona's arms, she said sympathetically, "don't worry my sweet little helpless baby, it will be over soon." Finally when all of the men were ashore, nestled safely in the arms of an amazon, They were carried off to their quarters, a set of barracks within the center of the village. Some of the women toting four men, as easily as if they were the tiniest of infants. The poor men were so worn out from the combination of a sea voyage, and their latest ordeal, that they just lay quietly in their captives arms. Reaching the barracks, most of them simply collapsed onto their beds fully clothed. Waxana and Elona, where given the task of offering final instructions to the men. "Men" said Elona, as did Waxana in the other barracks. "You've been through a great deal since you were captured. It is not our intention to harass of injure you in any way, but you still have much to learn. For the next twenty-four hours, your free to rest here, or to roam at will through our village. Just make sure that you don't wander anywhere near the jungle. You will be watched. If you were to ask me, I would advise you to stay right here in your barracks. As you have seen, the women of our village, are extremely fond of little men like you. I can assure you that if you were to get anywhere near one of them, you would not escape being handled, pinched, and fondled. Not to mention lifted and thrown around. A favorite game of this Island is called, hurl him far, hurl him high. So be warned. As she left, she grabbed a little feller right out of his bed, and hurled him so high, that he almost hit the sixteen foot high ceiling three times. Finally she hugged him to her lucious breasts so tightly, that he squealed, sounding for all the world like a little mouse. "You see" she smirked, "even I, who am trained for this work, can't resist you." She left them, laughing uproariously. As Sammy settled down, he spoke in confidence to his three friends. "We've got to get out of here. These crazy broads are going to kill us." "They seem very taken with us," added Johnny O'Hare. I can't imagine them really hurting us. " "Yeah," said Sammy. Their crazy for us. Their going to hug us, mash us, and love us to death. Jesus, " he added, "I never saw such big women." True to their promise, the men were allowed to rest for the next twenty- four hours. Early the next day however, the were awakened, and marched to the village square. There they were placed in the center of a circle, entirely surrounded by the town's women. Captain Luana, who seemed to have as much power in the town, as she had on the ship, rose and addressed the group. "Ladies, now we all have a hand it the continuation of their training. No reason however, why we can't have fun in the process," she said happily. She stepped back into the circle of women, and a frighteningly large women stepped forth. She had to be at least seven foot four, and must have weighed at least three hundred and fifty pounds. Snatching one of the men from his group, she held him out at arms length, her immense hand completely encircling his ass. "Look at this one girls" she cackled, it's so tiny and insignificant that I can contain it's entire butt in my hand," and she waved him up and down, squeezing his ass so as not to drop him, like straightening out the wash. The little man gasped and turned red. Luana immediately jumped into the circle. "Ruana, you are squeezing him to hard. You've been warned of this before. Give me the little fellow" she said holding her arms out. "Aw Luana, is it my fault if there so delicate? Gee whiz, I was just getting started with the little guy. "Playing is not hurting Ruana." Now take your place in the circle, and think about what you will do when it is your turn again, that is if we decide to give you another turn." Her place was quickly taken by another women, who grabbed the poor little one by his feet, and held him upside down like a stuck chicken. He gasped in terror and humiliation, as she ripped his clothes from him. His embarrassment was intensified, when he heard a number of the women in the circle, mention his little erection. "Oh doesn't he have an adorable little dickey" said the women swinging him from side to side. "And your so nice and hard for us, aren't you my little cutie pie. You just love big strong women doing this to you, don't you my sweet.? And would you like mama to put you out of your misery?" This last sally brought gales of laughter from the other women. The poor little fellow, in his present predicament, didn't know what to say, so he just agreed with her. "Yes mistress. Anything you say mistress," said the little man, as he dangled from her powerful arm. This brought even louder gales of laughter from the women. "All right, glad to oblige sweetie." By the way, what's your name? I just hate to do, anyone, without knowing him." Grinning, she winked at the hoard of women, who rewarded her with fits of mirth. "Lyle mistress, my name is Lyle, and if you please, I feel the blood rushing to my head." "Don't you worry about that, my tiny helpless Lyle. In a very few minutes we will have the blood rushing to another part of your pretty little body." By this time the women were rolling on the floor. She lifted his legs above her head, bringing his genitals near her mouth. Opening her mouth wide, she swallowed him, cock and balls. "Oh my God" he screamed, which brought forth even further laughter. "Did you hear him?" asked one of the women in the circle. "I think that we have a religious man here. Go ahead Saleena, see if you can evoke more words of praise from our little priest." "I'll try ladies, I'll try." Releasing one leg, she clutched one of his buttocks with her large hand. Maintaining her hold on his one cheek, she grabbed the other, her fingers so long in relation to the little man, that she had to insert them into his rectum, a circumstance that delighted her. Now she had him in her mouth, her hands pushing him even further down her hungry throat, nearly absorbing his entire groin. Cupping his tiny buttocks, she pushed him in and out of her grasping mouth, with a speed that took his breath away. The little man felt as if he were just a toy in her arms. He couldn't stop himself from moaning in a combination of passion and terror. There was nothing that he could do, except be used. She increased the speed of her thrusts, causing him to yell in a fit of passion. "Oh God" he screamed as he felt the cum spurting forth from his abused but oh so happy penis. She kept up, the in and out motion, until he was entirely dry, and was howling for mercy. "God oh God, mistress please, I can't stand it any longer. Mercy, have pity on me." Realizing that she had gone a bit to far, she stopped and permitted him to lie like a shattered fragment of plastic, adorning her head. Lifting his inert little body from her head, she cradle him in her arms, pressing him lovingly to her breasts. "Poor little bird," she whispered. "You'll be just fine in a few seconds," and she gently kissed him on his forehead. "You've had your lesson for the day my little pussy cat" she said, and she called to a large women who was standing at the border of the line of men, seemingly a guard. "Sissy," keep this little one occupied for a while," and without warning, hurled the frightened fellow twenty feet into Sissy's arms. Tiny Lyle simply collapsed like a rumpled dish rag in her arms, completely spent. Once again, Captain Luana stepped into the center of the circle. "Melina" she called to the six foot eleven white haired elderly women, waiting anxiously to get her hands on one of the diminutive men. "It's your turn now." Melina stepped into the center of the circle. Although she was a good sixty years old, her body was as exquisitely muscled, if not more so, then her younger friends. She was a sight to behold, and if it were not for her shock of white hair, one would not think her to be over thirty-five. With a look of rapture written all over her face, as if she had been waiting all of her life for this moment, she moved along in front of the men, scrutinizing them. Moving catlike around the group, she snaked her way in and out. As she passed a man, she would caress his face, or his hair, or perhaps touch his shoulder, each man turning white with fear as she passed by. Prowling around and through the group, she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, and gazed down at a frightened four foot black haired little pixie of a man. She gazed at the poor fellow for what seemed an eternity, yet no more then sixty seconds had gone by. Slowly, she turned her back to him. The little fellow breathed a sigh of relief, which was immediately turned into a yelp of terror, as she suddenly reached back, and snatched him off of his feat, by the scruff of his neck. Carl Metes knew the it was forbidden to cry out, but her sudden action had evoked an explosive cry of fear from him. With one hand she raised him, so that he hung face to face with her. "Don't you know little man that silence is a major part of your training?, she asked him caustically. "Please mistress forgive me" he blubbered. I, I, I mean, that it was such a surprise, that the sound escaped my lips unbidden. Please" he begged "forgive me, it won't happen again." "No little man, it better not," and she raised her fist flexing her bicep at her friends, who broke out in a cheer. "That's the way old girl, show the little weak piece of turd whose in charge here", yelled the crowd. "Now what I am about to do to you, is merely a part of your training, and you will not make a sound. I repeat. You will not make a sound, is that clear?", and taking a deep breath she blew hard on the little one's chest, causing him to swing back and forth in her grasp. Overwhelmed with terror he answered, Y, Yes maam, I mean mistress it's clear, I'll try very hard not to make a sound." The storm on her face, caused him to rephrase his statement. "M, m, mistress, I won't make a sound." Placing him on the palm of her hand, she curved her fingers completely around his ass, and over his hips. Although thoroughly mortified, he sat comfortably on her palm, his balance provided by her fingers, as they almost reached his sides. "Look ladies' she said, "Have you ever seen a more frightened and helpless little man before? Good gosh, no wonder their so much in demand." She turned her attention back to Carl once again. "Soon, very soon, your not going to be very happy, nor so comfortable. Shake your head if you understand." He did as she said. "All right then." She reached her other hand down and removed his shoes. He shut his eyes as tight as he could. Deliberately, agonizingly slowly, she gripped both of his ankles in her one gigantic paw. His breathing became so shallow, that he very nearly hyperventilated. Suddenly and without warning, she pulled her hand out from under his little rump. He fell head first, but before he could hit the ground she snatched him up like playing with a yo, yo. Just as quickly as he fell to the ground, so to he rose up towards the sky. For a fraction of a second he stood frozen in mid air, high above her head, ten feet in the air. And then, horror of horrors to the poor little thing, she started to spin him around and around. Around and around, up and down, he spun. If he had been a lasso, she could have jumped through him on his way to the ground. The poor little thing wanted to scream, beg, and cry, but the brave little fellow did none of the above. He merely bit his tongue until it bled. Finally the beautiful matron took pity on the tiny fellow. She stopped spinning him and he hung down to the ground as before, teary eyed but quite. Once again cupping his ass in her hand, she held him in front of her. Bowing to the applauding masses, and with a ya hoo, she lifted him one handed, easily over her head. Looking up, she said to little Carl Metes, "Well done, little one. You deserve a rest," and with that she threw him over the crowd to the waiting guard, Sissy, who now held two men in her arms. This continued until Sissy was toting four men. Kissing and squeezing each of them gently, she carried them to their barracks, and put them to bed. "Tomorrow is another day little sweeties, so get your beauty sleep," and she returned to the circle for more men. The training, or was it the fun and games, went on for quite a while, one hundred and sixty men taking the better part of the night. The next day the men were not disturbed for breakfast, until twelve noon. Sammy and his friends, Billy, John, and Paul, sat together munching on their food, discussing the previous evening. "We've got to get out of here" said Sammy, quietly looking over his shoulder, making sure that they weren't overheard. "How"? Said Billy. "The broads are all over the place, and holy shit, did you ever see such big strong women? Every time one looks at me cross eyed, I want to shit." "Yeah, yeah" Sammy answered, "but there"s always a way." He looked up again lowering his voice to a tiny whisper. Johnny O'Hare piped in. "You know, there's a big jungle out there. We could wait till it's overcast and the moon is hidden, and make a break for it into the jungle." "Sure sure" said Paul Kahn, I could just feature myself being the appetizer, for some shity Lion. "Look," said Sammy, " you guys know that Elona has the hot's for me. She Tel's me everything. At least I think that she does. She said that the jungle only has birds, and small mammals, like monkey's and foxes. I think John is right. All we have to do is wait for a dark night, and sneak by the guard's. They only keep two around the barracks. I've been watching them. Most of the time they alternate their watch, so that at least one guard is watching a side of the building containing window's. But every half hour or so, they walk around so that one side of the building with window's is left alone for five minutes. "I'm sure", said little Billy Battles, "they probably do it on purpose, so that one of them can catch us, and kick our sweet little asses." "Jesus" said Sammy in exasperation, Mr. gloom and doom in person. Your the most pessimistic son of a bitch that I ever saw. I can assure you that their not that devious. So what do you say guys, is it agreed?" "And what do we do after we get out of the jungle?" asked Pauly Kahn. "Do you remember when Luana threw her fat husband into the drink?, asked Sammy rhetorically. The other women asked if they should pick him up in the captains skiff. After we get out of the jungle, we make our way to the ship, and steal the skiff, and away we go. " They shook their heads affirmatively. "Then it's agreed. We make our break on the first dark night", said Sammy.