East Meets West By Uplifted Part one The Girl Scout Copywrite Feb. 1999 Sammy Engle stood comb in hand, gazing at his reflection in the mirror. Parting his hair on the left side, he frowned and shook his head unhappily at the image of the tiny man staring back at him. At four feet two inches tall, and ninety-three pounds soaking wet, no one could accuse him of presenting a commanding figure. Not that he had much to complain about in the way of female companionship. In spite of his small stature, he was an exceedingly handsome young man, with a gift of gab that stood him in good stead with the opposite sex. Still he would have given his eye tooth, for eight or nine more inches, and another twenty- five pounds of muscle. Reclining in his easy chair he picked up his still opened book. Sunday he thought, I deserve a little relaxation. Just as he started to thumb through the printed pages, his reverie was interrupted by the door bell. Damn it he thought, can't even be left alone on the weekend. "Yes" he bellowed, frowning sullenly at the offending door. He regretted his outburst immediately, when he heard a sweet high pitched feminine voice. "Please sir, girl scout cookies ." He loved children even if by the age of ten or eleven, they dwarfed him. "Just a sec, be right with you" he said, as he fumbled with the lock. He fully expected to be confronted by a pre teenager, about five feet tall. As he opened the door his learned reflex, was to look up a few inches, in order to meet the eyes of the little girl. Much to his amazment,he looked up into the navel of an astoundingly tall young girl. Gasping in fear, he stepped back into his apartment, almost falling over himself, followed by the young giantess, who unobtrusively shut the door behind her. "Wh, wh, what can I do for you yo yo young lady," he asked bravely, trying very hard to keep his voice from shaking. Straining his neck to see her face, he noticed that the top of her head, was about a foot from his eight foot high ceiling. In spite of her incredible size, she was a picture of loveliness, and he found himself laboring to catch his breath. His eyes traveled down from the top of her beautiful face, past her lovely neck to a pair of unbelievable breasts, that stood at attention in spite of the laws of gravity. He noticed her arms, that even though unflexed, were at least three times as thick as his poor little biceps. This was no little girl, and he shook with the knowledge of it. "Did you say that you sold girl scout cookies young lady?" he asked, unaccountably shivering in fear. "Oh yes sir" she answered him in her sweet little charming voice. "Are you cold sir? you're shaking." "N' no I'm fine" he answered, not feeling at all fine. He couldn't keep his eyes from taking a trip down her astonishing form. She wore a short dress that was so short, that the bottoms of her muscled buttocks were in plain sight. In spite of himself, his eyes roamed down to an incredible pair of legs, that seemed to go on forever. He couldn't help but imagine, what would happen to him, if he were ever to find himself caught between them. Her appearance had taken him so much by surprise, that he hadn't noticed the extra large piece of luggage that she was carrying. He gulped, his imagination running riot. It told him that this piece of luggage, could very easily hold at least four such as he. Placing it easily on the floor she undid the lock and opened it. It spread apart like the type of trunk, that one takes on an ocean voyage. It stood five feet tall and four feet wide. On either side were two large drawers, or so it seemed, since there were two drawer like handles on either side of each of the four compartments. "Wh, what have you got in there"? he asked. "Why girl scout cookies, you silly little man" she answered with a laugh, that to his fevered brain sounded somehow ominous. "Here let me show you," and she drew forth the top right drawer. Sure enough she removed five boxes of cookies. His breath of relief was immediately stifled, by a muffled sound coming from the bottom right drawer. "What was that?", was his strangled outcry. "Oh nothing sir" she tittered, while at the same time she kicked the bottom drawer with the back of her heel. The sound stopped forthwith. Even though his brain shouted, don't do it! Forget about the sound! He couldn't contain his impulsive temperament. Like a sleep walker about to step over the abyss, he heard himself say, "I want to see what's in that drawer." "Well if you insist little Sammy Engle, take a look" It struck him odd that she should know his name. Reaching for the bottom handles, she slid the draw open to his wondering eyes. He omitted a barely stifled wimper, when he saw looking up at him, a little fellow no bigger then himself, his mouth stopped up with a handkerchief, and his body trussed up with rope, lying pitifully on his side. " Wh, wh, what's the meaning of this," he demanded, his voice so unsteady that it was difficult to talk. Not waiting for an answer he looked around for a quick exit. Realizing that it was probably hopeless, he nevertheless tried an end run around the box and the impossibly tall young amazon. Before he had taken five steps, she was upon him. Reaching down she snatched him off of his feet by the front of his shirt, and lifted him clear up to her face, holding him aloft with just one arm, his mere ninety-three pounds not even causing her bicep to flex. "Now, now Sammy, you mustn't be afraid. I promise that we won't hurt you, as long as you behave like the good little helpless boy that you are." Gently she squeezed his little bicep, careful not to damage the merchandise. In spite of her caution he winced in pain. "Opps, sorry" she said concerned. "I sometimes forget just how weak and fragile men are, especially you little ones. But then that's exactly why you itty bitty fellers are no much in demand. And were going to fill that demand, aren't we little guy"? "I don't know what your talking about" he pleaded. "Please put me down." "Now lets see" she said, removing the rest of the boxes of cookies from the top drawer. "We won't be needing these any longer." When there were no more boxes left in the drawer, she removed a rope and a handkerchief from the rear inside corner. Seeing the implements of his bondage in her hands, he started to panic, kicking and squirming while dangling in her grasp. He begged, "Please no, don't put me in the that drawer. God oh God, no." Shaking her head in exasperation she said, "Now Sammy, Didn't I tell you not to carry on so?", and she rammed his little body up against the ceiling. As he hung quietly and limply from her hand, the breath completely knocked out of him, she placed a chair from the other side of the room near the trunk. Sitting down, she sat him upon her naked thigh. "There my little friend, isn't this nice and comfy?." Holding him steady by his upper arm, she squeezed just enough to let him know that any nonsense from him, would bring terrible pain. With her other hand she tied the rope around him, pulling it firmly enough to hold, but not enough to hurt. After all he was valuable merchandise. Playfully she moved her leg up and down, giving him what children call a horsey ride. "Please stop, he begged. Don't take me away." Suddenly, in impotent anger he bellowed, "bitch, let me go." Throwing her head back in laughter, she finished hog-tying him and placed the gag on his mouth. "Well well, feisty little one, aren't you? Your new mistress will just be delighted to discipline you. Time to go to bed now sweetie", and she picked him up face down, and placed him in the top right hand drawer. As she shut the drawer she couldn't help noticing, the pleading hopeless look in his eyes. "Try not to worry little cherub, it won't be so bad, and you will get used to your new life before you know it. The next thing Sammy saw was pitch black.