When Worlds Collide by Tyval An ancient evil is re-born, one that threatens to turn Earth into Hell! Champions arise to stop it, but can they stop the evil of the resureccted Count Petofi and the inhuman creature known as the Leviathan! Horror; some chapters rated NC-17 disclaimer; This is a multi-crossover combining the world of the classic Gothic tv show Dark Shadows with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lara Croft Tomb Raider, and my original characters G.O.L.D. Tyval@webtv.net Prolouge: Night had fallen over the small town of Collinsport Maine. In the Collinsport hospital Dr. Julia Hoffman smiled as her dearest friend came to see her. " Julia, you are looking well today," Barnabas Collins said. " You are a terrible liar Barnabas," Julia sadly smiled," I'm 90 years old and dying of cancer. I must look terrible." It was true, Julia was dying and there was nothing that Barnabas could do. Actually there was, but neither Julia or Barnabas wanted to go there. Julia had always been in love with Barnabas. A love he couldn't return, although Barnabas did love her as his best friend. " Julia, is there anything I do for you," Barnabas asked. " All my arrangements have been made for awhile Barnabas," Julia weekly said," All except for a few personal letters to some students I had during that brief period I spent teaching in England." There was an awkward silence in the room for a few minutes. " Barnabas, I'm sorry," Julia croaked," Something is going to happen soon. I can feel it. But I can't help you this time." " Julia," Barnabas said trying to comfort her. " Barnabas, you and Quentin have become like brothers," Julia said," Angelique has also fought at your side for 20 years now. All 3 of you have been evil at various times, but you all chose good. You will need each other if you are to survive. Barnabas, I think it's the Leviathan." " Julia, the Leviathan is dead," Barnabas said trying to hide the fear," Jeb Hawkes lived for awhile after the alter was smashed, but he's long dead." " Barnabas, we never truly understood just what the Leviathan was," julia said," Can such a creature truly die just from having it's alter destroyed, or it's human form die?" Barnabas thought deeply on that. How well did he truly understand what the creature had been? A sudden chill was in the air. Despite Maine being chilly even in July, this was an almost un-natural chill. .................... The blonde woman was beautiful by any standards as she walked the dimly ltalleys of Collinsport. These alleys had never been very safe, but this woman walked them with confidence, even though she knew that she was being followed. " You can come out, whoever you are," the woman said with a smile on her face," If you were lookig for a victim, I'm afraid you piced the wrong target tonight." " Oh, don't be like that," a dark haired young woman laughed," You have such a pretty throat, I just wanted a little taste." " I was a vampire myself briefly young lady," the blonde said turning to face the young brunette," It is not one of my favorite memories." " Oh really, what a pity love," the brunette giggled," I'll bet you were a lovely one too." " What's your name?," the blonde asked," Just so I can tell my friends who I killed." " Are you a Slayer love?," the brunette giggled still," I killed a Slayer once. Too bad I couldn't get the other 2. Names Drusilla by the way." " You killed a Slayer?," the blonde asked a little surprised," Well, Drusilla, perhaps you are more formidable than I thought. But you are still no match for me." " No she isn't, but I am," came the voice of a man," Fortunately for you Angelique I don't have time. Come along Drusilla, the Count is waiting on us." Angelique could see the scarred face of the very big man now. It was Adam! Adam was very much like a Frankenstein's monster, in that he had been created much like the monster of Mary Shelly. Angelique was very powerful, maybe a match for him after all, but Adams physical strength was tremendous. Approaching that of the creature called the Hulk, ('If that creature really exists,' Angelique thought), so what if she wasn't? And who was this 'Count' they were talikng about? Angelique only knew of one and that had been back in 1897. She was glad that that one was dead, Or was he? With a shudder Angelique headed for the old house. Barnabas had to be told that Adam had returned after all these years, and that he was with an insane vampiress. ................... A hidden fortress just outside of Los Angelas, Ca.: The man was tall, dark haired, ruggedly handsome with corded ripped muscle. At the moment he stood shirtless, on the roof of the building staring at the almost full moon. A woman of almost un-natural beauty approached him cautiously from behind. She was naked and unashamed as she also stared at the symbol of her aunt. " There's something out there," the man said," Something evil. God, I fucking hate magic shit! It's so fucking unpredictable!" " Well, I could go with you," the woman smiled," I'm no stranger to it, besdes, having a goddess, little 'g', with you is always good to have." " Never hurts Apella," Questar smiled," Just need to figure out where we need to go this time. There's been a lot of activity around Sunnydale, but this feelss differant. Older, more malevolent. Apella, it feels like it did when I fought the Chaos Lords!" " No, not them," Apella said concentrating," Something just as bad, I don't know what. I could ask my father." " Last time you saw your father he tried to fry me," Questar said," Lucky for me he couldn't handle my psi blasts. Then you slapped me and wouldn't speak to me for a week." Apella smiled. While most people thought her relatives to be mere myths, few actually realized that Apella's father was actually Apollo, Greek god of the sun. Little 'g'. On Earth, Apella was known as the heroine Golden Girl. ........................... Sunnydale, Ca.: The home of Rupert Giles, Historian, Librarian, and more importantly, Watcher. He looked at the 2 letters he held in his hand. Both were disturbing in their own way. One was from the daughter of an old friend, the other was from one of his old teachers, Dr. Julia Hoffman. Rupert Giles hands hesitated as he reached for the phone. There was no choice, this was going to require them all. Dr. Hoffman knew what he was. That was why she had written to him. Giles didn't want Buffy involved in this at all if Julia was right. Poor Dawn, she'll even have to come with us. She's only a child, but we can't protect her unless she's with us this time. And she'll be in grave danger if she comes. Giles called them all and waited for them to arrive. .................. Lara Croft pulled into Sunnydale. the town looked dead and it was barely 9 p.m. Only a club called the Bronze seemed to be open. Lara paid little heed to it as she drove by in her custom BMW. " Now that's a car," Xander said as stepped outside, his pager ringing. " Where you looking at the car, or what was in it?," Cordillia grinned. " I've seen that car before," Spike said," Do you know who that bloody was?" " Tell us oh fanged one," Xander said sarcasticlly. " That was bloody Lara Croft, that's who," Spike said ignoring Xander," Met her once in London, black tie malarky over some find she'd made." " Lara Croft?, THE Lara Croft," Willow asked coming into the conversation late. " One in the same love," Spike smiled," Wonder what the bloody hell she's doing here?" ........................................... end of Prolouge; Special notes: This is a very alternate reality where the Scooby gang consists of Buffy, Giles, Willow, Faith, Tara, Xander, Spike, Angel, Oz, Cordillia, and Dawn. None of them are dead, or evil, and they are all friends. Oz (and Quentin) both have full control over their were-wolf forms except during the full moon, and can change at will and have full human control excepting again during the time of the full moon. For the Dark Shadows stuf, I'm also throwing in the 'Gold Key Comics' versions which showed Barnabas and Quentin as being as close as brothers, which they were'nt always on he show. As for Angelique, well I always liked her and based my own Angelique Salem character after her. On the show she was generally very nasty and usually evil, however she did seem to reform somewhat during the end of the show. The series ended in the 'alternate reality' where Lara Parker wasn't Angelique. I will try to fill in a few gaps between the show and the obvious 30 or so year tme span betwee the show and now, such as having Julia teach a couple of years in England. I hope everyone enjoys it. Dark Shadows was a great show and deserves some fanfic. I only hope that some may like my feeble attempt at doing one for this neglected show.