Summary: In an alternate reality, Jean Grey carries on the dream of Prof. X with an all female team.
All characters except the cameos of G.O.L.D. are owned by Marvel Comics.
G.O.L.D. is owned by me and I can do any damn thing I want to with them.
This is a parody and not to be taken seriously by Marvel comics. I ain't
making a thing off this. I wish I was, then I'd quit my day job.
The Voyeurs are most fond of snooping around human and humanoid races, mostly because these races are the most sexually deviant and fun to snoop on. After all, how exciting is it watching lizards get it on? Been there, done that. Insectoids? They have a tendency to eat their mates. Yuck! Ah, but human's and human looking races, the combinations and techniques are almost endless!
As with our 'brothers,' we Voyeurs know that there are worlds beside worlds, worlds between worlds, and worlds inside of worlds. We can see and observe these alternate and other worlds just as the Watchers do. There is one reality in particular that I continually find myself drawn to. A reality that contains a small seemingly insignificant planet called Earth that many of even the Watchers themselves find themselves drawn to.
This tiny mud ball seems, for reason's unknown to even Watcher or the giant Celestials to hold some kind of key to unlocking the mysteries of all reality. For such a small planet in an out of the way galaxy this planet has shaped and played key roles in cosmic events. From the Kree-Skrull wars to the planet destroying Thanos and even the world devouring Galactus this world has not only survived, but grown strong.
As a Voyeur, these things do not interest me. We are more interested in the pleasures of the universe rather than the weightier issues. As I look into other realities I spy one I am quite fond of. One that is host to the 'Marvels' as many Earths do. For years events progressed the same as they did in the alternate reality of the Watcher called Uatu who was eventually banished for his fondness for the heroes of Earth.
On the living mutant island of Krakoa is where my tale begins, for it is here that events changed and diverged from the reality that you know. The mutant island of Krakoa had captured the original X-Men, letting Scott Summers - Code Name: Cyclops - go to act as a 'Judas Goat' to lure more mutants to it to become food. It was for this reason that Prof. Xavier formed the team that in your world would become the new X-Men.
Joining Cyclops was Sunfire, Banshee, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Storm, Thunderbird, and Colossus. This new team of X-Men was successful in freeing the others, but in the final battle with Krakoa the outcome was different than the one you know. As in your world, Polaris, Lorna Dane, cut the ties between Krakoa and Earth's magnetic field. It was here that events that transpired in the span of micro-seconds diverged.
Realizing his peril Krakoa seized all the X-Men so tightly and firmly that even Nightcrawler couldn't teleport away. Nor could Colossus break free with his strength or Sunfire burn his way loose in the micro-seconds they had left. In mental contact with his beloved students Charles Xavier felt them die. The strain of so many of his students dying so suddenly was too much for Prof. X and he had massive heart attack. But with his last thought Prof. X sent all of his mental power to Jean Grey in a last ditch effort to try and save at least some of his students.
The influx of power shattered Jean's own psychic barriers making her at least 50 times more powerful. With power equal to that of Green Phoenix, Jean, in desperation broke free and tried to save as many X-Men as she could. Jean failed as she hurled herself and only one other away from the doomed island. Ironically Jean thought herself dead as well as she hurtled towards the hard ocean below. Only to be saved herself by the only other survivor, Storm, who used her power of flight to catch Jean.
Krakoa roared in rage as the two escaped and with his last conscious thought released billions of tiny spores into the upper atmosphere with the command of destroying all mutants on Earth. But Krakoa too had failed. Krakoa had not been experienced enough or intelligent enough to design the spores, nor had it had time to give out more than an unclear command. All of these things had transpired within micro-seconds as Krakoa and all the other X-Men died.
The spores spread throughout the world and covered the entire planet. The spores, however, had decided that in order for there to be no more mutants, they would simply have to neutralize the mutants who bore the children. Thus the spores had no effect on male mutants whatsoever. On female mutants though, the spores found a surprise. All female mutants, despite whatever they might think, where actually secretly attracted to their own sex. Only customs and society made any female mutant think that she was heterosexual.
The spores therefore simply enhanced this hidden gene. The spores acted in such a way, that even should they be purged or destroyed all female mutants would now realize and forever more only desire their own sex. Indeed, the spores altered the dna make-up of female mutants in such a way that all female mutants were now enhanced in ways no ordinary woman could be.
All female mutants would now have the ability to produce breast milk at will according to their bust size from the age of 8 up. In addition, the urine of all female mutants would now be delicious wine. All female mutants now had a life span of 300 years with youth for 299 of those years. All female mutants were also now nymphomaniacs with their own sex. They would now crave both lesbian sex and lesbian pain in their warped minds. The pain of the whip was now equal to the joy of sex to all female mutants on Earth.
The spores had not even had to use force to accomplish their objective. The spores didn't know that mutants could spring from normal women, although girl mutants would become lesbians at the age of 8. Thus was the stage set for my tale.