DC vs. Marvel: The SISTER Comes! by Tyval Part 1; Legion of Super Heroines vs. the X-Women Some chapters in this story will be rated NC-17 for explicit and violent lesbian sex. This is an Elseworlds/What If? universe. Libertys are taken in some of my versions of Legionares dealing wth gender and names as well as bringing in Magneta and Wild Thing from MC-2 as I am also doing in my X-Women story. This is a pre-Crisis DC Earth, Kara Zor-El is Supergirl, not Matrix. This is part one of this saga, other parts will have all female Avengers vs. all female Justice League's, all girl Titan's vs. all girl Thunderbolts etc. Roll Call: Legion of Super Heroines; Satun Girl Dawnstar Supergirl Livewire Triad Dreamer Phantasm Violent Violet White Witch Princess Projectra Shadow Sunny Cosmic Girl Cougar X-Women; Pheonix Scarlet Witch Namorita Storm Magneta Wild Thing Psylocke Shadowcat Magik Dagger Karma Magma Jubilee Mirage Prolouge: The crisis was over. The 2 Universal Brothers shook hands and went their seperate ways. The 2 universe's continued their own destiny's, unaware that months later, their forgotton Sister, who lived between the 2 universes, would become aware of what the had done. The Sister decided that she wanted her own contest, but hers was of a far different nature. The Sister took a page from the entity of the incomplete cosmic cube once called the Beyonder, now known as Kosmos, and created a small planet. The Sister then searched a myriad of alternatereality's to find the contestants that she wanted. These things I know for I am Icutu (pronounced 'I see you too'), a member of the Voyeur's, a deviant off-shoot of the Watchers. The differanc between us and our 'brothers' is that we admit that we are inter-galactic peeping toms. Our favorite thing is watching humans and human looking races having sex. After all, how exciting is it watching insects fuck? Yuck! And usually the end for the mates. Lizards? Been there, done that. Ah, but humans? The combinations and kinkiness is endless! I was ecstatic the Sister chose me to be the referee. You see, the Sister wanted to see a contest between women. A contest involving both combat and sex! The kinkier the better. To this end she found 2 alternate realitys and plucked every pretty heroine and villaines from these 2 reality's. These 2 reality's were chosen because they were composed of women only universe's. Choosing teams of equal numbers, and as near to each other i power as she could, the Sister teleported them all to er 'Battle World'. Special lesbian dungeons were scattered here and there for the winners to take captives. Of course, no matter which sides ultimately wins, they all win! ........................... end of prolouge. Special note; for anyone confused about the Legion girls: Livewire is Lightning Lass, Dreamer is Dream Girl, Phantasm is Phantom Girl, Triad is Triplicate Girl (later Duo Damsel), Violent Violet is Shrinking Violet, Shadow is Shadow Lass, Sunny and Cosmic Girl are female versions of Sun Boy and Cosmic Boy, and Cougar is a female version of Timber Wolf. Let's face it, the guys got the better powers during the Legion's creation and even when a girl did get good powers like Lightning Lass, the powers-that-be of the 60's had to make her a wimp and give her the wussy powers of Light Lass. Using my version I keep the girls with good powers like Supergirl, White Witch, and Dawnstar, add female versions of others, mostly to have counterparts to some of the Marvel girls (Sunny/Magma, Cosmic Girl/Magneta, Cougar/Wild Thing), and up a few power levels for a few like Saturn Girl and Princess Projectra (couldn't really think of a better name for her because I don't like Sensor and Marvel has Mirage, besides, I always liked her nickname Jeckie). Illusia was a possibility.