EPIC! by Tyval Special note; this chapter contains an alternate version of events that happened in the 5th season of the Xena episodes Eve and Livia. This chapter also contains mother/daughter incest (between adults). Anyone offended by either of those things go elsewhere. Eve sucks, Livia rocked! Chapter 8: Livia stormed out of the arena after being defeated by her mother Xena. Gathering up the remaining platoon of soldiers still loyal to her she rode out of Rome and towards the countryside. They made good time and soon were many miles away from the city. Livia stormed into the mansion of an old ally of hers Senator Maximus Gluteus Maximas*. The senator wasn't there, but his staff rushed to accomidate Livia and her men. Livia walked into the senators study and unrolled some maps on his desk. Livia was angry and at the same time confused at the events of the last 2 days. Xena had changed everything. Even in her agitated state Livia knew she wasn't alone. Livia hurled a dagger. " Whoa! Whoa!," Ares said as he materialized and caught the dagger," Do I sense some hostility here? Like mother, like daughter, any doubts I still had you just erased. You know, your mother always knew when I was there too." " Ah, yes Ares, bring up mother again why don't you?," Livia snarled," I was going to be Empress of Rome until she came back! Then I was going to dispose of Augustus for you. Looks like that's not going to happen now is it?" " Augustus is just a mortal, and a fool," Ares smugly said," Why do you think you still have your head? He still loves you. That's why he hasn't sent a dozen legions after you and your small force." " Like I could stomich the touch of any man ," Livia spat," Yes, I've gone to bed with you, but we both know I would have preffered Athena or Artemis." " Oh yes, I've always known about your, um, taste in partners," Ares said," Another thing you get from your mother. Look, I can still run some divine intervetion for you and make you empress, as well as protect you from the other gods." " The cult of Eli? Why do you scare you more than even the so called Twilight Ares?," Livia asked curious. " The cult of Eli is nothing, it is the one who comes after him that is trouble," Ares truthfully admitted. " The one they call the Babtist," Livia half smiled," Your'e afraid of that half-wild man?" " No, the Babtist is just the second and last messenger boy," Ares sneered," Listen, I don't have time for this subject. Your mother needs to be eliminated as well as the cult of Eli." " She spared my life," Livia said flatly, folding her arms and turning from him," She has cost me everything, but she let me live." " Only to humiliate you, to taunt you," Ares continued with his suduction attempt," She wants you to be her goody goody little wimpy Eve." " I am Livia!," Livia screamed throwing a punch at Ares. Ares smied as he caught her fist. That had hit a nerve just like he planned. Livia was so much like her mother, the thought of being controlled, even by a name was unthinkable. " Then prove it." Ares smugly smiled as he vanished. Livia screamed and smashed several urns, bringing her Captain into the room. " Captain," Livia ordered," In the morning send a message to Rome. It will say that I am attacking that village of Eli worshppers south of here. That will draw Augustus off to stop me. My mother will know it's just a feint though. I have killed a lot of people, but always in battle. I will not massacre civiians, even Eli scum. This mansion has good ground. We will ambush her here." " It will be done Empress," the captain saluted. " One more thing," Lvia snapped," I want Xena and auntie Gabrielle alive if possible. Virgil and Joxer and anyone else with her you may dispose of as you please." Livia was not sure why she had said that last part as her captain left. Just then a small hole in the roof appeared flashing lights in Livia's eyes. Livia was spellbound as she could see her mothers love for her in long forgotten memories. Then came the voice instructing her on what she should do. " Livia," the voice said in a vaugely feminine voice," You must indeed fight your mother. Only by doing this will you achive your destiny. For you see, your destiny is really in the stars." " Tell me what I must do?," Livia asked, believing this to actually be a message from the God of Eli. " You must fight Xena unarmed and naked," the electronic female voice said," The loser becomes a lesbian sex slave." Once the light finished speaking it was gone as Livia sent for her captain to give out new orders. .............................. " Was that necessary?," Cleopatra asked. " Our records indicate that Livia would have gone on to massacre that village and then another, spilling innocent blood," Andromeda told the assembled women," She would then kill Joxer as well before being reformed into the wimpy useless rabbit Eve. Eve is of no use to us. We must have Livia." " But to trick her and her mother into having sex," Britney said shocked," That's incest! It's wrong." " Cleopatra, Britney," the Andromeda said on the monitor," I can't make much sense of all the data that Venus woman gave me until the time comes to impliment each stage of it. But I can tell you that is necessary for Xena and Livia to be more than mother and daughter. All the myriad realities play and re-play in my data banks and this is the only way to continue with the plan." " Yes, a plan that not even Rommie is privy to," Beka said sarcasticly. " Please Beka. I somehow know it will work," Romme spoke up," But only if we follow this secret plan. Believe me, I would die before I let anyone in this ship get hurt." " Okay, so we proceed to phase 2 and tell Xena the same thing," Beka said," This time we go with some angelic motif." " Why not just dress Rommie up in an angel suit?," Buffy asked," I have greater than human strength, but Rommie's supposed to really have super-powers." " No, it's best if we continue with the light and disembodied voice," Andromeda said," Rommie may have powers, but she is human now. Xena is one of the best fighters the world has ever seen. And that's saying something with you ladys aboard." " Speaking of which," Trance interjected," I have just gotten the results of those tests I ran on you after you became human." Trance had everyones attention as she punched up some codes for main screen dsplay. The results were impressive. Romme could lift 40 tons, run at Cheetah speed for 6 hours without pause, fire electrical bolts from her hands, make vertical leaps of 50 yards, and horizontal jumps of 100 yards. " Very impressive," Tessa said," With you around why bother with the rest of us?." " Actually, it was Cleopatra who said something we've all been thinking about," Hel said," It's very curious why we are being gathered in groups of 3 and why we are all lesbians." " I thought it may have had something to do with groupings of 2 fighters and one who wasn't," Lara added," The first 3 groups had that even though Trance and Cleo can fight if they need to, but your group only had one fighter, you Tessa. This group and the last consist of 3 fighters." " There must be something we're still missing," Sarge said. The women fell silent, lost in thought as the ship readied itself for the next message. ...................... Xena stared at the moon as the others slept. She couldn't sleep knowing her daughter was out there. Ares had stolen her daughters childhood from her albeit unknowingly. Eve was lost, but she hadn't really became a monster, yet. Xena knew that Eve had killed in battle, some of perhaps over-zealous, but still in battle. Xena prayed that she wouldn't resort to actual murder. Then the light split the darkness. Xena was blnded, but just for an instant as she looked up and saw the swirling colors in the sky. " Xena," the voice, altered to sound manly said," On the morrow you must travel to the mansion of Senator Maximus. The message coming from there you would know is false anyway. It must be just you and Gabrielle. Joxer and Virgil must stay behind. Once you reach the gate you and Gabrielle must lay down your arms and disrobe until you are both fully nude. Then you must fight Livia hand to hand." " Why do you say Livia?," Xena asked," Her name is Eve." " For the sake of the future she must remain Livia. Livia will also be nude and unarmed," the voice continued," But Xena, there is one thing more you must know. This must be a sex fight. If you are victorius you must take your daughter as your sex slave." " What? That's impossible! I can't do that," Xena said, aghast at the notion. " It is the only way Xena," the voice continued," Only as lovers as well as mother and daughter can she be protected from the Olympians. Once you succeed a great ship that sails the stars will come and Livia, Gabrielle and you will be safe and far away from their reach." " Then if it must be, it shall," Xena said. The light vanished. Xena was skeptical of everything, gods, angels, it didn't matter. This strange communication she had just had was bizarre beyond belief. Could this really be how it had to be? Strange as it was Xena knew that her daughter was indeed beautiful. Gabrielle stirred, then sat up. The former bard saw her lover and joined Xena. " Xena, I just had the strangest dream," Gabrielle softly said as she sat down next to her friend. " Was it about having sex with Eve and I?," Xena asked," Kinky sex, the kind we love the most?" " Yes, how did you know?," Gabrielle asked. " Michael, or someone like him just told me that that was the only way to save her," Xena said," From both herself, and from the gods. He implied that she would be my daughter again, except as Livia." " Then if Eve is Livia, but we save her, then the name shoudn't matter," Gabrielle said. " No, it shouldn't," Xena half smiled," But to dominate my own daughter..." " I know, it seems so wrong," Gabrielle said," But she is all grown up, that makes it her choice to fight you. Maybe there doesn't even have to be a fight. Then you wouldn't have to." " There will be a fight Gabrielle," Xena said," Eve or Livia she is still my daughter if we save her spirit. She won't surrender, she will have to be conquered." Gabrielle put her arm around Xena and they sat there comforting each other. When Virgis watch came they managed to sleep since they now knew that at least the fight would not be to the death. Dawn arrived and Xena and Gabrielle set out alone. Xena met up with the messenger and as predicted knew the message was false. The mansion was deserted except for a handfull of female slaves. Livia had changed her orders and sent all of her men away, telling them to turn themselves in. With no real crimes against them so far their punisment would be light. Xena and Gabrielle threw down their weapons and took their clothes off. " Come with me please," an elderly matron said. Xena and Gabrielle were shown to the courtyard. There at the far end on a luxurious red satin couch was an equally nude Livia. Even Xena had to admit that she looked really hot. Freshly bathed, then covered in a light film of oil, Livia spread her legs, giving Xena and Gabrielle a good look at her pussy, shaved as hairless as a girls. " Like what you see mother?," Livia purred," I hope so, because I'm going to make you lick it. And auntie Gabrielle, I hope you like my ass." " Talk is cheap," Xena said," When do you want to start?" " Would you like a bath first mother?," Livia asked," And really, you should keep your cunt completely bare like Gabrielle and I do." Xena shaved except for a little at the very top, but decided that for this fight she would go all the way. Xena and Gabrielle bathed in the mansions hot bath, then Gabrielle shaved her and coated her with a light film of oil. Xena and Gabrielle walked back to the courtyard and saw Livia doing a few warm up excercises. A wide variety of whips were on the couches lining the courtyard along with various manacles and coils of differant types of rope. Xena and Livia walked to the center of the courtyard. Neither woman could deny the physical attraction they felt for each other as nipples visibly hardend and mounds grew moist. " Eve, this doesn't have to happen," Xena said the wrong thing. " I'm Livia!," Livia screamed as she attacked. ........................... end of chapter 8. *= Couldn't resist that joke.