Starships, Battlestars, and Jedi by Tyval Space, the final frontier Science Fiction; Some chapters rated NC-17 Chapter 7: (Part B) " What are you talking about Master Yoda?," Senator Organa asked. " Plot to destroy Republic there do be," Yoda replied," Sith behind it there is." " Sith Lords!," Senator Organa said amazed," I thought they were a myth. And the destruction of the Republic? I don't agree with Palpatine on the military idea of his, but he has a point. There are too few Jedi to stop the Seperatists should it come to war." " Army not needed, have one already yes," Yoda smiled and motioned for Adama and Dragon to join him. " Captain Jonathan Lung of the Starship Dragonflame," Dragon smiled," I represent the United Federation of Planets." " Commander Adama of Battlestar Galactica," Adama said," I have the army you need. Galactica has 200 Vipers and 50,000 Colonial Warriors on standby." Senator Organa was speechless. What was Yoda up to? And who were these 2 men he had just introduced him to? He had little time to fully think about it when the one called Captain Lung flipped open a communicator. " I'm not much for speeches Senator," Dragon said," It will be easier to show you. Beam me up Scotty." " Captain Lung, I have to tell you, Captain Kirk never actually said that," Lt. Saavik said. Dragon grinned as they teleported up his ship. Senator Organa was shocked into disbelief. It seemed that while this galaxy was slightly ahead of the Federation technologiclly, that they didn't have transporters. ' Then again, Dragon thought,' Galactica didn't have them either.' " On screen," Dragon ordered as they came to the bridge. The sight of Galactica caused Bail Organa to gasp. A warship of that size was incredible. Everything evened out as far as technology went. The Republic had better general tech than The Federation or the Colonies, but Galactica's Vipers were better than anything the Federation or Republic had, just as the Federation had transporters and trans-warp drive that the Republic or the Colonies didn't. Dragon wondered what Kelly could do if she combined all 3 techs. " Okay, could someone please explain just what is going on and who you people are?," Senator Organa asked. Yoda gave Bail Organa the whole story. Waybl Sppop rejoined them with Obi-Wan's message, then came the news from Col. Tigh and Anakin. " I need to address the Senate, then you have to keep things rolling Senator," Dragon said," With luck we can expose Palpatine in front of everyone!" " It's so hard to believe," Senator Organa said," I always knew he was ambitious, but to foment 'Civil War'!" " That's it! Now I know what to say to the senate!," Dragon shouted as he stood up. All this time Dragon had been racking his brain about how to be best convey what China Dragon had taught him about the American ideal. His self doubt was gone. " I'm ready now Master Yoda," Dragon smiled," Let's pay a visit to the Senate." ...................... Chancellor Palpatine hid his annoyance behind a smile. ' Where was that fool Jar Jar Binks!,' he thought. He had the upper hand at the moment, but without the heartfelt support of Naboo he could still be defeated by Organa and the others. If they opposed him that is. Without Amidala most didn't have the will to oppose him. He checked his attendance screen again. Organa still hadn't showed up either. Palpatine couldn't wait any longer as Senator Thold of Smoff proposed the 'Special Powers Act' for Chancellor Palpatine to modest applause. Chancellor Palpatine stood up, nodded to his ally and took the podium. " It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this," Palpatine said," The power you give me I will lay down when the crisis is abated. My first act will...." " Freedom surrendered is freedom lost! Freedom lost is tyranny!!" Dragon shouted as the hovercraft carrying Senator Organa, Yoda, and he floated into the center of the room. Chancellor Palpatine was stunned at the sudden turn of events. All eyes were now on the newcommer who was flanked by the popular Senator Organa and the highly respected Jedi Master Yoda. " None of you know me," Dragon continued," Nor do I have any voice in your council. For what it matters I am Captain Lung of the Starship Dragonflame, ship of the line of the United Federation of Planets! I look around and see a Republic, one far more vast and greater than the one I know. I represent 437 united planets of the Milky Way, barely a section compared to the assembly I see here. But we both stand for one thing, Republic! Government by the people and for the people!" The entire room was fixated of Captain Lung. Palpatine inwardly fumed. ' How dare he intrude on my moment of triumph,' Palpatine thought,' Who is he? And how did he get Yoda and that fool Organa to give him credability?' " Your Republic has allowed itself to become choked by its own weight. as a result you now you stand on the brink of cival war and wonder why? You look to a leader to solve your problem for you, when you should get off your ass and start thinking for yourselves!," Dragon continued," You look to the easy way out, the simple solution, on my world we have also faced these trials. Once there was a nation divided, each one believed that it was in the right. One side believed that it had the right to own others as their personal property, the other side believed in the principle that the nation was founded on. that all men, all sentient beings were created equal! A war was fought on my world, a civil war just as you now face. Brother against brother, father against son. But through it all, one man shone through as the shining example of what could be, what should be. I ask you assembled here today to listen to the words of this man. Then tell me you still want war, blood, death, and tyranny." Silence reigned as the words of the Great Emancipator were spoken. " And that government of the people, by the people, for the people will not persish from the Earth," Dragon said as he finished," I say unto all of you, freedom can only be re-gained by blood! Far more blood than is in this room. Decide for yourselves if you want to give freedom up so willingly today for your convience, or if you want future generations to pay the price for your unwillingness to stand up for freedom!" " I call for the rejection of the 'Special Powers Act' and the immediate resignation of Chancellor Palpatine," Senator Organa said. The blood drained out of Chancellors Palpatine's face. This 'boy' had ruined everything! Well, almost everything. He could still start the war. With the battle droids and the clone army he could seize the Republic by force of arms! The Jedi were not enough to stop him. Palpatine had wanted to do this by stealth so as to preserve the spoils, but if that was not possible then war it would be! And there was also the chance, that after enough chaos was wrought, that the Senate would fully re-instate him if he seemed gracious in defeat. " There is no need for a vote Senator Organa," Palpatine spoke as the roar died away," I hearby do resign for the good of the Republic." 'Enjoy your victory while you can fool,' Palpatine thought,' I will see you dead soon enough.' With a bow and a wave Palpatine retired from the Senate chamber. ' Cool customer,' Dragon thought,' I thought he'd try something. I've got to remember, I'm a Starfleet Captain, not a super hero.' Once out of sight Palpatine tried to raise Kamino. He was extremely surprised when the face of Obi-Wan Kenobi came on his viewscreen. " Oh, good evening Chancellor," Obi-Wan smiled, Wildstar hustled a bound and gagged Jango Fett behind him," You will be happy to know that I have caught the suspected assassin who attempted to kill Senator Amidala. He was very good, led me on a merry little chase. All the way to Geonosis." Palpatine clicked the screen off. Things were falling apart rapidly. His door slid open, Waybl Sppop and Jimby Hidon entered his private quarters, lightsabers drawn and activated. " Chancellor Palpatine, you are under arrest, please come with us," Waybl ordered. Lightning flashed from Palpatine's hand knocking both Jedi backwards. ' Damnit!,' Palpatine thought as he rushed past the unconcious Jedi. They had been lucky. If Palpatine had had time he would have hit them with a more lethal blast. Palpatine barely managed to avoid 2 more Jedi and a squad of regular guards. He activated a wrist device. He had gotten a hundred of the clones as an emergency personal bodyguard. Now they rushed to him, fully armed. Five of them had the misfortune of running into Dragon, who was headed to his transporter co-ordinates for beaming back to Dragonflame. " I really don't have time for this," Dragon said, as he drew his own lightsaber. Dragon quickly disabled the 5 clones without killing them. Teleporting back to Dragonflame he raced to the bridge in time to see Palpatines ship leave. The clones had bought him enough time to escape for the moment. Master Yoda, along with 6 other Jedi including the groggy pair of Waybl and Jimby joined him on the bridge. " Miss Sulu, transwarp drive," Dragon ordered. " Aye aye Captain," Demora answered. Galactica, Dragonflame, the ships of Obi-Wan and Anakin, Mace Windu and whatever Jedi he had were all headed for the same place now, Genosis! .......................... end of Chapter 7