When Worlds Collide by Tyval Ancient evils arise to plauge mankind. Can a diverse group of heros stop Earth from becomming part of Hell? Horror/Paranormal/Original Superhero; some chapters rated NC-17 Tyval@webtv.net Chapter 1: Angelique drove to the 'Old House'. She approached the open door cautiously. Barnabas would never leave the door wide open like that. Angelique had several spells ready for anything, but it was a false alarm as Quentin Collins exited the house. Both of them could feel the physical attraction to each other that they had always had. Quentin had made the top 5 of 'Peoples Sexiest Man of the Year' the last 5 years. Wealth, looks, and eligability. Quentin of course had 2 big secrets. The first was that he was over 125 years old, the second was that he was also a were-wolf. A 'Dorian Grey' type portrait had kept him from aging and also kept the curse of the were-wolf from occuring. Another such portrait that had never been found kept Maggie Evans in her 20's as well. The portrait had been damaged 30 years ago, keeping Quentin young, but no longer stopping the curse. Angelique, unable to cure him of being a were-wolf, managed to change the curse that had been placed on him. Quentin now could change to a were-wolf at will and retain his human mind while in wolfman form, except for the 3 nights of the full moon. For many years, Quentin and Barnabas, often aided by Angelique in recent years had fought the forces of evil that seemed determined to take over this part of the world. 'Hellmouth East', Prof. Stokes had once said. Whatever that meant. " Angelique, have you seen Barnabas?," Quentin asked. " No, I was just on my way here to see him," Angelique said," Something bad is coming, I ran into some loony vampiress a short time ago. Adam was with her." " Adam? Are you sure?," Quentin asked," Adam hasn't been aroud Collinsport for 30 years or more." " It was Adam all right," Angelique answered," You don't forget that face. But why are you looking for Barnabas?" " I was out walking, knew that something was behind me," Quentin said," I saw a were-wolf, and it wasn't me. Times like this I'm glad I couldn't be fully cured. Guess he sensed he wasn't going to get me and left." " The only other were-wolf thats ever been around here was Chris Jennings," Angelique said," There's no full moon so it would have to be someone like him." " I never met Jennings. For a long time he was thought to be my descendant," Quentin said," But we've done a lot of research and he's not. What we found was that he has relatives in California, but no connections to our family." " Sometimes I wish Prof. Stokes was still alive," Angelique sighed," I always suspected that he knew more than he let on, and he knew a hell of a lot!" " If he's not here, he probably went to see Julia," Quentin said," She's not doing well I hear." " Colliwood must be pretty lonely these days," Angelique said," Just Carolyn and you since Roger died. Does David ever come home?" " Very rarely," Quentin said," Stays in Bangor or down in Boston usually. He's quite a good businessman. He's increased the Collins fortune. We're almost billionaires now. Can't say I blame him for staying away. Too many bad memories." " Well, after all, how many ghosts, demons, and other creatures tried tokill him or possess him when he was a boy," Angelique said," Even a phony ghost of you tried to possess him. Of course we learned later it was actually Count Petofi." " There's one man I'd love to meet again in a dark alley now that I have control of the wolf," Quentin said with just a small trace of a sadistic smile," I was a selfish self centered bastard in those days, I admit it. But all the times he tried to kill me, torture me, and my ending up cursed in the first place are his doing. No, he's one man I hate enough to rip his lungs out. Too bad he's dead." " Maybe not," Angelique said," Adam mentioned meeting a Count." " Adam, Count Petofi, and a vampiress?," Quentin asked," Angelique, I have a funny feelng that somethig is about to happen. Something bad." .......................... In an abandoned mansion a few miles away. The massive basement uderneath is far from empty. Many people hover around the hi-tech table slab in the center of the room. Equipment that would rival that of the finest research facilities of the U.S. is everywhere. The old mansion is nearby the Collinsport 'power plant', giving the hidden facilty all the power it could ever need without arousing suspicion. If the power goes out in town, well, who pays attention since it has always been this way, even without this underground bunker? " There, that should do it," the 20 year old clone of the deceased 90 year old scientest said as he stepped back from the re-constructed robot he had been working on. " Excellent work Prof Stront," the evil Count said," He looks very impressive." " At last I'll have my revenge," Prof. Stront grinned evilly," Those accursed G.O.L.D. hero's thought they had seen the last of Prof. Algernon Stront when they killed my last body in La Jolla. They didn't know I still had one body in hiding." " We don't need a history lesson Prof. Stront," Adam said," You are a failure and a known coward as well as a pedophile rapist and murderer. That's a line that none of the rest of us will cross. If we didn't need you, we would kill you, understand?" " But of course," Stront smiled hiding his fear. " Better listen good love," Drusilla said," I don't like you very much. Even I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to the wee ones. I haven't bit you because I think it would poison me." " Now now," Count Petofi said," Genuis must have it's perks, and only someone like the good Prof., with knowledge of both sorcery and science can bring our friend Moloch back to us." " At last we'll finish what's left of the Collins clan," Chris Jennigs bitterly spat," I can hardly wait." " All of you have such small dreams and desires," said the shadowy figure in the cornor," Even you Petofi. Listen to yourselves! The entie world will be ours and all most of you can think about is petty revenge, or simple desires. When the Leviathan again rises, and regains his full strength, then we, the chosen few will rule. Your petty desires will be easily fullfilled then." " Of course, of course you are right," Count Petofi laughed," Adam, would you take our 4 webbed footed friends with you to Collinwood for your next assignment?" " Of course," Adam said as he was joined by 4 creatures who had once been the swim team of 'Sunnydale High School'," Oh, and Count Petofi, Drusilla ran into Angeique earler this evening. She could become a problem." " Pretty lady she was," Drusilla said dreamily," I could sense a lot of power in her." " Anglique will join us or die," the shadowy man said," She has long been a creature of evil, her 'heroics' of the last few years notwithstanding. Angeique is a survivor. When confronted by the knowledge of just how powerful our unholy alliance is, she will come around. Count Petofi, I leave that task to you. Talk to her. If she refuses to see reason, kill her." ................ LAX; around 9 p.m. Questar stood over the fallen body of Dr. Rampage, commonly called Dr. Ridicules. It was a name he had earned since, despite having a wide range of powers, Dr. Ridicules was the most incompetant super-villain the world had ever seen. Not only was Dr. Ridicules always beaten, he was always publicly humiliated. This time he had shown up, charged blindly at Questar, who simply sidesteppd, stuck out one leg and tripped him, sending Dr. Ridicules head first into the ladies room. Dr. Ridicules was knocked unconcious, face first in a full toilet that had been hastily abandoned before it could be flushed. Even Apella winced at the sight of him being hauled away to jail. " That guy never learns," Questar sighed," I've fought Chaos Lords, Killbots from Mechas 4, an evil alternate Hercules, and more radioactive monsters than I want to remember." " Well, so much for sneaking out of L.A.," Apella said," Just where are going anyway?" " Cassandra didn't tell you? Her and her sister did some kind of mystic search and came up with 2 locations that seemed likely possibilities for mystical convergence. One was over in Sunnydale, although that one seems to be in recession. The other one is in some small town in New England; Collinsport, Maine. About as far north as you can get and still be in the U.S.A." " Didn't China Dragon fight some kind of plant creature somewhere up there?," Apella asked. " Hmmmm. Somewhat south of there during the second G.O.L.D.," Questar said," More than 10 years ago, just before that team broke up and we re-formed as G.O.L.D. 3. If I remember correctly, Dragon went close to there with Tara a couple of years ago and ran into a female vampire, Countess Zenobia or something like that. He zapped her with a flagpole shaft." " Ouch," Apella winced. " Looks like the flying car is loaded, time to head for Boston, we'll drive the rest of the way," Questar said," Except for New York City I've never been to that part of the country." " Can't take the California out of the boy," Apella grinned. ................................... Sunnydale, Ca.; same time. Angel checked his messages. He saw the emergency code from Giles and stepped out. 'Something else out to destroy the world', he sighed silently to himself. It never seemed to end, although in truth, the danger was what made them feel alive. Even though every one of them would deny it. Angel locked the door of 'Angel Investigations' and leaped out of the third story building's window. Buffy and Dawn were the last to arrive. Once inside Rupert Giles seated everyone as Willow and Tara set out tea, soft drinks, and bloody marys with real blood for Angel and Spike. The entire Scooby gang at the moment was present; Buffy the vampire slayer, her sister Dawn slayer in training, Faith the vampire slayer, Willow and Tara witches, Xander now a member of Sunnydales S.W.A.T. team, Oz the were-wolf, Cordilia currently Angels secrertary, Angel and Spike vampires with souls. Rupert Giles was their Watcher and de facto head of the Scooby's. For years now they had kept the Hellmouth closed and saved the world from a wide variety of supernatural threats. They had suffered loss, both physical and emotional, but they had stuck togther and forged a formidable team. Many had been their trials and heartbreaks. For example, Oz was still in love with Willow and stayed because of that. Willow did still have feelings for Oz, but she was in love with Tara. The relartionships the Scooby's had had with each other would have made a soap opra. But they stayed because, well, even they weren't sure sometimes. " Very well, it looks like we're all here," Giles began." " Does this mean I finally get to see some action?," Dawn asked," Hey, I'm 17 now, Buffy started slaying when she was 15 and I'm way more trained." " Dawn," Buffy said. " I'm afraid that this time it might require all of us and any help we can get," Giles said ignoring Dawn. " So, some creepy crawly sticks his head out, we chop it off," Faith said. " It might not be so simple this time," Giles continued," We may be up against a Titan." " A Titan?," Cordy asked," As in old Italian swords and sandels movies?" " Sort of, although if what I have been told is correct, this creature was so evil and so old that even the word Titan might not apply," Giles said. " We've fought some pretty old and evil demons before," Xander said," What makes this one worse?" " If we can stop it before it rises, or before it regains it's full strength then it may not be worse Xander," Giles said," But if it attans it's full power it will be stronger than everything we've ever faced combined." " So what is it?," Buffy asked. " It's called the Leviathan," Giles said pulling out the letter and a book," One of my old teachers, Dr. Julia Hoffman..." " Hey, I've heard of her," Tara said," Her book on the super-natural is legend." " Thank you Tara, may I continue?," Giles asked as the embarrised Tara shut up," Now, as I was saying, Dr. Hoffman was also an associate of Prof T.Elliot Stokes. Dr. Hoffman is, to this day, unaware that Prof. Stokes was also a Watcher, and quite a briliant one too. Prof. Stokes was assigned to a place second only to the Hellmouth in terms of super-natural phenomenon, Collinsport, Maine. To make a long story short from what I gather from Prof. Stokes notes, there were numerous encounters with ghosts, zombies, witchcraft and the like from a period roughly around 1966 to 1971. Prof. Stokes notes state that he knew of at least one vampire, a couple of were-wolves, and other strange goings on, he just never could prove much of it." " Collinsport? That name, seems like it should be important to me," Angel said. " Yes, well, Collinsport is one of the oldest towns in America," Giles continued," Only Jamestown, Plymouth and a couple of others are older." " So, did this vampire have a name?," Buffy asked. " Yes, yes," Giles continued opening the book," Quite fascinating history too. Believed to be a 'Sirlee' vampire." " Sirlee vampire?," Faith asked. " Yes, 'Sirlee', derived from the words 'sire less', only 10 noted cases in all the history of Watchers," Giles continued," These are vampires that became that way due to magical curses rather than having a sire. Only an extremely powerful and skilled witch or warlock could pull such a thing off. Sirlee are quite unique in that they are true vampires except they don't completely lose their soul. In fact, the longer a Sirlee vampire lives the more their soul returns. They might start out quite evil, but after a 100 years or so they can be quite heroic." " Um, Giles, the name," Buffy asked. " Barnabas, Barnabas Collins," Giles said," Originally thought to be about 200 years old, Watcher records indicate he's actually about 400." " Barnabas Collins," Angel snarled, his face vamped out. Angel stood up and put his fist right through a wall. " Whats the matter with you?," Spike asked," You know this Barnabas bloke?" " Barnabas Collins was the sire of Darla," Angel snapped," You, Drusilla, me, none of us would be this way if not for him." " All things happen for a reason," came the voice of a weasly wimpy looking man dressed like a dork who appeared out of nowhere. " Whistler," Angel again snarled, but his face returned to normal. " You think this is all coincidance? Three slayers, 2 witches, a were-wolf, 2 vampires with souls, one of the smartest Watchers ever, a kid with some military and police training and an annoying ex-debutante," Whistler said," No, uh uh. I can't tell you much of whats going on, but theres something big going down. Theres new players, old enemies that you need to get friendly with. Barnabas is on you guys side. He's the reason the Leviathan aint already destroyed everything." " Excuse me, but who are you?," Faith asked. " He's on our side Faith, I'll vouch for him," Buffy sai," For now." " Go on Mr. Giles," Whistler said. " Aw yes, yes of course," Giles said surprised at the occuring events," Anyway, Dr. Hoffman does confirm in her letter what Prof. Stokes wrote of i his book. That the Leviathan rose, and took the form of a man named Jeb Hawkes.But Jeb Hawkes fell in love with Carolyn Stoddard, a member of the Collins family. His love for her led him to betray his own followers. Barnabas Collins smashed his only link to our world, which eventually resulted in the Leviathan's 'death'. But as with many such creatures there are ways of revival." " And I can tell a few things here," Whistler said," Collinsport is like Hellmouth East if ya know what I'm saying. Barnabas Collins is like on the side of the angels. Him and his were-wolf pal slash relative Quentin Collins, along with a big league witchy have been keeping that place clear of bad things for the last 30 years. But now, well, some major league shits about to go down." The doorbell rang. Lara Croft could not believe that she had gotten lost in this small town. Lara had been in and figured out the most complex mazes known to man. To get lost in a town this small made her furious. Lara did smile at the thought of seeing 'Uncle Rupert' again. It had been 15 years since she had seen him. But this visit wasn't all pleasure. Lara was seeking an ancient tablet that Rupert Giles had. One that spoke of a great treasure in the lair of the Leviathan! ........................ end of Chapter 1: Special note: This is an alternate Buffyverse where they have all remained both friends and a team. Faith hasn't done anything evil, Dawn has been trained, Oz has stayed because he still loves Willow. Angel opened his office in Sunnydale. Xander became a cop. Buffy's asshole father has died, but left Buffy and dawn well enough off that they are not quite as poor as in the show. Oz and all other wolfmen in this story also have control as per the Howling movies except during the nghts of the full moon. Anya and Amy run the magic store that Giles still owns, and are part-time Scooby's. Dr. Algernon Stront was believed finally killed in my story 'Last Stand in LaJolla'. seems like he had one body left after all.