Teenage Toughie A young girl takes on her teacher My name is Ann Webb and I've been the girls gym teacher at John Adams High School for the past 10 years. I am 32 years old and single. I am 5'-10" tall and weigh 165 muscle packed pounds. I began weight training while in high school and have developed quite a physique over the years. I enjoy mixing it up with both men and women. For years I arranged boxing matches with other women from out of town and I have always won the fights by a large margin. Amy Daily was not just your typical 17 year old student. I had her in gym class since she was 15 years old. She was rail thin and very athletic. She was the star of just about every girls sport we had at the school. She was both pretty and popular and I hated her. I guess I hated her for one or should I say two reasons. She had the largest breasts I had ever seen on a young girl. Like I said she was very thin but she looked like she had two volleyballs stuffed into her shirt. Many times I thought she would tip over just walking down the hall. Amy had long brown hair that she wore in a ponytail most of the time. Her face always reminded me of a young Alyssa Millano. For years I was always the one that the other students and teachers oggled at and now I had competition from that little brat Amy. You see, along with being very muscular I also sport a pair of 40" breasts. They have always been my pride and joy and they are 100% real. I always made sure I wore tight t-shirts when I taught. Some of the students would make fun of me behind my back but I would get even with them by making them run extra laps until they felt like throwing up. If a particular student really gave me a hard time I would pay them a visit on their 18th birthday and kick the holy hell out of them. I only had to do this to eight students over the years and two of them were boys. They all ended up sobbing like the school children they were. Word had gotten around that I had pounded some students after they had graduated so most of the students I had now listened to every word I had to say. When Amy was in 11th grade she really began to blossom. She had a great body all the way back to 9th grade but her breasts were easily twice as large as a junior. Amy didn't like the fact that I picked on her. She never talked back but she had a very expressive face and she said a lot with the looks she would give me. One spring morning I arrived at school and headed for the teachers lounge. One of the young male science teachers remarked to another about how Amy Daily had the best body he ever saw on an 11th grader. They both remarked that she had grown into a real stunner. Then the two fools started guessing at her bust size. "You two clowns could get thrown out of here for talk like that", I said. They just kind of gave me a sheepish grin and changed the subject. That afternoons class was particularly tough for Miss Dailey. I yelled at her almost all class for no reason at all really. I was just pissed off that she was getting more attention than I was. Toward the end of the class as I was making Amy do laps, she blurted out "Why are you picking on me? I am sick of you treating me this way". I told her to meet me after school and we could discuss her attitude. At three-thirty Amy walked into my office and I told her to sit down. I told her that I didn't like being talked back to by a student and I was going to teach her a lesson by making her do exercises until she dropped. I told her to change into her gym clothes and meet me in the gym in five minutes. She came out wearing her school supplied gym uniform. Tight white t-shirt with the "John Adams High School" emblem along with red shorts, white sweat socks and tennis shoes. I started her off with fifty wind sprints back and forth the length of the gym. Her huge tits swayed to and fro as she ran. After that I made her do 100 push ups. To my amazement she did 100 in a row without stopping. Her pipe cleaner arms actually showed a little muscular development. Then I took her over to the chin up bar and told her to as many chins ups as possible. Again she amazed me with her strength. She did sixty pull ups before I stopped her. The little bitch was trying to show me up. Next up for Amy was the rope climb. A heavy rope was mounted to the gym ceiling and ran 30 feet to the gym floor. Amy grabbed at the rope with both her hands and pulled herself straight to the roof in about 8 seconds. I could not believe the strength this little girl had. She probably only weighed about 95 pounds and 15 pounds were in her chest. I was sick of seeing her excel at my strength tests so I just decided to tell her to run around the gym until I told her to stop. I went into my office and watched through the window as Amy did her laps. Forty five minutes later I told her to stop. She was dripping with sweat and as she walked by she asked if she could take a shower before she left. By all means, I said. I returned to my office and waited for the shower water to start. My curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to her locker. Her bra was hanging on her open locker door. The thing looked as big as a circus tent. I searched for the tag on the bra strap that showed the size. My jaw almost hit the floor when I read "44-DDD". How can this little girl have such a large bra, this can't be true. My back is twice as wide as hers and her bust size is still 4" larger? On top of that I am only a "Double D". Surely she was stuffing this oversize bra with something other than her flesh. Well, teacher or no teacher I was going to find out. I stormed over to the open shower entrance and yelled in that her shower had lasted long enough. I stood in the entrance and Amy had her back turned to my as the water cascaded down her. She reached forward and turned off the water. She still had water in her eyes and she began to rub them as she turned around. I could not believe my eyes. The girl was every bit of 44-DDD and then some. Her breasts stood straight out with no sag at all. They actually looked bigger than they did when she was clothed. Her nipples were were dark and twice the size of mine. By the time she finished wiping her eyes I staggered back to my office. Amy said good-bye when she left and I was left to plot my next move. I wanted to knock the smug look off her face as she left. I think she knew that I was looking at her in the shower. I kept up my abuse on Amy for the remainder of her junior year. Never again did I have her back after hours but I made sure she kept busy in gym class. The last day of school Amy stopped by with a card for me. Some students liked to hand out cards at the end of the year thanking teachers for a good year. I never received a lot of cards, and I was very surprised to receive one from Amy. She turned and walked away quickly while I opened the envelope. The outside of the card said "Looking forward to seeing you again". Inside was the following note: Dear Miss Webb, For three years now I have been singled out as your least favorite student. Next year is my senior year and I do not want to go through another year with you picking on me. I understand that in past years you have taken it upon yourself to "teach a lesson" to students you didn't like after they graduated. I welcome you to stop by sometime this summer and maybe we can settle our dispute like women. I know you could get into a lot of trouble for fighting a 17 year old but I promise I wont say a word to anyone. If you beat me in a fight I will transfer to another school for my senior year. If I beat you, then you will find another school to teach at next year. Give me a call if you are interested. Yours truly, Amy Dailey The cocky little bitch was going to get what was coming to her, and a year early yet. I was so happy I sang all the way home. I guess it was about one week after school ended that my phone rang. It was Amy wondering if I was interested in her proposition. I told her I was more than just interested. Amy thought that was just great and we decided to fight that thursday morning around 11am. She said both her parents worked and she had a nice big back yard that had a high fence around it so nobody could see what we were doing. I agreed to fight her and showed up at the appointed hour. I wore a tight top with really short sleeves that showed off my 16" arms. I also had on tight blue jeans and sandles. I pulled up to Amy's house and she greeted me at the door. She had on a tight fitting white tube top that accented not only her huge tits, but also her great tan. She looked so very small next to me as she led me to the back yard. I looked around at the yard and agreed that this would be a great place for a fight. The wooden fence was 8 foot high and there was no way anyone could see inside. I asked Amy if she was sure she wanted to take me on and she assured me she was ready. I raised my fists and Amy did the same. Her style was a little funny looking to say the least. She really didn't look like she was ready for a seasoned fighter like myself. I could not have been more confident at that time. I sent a jab to her forehead just to let her know I meant business. She took the shot and circled to my right. I sent jab after jab at her and she deflected them with her skinny arms. Finally she started throwing fast jabs at my head. She hit me pretty good on the chin and I was more stunned than anything. The little kid was fast, I will give her that. I stepped up the pace a little and she was staying right with me. A couple of her punches kind of hurt a little. I fully expected to have the little smart ass crying for mercy by now and she was still standing toe to toe with me. Because I was 8" taller than her all of my punches were thrown with a downward motion. At one point I was throwing a right hand cross and she came with an uppercut than nailed me straight on the chin. I saw a flash of white light after being hit and I guess I staggered back a little. Amy's eyes got real big and she charged at me. Her breasts were so large that she seldom punched around them. Most of her punches were straight and landed true. Three straight rights to my face and blood began dripping from my nose. When I wiped at my nose and found blood, I became engraged. I went at Amy with all I had. I must have thrown a hundred punches. I was dripping with sweat, but Amy looked pretty fresh. Amy hit me with a hard right cross and that punch really hurt. I was surprised her punches started to hurt so much. She began to step up her assault and I was losing the damn fight. I was very angry that I could not knock out my much smaller opponent. Amy got in another good uppercut that really smarted. My head snapped back and I was back on my heels. A long right had put me right on my ass. I had never been knocked down in my life, so I was in un-chartered territory. Amy promptly reached down and grabbed me by my tits and pulled me to my feet. She held my shirt with her left hand and punched my face with her right. She must have hit me about ten times with her right fist. I reached out with my arms and tried to stop her onslaught. I grabbed at her shirt and ripped it right off of her. She stood before me in only her bra and shorts and said "Now look what you've done. I'm going to make you pay for that." She pushed me up against the fence and tore at my shirt. Soon we were wrestling on the ground. I should have thought of this earlier. I must have outweighed her by 100 pounds. I threw her on her back and pinned her little pipe cleaner arms under my legs. Then I began punching her face back and forth. I thought finally I had the fight in hand. I must have hit her about 12 times when she freed up her right hand and nailed me in the face. Five more rights knocked me off Amy. She pulled me to my feet and I got her in a bear hug. Her breasts were right in my face as I tried to squeeze the life out of her. She was groaning a little as she squirmed both of her arms free. She then cupped both palms and sent them slamming into my ears. I dropped Amy and held my hands to my ears, screaming all the way. Amy began swinging at me like a wild lady. She was knocking me all over her back yard. I finally realized I had no hope of winning this fight. I was too proud to give up, so I just took the beating of my life for the next five minutes or so. Amy knocked me down seven times, only to grab me by my tits and lift me up for more punishment. A human being can only take so much punishment. I was out on my feet and Amy knew the end was near. I stood before her, my whole body wobbling. She grabbed me by my shirt and led me over to a picnic table. She didn't even need a final punch to finish me off. I wobbled backward and fell to a sitting position on the picnic tables seat. I slumped backward with my face to the sky and eyes rolling in my head. Amy had won. This little freak of nature teenager had given her teacher the beating of her life. Amy raised her hands above her head in victory. She strutted about the yard like she was the heavyweight champion of the world. She then sat down beside me and took off her shorts. She was now in just her bra and panties. Beads of sweat were all over her tanned body. "You've been a bad girl Miss Webb. Do you know what happens to bad girls, they get a good spanking.". She made me remove my blue jeans and panties. Then she bent me over her knee and wacked away at my bare ass. I began to sob while the tough schoolgirl slapped away. Amy beat my ass red raw for a good five minutes. She stopped and told me to get dressed. She carried me to my car and drove me home. Both of my eyes were black and swollen. My upper lip was cut and I had welts all over my upper body. A lot of people from my neighborhood saw the busty school girl carry me into my house, a beaten wreck. Amy's last words to me were "Have a nice career at your new school Miss Webb, maybe someday we will meet again". Someday soon I swear I will get that little bitch back for what she did to me. **The end**