Debbie takes on Mario by Tommy2164 Part 8 in the ongoing saga of Italian-American Strong girl Debbie Umbruzio. My name is Mario Anzeloni and I would like to tell you all about what happened when my path crossed with that Italian-American strong girl, Debbie Umbruzio. My family owns a large string of health clubs and I help manage four clubs that are located within a twenty mile radius of Debbie's gym. My four clubs were always a financial success and coupled with other family owned enterprises, afforded me a very nice living. Growing up, I never wanted for anything. My father always made sure I got what I wanted. Over the years I had developed quite a reputation as a tough guy. I carry 240 pounds of muscle on my 6'-3" frame. I am most proud of my 20" arms and I show them off any chance I get. I get into fights all the time and I can't ever remember losing, even as a child. My problems started with Debbie when I realized that our revenues were starting to slump thanks to our members leaving and joining Debbie's gym. Word had spread about the tough girl and how she could handle herself against both male and female opponents. A lot of our female members thought of Debbie as a hero for knocking out local tough Mark Backus (readers see Part 3). The men, well they just wanted to sneak a peek at her fabulous body while getting in their workout. One day I decided to pay Debbie a visit to see what all the fuss was about. I jumped into my Porsche and drove the ten miles to Debbie's gym. I dressed up nice for my visit to Debbie, as I heard she was quite the looker. I wore a business suit worth well over $ 2,000.00 with finely polished Italian leather shoes. I walked into the gym and I recognized some of my old customers working out. They kind of looked away, thinking that maybe I would cause a scene. I just smiled at them and asked them to point out Debbie to me. One guy yelled out "Hey Debbie, you have someone here who wants to talk to you". She was helping a woman with her workout and looked up briefly. When the woman was done with her set, Debbie walked over to me. I introduced myself and she held out her hand to greet me. We shook hands and I asked her if we could go somewhere for some conversation. She agreed and led me to the back of the gym where she had a small office. Debbie was dressed in an old baggy sweatshirt and pants that did nothing to show off her impressive physique. Her face was beautiful and it was framed by long flowing locks of dark brown hair. We both sat down at her desk and started our conversation. du: What can I do for you Mario. ma: I have a business proposition for you to consider. Your little gym here is causing me to lose some of my best customers and my family would like to buy you out. du: I've heard about both you and your family Mario and I do not want any trouble from you, but I must turn down your offer at any cost. I enjoy owning this gym and I am beginning to realize some profit from the efforts I have put forth. ma: I am glad you know of both myself and my family. You must realize that I am a man who gets what he wants, one way or the other. You too, have quite a reputation. I heard about that Backus thing a while back, but you are dealing with a much bigger situation here. du: Look, I told you I don't want any trouble with you. Please accept my answer as being final and allow me to return to my customers. ma: Maybe you would like to talk some more over dinner this evening? du: Sorry, I already have a boyfriend and it just would not be fair to him. ma: Very well then. It was nice talking to you. Have yourself a nice day and I'm sure our paths will cross again. She looked at me kind of funny, then she rolled up her right sleeve and held out her hand. I shook her hand while gazing at her bronze muscled forearms. The bitch was packing some muscle under that old gray sweat suit, I thought. She walked me to the front door and watched as I folded myself into my Porsche and drove off. I bet she thought she would never see me again, but I had definite plans for little Miss Umbruzio. When I got back to my office I called in one of my goons for a little discussion. Fat Tony had been with the family for years and he usually handled situations where a little muscle was required. I ordered Fat Tony to find out who Debbie's boyfriend was and knock him around a little. Fat Tony was more than happy to accommodate my request. Later that evening he called to confirm that my wishes had been carried out. The next day I asked two of my sluggers, Vito and Paulie to pay a visit to Debbie's gym. They were instructed to harass any customer that formerly belonged to my gym and report back to me at the end of the day. At 5pm the boys came into my office laughing. They had a good old time slapping around my old customers. I asked them what Debbie did while all this was going on and they said she wasn’t at the gym while they were there. We talked for a while and they left my office around 6pm. I planned to stay late that evening to catch up on some paperwork. At 7pm my father, Vincent Anzeloni showed up. My father never showed up at the gyms, as he always had bigger fish to fry. He sat down and told me we had a problem. He said Debbie paid him a visit in the afternoon and had a nice discussion with him. He asked why I was bothering her and I told him she did not accept my offer of a buyout so I started a little trouble. The conversation continued: va: She is a nice girl Mario. The kind of girl I had hoped you would end up with by now. Imagine, twenty nine years old and not married yet. When are you going to settle down. ma: I'm having too much fun, pop. va: O'h another thing, Mario. When Debbie showed up for our talk she brought Fat Tony with her. He had bruises all over his face and it looked like he went through a real war. ma: How did Debbie look? Was she beat up good? va: You sent Fat Tony to beat up a girl? Is this what I have taught you to do? Fat Tony lost to this girl. She did not have a mark on her. What a woman this Debbie is. ma: Papa, I didn’t tell Fat Tony to beat up Debbie. I sent him after Debbie's boyfriend. va: I know, she told me the whole story. She found Fat Tony and avenged her boyfriend by giving him a good beating. Now she wants my permission to come after you. ma: What did you tell her pop? va: First I told her I was impressed as hell with her. Imagine her showing me that kind of respect. I told her I was amazed that she handled Fat Tony and after hearing her story, I think it is time you settle up with her one on one. After all son, you started this whole thing. As far as I'm concerned you are on your own for this one. If you can't beat a girl after all, you're no son of mine. With that my father got up and walked away. I was more than just a little nervous that Debbie had beaten Fat Tony so bad. What was I to do? I called up Vito and Paulie and told them to meet my at Fat Tony's house. Fat Tony was more than just a little embarrassed at losing to Debbie. He told us that she was just so fast with her hands that he couldn’t keep up with her. He also said that while she looked like a woman, she hit like a man. Vito and Paulie were both laughing so hard they could hardly stand up. I didn't like what I was hearing from Fat Tony, so I did not join in the laughter. I knew that within the next couple of days Debbie would come calling and I had to be ready. One week went by and all I could think about was the battle with Debbie. I was certain that I could not lose to her but seeing Fat Tony laying there with welts all over his face had given me cause to worry. I drove home late one night and pulled my car into the garage. Standing in the driveway as I exited my car, was Debbie Umbruzio. What a sight she was! She was wearing a black sleeveless evening gown. She had her hair pulled back and she really looked quite elegant. "Wow, you look a lot different than you did back at the gym" I joked nervously. She asked if we could talk inside for a while and I agreed. We went into the living room and sat down for a talk. ma: I understand you want to fight me. You come kind of dressed up for a fight don't you think? du: Yes, I do want to fight you. Why did you pick on my boyfriend when you had a dispute with me. He is but an innocent victim and you had your goon beat him up. ma: He is a man, why are you protecting him. Shouldn't it be the other way around. du: Yes, he is a man. A very kind and gentle man. I was born with the ability to protect myself and those I love and I will continue to do so for as long as I am able. ma: Do you know what you are getting into. I am not Fat Tony or Mark Backus. Look at these arms (As I flexed). Are you sure you want to tangle with these babies. du: (smirking) You can't hit me with bi-ceps. I'll tell you what. I do not want to wreck this wonderful home of yours by fighting. Why don't you come down to my gym and we can settle this issue. ma: Oh no, bitch. We will fight at my gym tomorrow night at 10pm if that is what you want. One word of warning though. When I beat you, I will have my way with you and I don’t want you running to the cops to say I raped you. You either agree to this or there will be no fight. du: I agree. But keep in mind that I will have plans for you as well if I am successful in defeating you. She got up to leave and I got a real good look at her. You could see the outline of her killer body underneath the evening gown. Her huge breasts just spilled forth from their constraints. Her tanned shoulders were well muscled. Her arms were very long and her biceps were well defined. I also noticed that her fists were large and bony. They looked like they could do some damage when called upon. I went to bed that night, but I didn’t sleep a wink. My mind kept working all night. In the morning I called Vito and Paulie and told them that I needed them for a job. They came over to my house and I told them of Debbie's visit. "Look guys" I said, I talked to my old man and he said for you to handle this broad for the family. He thinks that if I fight her she will run to the cops and I will end up in jail. I told them to be at my gym at 9:30 pm that night. When Debbie arrives, give her the beating of her life. Then I told them to call me when they were finished because I wanted to talk to Debbie when they were finished. Of course my intentions were less than genuine. I was afraid that I would lose to Debbie and embarrass my family. I figured my two sluggers could handle her for me and once they did, I would jump her bones while the guys watched. I parked my car two blocks from my gym and hid in the bushes across the street. Debbie arrived right on time and Vito let her in. All of the shades were drawn so I could not see what was going on. I figured the guys would need about five minutes or so and I awaited their call. Just as planned at 10:05pm my cell phone rang. It was Vito. He said the job was finished and I should come in now. Great!, I thought, now I was going to give it to that cocky broad right up her ass. I ran across the street and unlocked the front door. I walked into the gym but nobody was around. I called out for Vito and Paulie but found no answer. When I got to the center of the gym, Debbie walked out from behind the wall to the ladies locker. She had that damn gray sweat suit on again. Her long hair was pulled up in a pony tail. She had a blue sweatband on her forehead and a smug look on her face. "Your friends are taking a little nap, are you ready for me now Mario" she said, as she punched her right fist into her left palm. ma: You bitch, you didn’t beat up my guys. Where are those cowards anyway. du: Oh yes, I did beat them up Mario. As a matter of fact I knocked both of them out and your next. ma: I don't believe you whore. du: Come, I'll show you Mario. I followed her into the woman's locker room and was astounded to find Vito sitting on a toilet with his head leaning against the back of the stall, out like a light. Paulie was flat out on the ceramic tile floor with two black eyes to show for his efforts. My mind began to race, what would I do now? Debbie made the mistake of turning her back on me. She reached down to slap Paulie back to life. I saw my opening and sent a hard right to the back of her head. She never saw the punch coming. My punch knocked her on top of Paulie. I pulled her off Paulie and backhanded her to the floor. This was going to be easier than I thought. She started to get up and I sent a kick at her stomach. She caught my leg in mid-swing and held on for dear life. She spun me about the locker room while trying to clear her head. I sent shot after shot to the top of her head and all she could do was spin me around and cover up with her other arm. Finally Debbie let loose with a right hand that hit me flush on the side of my face. She released my leg and I threw a left hand at her. She blocked my punch and countered with a left hand of her own. She was a pretty strong puncher, I thought. We stood toe to toe and gave each other a good going over. Debbie was giving as good as she was getting. As the fight continued the fog seemed to lift from her eyes and her punches were a lot more powerful. She began to get the best of our exchanges. A good straight right to my stomach knocked all of the air and a good portion of my confidence out of my body. Debbie followed up with an uppercut that knocked me back into a trash can filled with used paper towels. Both the paper towels and I fell to the floor. Debbie dragged me to my feet and grabbed my hair. Then she began introducing my head to each one of the toilet stall doors. She banged my head off all five stall doors, then threw me against the wall. She banged a hard right into my ribcage, and then a left hand and another right in rapid fashion. She grabbed me by the chest and spun me around. A roundhouse right sent my flying across the room. Another right sent me realing into the main gym area. I was on wobbly legs by that point. Debbie walked from the girls locker with purpose in her step. I raised my arms to defend myself and she hit me with a right hand to the chin. Down I went. She stood over me with her hands in the air. She began to count, one - two - three. I jumped to my feet and she stopped her counting. "Now it's time to get serious", she said. She reached down and removed her baggy sweat pants. Her legs were very dark and muscular. Her sweatshirt covered her down to her mid thigh, but not for long. With one fell swoop she reached up and removed her sweat shirt. I just stood there in amazement. She had on a blue fish net stocking body suit with nothing under it. Her breasts stood out like two large volleyballs. Her waist was amazingly small. I would guess her measurements to be 45-22-34. Her muscular arms were pumped up pretty good from the beaten she was laying on me. Her pubic hair jutted out through the fish net body suit. She was one hairy holed strong girl. She brought her fists up to her chest and continued her assault on me. Rapid fire rights and lefts met their mark on my face. Her punches were so fast I didn’t know where they were coming from. I tried to throw a right hand and she caught my arm in mid-air. She held my right arm in the air with her strong left hand. Then she sent two hard rights into my face, knocking me to the ground again. She scurried to the floor alongside me and wrapped her legs around my waist. She laid on the floor facing me and began putting pressure on my mid-section with her python like legs. Soon my shrieks of pain filled the gym. I reached down and tried to push her off. Both of my hands grabbed at her massive tits. I began to twist at her eraser sized nipples in hopes of her releasing her grip, but to no avail. Her strong legs weakened me so. I begged for her to stop. To my surprise, she did stop. She jumped to her feet. She reached down and pulled me to her chest. By this time I was out on my feet. A right - left combination sent me back into the overhead press machine. I stood there with my head swimming. Debbie reached up and grabbed a horizontal support for the overhead press machine. She did one quick pull up and wrapped her muscular legs around my head. My beaten face was swept into her hairy love nest. I couldn’t breath. Debbie grinded her hairy hole into my face and I thought I would pass out. Over and over she ground her cunt into my face while she squeezed my head like a grape with her powerful thighs. Finally she released my head from her python like grip. She jumped to the floor and began a rapid fire assault on my face. Her punches drove me all the way to the other side of the gym. I slumped to my knees and began to sob. Debbie stood over me with fists at the ready. "I give, you win. I can't take anymore of you" I said. She grabbed me by the hair and led me over to a bench press machine. She sat down and I fell over her strong thighs. She pulled down my pants and spanked my bare bottom raw. My sobs filled the gym as Debbie beat my ass for at least five minutes. Through tear soaked eyes, I assured Debbie I would no longer bother her or her boyfriend ever again. Satisfied that she had indeed taught me a lesson, she stood me up. The last thing I remember is being hit with a hard punch and landing on my back. I could see Debbie's hairy hole above me and the underside of her massive breasts as they heaved in victory. I blacked out soon after, only to wake to a severe headache and the disapproving look of my father. He saw the whole fight from the security loft above the gym. I was soon out of the "family business". I went from living the high life to a nobody, all because of that bitch Debbie. I swore that one day I would get her back, but that will be a story for another day. **The End**