Rematches are so unfair by Tom2164 Part II in the ongoing saga of Debbie Umbruzio. This is Tammy Backus and I'm sure you all had a good laugh at my expense. I've seen the account of my fight with Debbie Umbruzio and while I'm not saying it isn't accurate, I feel it is my duty to tell my side of the story. This broad Debbie had been shifting her titts back and forth trying to distract my gymnasium clients for quite some time before I made the mistake of taking her on. I did underestimate the wench. She was a lot stronger and faster than she looked. I hid out in my house for over one month after that fight. I dare not go back into the gym for fear of what might be said. It took over two weeks just for my eyes to get their color back. Once back in the gym I did hear some snickering about what had happened. I told anyone that would listen that I was jumped by several men and they had given me the beating at Debbie's request. They then placed me on Debbie's shoulders for the long walk to the gym. I even conjured up a story about Debbie satisfying each man before they would release me to her shoulders. I may have even gotten some of the people to believe my story, but for the most part my story was falling on deaf ears. The general feeling of the gym patrons was that I had lost my title as "Toughest Woman in Town" fair and square. It wasn't long before I was being challenged by people because word had gotten around about my loss to Debbie. Fight after fight, my confidence was being restored. I easily won each fight. I left four woman badly beaten and with each win my reputation was being restored. I still had a lot of self doubt about fighting Debbie again. I remember the feeling of helplessness as she beat me around her back yard like a rag doll. I convinced myself that the reason I lost the fight was my lack of conditioning. Oh sure, I am muscular and tough, but when you are in a fight with a tough woman like Debbie you need to have stamina. She will not go down in the first minute of the fight like all the others. I began training in earnest about six months after our fight. It was the dead of winter and I started my day with a six mile run. I spent the better part of the day at my gym helping my clients work out. I guess during the day I broke away enough to get about two hours of lifting in. I also started taking boxing lessons. After about two months of this I started to come up with a plan to get Debbie back. I would see her around town every once in a while. She would just give me a smug look and continue on her way. I just couldn't wait for the day I could lay a beating on her. I figured I would train another six months and then challenge Debbie to a rematch. I did not see her at the gym anymore. I thought for sure she would come in just to gloat, but she stayed away. My training was really paying off. Every night I would spar with some poor sap and send them back to the showers with a funny taste in their mouths. I continued to tell my story about Debbie cheating in the first fight and every one of the men I boxed was convinced my story was true. The six mile morning runs soon turned to ten mile runs. I dropped over 20 lbs and added muscle mass to my already large frame. I was beginning to feel ready for a rematch. One night I called Debbie on the phone. I told her I was ready to take her on again anytime and anywhere. She told me she wasn't interested and that she had proven her point last year when she kicked my ass. She then hung up the phone which really pissed me off. I jumped into my car and drove over to her house. I don't know why but I stopped the car about a block from her house and got out and walked through several back yards before coming to the scene of the first fight. It was pitch black out and I could see Debbie through one of the back windows. She was with a handsome looking man and they were making out. I sat and watched from outside and saw much more than I had wanted to. Debbie looked in great shape and she was really giving it to her gentleman friend. It was then that I came up with my plan for a rematch. For some reason Debbie never fights unless she feels someone she loves is in danger. My plan included putting her handsome boyfriend in a good deal of danger. I did a lot of checking around and came up with a couple of local tough girls to help me in my plan. Patrice Heil was a large and muscular girl, built very much like myself. Tracy Dean on the other hand was a Cory Everson look alike with very large breasts. Both girls had heard of Debbie and liked my idea to gain revenge. Our fist task was Debbie's boyfriend Anthony. We all followed him home one night after he spent a fun evening at Debbies house. I brought along a video camera to film the proceedings. When Anthony got out of his car in front of his house, Tracy was waiting for him. She shook her massive boobs in his face and he just kind of laughed. "My girl makes yours look like blisters". That pissed off Tracy and she hauled off and nailed him with a good shot. I whipped out the camera and began to film Tracy giving Anthony a beating. Patrice jumped in and soon poor Anthony was in trouble. They dragged him up onto his porch and took the front door key from his pants. Patrice carried Anthony's beaten body upstairs to his bedroom and layed him on the bed. I have the camera to Patrice and told her to film me. I took about five shots at Anthony's face while she filmed. He was almost out like a light by now. He slumped back onto the bed and I undid his trousers. It looked like he had a python in his pants. "This guy is hung" I said to the others. Patrice continued filming as I pulled down his underwear. Debbie's man had to be at least 10" soft. I couldn't resist, so I took his member in my mouth and soon his pole began to grow. Both Tracy and Patrice wanted a piece of the action, so Patrice put down the camera and we all sucked on Anthony's pole. The god damn thing must have been 14" in it's hardened state. We all agreed that Debbie was a lucky woman. For all of our sucking this guy was not going to come. I decided if he wasn't going to come, then I was. I quickly took off my pants and mounted the stud. I couldn't get but half of him in me, but that was good enough to get me off. All the while I was on him I was talking to the camera challenging Debbie to prove her womanhood. When we were all finished we slapped Anthony's face until he came to. He was a little groggy from the beating but he still had his massive hardon. We left his house and proceeded to Debbie's house to deliver the video tape. Tracy put the tape in Debbie's mailbox and we all headed home to wait for the fireworks. Two days went by and we still had not heard from Debbie. I thought we would hear from here right off after humiliating her boyfriend like we did. A letter arrived in the mail the next day. It was a message from Debbie. An invitation actually. It read in part: "You are cordially invited to a day of fistic endeavor. Be at Pennbrook Grove at high noon on Saturday August 2 and be prepared for the battle of your life." Tracy and Patrice also received invitations. We all laughed at the formality of being "invited to fight" with Debbie. Saturday arrived and we all piled into my van. Pennbrook Grove was a small wooded area that ran alongside a creek. It normally would be rented out for small picnic or summer company gatherings. We arrived at the gate and drove down a hill to the open grove area. Picnic tables surrounded the grove. They were all under open wooden roofs that protected the picnic goers from rain showers. The open grove area was covered with lush green grass and was at least the size of two football fields. Debbie was waiting for us along with Anthony, who's bruises were mending just fine, thank-you very much. Debbie had on a tight yellow t shirt that was ripped at the mid-waist to show off her tanned six pack abs. I didn't remember her body to be this defined during our last fight. Her arms, while not as large as mine were clearly defined and as tight as a drum. To picture Debbie think of the famous pin up model "Chloe Vevrier" with larger firmer breasts and defined muscularity. I walked up to Debbie and told her I wanted to fight her one on one. If she were to beat me then she could have at the other two. Debbie actually wanted to fight all three of us at once because that was how we attacked her Anthony. I didn't give her a chance to finish her protest. I sent a long left to the side of her head and she backed up a little. She assumed a boxing stance and soon we were going at it pretty good. Two jabs to my chin reminded me of her power. Debbie was a fine boxer, better than any of the men at the club. After about three minutes of boxing Debbie was clearly beating me to the punch. I lunged at her and we began to wrestle. I got a good hold of her and threw her to the ground. We wrestled for about a minute and then she got me in a headlock that made me scream out in pain. My head was caught in her vice like grip and I couldn't get out. Finally she released me and as she did, she hit me with a nice right hand cross. I staggered backward and she continued the onslaught. Over and over again her punches met their mark. She knocked me down for the first time in the fight and I lay on the ground stunned. She came over to me and picked me up to my feet and began the beating all over again. She knocked me down six times, and picked me up each time to continue the pummeling. I began to sob because I knew all my training went for nothing. Now you have to understand that I probably only cried three times in my life and two times were at the hands of Debbie Umbruzio. She beat me over to the picnic tables. A straight jab sent me back against a pavilion vertical support. Rights and lefts rained down upon me. Debbie must have hit me twenty times. I was out on my feet but Debbie's punches were keeping me upright. Finally Debbie stepped back and stopped her punching. My head spun and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I slid down to the ground with my back to the support beam. Debbie had knocked me out cold. During the first fight I was never knocked out, so I was doubly humiliated this time. I don't know how long I was out cold. I awoke to the cries of pain from Tracy and Patrice. My head was aching when it became clear to me that Debbie had beaten all three strong girls in one afternoon. I watched the remainder of the fight from my slumped position. Debbie stood between the girls like some kind of comic book super hero. She alternated punches between the girls and their heads rocked with the motion of her fists. Both girls begged Debbie to knock them out and end the punishment. Debbie knocked both girls to their knees. Tracy and Patrice were crying like babies. Debbie went behind both girls and grabbed Tracie's hair with her right hand and Patrice's hair with her left. She banged their heads together three times and both girls fell onto their sides. Their day of "fistic adventure" was over. Anthony had been filming the fight all along with his video camera, so I would have no excuses for the locals this time. He ran to Debbie and have her a big hug of congratulations. He put the camera down and soon their hands were all over one another. I was so tired I just sat there and watched as Debbie enjoyed the fruits of victory. Anthony removed her shirt and released her mighty breasts from their constraints. They looked even larger and firmer than I remembered them to be. He dropped to his knees as if were worshipping her. He pulled her pants to her knees and began giving her a good licking. She grabbed his hair with both hands as she stood over him. She was looking right into my eyes as she enjoyed the movements of Anthony's tongue in her hairy twat. Debbie moaned for pleasure and I just sat there crying. I thought of all the hours of training and for what? To be beaten even worse by this Italian-American strong girl. As Anthony licked away I saw Debbie lean over and whisper something in his ear. Anthony stopped his licking and Debbie moved toward me. I guess I knew what was next. "Remember last time Tammy", she said with a gleam in her eye. She rolled me over onto my back and straddled my face with her strong muscular legs and ass. Soon I had her hairy pussy all over my beaten face. Anthony got behind us and as Debbie rode my face she sucked on his 14" rod. Oh the embarrassment as I realized that Patrice and Tracy had come to and were watching the action. I was gasping for air as Debbie grinded her cunt into my entire face. My face was covered with her musky smelling love juice. For some reason I found myself turned on by what was happening and I reached up to fondle her huge breasts. My hands were like a small child's in the midst of her massive cleavage. Anthony was moaning over and over in harmony with Debbies groans. Finally Debbie reached the point of climax. I grabbed at her zeppelins as they rose and fell. Her nipples stiffened to the size of large coffee cups. She released a good deal of goo from her hole as she climaxed for what seemed like one full minute. Anthony too, was ready to go. Debbie quickly got to her feet and guided his love pole between her breasts. Just as Anthony was about to shoot off, she stepped aside and aimed his cock directly at my face. Soon great gobs of cum were shooting all over my face. When he was finished it looked like I had been hit in the face with a Boston cream pie. Debbie and Anthony showed concern for their beaten foes. They cleaned us up in the creek and drove us all to the local hospital. We spent three days recovering from Debbie's beating. We all could not believe we were beaten by our much smaller opponent. Tracy even talked about revenge, but I had enough of Debbie Umbruzio to last me for a lifetime. I would never challenge her again but there would be others foolish enough to try. **The End**