This weekend I induced a gorgeous young lass to flex her biceps for my pleasure. What's more, I believe the method I used is both effective and easy to replicate by your average muscle-luster. Here's how it happened:

I went to the Hooters nearest my domicile to have a beer, read the newpaper, and relax...Yeah, Right! Upon entering I scanned the establishment and its employees to find the waitress best-suited to serve my needs--their skimpy outfits make this very easy. I spotted a sexy lady with shoulder-length blonde hair, about 5'4", 115 pounds, with a fine degree of muscularity. I sat down at one of her tables.

When she approached, I nonchalantly ordered a beer. (Note: Patience is a virtue.) As I waited, I checked out the staff, including my server (this is the politically correct term, isn't it?) I found the best time to assess their upperbody development is when they are carrying a full pitcher of beer. Well, my Hooters Girl passed the test with flying colors...great biceps! So when she brought me my beer I asked, "Do you workout?"

(Note: her response governs your next move. If she seems uncomfortable with the question, you probably need to find another Hooterette to approach. But if she replies easily, go for it.)

She smiled and told me she used to work out for track (she ran sprints in high school), but she was having difficulty finding time to get into the gym with the demands of her job and the college courses she is taking. I told her that I had noticed her arms and that she looked great. She said thanks and walked off.

I played it cool until it was time to ask for the check. When she brought the bill I asked, "What's a good tip?" She smiled and said slyly, "You don't want to ask that!" Her anticipatory grin, born of anticipation of a serious gratuity, told me the time was right. I told her she looked great and asked what event she ran in track--she said sprints. Then I popped the question...."MAKE A MUSCLE?"

She blushed a bit and flexed her right biceps. It displayed surprising size and a nice peak. The image is still etched in my memory. I'll return soon. Hope this can help others. (What an altruist!).