PETE'S VIDEO: Fitness vs. Bodybuilding...part I by Tex Biceps To the outside world it seemed another lazy afternoon, the cool of autumn in the air, a clear azure sky framing one more day. But inside, I knew this was an extraordinary afternoon because I had a hand in creating current circumstances which were about to reach an erotic crescendo. Earlier in the week I scheduled a photo shoot with Debbie, a gorgeous blonde fitness model. She's not your typical fitness girl. Instead of trying to distract from a distinct lack of muscle, Debbie has the physique to hit sexy, hardcore bodybuilding poses and perform the incredible gymnastics moves necessary to put her at the top of her profession. I know because I'm a conisseur of feminine muscle. That's my job. I'm a photographer who specializes in capturing the serious sex appeal of fit, muscular women for various publications. As a side line, I slave at the thankless job of producing specialty videos, featuring my luscious clientele for obsessive male muscle-lusters. Life can be hard. Anyway, the day after I signed Debbie up, I came across Heather at my gym. As soon as she saw me, the busty young bodybuilder showed a keen interest in talking. She must've heard I was in the process of "auditioning" women for my next video. One look at the sleek, hard lines of her superbly developed physique and I heard opportunity knocking. As a passionate lover of fit women, I had listened to and joined in the debate concerning the relative merits of maximally-developed female bodybuilders and their slimmer but sexy sisters. Don't get me wrong, I've declared my neutrality in this conflict. I love womanly muscle of all shapes and sizes. But I saw a perfect opportunity to continue this debate live--I mean up close and personal. So after Heather and I exchanged greetings and other small talk, I scheduled her for a shoot thirty minutes after Debbie's. If I played my cards right, I might find myself in the middle of a catfight. One hellava catfight! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The doorbell rang. Debbie! I opened the door to see the blonde's sultry smile below bright green eyes. "Am I early?" Her shoulder-length blonde hair cascaded in glistening waves in the afternoon sun. She wore yellow short- shorts and a jet black windbreaker. "Not at all", I replied cordially and invited her in. Feeling gentlemanly, I took her gym bag and began assisting her in removing the windbreaker. She was wearing a white, sleeveless half-T-shirt underneath. She muttered her appreciation and added in a sexy, yet professional tone, "Thanks for giving me a shot." I motioned for her to have a seat on the couch. "No problem. Let me tell you what I had in mind." She lowered herself slowly, sensually, her eyes locked onto mine, a come-hither look across her face. Is she coming on to me? I gathered my wandering thoughts as I sat down beside her. "Your outfit looks phenomenal. How 'bout we start with some upper body shots..." Debbie innocently stretched her arms, subtly flexing hard, knotted biceps..."Ah, how about arms?" I stammered. She smiled and hit an aggressive double-biceps shot that left me gaping. "Yes, let's start with arms. Your's look great!" "Are you an 'Arm Man', Pete?" She asked knowingly. Debbie knew. She must recognize the passionate stare. I bet she's seen it before! I nodded sheepishly and began nervously fiddling with a camera bag. "Don't be coy, I like it." She slowly raised her right arm and flexed. "I've been working these arms hard...for this very moment..for the 'Big Time' ". She moved close enough for me to smell her perfume. "Got 'em up to 14"!" My lust apparent, she grinned and offered, "Go ahead, Pete...Feel ' em." Wasting no time, I slipped my fingers around her tensed arm, tracing the peaked contour. She squeezed her fist tighter and the roughly-hewn muscle hardened. "They're like rocks, aren't they, Pete..." she said in a supremely confident tone. Laughing at the mesmerized look on my face, Debbie lowered her arm, then went into a front double biceps pose. "No need to say anything, Pete..." She contracted the muscles harder until her arms shook,"...your face says it all!" I sat back and tried to wipe off my lusty grin. "Yep, I think you're ready for the big time, Deb. Those biceps look terrific..." I smiled mischeviously,"...for a fitness gal." Taking a deep breath, I waited for her reaction to my thinly-veiled challenge. "For a FITNESS...GAL!" she seethed. "What's that crack supposed to mean?" I placed my hands gently on her shoulders. "Debbie...Debbie...You look great...I'm not sayin' ya don't...It's just...You gotta understand my work...I see lots of biceps and your...well, they're terrific...But...I have to say...I've seen bigger." She frowned. "Pete, I'll feel butch if I get any bigger!" "Debbie, your biceps are incredibly appealing." The blonde struck another double biceps. "They look fit and strong...very sexy." She flexed hard one more time and lowered her arms. "But know, the first thing you told me about your arms was their size...Size blows people's minds. Big arms both fascinate and intimidate." "Intimidate?" "You bet...INTIMIDATE!...From my experience, a strong-looking woman intimdates men sexually, but really scares women physically...Let me give you an example...Hit a biceps." I asked. She resumed her double biceps pose. "Now, when another woman,...let's say, ah...Suzie Homemaker...When Suzie spies those muscles, what's her reaction?" Debbie pondered a moment. "Intimidated?" "Bingo! When Suzie sees the extraordinary size and definition of your biceps, she immediately knows you are strong...stronger than her." The posing blonde grinned and relaxed. "And you know, Pete...Suzie's right...and so are you!" She looked serious. "I've seen that fear, along with disgust, in women's eyes." Her gaze met mine. "It's like, they know their men find me very attractive...and what's even more threatening, they're not strong enough to do anything about it!" Debbie's strong tones and bold, aggressive posture told me she liked being intimidating. "By the looks of your physique, I bet you don't have to prove it to Suzie very often." She shook her head. "Not very often...but you'd be surprised how many scuffles this body gets me into!" Her eyes lit up with the thought. A GOOD SIGN, I thought to myself. But best be subtle. "Excuse me?" The blonde hesitated, then smiled wryly. "Yes, Pete, I've been in a few fact, I got in one at the gym just last week." She put her hand on her hip. "You've been wanting to ask, haven't you?" Caught! Thoughts and nanoseconds scrambled. "Well, er...That's...that's one of the questions I'll be asking in the, I've been interested." Debbie looked at me skeptically. "Then I got what you're lookin' for". She assumed a semi-theatrical pose. Practicing for the video I surmised. "Last Monday I heard a commotion and when I checked it out I found some woman screaming at the receptionist about her bill. I asked her to calm down and she just kept yelling...well, I put my hand on her arm, very gently...I just wanted to get her to settle down...and the bitch, she pushed me away!" Debbie frowned and stood up. "I snapped...I grabbed her in a headlock, twisted her to her knees..." she threw her arms into a headlock pose,"...Let's just say it didn't take long for her to calm down." I think I was able to keep my arousal covert. "That's perfect. That kinda story will sell!" "You think so? I got more!" she said eagerly. "Oh, yeah, baby. Big bucks!" I assured her, as I got up to get my video camera. Debbie began her next tale. "About a year ago..." "Hold on, Deb," I interrupted. "Let me get the video fired up and we'll do a test shoot". "Really?" Debbie asked. She began to primp. "You bet," I said, fumbling with my tripod. "Hey, Pete...Mind if I change?...I brought my posing bikini." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Test..1-2-3...Debbie, let's start with a few vital statistics". Floodlights bathed the fitness girl's chiseled physique, shadows highlighting the taut, muscular curves. Seated seductively, she adjusted her revealing black bikini. "Well, I'm 5' 7", and right now I weigh about 135 'cos I'm ready to compete." She sat forward on the couch and looked longingly into the camera. A natural. "How about legs..." She extended her legs, gently flexing. "I think they're about 24"". "And arms?" Debbie looked down at her arm, then back to the camera and flexed. "That's 14" of muscle..." Her fingers found their way to her peaked biceps, gently caressing the straining muscle,"....ROCKHARD muscle!...And I can barbell curl about 100 lbs." "Impressive. I bet your body garners a lot of attention..." "Oh, yeah...Mostly men...I mean, how many times has some guy come up to me and asked to feel my biceps?" She hit another arm pose, admired herself and relaxed. "Now women...most pretend they don't notice, but they do...they see me as a challenge." "A challenge?" I asked leadingly. "Sure...kinda like the ol' wild west gunslinger. Some women feel they need to take me down a notch...prove I'm not so hot." She subtly tensed her lats and pecs. "They're jealous..." "I think I know what you're talkin' about, Deb, but give us an example." "You bars, at the gym, even at contest...some girl will get a burr up her ass about something, thing leads to another." I saw Debbie unconsciously clench a fist and I zoomed in on her gorgeous face. "You mean she starts a fight with you?" My acting was first-rate. "Pete, you sound surprised!" She smiled cantakerously. "Yes, women DO fight, Pete...Not often, but they do." "No, no, Debbie," I explained, "I'm not surprised women fight...I'm just floored that girls would be willing to get into it with you once they catch a glimse of those muscles!" "Well, Pete," she said in an arousing, wistful tone, "My fight's DON'T LAST VERY LONG..." Debbie crooked her arm and twisted deliberately into a side chest shot. Her arms ballooned impressively beside a voluptuously-rounded, D-cup chest, delts straining as striations appeared along the sternum. I swallowed hard. "I believe it, Debbie...But did you say you've gotten into fights at fitness contests?" She nodded, dropped the pose and picked up a bottle of baby oil off the floor. "Sure...everyone's competing...emotions are high...It's unbelieveably catty!" She squeezed out a bit of oil and began massaging her unflexed arm. "Just last year, at a local show, this black girl, ah...Tamika, she took exception to me performing encore poses after my routine...I was just giving the crowd what they wanted!" "How dare she," I quipped. "Yeah...I'm goin', don't get pissed at me 'cos you don't have a chance to win the contest, dear..." She lifted her extended arm, then inched her clenched fist toward her shoulder, causing her biceps to expand in scintillating increments of muscular mass. "Anyway," she began rubbing the oil on her tensed biceps, "...I told her where she could stick it...and you know what that bitch did?" She lowered her arm and stopped oiling. "No. But please go on." Nope, no drool. "She hit me!...right in the stomach." Debbie tightened the muscles of her torso. "That was her second mistake." She popped her six-pack abs with her fist. "If you're gonna hit me, you better take me out quick...and that's not a good place to start." "So what'd ya do?" Still no spittle. "Instinct...I popped her one square on the jaw..." she threw a mock punch whistling threw the air. " was a good shot...knocked her to her knees, Pete." Debbie looked at her fist and grinned. "With just one punch?" I exclaimed. "One punch, Pete...I hit hard!" she resumed oiling her biceps sensuously. "So what happened...did she get up?" Debbie frowned at me. "Are you kidding? I didn't give her a chance to get up...I blocked her flat on the floor with my shoulder and pinned her...then they broke it up." She began oiling her other arm, alternately flexing and relaxing her biceps. A pity, I thought. "How many fights have you had?" "Probably around five or six... if you don't count grade school tussles." She put the finishing touches on her arm, then flexed her biceps. "And you know what, Pete?" She squeezed the muscles tightly. "I've NEVER lost a fight!" Debbie cockily held the pose until I said, "Cut!" I moved from behind the camera. "Debbie, darling...that was incredible..magnifique!" She looked relieved. "That's what you're lookin' for?" "No doubt. The schmooz are gonna eat it up, baby!"