Knowing my passion for female combat, Kip @ Utopia Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos sent me this video to enjoy and review. When this is finished, I will have done both...
This 90 minute compilation of two videos opens with the classic hot tub scene. Three cute, bikini-clad "exotic dancers" are relaxing in the lucky bubbles and before long they begin arguing over a client they all claim as their own...lucky CLINT...The ladies continue to bicker until the requisite male, Mike, enters to mediate the conflict and offer a method of resolution--GUESS which method!....Go ahead, GUESS...
No, it was WRASSLIN'...YAHOOOOOO!...The "perty" ladies, Cat, Alex, & Raquel, agree to wrassle to see who gets the lucky Clint and head inside, threatening to kick each others' asses!...By the way, the audio quality of this scene is probably the best I've heard from any FEMUSCLE VIDEO MOGUL...
ROUND ONE: Alex vs. Cat
The ladies perform their nicely-edited "exotic dance routines" to music for the first 2:30 (with only two flexes, unfortunately). Again, Utopia provides new and creative material. MTV-editing and beautiful bodies produce an a very enjoyable segment...
The first match gets underway with Cat taking on Alex... Both bikini-clad ladies have nice, taut dancers physiques. Alex, a brunette with straight, shoulder-length hair, is thinner and more cut. Cat, another brunette with a cute, short hairstyle and one of the ladies to flex in the intro music video, has signficantly more muscle mass. Mr. Mike explains that the competition will be best 2-outta-3 falls and the ladies get after it!...
Alex dominates the early action, quickly putting Cat on her back. Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 1 Showing superior quickness and surprising strength, Ms. Alex applies a full-nelson, bodyscissors, and headlocks which lead to several near pins. For over 3:30, Alex and her lithe, wiry-muscle physique overwhelm the bigger Cat...
For a brief moment, Cat reverses Alex's full-body press and almost pins her foe. But it doesn't take long for Alex to escape and regain control...She puts a chinlock-scissors combo on Cat Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 1 and almost pins the bigger girl with a titty-smother/body press...But Cat begins to show signs of life, nearly pinning Alex at the 7:00 mark...
The action is very competitive and tempers flare, leading to some good audio... Alex, as she spanks Cat: "Fuckin' whore" Kip: "OK, Cat, this skinny little girl has almost gotcha!"... Alex, as she throws Cat to the mat: "Where ya goin'?"; Cat replies: "On top of you!" ... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm ...
After the ladies take turns in control, Alex forces Cat face-first to the mat, then puts the tiring feline in a full nelson and asks, "Aren't ya ready for a little break there, buddy?"..."Ready to give up there, sweetie?"...Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 1 Cat tries to power out, but Alex gets Cat in a bodyscissors/headlock combo and forces the lovely feline to submit at the 9:30 mark of the first fall...
ROUND TWO: Revenge
Her back to the wall, Cat throws Alex roughly to the mats and unleashes an aggressive attack of bodyscissors & various nelsons to open the second fall...For 3:00 Cat dominates until the ladies break and continue to battle verbally... Cat: "I slept with your fiance!" Alex: "Oh yeah?...Is that where ya got crabs?" Cat: "No, honey...I think that's when you screwed your customers."
No matter how hard Alex tries, Cat has an answer for anything Ms. Alex can dish out...
Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 1 The short-haired brunette uses her superior size and strength to overpower Alex. And both ladies' bodies show erotic-flashes of naturally-sculpted femuscle as they struggle...
At the 10:00 mark, Alex is able to get Cat's perty head in a figure-four leg lock...For 1:30 Alex controls her opponent with this hold until Cat powers out and resumes her attack...Alex is on her back for most of the next 3:00 as Cat dominates the action...14:30 into the second fall, Cat pins Alex for a 3-count...
Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Wrestling Gallery Page The final fall begins with both girls taking turns gaining control...The tiring ladies are slowing down, allowing the camera to capture superb muscle-to-muscle struggles. Alex's abs, arms and quads ripple as she applies her scissors holds...Though not as cut, Cat's arms bulge with thick, strong muscles as she powers out of each and every hold....
After the ladies break and restart at the 4:00 minute mark, Alex takes control...A headscissor followed a chinlock/bodyscissor hold enable the smaller-but-feistier girl to take charge...Cat finally reverses at 8:30, then executes an alluring schoolgirl pin...(were her shoulders down for three?)...
The fightin' females take turns dominating the action for the next 5:30...suddenly Cat attacks and pins Alex saying, "Who gives?"...Alex is counted out at the 14:30 mark... and Alex is sore loser...
Cat, as she pins Alex for a 3-count: "Game's over, Alex!" Alex: "Your still a lousy whore!" Cat: "Your still a lousy lay!"... Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 1
The total time of the match was 39:40...
CHAMPIONSHIP: Round One--Cat vs. Raquel
This one is for the "whole enchilada"...Raquel is a gorgeous brunette who is bigger and more muscular than either Cat or Alex. In the "exotic dance montage" at the beginning of the video, Raquel briefly flexes her very impressive biceps...MMMMMmmmm...And the big R has an alluring and cocky attitude that is congruent with the sizeable tatoo on her right shoulder!...Raquel has broad shoulders, a svelte waist with hard abs, nicely-developed quads, and the best arms of any of the dancers dealing with this particular dilemmma...Cat looks to be overmatched...
Raquel immediately takes Cat down hard Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 2 and wraps her luscious legs around the smaller girl's torso in a crushing bodyscissors. Cat moans and coughs as the air is squeezed out of her...Next the Big R cradles her opponent and almost pins Cat...The first match victor attempts a reversal, but Raquel is too strong. The big girls muscles ripple as she puts Cat through a headscissors, a bodyscissors, and a full nelson...Fatigue leads the girls to break at the 4:30 mark...
Realizing she's in trouble, Cat attacks with an abdominal stretch Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 2 before rolling Raquel onto her back and going for a pin. But the Big R is too strong and powers out...Again, Cat tries to pin Raquel, but her muscular foe is just too powerful to be pinned and the ladies break at the 7:15 mark of the match...
When the action resumes, Raquel meets Cat's attack with superior strength and forces Cat to the mat with ease...The Big R slaps a painful headscissors on her opponent:
Raquel: "Ready to give it up yet?" Cat: "Can't quite get me yet!"
As Cat struggles, Raquel rolls her over, still applying the headscissors and goes for the pin...Try as she might, Cat cannot escape and she is pinned by the Mighty Raquel at the 9:10 mark...
CHAMPIONSHIP: Round Two--A cornered Cat
Aware that one more pin will cost her the match, Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Wrestling Gallery Page Cat springs aggressively at Raquel...But the Big R has no trouble fending off Cat's attack and quickly puts her into a combination headlock/bodyscissors. The erotically confident Raquel taunts Cat:
Raquel: "Gimme a reason why you think that Clint is your customer?" Cat: "We've only been hanging out every week for months!" Raquel: "Months?...And what have I been doin' with him the past few months?" Cat: "I don't know...I've never seen you with him!...Dammit...Probably sleeping with him for all I know" Raquel: "And if I am it's none of your fuckin' business!" Cat: "So that's how you're makin' all your money..."
Angered by Cat's accusation, Raquel squeezes harder...But the feisty Cat turns the tables and puts her foe in a pseudo-full-nelson followed by a brief headscissors. Gathering her strength, Raquel breaks the hold and the two sexy wrassler trade dominating positions for the next 2:50...
Cornered, Cat uses every ounce of strength to cradle Raquel. Then, in a unique move, Cat lays back-down across the flat-on-her-back bigger girl...Immoblizing Raquel's arms with a surprising strength, Cat pins Raquel at the 8:05 mark of the round...
CHAMPIONSHIP: Round Three--The Victor? This is for all the marbles and the ladies know it! The action begins with furious intensity. Sensual femuscle strains to prove who is the better woman...As one would expect, Raquel gains the upperhand initially, Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 2 riding on top of Cat for first 1:30 of this decisive round. After a near pin, the Big R puts Cat in a headlock, then cradles one of her foe's superbly-shaped legs... Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Wrestling Gallery Page
Raquel asks Cat if she is ready to submit, but the tenacious Cat refuses. With a show of serious strength and stamina, Cat powers out of the hold and puts Raquel in a chinlock...Cat is unable to hold the bigger girl for long. Raquel uses her superior power to break the hold, slapping Cat in to a painful headscissors...:
Raquel: "Give yet?" Cat: "Not quite yet!" Raquel: "You want me to let you up and give you a second chance?" Cat: "Oh, GO TO HELL!....ack..."
Raquel is apparently willing to give Cat a second chance...The feline escapes with ease and puts a headscissors of her own on the Big R...:
Cat: "How 'bout you...ready to give yet?" Raquel: "FUCK NO!!!"
An angry Raquel pushes out of the scissors...Back and forth and forth and back, these ladies struggle...At the 8:40 mark of the round, Raquel rolls Cat onto her back...1-2-3!... Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 2 RAQUEL WINS!
Total Match Time: 26:30
EPILOGUE: A Surprisingly Inconclusive Conclusion
As Raquel rises off her defeated foe, Cat begins to protest the pin...Her angry objections eventually lead to the two strippers to attack Mike...Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 2 A full 15+ minutes of 2-on1 m/f ensues...and the action is laced with the requisite "Psycho Bitches" and "motherfuckers", etc...I'm not a f/m kinda guy, but I think the action would please any fan of that ilk...Utopia Entertainment - Superb Quality Sensual Female Posing and Wrestling Videos - Dancer's Dilemma Part 2 ...I'll let y'all guess the ending of this contest... * * * * *
PERFORMANCES: The ladies in this 2-in1 flick deliver impressive performances. They give it their all throughout a very long match...All of the actresses are beautiful and in-shape, but only Raquel has a noticeably muscular physique. Nevertheless, I would have loved to have seen these ladies hit bodybuilding poses and armwrassle before they wrassled!...The cocky female attitudes portrayed were terrific...4 of 5
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Crystal clear and on top of the action throughout, Kip's camera work is first rate. Tight-shots when ya need 'em and some refreshing angles highlight Mr. Utopia's work...First rate video cassette quality make this a terrific tape for those of us who enjoy slo-motion examinations of the action...Great work! 4.5 of 5
AUDIO: You can hear everyword perfectly...The music segment was good and the ladies lines were enticing...5 of 5
ART: Utopia probably has the best production values of any work I've experienced in the Femuscle Video world...All of the above come together to give the viewer a slick, comfortable, and stimulating ride...I might suggest more falls to avoid fatigue and lulls in the action...A minor suggestion...4 of 5
OVERALL: Buy it...4.5 of 5