PAYBACK An abusive husband gets abused. Oh by the way, the names are purely made up. If they happen to be your name cool! So don’t anyone take offence to the names in this story they mean absolutely nothing. Enjoy~ 23-year-old Katie sat in her bathroom sobbing quietly as she let her nose bleed into the sink. Katie was about 5’7” 114 pounds long blond hair and an innocent beautiful face with dark blue eyes. She looked into the mirror at her black eye and the other one swollen half way shut. She didn’t know how this happened, three years Happily married and not a single argument. The last six months though there was nothing but trouble. It started out with her husband Lenny’s demotion at work because of cutbacks. Ever since that night he came home and started drinking and getting vulgar. If she didn’t have something done just right like laundry, having supper ready on time or it just wasn’t good enough he’d start to slap her around. Sometimes he’d start to hit her close fisted like tonight. She started crying as she thought back on it. She didn’t even love him anymore. She cleaned herself up not even bothering to try to cover it up with make up this late at night. She walked out of the bathroom almost tip toeing as she realized he was already in bed snoring. She stopped and looked at him glaring, she vowed she’d get back at him. Her husband was sleeping on his back passed out and smelling of booze. He is 5’8” 175 pounds mildly muscular/toned. She sheds another tear as she thinks of how strong he is compared to her. His chest heaves up and down as he breaths and she gets an idea. Katie walked downstairs and went in the spare bedroom. She grabbed the phone “Koz!” and dialed information and whispered into the receiver, “Do you have a listing for a Rachel or Laura Koz?” The women at the other end of the phone clicked on her terminal, “Laura Koz?” “Yes may I have the number please?” Then she heard an automated voice thank her and give her the number as she hit the number 1. Katie smiled with anticipation as she heard the phone ringing. The ringing stopped abruptly and a lady’s voice answered, “Hello?” Katie quietly whispered, “Rachel?” The voice replied apologetically, “Oh I’m sorry sweetie she’s moved to New York. You sound familiar may I ask who this is?” Still whispering, “This is Katie, Katie Schul... I… mean… well my maiden name is Gerad. Is this Laura?” Sounding surprised and happy, “KATIE! How are you hun? Why are you whispering?” Katie almost breaks into tears, “I’m just a little upset, I need to talk to Rachel.” “Oh hun I hope everything’s going to be ok. I have her number here… She gave Katie her new Phone number and wished her the best and hoped to see her soon. Katie quickly dialed the phone not even looking at the time, she heard the phone pick up and fall all over the place followed by a crackly still half asleep voice, “Ahhhh huuu who is it?” Katie felt bad as she whispered, “Oh no I woke you up I’m sorry. This is Katie.” The sound of rustling covers rushed into the receiver followed by a happy voice, “Katie Gerad!?” Katie’s voice still very quite gets happy, “Well yeah last name is Schul now though but yeah.” Sounding very happy, “How are you, what’s up girl and why are ya whispering?” In a worried voice, “I feel horrible to call ya this late and even more horrible to call you with problems but I don’t know what else to do. I mean god I haven’t talked to you in years and I miss you so much.” Concern in her voice, “Oh no hun we are friends for life what’s wrong, are you ok?” Sobbing, “Hun I don’t know how this happened or even what I did to deserve this.” Franticly, “What happened?” Katie started slowly, “Well Rach, Lenny the guy I married has started to drink.” In a mad voice, “What did he do to you?!” Timidly, “He’s started beating me.” The sound of a loud thump cracked through the receiver a Rachel hit’s something, “That Ass Hole, hun I’ll be on a plane tomorrow I’ll take care of him for you!” Surprised and happy, “Really, I haven’t even talked to you in years.” “Hun you are my best friend still! Forever!” “Thank you Rachel but I have to go before he hears me.” “Go hun and just do what he says I’ll be there tomorrow.” “I can’t thank you enough, wish I could hug ya.” “Tomorrow hun…” The phone clicks as Katie hang’s up. She sneaks back upstairs and goes to bed and falls asleep. The next morning Katie wakes up to Lenny coming into the room with a tray of food. “Hun I’m so sorry I promise I will never touch you again!” She doesn’t even look up as she stares into space away from him, “I know you won’t.” He looks surprised at this, “Well hun, here ya go I have to go to work and tonight I won’t touch ya. You’ll see.” She thought to herself, (your going to be in pain tonight.) Katie thought about Rachel. She was her closest friend; she also is a big girl. Not fat, she’s about 6’1” and 268 pounds of solid muscle that she’s been working on since she was about 15 years old and she’s 26 now. Katie and Rachel are best friends. Very protective of each other, Rachel is also the only girl Katie ever did anything sexual with. It was just making out but Katie remembers having the most wonderful feelings just making out with Rachel that even now after six years she hasn’t topped or even come close to. Katie kinda snickered as she thought of how much she fakes it with Lenny. He only cares about getting off not getting her off. She got up with the tray and walked down stairs. She looked at the food and the instant breakfast he whipped together as she stood in front of the sink. Then she looked over at the back door where he takes off his shoes every day. Angry and mad at him she threw the tray against the wall next to the back door breaking the dish and glass. She started to smile but quickly stopped as her lip throbbed in pain, “Asshole!” Katie went over to the cupboard and opened a door; she grabbed the stack of dishes and flung them onto the floor as hard as she could. They crashed to the floor breaking almost all of them. She started going through the other cupboards flipping glasses, dishes and bowls all over the floor mostly directed towards the back door. She completely empties the contents the floor and just leans back against the counter and looks at the pile of broken dishes and glasses. She walked upstairs and went back to bed. The phone started ringing Katie startled jumped up looking at the time, 9:30 am she grabbed the phone fumbling it to the side of her face, “He…hello?” “Katie?” “Rachel?” “Hey hun I’m landing in 2 hours can you come and pick me up? Or should I rent a car?” “No way I’ll be there! You are the best I love you Rachel!” “I love ya too hun, see ya soon.” As Katie heard the click she hung the phone up and jumped into the shower. She groaned in pain as the hot salt water hit her open cut’s just a few but they killed she sat there and let them burn soaping them up making it feel worse she had to clean them. After she got out and dried off she started to use as much make up as she could to cover up her bruises but the cuts were still there they didn’t look bad though. She thought with a pair of sunglasses she wouldn’t look too bad. She got dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and a button down shirt open to cover the bruises on her arms. Then she put on a black baseball hat and sunglasses. She looked in the mirror and thought (oh well I don’t look that beaten up so I guess that’s good). Katie took her small handbag and headed downstairs for the car stopping at the kitchen and chuckling. “I guess I should go out the front door.” As she was driving away she saw the house in the rear view mirror and smiled, Lenny your gonna get what you got coming to ya now!” When she arrived at the airport she pulled into the Airport parking taking the turn off for hourly parking. She parked and wrote down where she parked on a piece of paper in her purse. As she walked to the elevator she kept her head down so people couldn’t see her face. She made her way through the metal detectors and to the gate arriving from New York. Katie sat down at the furthest end of the terminal watching the door with intent. A Flight attendant walked by and came back, “Miss you need something?” Katie jumped as the girl startled her, “WH, I, no thanks.” The flight attendant looked concerned, “I’ll be at that desk over there if you need me.” Katie nodded and tried to smile, “Thank you.” The door to the gate opened and people started coming out of the gate in a large clump of people. Katie watched the gate almost aching to see her. After the first ten or so people piled out of the gate there were emotional spot’s where people grabbed each other in a loud display of affection. She was glad Rachel wasn’t like that. All of a sudden Katie perked up as a large girl with long black hair strode through the door dwarfing everyone around her. She was carrying two carry-on bags. She was 6’3” her hair was straight and black it came down too her butt. She was husky but didn’t seem fat in the slightest her blue eyes were dark and her face was very pretty although she was intent on finding someone. She had on a white t-shirt that looked like the sleeves were going to tear under the tension that her large firm biceps were putting them under. Her breasts were quite small but perky and they sat atop of an impressively muscular chest. Her tight black spandex pant’s showed her large muscular long legs. With each step she took they stretched with her muscles. Katie slowly got up as the tall women glanced over her way and smiled, she made her way over to her. Katie just held her head down as Rachel set her bag’s down. Rachel didn’t even try to look at her face she just grabbed her and picked her up in a soft but loving hug! Setting her down gently she kisses her cheek her voice almost crackly as she spoke, “Hun are you ok?” Katie looks up into Rachel’s eyes, even though the glasses hid her eyes her face was unmistakably filled with lust as she softly spoke, “I’m always good when you’re around, I love you!” Rachel smiled and held her as she clung to her very tightly, “I love you too hun, I’ve missed you so much!” They hold each other for a bit, then Rachel let’s her go as she let’s go a little and looks up at her, “Do you have any bag’s to claim?” “No hun, let’s just go home I want to give you a massage you look tense and soar. Hun you should have called me the first time this happened.” Rachel put her arm around Katie and gently held her as they walked towards the metal detectors. As they pulled up to the house Katie opened the garage door and pulled to the side of the opening door. She stopped and just looked at the empty garage, suddenly almost mad she slammed the shifter into reverse backed up and slammed it in drive squawking the tires as she pulled in the garage. Rachel laughed as she got out and picked up her bags from the back, “Don’t he let ya park in the garage?” Katie frowned, “No he don’t let me do much of anything anymore now that I think about it.” Rachel started to walk towards the back door into the house but Katie stopped her, “Rach, ya better come this way there is a mess that way.” Rachel smirked, “Ah I don’t mind” Katie looked at her, “I mean my entire dishes glasses and bowl set is all over the room broken.” She looked at her small friend surprised, “WOW dude, he really got ya mad I’ve never seen you like this. Kinda turns me on.” As she said it she smiled and followed Katie in the front door. Rachel closed the door and followed her up to the master bedroom; she threw her bags in a corner and turned the shy, ashamed slip of a girl around to face her. She took off her glasses and hat as her face turned to pure anger at the sight of her bruised cut face. She hugged Katie with maternal love! “Hun I am going to mess him up twice as bad did he hurt you did he hurt you anywhere else?” Katie started to cry but Rachel just sat her down in the bed and kissed her cut lip right on the cut very gently, then she kissed her swollen eye, her other bruised eye, her neck. Kissing her neck very softly sucking on it she ran her hands up her sides. Katie started moaning and breathing very deeply, her tears stopped streaming and her face started to change slowly to that of total passion. Rachel moved Katie’s leg’s apart and knelt down in between her legs. “Well my stomach hurt’s he likes to pound me in the stomach the most.” Rachel pulled up her shirt to reveal her flat toned tummy bruised black and blue so bad it was almost green in places, “Oh god hun I’m so sorry. He’s going to have a problem trying to do that to me!” Rachel softly rubbed her tummy barley touching it. She slowly pulled Katie’s shirt up and off leaving her in a bra containing her perfectly round 36 C breasts and a pair of loose fitting jeans. Katie ran her hands through Rachel’s hair. As she felt her big strong hands cup her breasts she sighed and moaned, “Rach I miss ya so much!” She smiled, “I should have never left you, now let’s get those jeans off so I can give you a massage.” They both worked on her jeans getting them off in seconds, followed by her underwear. Katie eased back as Rachel laid her down, Katie watched as she slowly took off her cloths very slowly leaving her whole body naked and full of muscles! Her body was a perfect picture of what a body could be. Not the biggest muscles in the world but defined as hell and very powerful looking. From her large pecks and biceps to her 6-pack abs she was a stunning example of muscular development. Katie’s mouth dropped as she saw her body naked, “Wow hun you’ve got really muscular!” Rachel smiled as she climbed on top of her whispering into her ear, “I was muscular before.” Rachel softly kissed her neck, kissing her lips carefully trying not to hurt her cut fat lip as Katie sighed and spoke in a low bedroom voice, “No way you are huge now, wow! I love you!” Rachel smiled and began to massage her shoulders turning her over moving to her back slowly as Katie moaned and groaned with each movement of her powerful hands. Rachel massaged her back till she felt her body start to turn to mush, she moved her hands and began with her arms rolling her over, moving to her soar tummy she worked the muscles extra gentle as Katie winced when she pushed too hard. She moved up and began to trace her breasts as she rubbed her own nipple softly against Katie’s nipple. She bent down and kissed it as Katie exploded with passion feeling her muscles ramming her clit against Rachel’s body, Rachel went down and started devouring her crotch. Licking nibbling, fluttering her tong inside and out of her just the way Katie couldn’t resist. After about 20 minutes or so Katie screamed and clawed Rachel’s hard muscular back as her body went limp and she fell back panting and breathing deeply. Rachel moved up and laid down right next to her, against her. She put her leg over Katie’s and rested her arm over her chest running her fingers against her face pulling it against her cheek as they fell asleep. Katie Jumped as she heard the bang of the back door slamming open and she started to shake. Rachel put her hand on Katie’s breast, which calmed her immediately. They heard him in the distance yelling, “Wt the fuck is this shit? First you park in my spot, now you break all the dishes, that’s it bitch you’ve had it! The dishes clatter as he tear’s through them and pounds up the stairs. Glass breaks, as he throw’s the pictures off the wall on the way up, “You like to break shit I’m gonna break you!” He tries to open the door to the bedroom but it’s locked, “I’ll break it down if you don’t open it.” Rachel smiles and whispers into Katie’s ear, Katie smiles, “You break the door down you may be sorry!” He start’s kicking it but it won’t budge. He takes a few running step’s and lunges his shoulder into it, they hear a loud crack followed by him groan and slide down the door. Katie giggles, Rachel smiles and gets under the covers and straddles her kissing her neck. “I hear you laughing bitch but you won’t be laughing long!” He ran at it again causing loud crack followed by a creak as the door came part of the way open. Katie giggled again and in a sarcastic tone, “Oh no, I’m really gonna get it now” He kicked the door as it came loose and swung open. He started towards the bed and stopped dead as he saw Rachel on top of his wife. He was so shocked he took a second to react, “You better get out of here right now lesbo before I beat the shit out of you too!” Rachel stopped kissing Katie and looked over to him she sized him up and winked at him with a smile, “Your are so sure of yourself aren’t you? You should be more careful who you beat up and you really should be sure you can come through with your threat.” Lenny grabbed a wooden baseball bat and smiled, “Come and get it bitch!” He started to walk towards the bed just when she started getting out of bed. As she stood up he looked down, then eye to eye with her, finally up and up even further. He took two step’s back and his mouth dropped as the sheet fell off of her body her muscles were huge compared to his and veins ran down her arms, leg’s and chest. Her abs were a perfect 6 pack and he took another step back. Rachel stood naked in front of him flexing her pecks making her small firm breasts jump, “So little one what were you sayi…” She was interrupted in the middle of her sentence as Lenny snapped out of it and swung the bat with his left hand as hard as he could at her head. Rachel quickly grabbed the bat stopping it about a foot from her head. She clamped down on it hard not letting it go but Lenny was persistent and started hitting her stomach as hard as he could with his free hand. He punched her 7 times and then pulled on the bat but it was held firm. As he shook his soar hand he looked up to her giggling face, “Your joking aren’t ya little man?” She didn’t even look like it phased her, he grabbed the bat with both hands and she rolled her eyes, “My turn.” He realized his mistake too late as she hit his gut, his feet left the ground and he buckled clenching his stomach sending him against the wall. He slid to the ground and started to try to get his bearing but she grabbed his shirt and picked him up with one hand. Lenny’s feet danged off the floor as she stared him in the eye mockingly, she grabbed his shirt with the other hand and ripped it clean in half. He fell to the floor in a heap but quickly got up swinging a long hard punch to her face but she caught it and clamped down on his fist. He tried to punch her in the face with the other hand but she caught it as well. His eyes showed the growing fear as he tried to pull his hands from her grip but she held them like a vice. Rachel smiled down at him and squeezed tighter causing him to grunt from the pain, “Ok I haven’t left yet, kick my ass.” She let go of his left hand, clenched her right fist and popped him in the left eye so hard he flew to the ground hanging by his right hand she was still holding. He was in such a daze he didn’t even notice Katie walk up and laugh at him. Rachel yanked him to his feet and let go of him punching his other eye sending him to the ground headfirst slamming onto the floor as he slid across the room and slipped into unconsciousness. His eyes quickly swelled and he started moaning, “Rachel my god you are amazing! I never knew you were so strong he didn’t even hurt you did he?” Rachel smiled as she grabbed his dress pants and ripped them apart, “Not at all he’s a wimp.” She took his underwear and ripped them off just as easily and peeled off his shoes and socks. “Ok he should be out for a bit put on a bathing suit and I’ll do the same.” They quickly put on two-piece bikinis and Rachel started flexing her muscles pumping them, getting hem harder. Katie was both astonished and turned on at the same time. Lenny started to move and shake his head; his left eye was almost swollen shut and already starting to turn dark. Katie walked up to him and kicked his rib’s he grunted and started to stir. She backed up and Rachel straddled his body, squatted and grabbed his biceps. She lifted him up, he moaned and opened his right eye. He started to struggle and kick, his kicks were aimless but he still struck her as hard as he could. No matter how hard he kicked her, his feet just bounced off of her hard muscled body completely unaffecting her. His biceps were completely enveloped in her big hands, he franticly tried to grab her arms but she was just too strong. She glared straight into his eyes, causing him to truly fear her, “Now get ready to feel real pain.” Rachel smiled as she squeezed his biceps harder, slowly increasing the pressure. Lenny started squirming, pleading with her and finally crying out in pain as a tear streamed down his cheek. She let his one arm go holding him up by one as he sank limp in her hand. She punched him straight into the nose with a loud crack, blood gushing from his nose like a faucet. His head flew back as she hit him falling forward again to rest. She grabbed him around the throat and slammed him into the wall. She punched him in the stomach twice, the second time she hit him he started to puke. She threw him to the ground and Katie kicked his back as he puked. Rachel picked him up after he was finished and threw him on the bed she jumped up and slammed down on him with a heavy and hard belly flop, he was in so much pain his body went into shock. Rachel sensed this and got angry, “You bastard!” She punched him in the balls as hard as she could and punched his ribs with a loud crunch! He started shaking and wheezed hard, “Please? I’m sorry, please stop. Let me ahhhh…” Rachel picked him up from under the armpits and propped him against the wall while he held his ribs. His nose was still gushing blood. He couldn’t hardly breath as she picked him up and lifted him over her head slamming him down face first on the ground as he passed out one last time. Katie ran over to him and kicked his hurt ribs but Rachel pulled her back, “Hun you don’t want to kill him he can’t take much more.” Katie looked up at her and hugged her passionately. Rachel called 911 and told them the address. They turned him over and Rachel set his rib’s best she could till he was breathing better and they put robes on and dressed Lenny. They barley got finished and there was a frantic knock at the door, Rachel answered it, “He’s upstairs in the bedroom to the left.” The EMT looked up at her surprised and looked down at her feet then shook his head and ran upstairs with the other EMT. The cops showed up as the EMT’s were bringing down Lenny. The first one that came through the door took a step back from Rachel anticipating trouble. Rachel put her hand’s up in a sign of surrender, “I won’t cause any trouble.” The cop looked scared and relieved he wasn’t very big and he knew she could hurt him and he didn’t know if he could restrain her. He looked at Katie, “Someone want to tell me what happened here?” Katie cleared her throat, “My husband Lenny has been beating me for a few months now, last night he beat me the worst as you can see. My friend Rachel came from New York to visit and Lenny came home and tried to beat her up and well as you can see that didn’t work.” The cops eyes widened, “Are you ok Miss?” Katie put her head down, “Yes.” The police officer handed her three cards, “Here are some support lines and web sights if you’re interested. When you feel better tonight or tomorrow can you give me a call (handing her another card) I need a statement from both of you. Also I have to tell you Rachel I’m sorry but you can’t leave the City till you report in with us. Again I apologize you seem like a good person.” Rachel Smiled, “It’s ok I understand. We will call ya tomorrow.” The Cop smiled, “Miss?” Katie smiled, “I’m sorry my name is Katie.” “Katie I urge you to go to the emergency room some of those bruises and cut’s look serious.” Rachel put her arm around her, “I’ll see she gets medical attention.” The Cop smiled, “Ok you two take care and I hope everything works out. Don’t worry He won’t be back till this is settled, from the looks of it he’s going to be in the hospital.” Katie and Rachel walked him to the door and waved good-bye. Rachel shut the door and picked up Katie cradling her like a baby and took her upstairs. Please send questions or comments to: