"Top Butt" versus the J.A.P. by supreme The lady wrestler of "Sophie's 60th" deals with changes and challenges a macho Latin Bodybuilder. Note: This story continues the adventures of the heroine of "Sophie's 60th." A better understanding of her can be gained by reading that story first. Sophie's life had dramatically changed the evening she outwrestled Hunter Oaks at the West Palm Athletic Club in Florida. She was on the late TV news that very night, being interviewed in the ring after Hunter had screamed out his submission to her. Surrounded by flashing cameras and videocams, she had patiently answered questions for several minutes. On TV her imposing, bared breasts had to be blacked out, but still she made an impressive figure, standing over her defeated opponent in her white micro-bikini, flexing muscles and fielding questions with equal aplomb. At 5'7" and just under 200 pounds, she was massively muscled but extremely feminine. The very next day she was on two different local talk shows, where, after high-spirited interviews she stripped down to her bikini for a brief posing routine which electrified the studio audience. She had a message for older women everywhere: stop feeling yourselves limited by age and push the envelope to the max. She explained that no one had really thought that she, a 60 year old female, no matter how big or in what shape, had a snowball's chance in hell of defeating a muscular male bodybuilder, who was also a wrestling coach, in a wrestling match. Yet she had done it. "The Palms Springs Post" newspaper sent a crew to the club to do a story about Sophie. They interviewed a number of people about her, and the match with Hunter, and watched as Sophie instructed her female students on the finer points of escaping a headlock, and building muscle mass and tone. And the bodybuilding magazine, _Women's Physique World_, always on the lookout for unusual stories about female muscle, did an entire spread on her. A woman of her size, with 18 inch biceps, was irrestible to those devotees of extreme female muscularity. The section on her featured over a dozen pictures in everything from her glamorous micro-miniskirts to her tiniest micro-bikini, including some spectacular shots of her wrestling title defense against Rose Vogelsong. One of the biggest changes was her job. Hunter had quit his posts as wrestling coach and bodybuilding instructor in disgrace after the match, in which he made a vicious illegal attack on Sophie, and the West Palm Athletic Club had invited her to take his place. She agreed, and was soon teaching packed classes of eager women how do defend themselves and build some muscle. She had been allowed to hire an assistant, Rose Vogelsong. Rose was a close friend as well as an athletic rival, and had asked to be given a shot at Sophie's somewhat imaginary title of wrestling champion of the W.P.A.C. The two women agreed that their match should be for charity, and all the ticket receipts were dedicated to a battered women's shelter. Once again, Rose tested Sophie to the limit. The match lasted almost an hour, and Rose had Sophie on the ropes several times, but the older woman just wouldn't quit and finally K.O.'d Rose with a sleeper at 58 minutes. Afterwards Sophie commented that Rose was a far tougher opponent than Hunter. Speaking of Hunter, Sophie's sex life had picked up as well. After literally carrying her semi-conscious rival home with her the night of her triumph, she had a torrid two weeks of great sex with the W.P.A.C.'s former #1 stud. Of course, when he first woke up in her house, he was terrified, since he had just received the worst beating of his life at her hands. But Sophie quickly convinced him that while she was all business in the ring, she was all woman in the boudoir, and he quickly succumbed to his natural instinct for brainless sex. This suited Sophie just fine for awhile. She had had little to do with men since her husband had died five years ago, and was horny as hell. The night she brought Hunter home she literally raped him several times, and before long he was asking her to ease up on the frequency as well as the intensity of her lovemaking: she was wearing him out. But after two weeks she was tired of Hunter. The man was not bright, and had no interests outside of watching pro sports, working out, junk food, and sex. "What a bore", Sophie thought. After two weeks, she kicked him out of the house, and he was last seen headed south on I-95, looking for women to exploit, Sophie guessed. But her sex life had not gone down hill with Hunter's departure. In fact, she was a minor-celebrity now, and many affluent older man, from their late 40's to early 60's were pursuing her, and unlike Hunter, their brains were not all in their penises. Most were fascinated, not intimidated, with her muscles and wrestling skill. Still, Sophie was learning that she "liked to fly alone." Men were nice, sex was great, but she really didn't like having to take care of others. She'd done that for years; now it was time to pamper herself. So her next big change was to go on her first vacation in 20 years. The Playa del Sol Resort was the latest, and most luxurious of the Mexican super "all-inclusive," resorts, where the cost of everthing, lodging, food, entertainment, drinks, and recreation, was paid for in one package price. Sophie was delighted to be there, and toured the place within minutes of checking in. It had everything she wanted. Great food, beautiful grounds, and interesting things to do. She booked several inland tours, and snorkeling outings. She was delighted to discover the open-air, cabana style gym, with a large free weight area. She planned to get in several workouts, to keep her muscle tone. Even better were the kick-boxing classes. She was thankful she had taken some in the States; it was her kickboxing skill that turned around the match with Hunter, but she had not had any opportunity to take more advanced classes since all the changes in her life. So she made sure she signed up the first day she was at the resort, and noted that the first class began the next day, after lunch. When she showed up at the class the following day, she was wearing a black speedo sport bikini(cut a tad fuller than her usual micro-bikinis, but still, given her curves, very sensual)with a spandex top, which show off her deep cleavage. Several younger men were also milling about the open air pavilion where the class was taught. Suddenly, Sophie heard a voice, in a Spanish accent say, "You, woman, you must leave now." She turned around and saw a handsome, 30ish looking, olive skinned man, about 5'11", around 200 pounds, obviously a bodybuilder, staring at her. He had on spandex shorts, and was bare-chested. "Are you talking to me?"she asked. "Yes, you, you're the only woman here." "But I'm here for the kick-boxing class." The dark man said, "No kickboxing for women. I don't take women." "Wait a minute, mister, senor; I paid for this class when I paid for my trip here." "NO, senora. I don't take women students." "We'll see about this!" Sophie left in a huff, went straight to the resort manager's office, and raised hell for an hour before they agreed to tell the instructor, Pedro Moreno, that he had to let her into his class. The next day, when she returned to the class, Moreno was sullen and angry, but let her participate. She soon proved the star of the class, considerably more advanced than the other students. She was also more muscular than anyone in the class except Moreno himself. But she could tell he was ignoring her as much as possible, and felt cheated. He always put her with the weakest students in the class, and she had to pull her punches to avoid de-capitating them. As the week went by she became more and more pissed-off, but when Moreno announced the class would have a kick-boxing tournament on the last day, she realized that "history was repeating itself," sort of. She had studied Moreno's moves in the class - they were good - but she thought she just might be able to compete against him, and surprise him. For just as she had decided to challenge her wrestling instructor in back in Florida, she would now see exactly what Senor Moreno was made of. The rest of her vacation was going well. Her tours were fun, but she had to admit the most fun of all was the nude pool. There was a part of the resort that was "clothing optional," but that really meant that you had to be nude, or no one would even talk to you. Sophie enjoyed displaying her spectacular body there after kick-boxing class, and she really had to beat the men off with a stick. She had had several amorous encounters with well-built younger men in the hot tubs and pool of the "nudie club." "Not bad for a fat old Jewish woman," she thought. There was one person she didn't particularly like to see in the nudie area: Moreno. He cut quite a macho figure with the woman, showing off his naked, heavily muscled body. The tourist women who flocked around him called him "Top Butt," for obvious reasons, given their propensity to rate men by just one or two physical features, especially at hedonistic places like this. Sophie never saw him in the nude hot tub without a harem of at least three to four women. But he would never even acknowledge HER presence, which Sophie found unforgivable. When the tournament was held, Sophie won it easily, defeating 5 men, and K.O.ing two of them. The guys were embarassed, but Sophie was bigger than most, more muscular than all, and quick, so they took their beatings well, all things considered. "Of course, they probably think I'm in my forties or something," she mused. Sophie had spent a lot of money on expensive pampering (including the occasional surgical procedure) as well as lots of sweat in the gym, to achieve her youthful appearance. "I wonder what they would think if they knew I was 60?" She laughed, because she didn't care. When Moreno presented the small plaque to Sophie for winning (without even smiling once), Sophie asked him if she could go a few rounds with him. With everyone watching, he knew he had to say yes, so they squared off on the mat. He wasn't even paying close attention, so low was his regard for Sophie. Five minutes later, she had decked him twice, and he was screaming with fury, "La puta, la puta!" he shouted. Clearly, Sophie had caught him totally by surprise; he had ignored her so completely that he didn't realize how good she was. He was so enraged that the other students had to grab him and calm him down, but Sophie sensed he might be dangerous if matters were left this way; Latin men were notoriously violent with women, and Sophie wanted to make sure she was not the object of some late night attack. So she made a suggestion to Moreno as he stood trembling with rage, held back by the other students. "OK, PEDRO; I know you think I played some kind of trick on you. So, tell you what, why don't we have a real fight, kickboxing, wrestling, whatever, and let the best person win. I already told the event coordinator that we might be doing this tonight, during our special events, so what do you say?" Moreno smiled for the very first time, "You want to wrestle ME?" "Right, big boy, I want to wrestle you, or kickbox, or whatever comes to mind." Moreno agreed, and the fight was set up for that night, as the last event of the evening. The last night of the week was the special event night. The following morning most guests left to go back home, to be replaced by a new batch of tourists that afternoon. It was up to the guests, assisted by the entertainment staff, to come up with skits and games, all of which were supposed to be light-hearted and fun.. Sophie didn't think her "game" would be light-hearted, but she hoped it would be fun. The skits and games were held on the sunken dance floor of the resort's open pavilion, which was where meals were served as well. The dance floor was surrounded by dining tables. By about 10PM, the last skit before the confrontation between Sophie and "Top Butt" had finished. The other guests knew something unusual was afoot for the last event of the evening - there had been rumors of some kind of boxing exhibition - but most didn't really understand what was happening until Senor Morales, the entertainment director, announced the final event. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we bring you something really different. We are going to have some kickboxing, and some 'lucha libre,' what you call wrestling, right here on the dance floor below you." This created an excited buzz of speculation all over the pavilion. After the resort staff had finished layering the dance floor with a couple of very large mats, Morales continued, "Let me introduce our ... contestants ... tonight, just the way we would at a normal ... sporting .. event (Morales was not used to speaking in English except when introducing singers and bands). Our kickboxing instructor, Senor Pedro Moreno, is our first ... luchadore... at..5'9" and 199 pounds (Morales had worked hard to get the conversions from metric to English right for his guests). Moreno stepped out onto the mats to the whistles and cheers of many women. He was wearing only a bodybuilder's green posing bikini, which highlighted his famous rear- end, and was oiled up to accentuate his thick muscles. He made a circle of the pit area, flexing his muscles for the crowd. "And his opponent tonight is...Ms. Sophie Morgenstern, from Palm Beach, Florida, at 5'7", and 195 pounds." The crowd was absolutely stunned. There was total silence at first, then some light applause as Sophie stepped down into the dance floor pit. She was wearing a light cotton jacket that only came down to her hips, exposing not only her marvelously muscled and curved thighs, but even some of her rounded tush and hip areas. As she reached Moreno and the referee (the assistant kickboxing instructor) , she slowly removed her robe, and then the audience really reacted! Sophie was wearing her black speedo athletic bikini, but no top, and her magnificent breasts as well as the rest of her body were open to view. Moreno was developing a big phallic bulge in his bikini and there were many cameras clicking and flashbulbs going off in the audience. The crowd was buzzing now, realizing that the big American woman was just about as muscular, if a lot more shapely, as the Mexican man. The referee explained the rules: it was a no holds barred, kickboxing permitted, wrestling match until one of the combatants submitted or was knocked out. No falls. No rest periods. No standing 8 counts. Both fighters wore small padded leather gloves, but this was as close to being bare-knuckles as possible. Moreno sneered, "Right. I'm ready," and Sophie nodded. The ref asked the two fighters to shake but Moreno refused Sophie's outstretched hand, and the two wrestlers retired to opposite sides of the big pit until the ref rang a makeshift bell, signalling the start of the match. It was clear that Moreno wanted to start out, at least, with kick- boxing. He was still angry about being knocked down by Sophie, and felt he had to redeem his "honor." So he taunted her, calling, "Let's see how well you box now Miss American Cow." Sophie moved in and they sparred cautiously for a few minutes. Then Moreno attacked: lefts, rights, kicks everywhere. Sophie was belted by fists or kicks four or five times and finally went down. She was back up faster than Moreno expected however, and, rushing him before he had his guard up, connected with a spinning heel kick to the chest that knocked him back about five feet. Seeing the surprise in his face she followed up with her fists and got through to his nose, bloodying it. This enraged him and he charged Sophie, but the big American woman was ready with a kick to the jaw that floored him The crowd went wild, seeing this buxom, brawny older woman go toe to toe with a male bodybuilder and kickboxer, and Sophie sensed they were rooting for her now, whereas before they didn't really know what was going on. Moreno got up and dove at Sophie's legs, trying for a figure-four leglock, but the strongwoman was too quick, dodging his rush, and getting a good kick into his back as he went flying by. "Oh, we're giving up on the kickboxing and going to wrestling now, are we?" she said, "well, that's more my style anyway." Quickly coming up behind Moreno, Sophie jumped on his back and wrapped her muscular thights around his waist, as her weight forced him to the mat. She cinched in her legs and wrapped her brawny arms around the Mexican's head, trying for a sleeper, but he was bucking too wildly for her to get a good grip. Moreno was stunned by the power of Sophie's legs; her bulging thighs were already forcing the air out of his chest. Getting his feet on the ground and then pushing off with all his might, the muscleman flipped over with Sophie on top and the two landed in a heap. Jumping on Sophie's back, the big man straddled her, grabbing her around the forehead and pulling back with all he had, trying for a submission with a camel clutch. The crowd was excited now; "Top Butt's" harem was screaming for him, but most of the rest of the spectators were solidly behind Sophie, and all together the noise was deafening. The male spectators to Sophie's rear enjoyed their view down on her beautiful muscled legs, thighs, and buns, which were erotically outlined by her lycra-spandex bikini. Both Moreno and Sophie were grunting: he in exertion, she in pain. Luckily Sophie had a thick, strong, neck and fiercely resisted Moreno's attack. She also started using her arms to inch forward on the mat toward the edge of the pit, which served the same function as ring-ropes: if she touched the edge, Moreno would have to let her go. Inch by inch she crawled, and though Moreno could slow her progress, he couldn't stop it. "La PUTA," he suddenly cried, and, releasing her head, started raining elbow shots on her neck, trying to stun her into stopping. But he also loosened his legs to get a better angle for his blows, and Sophie took advantage, pulling in her legs, pushing up, and, repeating Moreno's earlier escape from her bodyscissors. He went tumbling and Sophie went after him. Grabbing his left arm as he stood up, she gave it a tremendous twist with both her big hands, forcing a scream from the muscular Mexican. She had him under control now. He looked at the massively muscled American woman who was slowly twisting his arm off in total astonishment, as if unable to cope with the fact that a mere female was physically overpowering him, a macho male bodybuilder. As the audience watched in disbelief, the buxom muscle-matron carefully forced Moreno to the middle of the pit, by increasing the excruciating pain she was inflicting ever time he tried to pull toward the side, where she would have to release him. Giving his arm another terrible twist, she followed up by letting go with one of her hands, leaping into the air, and coming down with a vicious elbow smash to his upper arm, provoking another, much louder scream. Moreno was now looking at her in abject fear, probably a first in his relations with women. Sophie's muscles were rippling in the dance-floor lights as she taunted him. "Hey, 'Top Butt', all I wanted to do was take your damn class," she sneered, "Why did you force me into this? Hey, I've got an idea; if you apologize for your rudeness, I'll let go the hold. Waddayusay?" Sophia twisted a little more, provoking another whimper of pain from her opponent, but all he said was, "Chenge te," which even a jewish american princess from Brooklyn knew meant, "Fuck you." Sophia answered, "Well chenge te you too, seenyor," and came down with several elbow smashes in a row. Determined to finish him off with his own medicine, Sophie, after making sure his left arm was useless, let go her hold, but, before he could make it to the safety of the edge of the pit, grabbed his right arm and started pulling him back with both hands. It was almost comical to look at as the big brawny man tried desperately to pull away from the husky lady wrestler, but he was already weakened, and Sophie yanked him back towards the center. Giving that arm several savage twists, she next applied her elbow-smash treatment, effectively ruining it as well. Then she dropped her hold and gave Moreno a evil smile. Moreno stared back in horror, because he knew what was coming. Turning to the expectant crowd, Sophie announced, "Ladies and gentleman, Sophie's kickboxing class is now in session, " and turned back to face Moreno. Everyone understood. Sophie, having rendered the big man's arms useless, was now going to finish him off with...boxing. Quickly she closed with Moreno. He tried a couple of kicks, but Sophie easily blocked them, then moved in for the kill. Lefts, rights, hooks, jabs, and kicks of every kind; she pummeled the big Mexican for almost five minutes, working up a sweat which made her thick muscles stand out and shine in the lights, and provoked more than a few erections among the fascinated male spectators. Moreno was crying now, whimpering every time Sophie landed a blow; in fact he was truly only a punching bag for the American amazon, at this point. Sophie decided it was time to end his misery. A classic one-two jab and uppercut to his jaw, knocked him left, then right, then down. He was out before he hit the floor and gave a nice bounce when he hit. Sophie had just K.O.'d the resort's arrogant kickboxing instructor in front of 400 people. The crowd gave her an enthusiastic response, cheering and applauding, but as she placed a foot on her beaten opponent's chest, and had her armed raised by the ref, she knew she had one more thing to do tonight, and she really wanted to do it as soon as possible. It took her a while to get away from the pavilion. Lot's of people wanted their pictures taken with her, or to feel her biceps, or just (in the case of men) to stand next to her, ogling her incredible body, and feeling her sensual power. Eventually she returned to her room to shower and primp, and exchanged her speedo bikini for the her white micro which she thought was a bit sexier. She rested for about an hour, then went to bar, wearing only her bikini. After having a couple of drinks, and fending off the very cautious but, endearing advances of a number of horny young gentlemen who had watched her demolish Moreno, she walked over to the nudie area and looked around. The man she was looking for was in a hot tub, surrounded by sympathetic members of his harem, who were rubbing and kissing his many aches and bruises. She walked over to the side of the tub just opposite, and he looked up at her proud, womanly physique, packed with sinewy rippling muscle, as she slowly removed her top, then slipped off her bottom. "Hola, Pedro," she said. Moreno's jaw dropped; for a moment he looked frightened, but then began to understand. "Good evening, senora Morgenstern. I hope you are feeling... not too badly... after our little...encounter." Moreno quietly asked the other women around him to leave and they were glad to; all of them were terrified of the brawny American. Sophie slipped down into the water and waded up to where she was directly in front of, and only inches away from the muscular Mexican. Lightly, she put her hand on Moreno's thigh. He gently pulled her towards him until his big cockhead, suspended in the tub's warm water, began to brush against her labia. Sophie quivered with pleasure as his cock rubbed and stroked and gently probed against the outside of her pussy. "Ummmpphh, yup, ummmm, that's sooooo good," she murmured. The two said nothing for a while. Then Sophie spoke, "You see Pedro, it's like this. Whenever I fight a man, I get this feeling, and, it's sort of becoming a tradition...know what I mean?" "Crazy gringos." "Actually...it's more of a chick thing." "I think I can help you, senora." Moreno's cock probed more deeply into the lady wrestler's pussy. "Good Pedro, I'm glad you're finally seeing things my way." THE END