Hot Chocolate and Ice Queen by supreme A black male high school wrestler meets his muscular white female teacher on the mat. This is a new, "improved" version of a story posted last May. June Brunson arrived at her posh fitness club ready for a good workout. She had been exasperated by her students all day in the high school where she taught math. "They're all brats," she fumed, "and the boys are so immature." June had a reputation as a cold-hearted disciplinarian who looked down on the students. Her nickname was, "The Ice Queen," because of this aristocratic, haughty manner, as well as the stylish, expensive outfits, usually including a miniskirt & high-heel combination toemphasize her sensual, muscled legs, which she liked to flaunt in front of her students. But to her, she was simply enforcing standards. Pumping iron was her stress relief from teaching; bodybuilding her hobby for the past 10 years. Bodybuilding had been good to her. A very pretty, buxom brunette with a chic designer haircut, she looked a decade younger than her 43 years, and carried 181 pounds of beautifully sculpted muscle on a 5'8" frame. One of the top heavy-weights in the Dallas area, she had competed nationally for three years and had won two regional shows. For the past two years she had gotten heavily into various martial arts, such as Thai-boxing, although her favorite was wrestling. She was so strong from body building that she had actually pinned the club's instructor a few weeks ago, not that she had ever had much respect for his ability. In fact, she thought she could have beaten him a week after starting his class. For now, there was no one in the club, man or woman, at her level, which frustrated her: She needed the challenge of competition. Not wasting anytime, she changed into her workout clothes and hit the free weights, lifting furiously for 90 minutes, and then donned a red bikini, heading out to the club's wet area, an elaborate layout of hot-tubs, saunas, steamrooms, and a competition pool. She loved coming here after a hard workout, both to relax and to show off, for with her muscles pumped up June was truly massive, with biceps, delts and trapezoids the surpassed most men's, to say nothing of her oak-like thighs. She got a secret, erotic, thrill, parading around the pool deck as men from all over the club rushed to windows from which they could observe her. Men. That was a problem area. She had grown apart from her husband, a soft, non-physical type who didn't like female bodybuilding. But, as a high-ranking insurance executive, he pulled in five times her salary as a teacher, which made things like her costly wardrobe, and the Dallas Manhattan Club, the city's most pricey and sophisticated fitness spa, possible. As she strolled towards the steam-room, she heard a voice behind her call, "Mrs. Brunson, hey, Mrs. Brunson." A handsome, very muscular young black man was approaching, wearing only a skimpy black bikini. June was startled, and she felt a little flutter go through her when she took in his superb body. She noticed his protuberant phallus, clearly outlined in the taut fabric of his bikini. "Circumcised," she thought, "mmmm." June was in a trance, gaping at his bikini, marvelling to herself, "DAMN, it's big!" "Hi, Mrs. Brunson; it's me, Marcus." She snapped out of her trance, recognizing him. Marcus Thompson was one of her students. "OH, HI, Marcus; how are you?" "I'm fine, mam. I bet you never thought you'd see ME here." "Oh, I don't know..," she answered vaguely. "I got hired as a trainer, because of wrestling. Today's my first day." Marcus was the captain and star of the high school wrestling team. "Wow, Mrs. Brunson, I hope you won't take offense, but you are in real good shape." June blushed; she felt the flutter again, and smiled. "Thanks Marcus; you look pretty good yourself." The two were standing only inches apart on the deck, the middle aged white lady bodybuilder and the teenaged black wrestler. They could both feel the electricity as they continued to chat. June felt her juices flowing a little faster each second, standing close to the ebony hunk. In his bikini, he looked like a slightly smaller version, at 5'7"of the bodybuilder, Vince Taylor. "You've really got great arms, Miz Brunson," admired Marcus. "Here, go ahead and check out my biceps," June smiled, "I'm pretty happy with them." She put her forearms behind her neck and flexed, exploding her big biceps to softball size as Marcus moved nearer to ogle, probing them with his hands. "Go ahead, squeeze; you can't hurt me," she laughed. The two muscular bikini clad specimens stood so close that first, their big thighs, and then, the fronts of their skimpy suits brushed against each other. The young black wrestler's protuberant cock was actually pushing and stroking against the pubic mound of his white teacher! June didn't retreat an inch. She caught her breath, "Ooooooh, Marcus, feels like your packing some serious heat, down there!" Marcus jumped back, embarrassed, though he too had been keenly aware of the contact. "OOPS, sorry, Ms. Brunson." "That's OK, Marcus; I rather enjoyed it," June reassured him. Marcus continued explaining his new job. "I'll be coming to work here after school, now that wrestling season is over. They let me come in the pool when things are slow." At June's suggestion, they both moved into the steamroom, sitting just a few inches apart, and continued talking. She was having trouble keeping eye contact; she couldn't resist ogling Marcus's incredible body. About as heavily muscled as her's, his physique was perhaps a bit more cut. She had heard the students refer to him as Hot Chocolate. June recalled that she found herself studying the black bodybuilders at competitions, far more than the white guys. Somehow, their physiques seemed more...interesting to look at, or something. She didn't like to think about it. Was it racial? Like many upper class white women who had not been exposed to African-Americans growing up, she viewed blacks in general with a mixture of disdain and vague fear. But again, like many such women, she found the hyper-masculine black male mysterious ...and powerfully seductive, without consciously admitting it to herself. She thought about such a young guy as Marcus being hired at the club - he was probably 18 or 19 - and realized that over half of the personal trainers and coaches here were African-American (her wrestling coach, Dale, was an exception, a pale white guy from Minnesota).But the clientele was probably 95% white, predominantly women. She'd heard rumors that the club preferred young black bodybuilder's on its staff because they were "in demand" by the female members for various "personal services." There was even a tale of a special "rendezvous room" for female members who demanded "totally private sessions" with certain trainers, all of whom were black. June had ignored such prurient talk, putting it down to urban legend and the girlish gossip of bored housewives, but now she began to wonder if it could be true. Marcus was telling about his job at the club, as assistant wrestling instructor, when June had an idea. Thinking about it made her very sexually excited, but she insisted to herself that it was appealing only because of the challenge involved. "Marcus, you are a good wrestler. Right?" The beefy young black man sounded hurt, "Awww, c'mon Miz Brunson, you didn't know I was 2nd in my weight class at state?" He had wrestled at 165, but was up to 175 now the season was over, he explained. June decided to tell Marcus what was on her mind. "Look, Marcus, I know you're good, but I bet I can outwrestle you. I've been learning wrestling for two years, now and I'd like to..." She didn't finish because Marcus started laughing,. "No way!! I know you're strong Mrs. Brunson but, really; you are funny!" Taken aback by his reaction, she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a little squeeze, "I'm serious, Marcus! Ask Dale! I pinned him just last week !" Marcus turned and stared at her. "YOU'RE the one? Dale told me one of his students beat him, but he didn't say it was a woman. Wow." June still had her hand on his shoulder, and gave Marcus a little nudge. "How 'bout it big guy, I bet I can take you. Hey, if you win, I'll give you a free 100 everyday in class next week." Marcus, who was flunking the class, brightened, "Awright, Mrs. Brunson, I'll wrestle you, but you ain't gonna like it! Hot Chocolate don't take prisoners!!" June laughed, "Oh, I think you'll find I can take care of myself." June wanted the have the match immediately, so they both got up to leave, pausing at the door to discuss details, such as whether to invite spectators. In the steamed air they stood so close that Marcus's big thighs again brushed against June's, and her hand rested casually on his hip. As if by an unspoken mutual agreement, they gradually moved to where, again, their bikinis were also lightly rubbing together. This time June moaned audibly, "Oh, Marcus, that really feels good. You must be very popular with the girls." Marcus, embarrassed, said, he did OK with them. "Wow, Ms. Brunson, I wonder what the rest of my class would say if they could see us here like this?" June laughed, "This IS a private club, thankgod." They decided to wrestle in their bikinis, and to meet in the wrestling class room in 10 minutes. As they opened the door to leave the steam room, June moved her hand down to Marcus's rump, and giving it a slap, said, "Also, Marcus, when we're in the club, please call me June, OK?" He smiled and nodded, then noticed that she had a small tattoo of a red rose, encircled by barbed wire, on her thickly muscled upper arm. Putting his finger on it, and rubbing lightly for a few seconds, he laughed, "Hey, that's a nice one, June; never saw THAT at school. She could feel his touch tingling on her shoulder as they returned to their dressing rooms to get ready for the match. She had never physically touched a black male before, even a student, and now, after the close, though lighthearted, physical contact she had experienced with Marcus, she felt a strange thrill, as if she had broken a rule and gotten away with it. In the wrestling room, they met Dale, who was shocked that they were in such skimpy suits - he and June had fought in more modest outfits - but who agreed to make an announcement over the PA system about the match, and to serve as ref. Within ten minutes there were a dozen spectators, all women, and June said it was time to get the match started. She surprised Marcus and Dale when she insisted on a submission or knock-out only format; Marcus, being a HS wrestler, was only used to pins. "You'll catch on," she promised, "I've heard it's more exciting this way." They would wrestle on a very large mat, inside a painted white circle. As Marcus stretched and prepped for the bout, June couldn't help admiring his body, and again had trouble taking her eyes off his rounded butt and the clearly outlined shape that pushed out from the front of his tiny suit. The other women in the room were also admiring Marcus, with giggles and little waves, which annoyed the big brunette. Marcus was watching June, however, and their eyes met several times, each time for a longer period. He knew a growing number of white women "had a thing" for black men, these days, and wondered if June was one of them. He knew HE was developing a major case of muscle-lust for HER. Never before had he been turned on by a woman older than his mother. As she vigorously rolled her head & shoulders to limber up, causing her well shaped breasts to bounce erotically inside her too small bra, she was a spectacular sight: olive skinned, heavily muscled, her finger and toe-nails painted fire-engine red to go with her bikini. He could even see a hint of her labia, outlined by the thin red bikini fabric. He was getting a very noticeable erection. Then he again thought, "God, what if our class at school could see us, the white lady and her black student, both almost naked, getting ready to wrestle each other. THAT would start some talk!!!" As Dale gave the signal to start the match, June noticed that Marcus had grown an even more massive hard-on. Her flutter came back stronger, and stayed. Their eyes locked as they maneuvered around each other, getting closer, looking for an opening. The brawny teenager dove for June's legs, and snagging her left foot before she could avoid it, clamped her in a painful ankle-lock, forcing her down with him on the mat. But she got an arm across his face and caught him in the crook of her elbow, pulling back hard. Stalemate! Both wrestlers were groaning with exertion and some pain. The crowd began to get into it, the women especially, yelling for Marcus. For 20 minutes they fought furiously and evenly, though Marcus kept the initiative, attacking June with a repertoire of his best holds. But she was a tad stronger, and muscled out of his tightest grips. More women came in to watch, as word spread through the club of the unusual match. Marcus was getting frustrated. He'd never dreamt a woman could wrestle him on equal terms, but the high school teacher was at least holding her own, and the high school star was tiring. Suddenly, June escaped his bodyscissors, and, catching him off-guard, lifted him high in the air. She slammed him down on the mat, stunning him, and mounted him in a grapevine, grabbing his wrists and forcing his arms flat to the canvas while her legs coiled around his like thick, powerful snakes. Now, June was the aggressor! The crowd got noisier and the women, especially, more excited. She couldn't help but feel the push from his big phallus against her pubic mound as they grappled. Unlike her match with Dale, June was having problems focussing only on wrestling, but her sexual excitement also seemed to give her more strength. The two wrestlers looked into each other's eyes with growing intensity, feeling a mixture of fear, determination, and lust. Releasing her grapevine, June slid forward up Marcus's sweat-slick belly wrapping her massive legs around his waist and maintaining her grip on his wrists, in a kind of modified "school-boy press." Her powerful arms rippled as she forcibly crossed the black wrestler's arms in front of his chin, trying to pull them away from their sockets. How could she be so strong? Marcus resisted fiercely - his big arm muscles bulging and straining with effort - but June had the advantage. She was inflicting more and more damage on his arms, and they started to go numb. Marcus tried to shake her off time after time, but she stayed firmly mounted on top of him. This couldn't be happening! What was left of his confidence was fading fast, and being replaced by fear. But June was growing more confident...and excited. She began bouncing a little on top of Marcus's swollen bikini. "Ummphh, oooooh, uh, umm, yes,yes!" The women in the audience knew what was going on, and felt a flush come over them. The intense sexuality of the white female bodybuilder slowly overpowering the black male wrestler was making every woman in the audience hotter and more stimulated. A number were breaking into sweats and emitting low gasps, grunts and groans. "Give it up, Marcus; you've had it!" June demanded, but he refused with a shaky, "uh..ugh.. No,No!" Marcus's arms were dead, his strength almost gone. The woman wrestler released her hold and pulled the fading man into a sitting position, wrapping her thighs around his waist from behind this time. Gripping her opponent like a python, June leaned back on her arms, constricting her big thighs until Marcus was shouting, "Shit, fuck, SHIT!!" in agony, trying desperately to loosen her scissors with his hands. The female spectators, enjoying the sight of a powerful male under the control of a stronger woman, began switching support to June, shouting, "Squeeze girl! SQUEEZE him!!" Still Marcus wouldn't quit. Reaching over with her right arm, June pulled his head far back, trapping it between her elbow and shoulder. She immobilized his left arm with hers. Marcus was tied up and stretched out to the breaking point. He was having trouble breathing. He had never been physically dominated like this before; the muscular woman was now his teacher on the wrestling mat, as well as in the classroom. Wracked with pain and losing consciousness, he feebly tugged at her brawny thighs with his free hand, no longer strong enough exert any force. Finally, just before passing out, he tapped three times on the mat, and gurgled, "Stop, stop! I quit!" As the ref signalled his submission, June released her holds,opening her scissors enough to let Marcus slump across her waist. The lady wrestler held her beaten foe in her arms as he revived, softly massaging Marcus's arms and neck, and drying them both off with a towel Dale handed her. She felt a new respect for the teenager, who had stubbornly held out far longer than had Dale. June had found the competition she yearned for, in the young black wrestler, and much more. They rested on the mat together for a few minutes. The spectators gave June a warm round of applause before filing out of the room. The women had a certain glow about them, and several exchanged knowing glances as they looked back at the two competitors, entangled on the mat. June helped Marcus to his feet and, supporting him with a firm arm across his lower back, walked him to the wet area, guiding him into the pool first, for a cool-down, and then into a small hot tub. June kept her arm around the young black wrestler, occasionally rubbing the back of his neck and head. Marcus soon felt better, and after he got over his embarassment at losing, they talked easily about the match, gradually touching and holding each other more and more in the warm water. They had not only fought each other on the wrestling mat, they had shared something on it, part lust, part affection, part intimacy. June removed her top, exposing her large, pendulous breasts, and resumed kneading her handsome student's back and neck, circling her legs around him, which he found and stroked with his hands. She told the young black wrestler how proud she was of him, as she wetly kissed, tongued and nibbled on his ear. Gradually, conversation stopped. June kissed the back of his neck several times, and soon he was massaging her shoulders and breasts from the front, as she sat on the hot tub seat with her legs around his waist, more tightly now, for she was enjoying the throbbing pressure of his snake-like cockhead as it rubbed gently against her pubic mound. Marcus was mesmerized by June's superb breasts, and began kissing her big, hard, nipples, which jutted out close to an inch. Both wrestlers were completely aroused, and both knew what they wanted. "Come here, sweetie," whispered June, as they met in a long, lingering kiss, "I've got to have you now." Marcus smiled, "Jesus, Mrs. Bruns...June; I wonder what the rest of your class would say if they could see us NOW?" "The girls would be jealous of me." "Yeah, and the boys would be jealous of ME, especially white boys." "Don't worry about that dear; we'll be VERY discreet." They didn't speak for a while. June was looking forward to seeing even less of her husband, and a lot more of the club. Marcus had told her the "rendezvous room" not only existed; he already had a key to it. But, seeing the wet area was mostly empty, they stayed in the tub. They slipped off their bikinis, letting them sink to the bottom. When June felt Marcus's naked cock push into her pussy the first time, her eyes popped open, she sucked in her breath, and made a big "O" with her full, sensuous lips. She had never felt anything so big, so powerful, or so good inside of her. "Oh God, Marcus, don't ever pull it out!" They made love; they fucked. They rested; then they loved and fucked again. June was in another world. The young black muscle stud had given her the longest and most intense orgasms she'd ever had. She realized with a start that she was becoming a slave to Marcus's magnificent black cock. She just had to have it in her. No white man's phallus had ever come close to giving her the incredible orgasmic pleasure of the young black teenager's. He was just so...potent. There was an expression she had heard, "Once you've had black, you'll never go back." June had thought it silly. Now, she understood. She planned on getting acquainted with the other black trainers at the club. But first, she needed a lot more of Marcus. "Fuck me again you big black stud," she commanded, "I want your big beautiful cock inside me now!!" Marcus eagerly complied; never in his wildest dreams had he imagined he would be sexually servicing his muscular white lady math teacher, the "Ice Queen" herself." "Ummmmmphhh, ooooooohhhhh, yesssss, oh god, oh GOD, FUCK ME!!Don't stop! PLEASE DON'T STOP!!" June's screams of orgasm could be heard all over the club as the big black teenager pistoned his cock in and out of her hungry, soaking pussy. June felt like a weak, giddy schoolgirl with Marcus inside of her; she was totally enthralled by the handsome black teenager! "You submitted to me on the wrestling mat, lover, but I submit to you in the hot-tub," she giggled. After a time, Marcus laughed and said, "You know, I just thought about our nicknames. What we have is a case of Hot Chocolate on Ice Queen. Like dessert." June, resting her head on the her black lover's muscled chest, a dreamy, exhausted look on her face, sighed, "MY favorite dessert is Hot Chocolate IN Ice Queen. So please continue, dear, and earn that "A" I know you can get this semester in math class." "I will," Marcus promised, "but could you tutor me some in wrestling?" "Love to, gorgeous. In fact, I'm going to make you #1 at state next year." THE END