A Pleasant Day Spent Trapped in her Bra by Sunblind As I came out of the bathroom, I started because I had not expected Betsy to be standing right in front of the door. She was entirely naked, unless you count that she had her glasses on. Her hands were on her hips, and she wore an expression of what could only be termed: mock exasperation. "You were trying to sneak out on me, weren't you?" She squinched up her face, so that despite her scolding tone, I knew that she wanted me to know that she wasn't angry but at the same time that she wasn't going to let me get away with it either. It was first thing in the morning and I had promised, the night before, that I would take the day off and spend it entirely with her. She had planned a picnic in the park, followed by an afternoon at the pool, an intimate dinner and then a romantic evening. And I wasn't trying to run out on her ... I just wanted to hit the office for an hour or two, first thing. But now I had two problems. First, my credibility wasn't so good. I had pulled the same stunt on each of the last two times I had made a similar promise and something had come up both times that had kept me at the office and ruined her plans. Second, I had not even warned her of my plan for an early start, so now it did, in fact, look as if I was trying to sneak out. "Lie down on the bed," she directed. Okay. Not the direction I thought this was going to take, but ... I liked the way I thought she was thinking. Standing at the side of the bed, Betsy began a two handed massage of my penis and balls that had me instantly rock-hard. I didn't really understand her game, though, because while I would surely lie still for as long as she rubbed me, as soon as I came, I'd be right back up and on my way out. As she rubbed my cock, however, I began to notice that her manipulations of my balls were not the usual technique of gentle squeezes and rubs. Rather it felt like she was dialing the combination on a padlock as well as intermittently pressing "buttons" deep within my scrotum. Just as I was about to ask about this new method, Betsy let go of me and straightened up. Still looming over me, her hands on her hips and her boobs thrust out, I suddenly had the impression that she was growing taller. My face must have registered confusion, particularly due to the fact her face was registering such obvious delight. "Well how about that, it really works," she intoned (mostly to herself). When you have been married as long as we have, there are no surprises; so the fact that I was now about five inches tall really didn't faze me all that much. I stood up on the bed and faced her ... the top of my head was about even with the bottom of her breasts. I had always loved her big tits, but now that they appeared to be the size of volkswagons, they were actually a bit intimidating. "Remember the book club book from about a year ago about eastern religious mysticism," she smiled down at me. "Well, there was some interesting stuff in one of the appendixes that suggested something like this might be possible, under the right circumstances. I shrugged. Why bother with surprise or insist on explanations ... what's done is done. "So now what ... I guess I'm not going to the office, huh?" Without another word, she scooped me up in one hand and wedged me crosswise under her left breast, which was heavy enough to hold me in place on its own. (I was just long enough that me feet stuck out on one side and my head on the other.) "Hey," she laughed, "Hands free ... Sort of puts an interesting twist on the old pencil test, doesn't it." I smiled to myself, but despite the (rather pleasant) weight on my back, I made every effort to scrabble some kind of handhold on her ribcage, as she walked across the room to her dresser and brought out a pair of everyday, white cotton panties. Once she had put them on, she fished me out from under her boob and held me up to her face. I smiled, ruefully, at her. "I promise I'll be good, if you ... " Cutting me off in mid-sentence, she kissed me (her lips covered my entire face and most of my chest), and inserted me into the waistband of her panties. She had faced me towards her, so my face was pressed into her belly, as the band pressed into my mid-back. She'd been careful to hang my arms behind me, over the outside of the band, so that I couldn't slip all the way inside. Though I couldn't see, I could tell that she had selected a bra, and was squirming into it. Fishing me out of her panties, she dropped me into her cleavage (facing out) and, as she fixed the clasp, trapped my legs in the chest band. She then reached into the cups and pulled each one of my arms out, perpendicular to my body, and wedged each, in turn, under her corresponding breast. (By the time she got finished arranging me, I was in the same position, and had about the same mobility, as if she'd nailed me to a cross.) As she finished dressing, we chatted amiably about the things that a long- married couple will talk about as they prepare for a day off together. Nothing further was said about the fairly odd manner in which she had convinced me to accompany her. As she buttoned up her shirt and darkness fell over me, I settled into her cleavage and reveled in the beating of her heart. Our day was very enjoyable ... we went on the picnic. It being a weekday, there was no one at the park anyway, and anyone who spotted her would have seen a woman enjoying a solitary, peaceful lunch, under a large oak tree. We talked discreetly and she fed me by unbuttoning her top button and holding a crumb or two on the tip of her finger, in front of my face. Even to a close observer, it would have appeared as if she were simply scratching her chest. Rather than going to the pool in the afternoon (she couldn't figure out how to hide me in her bathing suit or how to swim without drowning me), she opted to sit on the back deck and read. After the third time that I interrupted her reading (I was a little bored), she put down her book and used her upper arms to squish her tits together, effectively burying me under a relative ton of titflesh. I got the message and dozed quietly until it was time for dinner. I spent dinner, flat on my back on the kitchen table under Betsy's left breast. Since we were in the house, she had taken off her shirt and bra, laid me flat on the table next to her plate and placed her breast on top of me. She leaned forward only so far that I had to endure only the weight of her boob, but it felt like she had placed a refrigerator on top of me. At bedtime, I was once again inserted into the waistband of her panties as she brushed her teeth and fluffed her hair. When she stepped back out into the bedroom, she removed me from her panties and held me up to her face again. "Well, I had a pretty good day ... I'm glad you talked me into spending the whole day with you," I smiled. She kissed me again, and I did the best I could to kiss back. "I love you." "I love you too," she answered and, with no other segue, pulled back the waistband of her panties and gently dropped me in. As the band snapped shut above my head, I tried to press myself up against the white cotton as far away from her hungry lips as possible. But her hand gently pressed on me from the other side of the garment and I was soon helplessly entangled in her pubic hair. After a minute or two my flailing resulted in my arm slipping slightly into her insides and her alert labia latched on to me. It was like being caught in a velvet-covered vice. Almost immediately, her vaginal muscles began inexorably to draw me directly into her love. I tried to resist ... I even tried to wedge my feet against her and pushed with all my might. Inevitably, though one of my feet lost its purchase and slipped into her crushing grasp. Now with one leg and one arm entrapped it was just a matter of time. Her muscles kept working and I was drawn slowly into her until the muted light that had been filtering through her panties became the absolute blackness of her womb. I kept fighting, not because it was unpleasant, but because my squirming seemed to be enhancing her experience. Once I was all the way in, I felt from her body motions that she'd removed her panties and crawled up onto the bed. I squirmed around. I tried to crawl back out. No chance ... I was trapped, and I was helpless. As she built toward an orgasm, I was pleasantly squeezed by her most intimate of muscles until she went over the edge and I was crushed into unconsciousness. When I awoke I was lying on my pillow. She had cocooned me in a pair of her panties (like a baby in a receiving blanket) so that I wouldn't roll of the bed, and I was completely immobile. Since she was sleeping on her side of the bed, I allowed myself to drift off, wondering what the morning would bring.