The Lost Tribe - part 2 By Submissive Romantic This is the story of an amateur historian and his search for evidence of the existence of a lost tribe; he's not prepared for what he finds. Part 2 Chapter One: House Arrest Begins The three of them sat around his kitchen table. Jason made coffee, but they had to drink it black, the milk that Jason had left in the refrigerator had long ago turned to sludge. "Sorry, I wasn't planning on being gone for nearly four months and certainly wasn't planning on having company the first night of my return. "No problem, I always drink mine black," said Carlita. "Jason," said Maria, "we have to establish some ground rules here. Neither of us wants to harm you, on the contrary, we want to make this confinement as pleasant as possible. Nevertheless, know that we will enforce our rules with brutality if we have to. "Rule number one: There will be no contact with anyone from the outside unless one of us is present. "Rule number two: All telephone and computer use will be controlled and monitored by us. "Rule number three: One of us will sleep with you each night. We cannot have you trying to slip out in the middle of the night. "Rule number four: When you leave the house one of us will be with you at all times. "If you abide by our rules we can make this a very pleasant experience." "How can I make you understand that I would never do anything that would be harmful to the tribe; I love your sister and the child she is carrying and would never do anything that would jeopardize their wellbeing? "I'm happy to hear that; it will make our lives easier and the tasks that we have to accomplish. "Maria, Carlita, I don't even know your full names." "I guess she never told you, my name is Maria Hawke and she's Carlita Hawke." "And let me guess, Anna is Anna Hawke, correct? "That's correct. That is one of the tasks that we have for you. We want you to do a detailed family tree of our ancestry. We have to know why we all have the same last name." Carlita commented. "That's enough for tonight, it's nearly midnight, let's get ready for bed. Carlita, you take the couch tonight. I'll take it tomorrow night. That alright with you?" "Fine with me; but I think we'd better get some more furniture sooner than later. This place looks too much like a flophouse, with only one bed and half of the rooms completely empty. We also have to clear out our apartment inTucson by the end of the month. We have all that gym equipment that we have to move up here. We'll need to rent a truck." "Ladies, if it's ok with you, I'll have a professional decorator come in this week and have her decorate the house. We can use the lower level for the gym; it has a complete bathroom down there, access to the back patio, and about fifteen hundred square feet of floor space for the equipment. Will that be enough?" "That should work," they replied in unison. "Good. I'm beat, let's go to bed." When Jason and Maria entered his bedroom, she glanced around the room with a critical eye. "Men, you never plan ahead; a queen sized bed will just not do. It's far too small for the three of us," she said with a glint in her eye. "What do you mean, the three of us? It's just going to be the two of us; me and whoever has to sleep with me, and that person is going to stay on her side of the bed, I already have a lover who I intend to be faithful to." "You do realize that you are being totally unrealistic. First of all, you're not going back to the valley for the next twenty years, are you prepared to be celibate for that long? Secondly, both Carlita and I sleep in the nude; I doubt that you will last more than a couple of days. Thirdly, we are both a lot stronger than you are; and neither of us plans on going without sex for more than a couple of days. And finally, there are going to be nights when both of us are going to want you and we will not take no for an answer. Therefore, I suggest that one of the things we tell your decorator is that it is absolutely imperative that she plans the master bedroom around a king sized bed. Have I made myself clear?" Jason just nodded. "Good, that's settled. I suggest you get used to the idea that we are both going to be your lovers for the next twenty years. As sisters, we all shared what we had. Anna knows that we are physically taking her place, but expects us to step aside when the time comes, which we have promised to do. " Maria said all this as she calmly removed her clothing. When she was completely naked, she stood next to the bed, pulled the bedspread down and climbed into bed. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to join me? I promise that tonight we will just cuddle; we both need a good night's sleep. But tomorrow night you're fair game, and Carlita won't be as understanding as I am." Jason sighed a sigh of surrender, dropped his clothes and climbed into bed. He turned his back to Maria intending to keep as much space between his body and hers as he could. That lasted about five seconds, as he felt her snake one of her impressive arms under his body and in the next instant felt himself being dragged across the bed until he felt her naked breasts pushed firmly into his back and her other arm drape itself over his waist, her hand firmly closing around his rapidly expanding cock. "See, isn't this so much better than sleeping alone. I can tell little Jason approves. Good night, pleasant dreams." _____________________________ For the next two weeks, they spent most of their time during the day, deciding how they wanted the house to look, cleaning out the basement of all Jason's old storage boxes and things he really no longer needed, and laying out the floor plan for their gym. Maria didn't know how right she was about Carlita. Her first night with Jason she basically used and abused his body. By the time she was through with him, he was totally drained, both figuratively and literally, having cum at least four times during that long first night. The next morning at breakfast, after a quick assessment of his condition, Maria chastised her. "Carlita, what the hell were you trying to do to him, kill him?" "I figured he could take it, after all, he fucked the entire tribe in less than a week; and those women hadn't had sex in over twenty years. For me, it was only a month." "Well, look at him; he won't be much help to us if you keep this up. We are going to need him when we get the equipment from our apartment at the end of the next week." "Ok Maria, I'll be more careful in the future, I just couldn't help myself. You've seen what he's packing down there. Once I started I just couldn't stop." By the end of the second week, most of the house was furnished. Money talks and Jason insisted that he wanted the house completed as soon as possible and that money was not an issue. Whenever the decorator stopped by to supervise the installation of the furniture, he spent more time ogling Carlita and Maria than he did making sure that the furniture was placed properly. At one point, he asked Jason, "Are they your sisters?" Jason replied nonchalantly, "No, they're my girlfriends" and walked out of the room, leaving the decorator with his mouth hanging open. With the house nearly completed, Jason rented a truck. The next morning bright and early, the three of them headed to Tucson. Carlita drove, Maria rode shotgun, and Jason, being the smallest of the three, sat in the middle. He watched in awe as they worked all morning taking apart two treadmills, two weight benches, several racks of weights, a lat-pull machine, a curl station, and several other pieces of equipment and carrying each piece of equipment out to the truck. Jason, basically, held the doors for them and carried some of the dumbbells out to the truck. He knew they were strong because he had experienced their strength in subtle ways each night that he slept with them. Now he watched amazed at their strength, how their arms and shoulders seem to explode with well-defined muscles. He spent as much time staring at them, trying to hide his obvious arousal, as he did carrying items out to the truck. By the time they got back to the house and lugged all of the equipment around the back of the house and into the basement, they were too tired to complete the set-up. "What are we going to do with the rest of the space," Jason asked as he surveyed the rest of the basement. "That area is going to be a matted area," Maria replied as Carlita added. "Yes, we need that area to work on our act and for other things." "Your act, I thought you weren't going to be working anymore." "What gave you that idea? I found a club in Phoenix that is looking for unusual acts; the place is called 'The Other End of the Rainbow'. Maria and I will work a couple of days a week. We don't want to just sit around doing nothing all day." "And who is going to stay with me while you're at work?" "Oh, you'll be with us," Carlita replied. "You've seen our act. We need a hapless male and you're him. I bet you're going to be a big hit with the guys there." "Don't you mean the ladies?" Jason countered, a little put out since he seemed not to have a say in the matter. "No, I meant the guys; it's an alternative lifestyle club, but maybe some of the ladies also, since it includes bisexuals as well." Chapter Two: The Search Begins With the house finally completed, Jason and Maria sat at the breakfast table; over a cup of coffee, they began to strategize how they were going to complete their primary task. "I think we should do both sides of the family tree at the same time," Jason said. "I agree; I can start with my step mother and work backwards, while you start with your father and do the same." "At some point the lines will cross, and that will be our goal." "We should start with my step mother. I'll call her later and set up a meeting for us to gather whatever information she has about her parents. I think your side of the family will be the low hanging fruit of this search. You obviously came from money, which usually means a prominent family, more publicity and public access. With my side, we'll have to hope that the tribe has birth records on everyone who was born on the reservation." __________________ As they traveled across the Valley of the Sun south of Phoenix, Jason looked out the passenger side window, noting the expanding subdivisions scattered throughout the barren desert landscape and wondered how much time would pass before the desert reclaimed the Valley as its own. After nearly an hour of driving, Maria turned off the highway just past a large casino and hotel complex. "We're now on tribal lands, just a couple of minutes more." Jason was surprised by the number of homes that lined the road, but was even more surprised when she paused before making a turn and pointed to the large buildings in the distance. "There's the new community school, behind it is the community health center, and over there is the Boys and Girls Club and over there is the Baptist Church. " The look on Jason's face must have revealed his astonishment. "Don't be surprised at the amount of new construction. What did you expect, a bunch of teepees and a couple of run down trailers? It took a couple of generations for us to understand what we were actually sitting on and how to exploit it; but once we figured it out, we put capitalism to good use. The tribe leased land to builders who built casinos, hotels, and shopping centers, which they sold to others, who assume the risk of running the businesses. Many of us work right here on the Reservation, and when the leases run out, we get back the land, the buildings, and the businesses. In the meantime, the cash flow from those leases helps us to build the community buildings and infrastructure we need in order to keep the tribe intact." They had a pleasant dinner with her stepmother. Maria had introduced Jason as her boyfriend and he had won her over as he began to speak to her in her native language. After dinner, she brought out a family scrapbook, which gave them a starting point for their quest. Jason was delighted at seeing the pictures of the three children as they grew up, especially the red head who did not quite seem to fit in with the rest of the family but never seemed to be aware of it. They were given the contact information for the tribe's record keeper, and after returning home, they set up an appointment to begin their examination of the birth records. The search was harder than they had anticipated. It was hot and dusty in the basement of the community center and the records were stored in cardboard boxes, many were not labeled or if they were labeled, the writing had long since faded as to make it illegible. After many months of eye-straining work, Maria felt she needed a break. She had run into a brick wall in her quest to discover just how she had become a "Hawke". The tribe had kept records of births and deaths, but only since the start of the twentieth century; anything prior to that had long since been lost like a speck of desert sand captured by the swirling winds of the annual dust storms that crossed the reservation lands during the monsoon season. "I'm heading back to Acapulco for a week of rest, relaxation, and debauchery," she had told Jason as they had reviewed her stepmother's family tree that she had been able to piece together after nearly two years of research. "It will be good just to be free of that dusty old basement." Jason knew that she needed a break. When they had first started, Jason had accompanied her; it was hot, dusty and poorly lit in the "records storage facility". Sometime during the second month of their search, the director of the records had challenged Jason's right to be there. Apparently, there was a tribal prohibition of anyone other than the direct descendants of a tribal member to access the records. Even though Jason had argued that that was the very reason why he was there, the director was insistent that until Jason could prove eligibility to be there, he was denied access to the records. They were forced to change their procedures. When Jason went to the Arizona State Historical Achieves, Maria would join him portraying herself as his assistant and girlfriend. On the days that she was granted access to the tribal records, Carlita would accompany Jason; no one ever seemed to notice the difference, even though Carlita was bored out of her mind. This was too much like schoolwork; she had tolerated it when she had to, but four years of college was her limit. Chapter Three: The Surprise Visitor The morning after Maria left, Carlita had laid down the law to Jason. "We are NOT going to the library this week. We are going to work-out, work on our tans, and fuck each other's brains out." She had whispered this into his ear, as they lay naked in Jason's bed. "Just remember, I am responsible for your actions this week. You will not make contact with any of your academic colleagues without me being there." "Carlita, it's been over two years; haven't I proven to you yet that I will never give away the tribe's existence nor will I jeopardize its wellbeing." "I'm just saying that it will never happen on my watch," as she wrapped her strong arms around him and squeezed. "Let's get dressed in our workout cloths and head down to the gym." After a short warm up, each settled into their own strength routine. Jason marveled as he watched her power up the bar laden with weight, seemingly with little effort. He could feel his member begin to come to life once again as he tried not to stare at her. Momentarily his mind conjured up the memory of the first time he had seen her, dressed in just a loincloth, manhandling her obviously overmatched prey. His relationship with her was strange, even in the context of his anything but ordinary life. He lusted for her, even though at times he disliked her. As he sat at the lat-pull machine, he thought about his relationships. With Maria, sex was affectionate even when she was dominating him with her strength. There was a genuine feeling for each other; but it was not love. With Carlita, there was only the sexual release that they each craved. It was only with Anna that he felt true love. With her, all of the emotions he felt with the others came together; his heart yearned for her. "You're never going to improve your strength lifting like that." Carlita was standing directly in front of him as he suddenly was drawn back to the present. "Eighty pounds on that machine is not going to cut it. Your body may look good but you have to increase the weight if you want to look and feel great. Come here, I'll show you," she said as she practically dragged him off the seat and over to a strange contraption that he had never used before. "This is a cable/pulley machine. It's for developing your arms and chest. Watch me." She walked over to each side of the machine, pulled the pin out of a stack of weights, and re-inserted it in the weight marked at one hundred twenty. When the weights on both sides were set she grabbed the handles, one in each hand, her arms stretched out to the side and upwards until her body formed the letter "Y" and began to rhythmically bring her arms together in front of her, the stack of weights on each side traveling up and down in their tracks. The muscles in her shoulders and arms seemed to explode out of her skin as she continued the movement. When she was finished, she let the weights down gently and explained. "That was one type of exercise; by moving this lever I can change the position of the pulleys and thereby isolate a different set of muscles." She changed the position on the equipment and after changing the amount of weight, she now demonstrated 'butterflies'. With each movement, her tee shirt stretched tightly across her chest, drawing Jason's attention away from her demonstration. "Now it's time for the single handed curls," she said as she shifted the lever to its lowest position, the pulleys moving to the floor. She changed the weight setting on each side and, with her arms extended out to her sides; she curled each forearm and hand upward towards her shoulders. Jason stood in front of her mesmerized by the sight of her biceps as they bulged into a massive mound. He had always known that Carlita was strong, as evidenced by how she easily manhandled him in bed; but now that he could see the physical manifestation of that strength, he felt overwhelmed. Unconsciously, he took a step forward and began to caress her muscle, marveling at how, with each movement, it seemed to almost disappear, only to reappear moments later seemingly larger, harder and hotter than before. Carlita smiled to herself, pleased that she now had him completely under her spell. "Do you want to try?" She let the weights down gently and positioned Jason where she wanted him. After adjusting the weights on either side to an amount she felt he could easily lift she handed him the handles. Jason's arms were stretched tightly between the opposing sides of the equipment. Since she and her sister were basically the same size and had the same arm reach, she never had to adjust the length of the cables. She would not do that now as well because she had a specific plan in mind for Jason. "We'd better fasten these safety straps around your wrists," she said as she wrapped a nylon band, which was secured to each handle, around each wrist. "I wouldn't want you to lose your grip on the handle and drop the weights." When she had him securely in place, she stepped back and watched as he performed his first set of curls. The weight was light enough so that after his first set, Jason told her that he could handle more. "All right, I'll add another ten on each side," she said. Jason did not see the evil grin that came moments later as she removed the pin from the thirty-pound plate, counted down ten plates to the one hundred thirty-pound plate, and reinserted the pin. She crossed over in front of him and after a very distracting and sensuous kiss, did the same thing on the other side. Standing directly in front of him, because she didn't want to miss the moment of his realization of the predicament he would find himself in, she told him to begin his next set. The strain on his face and the lack of movement of his arms told her all she needed to know. He was completely helpless, and was now her prisoner. She slowly walked around him, her hand caressing his chest and back, as he struggled to free himself. "Jason, you're mine now, to do with whatever I want or to do nothing at all. The choice will be yours to make. But first I have to make a few adjustments." She casually walked over to the lever that adjusted the height of the pulleys and forced it up until it was at its highest position. She watched as Jason's arms raised until his feet left the floor. The only way he could stand was on his toes with his legs close together. Jason's eyes were closed tight as he strained against the overwhelming weight that held his upper body tightly in place. He didn't see Carlita sink to her knees in front of him and slowly tug his shorts over his hips and down to his ankles. His eyes flew open when he felt her hand grasp the base of his growing erection and felt her lips close around its head. All he could see was the top of her head as it slowly moved back and forth in front of him. A soft moan escaped his lips as her efforts bore fruit. And then, she suddenly stopped and stood in front of him; kissed him lightly on the lips and proclaimed, "I have to leave now, I'm going for run up the trail, maybe even visit the tribe for a while. That was just a sample of what I have in store for you when I return. If that's all right with you, that is." That said, she grabbed her fleece jacket, walked to the sliding door and left the house. Jason felt a gust of cold air as she closed the door and waved good-bye. A cloud of steam escaped her mouth as she turned and headed down the hill to the deserted trail behind their house. With nothing better to do than just hang there, Jason did some pull-ups and some leg-lifts. He was surprised at the number of both that he was able to do before his muscles failed. 'I guess between my time with the tribe and my time with Maria and Carlita I've made some progress after all.' Jason couldn't be sure just how long it had been since Carlita had left him hanging there, all he knew was that his arms were numb and his shoulders ached. From the amount of sunlight that was illuminating the back patio, he guessed that the early morning frost had melted; the hot sun had broken through the early morning cloud cover, and that, by noon the temperature would reach into the low sixties. Closing his eyes, he prepared to do another set of leg lifts, when he heard a light tapping on the sliding door. Opening his eyes, he spotted two women standing on the other side of the glass. One was Carlita, but who was the other woman and what was she holding? Then his heart leapt with joy; it was Anna and the bundle she was holding could only be their daughter. He began to struggle against his bonds as the door slid open and the women entered the house. "Easy Jason, I'll let you lose in a minute, just let me get out of this jacket, unless my sister would rather take you like this." Carlita quipped as she slipped off her jacket. Anna handed the baby to Carlita and took off her jacket revealing a white tee shirt and a pair of well-worn jeans. Jason had never seen her completely dressed before and, to him, she had never looked more beautiful. She retrieved the baby from Carlita and stood directly in front of him. "Summer Rain, this is your father, Jason, this is your daughter. Then, looking down at his erection, "And that, my dearest one, is the splendid tool that gave you and all the other little girls in our village, life, and brought countless hours of pleasure to our entire tribe." Anna with one hand grasped his erection, and kissed him sweetly on his lips, as his body shook with desire. Then she backed away. "Carlita, you can release him now, while I go upstairs and put the baby to bed." As she turned to leave the room, almost as an afterthought, she whispered seductively in Jason's ear, "I'll be in your bed, waiting." Jason urged Carlita to hurry, as she calmly began to loosen his bindings. "Don't you drop those weights; if you do, you'll be in a world of hurt." She said as she knelt down in front of him. "I should really take care of that before you head up to her. In this condition you will be of very little use to her; but I imagine she's just as hot for you as you are for her considering it's been over two years since she's had her man." She kissed its head as if to say, 'I'll see you later' and pulled his gym shorts up to his waist; then walked over to the lever, dropping the pulleys down to their lowest positon and took one of the handles from Jason, easing the weights down to the rest of the pile while Jason did the same on the other side. "Thanks," he shouted over his shoulder as he hurried out of the gym, rubbing his shoulders as he went. When he reached to top of the stairs to the second floor, he turned left towards his bedroom. As he entered the large room, he gazed immediately at his bed. The covers were still in disarray just as he and Carlita had left them earlier that morning. Glancing around, he spotted light coming from underneath the bathroom door. Peeking in, he heard the shower running and a cloud of steam gathering at the ceiling. Dropping his shorts as he went, he slid the shower door open and quickly entered the shower behind her as she was rinsing the shampoo out of her long red hair. Her breasts seemed to be a little fuller and heavier than he remembered, but the rest of her magnificent body appeared to have suffered no lasting effects of nine months of pregnancy she had endured. "Oh good, you're here. Can you please do my back while I run some cr�me rinse through my hair," she said as she felt his hands begin to caress her body and handed him a soapy washcloth. "You can't imagine how good this feels. It's been over ten years since I've had a decent shower and real shampoo and cr�me rinse in my hair. A cold water bath just doesn't cut it." When he was done with her back and she had rinsed her hair, she turned him around and preceded to wash his body from head to toe, paying special attention to his ever-present erection. She was tempted to take him there in the shower, but resisted the temptation; it would be so much better in his big comfortable bed. After toweling off, Jason quickly dried his hair, while Anna savored the process of drying her body with a lush towel, before using the hair drier. "You go straighten up the bed a little and wait for me; this is too good to rush through." When she finally emerged from the bathroom, she found Jason sitting up in bed, the sheet covering his naked body up to his chest. "I can't wait a second longer," she said as she tore the sheet from his body and in one smooth movement straddled his body and engulfed his member to its root. "It's been so long, so long, I've missed you so much." She began to move up and down, increasing her pace as the first wave of her orgasm radiated through her body. Leaning forward she offered first one, then the other of her extended nipples towards his mouth as his hands gently caressed each of her heavy breasts. Jason was crazed with desire for her. Here was the woman he truly desired, hot, passionate and already driving him to the point of no return. His mouth captured one of her nipples and he began to suck, flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth over and around her nipple. Suddenly he became aware of the sweet tasting liquid that was streaming into his mouth. Hesitantly he swallowed, paused and then went back for more. "Leave some for your daughter," she said as she pulled her nipple out of his mouth and crushed her mouth to his. Her body rapidly rammed down over his until they both screamed, their orgasms nearly consuming them in their intensity. When she finally recovered, Anna kissed him gently on his lips and rolled off him, temporarily sated. "I needed that more than you'll ever know. I love you." She threw her arm over him and pulled him to her as they both settled into a peaceful sleep. Motherhood does wondrous and mysterious things to a woman's body. One is the hypersensitiveness of a mother's hearing, especially to the sounds of her child in distress. Anna's eyes opened immediately to the sounds of Summer Rain's whimpering and before they could turn into full-fledged screams, she carefully slipped out of bed and out of the room. Jason sensed that he was alone in bed. He laid there for a while, hoping that Anna would return. However, when she did not, he got out of bed and began his search for her. As he left the bedroom, still naked, he called out softly, "Anna, are you up here?" "We're in the nursery." "We have a nursery?" Checking each room as he passed, he soon reached the other end of the hallway. Jason stood in the doorway spellbound by what lay within. "That is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen." Sitting in one of two rocking chairs was Anna, in her arms was their daughter, greedily nursing at one of her breasts while Anna smiled serenely down at her. Jason leaned against the doorway taking in the beauty of the scene. An unconscious reaction caused his nearly flaccid cock to come back to life. "Hold that thought for a little later; I'm not through with you yet," she said with a mischievous grin. "I'll be in as soon as I can." It took a little over an hour, more than Jason had anticipated as he waited patiently for her return. "I had to change her and play with her for a while before her eyes began to close. She'll sleep for about two hours now; her belly is full, she's dry and contented." Anna reached under the sheet seeking out the object of her desire. "You're not ready yet; my sisters must be taking extra good care of you. I'm jealous. Speaking of my sisters, I don't know if they told you, they stopped taking their birth control pills last week. They want to have children; I guess they became a little envious of their sister and all the others carrying their tiny babies around the valley." "Speaking of babies," Jason questioned, "should we be doing this right now?" "It's a little late to ask now, don't you think?" She smiled and let him sweat a little before letting him off the hook. "Of course, I made sure that today would be safe before I asked the council for permission to check on you. I had to assure them that I couldn't get pregnant before they would allow me to see you." "You said, today, are you telling me that you can only stay for one day?" "I'm sorry, but that was all the time they would allow me. I have to leave here when the sun sets." "Then I'm coming with you." "Of course you are, and so is Carlita. We can't leave you alone either here or on the trail back from the valley." "You still don't trust me?" "Of course I trust you, it's the rest of the tribe that doesn't. Please Jason, let's not spend any of the little time we have arguing over something that we have no control over. Now where were we?" They made love all afternoon, until neither of them had the energy to continue. Carlita was more than happy to take care of the baby. It was only at feeding time that she interrupted the couple. "Sorry to disturb you two love birds, but the baby is hungry and mine won't do her much good." While Anna fed and cared for the baby, Carlita and Jason, at Anna's request went to a local pizza shop and brought home two large pies, one peperoni and one with sausage, peppers and onions. They feasted on pizza and coke until it was dark. "I can't remember when I last ate anything that tasted that good. Carlita, I'm jealous of you and Maria, you get Jason and all these great tasting foods, while I get to be celibate for the next two decades and get to eat mystery meat stew." After a heavy sigh, she stood up from the table, and went upstairs. A few minutes later she returned with a heavily bundled Summer Rain, handed her to Jason and retrieved her jacket. They left the house, crossed over the small stretch of desert to the trail below. At that time of night, they encountered no other hikers. When they reached the spring, they were met by Starry Sky and another member of the tribe, who escorted the three of them to the rim of the valley. The other member continued walking further along the rim of the valley heading towards her sentry post. When it was just the three of them, Starry turned to Carlita, "You make sure my daughter and her baby get down to the valley safely, I'll wait up here and take care of Jason until you return. Go! Before they left, Anna handed the baby to Carlita and embraced Jason with a toe-curling kiss. "You take care of yourself. Know that I will love you always and will be waiting when we are finally joined again. Say good-bye to your baby daughter, she will not be a baby when you see her again." After he kissed her forehead and whispered good-bye, Anna and the baby, followed closely by Carlita headed around the rim of the valley to the hidden trail down to the valley below. When they were alone, Starry and Jason stood across from each other; an awkward silence filled the air. It was Starry who broke the silence. "I wanted to thank you. You have changed my life more than you could ever know. Before you came along, I was an angry old woman; not fit to be part of this tribe. I was miserable and took out my hostility on everyone else, especially you and my daughter. But then, you gave me a wonderful gift, a chance once again to be a mother. Angry Sky has filled me with happiness once again. "When Anna was taken from me, part of me died. I did not understand it, and I could not cope with it. I lashed out at everyone. Even after years had passed I still felt anger at the elders who took my baby from me and then my lover. When she finally returned I thought there was a chance to make up for those lost years, however, I soon realized that she didn't care about me, how could she, she never knew me, and besides, she still had her tribal education to go through." "I'm so sorry ... " "I don't want your pity; I just want your understanding. That was too much to ask of someone, and I will never allow anyone to ever go through what I went through. As far as I'm concerned Anna is the high priestess for life." She closed the gap between them and forced Jason backwards until his back was against a large bolder; then she dropped to her knees before him. Reaching out, she undid his belt, pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles, and held his growing erection in her hands. "I will do anything I have to do to avoid seeing another mother's life ruined. Anything." Despite the fact that he had already cum at least three times already today, his cock grew to its rock solid grandeur and he could only shut his eyes as the feelings of intense pleasure washed over him. Her hand was pumping hard, while her tongue circled its super sensitive head. To his amazement, he was rapidly approaching the point of no return; when she suddenly pulled back allowing his cock to fall from her lips, just as he felt the familiar contractions of his orgasm begin. With his throbbing cock still in hand, she allowed spurt after spurt to plaster her upturned face as a sign of her subjugation to him. When he had no more left to give her, he opened his eyes and, at the same moment, heard the slow rhythmic clapping coming from the darkness to his right. "Bravo, Jason, bravo, indeed. That's just what the bitch deserves." It was Carlita, who had returned, sooner than he would have thought possible, from the valley floor. Starry Sky stood, her head bowed, the heat of anger rising rapidly within her. Carlita was about to speak again when Jason shouted, "Carlita enough!" He then turned towards Starry, embraced her and whispered in her ear, "I will do what I can." He then turned to Carlita and started for home. They walked in silence until they reached the spring at the eastern trailhead. It was then that he answered her unasked question. "I don't know how much you heard, or how much you saw, but I believe that was the first and only time that she, in her own way, has begged for anything in her life. I will honor her request and her privacy by not saying anything more." They walked in silence again until they came to the cut off that turned towards their house. "And when were you going to tell me that you both have stopped taking your birth control pills?" Carlita, too stunned by the anger in his voice, walked a step behind him until he reached the house. "I think I'd like to sleep alone tonight. You can secure me to the bed if you'd like so you can sleep. I assure you that I will not try to leave." Carlita had spent a very restless night. Instead of securing him to his bed, she had waited for him to fall asleep, had tied a string from his closed bedroom doorknob, and had attached it to her wrist. Her thinking was that if he tried to open his door it would pull on the string and wake her up. She was up at the crack of dawn, and after checking that he was indeed still in his room, she went into the kitchen, made a pot of coffee and waited for him to come downstairs. Jason walked into the kitchen a little after nine. There was an awkward silence between them. After pouring himself a cup, he sat across the table from her. "Carlita, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry with you." "No, we're sorry; we shouldn't have assumed that you'd be willing to have children with us. The three of us should have talked this through before we did anything. We didn't take into account your feelings; we were only concerned with ours. You see, we are already twenty-four years old and neither of us has ever had a steady boyfriend. We suddenly came to the realization that we may never have a child like the rest of our sisters. We couldn't very well go out and meet any eligible bachelors; how would we explain our relationship with you. Neither of us wants to abandon the other or you for that matter and we can't let down the tribe. We promised to watch over you for as long as necessary. We could not do that to you. You realize what would happen if we told Anna that we couldn't do this anymore don't you?" Jason nodded slowly, keenly aware of what was not being said and what the elders had implied. "If it's alright with you, we'll table this discussion until Maria gets back on Sunday." ___________________________ Sunday afternoon Jason and Carlita drove to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and waited just outside the arrivals ramp for Maria to return. Having been forewarned by her sister, Maria was rather subdued as they picked up her baggage from the carousel and left the terminal. The drive back home was unsettlingly quiet. It was as if no one wanted to set off the argument that they all assumed they would have. After they got to the house, after changing into more comfortable clothes, and after Jason had poured them all a tall glass of wine, they settled into the comfortable furniture of the family room. "I wish that you had told me, that you had included me in the decision process. I would have understood. I don't know what my answer would have been; because at this point I still don't know for sure." Maria countered, "I'm sorry we didn't tell you. You had a right to be told. I guess we both thought that this would be just like all the others." "No, it won't be. You may not feel the way I do; but to me you two are very special, I think I have fallen in love with the both of you. It's not quite the same as the love I have for your sister, Anna, but it's close. The real problem is going to be living together with two children. How do we explain our relationship to them, as they get older? It won't be like my relationship with the others of the tribe, even my relationship with Anna and Summer Rain. From what I gather, this last visit from Anna will not be repeated again. Therefore, it may be nearly twenty years before I see them again. To Anna, I'll be a faded memory, to Summer Rain; I'll be a total stranger. "And what happens then, what happens between the three of you and the children and me. How do I just leave them behind, leave you behind, it's going to tear me apart all over again. Maybe I'd just be better off dead. That's what was going to happen if you two weren't willing to sacrifice your lives for all this." "NO! You can't think like that; we'll work something out, there has to be a way we can work this out. Promise us you'll never even think something like that again." It was late, the bottle was empty, and nothing more was going to be decided that night. "Come, I've had a very long, exhausting day. I'm tired and I just want to hold you both. But no funny business. I don't want to wake up and find one of you taking advantage of me. They quickly undressed and crawled into bed, with Jason in the middle, an arm around the shoulders of each of them and all three were naked. Chapter Four: The Mini Ceremony The standoff lasted three days; on the morning of the fourth day, Jason, at the kitchen table, made his decision. "All right; I've made my decision. We will try for one child each, but that is all. It wouldn't be fair to Anna if either of you had more than her. It would make her feel that she has been neglected, which she has been already. That would just be a physical reminder of what she has sacrificed." "Carlita and I will make the plans; we want it to be a surprise for you Jason. You won't know when until it happens" Two nights later, it happened. Jason was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, when he heard a commotion coming from the bedroom. As he entered the bedroom, he stopped short. On the bed, were two beautiful women, completely naked, on their knees, their asses up in the air facing him, their heads on their pillows. "We are ready master, let the ceremony begin." It took less than a minute for Jason to drop his briefs, cross the room and assume his position behind one of the women. He wasn't sure which, until the other one, Carlita, leaned back with a bottle of lube and poured a liberal amount of liquid along his impressive erection. She quickly spread the lube over his length and placed him at her sister's entrance. Grasping her hips, Jason, in one swift movement, buried his cock to the hilt. He paused momentarily, allowing her to catch her breathe before he began to piston slowly in and out of her already moist pussy. Maria began to moan softly as he kept up his slow but steady pace. Her inner muscles were rhythmically clenching around his cock as if trying to prevent it from escaping, only to have it reverse direction again. To Jason it felt like the hand of an unseen milkmaid trying to get every last drop out of her cow. They both realized that they were not going to last long. As Jason rapidly approached the point of no return, he increased the intensity of his actions, leaned over her until he was able to get his hands on her breasts and pulled her body upright as he pulled and twisted her nipples. Maria screamed out his name as her body convulsed with the intensity of her orgasm, as Jason shot powerful spurts of his essence deep within her. Jason nibbled on her neck as he continued to caress her breasts. He felt her hands grasp his as she collapsed forward on to her pillow; his erection still buried deeply within her. "Jason, don't get me started again. It's Carlita's turn next; just hold me." After his breathing returned to normal, Jason slowly backed out of her. He could still feel the pulsing of her internal muscles. By the time he was completely free of her grip and had positioned himself behind Carlita, he was ready for round two. "No need for any lube, I'm more than ready big boy; give it to me." Not waiting for Jason to insert himself in her, once she felt him at her entrance she quickly rocked backwards and impaled herself. Jason was more than happy to let her do all the work, just making sure that he maintained contact with her was the best that he could hope for, as she took his entire length again and again. When he glanced over at Maria she was still in the ceremonial position, her ass high in the air and her legs clamped tightly together so that none of his baby making seed could escape. He thought he would be able to last longer this time, but with Carlita bucking back harder and faster by the minute he knew he wasn't going to last too much longer. When she began to scream into her pillow, he lost all control and emptied whatever was left in him and collapsed onto her back. Later, after they had both calmed down, the three of them cuddled together with Jason in the middle. "Ladies, I'm not going to survive if I have to do this night after night with the both of you. We'd better alternate, Maria one night and Carlita the next." Which is what they did for the next two weeks, until none of them wanted to do anything else but sleep at night. Until one morning, after waking up and finding himself alone in bed, Jason went downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee and found Maria and Carlita on their knees, heads touching the floor. "We're four days late." "We think we're pregnant, master." Chapter Five: The Search Resumes and Bares Fruit Three months later, after the morning sickness had ended, but before they began to show, Maria and Jason returned to their primary task of researching their family ties. During the second week of their research, they found a promising new lead. They had found the picture in the archives of the Bisbee Daily Review. It was a picture from 1901 of two elderly men, dressed in dark suits, shaking hands and smiling for the camera. The caption below the picture read; 'Two of Bisbee's most distinguished gentlemen, Mr. Joshua Hawke and Mr. Albert Guidry, Esq. celebrate fifty years of partnership'. It was another thread to follow. The next day in the State Archives, they hit pay dirt. It was Marie who actually found it, nearly buried on a shelf of documents stored in dusty boxes awaiting digitizing funding; 'Documents from the Law Office of Albert Guidry'. 'Today, September 23, 1851, I have formed a partnership with a Mr. Joshua Hawke. I will be providing free legal services in exchange for 50% ownership of all claims that we discover and foreclose on. Joshua is a real go getter and we should both prosper from this arrangement.' They skimmed through pages and pages of the mundane day-to-day business of a small town lawyer. Occasionally finding references to Joshua Hawke or their partnership. The next important tidbit of information was a notation dated April 10, 1868. 'Today, nearly two years after her untimely death, we were finally able to settle the estate of Anna Hawke, Joshua's wife. Joshua has informed me that he wishes to marry his Indian housekeeper 'Silver Fox'. I have counseled him that I can, as Mayor of Bisbee, perform the service, but have reservations as to its propriety. I was informed that she is with child and that he wishes to have the child bear his name. I will rewrite his will as soon as the child is born.' Maria could hardly keep still, as she tightened her grip on Jason's arm. "Jason, this might be it; this might be the missing piece of the puzzle. We have traced back your family's lineage back to Joshua himself and have never come across any offspring other than David, his son by his wife Anna. What if he had a son by Silver Fox? That could explain why I've reached a dead end on my side of the family." Excited, they continued to pour through the documents. For the better part of the next four hours, they searched, but it wasn't until they reached the last folder in the box that they discovered what they were hoping to find. 'The Last Will and Testament of Joshua Hawke' as written by his partner and friend Albert Guidry, Esq. 'I have written this will verbatim as Joshua Hawke has dictated it to me'. 'First, I want to assure you that I am entirely lucid and in control of my faculties. About six weeks ago, I traveled with my wife, Silver Fox and our son Ezekiel, to her tribal lands southwest of Phoenix. I was introduced to the Chief, the Medicine Man and the tribal elders. One evening I was invited to attend a special ceremony, which, if I survived, would prove myself worthy to become a member of the tribe. The next morning I was stripped of my white man's clothes and given a loincloth. I was escorted to a large tepee; there the Medicine Man and several of the elders joined me. We sat in a circle and first passed around a pipe, each man taking a long draw on what I assumed was filled with strong tobacco of some sort. After several minutes, my vision began to blur and the interior of the tent began to spin. Off to the side within the tent was a pile of large stones, which practically glowed from being super-heated by a fire at the bottom of the pile. Two young braves took turns placing wet cloths over the stones, which soon filled the tepee with steam. Cups of drinking water were passed around in an effort to replace the sweat that was pouring out of our bodies; but it was a hopeless effort. I didn't know how much time had passed; I could barely discern the difference between up and down. The Medicine Man was handed a small wooden bowl filled with small round disc-like objects. He raised the bowl high as if offering it up to the Great Spirit and then passed the bowl around, each person taking several discs before passing it on. When it came to me, I followed suit, taking three of the discs and, following their example, popped them into my mouth and began to chew. Then he smiled at me and uttered one word, 'peyote', and closed his eyes. Within a few minutes, the inside of the tent seemed to fade into brilliant colors and the faces of the elders became distorted. I closed my eyes, trying to shut out these obvious distortions out of fear of these unsettling visions. Suddenly, I was walking in the desert, the brilliant sun illuminating the parched earth and the mountains to the east. As I walked, I became aware of the fact that I was carrying a large sack over my shoulder. Suddenly two figures appeared in front of me, walking in the same direction that I was, a smaller bag over each's shoulder. One of these figures paused, put his bag down, and turned east walking towards the mountains. The other continued walking in front of me; and then suddenly, there were two again each carrying a bag on his shoulder. The new person continued walking and I followed, while the other stayed behind. This happened four more times and then everything disappeared. I found myself back in the tepee; someone handed me a cup of a bitter tea, which I gulped down. I could not keep my eyes open. Once again, I found myself standing in the desert, at the foot of a large mountain. I watched as a young man, carrying a bag over his shoulder, walked slowly towards me seemingly coming directly out of the mountain. Behind him was a group of Indians, they were women, but not squaws, these were warriors. They walked in formation, the youngest at the perimeter of the group, ever alert for trouble. In the center of the group were several elderly women, each was being helped by a seemingly middle-aged woman. The final group of women were also middle aged, but appeared to be no less capable of defending themselves. Bringing up the rear was another man, this one was dressed in a loincloth, on his feet, he wore a pair of moccasins, and his hair was long, held by a leather band tied around his forehead. He stopped at the end of the trail and waved to me, as the rest continued past me heading west. When I turned back to see if he was going to follow I discovered that he had vanished. The next thing that I became aware of was that I was no longer inside the tepee, but in the arms of my loving wife. I tried to tell her what I had seen, but she placed a finger to my lips and whispered, "Those are your visions, yours and yours alone. You are now one of us." I slept the rest of the day until the next morning. I told her I wanted to return to our home in Bisbee, that I had work to do and things to take care of. She informed me that she and our son would not be returning to Bisbee and that she would prepare a home there for us, for when I returned to her. I returned to Bisbee still puzzled over the meaning of my dreams. During the early morning hours of one of my many sleepless nights I had an epiphany; the first two men that appeared I was sure were my sons. One was David; he had already become established in the Bisbee business community. The other was Ezekiel, he had remained behind in order to take care of his mother, I was not sure what his future would hold, but according to my visions, his journey would take a different path. I was sure that each successive new man who appeared in my dream would be the offspring of the man before, my direct decedents through David. What still puzzled me was the second dream. I surmised that the young man was the last of my descendants, the seventh son, but who was the other man, the mountain man. He had no bag with him, and he waved to me as if he knew me. It must have been my second son, Ezekiel, but who were the female warriors and why were they with my sons. The seventh son appeared to be leading them westward, but to where? In addition, why was my second son with them and why would he not or could not follow them out of the mountains? I pondered these questions for several days. I even told you, Albert, about my visions. It was you, Albert, who gave me some answers. You had mentioned the bags, that they must have some meaning. Maybe, you threw out; they were their inheritances from their fathers. I thought about that and a key detail came to me, one that I had overlooked even at the time of my visions. My bag had been large and heavy at the beginning, but with each new descendent, my bag got smaller and lighter, until when the last appeared I no longer held a bag at all. It wasn't their inheritance from their fathers, it was from me, and it was I bequeathing my fortune forward, in the last case, six generations forward. When I asked you if it could be done, you said you had never heard of such a thing before, but that it was my money, I could do with it what I wanted, and only my sons could contest the will. I told you that there was little chance of that; that David knew very little about the extent of my wealth and that Ezekiel knew nothing at all. When I asked you what you thought the reason was that they were heading west, you said maybe to join the rest of the tribe on the reservation. I thought there was more to it than that, maybe it was to unite these females with my wife's descendants; but that couldn't be it, unless she had taken a lover in my absence, her descendants would be our descendants. The answer was there, I just could not see it, yet. I had you draw up the will dividing my estate into eight equal parts, one to my wife, one each to my two sons, and then one each in trust for each of the first-born males starting with David's son and going forward. Each of the trusts would have two beneficiaries. One would be the descendent himself, he could only withdraw fifty percent of the value at the time he inherited the trust, and the other beneficiary would be a remainder trust whose beneficiary would be the seventh son, who would inherit that trust at the age of forty. The J.S. Morgan Company was chosen as the investment manager for these six trusts and given free rein to invest the assets as they deemed prudent.' "I have written this will in narrative form so that future generations will have some understanding as to why Joshua did what he did. I hope and pray that everything turns out as well as he hoped. And that if it doesn't, that no one should blame me for only doing what my client, friend and partner has requested." Jason and Maria sat back in their chairs and tried to digest all that they had learned. Maria was in charge of maintaining the family tree program, so she turned on her portable computer and entered a second spouse for Joshua named Silver Fox Hawke and their son Ezekiel Hawke. They now had a physical tie to the Reservation but they still did not have a link to the Hawkes from the reservation. Jason, on the other hand, was bothered by something that kept gnawing at the back of his mind. He was missing something, he was sure they had it; they just could not see it. He was staring at the name Ezekiel that he had written on his note pad, as he absentmindedly doodled next to it. His attention was suddenly draw to one of his doodles - e-Z-E-K-i-E-l. "Oh my god," he shouted, earning himself a withering look from several other researchers in the room, as he scrambled through his notes until he found what he was looking for. "Maria look, in the journal of Samuel Strong, he mentions the name of the foreman of the miners, the one who was kidnapped by the warriors from the lost tribe. He called him Zeke. That's what someone would call himself if he wanted to shorten his name from Ezekiel, especially to a group of miners. The timing seems right." "And it ties in with Joshua's visions. He left his inheritance with his mother, and tried to make his own fortune the way his father had done, searching for gold." "And if he was kidnapped by the tribe, he would have been required to father the next generation of warriors, just like I was. You know what that means don't you. "That Joshua's son fathered, at least one whole generation of the lost tribe, and that since the current tribe are the direct descendants of that generation, they too are related to Joshua" "And if that's the case, then you, Carlita, and Anna are also distantly related to me. It's my children that are the uniting of the Hawk bloodline." "Wow, we did it. That was the true goal of Joshua's visions, to re-unite the family bloodline. But I still want to nail down the link to the reservation." They returned home as quickly as they could; they could not wait to tell the good news to Carlita. "Thank goodness, and then it's done. I have been feeling a little neglected lately. You have been spending all your time in those archives and I have been stuck here in the house working all by myself. I think this calls for a celebration and I know just what I'd like to do." Carlita pulled Maria aside and whispered in her ear for a few minutes. "Sounds good to me. Come with me Jason, we have to change into our workout clothes and then join Carlita down in the gym." Maria grabbed Jason's hand and practically dragged him upstairs. When Jason was dressed, he called out to Maria. "Maria, are you ready?" "Why don't you go ahead; I'll join you in a few minutes." Not suspecting anything, Jason made his way down to the gym. He was a little surprised that only some of the lights were turned on. The open mat area was mostly lit by the moonlight coming from through the patio sliding door and the low wattage wall sconces that lined the area. "Carlita are you here, where are you?" Suddenly the bathroom door opened and out stepped Carlita, dressed as she was when he had first seen her. She was naked from the waist up. Her shoulders were wide, capped with well-defined muscles; her chest was well developed, topped with obviously enhanced round globes, which appeared to defy gravity. Her waist was narrow which served to enhance the movement of her generous hips. She displayed a much defined set of abs and with well-muscled legs she slowly crossed the room until she was standing directly in front of him, much closer than he would have felt comfortable with had it not been her or one of her sisters. As he reached up to caress her arms, she suddenly shoved him backwards until he nearly fell. "You're no longer scared of me, are you? That is a pity. I liked it when you were scared; I could feel the fear; I could see it in your eyes. I think I'm going to have to beat you until I do." Without hesitation, Jason turned and tried to flee; but it was too late. She pounced onto his back and with the skill of a vicious predator drove him down to the mat. She grabbed a handful of his hair and slowly raised his head backwards off the mat. If this had been her stage show, she would have reached for her knife and slit his throat from ear to ear. Instead, she leaned over and, taking his ear between her lips slowly sucked and bit it. Then she whispered, "you're mine now; Maria was a little tired so she's going to take a little nap and maybe, so are you." She reached one of her powerful arms around his neck and began to squeeze. Jason could feel the muscles of her arms bulge as it tightened around him. Quickly he began to feel light headed and, as his vision began to fade, he ceased to struggle and his body fell limp under her. Wasting little time Carlita turned him over onto his back and stripped him bare. She was pleased with the fact that even though it had taken little time for her to subdue him, he had obviously become sexually aroused. His member was almost totally erect even as he slept a dreamless sleep. Quickly she removed her loincloth and the leather ties from above her biceps and stood over him. His eyes began to flicker open and his arms began to flail as they had before. "Did you have a nice nap?" She said, as she looked down on him as he became very aware of his precarious situation. And yet, at the same time, the blood that had previously been cut off from his brain, began to pulse into his cock until it began to twitch with every beat of his heart. "I'm glad that I still arouse you. Maybe in a couple of more months you won't find me so desirable. We will have to satisfy your hunger soon, but not just yet. First, I want to play with my food a little bit." She quickly yanked him to his feet and just as quickly slammed him back down on the mat. She repeated the move a second time. She hauled him back to his feet a third time, but instead of slamming him down again, she moved behind him and captured his arms in a full nelson, turned him towards the mirrored wall so that he could see and understand the power she had over him and then leaned backwards pulling his feet off the mat. "You know I could dislocate both your shoulders if I wanted to; but I like you too much to ever really hurt you. Instead we'll play a little game called pain and reward; you've already experienced the pain, now for the reward." Still maintaining the hold, she modified it by capturing his right wrist in her left hand, freeing her right hand, which reached around his runner's body, captured his very stiff and swollen erection, and began to stroke him. "I wonder how long it will take for you to cum; not long I imagine; but that would be an awful waste." She paused, not really sure, what kind of abuse she wanted to inflict upon him. When she suddenly spied her sister walking down the stairs. "Oh look," she said with glee, "I guess Maria wasn't as tired as she thought." She turned Jason, still helpless in her deadly embrace, to face the staircase. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Maria turned and slowly approached them. "I couldn't find any clean workout clothes to wear. I hope you don't mind Jason." "Maria, you're just in time. I'm not sure how much longer Jason can control himself and I really don't want him to cum all over the mats. Could you take care of him for me?" "It would be my pleasure." She stood right in front of him, leaned down slightly and gave him a toe-curling kiss, which had him quivering with desire. "I think you'd better hurry, Maria, it won't be long now." Maria slowly sank to her knees in front of him as she dragged her long manicured nails down his body. Noting the condition of his cock, she quickly opened her mouth and began to swirl her tongue around its nearly purple head. "Oh my God; I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum." Maria engulfed him just as his body overwhelmed his willpower. To Jason, it felt as if he was being turned inside out as Maria sucked frantically on his overstimulated member. Four, five, six spurts of his essence splashed against the back of her throat as she swallowed desperately trying to keep up with the torrent. Then his legs seemed to turn to rubber and he would have collapsed if Carlita did not have a good hold of him. She eased him onto the mats, his unseeing eyes seemingly fixed onto the ceiling. "Mmmmm, that was good, but it looks like we're going to have to wait awhile before he'll be any use to either of us." Maria exclaimed with a mischievous grin. "Since I got the first load, I'll give you first choice; which end do you want, heads or tails?" "I'll let you get payback for your oral action, you can have his face, and I'll take that glorious cock of his. Then later, we can switch and I'll force feed him whatever he gives me." "And that's why they've always referred to you as the evil one." For the next two hours, Jason was subjected to a very exhausting but satisfying muscle fuck, he lost count of how many times he had cummed or how many times he nearly drowned as the woman on his face took her pleasure from him. In the end, the women had to carry him upstairs and place him between them on their bed. ___________________________ Two weeks later after a well-deserved break, the two researchers took up their task once again. Maria returned to the reservation and resumed her search, while Jason began his narrative of all that they had learned. He ultimately wanted to write a book about the Hawkes and the Amazonians, but knew in his heart that he could never get permission to have it published, so he typed it in journal form, content to have it all written for future generations of the tribe to study and learn about their heritage. Chapter Six: Two New Members of the Tribe Are Born Jason watched as his two lovers slowly lost their girlish figures. Not that he was any less attracted to either of them, in fact, it was just the opposite, and to him they never looked more beautiful. This was one of the things that he regretted about leaving the valley before Anna gave birth. "I can't go down there again. I just don't have the energy anymore." "Then don't Maria; this is not a race. Let it go for a while, just concentrate on the baby." Jason said as he rubbed her shoulders, helping to relax her obviously tense muscles. He marveled at how her body looked, how they both looked, from the back you would never know that they were into their eighth month. Although they had both lost their waistlines and their hips were slightly more pronounced; it wasn't until they turned sideways, that their extended bellies became obvious. "Ooooh, that looks good," said Carlita as she entered the bedroom after her morning workout; "I'm next. Then you can join me in the shower." "Maybe I'll join you as well." Jason laughed. "I don't think there's room in there for the five of us; but you can join me after I take care of Carlita." Their showers took nearly an hour and by the end, Jason could barely stand but boy was he relaxed. _____________________ All during the pregnancy, they had seen their obstetrician and had taken natural childbirth classes. Jason had been introduced as the father of both babies, which earned him more than a few withering looks from the feminists in the group and hidden looks of respect from the expectant fathers. As their due dates approached, they confirmed their final arrangements with the birthing center of their local hospital. Because money doesn't just talk, it screams, when faced with any obstruction to its owner's desire, they were able to share one of the birthing rooms. This way Jason, as coach, could be available to both expectant mothers. Their contractions started within an hour of each other. Jason got the car packed and ready, while the ladies changed and prepared themselves for the event to come. From early afternoon, the contractions were sporadic at first, but by late evening, they were regular and more frequent. Maria and Carlita made a game out of this first stage of active labor. They went to the kitchen and with each contraction paced around the breakfast table and after the contraction passed, they squatted. "Should you two be doing that," Jason asked with a worried expression on his face. "Absolutely, it will help us to dilate faster. In the valley, many of the women continue their workday as if nothing has changed. Anna told us that she only stopped working about two hours before her child was born." When the time between their contractions was about five minutes, Jason called their doctor. "Okay, since you're about an hour away, I think it would be a good idea for you to leave now; I'll meet you there." The hardest part of the trip was the very beginning; getting two very pregnant women in to the back of his SUV. As they traveled, Maria said, "I hope our water doesn't break, it would be a shame to ruin the leather seats." Jason looked at them both in the rearview mirror and just smiled. "Don't you worry about the seats, just pray that we don't hit any traffic jams, or I'll have to deliver the babies myself." When they reached the center, the women were wheeled into the facility, while Jason parked the car and checked in at the desk. "We have a little bit of an issue," the attendant at the front desk exclaimed, "Your insurance company is refusing to cover both of the women. They say that they can't both be your common law wives." "Don't worry, I'll pay for the one that they refuse to pay for," he said as he handed her his credit card." Would a fifty-thousand-dollar deposit be sufficient for now?" The attendant accepted the card and was more than a little shocked when the charge was approved. "I anticipated this happening so I made arrangements with the credit card company. Can I go in now?" "Have a seat over there; a nurse will be out shortly to get you." When Jason finally was let inside, he found both women in their birthing chairs and their doctor calmly talking to them. "It looks like you both are doing great. It shouldn't be long now. I wish all my mothers kept themselves in as good shape as you two." She turned as Jason came into the room. "You cut it a little close, but they're all set now for the final push so to speak. I'll be back in a little while to check on them again." Jason assumed his position as coach between them, offering his right hand to Maria and his left hand to Carlita, just as the head nurse entered the room. He looked up just in time to catch the expression of absolute disgust on her face. Apparently, she had just been told that he was the father of both babies. He was grateful that she did not have a scalpel in her hand because she looked like she would have castrated him if she could. And then the next contraction hit. "Okay, concentrate, breathe and push," he coached to them. After about a minute as the contraction passed he wiped Maria's forehead as she smiled up at him; and then he turned to Carlita so he could do the same for her. "You did this to me. You just wait until we get out of here. We're going to see if you can breathe and push and deal with the pain." She still had his hand in hers and suddenly he felt as if his hand was just run over by a truck. Thankfully, the doctor returned and after examining both of them, announced that the crown of the head was clearly visible. "You're almost done; one more good push should do it." It actually took two. Carlita's baby came out first, right into the waiting hands of the doctor. She had just enough time to hand the newly born baby girl to the head nurse and get in position in front of Maria when she gave one last push and her baby came into this world. "Okay coach, you can step outside in the hall for a few minutes while we clean up here and check out the babies; but from what I could see they are both very healthy and very beautiful baby girls. Now go, daddy." Jason was allowed back in about thirty minutes later. Both women were holding their newly born girls to their chests and had smiles a mile wide on their faces. He looked down at each, gave four kisses and looked as proud as he could be. "I'm a father." It was Maria who looked him in the eye and exclaimed. "You've been a father for nearly three years." "In fact fourteen times already if my count is correct." Jason turned to them both, "but this is different. I can see them, feel them, watch them grow up; and I can love them." The tears of joy streamed down his creeks as his new reality hit home. After a one-night stay in the hospital, Maria and her child Jennifer and Carlita and her child Rebecca were released. The ride home took longer than it should have because the proud father spent most of the drive in the slow lane barely doing forty-five miles per hour. When they finally arrived home, Jason led the women up to the nursery, but when he opened the door, he stopped short and stared. He hadn't been allowed to enter the room since Anna had been there. The room was one giant mural. It had been painted depicting the walls of the valley, there were figures of Native Americans; children and mothers, on every wall, scenes of everyday life in the valley and the ceiling had been painted a pale blue, the color of the desert sky in late summer, with white puffy clouds and cherubs looking down from the clouds over each of the cribs. "I bet you never realized that Carlita was such a talented artist." "My God, it's gorgeous. When did you have time to do this?" "I had nothing but time since you were so wrapped up in your quest. Besides, once I had my general idea of how I wanted it to look, it went pretty quickly." Jason's gaze was still traveling around the room when he spotted her. Anna was standing in the open entrance to her cave, holding her baby, and pointing directly at him, as if saying, "See there's your father; I told you he would be here soon." He turned and as a tear dripped down his cheek, he kissed Carlita. "Thank You." "We know you miss the both of them; we wanted to remind you every day of what awaits you back in the valley. Someday, maybe sooner than you think, you'll be with them again." ______________________ It took about three months for the women to whip their bodies back into shape and much of that time Jason was forced into a life of celibacy. Not that he ever complained; it was just that they both looked so desirable. They did grant him some measure of relief from time to time and if the truth were told, they both were just as frustrated as he was. The night of the celebration of the girls' three-month birthday, Jason was awakened in the middle of the night by two beautiful, very naked, and very horny women, who wouldn't take no for an answer. It was sometime near dawn before they finally were fully sated. "How are we going to explain our relationship to the girls when they get older?" Jason said to no one in particular as he stared at the ceiling, a very satisfied woman under each arm." "Don't worry about that now; we have plenty of time before that will become a problem." Carlita had said as she rubbed his chest. Maria chimed in, "It's like they taught us in Sunday school. 'Oh Great Spirit, Give us the Strength to accept the things that we cannot change, the Courage to change the things we can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.' We're just going to have to go with the flow about that when the time comes." __________________________ A month later Maria was ready to return to her quest and Jason was more than happy to take up the slack at home in her absence. After six long, hot, sweaty months, Marie found the document she was searching for. It was a deed to a parcel of land on the outer edge of the reservation. The land was sandy, too sandy for growing crops or grazing animals even with irrigation. Silver Fox Hawke had purchased it in memory of her lost son. There were several deed restrictions written into the document. The most interesting as far as Maria was concerned was the fact that only descendants of Joshua Hawke could own the land. That anyone who lived on the property had to be named Hawke and that they must prove that they were the direct descendants of any of several children that Silver Fox Hawke had adopted before her death in 1912. And finally, that any marriage of a Hawke descendant must take on the family name and are bound to uphold their sacred duty to care for and educate a female baby that would be presented to them every twenty years or so. "That's it then. That explains why my mother was named Hawke; she is a direct descendant of Silver Fox Hawke. This deed guarantees that each successive generation from her would be named Hawke even if they married someone other than a 'Hawke'. It also explains why my sisters and I are all named 'Hawke' even though we are not descended from Silver Fox. Our stepmother gave us the name 'Hawke' so that we could live under her roof, she couldn't have known that we were actually descendants of Joshua Hawke. Jason was reeling from the latest implications. "And that means that all of my children are entitled to own the land. We'll have to have a lawyer figure out how to change those deed restrictions; otherwise we'll have an ownership war on our hands." It took a little over two years, but after some legal maneuverings and an agreement between the only known descendant of Joshua Hawke and the only known descendants of Silver Fox Hawke, all of the deed restrictions were dropped and the title to the land was placed in a perpetual trust for the benefit of all current and future descendants of Joshua Hawke. Lawyers for the tribe tried to convince Maria and Carlita that they were giving up their rights to the land for little or no compensation but they insisted that they understood what they were doing and that there was no coercion or undue influence placed upon them. They could not reveal that they were both 'married' to Jason and that each of their children were direct descendants of Joshua Hawke; and they certainly wouldn't and couldn't reveal the existence of nearly twenty more direct descendants of Joshua Hawke. Chapter Seven: The Death of Running Deer Early one summer evening, Jason was sitting on the back steps of their house, enjoying the evening breeze and the peaceful quiet of the desert landscape. The hikers had long since abandoned the trail below them for the evening. Looking up at the Superstition Mountains, searching for any form of life, he spied none, but he knew that life was there; more than most people realized, you just had to know where to look. Inside the house, there was plenty of life. His daughters, Jenny and Becky had only recently turned thirteen, full of life and wonder; they were the joy of his life. Maria, Jenny's mom, was also inside, dealing with the rambunctious teenagers and trying to proof read his journal detailing their search for the Amazonians, the lost tribe. Just as he was about to get up, intending to go back inside, he spotted her as she headed down the trail out of the mountains. Carlita had made the weekly trip up the trail and to the hidden valley, to see if they needed anything and to especially check on how their sister was doing. Jason watched as she steadily descended the trail, her regal stature projecting an air of confidence and urgency. When she reached the cutoff that turned up towards their house, Jason could just make out the expression of sadness on her face. "There's been another death in the valley." "That's the third in less than a year, who this time?" Carlita exhaled slowly, "Running Deer, Anna's grandmother." "I've got to go to her." He said as he turned to enter the house. "Yes, but no just yet. She said she will meet you at the spring pond at midnight tonight." "How will she know when it's midnight?" "I left her my watch. Come, let's go inside and tell Maria and then we can make the arrangements to get you there and back." _______________ Jason was just getting his hiking boots out of the closet, when Maria approached him. "Jason, for nearly fifteen years we have lived together, loved together, raised two beautiful children together, and you have never made one attempt to escape or contact the outside world or endanger the tribe in any way. I think you have earned the right to make this trip on your own. We will see you in the morning. Give her our love and make sure she knows that if she needs anything, anything at all, all she has to do is ask." The darkness was almost absolute. There was no moon, and very little ambient light in the area; only the far off light of countless stars that seemingly filled the night sky lighted the trail. It took about a half hour for him to ascend to the end of the trail and to climb to the far side of the pond, where he sat on a large rock and waited for her. He waited about a half an hour, and then, she just seemed to appear in front of him. He stood and took in her beauty. At her forehead, a leather strap held her wavy red hair off her face. She wore an animal skin cape to ward off the desert night chill and moccasins on her feet; but other than that she was dressed just as he remembered her. "Thank you for coming." "Did you think I would not be here and give up the chance to see you again? I only wish you could have brought our daughter with you, but I understand why you could not. I'm so sorry for your loss; she was a good woman." "Oh Jason," she cried and fell into his outstretched arms. He held her tightly as the dam broke on her pent up grief. He intuitively understood that because of her status as High Priestess this was probably the first time she had allowed herself to truly grieve for herself and her loss. When her sobbing finally ceased she stood in front of him and apologized for her weakness. "Come sit with me," he said indicating the blanket covered rock where he had been sitting. "There is no need for an apology, and certainly not to me. I grieve for her loss as well and I only barely knew her. She was your grandmother; you've known her for more than half your life." "It's more than that. She was my ally on the council; the tie to the past, the calming influence, the wisdom of age; and now she's gone. Even though in recent years, she and my mother had reconciled their differences and the fact that my relationship with Starry has, more or less, become amicable, there is still the fact that Starry is now the eldest member of the tribe and it is only she and I that remain from the council that you remember. Now we are outnumbered by the three other members from my generation. "There are times that I feel like I'm losing control of the tribe. I fear for us all. We are losing our identity. The outside world is bearing down on us. Our children are beginning to question everything we do and believe. I'm scared." Jason held her in his arms once again, this time to assure her that everything was going to be all right. However, in his mind, he was trying to relive his last meeting with Starry Sky and, in particular, their last conversation. Remembering Maria's short but profound prayer from Sunday school, he asked for wisdom, and decided that he would not reveal the content of that conversation. It was not the time to dump even more worry onto her shoulders. Jason, wishing to distract her from her self-doubt, asked, "How is Summer Rain?" The smile returned to Anna's face. "She's doing well; she's getting so big. She has been very helpful to me. And you'll never guess who her best friend is; 'Angry Sky', she's Starry's daughter. They are inseparable; but I guess that was inevitable since they are so closely related. Maybe that's part of the reason why my mom and I are getting along." "Angry Sky?" "She was born during one of those rainless thunderstorms that we seem to have ever more frequently. The rain falls on the other side of the mountains and all we see are the bolts of lightning lighting up the night sky." For a while they sat in silence, then Anna got to her feet, "You should go, I'm sure my sisters are worried about letting you come here alone. I told them not to worry; that you had proved yourself to be loyal to the tribe and that you'd never do anything to betray us." Jason took her in his arms and hugged her tightly to his body. "I love you so much. I told Carlita to never paint over the mural. That's our office now. Your image is the last thing I see before leaving the office." Just as he was about to leave, he turned to her and asked. "Where have you buried Running Deer? Maybe someday I can come up here and stand over her grave and pray." "Oh, we don't bury our dead here. The ground is far too hard for that. We believe that once you die, your spirit is released and joins with that of the Great Spirit, so the body becomes just an empty shell. For health and sanitary reasons, we carry the body out of our valley and place it on the ground in the valley next to ours. It takes about two years for the naked body to completely disappear. We know the desert insects and animals feed on the body and eventually scatter the bones. There's no need to pray over her, because she's no longer there." She turned and disappeared back the way she came. Jason, when he could no longer see her, turned as well and headed back to the trail. For the next thirty minutes, he was deep in thought. He knew he had to do something to help them; the beginning of a plan was slowly forming in his mind. After arriving home, instead of heading for bed, he went to the office instead and pondered what to do next. He pulled out his journal and after reading several key areas and his notes corresponding to those areas, he knew where his plan would start. He had to contact his father; and for that, he had to have the permission of his keepers. Suddenly too tired to keep his eyes open, he folded his arms on the desk, rested his head, and soon was fast asleep. It was a frantic pair of women that finally found him still asleep at his desk early the next morning. "Here you are, you had us worried sick when we woke up this morning to find your bed unslept in. Have you been here all night? We never heard you come home." "The tribe's in trouble and Anna has no idea how deep that trouble is or how to fix it. Honestly, I do not think it is fixable. We have to help them; we have to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the tribe as they know it and bring them, kicking and screaming if we have to, into the twentieth-first century." He spent the next hour explaining what he meant and what they had to do. "But first I have to call my father." Chapter Eight: The Phone Call "Your father?" They shouted in unison, "We didn't realize he was still alive; you never mentioned him so we just assumed he was dead." "He and my mother, I have one of those, too, live in Europe. Actually in Tuscany, Italy, on what can only be described as a palatial estate once owned by the Medici family. When he married my mother, he promised her that once I graduated from college and after I got my Master's degree that, they would sell their home in Scottsdale and move to Europe. He found a run-down villa in the Italian countryside outside of Florence and for the next five years hired a contractor and had the villa completely restored. They moved there about sixteen years ago right after I met you two lovely ladies." "But why do you have to contact him." "I think he knows a lot more about all this than we think. I want to get whatever information I can so I can start what I have to do." "When do you want to call?" "Right after breakfast, I'm starved." It was just before eight o'clock when they finished breakfast and adjourned to the office. The girls were still asleep; so behind the closed door, Jason, looked through his contact information, until he found his father's name and number. He placed the phone on speaker and after several moments of silence, it began to ring. "Hello, Son. I've been wondering when I was going to get this call." Jason sat in stunned silence, and only after hearing his father's laughter, began to speak. "Hi Dad, you were expecting me to call; why?" "Because I know about your search for the lost tribe of the Amazonian's. I have known since before you were born. It was my job to get you started on your quest. Joshua was a true visionary in every sense of the word." Once again, Jason was speechless. "Jason, how's it going? How are you? Are you well?" There was another few moments of silence, and then, Carlita and Maria, could not remain silent any longer, "Hi Mr. Hawke." "Jason, who was that? It sounded like two voices, very sweet young ladies by the sounds of their voices." "They are my wives." "Both of them?" "It's complicated." "I can imagine." "You also have two thirteen-year old granddaughters." "Let me guess; it's complicated." "You have no idea. I won't even begin to try to explain about the other complexities in our lives right now." "Okay, I can deal with that for now, but what should I tell your mother?" "At this point, just tell her I'm well, extremely happy and as soon as I can get my life settled I'll come see the two of you." "Alright, I'll try. But now, let's get down to the reason for your call." "Dad, when I inherited the trust, was there any paperwork that came with it? Any explanations of what it was for and what I was supposed to do with it?" "Yes, there was, but I was forbidden to share it with you until you contacted me and asked for it. In addition, I was only to give it to you if you accomplished what you set out to do. Did you?" After looking to Carlita and Maria, and getting their approval, he answered, "Yes, I found the lost tribe." "You mean you found the actual remnants of their lost civilization?" "No, I found the tribe itself, or what's left of it. There were seventeen members of the tribe still alive, living in a small valley in the Superstition Mountains." Now there was only silence coming from the speaker of his phone. "That's unbelievable. How could they live there all these years and no one ever know it." "Again, it's complicated. However, you have to promise me, you won't ever say anything to anyone about this, not even to Mom. No one outside of our family can know of their existence. I'm going to need about five more years to do what I believe I have to do. Dad, and for what I'm going to do, I'm going to need lots of money." There was laughter coming from his father. "Jason, you have no idea how much you actually have, do you? I'm the one who should be asking you for money." "No Dad, I'm not asking you for money, just information. I have to have some idea of what funds I'm going to have available to me before I begin planning out what I have to do. Once I start, there will be no turning back; I'll only get one crack at this and I want to do it right." "Okay, Jason, since you put it that way. When I inherited my trust it was worth a little over $100,000,000, you can assume that yours at that time was about the same. I received access to fifty percent of that amount; while yours remained intact and continued to grow. It takes roughly eight years for an account to double in value based on an average return of nine percent per year. The lower the rate of return the longer it takes. Your trust had an even longer time to grow. When you received access to your trust at age twenty-one, it was worth over $500,000,000. So, assuming that you haven't blown it all on wine, women and song; excuse me, ladies, no offense given, there should still be plenty of money in the trust; probably a lot more than when you first got it." Jason was stunned, and he could see the astonished looks on the faces of Carlita and Maria. "Jason, are you still there?" He said with a chuckle. "And then there is the remainder trust; do you know about that?" "We've uncovered a transcript from Joshua's partner and attorney, which outlined his last will and testament. It was mentioned there, but no real specifics." "Well, I don't have any specific information on it either. However, if you figure that the remainder deposit just from my trust was fifty million and if they made a ten percent return on the trust assets from then until now, I figure the remainder trust is worth a minimum of two and a half." "Million?" Jason exclaimed with a touch of disappointment in his voice. "Not million," he said with a gleeful note in his voice, "Billion, with a 'b'; and if it's anything less, you'd better fire those money managers." The silence in the room was deafening; the three on them just sat there, trying to imagine all the good that that amount of money could do. "Jason, Jason, are you still with me?" After a moment of hesitation, Jason finally found his voice. "Yeah Dad, I'm still here; just overwhelmed, that's all." "I'm not surprised. Getting back to why you called. If you remember when we last saw each other, I gave you a small key, which you placed on your key ring if I remember correctly. At that time, I told you that that key could unlock the answers to your questions. It is the key to my safe deposit box at the Wells Fargo branch next to my old office. Your paper work is in that box, along with mine. It should answer all your questions. Good luck with your plans. Call me if you need anything, and for your mother's sake, come visit sooner than later; and don't forget to bring your wives and kids." After hanging up, he looked across the desk at the two of them and said, "Could you just imagine the five of us, along with Anna and Summer Rain, and all the others getting off a chartered jet at some private airfield in Italy and me introducing them all as my kids; not to mention you three as my wives. It would kill her for sure." Maria, didn't bother to answer his hypothetical question, instead replied, "Let's get dressed and head over to the bank. I am dying to see what those documents have to say. They could supply additional information that would fill in any gaps that our search failed to find." Chapter Nine: The Contents of the Box Revealed It took about two hours for the three of them to change, let the kids know where they were going and approximately what time they would return, and drive to downtown Phoenix. At the bank, Jason presented his identification and his key. After waiting another ten minutes, they were led to a small room. The safety deposit box was brought in moments later. "Take as much time as you need. When you are done, just lock the box and leave it on the desk. Just pick up the phone, it will ring at my desk and I'll come in and retrieve the box." When they were alone with the box, Jason turned the key and lifted the lid. In the box, there were two large, yellowed with age, envelopes. One was address to Jason, the other to his father. It was Maria who said, "Let's do this in order; open your father's envelope first." Jason picked up the envelope and dumped the contents onto the desk. There were two additional envelopes, the first was also yellowed with age; the other, a more contemporary envelope with the name and address of JP Morgan printed on it. Once again, Jason picked up the older envelope; on the front of the envelope was a single word, written in flowing handwriting, 'SIXTH'. Inside was a single sheet of yellowed paper. 'To Number Six, 'You are the keeper of the knowledge. The others before you had no reason to know anything about the future. Their only responsibility was to produce a male heir. On you, however, falls the heavier burden. You must produce a male heir, and equally important, you must instill in that heir the love of history and the desire to search the past, in order to discover the truth about what happen to my son and his descendants. 'You must keep this secret from him, including the knowledge of what, I assume, will be the immense wealth that he will inherit. For him to know about this before he completes his task will surely impede, and perhaps, thwart his thirst for the knowledge he will need to acquire. 'Therefore you must keep this information from him until he asks for it. In addition, you must be sure that he has completed what he has set out to accomplish before you inform him of his next task. 'He must use the wealth of the remainder trust to provide a home and wellbeing of those he will find, and who he will lead out of the wilderness. I have seen this in a vision and I truly believe that it will be so.' 'The Lord's blessings be onto you, and through his goodness may he give both you and your son the strength to perceiver in completing your assigned tasks. The letter was signed by Joshua Hawke. The second envelope contained a detailed statement of the assets held in his trust as of June 30. The total asset value was $101,512,334.07. There was also a detailed set of instructions indicating how he could get access to fifty percent of that value and what would be done with the rest of the funds after his amount was withdrawn. There was also a letter from the Executive Vice President of the company informing him that upon the birth of his first male heir, that he should contact him immediately with his name, social security number, and date of birth. His final instructions were to keep his contact information current so that once his heir turned twenty-one, arrangements could be made to distribute the contents of final trust. They all sat starring at the unopened second envelope. Maria stood, still holding the letter from Joshua. "I'm going to get a copy made of this so we don't have to remove your Dad's original from the bank. I'll be right back." When she returned a few minutes later with the original and a copy for their files, she found Jason holding the second large envelope, which was addressed to him. His hands were visibly shaking as he broke the seal of the envelope and removed two smaller envelopes, one yellowed with age and the other from the investment company. After staring at the single word scrawled on the front, 'Seventh', he carefully inserted his finger under the flap and popped it open. He removed the neatly folded pages from the envelope and began to read aloud. To Number Seven, To you falls the hardest task of all. You must first search back in time, at least one hundred and twenty years, I figure; learn everything you can about my family and me. Then you have to locate a small tribe of Indians somewhere in the eastern mountains and discover what happen to them, why there were only females and what relationship my son had with them. If you are reading this letter then I must assume that you have, indeed, accomplished what you first set out to do. Bravo; now comes the hard part. It is you who will lead these female warriors out of the mountains and bring them west to where, exactly, I do not know. I can only assume that it will be to the lands that my second wife lives on. They will be your responsibility. You will have to provide for them until they can provide for themselves. That is why I set up the remainder trust; use it wisely. As a favor to me, can you please find out all you can about my second son Ezekiel Hawke? I promised his mother that I would never stop searching for him; but I ran out of time. If you learn the truth of his disappearance, please pass that knowledge forward to your descendants so that his life does not get lost forever. Thank you, Joshua Hawke After several moments of silence, Maria said, "That was a little bit of a bummer. We didn't learn anything that we haven't already learned on our own." Jason picked up the second envelope and carefully opened it. He turned to the summary page and gasped. 'Your Account Valuation is $512,151,928.15.' He slumped back onto his chair as he let the women read the statement. "And that was over 18 years ago; it could have doubled and doubled again if what your father said was true and the investment managers were any good." Jason picked up the letter addressed to him from the Chief Executive Officer. 'Jason, Congratulations on reaching your twenty-first birthday. We have been waiting for this day for over one hundred years. We believe we have done a very good job at maximizing the growth of your trust and still being prudent investors. We look forward to the day that you turn forty years of age. At that time, we will be turning over the final trust account to you. Please keep us informed as to your current contact information. It has been our pleasure to service your account and hope you are pleased with our results. "I guess I don't have to worry about running out of money anytime soon," he quipped as Maria and Carlita rushed to his side. "Now we can start planning for the future. The End of Part 2 I want to thank you for reading Part 2 of The Lost Tribe. Part 3 of the Lost Tribe has been completed and will be posted shortly. I would appreciate any comments that you care to make. This has been my COVID 19 story. It has been what has kept me sane for all these months. SR Submissiveromanticone(at)Gmail(dot)com