The Lost Tribe - part 1 By Submissive Romantic This is the story of an amateur historian and his search for evidence of the existence of a lost tribe; he's not prepared for what he finds. Part 1 Prologue: Jason Hawke was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Born into a family of wealth, prestige, and power, he never wanted for anything. He was also a trust fund baby. Due to the very forward thinking of his fourth great grandfather, his financial future was totally secure. Joshua Hawke had fought for the U.S. Army during Mexican-American War between 1847 and 1848. When hostilities ceased, he settled in the town of Bisbee in the territory that would eventually become, first, the Arizona Territory, and finally the State of Arizona. A very ambitious young man, he first tried his hand at prospecting for gold, and after achieving moderate success in this venture, bought another claim that was thought to have been nearly mined out. That claim would eventually yield an enormous amount of high-grade cooper ore. By the early 1880s, he sold his mining operations to a large mining corporation, becoming one of the wealthiest men in the territory. At that time, he divided his wealth into seven parts. Keeping one part for himself and gifting one part to his only son, he set up five trusts for future male heirs; his direct linear descendants. The J.S. Morgan Company, which would later become the J.P Morgan Investment Company was chosen as the investment manager for these five trusts and given free rein to invest the assets as they deemed prudent. Jason Hawke was the sole beneficiary of the last of those trust funds. However, you would never know it based upon his life style. Always dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, in school he was not considered a prime catch. He was below average height at five feet seven inches tall and weighed no more than one hundred thirty-five pounds. He was a good-looking kid, with fashionably long dark brown hair and a relatively dark complexion that came from his Native American heritage. A very good student, he finished in the top five of his high school graduating class and graduated with highest honors from the University of Arizona with a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree in American History. Jason's passion was the history of Arizona and of its early inhabitants. Although not pursuing a doctorate degree, he was a constant visitor at the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records Department. For the last several weeks, Jason had been following the correspondence of three historians from the early twentieth century pertaining to the Hohokam Indians, one of the earliest known inhabitants of the Valley of the Sun, dating back to the time of Christ. The Hohokam had settled the land between the Salt and Gila Rivers and had built the most complex system of irrigation in the New World. They were farmers who lived mostly on the food they grew and the meat from small game that they hunted. Based upon the artifacts that they left behind, their civilization thrived for nearly fifteen hundred years and then vanished. The discussion was what had caused them to leave. The most common cause was thought to be the Great Drought from 1276 to 1299 followed by a major flooding event in 1358 that destroyed their irrigation system. Two of the three historians held fast to that belief, but one had a different and extremely controversial belief. He claimed that, according to his great grandfather who lived with the Pima Indians for over a year, there was an oral history of the existence of a fierce tribe of warriors called the Amazonians that had swept down from the Superstition Mountains and had wiped out the Hohokam before the flood. 'What if that were true', Jason thought. 'Wouldn't it be something if I could find actual evidence of a lost tribe; one that has never been heard of before?' Chapter One: The Search Begins Jason spent hours every day in the Arizona State Achieves pouring through ancient documents on microfiche pre Arizona statehood. These documents included personal journals, personal first hand historical views of historical events and the daily lives of ordinary people. After the first month, he was beginning to become discouraged. He recognized the fact that he was becoming sloppy in his research and decided to take a break. A vacation would clear his head and help him to refocus. For the next week, he spent his days on the beach in Acapulco and his nights in various clubs watching other young adults having a good time. On his last night in Acapulco, he was wandering the streets with no particular destination in mind, when he turned a corner and came face to face with a tall beautiful woman and struck up a conversation with her. "If you're looking for a unique experience, I suggest you go to the club across the street." Jason looked at the front of the brightly lit building. The sign over the door read 'Noches Extra�as Club de Caballeros' - Strange Nights Gentlemen's Club. She handed him a card entitling him to a free drink and continued her walk down the street. Throwing caution to the wind Jason crossed the street and entered the club, paying the cover charge to the scantily clad woman at the door. The room was dark. Jason could see about twenty figures sitting at the various tables that occupied the space in front of the stage. Being the kind of person who always gravitated to the back of a crowd, he found a seat at the bar and asked for a Modelo Especial. When the music began, he turned his chair around and watched as a dancer appeared on the stage. Jason was not a prude, nor was he a virgin, but he was not prepared for anything like this. On stage was a dancer, naked from the waist up and wearing what amounted to a loincloth. This, in and of itself, did not shock Jason, it was more or less what he expected; it was the body of the dancer that shook him to the core. There, on the stage, was a living representation of what he had pictured in his mind that a member of his lost tribe, the Amazonians, would look like. Exceptionally tall for a woman, with an oval shaped face, highlighted with high cheek bones, dark eyes and a dark complexion with luxuriously long straight nearly black hair. Her obviously powerful physique captured his imagination. Her shoulders were wide, capped with well-defined muscles; her chest was well developed, topped with obviously enhanced round globes, which appeared to defy gravity. Her waist was narrow which served to enhance the movement of her generous hips. She displayed a much-defined set of abs and with well-muscled legs she pranced across the stage. As she turned her back to the audience, she wiggled her solid looking and very prominent backside. Jason wasn't sure that she was a woman until she dropped her loincloth, and then there was no doubt. At the same instant a young man, no more than twenty-one years old to Jason's untrained eye, was brought onto the stage and shoved towards the dancer. The dancer turned towards her completely naked prey and slowly stalked him. It appeared to Jason that he has under some sort of spell, because he just stood perfectly still, as if, by remaining stationary he would be invisible to her. When she had moved within reach, he finally sensed the danger he was in and turned to run. Too late, she pounced on her prey, dragging him down to floor of the stage, which Jason only now realized was covered in a thin vinyl covered mat. The dancer quickly wrapped her powerful arms around his chest and began to squeeze. Soon Jason could see her prey's face slowly turning a darker shade of red, until it almost appeared to turn purple due to the lack of oxygen. When he appeared to go limp, she released her grip, turned him face down onto the mat, and climbed onto his back with her knees straddling his chest. Grabbing his hair, she yanked his head back as far as it would go and then with a dramatic movement, reached to her nonexistent belt and pulled what everyone in the audience assumed was a knife. The warrior, she was no longer a dancer to Jason, after proudly displaying her weapon to the audience, proceeded to drag it across his exposed neck from ear to ear. With a frightful war cry, she released his head, which dropped face first to the mat, and stood over her vanquished foe. The warrior stepped back and allowed her prey to recover. As he slowly got to his feet, she stood assessing his condition and to Jason's eye, his slowly deflating erection. She turned briefly to the audience, smiled a wicked smile and pointed to herself. Her jester and attitude was left to the audience to interpret; but to Jason, she was saying I did that, he belongs to me, and this is now for my pleasure. Before he could mount a woefully inadequate defense, she attacked him once again. The warrior quickly grabbed him under an arm and easily tossed him across the stage. She raced to his prone body, lifted him to a standing positon and repeated the maneuver in the opposite direction. This time she slowly and, almost seductively, crossed the stage, confident that her prey was all but defeated. She repositioned his motionless body on to his back, his arms splayed outward as if nailed to a cross in the center of the stage, parallel to the audience. Jason watched, mesmerized by her combination of beauty and power, as she slowly stood over her prey, with her feet on either side of his head, looking down at his elongated body. She slowly lowered herself to her knees, effectively trapping his arms as she leaned forward and took his now complete deflated member into her deadly grip. With practiced efficiency, she began to stroke him. It didn't take long before his member filled with blood extending several inches beyond her hand. At the same time, she lowered herself over his face and began to gyrate, using his face for her pleasure. Faster and faster, her hand traveled along his erection as she pressed herself harder onto his face. Her face was serene in a state of absolute bliss when he began to desperately try to move her off his face and began to kick his legs indicating that he couldn't breathe. In less than a minute, two events occurred in rapid succession; the first, his essence came shooting forth, like a geyser, and two, all other motion ceased. For a minute, they both lay perfectly still and then the warrior rolled off her prey and slowly stood over him, nudging him with her foot until he too began to stir. Offering him her hand, she hauled him onto his very unstable legs and held him as they both turned to the audience and preceded to bow. Money was thrown on the stage by appreciative spectators, which he dutifully picked up. With one final bow, both performers left the stage. Jason was suddenly aware of someone standing next to him. He turned back towards the bar, coming face to face with a pair of very enticing breasts. When his glance moved upwards, he recognized the woman from the street. "You were so enthralled with the performance, that I didn't want to disturb you until it was finished. Do you mind if I sit here, I'm not scheduled to perform for another half an hour? Buy me a drink?" Without hesitation, he signaled for the bartender. "Carlos, my usual," she said. Moments later Carlos brought her a Modelo. The expression on his face must have given away his surprise as to what she was drinking. "Don't be so surprised. First of all, this is my normal drink. I was checking you out, to me you look like a fellow college student and I'm sure you're not made of money. With a high roller, I'm expected to order a glass of some ridiculously expensive Champagne, which I really don't even like." Before she sat, he checked out her costume and her body. In both cases, she was the equal or a step above the previous performer. "I see you really like my body," she said indicating the sizable lump running down his thigh. Jason could feel his face turning bright red from embarrassment as she smiled at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I take it as a compliment. You seem to really like athletic women, women with muscles, powerful dominating women. Are you going to stay for my act?" "I wasn't really planning to stay here this long but ... ." "Please, I would really like for you to see me." "Alright, how can I refuse a beautiful warrior like you?" "What did you like most about the other girl's performance?" "Well, as I was watching the part where she kills her opponent, I couldn't help thinking that she is exactly how I pictured the ancient female warriors of the lost tribe of Amazonians that I'm researching; I'm hoping to prove that they actually existed." Suddenly he watched the smile fade from her face, replaced by an expression of concern. "Really, that's the topic I plan to do my thesis on. I believe that they existed somewhere in the area near Mesa. My name is Maria, give me your address and maybe we can exchange notes." She took one long last pull on her beer and after placing the bottle back on the bar said to Jason, "come, I think you'd better leave now. Individuals sometimes find themselves becoming part of the act. I wouldn't want that for you. Come, I'll walk you to the door." She placed her arm over his shoulder and practically dragged his body off his chair and ushered him towards the door. "I'll be in touch." Chapter Two: The Hunt Continues Jason returned to the archives and continued his search with a renewed enthusiasm. It was going well, but as each day passed with no word from Maria, he began to slip back into a state of despair. Two weeks later, as he was sorting through his mail, he spotted it. The ordinary business envelope addressed to him with no return address postmarked three days earlier from Tuscan. Tearing it open, he quickly scanned the single sheet of paper. 'Jason, still on the hunt? Look for the journal of Samuel Strong. Good Luck, Maria' Jason was both elated and frustrated. He had hoped for more of a personal interaction with her. Apparently, she did not wish to converse with him, that any correspondence between the two would be one way only. After a long sleepless night, he returned to the archives and started his search for Samuel Strong and his journal. Two hours later, he was given access to a file room, which held old documents recorded on film that were still awaiting funding to allow them to be digitized. He carefully scrolled through the several films, scrutinizing each document; approximately half way through the file box, he hit pay dirt - 'The Journal of Samuel Strong.' June 6, 1892 'My name is Samuel Strong, I am fifty-three years old, still in relatively good health, but I want to get these experiences out of my head and onto paper, because on paper they exist.' Jason began to skim through the first twenty pages, about how he came to the 'New Mexico' Territory and how, along with about 120 Confederate Cavalrymen, road into the small settlement of Tucson and declared it the capital of the western district of the Confederate Arizona Territory. Samuel was among a squad of confederate soldiers scouting the extreme western area of the district when a group of Union Calvary soldiers attacked them at Picacho Pass. A fierce battle took place in the thick mesquite and arroyos lasting over ninety minutes. As nightfall settled over the area, the confederates, fearing Union reinforcements, retreated back to Tucson, thus ending the only skirmish in the Arizona Territory. Soon after, the Confederate troops retreated from the territory altogether and re-grouped in Texas. All that is, but one. 'I was dam sure that the Confederacy was doomed and I pledged to myself that I was not going to go down with it. Anyway, it wasn't my fight. They chose me, not me them. I headed north from Tucson, finding work on a small farm near the Salt River. I worked there for basically room and board for the next twenty-five years, then the lure of riches became too strong and I joined up with a mining company that was prospecting for gold in the nearby Superstition Mountains.' Jason's attention was suddenly refocused fully on the next entry in the journal. 'For the next year, myself and six other men toiled in the mountains during the extreme weather, digging a hole about two hundred feet into the side of one of the peaks. It was backbreaking work. Especially for me since at the age of forty-nine I was nearly twice as old as the others. 'One morning, before starting our day in the mine, our foreman, Zeke, told me to take the wagon into town and pick up our weekly supplies. I was always the one who would have to pick up the supplies. I thought it was because Zeke liked me, but my best friend Willie told me that the real reason Zeke sent me rather than one of the others was because he got twice the amount of work out the other guys, so losing me for the entire day was no great loss. That didn't bother me too much; I knew it was true; therefore, I couldn't blame him. "I hitched up the horses and got ready to go. The last thing that Zeke said to me was, 'and don't stop at the saloon before you come back.' "Little did I know that those words would be the last words that Zeke would ever say to me. I started out at a leisurely pace and had just made the turn out of our camp, just around a small outcropping of rock, when I heard a great deal of shouting and gun shots. The trail was too narrow for me to turn around so I stopped, jumped off the wagon, and ran back to the outcropping. Peering around the side, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There must have been about twenty of them. They were on foot and swarming over the hopelessly out numbered miners. Most of the miners were unarmed, their pistols were still in their tents, only Zeke appeared to have his gun but he quickly ran out of bullets, having never hit any of them. They were Indian warriors for sure. Each was naked from the waist up, only wearing a loincloth and moccasins. Most had their knives drawn and were ganging up on the individual miners. I watched helplessly as one of the warriors wrestled my best friend Willie down to the ground, his face pushed hard into the dirt as his attacker sat on his back. With one hand the warrior removed his knife from its sheath and with the other took a fist full of Willie's hair and cut his throat from ear to ear." Jason sat back in his chair, awe struck at the similarities to the performance he had witnessed only a few weeks before in Mexico. Could they be related? "One by one each of the miners was killed the same way, all that is, except Zeke. He was subdued by at least three of the warriors and held on the ground until the killing was over. Then the apparent leader of the warriors walked up to where he was lying and commanded that he be stood up. Now Zeke was a big man, I had to look up to him when we spoke, so he had to be about six feet tall. When he stood, coming face to face with the leader, they were eye to eye. But that was where the similarities ended. Zeke was a thick man, broad shouldered, with a thick middle. The warrior leader was lean and hard, with thickly muscled arms, long muscular legs, and, I swear to God, the nicest set of teats that I ever saw. She was not a man as I had assumed at first, but a beautiful, vicious woman and so were the rest of them. "She stood in front of him, looking him up and down, apparently trying to decide what to do with him. With a slight nod of her head, the two warriors on either side of Zeke seized his arms. Zeke was momentarily distracted and never saw the leader's fist crushing the side of his jaw. Before Zeke could fall to the ground, the leader put her shoulder into his belly and hoisted him onto her shoulder with little effort. A war-like shout came from the rest of her warriors as they celebrated their complete victory and the claiming of their prize. Then as the leader and several of her warriors turned and disappeared deeper into the surrounding hills, the rest of their group scavenged the area for anything of value to them. "I didn't dare hang around any longer. I wasn't sure if they had seen me leave the camp or not but I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I only had my pistol and six extra bullets, even if I killed one warrior with each bullet, I'd run out of bullets before I ran out of targets. I ran back to the wagon and drove those horses as fast as I dared until I got out of the mountains. "When I finally got to town, I went directly to the sheriff's office; unfortunately he was out of town for the day and was not expected to return until night fall. Still shaken to the core, my next stop was the saloon; sorry Zeke, I needed a couple of belts to settle my nerves. It ended up being more than a couple; by the time the sheriff got back and was told where to find me I had finished half the bottle. 'I told him what had happen and how that the only one still alive as far as I knew, other than me, was Zeke and that he had been taken away. When I told him about the warrior party, that they were all beautiful women, a sort of smirk came to his face. "You sure they were women? Maybe the whisky is clouding your memory." 'Of course I'm sure, I'm nowhere near drunk enough to erase the memory of what I saw. They were women, large muscular women, with teats. Come on we have to go after them, to rescue Zeke and avenge my friends.' 'We're not going anywhere. It's already getting dark; by the time we get there, it will be pitch dark. I'm not dragging out a posse, even if I could find enough men willing to go up into those mountains, to bring back six bodies, which in all likelihood are already being devoured by coyotes. And as far as Zeke is concerned, if they are as vicious as you say, he's probably already dead and maybe, someday, someone will stumble upon his remains. If I were you, I wouldn't repeat this story about female warriors killing your friends; you'll only be laughed at. Now sober up and get out of here, this is a peaceful town and I don't want any drunken miners causing trouble here.' "The next day I took the wagon and headed out of town, back to the farm I had worked at before. There I was told about a project that had just started. Some guy had discovered the remains of an ancient irrigation system and was determined to restore it, to bring water from the Salt River to the rest of the desert, bringing with it the means for turning unproductive desert land into farm and grazing land. "I thought he was nuts, but it was a way to make some money and to keep alive so I signed on." Jason scanned the rest of the journal; it contained interesting stories about life in the Valley before the coming of the Twentieth Century, but nothing new about the lost tribe. That was all right with him, he now had a time frame and a general location, and he was a lot closer to achieving his goal. He wished he could thank Maria for her tip and tell her that he was now going to be doing some exploring in the Superstition Mountains, but she had never made contact with him again so he had no way to tell her. Chapter Three: Into the Mountains Jason's first task was to try to pinpoint likely sites for a tribe of warriors to live. Armed with the general description of the area that the Hohokam Indians had settled and irrigated nearly two thousand years before and Samuel's journal describing his ordeal in the mountains and his subsequent labor to rebuild what the Hohokam had left behind, he opened his well-worn map of the of present day Mesa and Apache Junction and the tiny village of Gold Valley, and targeted his first site to explore. Driving from his apartment in Tucson, he reached the trailhead of the Hieroglyphic Trail at about one o'clock. The parking lot was nearly full, which meant that there would be many people on the trail. As he made his way up the nearly mile and a half of relatively easy hiking, the number of people on the trail confirmed his first impression. This was a very popular trail for beginners and families and his lost tribe was not going to be located near this trail. There were some interesting petroglyphs depicting hunters and various types of animals and cave-like structures, which were encouraging, but it wasn't until he reached the end of the trail that his spirits soared. Here at the end of the trail, after a more difficult climb over rocky terrain, he discovered a flowing spring and a waterfall forming a relatively large pool at its base. 'Just perfect for the lost tribe of warriors to bathe in or to replenish their drinking water,' he thought. However, as he looked around, he could see no place for the once thriving community to have made their camp. As he stood on the rocks behind the free flowing spring, he glanced to the east. Here was very rocky terrain, with much more difficult climbs. It would not be something that the average hiker on this trail would attempt. He stayed at the spring taking in the view of the Valley of the Sun; he tried to imagine what those warriors must have thought about that most inhospitable landscape and what they would think of it now with over five million inhabitants in the Metro-Phoenix area alone. Not to mention what they would think of the jet airliners gliding in for a landing at Sky Harbor International Airport in the distance. When he had seen enough, he joined the rest of the hikers as they slowly proceeded down the trail back to the trailhead. Even accounting for the time he spent at the spring the entire hike took less than two hours, but if he included his travel to and from his apartment each day his entire travel time would be nearly six hours, wasting entirely too much daylight time. He had to find a base of operations closer to this location. After he got back to his car and as he was leaving the parking lot, he noticed a large house being built on a rise that he was sure overlooked the trail. The builder had, optimistically, placed a for sale sign at the foot of the road leading to the house. Making note of the phone number to call, he resumed his long drive home where he made his call. One of the advantages of being filthy rich is that you can make spur of the moment purchases without giving it a second thought. It took less than two weeks for him to become the proud owner of the only permanent residence on Open Sky Road. From his rear window, he could see the Trail as it snaked its way into the Superstition Mountains. Better still, he was less than one hundred yards from the trail itself, an easy hike down to the trail. The house was huge, far more space than he needed, and his apartment furniture looked lost in the big rooms. There would be time later to have the house professionally decorated. Now he had to prepare for his first venture off the trail and into the rugged bolder filled landscape east of the trail. Dressed in a long sleeved shirt, a pair of heavy jeans, a pair of heavy-duty hiking boots and a wide brimmed hat and carrying a large backpack, he set out at first light. Even at this early hour, he encountered several hikers. He was sure they thought he was entirely over dressed for the trail. Jason didn't care, he knew he was dressed properly for what he was about to do. When he reached the spring, instead of stopping to admire the local flora and the impressive giant saguaro cacti, he continued past the spring and headed east making his own trail across the face of the mountain. The going was extremely slow. Several times he nearly lost his footing, which, if he had, would have probably cost him his life. He knew his destination, it was about a mile east of the spring; it was the last of a series of deep valleys, sheltered from the direct rays of the merciless Arizona sun. He finally reached the crest that overlooked the valley below when the sun began to set. It was here that he would spend the night. Jason removed his backpack, took out his sleeping bag, removed his boots, his jeans and his shirt, and stuffed them into his backpack. His dinner consisted of two protein bars and half of his remaining water. He had about six feet of level ground between him and the valley below so wandering around after dark was out of the question. Moving off to the side, away from his campsite, he took care of his personal needs, returned to his sleeping bag, and crawled in for the night. The last thing he did was zip himself in, thus making it harder, but not impossible, for creatures of the night to enter. As he gazed up at the clear nighttime sky, he was amazed at the infinite number of stars that he could see. He was far enough away from the city lights to be able to see stars that he had never seen before. "Is this what it was like when you walked this area?" he wondered out loud. That night he dreamed of Maria, the warrior dancer, and Samuel's tale in his diary. His dream weaved all these facts into a tale so vivid that at one point he was sure that Maria was standing over him. The next morning, he rose with the sun and, after taking care of business, dressed and walked the rim of the valley, searching for a way down to the floor below. He had just about given up hope of getting down there when he heard a voice that seemed to be coming from below. The floor of the valley was filled with what looked like Mesquite trees that blocked his view of the ground below. 'If there are that many trees down there, then there must be a source of water as well.' He continued to stare at the vegetation below, when suddenly a human form appeared briefly through the trees, but then just as quickly disappeared again. Jason ducked down removed his back pack and stretched out onto the ground, just his head sticking out over the edge. Try as he might he couldn't see the image of the person that he was sure he had seen before. He was so intent on the task at hand that he never heard the two people who snuck up behind him, one taking his backpack, the other standing directly over him. Jason sensed rather than saw that he was no longer alone. He quickly turned, in the process losing his hat over the edge. What he saw he could not quite comprehend. There standing over him was not just one but two female warriors, naked from the waist up, just as he had envisioned them in his dream. Both were beautiful and both appeared to be angry. One reached down and yanked him to his feet, pushing him forward, indicating that he should follow the one that led the way carrying his backpack. About a third of the way around the western edge of the rim, there appeared a steep path, which led down to the valley floor below. It could not be seen from the eastern or northern side of the rim because it descended within a deep fissure in the rock wall. It could be seen from the south if you could get there; he was reasonably sure that no one ever had; the climb was excessively steep. It was the perfect hiding place. Then it struck him, 'these are the actual descendants of the lost tribe, the Amazonians'. When they reached the bottom Jason looked around, the valley was not wide, probably less than five hundred feet across, but it was completely covered with ancient mesquite trees all trying to reach the sunlight above; existing at all due to the water that was running from a cave near the center of the valley wall into a series of irrigation ditches which brought the life giving water to not only the trees, but the gardens that had been planted among the trees. Nearly the entire valley floor was flooded. Pushing him forward once again, they continued down a path that ended in front of a small cave. One of the warriors entered the cave while the other stood guard over their prisoner. After a few minutes two women emerged from the cave, one was the warrior with his backpack, the other was a woman with flowing red hair. Although she was built like the others he had seen, she looked entirely different. "Come, welcome to my humble home." Jason was shocked, this woman spoke perfect English. He entered her cave, as he passed the warrior who held his backpack; the warrior shoved it into Jason's chest. The red head turned suddenly and with a voice as chilling as Jason had ever heard, she rebuked the warrior. What shocked Jason almost as much was the fact that he understood what she had said. "Please forgive her rudeness; our people are not used to being spied upon by those from the outside world, especially white men. Please sit and relax, we mean you no harm. What is your name?" "Hawke, Jason Hawke." Jason paused for a moment and then asked in the language of his ancestors. "And what is your name?" He could see the look of astonishment come to her face, which slowly turned to a broad smile. "You speak our language? My birth name is Soaring Eagle but my white man's name is Anna." "I spent a year with my grandmother taking care of her until she passed. It was she who taught me the language of her ancestors, the Pima Indians. I'm afraid I've forgotten much of the vocabulary that she taught me, basically because I had no one to converse with." "I will teach you what you need to know. Did your grandmother teach you the name that the Pima people called themselves? In their own language, the Pima people called themselves Akimel O'odham, which means "river people." "Anna or should I call you Soaring Eagle? How did you learn to speak English?" "Please call me Anna. It's a long story, basically, one child from each generation is chosen to live with the white man, attend his schools and learn his ways. At the age of thirteen, she is brought back to the village and assumes her position of High Priestess. I was born different, the elders and Priestess at that time decided that the Great Spirit had chosen me to be the one. I spent the next thirteen years with a special family who live on the Gila Reservation. I attended elementary school in South Phoenix until I graduated from eight grade; then, one night, two warriors from our village came to take me home. I grew up speaking both the Pima language and English." "Why?" "We may be, in your eyes, savages; but I assure you, we are well aware of the world around us. We just choose to live as our ancestors did, free of the worries and concerns of the material world. Our only concerns are our day-to-day living wants and needs. We all work together for our common good and only wish to be left alone. I have to ask; why were you spying on us?" "I wasn't actually spying on you; it was more like looking for you. I was born with a great need to learn about the past. In school, I excelled in history. I especially loved the study of the history of the State of Arizona. I majored in the study of American History and got my master's degree in American History with a concentration in the history of the West. I have always been fascinated with the stories of the Hohokam peoples, how they settled here over two thousand years ago and then after nearly fifteen hundred years suddenly vanished. I discovered through my own research that there was one historian nearly one hundred fifty years ago who didn't believe the theory that the Hohokam vanished due to extreme drought and then a great flood. He was convinced that a war party of a lost tribe wiped out the farmers of the Hohokam before those two events. I wanted to discover the remains of that lost tribe. Little did I know that I would find the remnants of that tribe still living among us." "I see. And what are your intentions? Are you going to write about us? Tell the world about us? I can't allow that. I'm afraid that now that you are here among us, you are going to have to remain here." "I don't want to leave. I want to live here with you, learn about your ways, your history, and your culture. This is a unique opportunity, a once in a life time chance to truly learn something that has long been forgotten and lost." "I am very pleased to hear that; but, I will still have to post a guard outside the cave, at least for a while, to insure that you don't have a change of heart." Anna, visibly more relaxed, began to stand but then sat this time with cross legs directly in front of him. Jason's gaze almost involuntarily dropped to her loincloth, which had shifted allowing him to get a good look at her womanhood. Jason immediately refocused his attention back to her face. Her knowing smile told him all he needed to know; he could feel the heat of embarrassment as his face turned red. "Don't be embarrassed, it's natural, you are a man and I am a woman; since the beginning of time there has always been an urge to propagate the species. I was just testing to see how strong it was in you. If my nudity bothers you, I can wear something less revealing." "No, please don't. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to get used to seeing very scantily dressed, beautiful young women and that when I do I'm going to have to maintain my self-control." "I'm glad that you think of us as beautiful; some in the past have not. It will make your task a lot easier." "My task?" "Not now, it's not time yet. Come, I have to introduce you to the rest of the tribe. But first, maybe we should get you properly dressed. I want you to make a good impression. Take off your clothes. "All of them?" "Yes, including your boots and socks." After a few minutes of sorting through a small pile of what looked, to Jason, like small animal skins, she handed him one saying, "Here put this on, it ties on your hip." Jason had already shed his boots and outer clothing, everything except his underwear. Standing directly in front of her, he took what she had handed him and held it up in front of him. "I can't wear only this. I'll be practically naked." "Of course you can, we do. Please, put it on, for me." Jason, shrugged his shoulders surrendering to her will, allowed his briefs to drop to the ground and wrapped the animal skin garment around his body. As he was tying it on his hip, he became aware of Anna's intense scrutiny of his body. "A little soft, but six moons with us should build you up nicely," There was a tone of approval and a hint of sexuality in her voice. This was not lost on Jason. As he stood across from her, his eyes took in her beauty. Her eyes were dark, nearly black, but with tiny slivers of gold running through them. Her lips were generous, almost begging to be kissed. The oddity of her red hair, which riotously framed her face, suggested an unbridled passion ran just below her cool composed surface. He truly desired this woman. He hadn't been with a woman since his junior year in college. His then girlfriend couldn't hold a candle to this woman; she had been soft, a little on the curvy side and, unfortunately for him, not very passionate. Before he was even aware of it, he was fully erect, his loincloth draped like a tent over it. The look of awe that came to her face and the direction of her gaze brought him back to the present. He followed her gaze and was horrified and embarrassed. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he said as he quickly turned his back to her. "I think it would be wise for you to put your underwear back on. We wouldn't want to frighten everyone now would we?" When Jason had recovered his composure, Anna led the way out of the cave. They made their way around the perimeter of the valley. Every twenty feet or so, Anna would pause and say. "And here is the entrance of one of our resident caves." Jason stood and search as he might, he could not find the opening; all there appeared to be was a shallow indent in the rough interior wall of the valley. At their third stop, Jason finally spoke up. "Anna, I don't see the entrance; it all looks so natural and undisturbed." "That's what you are supposed to see. Our ancestors were truly gifted. Come follow me." She took him right up to the entrance. From this close, he could see that the indent was only part of the entrance; once in the enclosure, he had to make a sharp left turn, take a step and turn left again and after one more step, forward the entrance to the cave was on his right. "That's far enough; we don't want to disturb anyone." "Anna, that's ingenious; why isn't your cave's entrance like this?" "Mine must have been the first one dug. They realized their mistake and corrected it on the others. I, as the Priestess, take that cave. I am the best equipped to deal with intruders. I can say I dropped out of society and wish to live a life as my ancestors did. Hopefully that would be enough to deter more than just a cursory inspection around the valley. If not, the other warriors will handle the situation as they have always done in the past. Come, let's continue. About half way around the valley, they encountered another person. This woman appeared to be older than Anna, although still muscular, her body was not as tight or defined and her breasts although larger than Anna's had begun to feel the effects of father time and gravity, but only slightly. Anna greeted her respectfully, after a brief discussion, turned, and introduced Jason. "Jason, this is Starry Sky." Jason smiled at the still very attractive older woman, then turned to Anna and asked, "May I?" With a nod of her head and a smile on her face she said in her native language, "Of course." Jason turned to the older woman and in formal Pima said. "My name is Jason. I am very pleased to meet you. You are a noble woman." A look of astonishment crossed the woman's face, followed closely by a radiant smile and what only could be interrupted as a triumphant war cry. Moments later they were surrounded by nearly a dozen other women, most appeared to be the same age as Anna, two were about the same age as the woman, and one appeared to be old enough to be her mother. All were dressed in only a loincloth and all were strikingly beautiful, even the oldest. They all listened as the woman shared her experience and indicated that Jason spoke their language. Some of what they said Jason could not understand but from what he could, he knew that he had made a good impression. Jason turned to Anna. "Is this everyone? "No, there are two sentries at the southern end of the valley, and the two you met this morning above us on the rim. I'll explain more later, but these represent three generations of our people." After biding those assembled a goodbye, Jason and Anna continued their travels. "This is the entrance to our kitchen and stores room. We normally eat twice a day, you missed breakfast, dinner will be when the sun begins to set. If you are hungry, I'm sure I can find you something to eat." "No, I'm fine for now; I have food in my backpack, I can eat later." They walked for about one hundred yards down the opposite side of the valley when Anna stopped again. "In this cave are the drinking water pools and the community baths. And, no, they are not one and the same. There is an underground stream that feeds the drinking water pool; that pool's water continues over a short fall that spills into the community bath. I'll have to make special arrangements for you; we wouldn't want things to get out of control." She said with more than a hint of laughter in her voice. As they stood there, the water that was flowing out of a fissure in the rock wall and into the irrigation system for the valley floor ceased flowing. Before he could question her, Anna said. "We flood the valley floor once a month for the trees. We need the trees for shade and to hide our existence here in the valley. Unfortunately, we can only do that once a month, any more frequently and the trees will begin to rot. We have to water our gardens by hand." They continued along the valley until they came to the next entrance. Like all of the others, this too, was nearly invisible to the eye. "This is the fertility cave. It is a sacred place for our people. Soon I will show you the inside; but not today." They walked to nearly the end of the valley when Anna stopped again. "This is the bathroom. For you, always check to see if there is anyone in here before you go down to the lower level, that's where you take care of your business. The upper level is just where you can wash up. That's it for the tour, let's go back to our cave and relax until diner. I'll answer any questions that you have, if I can." On their way back across the valley, Jason's mind was reeling. 'Who would believe that a civilization whose ancestors go back to before the Common Era could be living within a few miles of the fifth largest metropolitan area in the United States and no one knows about it.' When they got back to her cave, they sat on a couple of rounded boulders that made fairly comfortable seats. Jason reached into his pack and retrieved a protein bar, asking Anna if she wanted one as well. "No thank you. Please keep the trash in your bag. It wouldn't be good for anything like a wrapper to be found in the caves or out in the valley. It could only raise questions. Now do you have any questions for me?" "I have so many questions, that I'm afraid I've already forgot some of them. If I understood you correctly, counting you, there are seventeen of you. "That's correct; there are seventeen here." "What happen to all the men?" "We don't know. Obviously, there must have been men in the tribe at some point. However, over the years they seemed to have died off. We don't know why. The females seem to have evolved into a sort of hybrid. Our bodies have adapted to hard physical work, we easily develop muscle mass and can be extremely vicious if we have to be." "What about children? "We only seem to be able to have female children. None of us have ever seen a male child born in our village." "I mean, how do you have children, don't you need males to get pregnant and have children?" Jason suddenly had an epiphany. "Oh, ... ... ... .. OH!" "Let's not talk about that now. Earlier, I told you there were seventeen of us. That's not exactly true; there are two more, but they are not here." "If they are not here, where are they?" "Actually, you know where they were, and, in fact, you've already seen them. They were in Acapulco." "Maria?" "Yes and her sister, Carlita. Actually they are both my step-sisters." "Why aren't they here?" "It's a long story. I already told you that I was taken away shortly after my birth and brought to a foster home on the Gila Reservation. The story is, as far as I've been told, that a few weeks after I was born a set of twins was born here. The mother died during childbirth. Our people had never seen twins before; and being very superstitious, were fearful of the children. It was decided during a meeting of the elders that since everyone is born with good and evil in them, that it was only logical that one child must be good and one child must be evil. As proof of it, they said only a truly evil child would kill its own mother. The problem was that they could not tell which was which; therefore, they decided to send both children to the same foster home that I had been brought to. "We grew up as sisters; fiercely protective of each other. The twins had a bond with each other that I did not have and therefore they were extra protective of me. I can tell you that when we first started school I was made fun of because of my red hair. One day the twins witnessed several boys making fun of me. The next day at school, I noticed that each of the boys had black eyes and bruises on their faces. When we got home from school, Maria took me outside and told me that they had taken care of my problem and that I shouldn't be bothered by them ever again. However, if they did, I was to tell either one of my sisters immediately and that they would take care of the problem. "As we grew, it became apparent that we were different from the rest of the girls in school. We excelled in sports to the point that none of the boys could keep up with us. In addition, when we had a mandatory physical fitness test, we finished first, second and third in push-ups, pull-ups, the hundred-yard dash and the mile run. We were inseparable, but that all changed one night shortly after our eight-grade graduation. That night I was, as best as I can determine, given a powerful sedative. The next morning I woke up here, alone. The priestess that I would eventually replace taught me our language. She taught me all the things about our culture and traditions that I needed to know, things that even the others never learned." "If you know that I've been to Acapulco and have seen your step-sisters, then you must have a way to communicate with them." "I do; once a month one of them comes to see me." "Maria was the one who told me to be expecting you; so I had our sentries stationed closer to the trail. One followed you until you stopped for the night; then she came down to get me. I made sure you matched the description of you that Maria gave me and instructed the sentries to bring you here when you awoke in the morning." Jason sat quietly taking everything in; it was hard to believe that not even twelve hours had passed since he first arrived. Anna suddenly stood and announced, "Come, it's time for dinner; we don't want to be late." Taking him by the hand, she effortlessly hoisted him to his feet and led him to the dining area. In the dining area, eighteen small boulders were arranged in a circle. Each boulder had the hide of some unfortunate animal covering it. There were already about ten women present, standing in a line in front of the kitchen cave. One woman, presumably the cook, stood next to a large kettle, dishing out something from the kettle. A second woman, Jason recognized her as the older woman that he had met earlier, handed out chunks of some sort of bread. When it was Jason's turn he followed Anna's example, took a crudely formed metal bowl from a pile and an even cruder shaped spoon, and stepped forward in front of the cook. The cook smiled, looked over the rest of the line, and then gave him two large helpings of some sort of stew. Jason thanked her and proceeded to the other woman, Starry Sky, who gave him his bread; he thanked her as well and followed Anna to the seating area. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious to Jason, so he followed Anna's example and began to eat. There were chunks of meat, potatoes, corn and carrots in a thick brown stew gravy. The bread was a form of corn meal bread, coarsely ground, and delicious. "This is great," he told Anna. "I can't tell you what's in it, because I really never know. It could be lamb, it could be goat, or something that the hunters brought in. We never know; the way she cooks it; it tastes the same every night. No one ever complains. The last one that complained to her ended up losing her plate and nearly her life. It took three of us to pull the cook off of her." They ate in silence, but after dinner, they sat around and talked as a group, reliving the events of the day. Jason understood some of what was said and Anna provided clarification if there was something she felt he needed to know. As it began to grow dark, the bowls and spoons were collected, and the women began to leave. Anna grabbed Jason's hand and led him back to her cave. "We'll give the rest some time to use the bathroom before we go. I suggest you try to go now, otherwise, it's a long difficult trip in the middle of the night, even by the light of the moon." _____________________________ "Ok I think it's time to head over to the bathroom." Anna withdrew a small torch from its holder that had been carved into the wall and led the way. "We'll light it when we get to the bathroom; no sense having a mysterious light floating across the valley." After about a five-minute walk that, because of the nearly full moon, was fairly well lit, they arrived at the cave. "I'll wait out here and keep watch while you go." Then she reached into the waistband of her loincloth, pulled out a disposable lighter, and lit the small torch. "Use this so you can find your way around in there. When you've been here for a while, you'll know the lay out and will no longer need it. Why are you looking at me like that?" "A disposable lighter?" "What did you expect me to do; rub two sticks together? Rank does have a few privileges here. Occasionally, I have Maria bring me a couple. I have one and the cook has one. The rest of the tribe has to get a lite from the cooking fire or make their own. We can't afford to lose the skill of fire making altogether." Jason took the torch and entered the bathroom. On the back wall of the cave, he spotted the flowing water that ran across the back of the cave and then disappeared; and to his right he found a narrow opening, which he assumed, would lead to the toilet. As he walked through the opening, he discovered a spiral ramp that descended about five feet. When he reached the bottom he saw that the water from above formed a water fall which emptied into an inclined channel which continued across the back of the room and disappeared, apparently carrying the waste with it. A thick board across the channel formed a seat, so one could hang their butt over the seat and take care of business. To his right he found a holder for his torch and after tucking the front of his loincloth into his waistband, he stood off to the side and pulled out his cock. He had only just begun to pee when he became aware of someone standing right next to him. Startled at first he managed to stem his flow as he looked up into the eyes of one of the young warriors. There was a smile on her face; she seemed fascinated by his equipment. No longer able to hold off his flow, he sighed, closed his eyes, and began to relieve himself again. It was then that he felt a hand push his away and grasp his cock. She began to giggle as she held it, still at first, but soon began to aim his flow from side to side against the back wall. Her child-like innocence juxtaposed with her overt sexuality had a profound effect on his member. Soon the familiar feelings of him becoming erect started just as he finished peeing. He watched as she, seemingly disappointed that his stream had ended, tightened her grip and began to milk him in a futile attempt to start his flow again. Suddenly the joy left her face, only to be replaced by sadness, which turned to curiosity, and finally, to horror. She screamed, released him and ran up the ramp and out of the cave. When Jason could finally get control of himself, he straightened up his clothes, grabbed the torch and walked up the ramp. After placing the torch in another holder, he cleaned up and walked out of the cave. He found Anna leaning against the outside of the entrance, a knowing smile on her face. "I guess I don't have to ask you what happened down there. All of a sudden, I heard a scream and she came running out and headed that way towards her post as night sentry. All I heard her say was 'It's alive and growing.' Jason wait here, I'll be back in a couple of minutes and then, if you'd like, we can talk on our way back." On the way back, Jason told her that the woman just suddenly appeared. "She seemed fascinated by my anatomy. So much so that she decided to help me." "Jason, I'm sorry, I should have gone first to make sure the room was empty. As to her fascination, that is only natural. You are the first male that most of the tribe has ever seen up close. In addition, none of them, except for the four older ones, has ever seen a man's equipment. By tomorrow, yours will have taken on epic proportions and I will have two problems. One, keeping the older ones away from you, and two, getting the younger ones to participate in the ceremony." Chapter Four: The Sleeping Arrangements Jason looked around the cave. Off to one side was a large circle of dried grass, compacted down to about three inches thick. Next to it were several folded animal skins. That was probably where Anna slept; where was he going to sleep? Maybe in another cave he thought. Anna was outside talking to two women, when she was done, one of the women left, the other took up a guard post about ten feet from the cave. When Anna returned she went about the task of setting up her bed. She covered the dried grass with one of the animal skins, fur side up. It was larger than Jason had first thought because it covered the grass completely. She then placed the other skin, fur side down at one side of the bed. "There, all set. I suggest you strip down completely, since you've been in that pair of underwear all day. Let's give them a chance to air out. You'll have to wear them again tomorrow; unless you feel you can control yourself long enough to wash them," she said with just a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "But where am I going to sleep?" he asked. "With me, of course. I'll go outside and talk to the guard while you get into bed." Anna stayed outside for about ten minutes and then returned. "All comfy"? She said as she removed her loincloth, folded it and placed it on a rock near the bed. Jason couldn't help himself, he watched her silhouetted by the ambient light coming from outside the cave. Her lean, athletic form was sexually intoxicating, and his body reacted to the sight. "Okay, Jason, turn and face the wall, and point that thing elsewhere. I'll turn my back to you." She slipped into the bed and pulled the skin over their bodies. "Jason, you be good tonight, I promise that everything will change in a couple of days; the moon is almost full. Now try to get some sleep. Good night; sweet dreams." For Jason, it was a very restless night. During the times that he did sleep, he dreamt of Anna. Much later, he finally fell into a sound sleep, in his dream he was making love with Anna. Jason didn't know what brought him out of his dream, but he suddenly became aware that he wasn't alone in his bed, that he now had his arm draped over the body of a woman and that his erection was trapped between her thighs. Embarrassed, he tried to turn over. Anna quickly grabbed his wrist keeping him where he was. "Please don't, this feels wonderful. I've never slept with a man before. When I finally figured out what was sticking me in the butt and adjusted myself accordingly, I slept like a baby." Jason was in heaven. The warmth of her body, the smoothness of her skin, and the firmness of her arms and shoulders, was almost too much for him to stand. Almost without thinking, his hand sought out her petite breasts. Her nipples were erect as he gently rubbed his hands over first one and then the other, etching imaginary circles into his palms. Anna moaned softly and arched her back as the heat of desire engulfed her body. Almost involuntarily, Jason began to gyrate his hips, causing his still entrapped erection to slide between her thighs. "Jason, stop; please stop, we can't do this. You have to save yourself for the ceremony." Before he could mouth a rebuttal, Anna got to her feet, grabbed her loincloth and moccasins and ran from the cave. A short while later, she returned. "Jason, get dressed and come with me." In silence they crossed the valley under the canopy of the mesquite trees, along rows of cultivate soil, until they reached the other side of the valley. "This is the fertility cave that I told you about yesterday. Come, let's go inside." Pausing just inside the entrance, Anna retrieved a torch and with her lighter, ignited it. The light from the flickering flame danced across the walls and the interior took on an eerie glow. In the center of the floor was an elongated sand pit about eight feet across and twenty feet wide. Around the edge of the pit and against the walls of the cave, the floor was smooth stone. As she held the torch high, Anna pointed to the art that adorned the upper walls of the cave. The mural, which started on one sidewall, depicted scenes of animals, goats, sheep and coyote, all in the act of procreation. In each, the female was subservient, head down towards the ground, the dominant male mounting her from behind. This series of hieroglyphic art ran across both sidewalls; in each scene, the participants were facing towards the back of the cave. Along the back wall of the cave, the scenes changed. Reading from left to right, Jason observed a row of four men, each sporting an impressive erection, walking towards a group of kneeling women. The women were all facing away from the men, their heads on the ground, and their asses in the air awaiting the men. In the center of the back wall, was the final scene, one man and one woman, his hands holding her hips, obviously in the act of procreation, each participant's head raised towards the full moon above them. The same set of scenes started on the right side of the wall, again facing towards the center. "Now do you understand why I had to stop you before? I wanted you with all my being but I could not. This is the ceremony will take place tomorrow. It is how we have survived over the millenniums." Deep in thought, Jason asked a simple question, "How many?" "All of us, of course." "That's impossible. I am one man, even though I'm only twenty-four, I can't cum that many times in one night. I have never done it more than twice in one night and that was with my last girlfriend while I was still in school. We have to think of something. Does it have to be at the full moon or can it be spread out over a few days before and after the full moon?" "I will consult with the elders. Their decision will be the last word on the subject." "Assuming they will see the wisdom in your presentation. I could probably do four each night, the first couple will get the most from me, the last may get almost nothing, but the act will last longer." "Then I suggest that we do three of the young women each night and end with one of the older women." "Why include the older women at all? Do they still get their periods? Can they still get pregnant?" Anna looked confused. "What does one have to do with the other?" Jason suddenly realized that her sexual education had been minimal at best. He was uncomfortable doing this but she had to be taught, so he became her teacher. "A woman's reproductive cycle starts with the time when she bleeds, that is your body cleaning out your unfertilized egg and the preparations that were done for your pregnancy. That's usually three to five days, and then your body releases more eggs that have to mature before they can be fertilized. When your body senses that an egg has matured, it will release the egg, which travels towards your uterus. That happens about fourteen days into your cycle. In the meanwhile, your body is also preparing your uterus to accept the fertilized egg; it gets thicker and more blood gets absorbed into it. Finally, if the egg doesn't get fertilized your hormones drop and your body sheds the preparations it made and you start to bleed and the cycle begins again." "But that doesn't answer the question, at what age does a woman stop being able to get pregnant?" "That's the problem, I really don't know. With each woman it's different. A woman is born with a limited supply of immature eggs and releases them during her reproductive years. I've read that they normally run out of eggs by the time they reach the age of fifty; but it can be sooner. The chances of getting pregnant after the age of forty begin to decrease." "Alright then, only one of the women as far as I know, is over the age of fifty. Therefore, we should include everyone but her, except that, how is she going to feel about being left out, especially since she has the most sexual experience." "Alright," Jason said with more than a hint of frustration in his voice. "Everyone is included, but she goes last." "No, as Priestess, I go last." "Fine." "We will have to start tonight, and for the next four nights. Four each night and I will be on the last night by myself, unless you run into problems," she said with a sheepish grin on her face. "Let's go take a bath before breakfast, there shouldn't be anyone there this early." The sun was just beginning to cut through the darkness when they got to the bath. "Jason are you going to be alright if we bathe together? I want you to control yourself," she said as she removed her loincloth and prepared to enter the water. Take off your loincloth, put it next to mine and come in with your underwear on. You can rinse them out at the same time." Jason was already beginning to get hard again when Anna took his hand and walked him into the bath. It was deeper than he thought, the water was nearly up to his waist in the center of the pool, and a lot colder than he expected. Anna seemingly oblivious to the chill of the water dropped under the water for several seconds. When she resurfaced, she stood directly in front of him. To Jason, she had never appeared more sensual than at that moment, as the water cascade down her body, the cold water had excited her nipples, which were erect and pointing directly at his mouth, just begging to be sucked. Sensing the growing sexual tension between them, Anna put her hands on his shoulders as if she was going to embrace him, but as she lowered her mouth to his, instead of long sensual kiss, Jason suddenly found himself being dragged under the water, where Anna wasted little time in removing his underwear. "I'll take care of these, you rinse off. We don't have soap. Just use your hands and pretend that we do. These are cute; I didn't know they made them in black. Very convenient, they don't show stains. "Anna, how can you stand this water, it's ice cold," he said as he began to shiver. "This is nothing. Wait until next winter, that's when it really gets cold. The coldest temperatures were three moons ago. The sun is higher in the sky now and, although it still gets cool at night, the days are getting longer and the river, where it is above ground, warms up nicely. By summer, you will be wishing for this temperature just to cool off a bit. Come, that's good enough, let's go out and dry off." "I can't go out there naked." "Why not? First of all, there's no one out there now. It will just be me and you, and I've already seen everything. I must admit, it's a lot smaller right now." Jason looked down, sure enough, the cold water had reduced the size of his manhood, and his balls had retreated up into his body for whatever warmth they could find. "Hey, don't laugh. It's only temporary, you'll see." "That's why we have to go outside. I'll lay your underwear out in the sun to dry, while you warm up. If anyone comes along, you can just turn to face the sun." They both went outside naked and stood in the warmth of the morning sun. Surprisingly, Jason was able to maintain control over his sexual desires, and they talked and laughed like two nudists in a nudist colony, unaffected by the other's nakedness. "That's enough; we can get dressed and go get some breakfast. I can see a couple of people are already there." "Anna, I can't go yet, my underwear is still wet." "Don't be silly, of course you can; just don't think about it. You'll see how good it feels to have the air circulating around down there." At first, Jason felt a little self-conscious, but soon forgot about being naked under his loincloth and sat eating his breakfast. He was just about finished when he spotted a small group of women standing off to the side, waiting to get in line for their meal. He recognized one of the women, the one that was doing all the talking and hand gesturing. It was the woman from the previous evening in the bathroom, and from her hand gestures, he could tell she was telling the others about her experience. She stood in the middle of the group, her hands spread about four inches apart in front of her and then she spread them to six inches apart, then to eight, and finally to a foot apart. There was laughter coming from the group of women, all, that is, except for one; she was one of the elders and she was just staring in his direction, with a Mona Lisa like smile on her face. Jason leaned over to Anna and whispered, "I think I'd better get out of here, the story of last night's fiasco is already starting to spread," Nodding his head in the direction of the group of women, "I don't like how Starry Sky keeps staring at me." "I'll take care of her. You go get your underwear and I'll see you back at the cave." Jason did what Anna suggested and felt fortunate that he made it back to the cave without any other incidents. When Anna arrived, she found Jason sitting on a stone, writing in one of his notebooks. "What are you doing?" "I've started my journal. I don't want to forget anything. First impressions are very important." "Jason, you know I can't allow you to leave here with that journal. I'm not really sure if they will ever allow you to leave here. That will be up to the council." "I understand. I still want to document everything I can, because maybe someday, after all of us are long gone, someone might stumble across this valley, and hopefully find these journals, and they'll know the truth about your civilization, what a majestic people you were, and that I was here, living among you. That's all I can ask." "In a couple of hours, when the sun is at its highest, I have a meeting to go to. The elders will gather and I will explain just how the ceremony will take place. We've already determined that the number of participants will be four, consisting of three of the young women and one of the elders, who will be the last each night. I will be present the whole time and will assist you in any way I can. In the mean-time, I want you to rest." Jason continued to write in his journal until Anna had to leave. He took advantage of her absence and tried to take a nap. Although sleepy, he could not shut down his mind. He kept envisioning what the ceremony would be like and how he was going to be able to perform. Soon, however, he finally drifted off into a dream-filled sleep. When Anna returned she found him still sleeping. He was on his side; his loincloth was askew, revealing his erection in all its glory. "Jason, I don't think you are going to need much help tonight. I think that maybe I'll be needed more by the women." It was nearly dinnertime when Jason finally awoke, totally refreshed and extremely hungry. Anna was preparing to leave again. "You stay here; I'm going to get us something to eat. After we eat, we'll wait for the sun to go down and then head over to the fertility cave." Chapter Five: The Ceremony Begins As the light of day began to fade and darkness began to creep across the valley, Anna and Jason left the cave and headed for the ceremony. "When we get there I want you to go in and enter the small room on the right. I'll find out who the participants are going to be tonight and get them ready. Meanwhile you get naked and wait there until I call for you. Remember, this is a sacred ceremony, so please no talking. When they arrived at the site, Jason hesitated; it seemed everyone from the village was seated in a semicircle in front of the entrance; all eyes were glued on him as he made his way to the entrance and entered the cave. In the adjacent room, Jason removed his loincloth, placed it on a rock ledge and used it as a seat as he sat down and waited. Surprisingly, he was not erect; which only raised his anxiety levels even further. Would he be able to perform? Could he last throughout the night? Before he could answer these hypothetical questions for himself, Jason heard noises of activity coming from the main room, and whispered voices which Jason could not understand, but assumed to be Anna giving the participants final instructions. "Jason please come here." Rising slowly, Jason slowly approached the main room, like a condemned man approaching the gallows. As he turned the corner, he first spied Anna, standing solemnly against the far wall. Then his head turned to the right and there, on their knees, their heads resting on their hands, which were placed on the ground in front of them so that their asses were stuck up into the air, presenting themselves to him, were four of the most gorgeous bodies he had ever seen. Even the older woman's body was still extremely sexually desirable. Jason lost all feeling of anxiety in that instant. His blood surged through his body as his heart began to beat faster. Soon his erection had reached its full length, bobbing up and down as he approached the first woman. Jason's focus was so intense on the heart-shaped ass in front of him, that he almost failed to notice Anna, holding a small bowl. Standing next to him, she dipped her fingers into the bowl and then grasp his pulsating erection, spreading what appeared to be a gelatinous substance along the first five inches she grasped him softly and, with a sense of awe, spread the gel over the head and along his entire length. When she was satisfied, she stood and presented the first woman. In their native language, she said something that Jason translated as "she is ready and she is yours". Jason dropped to his knees behind her; placed his hands on her hips and guided his cock to her entrance. He encountered no barrier blocking her entrance, only an incredible tightness as he slowly entered her. He gave her an inch or two at a time; withdrawing a little only to advance further until she had all he had to give. Jason was in heaven. He hadn't been with a woman in nearly three years and had almost forgotten how good it felt to be joined in this most intimate of embraces. Knowing that this was her first time, he wanted her to enjoy it as well, but that was not the prime reason for this. There was no emotional attachment here, hell, he didn't even know her name, and all he knew was that her pussy grasp him like a firm hand almost refusing to let him escape its grasp. At one point, he glanced down and watched as her lips clasp tightly around his retreating erection almost pulling away from her body in an effort to maintain their grasp. He was not going to last too much longer. As much as he wanted to hold off the inevitable, it was only several minutes before he felt the first contractions of his orgasm. He ground his hips tightly against her, forcing himself deep inside of her as the first spurts of his essence came forth. As his orgasm slowly ended, he bent forward resting his upper body onto her back, his arms wrapped around her waist. He could feel her muscles contracting around him, milking his slowly wilting erection as if trying to empty whatever was left in him. Soon, Jason felt a hand on his shoulder urging him to get off her; reminding him that his task had only just begun. As he sat back onto his haunches, the woman turned, gave him a satisfied smile, got to her feet, and left the cave. Jason heard the sounds of a series of war hoops coming from the crowd outside. Jason stood, shuffled a couple of feet to his right, until he was directly behind the next woman and turned slightly towards Anna, who stood silently appraising his erection and his performance. Jason tried to read her expression, but could not. He hoped that she wasn't mad at him; after all, it was she who had brought him here, and she who had rejected his advances. She could not now hold this against him; could she? Before he could dwell on it, she came forward; dipped her fingers in the bowl again and grasped his growing erection in her hand again. Was it his imagination, or was she holding him a little longer than she had done the first time and a little longer than was necessary? When he was completely hard again, she stepped back and presented the second woman with the same words she had uttered before. This woman was nearly a carbon copy of the first. Her heart-shaped ass swayed slightly in an attempt to entice him, as if he needed any additional enticement. He entered her slowly, allowing her to get used to the feeling; but soon he was rhythmically thrusting in and out of her. By going second, she had the added benefit of imagining what it must have felt like for the first woman and was already sexually excited. Her body was responding to his assault and soon he felt her shudder with what he assumed was her first orgasm with a man. Knowing that she was as turned on as he was only encouraged him more. Although he had no way of knowing, he guessed that they had been going at it for at least ten minutes before he felt his balls tighten and he erupted for the second time that night. As he slowly came down from his orgasmic high, he backed out of her. He was shocked when she turned and embraced him, their lips locked in a toe-curling kiss. It took Anna pulling her away from him to break their embrace. The woman stood, looked over her shoulder at him with a look of gratitude as she left the cave. Once again, the assembled women raised their voices in triumph. Jason stood and moved behind the third woman, as Anna, with a small glob of gel in her hand, once again worked it up and down his growing length. The smile had left her face. What Jason read in her expression was a combination of lust and frustration. When she had him standing tall once again, she backed off and he assumed his position. The woman, at this point, needed no time to get used to being invaded. As soon as she felt his overly stimulated cock touch her lips, she forced her weight backwards, engulfing him to the hilt. This was going to be a good old-fashioned fucking. They both began thrusting, each unwilling to allow the other to gain control. Several times, they accidently lost contact with the other, with Jason immediately re-positioning himself. They went at it nonstop until Jason thought his heart would burst. Suddenly, he felt the tide of his orgasm rising, and with a guttery moan, he came for the third time that night. Smugly, the woman stood over him as he sat back, issued a triumphant war cry and left the cave. Jason looked over at Anna, as if pleading for her to cut this night short, but she just indicated that he had one more. He bowed his head resigned to the fact that he was not going to be able to avoid this final task. He stood, but before he could move behind the final woman, she turned to face him. It was Starry Sky, the woman who had been leering at him this morning. A cold chill traveled down Jason's spine. As Anna approached them, the bowl of gel in her hand, the woman turned to her and began to speak rapidly to her. Jason wasn't sure exactly what she said, but it appeared to have an effect on Anna, who stopped in her tracks, handed the bowl to the woman and turned and left the cave. In her native language, the woman began to speak to Jason. "I haven't had a man in over twenty years. I'm more than ready and we will do this my way." Reaching out she grasp his slowly wilting erection and began to run her strong hand up and down along his considerable length. As his cock returned to its full length she exclaimed, "My, I hope you know how to use this thing. The last man I had never really learned to make a woman happy. He lived with me for nearly a year, and by the time they took him away he was just getting the hang of it." She lay down on her back with her legs spread wide, inviting him to join her. Assuming she wanted him to enter her, he crawled up between her legs and was just about to move his throbbing erection between her lips, when he felt her strong hands grip his shoulders, steering his head, face first, towards her entrance. "Get that tongue of yours busy; I want to cum at least once before you impale me with that thing." Jason was almost relieved that his overused cock would get a little rest, as he began to run his tongue up one side of her pussy and down the other, for the time being skipping over her extended clit. "That's it, that's it, oh yes that's so good, it's been a long time since I've had my pussy eaten. Get that tongue in there, I'm getting close, that's it." She said as she forced his head harder against her body and began to gyrate. Her ass left the ground as she arched her back. Jason's nose was being smashed against her clit, making it extremely difficult to breathe. Just when he thought she would suffocate him, she eased off a little, adjusting him so that her clit forced itself between his lips. "Suck it, you skinny little bastard, suck it hard, make me cum." Fearing to do nothing less, Jason began to suck it hard, alternately, whipping the nearly two inch long hooded piece of flesh with his tongue until he thought that either his tongue would fall off or she would stuff his head completely inside. Suddenly he felt her stiffen, as her body began to jerk in uncontrollable spasms, until her grip on the sides of his head began to ease. When she finally regained control of herself she moaned, "Oh yeah, that was so good, it's been a long time since I've cum that hard. You passed the first test, now let's see if you're as good with your cock. Get up here and give it to me until I beg you to stop." Jason, feeling that he had little choice, moved up her body, between her powerful legs, until his rejuvenated cock was pushing at her entrance, and with just a little more pressure, slowly forced his nearly nine inches into her. Her eyes were wide open, a look of utter astonishment moved across her face. She may have been experienced compared to the younger members of the tribe, but she had never experienced anything this big before. It was long, thick, and seemingly, never ending. Now it became a battle of wills, as Jason began to piston himself in and out of her with little regard for her wellbeing. This was pure animalistic fucking. The only question was who was going to bend to the will of the other. Because he had already cum three times, it was not going to be Jason. He felt her body trembling, as her orgasms rocked her repeatedly until she let out a scream that seemed to bounce of the walls of the cave as Jason emptied himself into her. Her legs wrapped around his hips and over his ass in an attempt to hold him still as his body slowly ceased its own spastic movements. He lay motionless on her body, their breathing slowly returning to normal. Jason's mouth was positioned just over one of her breasts, which were larger than the younger ones but a little softer as well, the effects of motherhood and gravity taking their toll. He didn't know why he did it, he certainly could not go again anytime soon, but he found himself gently sucking on her hard-extended nipple. "Oh, please; don't get me started again, please; don't, you'll kill me for sure." She whispered into his ear. "You are truly a great lover, much better than the last one. Now let me up. I have to assure the rest of them that you did the deed." Having used up any reserved energy he had left, Jason just rolled off her, curled up into a fetial position, and fell asleep. The next thing he became aware of was Anna, leaning over him, lightly striking his cheek as she called his name. "Jason, wake up, we have to leave, and return home. You can't sleep here." She got him to his feet and out of the cave. He was still naked, but he didn't care, two of the women held him upright as a third put her shoulder into his stomach and hoisted him onto her impressive shoulder and carried him back to Anna's cave, while Anna retrieved his loincloth and straightened out the cave for tomorrow's ceremony. When she finally got home, she found him sound asleep, snoring lightly as she crawled into bed with him. "What were you doing with her? Jason," she said to him even though she knew he couldn't hear her. "I came back in and found you with your head between her legs, licking her as if she was a piece of candy. And doing it face to face, that's not how the ancient ones showed us to do it." It took a long time for Anna to fall asleep that night. Her mind was trying to process all that she had observed. As she held him tightly to her body, she prayed to the Great Spirit to give him the strength to complete the task ahead, and to give to her the ability and the wisdom to learn what to do about the feelings that were racing through her body. And her mind. For the next three days, Jason's routine was the same and far from routine. On the fifth morning, Jason could barely get to his feet. His body ached everywhere. He had come to the conclusion that having too much of a good thing was just as bad as having nothing at all. By the time that Anna returned to the cave with his dinner, Jason was in better spirits; only two more to go, one could be his grandmother, and the other was the woman for whom he was beginning to have deep feelings. As nightfall approached, they walked across the valley in silence, each deep in their own thoughts. The crowd had already gathered in front of the cave as Jason entered. He was surprised to find the cave empty. Instead of entering the alcove and waiting to be called, Jason removed his loincloth and returned to what he, in his own head, referred to as the alter. He was gazing at the illustrations on the walls and the story that they told when Anna walked in. "Running Deer is having second thoughts. She says that she does not want to waste any of your energy or essence on an old woman like her. I tried to tell her that it would be alright, but she wants to hear it from you." "Fine; I'll get her." He said as he walked past Anna and out into the night. Jason's cock was already showing signs of life as he scanned the gathered crowd. He soon spotted her sitting with two of the older women; Starry Sky was one of them. With only a slight bit of hesitation, he approached the group who were deep in conversation and did not notice him as he approached. He stood directly in front of Running Deer; his erection was now standing proudly in front of her, pointing directly at her face. "Come," was all he said as he extended his hand to her, helped her to her feet, and led her to the entrance of the cave. He let her enter first, following close behind her. As they passed Anna, who was standing with the bowl of lubricating gel, he said in a low voice, "please wait outside, I'll come out and get you when the time comes." Anna slowly nodded her head, placed the bowl on the ground and retreated from the cave. Jason turned from Running Deer and bent over to retrieve the bowl. When he turned back, he found Running Deer on her knees, her head resting on her hands, in anticipating his taking her. "Noble woman; that is the position of an inferior waiting to be serviced in hope of making a baby, you deserve much more than that. Rise, and let us do this as a man and a woman, each wishing to please the other." He took her hands in his and helped her once again to her feet. He stood in front of her taking in her beauty. She was several inches taller than he was, her silver hair was pulled back behind her head tied by a leather strap and hung half way down her back. Her shoulders were wide, and capped with solid looking muscle, the result of many years of hard work. Her limbs were sleek and firm, no hint of the saggy arms of an old woman. Her eyes were dark, as was her skin, which showed the effects of too many years in the harsh Arizona sun. She smiled at him as her hand gently encircled his throbbing member. Jason kissed her lightly on her forehead and on each cheek before his lips covered her mouth. He could feel slight tremors running through her body. He knew he had judged her correctly, that she was a very passionate woman, who had long ago buried her emotions, and that they were now rising to the surface. His journey down her body was just beginning. Jason bent slightly and began to suck on one of her erect nipples, his tongue circling around it and his lips gently pulling on it. With his free hand, he grasped the other nipple, rolled it between his thumb and finger until she arched her back, and moaned. 'She was nearly ready,' he thought. Handing her the bowl he gently commanded her, "Prepare me." As if in a trance she accepted the bowl, sank to her knees and almost reverently spread a fine sheen of gel along his entire length. When he felt he was ready, he took the bowl from her and placed it on the ground. Extending his hands to her, he helped her to her feet again, steered her towards the ceremonial bed, and lowered her until her back rested on the bed. Jason sank to his knees between her outstretched legs and slowly ran his hands along her inner thighs until he reached his ultimate goal. However, he did not mount her; instead, he lowered his mouth to her sex, running his tongue up her center as he breathed in her earthy scent. Her moans signaled her quickly approaching orgasm. When it hit, her body trembled as she began to pant. Jason waited until her breathing returned to normal before placing his erection at her entrance. He lowered his body until he was resting on her chest, their lips locked in a loving embrace as he slowly entered her. Inch by inch he entered her, pausing to allow her body to adjust to the presence of his invading member before continuing, until he had nothing left to give her. Breaking their embrace, he extended his arms, supporting his weight, as he began to slowly withdraw from her, only to reverse direction again until he was fully engulfed in her wet heat. Although not as tight as the youngest of the tribe, her body clung to him sending waves of pleasure to his brain. Her eyes were closed, as if to focus all of her senses on the task. Jason wasn't sure if he was really giving her pleasure until her eyes popped open and her body shook again. Knowing that she was enjoying it as much as he was, he increased the tempo of his movements, reminding himself that this was an older woman and not one of the young adults who had practically turned him inside out with their exuberance. Jason had no way of knowing how long it lasted, but in the end, his heart was pounding in his chest and he could barely breathe as he felt the first signs of his approaching orgasm. Running Deer must have known it was coming as well, because suddenly Jason felt her legs wrap themselves around his hips and two strong arms clasp across his back drawing him tightly to her chest as his body began to convulse in an earth-shattering climax. They held each other tightly until both sensed that it was over. Jason slowly got to his knees and with much effort to his feet. Looking down he could see a broad smile slowly appear on her lips, as she extended her arms. With more than a little effort he pulled her to her feet and after one more heartfelt embrace she murmured, "thank you" and headed for the exit. Anna was seated in front of the crowd, waiting for them to exit the cave. When Running Deer emerged with a dower look on her face, Anna feared that it had not gone well. The rest of the crowd must have had the same thought because all conversation went silent and the night was perfectly still. Suddenly Running Deer gave a loud war cry and her face shown like the afternoon sky as the crowd joined in her exuberance. Before the crowd calmed down again and Running Deer returned to the other women, Jason stood in front of the entrance and extended his hand towards Anna. It was now her turn at long last. Although he was not rigid, his cock was much larger than when it was at rest. With a smile on his face, he reassured her that everything was going to be all right, as he led her into the cave. "Is there a special procedure for the Priestess or am I allowed to do this my way? Jason asked as he led her towards the ceremonial bed. "I don't believe so; the woman I replaced never told me about her experience; I guess we'll just have to improvise." She said with a smile on her face, although Jason could tell that she was extremely nervous. "Alright then, I think we should do this just like the ancients prescribed. Please prepare me and then take your place on the bed." Jason couldn't tell if she was annoyed or relieved as she retrieved the bowl, coated her hands with the gel, and slowly ran them up and down his growing erection. When she was satisfied that he was ready, she turned and assumed her position on the bed just as all the other young ones had and waited. Jason slowly assumed his position directly behind her, his hands on her hips as he paused to admire her heart shaped ass and her powerful back. Placing his erection between her lips, he paused one final time to allow her expectations to all but consume her. Simultaneously, he pulled back on her hips and pressed his hips forward as his cock slowly disappeared from view. When he felt her ass resting against his body he paused to allow her to get accustomed to the feeling of being impaled by his massive member. At the same time, he could feel her body contracting around him, marveling at the feeling of her internal muscles clenching and relaxing as if trying to expel the invader. When he felt the time was right he moved his hands off her hips and slid them across her stomach until they found their ultimate goal, her breasts. Then, he pulled her to an upright position while still fully impaled by his glorious cock. His lips found the nap of her neck as he caressed her breasts. She began to moan with pleasure as he began to slowly gyrate his hips, the movement allowing his cock to move slightly in and out of her. Her first orgasm hit her quickly, as he found her extended nipples and rolled those hard pebbles between his thumbs and forefingers. Her hands grabbed his ass pulling him deeper into her as she began to buck backwards against him, letting him know that she was ready for more. Jason quickly pulled out, allowing Anna to turn on to her back and with opened arms and legs she invited him back in. Jason wasted little time once again burying himself to the hilt and establishing a steady rhythm to their lovemaking. Anna was crazed with desire as she raised her hips to meet his thrusts. Her second orgasm raced through her body as Jason continued his onslaught. They had both gone through four days of sexual tension and hers had had no outlet until now. Therefore, when he momentarily rested his body on her chest, she took it as a sign that he was too exhausted to continue. Her arms wrapped around his body and with a quick thrust of her hip, she turned their bodies over, still joined; only now, she was on top and in control. "I've waited nearly ten years for this night; I'm not ready for it to end just yet. I want more." And more she got; or more fittingly, more she took. With her hands pushing down on his chest she sat back and ground herself down onto his still rigid cock and then began a long period of piston like movements raising until she nearly lost contact with him and then reversing the direction of her thrusts downward until their bodies collided. Jason was sure that by morning, he would have a mass of bruises, but he didn't care; this was all about her pleasure and he was just going along for the ride. Just as Jason was crossing the line from pleasure to pain, Anna sat up straight, one hand in her luxuriously long red hair the other fondling one of her breasts as her body convulsed uncontrollably as her final orgasm drove her over the edge and she collapsed onto his chest. 'You are mine, forever. I am never going to let you go. I don't care what the elders say.' It was her last conscious thought before she fell into a dreamless sleep. Running Deer was the one who finally came in to check on them. She smiled a knowing smile as she stood over them, still joined together. Placing her hand gently on Anna's back she whispered, "Anna, you'd better get up, everyone has already left." Startled, Anna looked up at her grandmother, not fully aware of where she was. When she was totally in this world again, she smiled at the older woman; "I hope my mother felt the same way that I do now, when she went through the ceremony." "Unfortunately neither of the last two males we have shared were anywhere nearly as skilled as Jason. I think, maybe, we are going to have to reconsider some of our practices. That will be for the council to decide." Together, they got Jason to his feet and were able to walk him out of the cave, across the valley back to her cave. The next morning it was Anna who woke up first and she was really horny; the vivid memories of the dream she was having just before she awoke were still fresh in her mind. The following dream sequence will not be included on the final posted story on most sites, due to the under-age prohibition of most sites. I did this for myself. _____________________ 'She was back home, just before she was returned to the tribe; she and her two sisters were alone in the house. Their foster mother had left to attend the general council meeting of the elders of the Gila River Reservation. It was going to be a long evening of intense debate over what she did not know, nor did she really care. Two boys, children of the family next door, had been left with them; the older boy was supposed to be watching over them so that the kids did not get into any trouble. Little did the parents know that he would be the source of the trouble, or at least an active participant. When the adults had left, Maria and Carlita immediately began to flirt with the older boy. He did not stand a chance of withstanding their onslaught. They had their own plans for the evening and had already made elaborate preparations. Each of the girls had a part to play. It was Anna's job to distract the younger boy who was their age, while the two girls took the older boy to their bedroom, where, hopefully, they would both lose their virginity. To pacify their sister, the most righteous of the three, they would make sure that she could watch if she wanted to. Their house was old and barely big enough for the four of them. It had two bedrooms, separated by a thin wall. Each bedroom had one closet, which was separated by a thin sheet of paneling on the girls' side and just bare two by three studs on their mother's side. When the adults had left the house, Carlita had gone into her bedroom and removed one of the nails that had been used to fasten the paneling in place but had unfortunately missed the stud. She had discovered this a few years earlier during a game of hide and seek while hiding in their mother's closet. She moved the clothes in their closet to each side, allowing for an unobstructed view of their bed. At the same time, Maria on the pretense of going to the bathroom had done the same thing with their mother's clothing. With the light off in their mother's bedroom, Maria had an unobstructed view of her bed, the queen sized bed that the three of them sleep in. The stage was set, the actors in position, even if only the three of them knew the plot. They were all watching TV in the living room, when one by one Carlita, Maria and the fifteen-year-old left the room; leaving only Anna and the younger brother. When the show they were watching ended, the brother realized that the others were no longer in the room and asked Anna where they had gone. It was a decision time for Anna and adolescent curiosity won over being a righteous young lady. Taking him by the hand, she led him to her mother's bedroom and closed the door. With the light off so as not to alert the others that they were there, she led him to the closet. "You have to be quiet or they will hear you and we'll get in trouble." "What are they doing in there?" Asked the very naive boy. "I'm not sure, let me look first and then it will be your turn." As Anna carefully stepped into the closet and placed her eye near the peephole, she wasn't quite ready for what she was about to see. The three of them were standing next to the bed, Carlita was already naked, Maria was just removing her panties and the boy was unbuckling his pants. "What are they doing? It's my turn, I want to see" he whispered, his hand on Anna's shoulder. "They're getting undressed, here take a look." Anna replied already deciding that this was going to be a night for learning all the things that they never taught you in school. She stepped out of the closet allowing him to look, while she began to undress. When she was naked, she returned to the closet, instead of taking her turn at the peephole she stood right behind him and guided one of his hands to her breast. Like a shot, his head turned and he stared at her, a look of shock, mixed with wonder, as he shuttered. "Wha wha, what are you doing?" "Hopefully the same that they are going to be doing in a few minutes. Get undressed." "Everything." "Unless you don't want to." She returned to the peephole while the boy began fumbling with his clothes. In the other room her sisters had succeeded in removing, all of the boy's clothes and Carlita had her hand wrapped around the boy's cock. It was standing straight out from his body and was more than one of her hands long. She knew this because Carlita was licking its head like an ice cream cone. "What are they doing now?" "Oh my, she's taken his cock into her mouth; she's sucking it like an ice pop." Instead of stepping away from the peephole, Anna, turned to face the boy. Looking down she could see that his cock was also erect, maybe a little smaller than his brother's but in her eyes it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Another snap decision was made. "If you will let me play with it, I'll let you watch your brother for a while", she said, knowing what the girls had in mind for him. It would give her some time to decide just how far she wanted to go. Not waiting for a response, Anna sat down with her back resting against the wall stud, as the boy moved in front of the peephole. Anna reached out and placed her hand on his erect cock. It was warm to the touch; pulsing with each beat of his heart, soft and yet rigid. "What are they doing now?" Anna asked as she began to move her hand back and forth over his entire length, marveling at how the skin seemed to move with the movement of her hand. "The girls are kneeling in front of my brother, they are kissing his cock. His cock is bigger than mine but not by much, and he has more hair down there than I have, but that's because he's two years older. When I get to be fifteen I'm sure mine will be even larger than his and I'll have more hair as well. Oh what is she doing, she's sucking on his cock." Anna, without any hesitation took the boy's cock into her mouth. Her tongue began to circle the head as her lips applied pressure firmly sealing it into her mouth as she sucked. Nature compelled the boy to begin moving his hips back and forth, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth, until all but the head was exposed before reversing direction. She easily took him in completely because he wasn't that big, she placed her hands on his ass, forcing him deeper into her mouth with each thrust. "Oh, now your other sister is sucking him. What a mouthful she has. My brother has grabbed her head and is shoving his cock in and out of her mouth. It feels so good to have one's cock sucked. Oh Anna, what's happening, let go of me, let me out." However, she did not let him out. She held him firmly against her mouth. She was enjoying the thrills that were pulsating through her entire body, seemingly originating between her legs as she dropped a hand and began to rub her pussy. Suddenly spurts of something were filling her mouth, two, three; four times, she felt them hitting the back of her mouth and slide down her throat. When the pulsating stopped, she gave it one more long hard suck and allowed him to back away from her. The boy staggered backwards until he hit her mother's bed and slowly sank to the floor, there was a smile of pure bliss on his face. Anna moved back to the peephole. The older boy was now laying on his back on their bed. Both sisters were kneeling next to him, one at his head, and the other by his knees. Anna was startled by what they did next. Seemingly, without hesitation, Maria threw one leg over his head so that she was straddling his head facing his feet, while Carlita was now straddling his thighs, her hand wrapped around his impressive tool, facing her sister. Moments later when they were both in the proper position, Carlita nodded to Maria, and in a seemingly well-choreographed move, lowered their bodies until the only parts of his body that were still visible to Anna were his legs and his feet. It was less than a minute before both girls began move. Maria was gridding her pussy all over his face, while Carlita began to piston her body up and down over his impressive cock, which Anna could only see when her sister, in her exuberance, allowed it to slip out of her, and it flopped onto his lower stomach. As Anna watched in total fascination, her hands were busy, pulling and twisting her nipples with one and rubbing herself with the other. When a second orgasm rose up from deep within her, seemingly filling her body with pleasure and warmth, she turned towards her mother's bed. The boy was still sitting there, his eyes were closed and his breathing, slow and steady. 'Worthless little shit,' she thought as she prowled out of the closet and stood over him. At that moment, Anna came to a decision, which, based upon her experiences the previous night, she had never regretted. 'You're not going to be the one who gets my virginity.' Before he was even aware of where he was and what was happening to him, Anna had him lying on the floor, with her sitting facing his feet, her legs pressed tightly against his sides and over his out-stretched arms, his eyes covered by her ass-cheeks, his nose deeply between them. "Get busy and lick me." She said as she leaned forward and grabbed his limp dick. She could feel it begin to come back to life as his heart began to pound, blood surging into it again. Meanwhile, she was experiencing things that she had never experienced before. The exquisite feeling of his tongue whipping her stiff clit was bringing her close to another orgasm, as well as the feeling of absolute dominance over her overmatched captive and the obvious affect her actions were having on him. After two more intensive orgasms, she noted that his hips were beginning to lift off the floor, a sign that he was about to gush again. Rather than have him go off like a fountain and have to clean up the results, she leaned forward, captured his cock between her lips and sucked hard as he forced it in and out of her mouth. Once again, she was rewarded with a mouthful of his essence, just as her final orgasm of the evening hit her. They stayed locked in a carnal embrace as she slowly recovered. It was the thrashing about of her captive, apparently unable to breathe, that finally brought her back to the present. She rolled off him and, after his breathing had returned to normal, leaned over to give him a kiss. With opened mouth, he met her embrace, only to get a mouthful of his own cum. It was the final act of her dominance over him, as she got to her feet and returned to the peephole. She soon realized that her two sisters had switched places; now it was Maria riding the boy's cock, and she assumed, Carlita feeding him a mixture of their combined juices. By the time their parents returned from their meeting, the house had been cleaned and returned to its earlier condition. The parents found their kids sitting in the living room watching the TV just as they had left them, the same that is except for the fact that one boy and two of the girls were no longer virgins and that the two other children had learned an important lesson about their own sexuality. __________________ Anna chucked to herself as she recalled the fact that the boys never again came over to their house. Shortly after that incident, the girls had graduated from the middle school that they had attended and Anna had been returned to the tribe. The sad thing was that she could not even remember their names. Anna gazed at Jason's face; he looked so peaceful, it was a shame to wake him. She knew he must be exhausted after nearly a week of sexual activity; but he had awakened in her the flame of desire and it had to be quenched. Reaching down she grasp his organ, which appeared to be coming to life again. Reversing her direction, she reclined next to him, took the head into her mouth, and swirled her tongue around and around it. Anna could feel the blood pulsing within as it continued to swell. She knew she was giving him pleasure even though he was not aware of it. She wished that she could be in his head, experiencing his dream, and hoped on some level she was. She continued her gentle actions for several minutes; she was so at ease that she almost fell back to sleep, then she felt his hand on her thigh making its way higher until it was caressing her ass. All it took was a little force to roll him onto his back as her leg crossed over his body granting him access to her sex. Jason took the hint and methodically began to plant little kisses along her lips, his tongue just barely touching her skin. She could feel the heat radiating through her body. She was close and she wanted them to cum together, so she attacked his throbbing erection with a definite purpose in mind. With each downward movement of her head, she engulfed more of him, until she could feel it hitting the back of her throat. She had heard of 'Deep Throat' from her sisters, but had never actually done it except on a banana. Jason was bigger than a banana. Jason, knowing that he wasn't going to hold out much longer, took her engorged clit into his mouth and sucked it hard. Anna was just heading back down his cock when her orgasm hit; before she realized it, her nose reached his balls and his cock was imbedded in her throat. Past her gag reflex, her throat tried to swallow the invader as it began to spurt. Her body went rigid and her legs clamped tightly around his head holding him firmly in place. It became a question of who was going to recover first. Fortunately, it was Anna, who thought she was going to drown if she didn't pull up off him. Coughing, she backed off him, a puddle formed at the base of his cock as she caught her breath. It was only then that she realized she no longer felt Jason's tongue. Releasing his head from her vise-like grip, she rolled off him and turned to face him. His eyes were closed, but his breathing seemed shallow and steady, and there was a sense of peace on his face. As his eyes fluttered open, a sense of relief washed over Anna. "Are you alright Jason? I was afraid I really hurt you." "What happened? The last thing I remember is feeling the most incredible feeling I have ever experienced. It was as if you were going to swallow me whole, like a snake eats its prey. But then I felt your legs clamp tightly around my head, forcing my face into you; I couldn't breathe and then everything just faded to blackness." __________________ With nothing left to do, Jason joined in with the others helping with the daily chores of everyday life in the valley. It was hard work, there were animals to feed and water, crops to tend to, and meals to prepare and clean up afterwards; and he loved every minute of it. Two days later, Anna began to bleed. Chapter Six: Disappointment Brings Enlightenment "I'm not pregnant," Anna said disappointedly to Jason after he came in from a day of working in the gardens. "How do you know?" "I'm bleeding" "Where?" He replied, thinking that she was hurt. She gave him a withering look and replied, "Where do you think?" "Oh", he replied sheepishly. "I'm sorry, maybe next time." They went about their business, keeping mostly to themselves and then went for dinner, where Jason noticed that the atmosphere was anything but jovial. When they returned to the cave after dinner, Jason had to ask. 'How many others are bleeding?" "Everyone; everyone, except the four elders." "You all get your periods at the same time?" He asked incredulously. "Yes. When we first get our periods the days vary; but after a couple of years together we all seem to start on the same day." "I have actually heard of that before, but I always thought it was just a myth." "If I were you, I'd keep a low profile around here for the next couple of days. Fights have been known to occur over the pettiest of things. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." "I'll keep that in mind." Jason said as he slipped behind her and gave her a hug. "That includes with me", she shot back with more than a little venom in her voice. "I've got to go over to the fertility cave and get it ready to use again. Do you want to come help me?" To Jason it really did not sound like a question, so he followed as she grabbed a torch and headed out. They crossed the valley in silence. Once they reached their destination, while Anna lit the torch and began to straighten up the main room, Jason entered the side alcove. The light from her torch was just enough to cast the interior in a soft flickering glow. Looking around, Jason didn't see much that needed cleaning. However, what he did see was something that had escaped his attention the previous week. On one wall was a series of images that could only be interpreted as the cycle of the moon as it orbited the earth. In the center was the full moon, to each side were half and quarter moons, depicting the first appearance and the last appearance of the moon. At the foot of that same wall were small, evenly spaced, holes. Jason counted twenty-eight in all, fourteen on each side of the full moon. He was, at first, puzzled over what purpose this image could possibly serve, and then he spotted two piles of stones at the far side of the wall. One pile of stones was light in color, almost white; the other smaller pile was dark almost black. His first thoughts were that it was something to calculate when the next full moon would occur, but he dismissed that theory, the ancients had really no need to know when the full moon would occur. Jason pondered the problem and suddenly he had an epiphany. He counted the dark color stones; there were seven. Then he counted the stones in the larger pile; there were twenty-one. And then he knew. "Anna come here, quickly please, I've discovered something important." When she joined him in the alcove, Jason pointed to the wall and the holes and stones. "Have you ever noticed this before? Do you know what it is?" "I've seen it before, when I first became the High Priestess, but I was never told what it was or what it was used for. I figured it was just used in some sort of long forgotten spiritual ritual. None of the others knew what it was used for either." "Anna, it's a primitive computer. One of your ancestors was a genius. She understood the movements of the moon and the menstrual cycle of the tribal women." Seeing nothing but confusion on her face, Jason turned to the small pile of dark stones and exclaimed, "Watch!" "It's been five days since the full moon." Taking each of the seven dark stones, he placed the first one in the fifth hole after the full moon and the rest in each seceding hole and then filled the rest of the holes with the light colored stones. "Whoever she was she didn't have all the answers, but she knew enough about the reproduction cycle to know when the best chances of getting pregnant would be." "I still don't understand. What did she know?" "I'm only speculating; but I'm pretty sure I'm right. Your bleeding period begins every twenty-eight days and I suspect it lasts on average five days. She would put the first dark stone in the hole that corresponded to the number of days after the full moon and then filled in the rest of the holes with the appropriate colored stone. Do you see this long series of light colored stones? Get the torch, I'll bet that there are two different colors of the lighter stones." When she brought the torch into the room, Jason could definitely see he was correct and moved the darker of the light colored stones until they preceded the dark ones. "I don't know how she knew or, if she discovered just by observation, the fact that the best chances of getting pregnant occur during this period of days corresponding to the eleven pure white stones." Anna slowly nodded her head as the realization of this discovery hit home. "But the real brilliance of this is in the fact that the moon's orbit is pretty much constant; taking twenty-seven and a third, days to circle the earth. Since that is less than your menstrual cycle, the days that you can get pregnant change in relationship to the full moon. With this, she could calculate at what point during the moon's cycle that period would fall." Anna stood over the holes, her gaze shifting back and forth between the moon images and the holes. "If what you say is true, we can't wait for the next full moon; we have to begin the ceremony in the next seven or eight days." "That's right and we don't have to do the whole tribe in five days, we can do one or two a night, leaving the elders to the end if they insist on having a turn." "Based upon their exuberance during the last time, you can bet on it." She said with a sly grin. "We've got to show this to the elders. You stay here I'll get them." It took less than twenty minutes for Anna to gather the four women together and return to the cave. "Jason, I'll explain it to them. You may not have the right words to explain it properly. If I need any help answering their questions I'll ask you and then translate for them." Jason remained silent as Anna explained what they had learned and what it meant for the future of the tribe. Everything seemed to be going well, Jason understood most of what was being said, but then the tone of the conversation seemed to turn accusingly against Anna. When he heard the question, "You are the High Priestess, why didn't you know? It took a stranger to our ways to discover this." Jason could not remain silent. In the Pima language, he came to her defense. "She was never told by the last High Priestess, who probably was never told either. There is no way to know how long this has been here unused, since it is only used briefly during each generation. I've been going to school a lot longer than Anna was allowed to go. I learned a lot more than she was ever taught. I paid a lot more attention to this subject for the exact opposite reason. I wanted to know when the best times were for a woman or, in my case, a girl friend to NOT get pregnant. Anna was too young to be taught about this back when she was going to school and at home she probably didn't get much of an education about this subject either. So don't blame her." He stood between Anna and the elders; he could almost feel the venom in the stare of Starry Sky. 'I guess this isn't exactly keeping a low profile.' Running Deer seemed to sense that the level of hostility was approaching a critical level and calmly stepped in. "Assessing blame does no one any good. We should be thankful that this knowledge has once again been discovered, thank Jason for discovering it, and make plans for passing this knowledge forward. Jason, Anna, thank you, see you tomorrow at breakfast." She turned and led the group of elders out of the cave. "That was very brave of you and also very foolish. You do not want to make an enemy of Starry Sky; there is no telling how badly she can hurt you if she is in one of her moods. Please be careful around her." "Maybe I can make it up to her this time around." "I'm afraid that choice will not be yours to make." _______________________ The next morning, after breakfast, the elders called for a general meeting of the entire tribe to be held later that morning. Running Deer came over to Jason specifically. "Jason, can I trust you to remain in Anna's cave by yourself; you won't try to run?" "I'm not going anywhere; this is the chance of a lifetime." "Very well, I'll take your word. Anna will walk you back to the cave and then return for the meeting." When they returned to the cave Anna turned to Jason, "I know you told Running Deer that you would not run, and I believe you; but I can't afford to be proven wrong again, not at this time. Give me your clothes." Jason just stood there, not believing her lack of trust of him. He thought they were building a bond between themselves. "Jason, I'm serious; give me your loincloth." When he hesitated, she got into his face. "Jason, I won't ask you again. You know I can make you give me your loincloth if I have to. I don't want to do that, but I will. Please, it will serve two purposes if you do, first, it will allow me to regain a little respect from the elders and second, it will add a little levity to the situation." Reluctantly, Jason untied his loincloth and handed it to her. "That's better; besides you really look cute that way, especially when that war club of yours is not pointing at anyone." Then she tied his cloth to the waistband of hers. "I shouldn't be too long; I can't imagine there will be much debate on the topic we will be discussing." Jason wrapped an animal skin around his shoulders and sat on a rock, writing in his journal. He was so engrossed in his writing that he was not aware of the time. When Anna finally returned, she stood over him, untied his cloth and dropped it onto his journal. "Sorry I took so long. There was a lot more debate than I thought there would be. Not so much about moving the ceremony to the time period indicated by your discovery, but rather, about whether to continue the ceremony at all. The elders, for the most part, wanted to continue the ceremony as always; it was the younger ones that wanted it changed; they wanted it to be more intimate, more like how you did it with Running Deer. They got their points across and turned the rest of the meeting to the topic of just how we were going to proceed. It was decided that each woman would remain in her cave, in her bed, and that you will visit them one at a time, alone, alternating between one and two per night until all the young ones have been serviced. I will escort you to the entrance of the cave, prepare you with the gel, and then wait outside until you leave. Then, depending on the night, either escort you to the next one, or bring you back home." "Do I get a say in this?" "No, I'm afraid not. Since none of the elders appears to be able to have another child, they will be last, one a night until you've done them all. Then you'll rest and wait for the results of your efforts." Jason put his loincloth back on and went out to help with the watering of the gardens, carrying two, orange, five gallon buckets with 'We can do This' written on the sides, at a time. He had to laugh each time he filled one from the communal bath, thinking, 'what would the corporate planners think of this use of their ingenious promotional campaign'. Jason could only assume that the twins were responsible for obtaining this little slice of modern convenience for the tribe. He continued this process until the entire garden area was well watered. By dinnertime, his whole body ached, especially his arms and shoulders. He knew that after a few weeks of this he would be on his way towards firming up his relatively soft body. He realized he would never become like a body builder, but at least, he might be able to impress Anna a little. Anna saw the pain on his face as they slowly walked to dinner. "Jason, if you want I could ask that you be re-assigned to another job; one less physically demanding." "No, I can do this. It will just take a little more time for me to build up my arms and legs. I'll be fine by morning." "After dinner, we'll stop at the bath on the way back home; that will help." Jason could hardly wait. At dinner, Jason, once again, became the object of everyone's overt stares; especially from the young ones; who having had their first taste of a man, could hardly wait for seconds. After a while, he felt a little like a piece of center cut fillet-mignon. Anna appeared to be unaware of what was happening. Therefore, when Jason suddenly stood and announced that he was going back to the cave, she was very much surprised. "Jason, what's wrong." "I'm getting very uncomfortable being the object of all of their stares. I feel like a piece of meat." "You can't really blame them; they're twenty-two years old and have just had their eyes opened to the joys of having a man between their legs. You've opened the floodgates and there's no turning back now. Come, let's go take a bath; I'll massage your sore shoulders." By the time they arrived at the bath, Jason was already becoming aroused. Without hesitation, he stripped off his cloth and waited for Anna to join him. They entered the water together. Anna dipped down into the cold water, while Jason stood in the waist high water. When she resurfaced, she was behind him, her cold hands resting on his shoulders. "I'm sorry the water isn't warmer, but this should make you feel better." Anna's strong hands began to knead the tight muscles of his shoulders and neck. Jason could almost feel them relaxing as she continued to squeeze and manipulate his muscles until they felt like well-worn rubber bands. Moaning with pleasure, Jason was unaware that Anna had lowered her right hand off his shoulder and had grasped his flaccid cock. Now she was slowly manipulating this 'muscle', hoping for the exact opposite result. "Anna, if you keep that up for too much longer I'm going to explode." Not wishing to cum this way, Jason turned to face her. He could see the lust in her eyes. "I'm one of those whose eyes you have opened, I couldn't wait any longer." Anna threw her arms over his shoulders and kissed him, their lips locked tightly, their tongues dueling for supremacy as she raised her leg over his hip allowing him free access to her entrance. Jason entered her, buried himself to the hilt and then began to piston in and out of her. It was not going to last long. His mouth trapped Anna's moans as her orgasm built within her. Her hands grabbed the sides of his head and brought his mouth to her breast. The trigger for them both was Jason's sucking on her nipple. Anna screamed something in Pima, which Jason was sure that his grandmother had never taught him as her orgasm racked her body. Jason cummed hard as well, momentarily losing his balance; which was all that was needed for Anna to fall backwards, dragging him with her. Moments later, they resurfaced, sputtering and laughing as they regained their footing. "If you promise me that all of our bathes together will be this good, I'll take one every night." Jason said as he slowly regained his breath. "I'm afraid we won't always have the bath to ourselves, I may be forced to share you with others." Jason earned a punch to his shoulder as he raised his eyebrows, as if to say, "Yeah, so what's the problem." "Let's get out of here, I'm freezing." Jason exclaimed as his teeth began to chatter. It was then that they became aware that they were not alone. Someone was standing against the far wall in the dark shadows. She began to slowly clap her hands as they climbed out of the tub. "That was quite a show. Jason I hope you saved some of that loving for the rest of us." Starry Sky exclaimed in a lusty whisper. Not wishing to confront her, they picked up their cloths and headed out of the cave. They didn't bother to get dressed as they started out across the valley, Starry Sky's laughter still echoing from the cave into the night. "I'm beginning to hate her," Jason said under his breath as they reached the cave. "I'm afraid you're going to just have to control yourself around her; she has power over what happens to you, when your role here is over. You're going to have to win her over if you want to ever leave here and under what conditions." "Speaking of my role here," Jason replied looking up at the half moon whose light cast an almost eerie haze over the valley. "When do you want to start round two?" Without waiting for a reply he continued. "I think by the quarter moon we should start again. At one per night, nearly all the young ones will still be in the fertile part of the cycle; then we can do the elders." "I'll make the arrangements tomorrow. "Anna, what happens when someone gets pregnant? Do I have to continue to include them in the ceremony or do they drop out?" "I'll have to ask Running Deer, she's the only one whose answer won't be biased." "If I have anything to say about it, I say they drop out, that way we can move those that don't get pregnant into the middle of the fertility cycle. I assume the elders will all want their turn as well. That way we will have more time for ourselves." "I'd like that. Does that mean you'd like to be my boyfriend?" "I'm already that, I hope; I want us to be lovers." "Come to bed; I'd like to cuddle." "I thought you'd never ask; it's freezing out here." ________________________ Four days later the ceremony began again. By the time the moon disappeared altogether from the night sky, Jason had serviced five of the young warriors and had discovered that apparently they had all compared experiences with the elders. None of them had assumed the ceremonial position when he had entered their cave, instead, they had reclined on their back, with legs wide open, several even forcing his head between their legs demanding oral foreplay before allowing Jason to enter them. One even forced him to clean her after the deed was done. Anna was always waiting outside for him to reappear once he could escape the grasp of his eager partner. She would provide a reassuring shoulder to lean on as they made their way back home. The process continued for the next eight nights, until all of the young ones had had their turn. Based upon the fertility cave computer, they were now into the infertile period of the cycle and it was now time to service the elders. Jason asked Anna, "when is Starry Sky's turn?" "She's requested to be last. I'm afraid she may be planning something extra special for you." "Any chance that I can refuse?" "Not if you want to remain healthy." For the next three nights, Jason visited each of the other elders, saving Running Deer for the last before his dreaded night with Starry Sky. The next morning Anna had a meeting with the elders. After the meeting, she returned to the cave. Her dower expression was all Jason needed to know that she had some bad news. "I've been ordered to return to our cave tonight. I told you she had a plan and she had the support of the other elders except for Running Deer. You are going to spend the night with her, and she will be the one to bring you home. Although Jason had his doubts, he put on a brave front. "Don't worry I can handle her. How bad can it be? After all, it's only for one night." "You just rest now; I'll get you something to eat." Much to Jason's chagrin, time seemed to fly by. It seemed that he had just finished eating, when Anna announced that it was time for them to leave. They walked slowly along the path around the valley until they reached the entrance to Starry Sky's cave. She was sitting outside as they approached. "It's about time; I thought I was going to have to drag you out of her arms." "Careful, Starry, you don't want to test me." "Any time you think you're ready, I'll be here. Now, why don't you just leave your man here; I'll bring him back when I'm done with him. You," pointing at Jason, "get in there and strip. I'll be right in." When Jason had entered the cave, Starry turned Anna and said, "Don't worry I won't kill him; I'm already looking forward to the next time." They glared at each other and then turned away from each other and as Anna headed back to her cave, she heard Starry's laughter as she entered hers. Jason was standing naked next to her bed, as she untied her cloth and closed the distance between them. "What's the matter, you're not hard yet. Don't you like my body; I know it's not as nice as your girlfriend's, but I know how to use mine and how to get the most out of you." She said as her hand roughly grabbed his still flaccid cock. Within moments he was hard, his cock throbbing with each beat of his heart as his blood surged into his erection. "That's better; now let's see if you can use it. But first, get on your knees and get me ready." She said as she forced him onto his knees and moved her body over him so that he was actually leaning backwards as she captured his head in her hands and held it to her pussy. "Get that tongue of yours busy. I want to cum at least once before you get to shove that magnificent cock of yours into me." For Jason, his world shrank down to her sex alone. She held him tightly, guiding his head up and down her pussy, as he licked her. She occasionally held him fast as she ground herself against his face. Jason could feel her erect clit rubbing against his face until she suddenly shoved that hooded nub of flesh into his mouth. "Suck it, that's it, suck it good. Suck it hard, I'm almost there. Oh yes, oh yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes." She shuddered as her first orgasm ripped through her body. Jason's face was still trapped by her hands, pressed firmly into her as she slowly came down from her orgasmic high. He tried to push himself away from her in a desperate attempt to breathe. Finally, she released his head, allowing him to fall over backwards onto her bed. "That was good." She said as she sank to her knees between his legs. "Does she allow you to go down on her or is she too much of a goody goody girl for oral sex. Well you see that I am not at all bashful about doing things that make me feel good; and you had better make me feel good or you will never see her again. Now let's see if you can use that cock of yours. I want to cum again at least once before you do. If I don't, you will be in a world of pain before you know it." With Jason still on his back, she mounted him and took every inch he had to give her. "This is so good. I cannot believe a little guy like you can have such a glorious cock. It's just not fair that she should get this anytime she wants, and I only get it once every moon. Maybe I should take you away from her." She began to slowly rise off him, only to lower herself again until she had it all. Up and down, again and again, as she increased the tempo and the intensity of her actions. Jason could feel the grasping of her internal muscles as she rose off him, he had to admit that she was good and now he had another problem. His own orgasm was building with each cycle of her movements. Fearful of losing control before she came, he reached up, grasp her stiff nipples between his finger and thumb, and began to roughly twist and pull on them. That set her off as she screamed her cumming to the rest of tribe, and her body pounded him into the bed. Jason couldn't hold off any longer, his body convulsed as he pumped his essence into her. When her orgasm finally ran its course, she collapsed on to his chest. When she could finally move, she pushed down on his chest as she slowly sat back, his cock still engulfed in her throbbing sex. "Maybe it's good that you live with her. If you lived with me we'd probably kill each other." After several minutes, she slowly got to her feet, his cock flopping on to his stomach. "Now, I want you to lay still, hold your arms at your sides and open your mouth. I want you to clean me, but first I have to get rid of the man stuff that you shot into me. Be sure to get it all because if you don't the bed will get wet and I do not want to be laying in a wet bed. Open your mouth and catch it all." She said as she moved over him and forced their combined juices out of her. When she had forced the last of it out of her, she settled over his face, facing his feet so that she could watch as his cock slowly came back to life. "Get your tongue in there, get it all. Clean me good. Oh, yes; you are a good pussy licker." She said as she momentarily lifted off his face, grabbed a handful of his hair and forced his face into her as she moved a leg under his head. His face was forced into her ass, his nose buried into her crack; he was barely able to breathe through his mouth. She watched as his cock slowly grew until it lifted off his body, standing tall and proud. "Good, I see you enjoy being dominated; let's see if you can breathe through your ears." She said as she settled down harder onto his face until she was sure he could no longer breathe. Slowly he began to lose his erection. She laughed as she felt his hands on her ass trying in vain to push her off. His legs started to kick out as he twisted his body desperately trying to breathe. When all motion stopped, she waited a few moments longer and then lifted off his motionless body. Jason slowly regained awareness of where he was and what had happened to him. "I see you've finally decided to rejoin the party. It's time for the main event and you'd better be up to the challenge." She said as she lay down next to him and with seemingly little effort, pulled him over on top of her. "Here's what I want you to do. I want to feel the earth quake; I want to be among the stars in all their glory; you are going to stick that magnificent cock of yours into me and fuck me like your life depends on pleasing me, because it does. And I want you to keep doing it until I beg you to stop." Jason could feel his cock beginning to stir as she grasped his head and smashed her mouth against his. Moments later, he shoved his rigid tool into her until there was nothing left to give her. "Oh you Bastard, give it to me, that's it, give it to me hard. That's what I need, that's what I've been yearning for these last twenty years." Her hands grasped his ass and helped him bury his cock deeper, ever deeper, until he was sure that he was going to run her through. Her orgasm seemed to come out of nowhere, as she suddenly began to convulse, her body shacking uncontrollably. Jason did not let up. He continued to pound into her as if trying to force her through the bed and onto the hard ground below. Again and again, he thrust his mighty cock into her; the sounds of flesh slapping flesh filled the cave. Repeatedly, orgasms ripped through her body, as she screamed until her throat was raw. Jason could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He was sure it was about to burst, but still he continued. "Please, please, no more I can't take it anymore." However, Jason was far too gone to comprehend what she was saying. Like a wild man he continued to plow into her, again and again, until finally he poured what little was left in him into her, his eyes rolled back and he collapsed on to her heaving chest. Starry Sky lay still for a long time, starring at the roof of the cave, with Jason's comatose body quietly resting on her chest. She tried to wake him several times, then just rolled themselves over, still joined in a carnal embrace. When she felt that she could finally get up, she pushed off him, his still semi erect cock coming out of her with a squishy pop as she got to her feet. When she was sure that her legs would hold her, she walked over to her discarded loincloth and tied it around her waist. She walked back to Jason, and with a compassion that she had not felt for another human being in a very long time, she gently picked him up and threw him over her shoulder, picked up his loincloth and walked out of the cave into the dark valley night. When she arrived at Anna's cave, she could not allow herself to display any sign of weakness, so she just shouted until Anna, still naked, stepped out into the night. "I think I broke your toy, you can have him back, he's no longer any use to me." That said, she eased him off her shoulder and into Anna's outstretched arms, turned and disappeared into the night. Sometime during the night, Jason awoke with a start; it was still dark and he was in the arms of that woman. He tried to get away but the arm that was holding him from behind was far too strong. "It's alright, relax; it's me, your safe now. Just go back to sleep, we can talk in the morning." Jason felt her arm relax a little and feeling secure in her loving embrace, he soon fell asleep. The next morning, he woke up alone, his body ached and he positively reeked of her scent. He dressed, walked over to the public bath, and without regard for who might be in there, walked into the cave. Fortunately, it was deserted and after removing his cloth, he took a quick dip in the cold bath water. When he was done, he stepped out into the morning sun to warm up and to dry off, not caring that he was naked. The sudden realization that he was becoming accustom to this tribal life was very reassuring. 'If I can survive last night I can survive anything these women can bring my way.' __________________ For the next eight nights, he and Anna made love like a newlywed couple. The following morning Jason woke up alone. Looking around the cave, he confirmed that Anna was not present. He was just about to turn over when he heard some commotion and laughter coming from outside. After a few moments, he knew he could no longer sleep and got out of bed and dressed for the day, knowing he was on water duty for the next couple of weeks. When he emerged from the cave, he was stunned at the sight of seven of the youngest members of the tribe kneeling in a row, including Anna. The laughter stopped when they realized that he was standing over them. Almost in unison the seven bowed down, their hands outstretched before them, their heads resting on the parched earth. Puzzled, he called out to Anna. "Anna what is the meaning of this undeserved sign of reverence?" "Jason, my love, we are just acknowledging the father of the child that is at this moment growing in our wombs." As one, they all sat up, their faces aglow with radiant smiles. Jason returned their smiles, his arms were outstretched, the invitation clear. He greeted each of them with a tight embrace and light kiss on the forehead. Anna was last, with her, the embrace lasted a lot longer and the kiss was not on her forehead. The ceremony over, the eight walked to the dining area to get breakfast. They received their breakfast and gathered on one side of the seating area; on the other side, as if an outcast from the group, sat Starry Sky. "She wants to speak with you alone after breakfast. I think she wants to apologize for her behavior last week. Give her whatever she requests of you. I know this is absolutely killing her." When the rest of the group left, Jason and Anna walked over to where she was sitting, Jason took the seat next to her, but Anna continued along the path, presumably she was going back to their cave. "First of all," Starry exclaimed, "I'm very sorry about how I acted last week. It was not my intension to do you harm. Let me tell you a little bit about myself that I'm sure Anna has not told you." She paused as if steeling herself to open herself to this examination. "I am Anna's mother." Knowing that he probably already had a hundred questions already, she said, "let me finish, before you ask any questions. I know it must seem strange to you, that a mother and her daughter are seemingly enemies of each other, but that is quite normal here, especially between her mother and the High Priestess. She was taken from me at birth and raised outside the tribe. The only way a woman can survive something like that is to live as if the child was never born. You don't get to make up for those lost years of a parent child relationship. When Anna returned, she lived with the High Priestess as her tribal education began. "My situation was even worse. I was living with the father of that generation. You see the High Priestess at that time was apparently no longer interested in having anything to do with the male who fathered Anna and the rest of her generation. She asked me to take him into my home, which I did. For nearly a year and a half after I gave birth to Anna, he taught me everything he knew about sex. It took him that long because it took that long for the rest of the members of my generation to get pregnant. "I don't think I actually fell in love with him; I fell in love with sex. Every night we had some form of sex, even when he was unwilling or unable to, I forced myself on him. Even towards the end, when I was repulsed by his looks, his manner and his attitude towards us, I always craved the sexual release that he gave me. Therefore, when you came along, I was more than a little jealous of Anna and her situation. You were young, handsome, and infinitely more blessed than he was. It wasn't fair, I'd been educated in the art of making love to a man; I had been used to getting it regularly for nearly two years, only to have it snatched away from me by the elders at that time; and now, after twenty years of forced celibacy, I was limited to one night a moon. "If I was going to be limited to one night a moon, I was going to make the most of it. After all, this is probably going to be my last time around. In twenty years, I may be dead, or too old to even care anymore. I am asking, no, I am begging you, to forgive me and to continue to allow me my turn in the ceremony. I promise to behave myself." Jason just sat there, too stunned to ask any questions. He wanted to console her, to promise her that he would come to her once a month for as long as he stayed here. Nevertheless, he was also aware that this was, for lack of a better word for her, his mother-in-law and that he would have to consult with his lover about this before giving his answer. Sensing his hesitancy, she let him off the hook." I understand. I know you have to talk with Anna about this. You don't have to answer me now; but please don't hold my previous actions against me." That said, she stood and left him sitting there to ponder his fate. When he returned to the cave, Anna was there; she did not appear to be happy. "I assume she told you she's my mother. What did she want from you?" "She first apologized for her actions and asked for forgiveness. Then she asked that she be included in the next ceremony. She promised to behave herself and she explained why she acted as she did." "That woman infuriates me at times. What right does she have to any forgiveness? She practically killed you the last time, and now she wants another chance? If I had my way she'd never be allowed to participate again; but we need her; we need her vote when the ceremony is finally over." "She's your mother." "She's not my mother. My mother was the woman that changed my diapers, that held me when I cried, that taught me right from wrong, that encouraged me to excel in everything I did, even the former High Priestess was more involved in my life than she was; she's not my mother; she's only the woman who gave birth to me. So what does she want from you?" "She wants her turn next ceremony." "It's up to you. If you feel that you can trust her than include her, but she has to prove herself worthy." "How will she do that?" "Allow her to go first this time. She won't be able to abuse you like she did the last time because the others will all be waiting for their turns. If that goes well, maybe we'll include her again near the end, to keep her happy." "Why do we need her vote when the ceremony is over?" "That's not your concern right now; I'll tell you when the time is appropriate. Let's go over to the cave and plan out the next ceremony." When Jason and Anna entered the fertility cave, they proceeded directly to the ancient computer. Anna informed him of the proper placement of the first stone in relation to the current phase of the moon and Jason repositioned the remainder of the stones. Noting that there were only ten who were not pregnant, Jason quickly determined the best time period for the remainder of the younger group and filtered in the rest. "Anna, I hope you don't mind, I'd like to refrain from making love to you until after I've been with the last of your generation. I think that will give me the best chance of achieving our goal." "I understand, but you'd better prepare yourself for the consequences. You've created a hunger within me and I won't be denied." Chapter Seven: One More Time The next ceremony began seven days later. Jason was a bundle of nerves as he paced the cave awaiting nightfall. Random thoughts were going through his mind. 'Will I be able to perform? Will I survive this night? She said she'd behave, but look what happen the last time. And why do we need her vote, anyway; she's only one of five? Why does Anna feel we need her on our side; to vote for what?' Jason was brought back to the present when Anna returned to the cave. "It's time. I saw her outside her cave as I was coming back from my meeting with Running Deer. She even apologized to me and said she was ready. I still don't trust her, this change in her attitude is too sudden, no one does a complete turnaround all at once. You are going to have to watch her closely. If you feel you're losing control of the situation, get out any way you can. Now it's time for you to go. Remember I love you. I'll be right outside her cave, shout if you need me." Jason, dressed only in his loincloth, left the cave and walked slowly in the direction of Starry's cave. 'This is what it must feel like to make that last walk to the gallows or the electric chair.' Soon, he reached the cave; there sat Starry Sky, her head tilted downward, almost as if she was afraid to look him in the eyes, afraid of what she might see. "Thank you for coming," she said, her eyes still not looking into his. "Please, go in and get ready, I need a few more minutes and then I'll join you." Jason entered her cave. There was a small torch in its holder caved into the wall next to the entrance. Its light just barely illuminating the interior. He stood next to her bed, untied his cloth and tossed it to the side. When he heard footsteps, he turned. She was carrying her loincloth as she approached him. He examined her body with his eyes. Even into her forties, she still possessed the beauty of a woman half her age. She wasn't as lean and muscular as her daughter or the rest of that generation; her breasts were bigger and there was a fullness that had succumbed to the effects of gravity and time, but were still very pleasing to the eye. The nipples that topped each breast were fully erect, begging to be sucked. He couldn't help himself; his body seemed to have a mind of its own. His cock, which had remained flaccid up to this point, began to lengthen, swelling to its full potential and bobbing with each beat of his heart. "I see you're pleased with my body. That is good because I can assure you that I am pleased with yours as well. Tonight will be all about your pleasure; do with me what you will." She sank to her knees in front of him and began a slow but sensual examination of his manhood. She took his balls into her hand as she gazed into his eyes. "I see you have saved yourself for me. They feel heavy, that is good." With her hand still holding him, she leaned back until she could capture the tip of his cock between her lips and slowly engulfed his erection. Jason could only moan with pleasure as he gazed down at her. Her tongue was caressing the underside of its head as she allowed it to slide between her lips, almost losing contact before reversing direction. Repeatedly she manipulated him, bringing him ever closer to his climax. She too, was close, and as the first rush of pleasure streamed through her body, she stopped, reveling in the sensations running through her body, but not allowing Jason his release. She held him tightly, not allowing him to move and thus stimulate himself to orgasm. When she felt that his urgency had passed, she allowed his over-stimulated manhood to escape her grasp and crawled past him and onto her bed. She rolled onto her back and, with open arms and open legs, invited him to join her. Jason sank to his knees, positioning himself to go down on her, however as he lowered his face to her sex, she slipped her hands under his arms and said, "No, I told you, tonight is not about my pleasure, it's about yours." She held him to her chest as his glorious erection sought a place to enter. As he entered her in one slow thrust, a soft moan escaped from her as her body quivered with her next orgasm. When Jason felt her arms relax, he pushed off her upper body, his arms bearing his upper body weight as he began to slowly piston in and out of her body. Again and again, he entered her; her body seemed to envelope his erection, the wet heat bringing him ever closer to his release. As his pace began to quicken, she wrapped her arms around his upper body and drew him against her chest. It would not be long now; the closer he got, the deeper he plunged into her. On several of his thrusts, he could feel himself bottoming out. With each of these thrusts, she appeared to wince with discomfort, but she said nothing. It was not his intent to cause her pain, so he tempered his exuberance. He knew he was close. With one last stroke, he buried himself deep within her; he could almost feel the tip of his member brushing against her insides. It felt as if a pair of lips within her body were lightly kissing it as he came, spurt after spurt of his seed entering this unseen mouth. When he was finally finished, he felt physically and emotionally drained, all he wanted to do was close his eyes. "Rest my child, rest; that was wonderful, better than anything I've ever experienced before." Soon, they both were asleep, each dreaming very pleasant dreams, hers about her previous lover, his about the child of that union. Neither knew how long they had slept, but when they awoke, they were still joined. As if they were embarrassed by the emotional bond that seemed to be forming between them, they uncoupled before anything more could develop. "Jason, thank you. Go now, return to her and hold her. She needs to know that you love her, now more than ever." Anna was no longer outside. When Jason returned to her cave, she was still awake. "Jason, what's wrong, are you Okay? She didn't mistreat you, did she?" "No Anna, I'm fine, she behaved herself. We did it and when we finished, she sent me home. I think that's the last time for her. I don't think we have to worry about her voting against us. If you don't mind, I'd just like to hold you tonight." He extinguished the torch and crawled into bed, wrapped his arms around her, held her tightly against his chest and whispered, "I love you; no matter what happens in the future, I will always love you." For the next nine nights, Jason made love to the remaining members of the tribe. Just as he had expected, Starry Sky declined their offer to include her again. The day after the ceremony was completed; Anna and Jason returned to the fertility cave and checked the timing for the following month. Jason was focused on the next period of fertility for the tribe, Anna, on the tenth day in the future, the day when the bleeding would begin. They made love every night for the next seven nights. Jason feeling that he had to rest for the next ceremony, reluctantly, refrained from sex for the final four nights. The next morning as they prepared to go for breakfast, there was a commotion outside their cave. As they left the cave, they encountered the remaining members of the youngest generation; all were on their knees, paying homage to him as the father of their newly conceived child. Jason was so overjoyed; he failed to see the look of despair pass across Anna's face. She quickly got control of her emotions and after acknowledging the group of mothers to be, ushered Jason to the dining area. She was quiet at breakfast, her mind working overtime, trying to determine all the possibilities that this new development presented. After breakfast, they returned to the cave and prepared for their workday, Jason to his water hauling and Anna to a meeting with the elders. When they returned home after their workday, Anna asked Jason to sit. "Jason, I was hoping that we weren't going to have to address this situation this soon. However, because you were so successful in getting the tribe pregnant, your job here is complete. From now on, your presence here becomes a problem. Those that are pregnant are going to want to continue making love; the same is true for the elders. The tribe as a whole is going to have to adjust to our new normal, the ones who do the most work are going to become less and less productive, and towards the end of their pregnancy, they are going to be almost useless. That includes me. Once we give birth, we will almost double the size of the tribe. We will be straining our ability to feed ourselves until the tribe naturally begins to shrink again. In addition, if you are still here, not only do we have to feed you, you may also father additional mouths to feed. We cannot allow that to happen. "Jason, in the past the tribe simply would eliminate the male. Fortunately, we are more civilized than that now. I was able to argue successfully to allow you to leave." Jason tried to interrupt but was silenced by her withering look. "Jason, please let me finish, this is hard enough without you interrupting me. You will be allowed to leave, however, you will be placed under house arrest and your journals must remain here. The elders want you to promise them that you will not try to tell anyone about us. That is the only way they will allow you to leave. Please promise me that you will not tell anyone about us; I couldn't live with the alternative." "When will I have to leave? "In a few days; arrangements have to be made. I thought it best to tell you now, rather than keeping it secret until the very end. I love you so much." "Come with me, you can live with me, we can be a family. You are carrying my child." "I can't, I'm the High Priestess. My duty is to be here for them. I can't abandon them." "What about me; what will I do without you? I can't live without you." "Don't say that; you must. Your job is not finished and you have other tasks as well. Maria will help you." "Maria, what does she have to do with this?" "My sisters, Maria and Carlita, are going to be your guards. They will make sure that you abide by our agreement, and provide protection, comfort, and aid." "I don't want them, I want you, please don't shut me out of your life." "We will keep in touch, but this is how it must be. This is how the Great Spirit wants it to be, and that's how it will be. Don't make this any harder than it already is. Do you want to get something to eat? "I'm not hungry." "Neither am I." For the next two days, they never left the cave. Running Deer, worried for their health, brought food each day after breakfast and dinner. Early on the evening of the third day, the peace of the valley was disrupted by the presence of, not one but two, identical looking outsiders. Only the elders knew who they were and why they were there. Many tears were shed as Jason was led from the cave and up the hidden path to the rim of the valley. Three hours later, Jason's house arrest began. The End of Part 1 I want to thank you for reading part one of The Lost Tribe. I hope you enjoyed it. Parts 2 and 3 are also completed and will be posted shortly. I would appreciate any comments that you care to make. This has been my COVID 19 shutdown story. It has been what has kept me sane for all these months. SR Submissiveromanticone(at)Gmail(dot)com