AMAZON CITY: IILYANA'S REVENGE By Stu A city's underworld is ruled by strong amazon women. WARNING!!! THIS STORY CONTAINS SCENES OF EXPLICIT SEX AND VIOLENCE. MINORS AND THOSE WHO WOULD BE DISTURBED BY THIS SHOULD NOT READ IT. ABOUT AMAZON CITY In the year 2010, the vast city of Utopiopolis contained an extensive underworld, run by a number of separate gangs, or "consortiums," as they were usually referred to, made up entirely of amazonic, athletic women. This underworld was commonly known as "Amazon City," by both the women themselves and the large community of wimpy males, mostly from the law-abiding sector of the main city itself, who were the paying lovers and slaves of the women. Ever since the 1980's women had been working out and doing aerobics in increasing numbers and by the year 2010 it was fairly normal for women to be physically strong, with well-toned, in some cases very muscular, bodies. Women were also asserting themselves more and more, and were increasingly becoming more prominent in areas normally dominated by men, such as business and sport. Since the federal government had melted down and outlawed all firearms in 2005, women had gradually taken over all the extortion, vice, drugs and protection rackets that carried on in Utopiopolis. With the police and courts paid off and under their control, the amazons virtually ran the city themselves, using their physical strength and threats of violence to enforce their interests. The gangs that the amazons had formed were frequently at war with each other over turf, and many bloody catfights took place between the strong women. ------------------------------------------------------------------- IILYANA'S REVENGE It was late afternoon in Amazon City, as Iilyana Yashin paced up and down furiously in the spaciously appointed living room of her luxury basement apartment. She was angry because two of her favourite male slaves, or "screwtoys," as she preferred to call them, had gone missing. This was really irritating for Iilyana, because not only had these two slaves provided her with a substantial source of income, but they had also been doing a good job in helping to satisy her voracious sexual appetite. She had a pretty good idea where they had gone, but not where to find them. She was fairly certain what had happened - that bitch had gotten hold of them, enticing them into her domain and under her control. The problem was, she had no idea where the cow resided, otherwise she would just go round there, beat her to a fucking pulp and snatch the two errant slaves back. Then she would probably beat the shit out them also, for the sheer audacity of abandoning her, the beautiful Iilyana, for a whore like Vicky Vulgarda in the first place. "Shit!" she exclaimed angrily to herself, as she stopped pacing and stood still, drawing herself up to her full, towering, 6ft-4ins height. She stood glaring at herself, 275lbs of big, sexy muscle, in a mirror, her long, thick, mighty legs tapering down from her brief, thigh hugging red cotton gym shorts and into her training shoes. Then, clenching her huge right fist, and still looking into the mirror, the enormous, Russian born amazon hit an awesome bicep pose, her magnificent, tanned muscles, covered with wispy little fair hairs, on her big, bare arm as it burst from her black training vest, bulging to 19 inches as her strawberry blonde pigtails tumbled down across her massively broad shoulders. Her big, thrusting tits pushed hard against her training vest, needing no support as she flexed her arm. Her facial features resembled those of Brigitte Nielson, and she knew she looked both frighteningly intimidating and stunningly attractive. If only she could find that slut Vulgarda, she thought. She knew she would easily make mincemeat of her. Then the phone started to ring, shaking her out of her thoughts. "Hi... " she started into the handset. "Iilyana! Ah've gotta come an' talk to ya..." "Grace darling! It's you..." said Iilyana, immediately recognising the rich Alabama accent of her friend, and fellow consortium member. "What's the problem honey?" "It's ma boys, Iilyana! They keep disappearin'!" "Yours too!" Iilyana responded, surprised. "And mine...yeah, come on over... how soon can you get here?" "Ah'll be there in an hour... chow!" said Grace and hung up the receiver. Iilyana replaced the handset and considered for a moment. Interesting, she thought. If Grace's lovers were disappearing also, maybe the cow was responsible for that as well. Maybe they could work out a plan of action when she arrived, if Grace knew where to find Vicky that is. Well, at least she still had that weedy little jerk Tim to play with, she thought, with an hour to spare before Grace arrived, and he was waiting in her bedroom right now. He had a pretty pathetic body, but also had a big, juicy dick, and plenty of energy... he could screw for hours. She fingered her vagina through her shorts as she thought about it. She was feeling very horny, but also still extremely short-tempered, and she knew she was going to have to be careful with him, or she might kill him during their lovemaking. She liked to wrap her massive, rock-hard, 36 inch thighs around her lovers' bodies whilst screwing, and she knew only too well that she could easily break Tim's flimsy, gangling, 125lb body in half if she didn't control herself... ------------------------------------- Tim sat on the plush leather sofa, nestled into a corner of Iilyana's expansive bedroom, fidgeting nervously as he waited, in both trepidation and excitement, for his huge, sexy amazon mistress to arrive. He had undressed on his arrival, and was clad in just a brief, flimsy pair of boxer shorts. Iilyana always wanted him attired as briefly as possible, in order to enable her easy access to his puny, skinny, 5ft 8ins tall body and big, thick, eight inch cock whenever she was ready to take him. He tried to relax, lounging back into the soft leather upholstery, stretching his lanky, near-naked legs out in front of him as he fingered his large, rapidly hardening dick through the thin material of his shorts. He was feeling a little frightened, as well as sexually excited, because Iilyana had seemed to be in a ratty mood when she had admitted him earlier, and was very short with him when she had shown him into the bedroom and ordered him to wait. Suddenly the door opened and Iilyana strode into the room. Tim's already stiff cock lurched further in his shorts at the sight of her as she entered... she looked absolutely stunning. Her bulging, tanned muscles, bared by her brief training gear and her magnificent, jutting tits, bursting against her vest from her huge, towering frame, combined potently to make her look frightening and erotic as she moved purposefully toward him. Tim gasped, then shrank back in fear as he looked up at her face. She looked stern and impatient, and it scared him. He edged back nervously on the sofa as Iilyana loomed menacingly over him. She stood in front of him for a moment, hands on hips and legs slightly astance, glaring down at him, her blonde pigtails dangling in front, with her face partly obscured by her big, protruding breasts, as her shadow fell across him. "Okay, you little turd, listen to me." Said Iilyana in a low, but firm voice. Tim squirmed in terror. He had never seen Iilyana as angry as this. "I sincerely hope you haven't been seeing anyone else behind my back, and that you're not thinking of deserting me... are you?" Tim arched his skinny, bare legs up in front of him as he curled into a frightened ball, pressing himself back into the sofa. "N-no, no, I-I-I h-haven't been... I p-promise..." he stammered. Iilyana suddenly bent down and grasped Tim's scrawny neck in her huge right hand. Her thumb and fingers were almost able to completely encircle it. Then she yanked upwards and, with the huge bicep on her right arm rippling with power, lifted him into the air by the throat. "YYYYNN-NNNN..! glg-ngnl-glgl...!" he gurgled helplessly, as she almost throttled him. He thrashed his arms and legs about in vain, as she held him with her arm outstretched in front of her, suspended in the air with his feet dangling a foot from the floor. "Well baby that better be true..." she hissed, gripping his neck tighter still, "or I'll fuckin' kill ya - understand?" "Gg-glll-ggglll..." Tim croaked, as he urgently tried to nod his head. His hands scrabbled against her hand and her large, muscular arm, frantically trying to ease the crushing grip on his throat, as she held him hanging in the air like a toy. "Okay then," said Iilyana in a slightly less harsh voice, "show me you still care for me..." and she yanked him towards her, released his throat and wrapped both her mighty arms around him in a crushing bearhug. Tim's neck was relieved of the pulverising grip of her hand, but now he could hardly breathe as his puny, bare, upper body was completely engulfed by her thrusting breasts, straining against her vest, as she hugged him tightly toward her. "Oooofff...uugghh..." he gasped as the breath was driven from his body. Then, grasping the back of his head with one hand, she pulled his face forward so that their mouths met, and she pushed her tongue into his mouth in a passionate french kiss, while his legs waved around helplessly in the air. She kissed him forcefully for about a minute, darting her tongue in and out around the back of his throat, all the time hugging him tighter and tighter, until his ribs began to bend under the pressure. "Uuuuugggghhhh... uuuuggghhh..." he grunted, on the verge of blacking out. Iilyana then eased her crushing grip slightly and, with her powerful right arm curled around him, still holding him firmly pressed into her tits, she moved her left hand down to to the front of his shorts, where she started to massage his big, rock-hard cock by rubbing her hand up and down the cotton material. She broke the kiss so that she could talk to him. "Oh baby," she cooed, "I want that big dick of yours inside me...are you ready to give it to me?" "Y-y-yes..." rasped Tim, barely able to speak. "Good...good...'cos I want it now!" said Iilyana huskily. Then she moved her hand to the top of his shorts and tugged them downwards. His thick, poker like, eight inch cock sprang free as his shorts tumbled down to fall in a heap on the floor, a foot below his still dangling feet. Then, putting her hands under each of his armpits, she extended her arms and held his squirming body, now completely naked, high in the air in front of her her, so that his dick, pressed hard like a flagpole up against his belly, was inches from her face. "Mmmmm..." she purred as she licked her lips, slowly moving her mouth closer to its throbbing tip. Then she wrapped her lips around it and swallowed his dick into her mouth, enclosing about half of its length. With her mouth still full of his meat, she moved her left hand down so that she gripped his skinny thigh and, with her right hand still holding him by the armpit, she hoisted him over her head as though he weighed nothing, tilting her head back as she did so to keep his big dick in place between her lips. "AAAAAAHHHHH...N-N-NooooOOOO....!" Yelled Tim in surprise and fear. Iilyana had performed oral sex on him many times before, but never like this. In spite of his shock, his penis grew even harder in her mouth. She then proceeded to give him an incredible blowjob, by pressing him up and down over her head with just her powerful arm strength, like a barbell, so that his stiff, thick rod slipped in and out of her gaping mouth, her blonde pigtails bouncing up and down as they dangled from the back of her head behind her huge, tanned shoulders. "OOOOOoooohhh....uuuuhhhh...." moaned Tim as she quickly brought him to the verge of shooting his load - the combination of Iilyana's mighty strength in pressing him over her head, and her hot, hungry lips devouring his rock hard dick bringing him to a state of incredible excitement. "Uuuuhh..." he whimpered, as he angled his head in total abandon, mouth gaping and eyes glazed, over seven feet above the floor. Finally he could hold back no longer. "Oooooohhhhh! Aaaaahhhh! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!" He screamed as his hot, creamy sperm shot into his mistress's mouth with the force of a high pressure jet. When Tim had finished shooting his load, Iilyana removed her mouth from his penis, then hurled his naked body across the room like a rag doll, for a distance of about nine feet, onto her king-size double bed. He landed on his back, arms and legs flailing as he bounced on the duvet. She stood with hands on hips facing him for a moment. "Right honey," she said in a firm voice, his cum dribbling from a corner of her mouth, "you better take a few minutes to get that big cock of yours nice and hard again, then we'll screw." "O-okay." Tim stammered. Iilyana just nodded and headed into the adjoining bathroom, closing the door behind her, leaving him sprawled on the bed, shaking. She had never treated him as roughly as this in the past - the blowjob she had just given him was possibly the most thrilling thing that had had ever happened to him - but he was still feeling nervous because she was in such a shirty mood, and she had already threatened to kill him. He lay on the bed thinking about her. He could hear splashing water and the sounds of Iilyana cleaning her teeth and rinsing out her mouth coming from the bathroom. With the mood that his towering, muscled mistress was in, he was not sure what she was going to do with him next, and he was getting really scared. All the same, though, the overwhelming thought of her intoxicating sexuality eventually had its effect, and it was not long before his penis was standing to attention once more, as stiff as a flagpole. When Iilyana emerged from the bathroom, she looked incredible. She was wearing just a brief, towelling material bathrobe, and was completely naked underneath. A belt made from the same material as the robe held it all together, but only just. Her ample breasts, nipples only just covered by the vee of her robe, forced the material out prominently to the front and the side, and the garment only obscured the upper part of her long, shapely, powerfully muscled thighs. "Mmmm..." she remarked as she noticed Tim's once again raging erection, "I see you're ready for me again!" "Er, y-yes..." came Tim's uncertain reply. "Gooood...!" she purred as she moved toward him, her wide hips swaying sexily from side to side on her statuesque frame, a hungry look in her large green eyes. Tim edged timidly towards the centre of the large bed. Iilyana leaned over him, her pigtails hanging forward, as one of her big boobs tumbled out of the top of her bathrobe, knob like nipple hard and erect. Grabbing hold of one of his ankles, she yanked him roughly toward her. "Aaaaahhh...!" shrieked Tim as she pulled him towards the edge of the bed, next to where she was standing. Then she quickly straddled his chest, giving him a brief glimpse of her wispy blonde cunt hairs, as she moved her mighty thighs apart, before pinning his puny body down helplessly on the bed. Tim lay flat on his back, looking up at her massive form as she ground her crotch into his torso. Iilyana undid the belt around her bathrobe, so that the garment fell open, and her other boob burst free also. Leaning forward, she dangled her large, melon like orbs in Tim's face. Although she was sitting on him, he was still able to move his arms, and he grabbed hold of her tits with his hands and began to caress the nipples alternately with his tongue. "Ooooh...ohh..." she breathed, "ooooooh...don't...stop..." as she buried his face in her tits. Reaching behind herself, she grasped his thick, hard rod in her hand and started to masturbate him. After a couple of minutes, she suddenly sat upright again and immediately threw off her bathrobe, revealing her massive, powerful, sexy body in all it's naked glory, as she flattened his scrawny body down into the bed with the force of her 275 pounds. Then she lifted herself up slightly and, manouvering herself backwards, impaled her vulva onto his poker like dick. Her cunt muscles were very strong, and her vaginal walls gripped his dick very tightly, as she began to hump up and down on top of him. "Uuh - uuh - uuh - " gasped Tim as Iilyana bounced up and down on him, forcing the breath from his body with each bounce, his great, thick cock thrusting in and out of her as she did so. She stayed in this position for about ten minutes, continually humping up and down on him until eventually he just lay there, spreadeagled on his back with her huge form on top of him, staring up at the ceiling, ashen-faced and completely out of breath. Leaning forward, she wrapped her big arms around his back and hugged him into her breasts. Gripping him tightly between her enormous thighs, and with her vaginal muscles still clamped tightly around his big, throbbing dick, she then rolled to her side towards the centre of the bed, and over on to her back, bringing her helpless, puny passenger with her, engulfed by her mighty legs. "Baby..." she breathed huskily, her magnificent breasts heaving up and down on her chest as he lay on top of her, with his dick inside her pussy, his upper body almost completely swallowed up by her massive, powerfully muscled thighs as she wrapped them around his back, "baby...fuck me...fuck me baby...FUCK ME!!" As she yelled this she opened her legs slightly, allowing him to slip down hard into her crotch. Tim began to thrust in and out of her, gradually getting his breath back from the long period she had spent straddling him, but suddenly she gripped him tighter, and drove the air from his body once more. "OOOOFFF...!" he grunted loudly, as Iilyana lifted her legs up, hoisting him into the air clean off the bed. She gripped him tighter still between her great thighs, and his face began to turn red. "!" she moaned, as his huge, hard meat filled her now dripping cunt, but unable to thrust in and out because she was restraining him overwhelmingly in her mighty thighs. Then suddenly she crashed her legs down sidweways onto the bed, bringing Tim with her as she lay on one side, his skinny body hopelessly trapped between her tree trunk legs. "Fuck me...HARDER!" she urged and, gripping his weedy body even harder between her thighs, began to thrust her hips in and out, so that the walls of her pussy moved up and down along the length of his big, tightly held cock. "OOOOOOOFFFFF! Uuuuuhhh....uuhh..." gasped Tim, as he lay on his side, feeling himself being compressed relentlessly inwards by Iilyana's enormous, rock hard quad muscles, his waist and lower ribcage sandwiched dangerously between her huge thighs. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, and he stretched his thin legs out and waved them around, as he struggled to breath. He was now terrified for his life, as he felt her terrible squeezing pressure, as though he was trapped between two giant logs, but was unable to utter any more sound, except pathetic little grunting noises. His face turned an even deeper shade of red, then it began to go blue... A glazed expression had now crossed Iilyana's eyes as she became more and more aroused. She was completely unaware of her lover's plight as she thrusted her hips. "OHHHH...JUST...FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" she shouted, and squeezed even harder, her great leg muscles rippling with power. Tim's mouth opened wider and his tongue dangled out, as his puny waist was compressed at the sides still further. "Glg-glch-ughl-ggl..." he uttered, scrabbling desperately with his hands on her awesome, pulverizing thighs. Then he became unconscious. Iilyana was in a world of her own now, as she approached her orgasm. Gazing up at the ceiling, she was breathing deeply, her big breasts heaving up and down, as she continued to thrust her hips. "FUCK ME... FUCK ME... FUCK ME..." she moaned. Tim's limp body jerked back and forth like a rag doll as she thrusted. He was now completely unaware of any of this. "Oooohhh...yes... oooohhh...!" Her orgasm was fast approaching. She began to grip his scrawny frame even harder... "BZZZZZZZZZZ! - BZZZZZZZZZZ!" A buzzing noise interrupted her. Iilyana reluctantly stopped her hip gyrations and loosened her crushing grip slightly on Tim's lifeless body. The buzzing sound came again. She reached across to the bedside table and picked up a remote control. She punched a couple of buttons and a video image appeared on a small LCD screen at the top of the remote. "Oh, hi Grace," she greeted her friend as she recognised her features on the two inch screen. "Iilyana - YO!" said Grace. "Lemme in, will ya?" "Hang on," said Iilyana. She pressed another button on the remote, unlocking the front door to her apartment. "I'll be out in a sec," she added as Grace let herself in. Putting down the remote, Iilyana turned and looked at Tim. His motionless form dangled from each side of her big thighs, splayed out on the bed, facing up to the ceiling, eyes closed. "Oh, shit!" she mouthed in annoyance. Freeing her deadly grip, his wimpy, naked form rolled over and lay still. Prominent red marks covered the sides of his waist, following its recent compression. His great thick dick was still semi-erect, pointing sideways at a right angle to his groin. She felt his pulse. Amazingly he was still alive. She stood up, donned her bathrobe and went out into the lounge to see Grace. "Hey!" said Grace, sitting on a sofa, as Iilyana entered the room. "Hope Ah haven't interrupted somethin' - " as she saw her friend's brief attire. "That's okay," Iilyana replied, "I was playin' with one of my screwtoys, that's all. It's lucky you came when you did - I got carried away and damn near fuckin' killed him. I would've done if you hadn't arrived." Grace smiled. "What? That's usually ma problem!" she laughed. Iilyana grinned. "Yeah, right!" she said, as she looked at her friend, knowing that Grace actually HAD killed five of her own lovers in bed. She was a huge black girl, 25 years old, not as tall as Iilyana at "only" 6ft 1ins, but at 245 pounds was massive nevertheless. She too was dressed in gym gear, and her enormous, rock hard, ebony muscles jumped out, exposed for all to see, as they were barely covered by her spandex sports bra, brief denim shorts, socks and trainers. Her shoulders and arms were prodigious, her upper arms, with their eighteen inch biceps, hinging on to her big forearms, which tapered down to her thick, chunky wrists and large hands. As for her mighty legs, they were even bigger than Iilyana's - her bulging thighs were a colossal 39 inches in diameter. Iilyana was well aware of the strength that her huge negress friend stored up in those great, powerful thighs. They often visited the gym together, where Grace regularly leg-pressed 1800 pounds for reps. She was no slouch in her upper body, either - bench-press reps of 350 pounds were normal for her. The five slaves that had met their demise, trying to make love with Grace, had all succumbed the same way - they had foolishly put their heads between her massive thighs, tounging her bushy black pussy, and their skulls had all been crushed like eggshells between her vast, rippling brown quad muscles during the wild, animal-like throes of her orgasms. "Well Ah didn't mean to kill 'em..." said Grace, "Ah just got carried away that's all. Ah'm learnin' how to control mah self now and I ain't killed no-one for ages!" "Well, good for you!" Iilyana laughed. "Trouble is, Ah'm fast runnin' outta boys right now 'cos that fuckin' bitch Vulgarda keeps spiritin' 'em away!" "You're sure it's her? 'Cos I've lost a coupla' mine too," said Iilyana. "Yeah, Ah'm positive. Ah've bin rappin' wi' some bitch who used to be in her consortium. Says Vulgarda's bin plannin' to take over as many slaves as she can, from right across the city." "Fuck, she could gain some pretty powerful influence if she succeeded in that!" Iilyana exclaimed, thinking of the professions that most of the slaves were employed in. Police, judges, politicians and bankers were all commonplace. "She sure could. Look - why don't we just go round her place now an' work her over, real good. Sort out those boys too, if we can find 'em!" said Grace, clenching a big brown fist and waving it menacingly in the air. "You mean - you know where to find her?" Iilyana asked hopefully. "Sure, she's got a place over on the Northside. Ah've seen it from the outside, that bitch Ah was tellin' ya about showed it ta me the other day. We saw Vulgarda and a coupla' her goons goin' in the place. Let's go there now!" "You have your car with you?" Grace nodded. "Uh-huh." "Okay, let's go then!" said Iilyana. "Just gotta get changed first though, and I better just take a look at my screwtoy before we go - see if he's woken up yet." She headed towards the bedroom once more. "Hey, can Ah take a look?" asked Grace. "Sure!" said Iilyana. "Maybe you can bring him around, if he's still out. You must be used to having slaves in this condition!" she added, grinning. "Yeah, Ah sure am!" smiled Grace. They both entered the bedroom, where Tim's weedy, naked body was still sprawled on the duvet. He was showing signs of waking up. His eyes were open, and he was making little moaning noises. His great dick was still partly aroused, laying across the top of his thigh. Grace's eyes lit up as soon as she saw it. "Wow! Would ya lookit the size a' that piece a' meat..." she breathed. Iilyana smiled. "Yeah, I know..." she said. "Do you think he's comin' around?" "Yeah, Ah reckon so!" said Grace. She already had Tim's big cock in her hand, massaging it enthusiastically. He was moving his head slowly from side to side, whimpering softly. His penis was even now responding to Grace's attentions, slowly thickening and hardening with each stroke of her large brown hand. Grace licked her lips, a hungry look in her eyes. "Ah sure would like ta getta mouthful a' that!" she breathed softly. "Be my guest then!" said Iilyana. "I gotta get some clothes on." She opened her wardrobe, pulled out some garments, and went towards the bathroom. "Hey, go careful with him, " she said as she opened the bathroom door, "I don't need any corpses in my apartment! I'm running outta slaves too remember..." "Don't worry..." said Grace as she moved her mouth down, close to the throbbing tip of Tim's penis. Iilyana closed the bathroom door behind her. Tim was now waking up quite quickly. "Uuuhhh...uuhh...where am I?" he moaned as he slowly lifted his head off the bed. When his eyes came into focus, he had difficulty in believing what he saw, thinking he must still be dreaming. There was this beautiful, enormous black girl, her mighty body a mass of curvaceous, powerful, ebony muscle, giving him a blowjob, the large, gold hooped rings she wore from each ear flashing in the air as she bobbed her head rapidly up and down. As he stared at her, his great dick quickly hardened to it's maximum in her mouth, causing Grace to give a little "gulp" as her lips were expanded. Up and down, up and down, she jerked her head continously for a couple of minutes, bringing Tim to a state of quivering excitement, his huge cock straining to become stiffer still between her hungry lips. Suddenly Graced stopped, moving her mouth away from his dick, and before he realised what was happening, she had removed her shorts and panties, and had started to straddle over him, so that her broad, muscled back was towards his face. "Oh baby! Kiss mah pussy..." she mouthed sexily. Tim didn't have time to react - he just caught a fleeting glimpse of her bright pink vaginal walls, surrounded by a mass of bushy black fluff, as her massive, brown, head crushing thighs closed around both his ears, and she jammed her wet snatch hard into his mouth. "Glg... ggl... glch..." he gurgled helplessly, as she rubbed her clitoris vigorously against his tongue. "Oh baby... lick it... lick it..." breathed Grace, as she closed her lips around his massive shaft once more. Then, still in a "sixty-nine" position, she rolled him over to the side, towards the edge of the bed, and tightened the grip she held from the dangerous reverse head scissors hold she now had him in. The pressure from those enormous black thighs was overwhelming, and Tim squirmed his skinny body about helplessly, as it suddenly felt as though the sides of his trapped head were going to cave in. His tounge still rasped against the tip of her rapidly hardening clitoris, and all he could see was a massive expanse of ebony, rock hard glute muscle, either side of his face over the tip of his nose. Suddenly Grace drew her mouth away from his dick, and threw her head back wantonly. "Oooohhh... oooohhh... aaahhhhhh...!" she moaned, at the same time flexing her mighty brown thigh muscles and gripping Tim's head even harder. After a few seconds his body went completely limp, and his arms flopped down across his torso. Still she squeezed. "OOOHHHH... AAAAHHHH... OOOOOOOHHHHH...!" she shouted, her voice getting louder... Just then Iilyana emerged from the bathroom. As soon as she saw Tim, with his neck and torso poking out from between Grace's enormous, ebony thighs, she became concerned. "Hey, careful!" she shouted. Grace took no notice; her face was a mask of utter abandon as she relentlessly crushed Tim's head, harder and harder. Iilyana swiftly crossed to the bed and, exerting all her great strength, tried to force Grace's tightly clamped thighs apart with her hands and arms, but it was no use - Grace just flexed her vast brown quad muscles and squeezed still harder. There was no way anybody was going to get those legs apart, they were far too powerful. Finally, in desperation, Iilyana slapped Grace twice in the face with the palm of her hand. "STOP IT! STOP IT!" she yelled. This appeared to have an effect, because Grace, with a surprised look on her face, suddenly loosened her deadly grip. "Oh! Hey...Ah'm sorry - " she started. "That's okay," said Iilyana, but what about him?" Grace lifted her leg and moved back, allowing Tim's body to flop down on the side of the bed. He was out cold once more, and his face had a bunched-up, creased appearance about it as his head dangled back over the edge of the bed, his tongue hanging loosely from his gaping mouth. His nose was bleeding slightly. "He'll be okay!" said Grace reassuringly, "that's what mah boys normally look like when Ah've finished with 'em!" "Well, I hope you're right." said Iilyana. Grace donned her panties and shorts once more. "Come on, let's go and sort Vulgarda out!" she said. "Yeah," agreed Iilyana, "let's go!" ---------------------------------------- The two amazons sat in Grace's parked car, in the Northside area of the city, studying the luxury apartment block just across the street. "How're we gonna get in the place?" asked Iilyana. "Shouldn't be a problem," replied Grace, "look who's comin' along over there..." she pointed in the direction of an athletic looking blonde woman, about 5ft-10ins tall and 175 pounds, wearing a miniskirt, tee-shirt and sneakers, heading purposefully towards the main entrance to the apartment block. "That's Ruth Jackson - she's in Vulgarda's consortium!" said Iilyana. "Yeah," said Grace, "maybe we oughta' persuade her ta take us inside..." "Let's go," said Iilyana, opening the car door. They both stepped out of the car. Grace was wearing her gym gear, Iilyana was wearing a short, tight, one-piece dress that she had put on in her bathroom, while Grace was nearly compressing Tim's head to a mush on the bed. Iilyana's dress was off the shoulder, only just covering the top of her breasts, and it stopped about a third of the way down her thighs, so that both her awesome upper body and great powerful legs were revealed magnificently. They intercepted Ruth just as she was turning to head up the pathway leading to the entrance. "Hi, Ruth!" greeted Iilyana cheerily. "Going in to see Vicky?" "What's it to you?" replied Ruth, not sure what to make of this sudden intervention. "Oh, it's everythin' ta us!" said Grace, as she moved around behind Ruth, grabbed hold of her left arm, and pushed it up her back in a painful half-nelson hold. "OW! Stop it you cow - you're breakin' my fuckin' arm!" Ruth shouted, struggling to get free. Ruth was a strong woman, but nowhere near as strong as Grace, and her struggles were futile. Iilyana stood in front of Ruth and glared down at her from her great height. "Listen bitch," she snarled menacingly, "you're gonna get a lot more than just your fuckin' arm busted, if you don't get us inside there. Now - MOVE YOUR ASS!" "OUCH - okay, okay!" screamed Ruth as Grace gave her arm another painful tweak up her back. She was a fairly big woman herself, but she knew she was no match for these two massive amazons, as Grace and Iilyana proceeded to frogmarch her along the path towards the front entrance. At the door she punched some buttons on a console in the wall, the door clicked open, and they went inside, towards some lifts just beyond the entrance. "Okay, take us ta her front door." ordered Grace. They pushed Ruth into the lift, where she reluctantly pressed the button for the eighth floor with her free right hand. Om emerging from the lift, they turned left along a corridor, and marched Ruth about twenty yards along it until she stopped outside apartment 823. "Okay, this is her place," said Ruth, "now will you two bitches let me go?" "Not yet, baby," said Iilyana. "You're gonna take us inside there. But first, how many goons she got in there with her?" "How the fuck should I know?" Ruth protested. "HOW MANY, BITCH?" hissed Grace, pushing Ruth's arm up a fraction higher. "OW! OOUCH...!" shrieked Ruth in pain. "I think - well, she's usually got a couple of her bodyguards with her... they'll be in the first room on the left... OOOUCH!" "Okay, ring the bell." said Iilyana. "Just tell 'em it's you, or whatever you do to get in this place when you're alone. Ruth hesitated. "DO IT NOW!" commanded Iilyana, putting her face close to Ruth's as she spoke. Ruth, with a frightened look on her face, pushed a button on the door. Iilyana and Grace both crouched down, to avoid appearing on any video image when whoever was inside answered the ring. "Yeah, who's that?" came a female voice over the intercom. "It's Ruth." "Hi Ruth, come on in." said the voice, and the door clicked open. They pushed Ruth inside, Grace with her hand still gripping Ruth's arm. Inside was a luxuriously appointed hallway about thirty-five feet long and ten feet wide, with a sofa and some small coffee tables about half way along. An expensive, deep pile carpet covered the floor, and antique mirrors and impressionist paintings hung on the walls. There were doors off to each side, and another door at the far end. "Which room will Vulgarda be in?" Iilyana inquired. "Oh shit, whaddaya think I am, a fuckin' clairvoyant?" said Ruth. She was rewarded by Grace pushing her arm up sharply, to the point of it nearly breaking. "YEEOOOWWW...! She - she usually spends a lot of time in her bedroom - it's that door at the far end!" she blurted. "Yeah, I'll bet she does..." breathed Iilyana, then she glanced at Grace, and nodded her head. Grace twisted Ruth's body around, released her arm and pushed her so that she was immediately facing Iilyana. Before she had time to react to her freedom, Iilyana swung her arm upwards in a long arc and smashed her huge fist hard into the underside of Ruth's jaw with a loud "CRAAAACK!!" The mighty blow snapped her neck back like a piece of cold celery, and a couple of teeth and a fine spray of blood flew from a corner of her mouth, as her feet left the ground and her body arched backwards through the air to crash on the floor, where it remained motionless, partly propped up by the hallway wall. A trickle of blood ran down from Ruth's lips, and her jaw hung at an odd looking angle. Iilyana and Grace started to move towards the door at the far end, stepping over Ruth's crumpled body on the floor, but suddenly one of the side doors opened and two large, muscled women stepped out and stood in front of them. One was a big redhead, about 5ft 11ins tall and 200 lbs, dressed in a short black leather skirt, and matching black leather short sleeved waistcoat, which was the only thing that covered her large, proud, red freckled breasts as they pushed upwards at the material from underneath. She wore a thick pair of black hiking boots on her feet while the rest of her creamy, lightly freckled body was bared, displaying her large, fearsome looking muscles awesomely. She had a very tough, mean expression on her face, which was highlighted by a scar that ran down the side of her cheek. She looked like she had been in a lot of fights. The other bodyguard was a statuesque, big-boned Asian woman, probably from India or Pakistan, over 6ft tall and weighing around 210 lbs, dressed in a tee shirt, cut off at the waist and arms, shorts and white training shoes. She had jet black hair that hung down to her shoulders. Like her pal, she too gave the impression of being handy in a brawl. "WHAT THE FUCKS GOIN' ON OUT HERE?" demanded the redhead, clenching her fists in front of her. "Oh, we just came ta pay your friend Vicky a visit." said Grace casually. "LOOK what they fuckin' did to RUTH!" said the Asian woman angrily, pointing at Ruth's slumped form. "That's right, bitch," Iilyana responded, "and you're gonna end up the same if you don't get outta our way!" "You fuckin' cow!" snarled the Asian woman. As she said this, she sent her long, solid, coffee-coloured leg upwards in the air, attempting a karate kick at Iilyana's head. Iilyana just managed to move her head out of the way, and the Asian girl's training shoe smashed into a piece of timber panelling in the wall behind the huge Russian amazon, splintering it and sending slivers of wood flying through the air. "Oh dear, I don't think Vicky's gonna be very pleased with you honey, damaging her apartment like that..." said Iilyana, as she moved forward, surprisingly swiftly for a woman of her size, and slammed her great right fist hard into the Asian girl's belly, doubling her up in agony on the floor. Iilyana immediately grabbed a handful of the woman's black hair and yanked her upwards to her feet again. Meanwhile, the big redhead took a swing at Grace with her left fist, but Grace caught hold of her wrist in her large brown hand and held on to it tightly. She then grabbed hold of the woman's right wrist in her other hand, and the two powerful women engaged in a test of strength as each tried to force the other to the floor with their arms. Their muscles stood out in magnificent definition as they strained against each other with all their great strength. The redhead was a mighty woman, but Grace was bigger still and soon proved the stronger, her bulging, ebony muscles rippling as she gradually forced the other woman to her knees. Iilyana in the meantime had wrapped her enormous, muscular arms around the tall Asian woman's torso, and was squeezing the big woman in a vicious bearhug. "Uuuuuggghhhh.... uuuggghh.... aaaggghhhh... " the woman grunted as she felt the breath being driven from her body. Iilyana tightened her powerful grip even harder, and the big muscles on her huge arms quivered as she did so. "Ugggghhhhh.... " gasped the Asian woman as she felt her ribs beginning to bend inwards under the enormous pressure. She was a tall, very strong woman, but she was helpless in the overwhelming grip of Iilyana's mighty arms. Then suddenly, with a tremendous surge of power, Iilyana threw her blonde head back and lifted the Asian woman's 210 pounds upwards, so that her training shoes were dangling six inches from the floor. As Iilyana lifted her, she squeezed her arms inwards with all her awesome strength. "Uuuggghhh.... aaaaahhhh.... ooohhhh.... " heavily laboured gasping and grunting noises emanated from the woman's gaping mouth, as her eyes bulged under the tremendous pressure. Iilyana kept the pressure up, and after about fifteen seconds a tell-tale cracking noise was heard as the woman's ribs began to snap. Encouraged by this, Iilyana squeezed still harder... CCCRRRAAAACCCCKKKK!! CCCRRR-AAA-AAACK!! SNAAAAAAPPPP!! The Asian woman's head dangled back, and a fountain of dark red blood issued from her mouth, as her ribcage was smashed inwards to a mushy pulp by Iilyana's frightening arm strength. Her body went completely limp, then Iilyana opened her arms and let the crushed corpse fall to the carpet. While Iilyana was squeezing the life out of the Asian woman, Grace was getting the better of the big redhead. She had now forced the woman down on the floor, flat on her back. Grace put her large brown knee on the redhead's chest, causing a couple of buttons on the woman's black leather jacket to snap away, and her big creamy orbs to almost pop out. Grace still held on to both of the woman's arms, as she held her in place with her knee, and the woman kicked her large, powerful legs around in an effort to escape. Then Grace placed more of her great weight onto her knee, causing the redheal to squeal in pain, as the massive negress's knee crushed down into her tits. The redhead was totally at Grace's mercy now, but Grace showed her none, as she released the woman's right arm and slammed her big, ebony fist hard into her jaw - CRAAAAACK! The woman's head spun round forcefully to the side on the carpet from the effect of the blow, and she lay there in a daze, moaning softly as a trickle of blood began to flow from her lips. Grace immediately released the redhead's other arm, and moved forward to that she straddled her, with each of her great knees pressing the woman's arms into the floor. "Uuuhh... uuhh... " groaned the redhead as she slowly moved her head round on the floor, barely conscious. Grace then finished her off, by wrapping the palms of her large brown hands around the woman's neck, and squeezing hard. The woman's legs thrashed about helplessly for a few seconds, and she uttered faint gurgling noises as Grace's big strong hands compressed her neck with increasing tightness. Her eyes bulged and her tongue dangled out from her gaping mouth. Still the huge negress squeezed. Suddenly there came a loud "SNAP!" The woman's head fell lifelessly back from Grace's hands, and her body went limp. Grace stood up and looked at Iilyana as they stood over the two dead female bodyguards. "Come on," she urged, "lets get in ta her bedroom!" "She can't be in there," said Iilyana as they made their way towards the door at the far end of the hallway. "With all the noise that's been goin' on out here she would have heard something by now!" "Here's why she never heard nuthin," said Grace as they reached the door, "she's got soundproofin' all around it!" They both looked at the felt material that surrounded the sides of the door and the door frame. Iilyana grabbed the doorhandle and turned it, pushing inwards. It was not locked, and she pushed the door slightly ajar. Silently, she poked her head around the side of the door and peered inside. She gave a low whistle when she saw what was inside the room. She opened the door further and stepped inside, beckoning Grace to follow her. "Wouldya take a look at this!" she exclaimed. "Fuck! Well Ah'll be... " started Grace as she looked inside. They were standing inside a large room, which was only dimly lit by a couple of flourescent tubes that gave off a white light, tinged by a slight red glow. The room was furnished like a female dominatrix's dungeon, with a variety of whips, canes, birches and paddles hanging from racks in the walls. A wooden bench with straps and torture implements stood against one wall, whilst on another wall rings, chains and padlocks hung down from the bared brickwork. Fastened against one of the sets of rings was the naked, motionless body of a slim young man. His arms were spread out straight at a wide angle above his head, and his wrists were fastened into the rings by padlocks. His legs were spreadeagled also, and his ankles were locked into the rings about a foot above the floor. Thick, red weals covered his back and buttocks, with trickles of blood oozing from a couple of the wounds, forming a dark red pool on the floor underneath. His head dangled back as he hung there from the rings, his mouth was open slightly and his eyes closed. "This ain't her bedroom - this is her damn torture chamber," whispered Grace. "No wonder the fuckin' door's soundproofed!" "Yeah, sure is," said Iilyana quietly, "and it looks like she's been doin' her work here pretty recently... " she indicated the bleeding, naked body hanging from the wall. "Well Ah'll be fucked - that's one a' mah boys!" breathed Grace as she took a closer look at the young man. She stepped further toward him. "The bastard! I'll fuckin' kill 'im!" "I think it's a bit late for that - Vulgarda's already beaten you to it," said Iilyana. "Oh, sorry about the 'beaten' pun. Look across the other side of the room over there - there's another door!" Grace turned to looked across to where Iilyana was pointing. In the wall at the far left hand side of the room, about thirty feet from where they were standing, was another door. They both approached it, and as they got nearer they could hear moaning and gasping noises coming from beyond. "This sounds like her bedroom!" whispered Grace as they leaned aginst the door, their ears pressed against the woodwork. Iilyana looked across at Grace. "Ready?" she asked. Grace nodded. Iilyana opened the door and they quickly stepped inside. They found themselves in a large, expensively furnished bedroom, with luxury settees around the walls and white persian rugs strewn across the black deep-pile carpet. At the far side of the room were two huge double beds, each with ornate brass head and footboards. On the beds, seemingly oblivious to Grace and Iilyana's presence, two large, muscular women were engaging in sexual athletics with two smaller, slimmer young males. One of the women was Vicky Vulgarda herself. She was of Latin ancestory, and was very well built with deeply tanned skin. Her long black hair was spiked up on her head punk fashion, and she had butterfly tattoos on each of her shoulderblades. She was naked except for a sleeveless black leather vest, with buttons undone at the front so that her grapefruit like breasts were bared as they protruded forward. She wore short black leather boots with three inch heels on her feet. She was about 5ft 11ins tall and around 190 lbs, and the graceful, panther like muscles on her arms, legs and shoulders shimmered as she humped passionately up and down on her helpless lover, her lean, powerful legs entwined around his weedy, skinny ones, forcing them apart in an iron grapevine hold, while she pushed him down on the bed with the force of her strong arms on his thin wrists, and her vulva slid up and down on his rock hard dick. The other woman was a very big Oriental, built like an Olympic shot-putter. She was about 5ft 10in tall and probably about 220 pounds; she had arms and legs like tree trunks. She was naked apart from a short-sleeve tee-shirt, as she sat on her lover's face with her great knees pressing down onto his thin shoulders, grinding her pussy into his face as it almost disappeared between her enormous thighs. He squirmed his body and legs around helplessly underneath her as she assaulted his nose and mouth from above with her bushy cunt. Iilyana and Grace stood in the doorway watching them for a few seconds. "Well I'll be damned - that's one of my missing screwtoys there, the one that Vulgarda's got underneath her!" whispered Iilyana. "Yeah, an' that's another one a' mah boys I lost, with the Chinese bitch," said Grace, "I'd know that dick anywhere!" She couldn't see the man's face as it was completely buried in the oriental girl's pussy, and surrounded by her massive thighs, but his stiff penis was clearly visible, pointing up at his belly, as he thrashed his lanky legs about impotently, struggling to breathe. "HEY VULGARDA!" shouted Iilyana, "sorry if we're interruptin' something, but we gotta talk to ya!" Vicky stopped humping, and turned around, her face turning to anger as she saw the two amazons standing in her bedroom. "Iilyana Yashin! What the fuck're you doin' in my apartment?" She turned to the Oriental girl. "WHERE'S BETH AND KRISHNA?" she shouted. "Sorry Vicky, reckon you're gonna have to hire a couple more goons." said Iilyana. "We had a slight disagreement with them on the way in." "They ain't gonna be survivin' long enough ta do any more hirin'," snarled Grace. She looked daggers at the Oriental woman. "What the fuck you doin' wi' mah slave, you slit-eyed whore?" The massive Chinese girl climbed off the man's face and stood on the bed next to him. She looked at Grace, then she looked back at the man. Suddenly she grabbed hold of the man's hair and yanked him up to his knees. "YOU FUCKIN' BASTARD!" she yelled at him. "You been goin' with this fuckin' black slut? You told me I was the only woman in your life you little creep!" "S-sorry - but I - er..." he stammered in terror. He was unable to complete his sentence, as the oriental girl's sizeable fist, powered by her trunk-like arm and mighty shoulder, slammed into his jaw with a "CRAAAACK!" sending his naked body flying across the bed, where it landed in a crumpled heap on the floor and lay still. "Never mind about beating up the slaves, Su-Ling," said Vicky, save that for these two bitches. LET'S GET 'EM!" With that she jumped from the bed and launched her body feet first through the air at Iilyana. Although she was considerably taller and much heavier than Vicky, Iilyana knew she was going to have to be careful in a fight with her, because Vicky had quite a reputation in Amazon City about her fighting prowess. She had killed with her bare hands several larger opponents, both male and female, in brawls and street fights, making her enemies hesitate before picking a fight with her. Iilyana was still confident of victory, but she was caught briefly off guard by Vicky's sudden attack, and immediately found herself at a disadvantage, with Vicky's muscular thighs wrapped around her neck in a flying head scissors, knocking Iilyana off her feet. Meanwhile Grace, finally losing her cool when Su-Ling laid out her "boy," had already taken steps toward the big Chinese girl, fists clenched. Grace got the first blow in, driving her large fist brutally into Su-Ling's abdomen, but the blow had barely any effect. The Oriental girl's stomach was very hard, and Grace's fist just seemed to bounce off it. Su-Ling immediately replied with a blow of her own, a left hook to Grace's chin that spun the big black girl around on her feet. The remaining male slave, unscathed, curled up his body in fear, pressed against the brass headboard with his bare legs arched in front of him, as he watched the four big amazons going for each other. The other young man was still sprawled on the floor between the two beds, out cold as a result of Su-Ling's haymaker punch. Iilyana was now on the floor, with Vicky's tanned, python like thighs curled around her head and neck, and she was struggling to breathe. Vicky's leg muscles were very powerful, and no matter how much Iilyana thrashed her massive body around, and pulled at Vicky's thighs with her arms and hands, she was unable to free herself. Vicky knew she had the advantage, and proceeded to pour on the pressure, straightening her legs and locking her ankles tightly, until the olive skinned, deadly strong muscles on her track star thighs stood out in cablecord relief. "You fuckin' overgrown slut Yashin!" Vicky taunted, "think you can force your way in here and kill me? Well you're mistaken, bitch, 'cos I'm gonna crush you out first..." on saying this Vicky squeezed her legs together very hard, and Iilyana began to utter little gasping noises as it felt as though her neck and the lower part of her head were enclosed in a vice. Her face began to turn red as her blonde pigtails dangled from the back of Vicky's merciless quadriceps, as they shimmered with power. Grace and Su-Ling were now involved in a hard slugging, no holds barred fist fight, as they stood toe to toe, each battering the other's head and body with power packed punches. Any of these punches would have knocked out or even killed either of the two puny males present, both the one cowering in terror on the bed and the other, just beginning to regain consciousness on the floor. As soon as he saw what was going on he froze with fear also. Grace and Su-ling continued to pound away at each other with their big fists. They were both large, massively strong women and they were each able to take the blows as well as they were able to inflict them, and it wasn't long before both had cuts and bruises on their faces, and blood dripping from their lips. It was just beginning to feel to Iilyana as though she was about to breathe her last, with blackness beginning to close in, when she got her chance to make her escape. Vicky leaned forward to taunt Iilyana further. "Get ready to die, bitch!" she hissed, but as her head came closer Iilyana was able to grab hold of one of Vicky's long, spiky clumps of her punk style hair, and she pulled it with all her might. "YOW! YEOUCH!" Vicky yelled in sudden pain, as it felt as if her hair was being torn out by its roots. She also loosened her deadly scissors grip sufficiently for Iilyana to be able to pull her head free. The huge Russian blonde, once free, moved fast. She still had a firm grip on Vicky's hair, and Vicky was in a state of surprise and pain as Iilyana pulled herself to her knees. Suddenly, CCRAAAACCKKK! She smashed her massive fist into Vicky's mouth hard, ripping out a handful of Vicky's hair as her head jolted violently around, and a few teeth and globs of blood went flying as she was sent crashing back to the carpet. Iilyana immediately leaped on top of the dazed woman. Grace meanwhile was still struggling with Su-Ling, but it had now developed into a wrestling match, with Su-Ling having an advantage as she gripped Grace's head tightly in a headlock, while both were still on their feet. Su-Ling's thick, powerful arms pressed inwards on Grace's neck, causing the Alabama amazon to wince with pain. She soon managed to find a way out though. The big Chinese girl manouvered her body around slightly as she administered the headlock, giving Grace the opportunity to slam her elbow into Su-Ling's gut with all her power. "OOOOOOFFFFFF!" gasped the oriental girl in pain and sudden shock. She slackened her arm grip for a moment, long enough for Grace to free herself and grab Su-Ling in a strong headlock of her own. Her mighty brown biceps swelled to their full eighteen inches as she tightly compressed Su-Ling's head in her arms, and now it was the Oriental girl grimacing in pain as the negress poured on the pressure, her wrists clasped tightly together. Then suddenly Grace released her wrists, so that she was gripping Su-Ling only with her left arm, and began pounding her big right fist like a hammer, repeatedly into the Chinese girl's face... WHACK! CRACK! BAM! until streams of blood ran down from her smashed nose and mouth. Grace kept this up until Su-Ling was almost out on her feet, her face a bleeding, broken mess, then she released her arm and allowed Su-Ling to drop to the floor, where she lay gasping and groaning. Grace then seized her opportunity to straddle Su-Ling, wrap her right arm around her neck again, and pull her body around until she had Su-Ling in a body scissors, the big black amazon's mighty, 39 inch thighs wrapped around the Chinese amazon's abdomen, so that the base of her ribcage and her stomach were both enclosed in an ocean of ebony muscle. Grace wasted no time in putting on the squeeze, straightening her legs and pouring all of her awesome 1800 pound leg press strength into the hold. "Ynnnghhhh... uuunnngggh... uuugghh..." groaned the oriental girl as she sruggled to withstand the enormous pressure, like being crushed between two huge oaks, as Grace's enormous brown quadriceps rippled with power. After about thirty seconds though, Su-Ling's ribs and waist gave in to the immense crushing pressure, SNAP! CCCRRAAAAAACKK! SNAAAP! her bones began to fracture and crackle, and her eyes gaped as if in a trance at the ceiling, while her tounge dangled out and a thickening flow of blood began to pour from her lips. Her large legs moved slowly and painfully around on the floor. Then Grace put even more effort into the squeeze, her thighs bulging as Su-Ling's torso crumbled like an eggshell... CCCRRRAAAAAAACCCCCKKKK!! SSNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP!! Her body gave a slight jolt as blood and bits of gut spouted from her mouth like a fountain, then it fell back and lay motionless. The big negress opened her enormous thighs and let Su-Ling's crushed remains roll onto the floor, then she turned to see how Iilyana was faring. The huge blonde was now straddling Vicky, her great thighs either side of her face and her knees pressing her stretched out arms into the carpet. "YOU FUCKIN' LOW LIFE SLUT!" She snarled, "You think you can steal our men and get away with it? HUH?" With that, Iilyana began smashing her enormous fists brutally hard into Vicky's unprotected, vunerable jaw and face, left and right repeatedly in turn. CCRRAAACCKK! BAAAAAMMM! CRRAAAAAACCKK! Vicky's face and shatterEd jaw were soon reduced to a bloody mush, with most of her teeth broken or knocked out, as the massive blonde continued her terrible pounding, BAAAAAAAAAMMMM! BAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM! CCRRAAAAAAACCCCKKKKK! After a couple of minutes, Iilyana stopped, stood up and looked at Vicky Vulgarda's body. There was hardly anything left of her face, it was just an ugly red mess, and a dark red stain was spreading rapidly across the carpet. She had stopped breathing, and was completely still as her eyes stared lifelessly up at the ceiling. Iilyana and Grace exchanged glances at each other, and looked at the two bodies on the floor for a moment, then they turned their attention to the two terrified slaves, as they cringed and cowered their naked, puny bodies against the wall and the headboard. "N-n-n-ooooohhhh... p-p-l-ease... !" They begged as the two huge women advanced towards them, fists clenched. "You fuckin' got some explainin' ta do!" hissed Grace as she approached her former slave. "What d'ya fuckin mean, wimp, leavin' me for another woman?" snarled Iliyana at her ex "screwtoy," with a furious expression on her face. The two shaking young men began to breathe in short, shocked gasps in their sheer terror, and one of them began to piss himself... The End ------------------------------------------------------------- THE AMAZON CITY SERIES Further stories are planned in the Amazon City series, as well as further chapters in the Denny Kane's Amazon's story. Your comments, complimentary or otherwise, letters from gorgeous amazons wanting to come and ring my doorbell etc - are all welcome! Stu March 1998 email